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Guine Bissau


Guinea Bissau || Why You Should Visit It Right Now #travel #guineabissau

Guinea Bissau || Why You Should Visit It Right Now

In this video, we are going to give you 5 reasons why you should visit Guinea Bissau Right Now.

Many people confuse Guinea Bissau, that small country on the west coast of Africa, with others like Guinea Conakry, Equatorial Guinea, or New Guinea.

Guinea Bissau, which is listed 7th among the 15 least visited countries on earth, is one of the most amazing countries I have ever visited. This is a place where you can still experience the true and unspoiled Africa, far from large hotels and tourist resorts and among the local population.

Guinea Bissau is a small developing country on the West Africa coast, between Senegal and Guinea Conakry, and was until 1973 a Portuguese colony.

Guinea Bissau, unlike the frequent news associated with political instability, which gives it a negative image, is a safe country, with friendly and welcoming people. Anyway, as in any place, you should be careful to go to certain more isolated places, especially at night.

So, Why should you visit Guinea Bissau?

00:00 **Intro**
01:03 **Reason 1: Just because!**
02:30 **Reason 2: Guinea Bissau has a great archipelago off the coast.**
04:05 **Reason 3. Tourism equals money equals development.**
05:29 **Reason 4. The People and the food**
07:35 **Reason 5. Because it is an undeveloped and unspoiled country.**

In this video, we are going to give you 5 reasons why you should visit Guinea Bissau as soon as possible.

Many people confuse Guinea Bissau, that small country on the west coast of Africa, with others like Guinea Conakry, Equatorial Guinea, or New Guinea.

Guinea Bissau, which is listed 7th among the 15 least visited countries on earth, is one of the most amazing countries I have ever visited. This is a place where you can still experience the true and unspoiled Africa, far from large hotels and tourist resorts and among the local population.

Guinea Bissau is a small developing country on the West Africa coast, between Senegal and Guinea Conakry, and was until 1973 a Portuguese colony.

Guinea Bissau, unlike the frequent news associated with political instability, which gives it a negative image, is a safe country, with friendly and welcoming people. Anyway, as in any place, you should be careful to go to certain more isolated places, especially at night.

So, when are you going to Guinea Bissau?

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#GuineaBissau #Bijagos #GuineBissau

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10 BEST Places to visit in Guinea Bissau | Travel Video | Travel Guide | SKY Travel

10 BEST Places to visit in Guinea Bissau | Travel Video | Travel Guide | SKY Travel

Bissau Revelada - a magia da capital Guineense ????????

Acompanhe-me em uma jornada desde a cidade da Praia até Bissau, a encantadora capital da Guiné-Bissau. Prepare-se para explorar e descobrir o que esta cidade exótica tem a oferecer.

Em Bissau, caminhamos pelas ruas movimentadas, onde podemos a ver a vida animada que existe, somos saudados por calorosos sorrisos dos locais, hospitalidade é a prata da casa.

Neste primeiro dia de impressões de Bissau, tivemos a oportunidade de explorar os mercados de rua onde as cores vivas das frutas tropicais e especiarias enchem as ruas.

Tivemos tambem a oportunidade de experimentar a culinaria guineense com alguns dos seus pratos tradicionais

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Notre découverte inattendue d’une capitale africaine atypique - BISSAU - T. AFRIQUE ep.21

Direction la capitale de la Guinée-Bissau !
As-tu déjà entendu parler de la ville de Bissau ?
Nous jamais, en tout cas pas avant avoir traversé la frontière... En faisant quelques recherches, on s'aperçoit que la ville est très pauvre et très peu développée. Alors on hésite, vaut-il vraiment la peine d'aller la visiter ? Y-at-il vraiment des choses a voir ? La ville est elle dangereuse ? Que de questions qui restent sans réponse et nous sommes beaucoup trop curieux pour rester dans ce sentiment d'ignorance.

On prend la décision d'aller nous-mêmes chercher les réponses à nos questions et nous voilà partis à la découverte d'une capitale africaine méconnue ! Au programme : architectures, rencontres, goûtés d'anniversaires et plein de petites surprises.

Paré au démarrage ? On t'emmène avec nous visiter la ville de Bissau, capitale de la Guinée-Bissau !

Nous sommes tous deux architectes et sans grande surprise passionnés d’architecture. Mais ce n’est pas l’unique passion qui nous lie car depuis notre rencontre, nous profitons de chaque opportunité pour découvrir de nouvelles contrées.
Pour nous, l’architecture et le voyage sont avant tout des émotions. Ce sont ces émotions que nous mettons au centre de nos récits et de nos créations.

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This is Guinea Bissau, Africa You Don't See on TV #GuineaBissau Africa Ep. 6

Guinea-Bissau is a tropical country on West Africa’s Atlantic coast that’s known for national parks and wildlife. The forested, sparsely populated Bijagós archipelago is a protected biosphere reserve. Its main island, Bubaque, forms part of the Orango Islands National Park, a habitat for saltwater hippos. On the mainland, the capital, Bissau, is a port with Portuguese colonial buildings in its old city center.

The distance from Jegue border to Bissau is about 130km. It takes about 3 and half hours drive due to the poor state of the roads. Which is surprising because along the way there's about 5police stops where you will have to pay for the road at every stop.It's also advisable to have a 4 wheel drive especially during rainy season.

So let's talk a little bit about Guinea Bissau. Did you know that Guinea Bissau official language is Portuguese but is spoken by only about 11% of the population. The local dialect is creole
2. The main form of foreign exchange is Cashew nuts. Some people call it the cashew coast of Africa
3. 80% of the population is employed in Agriculture with cashewnuts be in my the major two ethnic groups being Fulani being at 28% and balanta at 23%,

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#solofemaletraveler, #backpackingafrica, #guineabissau,#dakar #senegal,#gambia

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Bissau - Capital da Guiné Bissau

Imagens da Cidade de Bissau - Guiné Bissau

*City of Bissau - Guinea Bissau

Bissau, oficialmente denominada Sector Autónomo de Bissau, é um sector autónomo e a cidade capital da Guiné-Bissau, localizada no estuário do Rio Geba, na costa atlântica. É a maior cidade do país, com o maior porto, constituído como o centro administrativo e militar da região e do país.


Various Curious Stuff , abenteuerrallye , Conscious Scofield

Bissau City , Guinea-Bissau 4K By Drone 2023

Bissau City 2023 - Guinea-Bissau 2023
Bissau City 4K - Guinea-Bissau 4K

Fui viver numa tabanka da Guiné-Bissau ???????? e isto foi o que aconteceu....????

Jornada à Ilha de Canhambaque, ilha raíz da Guine Bissau onde ainda existe a autêntica cultura Bijagó. Ao desembarcar nesta ilha remota das Ilhas Bijagós, fui calorosamente recebido pela comunidade local.

O vídeo captura a essência da cultura Bijagó, desde suas danças tradicionais e suas musicas. Durante minha estadia, tive a oportunidade única de dormir na ilha, absorvendo a atmosfera autêntica e a hospitalidade calorosa do povo Bijagó.

Venha comigo nesta viagem única, onde cada momento é uma celebração da riqueza cultural e da beleza natural das Ilhas Bijagós

Treasure on the Geba River: Guinea's capital Bissau

Join Guinea-Bissau's Jose Zaino, also known by his stage name As One, on a tour around his hometown Bissau. As One takes us to his favorite bars, neighborhoods and iconic corners of the city on the shores of the Atlantic.

#DWAfrica #The77Percent #Guinea-Bissau #Bissau

Guinée Bissau Bissau centre ville / Guinea Bissau Bissau City center

Pour découvrir le monde et prolonger votre découverte, rendez-vous sur le site professionnel de récits de voyage :

Vous découvrirez en plus de conseils aux voyageurs, les récits photographiques écrits et complets de l'ensemble des pays visités, et ferez connaissance avec un voyageur qui est bien parti pour réussir son objectif : visiter le monde dans son intégralité.

Alors, abonnez-vous pour ne rien louper des prochaines destinations visitées et ainsi les découvrir en exclusivité.

Découvrez LA GUINÉE BISSAU : L’un des Principaux Producteurs de Noix de Cajou dans le Monde

La Guinée-Bissau, un petit mais fascinant pays situé sur la côte ouest de l’Afrique. Dans cette vidéo, nous examinerons certains des aspects les plus intéressants de ce pays dynamique et diversifié, y compris son histoire, sa culture, sa géographie et bien plus encore.

Nous explorerons la position unique de la Guinée-Bissau en tant qu’ancienne colonie portugaise et la lutte pour l’indépendance qui a façonné l’identité du pays. Nous explorerons également le riche patrimoine culturel du pays, y compris sa cuisine, ses langues et ses traditions uniques. Avant de commencer, si vous êtes nouveau sur notre chaîne, abonnez-vous et cliquez sur la sonnerie de notification pour ne manquer aucune de nos prochaines vidéos.

N'hésitez pas à partager cette vidéo avec vos amis et n'oubliez pas de vous abonner et d'activer la cloche de notification afin que vous soyez notifiés chaque fois que nous publions une nouvelle vidéo !


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© 2023 Afrique Révélée

Guinea Bissau || Small & lovely West Africa Country

Guinea Bissau || Small & lovely West Africa Country (Guinea Bissau 2019)

Guinea Bissau is a small Undiscovered West African country, formerly a Portuguese colony. We travel to Cacheu and also to Bijagos. Is a pacific country, with friendly people and nice weather, and don't understand why his small Africa country is so undiscovered.

We will post new videos as soon as we make a trip. We enjoy traveling with our family and friends. Our videos are about the travels we made, and we like to show the most beautiful footages seen to encourage people to visit those places. We aim to produce videos to help people to travel in a budget, linking below the places we have visited.

I'm sorry the lens is so dirty, but it's beginner stuff. I hope we can improve the quality a lot, so we put all the videos. The good ones, the less good ones and the like so :-)

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Only 14% of the population speaks noncreolized Portuguese, established as both the official and national language. Portuguese exists in a creole continuum with Crioulo, a Portuguese creole spoken by half the population (44%) and an even larger number speak it as the second tongue, the remainder speaks a variety of native African languages. There are diverse religions in Guinea-Bissau with no one religion having a majority. The CIA World Factbook (2018) states there are about 40% Muslims, 22% Christians, 15% Animists and 18% unspecified or other. The country's per-capita gross domestic product is one of the lowest in the world.

Guinea-Bissau is a member of the United Nations, African Union, Economic Community of West African States, Organisation of Islamic Cooperation, Community of Portuguese Language Countries, La Francophonie and the South Atlantic Peace and Cooperation Zone, and was a member of the now-defunct Latin Union.

The town of Cacheu is situated in the territory of the Papel people. The name is of Bainuk origin: i.e. Caticheu, meaning 'the place where we rest'.
Cacheu was one of the earliest European colonial settlements in sub-Saharan Africa, due to its strategic location on the Cacheu river. Cacheu developed a European/Afro-European population from the late fifteenth century through an informal settlement of Cape Verdean and Portuguese traders, adventurers and outcasts (lancados). The authorities in mainland Portugal also sent to Cacheu degredados - people condemned to exile for a variety of offenses.

Notable buildings in Cacheu include the Portuguese-built 16th-century fort, dating from the period when Cacheu was a center for the slave trade.

#guineabissau #guinebissau #cacheu

#guineabissau #guinebissau #cacheu

WEST AFRICA,Guinea-Bissau,Guine-Bissau,GUINE BISSAU AND FORT OF CACHEU VIEWS,travel video,adventure time,portuguese music,portuguese colonization,colonias portuguesas,rio cacheu,fortress,portuguese fort,boat trip,west african music,coast to coast am,guine bissau viagens,bijagos guinea bissau,guine bissau trip,guine bissau 2018,guinea bissau travel,guinea bissau music,guinea bissau carnival videos,CARNIVAL VIDEO,NEW YEAR,GUINEA BISSAU 2019,GUINEA 2019

Portuguese Country in Africa with NO Electricity: GUINEA BISSAU! ????????

Exploring Bissau, the capital city of Guinea Bissau. ????????

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Guinea Bissau is a small African country, formerly a Portuguese colony. We got to Guinea-Bissau the night before, and early in the morning, we set off on the boat of 10:00 o'clock in the morning to the island of Bubaque in the archipelagos of Bijagos. Bubaque is one of The Bijagós Islands in Guinea-Bissau, and is also the name of its main town.
Attention that the boat does not have a right time, has no daily connection, and the trip takes 4 hours.
The arrival at the port was very orderly, as the population began to wait for passengers off the platform.
The island is a charm, with dense vegetation, very cashew, and fantastic beaches. The beach of Bruce is very worthwhile, as well as the beach of Escadinhas on leaving the main village.
It's really worth spending a few days in Bubaque, you eat well in the Spanish restaurant, it's quiet and people are very kind

Notable buildings in Cacheu include the Portuguese-built 16th century fort, dating from the period when Cacheu was a centre for the slave trade.

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For more information, you can look at:
Guinea-Bissau - Wikipedia

Guinea-Bissau country profile - BBC News -

Guinea-Bissau travel - Lonely Planet


#guinesbissau #guinebissau #cacheu

Dentro da maior Tabanca da Guiné-Bissau ????????

Explorando Bambadinca: Educação, Tabanca e Energia Solar

Embarquei em uma viagem de Bafatá a Bambadinca, onde mergulhei na realidade de uma escola para crianças desfavorecidas. Logo de seguida fomos visitar a maior Tabanca do pais. Nha Bidjon Grande.
Onde é possivel ver o modo de vida e cultura dos membros da Tabanca.

Fizemos tambem visita a uma central de energia fotovoltaica que supostamente deveria abastecer Bambadinca. Nossa investigação revela desafios e oportunidades relacionados à energia sustentável, que impactam diretamente a vida das pessoas. Este vídeo é uma viagem inesquecível através da Guiné-Bissau e uma lição sobre as realidades e esperanças dessas comunidades.

First Impression of Portuguese Africa (GUINEA BISSAU ????????????)

It was my first day in Guinea Bissau which has Portuguese Culture and speaks Portuguese Language. This country has different culture among the rest of it's neighboring countries.

***This Video is also available with English Subtitles / Caption***

Must watch Full Video for Complete Information & Amazing Experience.
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You Won't Believe This In Guinea Bissau ????????. #GuineaBissau Africa Ep. 7

Guinea-Bissau is a tropical country on West Africa’s Atlantic coast that’s known for national parks and wildlife. The forested, sparsely populated Bijagós archipelago is a protected biosphere reserve. Its main island, Bubaque, forms part of the Orango Islands National Park, a habitat for saltwater hippos. On the mainland, the capital, Bissau, is a port with Portuguese colonial buildings in its old city center.

The distance from Jegue border to Bissau is about 130km. It takes about 3 and half hours drive due to the poor state of the roads. Which is surprising because along the way there's about 5police stops where you will have to pay for the road at every stop.It's also advisable to have a 4 wheel drive especially during rainy season.

So let's talk a little bit about Guinea Bissau. Did you know that Guinea Bissau official language is Portuguese but is spoken by only about 11% of the population. The local dialect is creole
2. The main form of foreign exchange is Cashew nuts. Some people call it the cashew coast of Africa
3. 80% of the population is employed in Agriculture with cashewnuts be in my the major two ethnic groups being Fulani being at 28% and balanta at 23%,

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Guinée Bissau

Situé à l’écart du monde, l’archipel des Bijagos est habité par l’ethnie Bijago dont les traditions animistes régissent toujours la vie sociale. Classé par l’UNESCO réserve de biosphère en 1996, l’archipel offre une biodiversité exceptionnelle et une expérience inoubliable pour ceux qui veulent retrouver le sentiment d’une vraie découverte, là où bat encore le coeur de l’Afrique originelle.

Pour plus d'information sur notre voyage en Guinée Bissau, rendez-vous sur le site d'Explorator :

Montage vidéo : Léticia Charpak

Explorando a Praia de Bruce |Bubaque| Guiné-Bissau ????????

Acompanhe mais uma jornada pela deslumbrante ilha de Bubaque em busca da praia de Bruce. Eu e um grupo de exploradores mirins, enquanto percorremos a estrada sinuosa e desafiadora que atravessa a ilha, encontramos alguns obstáculos dessa trilha única e ao mesmo tempo os encantos ocultos ao longo do caminho. Uma experiência que mostrará a beleza natural da ilha de Bubaque.

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GUINEE BISSAU ???????? | ????️???? L'archipel le plus secret d'Afrique | Les Bijagos

#guineebissau #bijagos #island

Musicbed Challenge

La Guinee Bissau est un petit peu connu pour le tourisme. Et pourtant elle dispose de l'un des plus beaux archipel au monde, les Bijagos. Aux Bijagos, la faune et la flore sont exceptionnels. On y trouve par exemple des lamantins, très rare observer dans le monde, ou des hippopotames marins, les seuls au monde. L'archipel des Bijagos est aussi le grenier des poissons de toute l'Afrique de l'Ouest, ce qui conduit Unesco à reconnaître cette zone comme réserve de la biosphère depuis 1996.

Et si vous vous demandez comment le pays a réussi à conserver un environnement aussi intacte, la réponse est évidente ! Là Guinee Bissau n'a jamais bénéficié d'un tourisme de masse. La volonté actuelle se porte sur l'écotourisme afin de faire profiter des richesses du pays et sa population tout en conservant son environnement et son patrimoine naturel.

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