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Glencore’s Raglan Mine: an overview of our nickel mining and nickel production in Quebec, Canada


Sudbury Nickel Mine

We were underground as much as 5000 ft down.

Environmental Impacts of Nickel Mining in Cuba

Stacy Brockett
GEOG 360 - Latin America
Portland State University

Le nickel en Nouvelle-Calédonie 2ème partie - Journal de Bord 2021

Vers un nickel décarboné en Nouvelle-Calédonie ? ????

Le nickel joue un rôle essentiel dans les technologies de la transition énergétique notamment des batteries, mais son extraction est très énergivore et émettrice de CO2. En Nouvelle-Calédonie, son extraction représente près de 60% des émissions de gaz à effet de serre de l'archipel.

Un nickel décarboné, durable et cohérent avec le marché des énergies renouvelables est-il possible ? Réponses dans notre deuxième épisode dédié au nickel en Nouvelle-Calédonie.

*Cette vidéo a été tournée en été 2021 avant le reconfinement. Toute l’équipe d’Energy Observer est soucieuse de la situation sanitaire actuellement très préoccupante en Nouvelle-Calédonie pour la population et les hospitaliers.

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Philippines Base Metals Mining Market (Nickel Industry) Trends & technologies to 2020

The 'Base Metals Mining in the Philippines to 2020 -- a Focus on the Nickel Industry' report comprehensively covers the country's historical and forecast data on total nickel mine production to 2020, exports by destination country, and reserves by geographical region. The report also includes drivers and restraints affecting the industry, profiles of major nickel mining companies, information on the major active, development and exploration projects and regulations governing the industry.

Goro Nickel Road

Goro Nickel Roads under heavy rains

NEW Paint Scheme - Raglan Mine 737-200 in Toronto (YYZ)

August 16, 2014 - 11:56am

New paint scheme for C-FFAL, Glencore's Raglan Mine 737-200, parked at Toronto Pearson airport (YYZ) after arriving the night before from Rouyn-Noranda (YUY).

Formerly branded with its company name Xstrata Nickel, the tail has been repainted to Raglan (signifying the Raglan Mine) since the company changed its name to Glencore in mid-2013.

Old tail scheme here:

En partance pour la Raglan

Départ de Rouyn-Noranda pour la mine Raglan le 22 février 2016


I took a trip out to Raglan with my brother and his girlfriend and my friend from the US. It was a brilliant day!

Global Mining Finance Autumn 2011 - Anfield Nickel Corp.

Global Mining Finance Autumn 2011 Conference

Speaker: David Strang
Sponsor: Anfield Nickel Corp.

Date: 21st September 2011
Location: London Chamber of Commerce & Industry

Normand Caron Story of his life ,Story of mining in Abitibi

Story of Normand Caron , miner at Old O'Brien in Cadillac Qc
IDNR-TV production
©IDNR-TV 2007

copper cliff sudbury


The Energy, Mining and Engineering International Jobs Expo in Canada May 2012

Working In -- Global leaders in international recruitment solutions.
Visit for more information about our upcoming July UK 2012 tour today!


mon expérience a raglan dans un décor de roche sans arbre la ou la bouffe est 5 etoiles a 1800km de montréal a la mine de nickel xstrata

Raglan Positive Perspective - Hands Across the Sand / Kiwis Against Seabed Mining

Hands Across the Sand has been a global success with thousands of events in all 50 states and over 40 countries worldwide, from New Zealand to Hawaii. Joining hands is a powerful way to say NO to offshore drilling and YES to clean energy!


Norman Lotter and Barry Wills close Nickel Processing '10, Falmouth, UK

Ep3 Abandoned mining town of Joutel, QB.

In this episode I ride through Joutel QC to Matagami and the begining of the James Bay Road

The Trans-Taiga Road is an extremely remote dead-end gravel road that runs 666 km east from the 544km marker of the Billy Diamond Parkway formerly named the James Bay Rd.

There are no settlements or towns aside from Hydro Quebec's residence for workers (not open to the public).

At the far end you will be 745 km from the nearest town!

This is the farthest you can get from a town on a road in North America!

Although there are no towns, there are a couple of outfitters along the way that sell fuel and offer meals and lodging.

Along this road is also the farthest north point you can travel on a road in eastern Canada.

Cell phones do not work here.

My favorite quote from the James Bay Road website Bears live here

Taiga is a forest of the cold, subarctic region. The subarctic is an area of the Northern Hemisphere that lies just south of the Arctic Circle. The taiga lies between the tundra to the north and temperate forests to the south. ... The soil beneath the taiga often contains permafrost—a layer of permanently frozen soil.


James Bay Road website

Escape like never before

Trip to Highland Valley Copper Mine, Logan Lake, British Columbia - Canada (Part 2)

The Highland Valley Copper mine is the largest open pit copper mine in Canada, located 17 kilometers west of Logan Lake and about 50 kilometres southwest of Kamloops, British Columbia in Canada. It is a combination of three historic mining operations: Bethlehem, Lornex and Highmont.

The company Tech Resources owns the mine.

Milos island: a huge mine, Greece

Nature Photographer

Huge open mine, Milos island, Greece

Romsåsen nikkelgruver

Guidet tur i Romsåsen nikkelgruver ved Kykkelsrud i Askim


Le grand nord du Québec

Tribute to our Great Wide North

Photos are not mine

by Nena B.
