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Field Gemology in Northern Madagascar


World's greatest treasure: crystals and gemstones | FULL DOCUMENTARY

Despite being relatively unknown to the general public, gemstones like heliodor, spinel, purple jade, and paraiba tourmaline have stirred emotions ever since humans first laid eyes on them.

What is their origin?
What route have they taken before they are shown in glass cases at jewelers?
Who are the gem hunters who find them, by the way?

This movie takes us inside the Tucson Gem & Mineral Show, the largest trade show and exhibition for precious stones in the world, to uncover the truth behind these riddles.

Direction: Paul Terrel

#freedocumentary #documentary #gemstone #crystals #lithotherapie #crystal #crystalhealing #gems #incredible #beautiful #film

The Sapphire Mines of Ilakaka, Madagascar - Around The World

Ilakaka is a small town in the south west of Madagascar along Route Nationale 7, the main road linking the capital city Antananarivo to the port of Toliara. Twenty years ago, Ilakaka practically didn’t exist with barely 40 residents. In less than ten years, its population soared to 60,000 as people from all over Madagascar began flocking here in search of sapphires.
Sapphire was discovered in southern Madagascar in the late 1990s. Until then, Ilakaka was little more than a truck stop with a small collection of huts and a few dozen residents. When word of the discovery got out, Ilakaka swelled to tens of thousands of residents, and this sleepy hamlet became the sapphire capital of the world supplying nearly 50% of all the sapphires in the world.
Subscribe Vol News to have more interesting knowledge.

Madagascar: A natural treasure to protect I WIDE

Some call it the continent island because of its size, others call it the Great Red Island owing to the colour of its soil.

In any case, Madagascar deserves the title of island of diversity thanks to all the endemic species it shelters, including the famous baobab.

But this bountiful land is also very fragile.

Meet with those who fell in love with Madagascar and now strive to preserve its delicate beauty.

Extract from the film: “Green Paradise - Madagascar”
Direction: Denis Bertrand
Production: MAHA, What's up Films & ARTE G.E.I.E.

Le Tormaline del Madagascar documentario di Patrick Voillot

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L' isola rossa, era il nome dato al Madagascar dai marinai che si avvicinavano alle sue coste. Pochi sono i luoghi in cui la ricchezza di gemme è superiore.

Questo film vi porterà attraverso l'isola come un esploratore, o meglio, un cercatore, si attraversa il deserto nei pressi della riserva dell'Isalo abitato dai lemuri.

Nel bel mezzo di una strada senza fine, un villaggio diventato città, Illakaka dove uomini, donne e bambini vanno in cerca di zaffiri. Entrerete nel mondo di questi minatori, scoprirete le loro gioie, i loro dolori e delusioni, ma anche le loro scoperte, che sono, quando sono fortunati, degli zaffiri multicolori e altre gemme affascinanti.

La fortuna non è sempre dietro l’angolo, alcuni perdono tutto e preferiscono tornare alle loro famiglie in altre parti del Madagascar.

Sarete a fianco di alcuni di loro in un taxi locale che li porta di nuovo ad un piccolo villaggio, situato sugli altopiani a poche ore da Antsirabe. Questo villaggio isolato dal resto del mondo vive in autarchia di generazione in generazione.

Alcune case sopraelevate sotto le quali vivono gli animali, una scuola dove i bambini imparano a leggere e a scrivere, sono i pochi edifici che lo compongono.

I personaggi, perché sono più personaggi che abitanti, in questo villaggio, il capo, Gabi, lo stregone, il maestro di scuola e gli abitanti convivono in perfetta armonia.

Si nutrono di riso e soprattutto della sua cultura, ma in caso di necessità, le miniere di tormalina si trovano nelle vicinanze e basta andare a scavare per trovare magnifici cristalli.

Con questo film, potrete immergervi nella vita dei cercatori che usano il piede di porco, ma anche la stregoneria per trovare i cristalli di tormalina. Sono spesso bicolori, verde ad una estremità e rosa all'altra.

Le scoperte fatte, saranno vendute ad alcuni acquirenti o portate nella città più vicina per essere vendute al mercato.

Questo film vi farà scoprire i diversi intermediari che consentono alle tormaline di raggiungere Antananarivo e i laboratori di taglio.

Le gemme selezionate e tagliate adorneranno le creazioni del gioielliere Jean Vendome che aprira’ per voi le porte del suo atelier.

Town of Ilakaka, sapphire boomtown, Madagascar on May 15, 2013

Town of Ilakaka, sapphire boomtown, Madagascar on May 15, 2013

Canada's Volcanoes: The Cradle of Life | Full Documentary | TRACKS

Our adventurers explore volcanism across BC while visiting the volcanic plateau of Mount Edziza, hiking Black Tusk Mountain, and flying over Mount Garibaldi and more.

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TRACKS publishes unique, unexpected and untold stories from across the world every week.

From Uncharted Canada

Content licensed from Hewitt Media to Little Dot Studios.

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Maromokotro (Madagascar) Aerial Flyover

Maromokotro Mountain in Madagascar is presented in this virtual aerial flyover video.
Maromokotro or Maromokotra is the highest mountain on Madagascar at 2,876 meters (9,436 ft) high. It is located in the Tsaratanana Massif inside the Tsaratanana Reserve in the northern part of the island.

Les Pieds Sur Terre : Madagascar

J’espère que cette vidéo n'est que le début d'une série Les Pieds sur Terre que je souhaite poursuivre. Elle serait un témoignage visuel de mes expériences à travers le monde, comme des petits bouts d'ailleurs.

Ici, il s'agit du séjour solidaire que j'ai effectué à Madagascar. Nous étions huit jeunes encadrés, chacun ayant un projet propre, et nous avons passé trois semaines à travers la ville de Morondava et quelques autres villages. Nous avons rencontré beaucoup d'enfants et d’adolescents avec qui nous avons pu partager.
Mon projet a été de mettre en place un atelier de sensibilisation aux droits de l'enfants par la peinture. C'est une cause qui me tient beaucoup à coeur.

Cette expérience serait difficile à résumer en quelques phrases seulement mais j'en ressors enrichie et énormément reconnaisssante.

Bon visionnage :)

Earth's Secret 8th Continent ???? (EXPLAINED)



Tana - Ilakaka, par la RN7

Paysages de la RN7, de Tana à Ilakaka

International Geodiversity Day 2023 - IUGS Geological Heritage Sites

00:03:50 Piotr Migoń - Geoheritage sites of global significance - introduction to the IUGS 'Geological Heritage Sites' project

00:28:57 Paola Coratza - The Vajont landslide: a key landform in the global geological heritage

00:56:31 Andrew Goudie - The Namib Sand Sea - ten years as a world heritage site

Hard as diamonds: an Indian stone that can cut anything! Is this Obsidian, Moonlight Spark, Vajreka?

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An Indian woman demonstrates how a small piece of stone can cut glass and tiles as she sells these stones at the Sunday Market in Delhi. What stone would this be, folks? Is it just aluminium silicate and nothing more fancy?

Is this stone called Obsidian, Moonlight Spark or Vajreka?

This footage is part of the professionally-shot broadcast stock footage archive of Wilderness Films India Ltd., the largest collection of HD imagery from South Asia. The Wilderness Films India collection comprises of 50, 000+ hours of high quality broadcast imagery, mostly shot on HDCAM / SR 1080i High Definition, Alexa, SR, HDV and XDCAM. Write to us for licensing this footage on a broadcast format, for use in your production! We are happy to be commissioned to film for you or else provide you with broadcast crewing and production solutions across South Asia. We pride ourselves in bringing the best of India and South Asia to the world...

Please subscribe to our channel wildfilmsindia on Youtube for a steady stream of videos from across India. Also, visit and enjoy your journey across India at , India's first video-based social networking experience!

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Рынок драгоценных камней Мадагаскара. Анцирабе - столица драгоценных камней Мадагаскара.

Моя благодарность и любовь городу Анцирабе и его жителям. Рынок драгоценных камней.
Мадагаскар является одним из ведущих производителей драгоценных и полудрагоценных камней в мире. Рынок драгоценных камней Мадагаскара включает в себя широкий спектр камней, таких как сапфиры, изумруды, рубины, танзаниты, аметисты и т.д.

Одним из наиболее известных камней Мадагаскара является сапфир. Мадагаскар производит сапфиры различных оттенков, включая синие, зеленые, розовые, желтые и многие другие. Кроме того, на Мадагаскаре можно найти крупнейший в мире изумруд весом 1,3 кг.

Рынок драгоценных камней Мадагаскара в основном работает на экспорт, и многие камни продается на международных аукционах. Однако, есть и местные покупатели, которые также интересуются драгоценными камнями.

Хотя добыча драгоценных камней является важной отраслью экономики Мадагаскара, она также сталкивается с проблемами, такими как незаконная добыча, низкий уровень безопасности на местах добычи, а также конкуренция с другими странами-производителями. Однако, правительство Мадагаскара предпринимает шаги для регулирования добычи драгоценных камней и улучшения условий труда на местах добычи.

Самые опасные путешествия на Мадагаскар
Дизайн-студия К-4.

From Lemurs to Baobabs: Exploring Mysterious Madagascar

Madagascar is one of the prized destinations for the educational traveler. Nowhere else on earth has as much biodiversity in such a small area, with 70% of its 200,000 species endemic to the island. Join Sandy Doss as she shares her insights about this destination through stunning images and anecdotes on the endemic plants and wildlife of the “eighth continent.”

Expedition cruising around Madagascar with Daniel Austin, co-author of the Bradt Guides

Noble Caledonia invites you to view ‘Travel Post’, a site dedicated to inspire, entertain and inform you about our small ship cruises, expedition cruises and escorted tours.

TGM Gem Discovery Masterclass

Interested to know more about gems?

What is considered a good quality gem? Am I paying for the value it is worth? What are the things I need to know when it comes to buying gems?

The Gem Discovery Masterclass is open for everyone who loves gems and wants to learn more. You will get to learn about the grading system of coloured gemstones, quality factors and 7 buying tips.

Ms. Loke Huiying, founder of The Gem Museum will be the trainer to share with you her knowledge acquired through both her gemmology studies and industry retail experience. She has been training jewellery professionals and business owners since 2009. Huiying is also the author of an ebook titled 10 Steps to Gem Identification to help aspiring gemmologists take the first step to learn about gems and gemmology.

Participants will get to see many different gemstones and be given the chance to ask questions during Q&A.

Seats are limited. Sign up now!

Registration: FREE
Registration link:

Kindly send your enquiries to

To find out more about The Gem Museum, visit us at

Madagascar 2014 - ILAKAKA - Les mines de saphirs.

☼ MADAGASCAR ☼ Ilakaka petite ville située sur la Nationale 7, entre Tuléar et Ranohira, peu après la sortie du massif ruiniforme de l'Isalo. Tout a commencé au mois d'octobre 1998. Un paysan de l'ethnie Bara découvre par hasard un caillou aux reflets bleutés. C'est un saphir. Puis d'autres saphirs sont trouvés dans les dépôts alluvionnaires de la rivière. Le secret fut difficile à garder , la ruée humaine vers le Sud malgache démarre immédiatement des milliers de personnes, toutes ethnies confondues affluent de tous le pays pour créer cette petite ville champignon qui compte aujourd'hui environ 30 000 habitants selon les autorités locales.

Vanilla export preparations in Sambava, Madagascar

Antsirabe crafts in Madagascar

We visited a group of craft co-operatives in Antsirabe in Madagascar where locals were making embroidered products, batik wall hangings and screen printed clothing. On the way out of town we passed men threshing their rice crop and women fishing with baskets in the paddies.
Background music is Reflections by MK2.
