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10 Best place to visit in Madre de Deus Brazil


Machu Picchu: What they won't tell you about visiting here

There are a zillion YouTube videos from Machu Picchu, but few reveal the secrets and surprises like this one. We're unveiling the good, the bad and the ugly about visiting this ancient city in the clouds.

It's one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, but the tips you learn in this video could be the difference between a great visit and an unpleasant one. Plan ahead for your trip by checking out our journey to the 600 year old village right here on .@windowseatworldtravel.

To take the same day trip we took from Cusco to Machu Picchu, book here:

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Jeremy can be found at and you can find Sean at

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Thanks to Motion Array for supplying the royalty-free music for this piece.

Thumbnail graphics created using Canva

Some video graphics created using Toko for Final Cut Pro X.

Our Most Popular YouTube Video
???? The One Thing You Must Do in Japan!

Des camions et des hommes - Cameroun / Brésil : les routes de boue

Dans les régions tropicales, pendant la saison des pluies, camions et chauffeurs sont mis à rude épreuve quand ils empruntent des pistes boueuses. Au Brésil, la route BR156 présente quelques dangereux tronçons qui n'empêchent pas Sandro, passionné de camions, d'aller ravitailler des villages isolés au coeur de la forêt amazonienne. Benjamin, conducteur expérimenté d'autobus, fait quant à lui face à des défis semblables sur les routes vaseuses du centre du Cameroun. En plus des écueils liés à la présence de boue, il doit composer avec des passagers et des automobilistes parfois impatients en raison des retards engendrés par l'état du chemin.

Carnaval no RIO - Desfile do DIABO & INFERNO Zombando de DEUS & JESUS? Nós explicamos PARTE 1 - 2023

Salgueiro causa revolta dos evangélicos. O Salgueiro foi a penúltima escola de samba carioca a desfilar na Sapucaí na madrugada desta segunda-feira (20). O enredo escolhido, Delírios de um Paraíso Vermelho, chamou a atenção do público e dividiu opiniões nas redes sociais.

Em postagem publicada no Instagram oficial do Salgueiro, a escola explicou os significados dos elementos presentes no desfile. Segundo a publicação, o objetivo foi recriar e apresentar um novo olhar sobre o Jardim do Éden, também conhecido como Paraíso, presente em passagens bíblicas.

Durante o desfile, os elementos que se apresentaram aos espectadores contaram a história do bem contra o mal, trouxeram críticas aos preconceitos arraigados na sociedade e promoveram uma reflexão sobre o conceito de pecado.

#devil #inferno #satan #jesus #mocking #parade #god #disaster #hell #brazilcarnival2023jesus


Olá lindezas, sejam bem vindos a mais um vídeo do canal!
Prontos para viajarem comigo para a terra da Tieta?
Mangue seco é um paraíso de dunas Baianas situado no município de Jandaíra faz divisa com o estado do Sergipe, sendo dividido pelo rio Real!
Partimos de Salvador de carro pela linha verde, uma estrada excelente do litoral norte baiano!
Vou te mostrar a Pousda o Forte, que é um paraíso particular e fica as margens do Rio Real, a estrutura da pousada é excelente e lá é possível você fazer todas as refeições e também os passeios!
Fizemos os passeios mais famosos que são de buggy/ quadriciclo pelas dunas com muita emoção e também o de lancha conhecendo as ilhas da região, todos contratados diretamente com a pousada!
Nossos agradecimentos a pousada o Forte por nos receber nesse lugar e cuidar de tudo, para reservar fale diretamente com eles:


Contato: (79) 9 9956-8736
Estacionamento São José - Vicente
(79) 9 9965-5524
Vídeos feitos anteriormente em Mangue seco que complementam esse vídeo:

Um grande bjo, nos vemos no próximo rolê, e aí, Vamos?

Mangue seco, Bahia, Brazil

00:00 abertura
00:36 apresentação e agradecimentos
02:40 como chegar
04:32 bate e volta
05:26 meios de transportes
06:56 pedágio
08:48 Est. do Côco e linha verde
10:40 entrada terrestre de mangue seco
12:42 Pontal/SE e estacionamento
14:46 travessia no Rio Real
15:59 pousada O Forte
18:27 filme da pousada
20:46 atrativos aquáticos
23:35 restaurante
25:25 quarto e acomodações
27:41 noite
28:47 amanhecer em mangue seco
32:13 passeio de buggy e quadriciclo
36:54 vila de mangue seco
40:19 continuação do passeio de buggy e quadriciclo
44:29 praia de mangue seco
45:21 almoço na pousada
46:04 passeio de lancha pelas ilhas
50:24 bar flutuante
51:10 encerramento

Músicas utilizadas no vídeo:

Faixa: Same To Me, Overu
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Faixa: Trip to Rio de Janeiro (Viagem a Rio de Janeiro), Mu'gambi
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Faixa: Slow Romp
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Música: OSKI - Stay The Night [NCS Release]
Música fornecida por NoCopyrightSounds
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Watch: AT/youtube

Faixa: Break It, Overu
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Faixa: Double Theory, waveZzz
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Faixa: Old Polaroids, Eazy
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Faixa: Shopping in LA
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Faixa: Tokidoki, Digital Escape
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Faixa: TIGERCLAW, Mifune
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Faixa: Quando Encontrei o Amor, Parmi
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Faixa: Chills, Ponder
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Faixa: Hope, Overu
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Faixa: Together, Overu
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Female Solo Travel: Crossing the Amazon River from Colombia to Brazil #travelvlog #travel

Hi Everyone ,
Welcome Back To Another Video
Female Solo Travel: Crossing the Amazon River from Colombia to Brazil

If you are in Colombia, you cannot miss this experience in Leticia and the Amazon jungle!! In this video, I share what my experience was like traveling from Jardin to Medellin, Medellin to Leticia, my hostel in Leticia called Hotel Dupin House, things that you absolutely cannot miss from my day trip I took that brought us to Isla de Los Micos, Macedonia, and Puerto Narino, need-to-know info about passport entry and exit stamps to transition from Colombia to Brazil, and the actual boat experience crossing from Leticia, Colombia to Manaus, Brazil by boat across the Amazon River.
To hear more about what made me leave the USA on a one-way ticket in June 2017 to embark on a radical adventure of traveling, I encourage you to check out my memoir! It is available in audiobook format here on my channel Unhidden Heroines, or you can find it in paperback or ebook format on Amazon!

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▶️ IMPORTANT: How what I am doing is Making a Difference To Women Around the World and How You Can Help

▶️ Make Money Online While Traveling???????????? Why I Love my Print-on-Deman Legging Company on Etsy #etsyshop

▶️ Venezuelan Food in Medellín, Colombia ???????????????? An Experience You Cannot Miss

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#femaletravel #amazonriver #colombia #brazil

Life in a small village in Belarus - Eastern European village [Ep. 2] ????????

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Having stayed in multiple different villages on my previous travels, I was inspired to do the same in Belarus. I reached out to several Belarusians and got the wonderful opportunity to visit Krupitsa village after meeting Ira through Couchsurfing. Ira was so excited to invite me to come and stay with her parents and her son. I was excited to see life in the countryside and got lucky to be present during Ira’s father's birthday.

Hello there, welcome to this channel!
I am an Indonesian female solo traveller, who started solo travelling in 2013. After working for the government till 2016, I left Indonesia to pursue full-time travelling and to document myself as I explore different cultures as a solo female.

Having initially travelled for 5 months throughout Asia, I moved to China in January 2017 for an English teaching job, which was my first experience living abroad.

Since leaving China in 2018, I have taken the move to become a full-time YouTube creator and traveller. I strive to create unique, culture-driven content and capture authentic interactions as I travel.

Trip im Amazonas Regenwald geht schief ???????? (MANAUS BRASILIEN)

In diesem VLOG zeigen wir euch den Amazonas Regenwald rund um Manaus in Brasilien

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SALVADOR | Ilha dos Frades: TUDO sobre o passeio de barco pro Caribe da Bahia!

Hey, gente!

Nesse vídeo eu mostro pra vocês tudo sobre o passeio privativo para Ilha dos Frades, em Salvador, na Bahia, e tudo sobre o passeio coletivo! Siiiiim, eu fiz os dois passeios e vim aqui contar tudo pra vocês!

Vai ter preços, como chegar, contato do barqueiro, tuuuudo que eu fiz na Ilha mais linda próxima a Salvador! Vale a pena conhecer o Caribe baiano!

SOBRE O PASSEIO COLETIVO: eles partem 9h ali de trás do Mercado Modelo, dá pra chegar um pouco antes e comprar na hora, fica o pessoal das agências ali vendendo... Pelo que vi não tem muita diferença entre as agências, o passeio é a mesma coisa, todos param na Ponta de Nossa Senhora e passam o dia lá.

Lembrem de me seguir no para acompanhar as viagens em tempo real!


Vale dos vinhedos RS - Roteiro econômico de 1 dia. Vinícola Cave de pedra, Leopoldina Jardim, e mais

O Vale dos Vinhedos é um dos passeios mais procurados e bonitos da cidade de Bento Gonçalves, na serra gaúcha.
É no Vale dos Vinhedos que você encontra o melhor do Enoturismo no Brasil, onde dezenas de vinícolas se concentram, o que garantiu pra cidade o título de capital nacional do vinho.

Nesse vídeo vamos te ensinar como conhecer o Vale dos Vinhedos gastando pouco.
Vamos te mostrar vinícolas como a Cave de Pedra, um lugar muito charmosos pra curtir um final de tarde, que é o Leopoldina Jardim, um 'food garden', também conhecido como jardim gastronômico.
Vamos te dar dica de lugar pra almoçar, e te contar um pouco mais da história do vale dos vinhedos, que merece um dia inteiro no seu roteiro pra visitar, pois o lugar vai muito além das vinícolas.


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Músicas utilizadas no vídeo:
You can't control who you fall for - Victor Lundberg
For someone like me - Victor Lundberg


CORREÇÃO: Usando nosso cupom PORONDEANDEI, você ganha R$ 10,00 de desconto na assinatura, e não 10% conforme mencionado no vídeo


0:00 O que você encontra no Vale dos vinhedos
1:39 Como chegar no Vale dos vinhedos
2:24 A capela construída com vinho pelos imigrantes italianos
6:34 Interior da capela Nossa Senhora das Neves
9:46 Dica de restaurante - Alitália posto per mangiare
10:03 Informação importante - como economizar no Vale dos vinhedos e região
12:23 Como fazer o passeio no Vale dos vinhedos por conta própria
13:52 Vinícola Cave de Pedra - castelo medieval
16:07 Visitação na cave de pedra - valores
17:15 Parreirais da vinícola Cave de pedra
18:26 Vinícola Cave do sol
18:45 Leopoldina Jardim - jardim gastronômico com som ao vivo
19:19 O que fazer no Leopoldina jardim
20:35 Valores e como funciona a entrada
21:10 Gelateria
22:22 Jardim - som ao vivo banda Rock Lady
23:44 No próximo vídeo

Dünyanın En Büyük Şelalesine Gidiyorum - Bilin Bakalım Neresi ?

Kanala Abone Olun, Maceraya ortak olun. Bu seneki dünya turumu her hafta izleyin, bildirimleri açmayı unutmayın???? Yaklaşık 30 ülke gezeceğiz.
hesabımdan dünya turunu anlık paylaşmaya başladım.

Kanala katılıp, dünya turumu desteklemek isterseniz✅

İş Birliği İçin:
Rio de Janeiro'dan ayrılıp Dünyanın En Büyük Şelalesine Gidiyorum????
Bu yolculuğumda, o meşhur İguazu Şelalelerine giderken nasıl ulaşım sağladığımızı anlattım.
İyi seyirler dostlar.

00:00 Rio de Janeiro'dan Ayrılıyoruz
01:00 Çantalarımızı aldık ve Uber bekliyoruz
03:50 Rio Havalimanı
07:50 Uçağa Biniyoruz
10:40 Foz do Iguaçu/Cataratas Hava Limanı'na Geldik
11:20 Sabah Kahvaltımız
13:00 Otele Gidiyoruz ve Kaldığımız Otel
15:00 İguazu Planı Yapıyoruz
16:40 Oteldeki İlk Sabah ve Brezilya Kahvaltısı

video tasarım : gokseltuzun

#brezilya #iguazuşelalesi #yolculuk


【欢迎订阅】#纪录片 #高分纪录片 #经典纪录片 #解密中国 #奇闻趣事
► ★【探访山区】走进中国大山深处 致力村庄脱贫攻坚

► ★【草药探险 】| 探险神秘疆域 寻找深山百草

► ★【绿野中国】 | 探寻自然未知 发现奇异世界

► ★【山野秘事】 | 走遍山川湖野 发现诡秘之事
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COBRA GYPSIES - full documentary

An adventure with the indian gypsies, the second movie of Raphael Treza.
???? SOUNDTRACK ????

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Borneo Death Blow:
Hallucinogen Honey Hunters:
Mystery Mind Maps:

Top Three Things You Must Try When in Brazil ! Things to Eat in Rio De Janeiro

Top Three Little Foods You Must Try When in #Brazil

#riodejaneiro #top #top3 #acai #pastal #feijoada

33 lugares que você precisa conhecer em Recife - Pernambuco – Nordeste – Brasil

33 places you must go when visiting Recife – Pernambuco – Northeast - Brazil
Fonte das fotos/Pictures: (lá você consegue informações detalhadas de cada local)
1. Recife Antigo Marco Zero (2 fotos)
2. Parque das esculturas
3. Centro de artesanato
4. Rua do Bom Jesus (Rua dos Judeus)
5. Rua da Moeda
6. Rua da Aurora
7. Paço do Frevo
8. Terminal Marítimo
9. Cais do Sertão
10. Paço Alfândega (2 fotos)
11. Igreja da Madre de Deus
12. Pátio de São Pedro
13. Capela Dourada
14. Forte das 5 pontas
15. Forte do Brum
16. Faculdade de Direito do Recife
17. Parque Dona Lindu
18. Praia de Boa Viagem
19. Feirinha de Boa Viagem
20. Igreja de Boa Viagem
21. Açude de Apipucos
22. Museu Gilberto Freyre
23. Museu do Estado
24. Instituto Ricardo Brennand
25. Oficina Francisco Brennand
26. Mercado da Magdalena
27. Museu da Abolição
28. Parque Dois Irmãos
29. Parque da Jaqueira
30. Mercado de São José
31. Estação Ponte de Uchoa
32. Praça do Hipódromo
33. Escultura Tortura nunca mais

10 Greatest Man-Made Wonders of the World - Travel Video #travel

Welcome to our journey through time and across the globe as we explore the 10 greatest man-made wonders of the world. Marvel at the grandeur of the Colosseum in Rome, feel the spiritual aura of the Christ the Redeemer statue in Brazil and ponder the mysteries of the statues from Easter Island. Traverse the ancient city of Petra, climb the sacred terraces of Machu Picchu, and get lost in the majestic corridors of Angkor Wat in Cambodia. Be in awe of Egypt's Karnak Temple, soak in the beauty of India's Taj Mahal, and traverse the mighty Great Wall of China. These awe-inspiring landmarks tell a unique story of human ingenuity, creativity, and perseverance.

Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe for more awe-inspiring journeys around our beautiful planet!
#ManMadeWonders #TravelTheWorld #CulturalHeritage #travel



Song: Fredji - Flying High (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
Video Link :

Extenz - Gravity is under a Creative Commons license
Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:

Ikson - Anywhere is under a YouTube Free license.

Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:

Fredji - Flying High is under a YouTube Free license.

Music promoted by BreakingCopyright:

• [Non Copyrighted ...

Porto Alegre, Rio Grande Do Sul (Brazilians Here Say This Is Brazil's Europe)

PORT ALEGRE is the capital and largest city of the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul. Its population of 1,488,252 inhabitants (2020) makes it the twelfth most populous city in the country and the center of Brazil's fifth largest metropolitan area, with 4,405,760 inhabitants (2010). The city is the southernmost capital city of a Brazilian state.

Porto Alegre was founded in 1769 by Manuel Jorge Gomes de Sepúlveda, who used the pseudonym José Marcelino de Figueiredo to hide his identity; but the official date is 1772 with the act signed by immigrants from the Azores, Portugal.

The city lies on the eastern bank of the Guaíba Lake, where five rivers converge to form the Lagoa dos Patos, a giant freshwater lagoon navigable by even the largest of ships. This five-river junction has become an important alluvial port as well as a chief industrial and commercial center of Brazil.

In recent years, Porto Alegre hosted the World Social Forum, an initiative of several non-government organizations. The city became famous for being the first city that implemented participatory budgeting.The 9th Assembly of the World Council of Churches was held in Porto Alegre in 2006. Since 2000, Porto Alegre also hosts one of the world's largest free software events, called FISL.

The city was one of the host cities of the 2014 FIFA World Cup, having previously been a venue for the 1950 FIFA World Cup.

In the middle of 2010s, Porto Alegre had a growing wave of violence, being ranked as 39th among the world's 50 most violent cities in 2017. Nevertheless, the number of violent crimes has been dropping steadily since 2018.

The official date of the foundation of the city of Porto Alegre is 26 March 1772 by Manuel Sepúlveda, when Freguesia de São Francisco do Porto dos Casais was created and changed a year later to Nossa Senhora da Madre de Deus de Porto Alegre. However, the village started in 1752, when 60 Azorean couples were brought over by the Treaty of Madrid in order to set up Missions at the Northeast Region of Rio Grande do Sul that was handed over to the Portuguese Crown in exchange for the Sacramento Colony located on the margin of the Plata River. Land demarcation took a long time and the Azoreans settled permanently at Porto de Viamão, which was the first name by which Porto Alegre went by.

#brazil #portoalegre #brazilwalk


Things to do in Birmingham, Alabama | Vlog 2

Vlog 2 showing the top things to do in Birmingham, Alabama. You'll see popular locations in Birmingham like Pizitz, the heaviest corner on Earth, and Peanut Place in addition to Bethel Baptist Church, which is considered a landmark in the Civil Rights Movement. This video is the second in a 3-part series featuring Birmingham's importance in the fight led by Martin Luther King Jr. for equal civil rights for African Americans.



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In this second Birmingham video you see:
00:00 - Intro
00:10 - The Pizitz Food Hall
00:40 - Heaviest Corner on Earth
01:00 - Peanut Place
02:54 - Historic Bethel Baptist Church



#RenataInTheUSA​​​​ #RenataInNorthAmerica​ #RenataInAlabama #RenataInBirminghamUSA

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✔️ Phone/internet worldwide: Google Fi - Here's $20 in credit:
✔️ Hotels: - Save up the 25% when you book via mobile: (plus a free night after you stay for 10 nights)
✔️ Airbnb - Here's up to US$50 off your first stay when you create an account:
✔️ Music: Epidemic Sound - free for 30 days here:
✔️ YouTube keyword research and batch processing: Tubebuddy -
✔️ Credit card with no international fees: Amex Delta Skymiles - (the annual fee compensates the benefits if you travel a lot)


This vlog was created for the official Renata Pereira YouTube Channel at If you are interested in learning about Birmingham, Alabama, make sure you watch it until the end:

After watching, please take a minute to leave a comment or subscribe to my channel. I'm a travel vlogger and I really appreciate it! :)


+ YOUTUBE IN PORTUGUESE: (who knows if you have a Brazilian friend!? ;)



Куритиба - самый экологичный город Бразилии / Аэросъёмка и обзор / Curitiba • Brazil

Куритиба, Бразилия, столица штата Парана (Curitiba, Brazil, Parana) - самый экологичный город Бразилии с уникальной инфраструктурой. Аэросъёмка и обзор. Это мультикультурный город, в котором сумели реализовать смелые передовые градостроительные задумки; ставший примером для многих городов мира. Путеводитель Привет, Мир!

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Музыка из видео:

• Thanks for youtube channel Audio Library - Music for content creators:
• Fresh by Ikson
• Folk Round by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (
• Bet On It - Silent Partner
• Pyres by Broken Elegance

Exploring Salvador Bahia, Brazil 2023

Exploring Salvador Bahia, Brazil 2023

Salvador was settled in 1549 by Portuguese colonialists and served as Portuguese America's first capital until 1763. It was a major seaport during the transatlantic slave trade and is considered the New World's first slave market, with enslaved Africans brought to work on the region's sugar plantations.

About RusTV Travel

is all about travelling the world, exploring the cruise ship and tell stories about the crew's life during onboard the ship. Also travelling the different Cities and Provinces in the Philippines during my vacation.

#salvadorbahiabrasil #cruiseship #rustvtravel #buhayseaman #lifeonboard #costafirenze #cabinsteward

Día en CATARATAS DE IGUAZÚ BRASIL y Safari Macuco | ArielTourIguazú 5

Visitamos el Parque Nacional Iguazú en Brasil, con los buses panorámicos para conectar con el Sendero de las cataratas, donde hay varios miradores para apreciar las Cataratas de Iguazú de Brasil y Argentina, además de la excursión Safari Macuco, que mezcla un trayecto en la selva y un paseo en lancha para conocer otra cara de las cataratas.

00:00 Presentación y contexto
00:38 Desayuno en el hotel y bus
01:36 Llegada a Parque Nacional Iguazú Brasil
02:18 Viaje en bus articulado del parque nacional Iguazú
04:42 Sendero de las cataratas de Iguazú Brasil
09:30 Super mirador de las cataratas y ascensor
14:15 Puerto Canoas y buses en Parque Nacional Iguazú Brasil
18:13 Viaje en bus panorámico del parque nacional Iguazú
20:05 Ficha del viaje en bus desde Santiago a Foz de Iguazú
20:23 Tickets Parque Nacional Iguazú & Safari Macuco
20:56 Super Gracias & Libros 'Ariel Cruz Pizarro'
21:19 Fotos en Parque Nacional Iguazú Brasil
21:38 Selva y bote a las cataratas de Iguazú (Safari Macuco)
27:52 Viaje de retorno en bus panorámico
28:48 Final de paseo, almuerzo y palabras finales



Tour Iguazú 1, viaje Santiago - Buenos Aires
Tour Iguazú 2, City Tour Buenos Aires
Tour Iguazú 3, Termas del Ayui - Argentina
Tour Iguazú 4, Llegada a Foz de Iguazú
Tour Iguazú 5, Cataratas de Iguazú / Safari Macuco en Brasil
Tour Iguazú 6 y 7, Ciudad del Este / Parque das Aves / Marco Tres Fronteras
Tour Iguazú 8 y 9, viaje Foz de Iguazú - Santiago
Línea 120 Foz de Iguazú (Marcopolo Torino + Marcopolo Viale BRT Scania)
Línea 120 Foz de Iguazú (Neobus Mega Plus)
Buses en Parque Nacional Iguazú Brasil
Empresa: 'Turismo SAGA', 'Turisval'
Visita a Parque Nacional Iguazú Brasil, Cataratas de Iguazú, Safari Macuco
Día 5 de serie ArielTour Iguazú, paquete de viaje turístico a Foz de Iguazú
Fecha: 25 Enero 2023
Cámara: Canon G7X MK3



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