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Taiwanese Street Food Taiyuan Night Market 2021 / 太原夜市大合集


Taiwanese Street Food Taiyuan Night Market / 太原路夜市大合集

Taiwanese Street Food Taiyuan Night Market / 太原夜市大合集
Hi, there! I'm Cate ???? If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more videos. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. Thank you!

Taiyuan Night Market in Taichung which is a city in central of Taiwan
**Location information**

Food featured in this video from the street stalls of Taiyuan Night Market

1.Plum-shaped Taiwanese meatball
2.Fried Giant River Shrimp
3.Pork Sausage
4.Sugarcane Juice
5.Fried Mega Qyster & Shrimp Dumpling
6.Rotating Barbecue
7.Salty Chicken
8.Spicy Stinky Tofu,Spicy Duck Blood
9.Braised Dishes
10.Fresh Fruits Cutting-Cantaloupe
11.Crepe Pancake
12.FengRen Shaved Ice
13.Fried Noodles / Fried Rice
14.Taiwanese Pastry(ox-tongue pastry)

I’ll share what I’ve seen and tasted with you, such as street food,fried rice,seafood,night market,cooking skills,asian food,chinese food and so on.
Look forward to bringing you the feast for the senses of palates through every video clip.

????Twitter :

#taiyuan_night_market #taiyuan_night_market_2021#braised_chicken_feet #chicken_feet #taiwanese_street_food #taiwanese_night_market #night_market #太原夜市 #台中太原夜市 #太原夜市大集合 #台灣街頭美食 #夜市美食 #夜市小吃 #滷雞腳 #滷雞爪 #雞爪

Taiwanese Street Food Taiyuan Night Market 2021/2021太原夜市大合集-台灣街頭美食-夜市美食

Taiwanese Street Food Taiyuan Night Market 2021

_____Google Maps_____

Taiwanese Street Food Taiyuan Night Market 2022 / 太原夜市大合集

Taiwanese Street Food Taiyuan Night Market 2022 / 太原夜市大合集
最令人懷念的太原夜市美食大合集 2022 ! - 台灣街頭美食

00:00 Quail Egg / 煎鳥蛋
05:01 Chinese Crepe / 煎餅果子
09:01 Fresh Cooked Squid / 鮮燙小卷
14:15 Slate BBQ / 石板烤肉
19:26 Scallion Pancake / 蔥油餅
25:16 Ox Tongue Shaped Cake / 牛舌餅
28:59 Egg Fried Rice / 台式蛋炒飯
31:17 Super Long French Fries / 超級長薯條
35:49 Fruit Cutting / 水果切割
40:28 Hamburger Making / 美味的肉蛋堡
48:11 Grilled Giant Squid / 炭烤魷魚翅

*** Location ***
Google maps -

Taichung City, Taiwan


Best Taiwanese street food in Dadong Night Market 2022 / 大東夜市美食大合集 2022

Tainan is one of the cities in Taiwan with the most delicious food!
We're located at Tainan city today and we'll show you the most popular street food in Dadong Night Market!

Hi, there! Welcome to Lemon Films Channel ????
If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more delicious foods.????

Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. Thank you!

✨Delicious street food in this Video✨
00:00 Dadong Night Market / 台南大東夜市

00:10 Fresh Pineapple Juice / 雅淳鳳梨水果茶

06:08 Spring Roll Ice Cream / 春捲冰淇淋

07:56 Hong Kong Style Roasted Pork / 馳名港式脆皮烤豬

11:09 Stir-Fried Eel Noodles / 乾炒鱔魚意麵

13:15 Candied Sweet Potatoes / 東東拔絲地瓜

16:12 Fried Quail Eggs / 起司熱狗煎鳥蛋

20:20 Pani Puri / 普利球 (香料水醬酥炸球)

22:54 Vegan Sweet Potato Balls / 南台灣地瓜球

25:30 Mochi Shaved Ice & Boiled Mochi / 董家麻糬冰, 燒麻糬

28:56 Oyster Omelet / 古都蚵仔煎

31:25 Lemon Aiyu Jelly / 檸檬愛玉

32:39 Sausage with Rice Sausage / 紅妃香腸大腸

34:53 Tsou's Barbecue / 鄒族原木烤肉

#NightMarket #FruitCutting #FruitNinja #StreetFood #Mochi #Eel #大東夜市 #台南美食 #夜市美食

Best night market food of the year 2021 whole of Taiwan! / 2021台灣夜市美食大合集 - Taiwanese street food

Best night market food videos collection of the year 2021.
We'll stroll through in night market in whole Taiwan together!

Infinitely thanks to the viewers of Lemon Films!
We'll greet you with moer amazing food video in 2022.
Hope every one always be happy and healthy!

Hi, there! Welcome to Lemon Films Channel ????
If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more delicious foods.????

Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. Thank you!

00:00 Pepper pork bun / 福州世祖胡椒餅 (士林夜市)
????Shilin Night Market, Taipei

04:47 Dorayaki / 小叮噹銅鑼燒(大東夜市)
????Dadong Night Market, Tainan

07:55 Grilled cold noodles / 烤冷面(瑞豐夜市)
????Ruifeng Night Market, Kaohsiung

11:17 Pepper steak teppanyaki / 萬國牛排(瑞豐夜市)
????Ruifeng Night Market, Kaohsiung

14:28 Korean style egg pancakes / 韓國雞蛋糕(花園夜市)
????Garden Night Market, Tainan

18:28 Taiwanese scallion pancake / 李記蔥抓餅(瑞豐夜市)
????Ruifeng Night Market, Kaohsiung

24:26 Taiwanese braised dishes / 二師兄滷味(花園夜市)
????Garden Night Market, Tainan

28:45 Sweet potato balls / 厭世地瓜球(自由黃昏市場)
????Ziyou Traditional Market, Kaohsiung

32:42 Brown sugar boba milk / 珍糖傳-黑糖珍珠鮮奶
????Ruifeng Night Market, Kaohsiung

38:11 Milk mochi / 鮮奶麻糬(花園夜市)
????Garden Night Market, Tainan

40:25 Tsou's barbecue / 鄒族原木烤肉(大東夜市)
????Dadong Night Market, Tainan

43:58 Stinky tofu (Semlly tofu) / 家湘臭豆腐(士林夜市)
????Shilin Night Market, Taipei

46:10 Fried chicken skin / 雞皮哥搭(瑞豐夜市)
????Ruifeng Night Market, Kaohsiung

49:01 Fresh corn cup / 玉米杯杯(花園夜市)
????Garden Night Market, Tainan

51:22 Potato Rösti / 薯小二馬鈴薯煎餅(瑞豐夜市)
????Ruifeng Night Market, Kaohsiung

Taiwanese Street Food Night Market / 台灣街頭美食 - 捷運總站夜市大合集

Taiwanese Street Food Night Market / 台灣街頭美食 - 捷運總站夜市大合集
Hi, there! I'm Cate ???? If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more videos. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. Thank you!
**Location information**

Herbal Catfish Soup $2.32 USD

Fried Spareribs $3.57 USD

Cuttlefish Thick Soup $2.5 USD

Fried Noodles $1.07 USD

Egg Waffle(matcha,CHOC) $3.21 USD
Egg Waffle(onion, chicken) $3.53 USD

Fried Crickets $1.42 USD
Fried Crickets $3.57 USD

Corn cheese $2.14 USD
Corn Curry $2.14 USD

I’ll share what I’ve seen and tasted with you, such as street food,fried rice,seafood,night market,cooking skills,asian food and so on.
Look forward to bringing you the feast for the senses of palates through every video clip.

????Twitter :

#fried_spare_ribs #fried_noodles #cuttlefish_thick_soup #herbal_catfish_soup #taiwanese_food #taiwanese_night_market #night_market #排骨酥 #炒麵 #生炒花枝羹 #當歸土虱 #夜市美食 #夜市小吃 #台灣街頭美食

Taiwanese Street Food Fengjia Night Market / 逢甲夜市大合集

Taiwanese Street Food Fengjia Night Market 2021 / 逢甲夜市大合集
Hi, there! I'm Cate ???? If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more videos. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. Thank you!

Fengjia night market is the largest and most famous night market in Taichung which is a city in central of Taiwan
**Location information**

Food featured in this video from the street stalls of Fengjia Night Market

1.Fried Egg Ever
2.Iced lemon tea
3.Roast Duck with Steamed
4.Grilled shrimp
5.Sweet Potato Balls
6.Grilled Dried Squid
7.Braised Dishes
8. Grilled cold noodles
9.Taiwanese sausage with sticky rice
11.Spring onion pancake
12. Cheese Hot Dog
15.Baked Pancake
16.Roast Rice Blood Cake

I’ll share what I’ve seen and tasted with you, such as street food,fried rice,seafood,night market,cooking skills,asian food,chinese food and so on.
Look forward to bringing you the feast for the senses of palates through every video clip.

????Twitter :

#fengjia_night_market #fengjia_night_market _2021 #taiwanese_street_food #taiwan_night_market #night_market # 逢甲夜市 #逢甲夜市大合集 #台灣街頭美食 #台灣夜市美食 #夜市美食

Taichung Walk/台中太原夜市 Taiyuan Night Market 有兒童樂園的夜市!臺中市北屯區太原觀光夜市/COVID-19 alert level 2/台灣 台湾 Taiwan

太原夜市於2018年3月底開幕,前身是「東山夜市」,搬到現址後擴大占地面積並改名。雖然屬於流動夜市性質,但每週有五天營業 (星期四、五、六、日、一),觀光客若想前來,在行程的安排上應該不會有太大問題。......不如,先看看影片預習一下吧!
【4K】Taichung Walk/台中太原夜市 Taiyuan Night Market 有兒童樂園的夜市!北屯區太原觀光夜市/COVID-19 alert level 2 in Taiwan/台灣 台湾 Taiwan Walking Tour
Thank you for watching ~ If you like my video, please subscribe to my channel and press the like button and share this video. 謝謝放鬆觀看,如果喜歡這影片,也請幫我按讚、訂閱、小鈴噹與分享 ~
★時間戳記 (Time Stamps):
00:00 Sec. 3, Huanzhong E. Rd. 環中東路三段
09:43 Heshun Rd. 和順路
★Google Maps 地標 (Placemarks):
【Taiyuan Night Market 太原觀光夜市】 
★參考影片 (More videos):
【4K】台中東海商圈-東海別墅夜市現況 Dong Hai Night Market
【4K】台中逢甲夜市 Walk in Fengjia Night Market
【4K】爆炸擠!Taichung Yizhong Street Business District(Night Market)2021春節初一逛台中一中商圈
【4K】Taichung Daqing Night Market 台中大慶夜市全攤位現況速覽
★拍攝時間 (Filmed):星期四 (Thursday 木曜日) 7:00 PM,2021/10/21
★拍攝器材包含 (Filmed using):
SONY ZV-1 + 智雲 ZHIYUN CRANE M2,有時搭配 ROWA JAPAN 0.7 x 52mm廣角鏡
DJI Pocket 2 ,有時搭配: 增廣鏡 (DJI Pocket 2 Wide-Angle Lens)、無線麥克風 (DJI Wireless Microphone Transmitter) 、 延長桿 Extension Rod、Z軸減震增穩器 Z axis stabilizer
★看更多影片 (Watch more videos):
●●All Walking Videos 一次看全部影片 
●Northern Taiwan Walks 亂步北台灣 
●Central Taiwan Walks 亂步中台灣 
●Southern Taiwan Walks 亂步南台灣 
●Eastern Taiwan and Outlying Islands 東台灣與離島 
●Night Markets 台灣夜市集
●Station Walks 走遍台灣車站 
●Little Things 散步看到的那件小事 
●Help You Sleep 好睡助眠小品? 
●●看全部播放清單 →→
★社群連繫 (Social Media):
Thank you for watching and see you next walk~
#太原夜市 #太原觀光夜市 #熄燈 #北屯 #北屯區 #台中 #臺中 #Taichung #美食 #小吃 #Taiwan #台灣 #台湾 #臺灣 #대만

10 Popular street foods in Garden Night Market 2021 - Taiwanese street food

10 popular street food you must to eat in Garden Night Market!
Garden Night Market collection 2021

Hi, there! Welcome to Lemon Films Channel ????
If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more delicious foods.????

Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. Thank you!

✨Delicious street food in this Video✨
00:00 Garden Night Market / 花園夜市

00:08 Fresh corn cup / 玉米杯杯

02:36 Korean style egg pancakes / 小米超人氣韓國雞蛋糕

06:36 Clam stew / 乾燒白玉文蛤

08:03 Taiwanese braised dishes / 二師兄滷味

12:02 Korean hotteok / 韓國收藏糖餅

15:12 Swordfish tempura / 傑・旗魚黑輪

17:24 Milk mochi / 鮮奶麻糬

18:36 Fried scallion pancake / 勁吧香酥蔥油餅

22:44 Sweet potato balls / 台北口味地瓜球

25:35 Fried oyster omelette / 阿三哥蚵仔煎

***Location information***

Google Map:

#streetfood #streetfood2021 #GardenNightMarket #NightMarket #asianfood

Taiwan Night Market Video BEST6 - Terry Films Street Food / 台灣夜市影片前6名 - Terry Films 街頭美食

Taiwan Night Market Video BEST6 - Terry Films Street Food / 台灣夜市影片前6名 - Terry Films 街頭美食

0:00 Douliu Night Market (10 million views)
Fruits Cutting

04:23 Taiyuan Night Market (4.8 million views)

18:00 MiaoKou Night Market (1,060,000 views)

28:07 Fengjia Night Market (830,000 views)

38:12 Ningxia Night Market (800,000 views)

48:20 Jingcheng Night Market (670,000 views)

Top 10! Best Taiwanese Food Collection of the Year 2021 / 台灣美食大合集2021

Over 100 million total views!
Top 10 amazing Taiwanese food videos collection of the year 2021.
2 hours amazing and satisfying time.

Infinitely thanks to the viewers of Lemon Films!
We'll greet you with more amazing food video in 2022.
Hope every one always be happy and healthy!

Hi, there! Welcome to Lemon Films Channel ????
If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more delicious foods.????

Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. Thank you!

00:00:00 Traditional taro pastry making / 紫芋酥(芋頭酥)

00:13:27 Soft peanut maltose candy / 古早味花生麥芽糖

00:20:40 Traditional rice noodles / 新竹米粉

00:33:50 Homemade winter melon drink / 手工冬瓜茶

00:50:27 Ox-tongue shaped pastry / 牛舌餅

01:00:40 Homemade maltose / 手工柴燒麥芽膏
01:11:44 Maltose peiking duck & soup / 麥芽糖櫻桃鴨三吃
????石碇竹柏苑手工柴燒麥芽膏 (新北市石碇區潭邊里石崁35之2號)

01:20:01 Traditional Chinese wedding cake / 古早味喜餅大餅

01:30:29 Egg noodles and chicken instant vermicelli / 鍋燒意麵, 雞絲麵

01:45:49 Mini lemon cake / 檸檬餅

01:55:14 Giant bluefin tuna cutting for luxurious sashimi / 黑鮪魚切割, 奢華生魚片

Amazing ! Street Food Collection in Taiwanese Night Market !

Amazing ! Street Food Collection in Taiwanese Night Market !
最精彩的 ! 大慶夜市美食大合集 !

00:00 Rougamo / 肉夾饃

09:47 Seafood BBQ / 海鮮燒烤

21:36 Crepe Making / 可麗餅製作

29:44 Oyster and Shrimp Buns / 蚵仔包, 蝦仁包

37:55 Teppanyaki / 鐵板燒

48:28 Tanghulu / 糖葫蘆

56:57 Watermelon Juice / 西瓜汁

*** Location ***
Google maps -

Taichung City, Taiwan


Taiwanese Street Food DaQing Night Market 2021

Taiwanese Street Food DaQing Night Market 2021
2021大慶夜市大合集 - 台灣街頭美食

1. Braised Dishes / 滷味
2. BBQ Skewers / 炭烤肉串
3. Roti / 印度甩餅
4. Dorayaki / 銅鑼燒
5. Grilled Corn / 炭烤玉米

*** Location Info ***
Google maps -

Taichung City, Taiwan


Taiwanese Street Food Dadong Night Market 2021

12 delicious street food in Dadong Night Market!
Dadong Night Market collection 2021

Hi, there! Welcome to Lemon Films Channel ????
If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more delicious foods.????

Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. Thank you!

✨Delicious street food in this Video✨
00:00 Shilin Night Market / 大東夜市

00:13 Dorayaki / 小叮噹銅鑼燒

03:39 Tsou's Barbecue / 鄒族原木烤肉

07:46 Coffin Bread / 有春口袋棺材板

11:03 Muskmelon Milk / 陽光橘子哈密瓜牛奶

12:06 Fried Quail Eggs / 三代香酥鳥蛋

15:44 Instant Noodles / 港仔炒公仔麵

18:14 Black Tea with Banana Ice / 七彩虹雪淇冰

19:57 Japanese Dessert “Namagashi” / 那瑪卡西

24:20 Korean Rice Hot Dog / 拉絲韓國米熱狗

26:23 Crispy Fried Pork Ribs / 膳品香酥排骨

29:25 Ice Cream / 七彩虹霜淇淋

30:06 Fried Spanish Mackerel & Roe / 炸土魠魚酥&魚卵

***Location information***
台南大東夜市 Dadong Night Market, Tainan

Google Map:

#streetfood2021 #DadongNightMarket #NightMarket #TaiwaneseFood #TainanFood #asianfood #streetfood

Tasty!Popular Street Food Collection in Taiwan / 精彩的!台灣美食小吃大合集

Tasty!Popular Street Food Collection in Taiwan / 精彩的!台灣美食小吃大合集

0:00 Fried Milkfish Belly, Seafood Porridge, Oyster Omelet / 煎虱目魚肚, 海產粥, 蚵仔煎

11:50 Milkfish Master in Taiwan, Milkfish Soup / 無刺虱目魚達人, 虱目魚湯

22:22 Eel Noodles - Taiwanese Street Food / 炒鱔魚麵, 麻油腰子

33:16 Dadong Night Market - Taiwanese Street Food / 大東夜市美食

51:19 Zong Zhan Night Market - Taiwanese Street Food / 北屯總站夜市

하루 300-400인분은 기본 ! 줄서서 먹는 야시장 길거리 음식 모음 | Popular Taiwanese Street and Night Market Food

#야시장 #길거리음식 #대만음식
???? 하루 300-400인분은 기본 ! 줄서서 먹는 야시장 길거리 음식 모음 | Popular Taiwanese Street and Night Market Food

⭕️ 품질/화질 설정에서 고화질(HD or 4K)로 선택하시면 더 선명하게 보실 수 있습니다.
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???? 구독과 좋아요는 항상 큰힘이 됩니다!
???? Subscribe and Like is a big inspiration to us!

???? 촬영 요청 및 지원
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- 올바른 먹거리를 선도하는 소상공인 및 기업분들의 연락을 기다립니다.
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ℹ️ Information

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Copyright 2020. Yum Yum All Videos Cannot Be Copied Without Permission

Taiwanese Street Food Shilin Night Market 2021

10 delicious street food in Shilin Night Market!
Shilin Night Market collection 2021.

Hi, there! Welcome to Lemon Films Channel ????
If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more delicious foods.????

Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. Thank you!

✨Delicious street food in this Video✨
00:00 Shilin Night Market / 士林夜市

00:11 Stinky Tofu / 臭豆腐

02:29 Fried Egg Scallion Pancake / 炸蛋蔥油餅

04:51 Cheese Potato / 起司馬鈴薯

07:03 Pepper Bun / 胡椒餅

12:25 Oyster Omelette / 蚵仔煎

14:58 Stir-Fried Cuttlefish Thick Soup / 生炒花枝羹

17:24 Papaya Milk / 木瓜牛奶

18:36 Pan-Fried Bun / 生煎包

24:34 Medicinal Herbs Stewed Ribs / 藥燉排骨

26:30 Barbecue Chicken / 家鄉碳烤雞排

30:02 Banana Pancake / 香蕉煎餅

***Location information***

Google Map:

#streetfood #streetfood2021 #ShilinNightMarket #NightMarket #Streetfoodartist #TaipeiFood #StinkyTofu #asianfood

Taiwanese Street Food Jingcheng Night Market / 精誠夜市大合集

Taiwanese Street Food Jingcheng Night Market / 精誠夜市大合集
Hi, there! I'm Cate ???? If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more videos. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. Thank you!

Jingcheng night market is the largest and most famous night market in Changhua which is a city in central of Taiwan
**Location information**

Food featured in this video from the street stalls of Jingcheng Night Market

1.Spring Onion Pancake
3.BBQ Chicken Chop
4.Glutinous Rice Balls, Sweet Tofu Pudding
5.Fried Noodles
8.Brown Sugar Boba Milk
9.Potato Hot Dog
10.Cold Tapioca Pearl
11.Duck Thick Soup
12.Grilled Squid
13.Watermelon Juice
14.Green Onion Pancake
15.Spring Onion Pancake
16. Ice Cream with Peanut Roll
18.Aborigines BBQ

I’ll share what I’ve seen and tasted with you, such as street food,fried rice,seafood,night market,cooking skills,asian food,chinese food and so on.
Look forward to bringing you the feast for the senses of palates through every video clip.

????Twitter :

#jingcheng_night_market #jingcheng_night_market_2021 #taiwanese_street_food #taiwan_night_market #night_market #彰化精誠夜市 #精誠夜市 #精誠夜市大合集 #台灣街頭美食 #台灣夜市美食 #夜市美食 #夜市小吃

Amazing and Yummy ! Street Food Collection in Taiwanese Night Market !

Amazing and Yummy ! Street Food Collection in Taiwanese Night Market !
令人讚嘆 ! 受歡迎的台灣夜市美食大合集 !

00:00 Takoyaki / 章魚小丸子
01:05 Sweet Potato Balls / 地瓜球
01:52 English Tea / 英式紅茶
04:04 Fruit Jelly Balls / QQ水晶球
06:13 Deep Fried Tofu / 紅茶臭豆腐
07:30 Oden / 黑輪
09:34 Spicy Fish Balls / 麻辣魚蛋
12:07 Sizzling Steak / 夜市牛排
20:12 BBQ Skewers / 烤肉串
30:14 Egg Fried Rice / 馬來炒飯
37:58 Guava Cutting / 甘草芭樂
42:33 Animal Shaped Cake / 動物雞蛋糕
46:16 Colorful Fried Mochi / 白糖粿
49:34 Thai Ice Tea / 泰式奶茶
53:17 Giant Seafood Paella / 西班牙燉飯
1:02:06 Fish Shaped Cake / 牛奶燒


Taiwan Street Food Ruifeng Night Market 2021

13 best street food you must to eat in Ruifeng Night Market!
Ruifeng Night Market collection 2021

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✨Delicious street food in this Video✨
00:00 Ruifeng Night Market

00:06 Fried Hokkien Noodles / 福建炒麵

02:19 Ice Cream Rolls / 驚嘆號炒冰

08:22 Jumbo Pepper Steak Teppanyaki / 萬國牛排

11:30 Fried Chicken Skin / 雞皮哥搭-炸雞皮

14:00 Mongolian Barbecue / 蒙古烤肉

16:45 Scallion Pancake / 李記蔥抓餅

21:58 Brown Sugar Boba Milk (Bubble Tea) / 黑糖珍珠鮮奶

26:32 Salmon Sushi / 炙燒鮭魚壽司

31:13 Grilled Cold Noodles / 烤冷麵

34:31 Sweet Potato Balls (QQ Balls) / QQ蛋

37:39 Taro Milk / 芋頭牛奶

39:32 Tteokbokki (Spicy Fried Rice Cake ) / 韓式辣炒年糕

45:12 Potato Rösti / 馬鈴薯煎餅

***Location information***

Google Map:

#streetfood #streetfood2021 #BubbleTea #Boba #Streetfoodartist #Tteokbokki #NightMarket #asianfood
