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Krushevo is the highest town in Macedonia, situated on the Buseva mountain, over 1,350 meters above sea level, surrounded by beech and pine forests and mountain peaks.

Because of the favorable historical, cultural, climatic and geographical specificities it is considered as a tourist center with many tourist facilities especially as a winter touristic center. It is full of old and more recent houses built in the style of old Macedonian architecture.

Historic Krushevo was one the center of the Macedonian Ilinden-Uprising. Today the main celebrations of the National holiday on the 2nd of August are held here.

[4K] Krouchevo (Kruševo) [North Macedonia] By drone

Kruševo ou Krouchevo (en macédonien Крушево, prononcé [ˈkruʃevo] Écouter) est une municipalité et une ville du centre de la Macédoine du Nord. La municipalité comptait 9 684 habitants en 2002 et couvre 190,68 km2. La ville en elle-même comptait alors 5 330 habitants, le reste de la population étant réparti dans les villages alentour.
Kruševo est connue pour la république du même nom, qui exista seulement une dizaine de jours, lors de l'insurrection d'Ilinden, soulèvement, surtout en août 1903, pour l'autonomie de la Macédoine, contre l'emprise de l'Empire ottoman.
Kruševo est la plus haute ville du pays ; elle est située à une altitude d'environ 1 350 mètres, et elle est réputée pour son architecture traditionnelle ainsi que pour sa station de sports d'hiver.
Kruševo se trouve au centre de la Macédoine du Nord, à 55 kilomètres de Bitola et 35 kilomètres de Prilep. Bitola est la principale ville de référence pour le commerce tandis que Prilep est sur la route de Skopje. La ville est également reliée à Kitchevo, une petite ville située à une soixantaine de kilomètres au nord-ouest.
La municipalité est traversée par la rivière Trsna et possède un petit lac artificiel, mais elle est globalement pauvre en sources d'eau potable. La ville se trouve sur un flanc du mont Baba. En raison de l'altitude élevée, les chutes de neige sont abondantes en hiver. Elles commencent au début du mois de novembre et s'achèvent à la mi-mars.

Истражи ја Македонија - Крушево

Истражи ја Македонија, Влада на Република Македонија. Кампања за промоција на Македонија како атрактивна туристичка дестинација. 2013.

Krushevo, Macedonia Paragliding Takeoff compilation

Paragliding take off compilation from Macedonia trip. Includes most take off sites like Krushevo east & west, Prilep, Velestovo & Galichica in Ohrid, and Papova Sapka in Tetovo. Some take offs were so intense that we could not control our emotions, and have sound effects :)

Krushevo aerial view

Short video Krushevo, Macedonia from above.
Navigator project supported by GARMIN Macedonia.

BBC report: Krushevo - ethno town

The Krushevo - ethno town project in Macedonia

Best of Macedonia | Krushevo Kruševo + how to buy Raki!

Kruševo is the highest town in Macedonia. located in the mountains at 1350 meters above sea level.
In winter this town is a popular destination for wintersports. In summer the town is busy para gliders, because of ideal circumstances.

We visit the Ilinden monument which is a very oddly shaped building, easy to spot from almost everywhere in Krusevo

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Krushevo, Republic of Macedonia (2/2)

Mentioned in documents from the 15th century, Krusevo is a living museum, famous for its traditional architecture, cultural sites, and legacy as the site of the great 1903 Ilinden uprising against Ottoman domination. The rebellion failed, but its memory is cherished in Macedonia even today, as a symbol of the national struggle for freedom and democracy; while it lasted only 10 days, the Krusevo Republic of revolutionary leader Nikola Karev represented a desire for self-rule under a modern European political system. Today an enormous monument on the hill above Krusevo marks the elusive dream of the Ilinden revolutionaries.

Owing to its high elevation (1300 meters or 4,400 feet), Krusevo is also one of Macedonias prime winter sports destinations. Yet this same quality also makes this pine-forested getaway a comfortable destination in summer, when the Krusevo air stays cooler and more pure than in the arid lowlands.
The memory of Macedonian artist, Nikola Martinoski, is preserved in a traditional-style house/gallery that contains a huge collection of Martinoskis paintings and drawings, as well as various ethnological artifacts that bring 19th century Macedonia to life.

Krusevo was,as well,the hometown of Macedonian most famous pop-singer Tose Proeski (1981-2007).

Krushevo / Крушево

Кратко промо видео - Македонија на дланка во соработка со

Krushevo, Republic of Macedonia (1/2)

Mentioned in documents from the 15th century, Krusevo is a living museum, famous for its traditional architecture, cultural sites, and legacy as the site of the great 1903 Ilinden uprising against Ottoman domination. The rebellion failed, but its memory is cherished in Macedonia even today, as a symbol of the national struggle for freedom and democracy; while it lasted only 10 days, the Krusevo Republic of revolutionary leader Nikola Karev represented a desire for self-rule under a modern European political system. Today an enormous monument on the hill above Krusevo marks the elusive dream of the Ilinden revolutionaries.

Owing to its high elevation (1300 meters or 4,400 feet), Krusevo is also one of Macedonias prime winter sports destinations. Yet this same quality also makes this pine-forested getaway a comfortable destination in summer, when the Krusevo air stays cooler and more pure than in the arid lowlands.
The memory of Macedonian artist, Nikola Martinoski, is preserved in a traditional-style house/gallery that contains a huge collection of Martinoskis paintings and drawings, as well as various ethnological artifacts that bring 19th century Macedonia to life.

Krusevo was,as well,the hometown of Macedonian most famous pop-singer Tose Proeski (1981-2007).



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Alexander the Great, Phillip of Macedon. The people are warm, friendly and it is a cheap holiday. If you are into paragliding it is awesome...and the weather is getting better!

Krusevo, where I am staying is village up in the mountains, a very beautiful place.

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Krushevo Most Beautiful place to Visit in The World

Kruševo is a town in North Macedonia. In Macedonian the name means the 'place of pear trees'. It is the highest town in North Macedonia and one of the highest in the Balkans, situated at an altitude of over 1350 m above sea level. The town of Kruševo is the seat of Kruševo Municipality.


Крушево е највисок град на Балканот, планински бисер со волшебна убавина која го одзема здивот. Место за прекрасно освежување во летните горештини, а никако не е помалку привлечно и во останатите годишни времиња.

Тоа е убаво и атрактивно планинско гратче распослано како гигантско орловско гнездо во пазувите на Бушава планина, во западниот дел на Македонија, на 1300 метри надморска височина.
За време на Илинденското востание 1903 година, тука е формирана Крушевската република втемелена на длабоко демократски и републикански начела, како прва ваква држава на Балканот.

Посебно обележје на Крушево е староградската архитектура. Крушевските куќи се симбиоза на влашката (епирската) и мијачката (галичката) архитектура.

Во самиот град, како и во околината има многу места кои вреди да се посетат.
Покрај Македониумот, Мечкин Камен, Музејот на НОВ, Спомен куќата на Тоше Проески, во Крушево не пропуштајте да прошетате низ чаршијата. Стрмни, тесни маалски сокаци со занаетчиски дуќани, а задолжително појдете до Крушевското езеро покрај кое има многу клупи за почивка...

Летно време, поради својата височина, Крушево е значително посвежо и попријатно за разлика од останатите градови во Македонија.
Во зима гратчето е атрактивно поради ски-центарот.

На само три километри од градот се наоѓаат прекрасни терени за параглајдерство. Едни од најубавите и најживописните, а истовремено лесно пристапни терени за параглајдинг во Европа. Многу љубители на овој спорт доаѓаат од речисе сите краеви на светот.

Во самиот град има три цркви. Св. Богородица, изградена 1867 година, Св. Никола, изградена 1832 година и Св. Јован, позната како Влашка црква, изградена 1904 година.
На периферијата од градот, близу до хотелот Монтана Палас се наоѓа црквата Св. Тоица, изградена 1881 година, опожарена за време на Илинденското востание, но набрзо потоа е обновена.
Во околината на Крушево се манастирите Св. Спас, Св. Василије и Свето Преображение.

Крушево има повеќе хотели и места каде можете да се сместите за време на посетата на ова живописно гратче. Јас го препорачувам хотелот Монтана Палас, со прекрасен поглед на градот и околината. Неколку пати сум бил таму и секогаш имало одлична услуга, културен љубезен однос и вкусни јадења.

- - - - - - - - - - - - -
Krushevo is the highest town on the Balkans, mountain pearl with a magical beauty that takes your breath away.
It is a beautiful and attractive mountain town spread out like a giant eagle's nest in the bosom of Bushava Mountain, in the western part of Macedonia, at 1300 meters above sea level.
During the Ilinden Uprising in 1903, the Krushevo Republic was established here, based on deeply democratic and republican principles, as the first such state in the Balkans.

A special feature of Krushevo is the old town architecture. Krushevo's houses are a symbiosis of Vlach (Epira) and Mija (Galic) architecture.

In the city itself, as well as in the surroundings, there are many places that are worth visiting.
In addition to the Macedonium (Ilinden Momument), Mechkin Kamen, the Museum of NOV, the Toše Proeski Memorial House, in Krushevo do not miss a walk through the bazaar. Steep, narrow neighborhood alleys with craft shops, and be sure to go to the Krushevo Lake, by which there are many benches for resting...

In summer, due to its altitude, Krushevo is significantly cooler and more pleasant than other cities in Macedonia.
In winter, the town is attractive because of the ski center.

There are beautiful paragliding tekeoff point just three kilometers from the city. One of the most beautiful (picturesque landscape) and at the same time easily accessible paragliding takeoff points in Europe. Many fans of this sport coming from almost all corners of the world.

There are three churches in the city itself. St. Mother of God, built in 1867, St. Nicholas, built in 1832 and St. John, known as the Vlach church, built in 1904.
On the outskirts of the city, near the hotel Montana Palace, there is the church of Holy Trinity, built in 1881, burned down during the Ilinden Uprising, but was rebuilt soon after.
In the vicinity of Krushevo are the monasteries of St. Savior, St. Basil the Great and Monastery of Holy Assumption.

There are several hotels and accommodation places where you can stay in Krushevo during your visit to this picturesque town. I recommend the Hotel Montana Palace, with a beautiful view of the city and the surroundings. I have been there several times and always had excellent service, with nice helpful staff and delicious food.

The city of Krushevo

#Krushevo #Macedonia #roadtrip #travel #explore
This is our story in the small town Krushevo, Macedonia.

Hotel Montana Krushevo, Macedonia

Hotel Montana Krushevo aerial view.
Supported by GARMIN Macedonia Navigator project.

Krushevo Ski Center summer 2021 aerial view

Summer outdoor activities Krushevo Ski Center.
Navigator project supported by GARMIN Macedonia.

Krushevo - Ethno Town

The project called Kruševo ethno-town is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia, developed by few local enthusiasts. According to that project, Kruševo shall look like a town from the beginning of the 20th century, while it was the center of the Macedonian Ilinden (St. Elias' Day) Uprising in 1903, leading to the creation of the first Republic on the Balkans, The Krushevo Republic. People will be dressed like Ottoman soldiers and Macedonian revolutionaries freedom fighters, peasants etc.

The project wants to make Kruševo a main tourist destination in five years.

Krusevo, Macedonia

Read all about our visit to Krusevo on our Macedonia Blog:

Krushevo ethno town project 2010

The project called Kruševo ethno-town is supported by the Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Macedonia, developed by few local enthusiasts. According to that project, Kruševo shall look like a town from the beginning of the 20th century, while it was the center of the Macedonian Ilinden (St. Elias' Day) Uprising in 1903, leading to the creation of the first Republic on the Balkans, The Krushevo Republic. People will be dressed like Ottoman soldiers and Macedonian revolutionaries freedom fighters, peasants etc.

The project wants to make Kruševo a main tourist destination in five years.

HOTEL PANORAMA KRUSHEVO | Хотел Панорама Крушево



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