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JIBCON 5 Jensen&Misha Panel (2014.5.25)


Jensen and Misha panel. Part 4. JIB 5. a kiss


Jensen Ackles & Misha Collins Panel SPNDC 2019

Cockles panel from the Creation Entertainment Convention in Washington DC/Arlington, Virginia on November 4th of 2019
Video filmed and edited by @Aryn_singer_spn on Twitter/Tumblr
Credit if you use it for video edits or gifs

JIBCON3 - Day 3 - Jensen & Misha Panel

Amazing Jared + The Alarm Clock + Misha's Resume + Appalachian Clogging

(Yeah, the girl who is laughing so hard during all the video it's me, I apologize. I almost cried. Toghether, they are a real comical duo!)

JIB 4. Jensen and Misha panel. Jensen: I love you too

Jensen whispers: I love you too (1:53 s)
This is SO cute!

Jensen panel. Part 4. JIB 5.

JIB 5. Jensen panel. part 2

Jensen Directed his father. JIB 5.

JIBCON5 Jensen/Misha Sunday Panel 1/3

JIBCON5 - Jensen & Misha Harlem Shake

A fan asked them to do the Harlem Shake at JIB5. Here it is!

JIBCON5 Jared/Misha Sunday Panel 1/2


Jared, Jensen & Misha Part 5

Chicago 2010

Transcript found here -

JIBCON5 Jared Sunday Panel 1/2

JIB6 - Daniela opening her surprise during Jensen & Misha's panel

JIBcon 2015, Sunday. Glitter everywhere!

JIBCON5 Tahmoh and Mark Sunday Panel

Misha Collins - Dragged Off Stage

Misha Collins being dragged off stage at aecon 3.

JIBCON5 Osric/Ty Sunday Panel - Master Chau

Osric's explanation of exactly how Jared dislocated his shoulder and how Osric earned the name Master Chau

Jus In Bello 4. Jensen and Misha panel. Battle: Jensen v. Pandas!

Jared, Jensen & Misha part 1

Chicago 2010

Transcript found here -

JIBCON5 Osric and Ty's 'Sport Time'

JIB6 - Jensen, Sunday panel.

JIBcon 2015, Sunday morning. Only the first half hour though. Sorry about the orange glow.



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