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Chilean traditional folk dance: Huasos


Chile's National Holiday (Fiestas Patrias)

On the 18th and 19th of September, Chile celebrates its National Holiday. The coming spring is anticipated by open-air ramadas -shelters with roofs made of tree branches-, and fondas, refreshment stands offering typical dishes, meat or cheese empanadas, chicha (type of cider) and red wine.

Under the shelter of the ramadas, people dance cueca, the national dance of Chile.

The Chilean flag is displayed on top of the houses and apartments. Children fly kites and play with marbles and spinning tops. They have hopscotch competitions and greased pole climbing contests. There are horse races, Chilean style --bareback, the rider holding onto the horse's mane-- while rodeos are held in traditional rings.

More information at:

BAFOCHI - Huasos chilenos

Ballet Folcklorico de Chile

Cueca Horse dance Chile

Cueca (Spanish pronunciation: [ˈkweka]) is a family of musical styles and associated dances from Argentina, Chile and Bolivia. In Chile, the cueca holds the status of national dance, where it was officially selected on September 18, 1979.

Dancing Street Cueca at a Chilean Rodeo in the Cajon del Maipo.

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Children in Chile practising the national dance, the cueca, in the street behind a rodeo, ready for the evening party. The cueca is the national dance of Chile and an important part of the national culture. Although quite difficult to dance well, all the country people know how to do it as they learn at school. People like politicians, especially the president, have to be coached as they will be expected to dance it well and in public and may not have learnt the country traditions from childhood.

In all the public schools of Chile the children dance it well and here two of them are practising outside the 'casino' which is part of the rodeo facilities, ready for the evening party. After a Chilean rodeo the tradition is that the winners dance the cueca with the two local beauty queens, who have been elected while the riders are competing for glory in the ring. These two are excellent dancers and a joy to watch. Usually smaller children are given some dances by their older brothers or sisters and their parents. Seeing 4 year olds dance and stamp their feet correctly with gusto is a great pleasure. Often there will be dogs strolling in and out of the dance floor - which is usually just dry earth. Sadly the better off families who go to private schools often do not maintain the tradition and have to hire in performers to dance for them as a show. This is certainly true in the Cajon del Maipo where skills on a horse and the dance floor are still prized by the country folk but not so much by the better off. Many of the young of these families are turning to modern music and dance, but they know how to do the cueca if called upon to do so.

The dance is thought to have originated in Spain, but changed its nature considerably in Chile and in country areas like the Cajon del Maipo near Santiago.It represents courting ritual of a cockerel and a hen. The man pursues the woman and stamps his feet while the woman is coy and elusive. The dance sometimes finishes with the man kneeling on one knee, with the woman placing her foot on his raised knee. Often the dancers wear special clothes - the men in huaso kit with a sombrero, a manta and chaps, spurs and huaso boots; the girl in a flowery cotton dress of a particular style. There is much waving of handkerchiefs as part of the ritual.

The official rodeos terminate in a finals week in Rancagua, but there are small country events all the time all over Chile. In the Cajon del Maipo there are approximately twelve local clubs, one in nearly every village with its own media luna. There are rodeos roughly once a month and they are always well attended, but purely local events with very few tourists. It makes an interesting thing to do outside Santiago at a weekend.

Baile típico de Chile - LA GOLPEADITA [4K]

La Golpeadita, baile tradicional Chileno de la Zona Central.
Baile folklórico Chileno, zona Centro
Baile en fiesta costumbrista por grupo folclórico
Baile de la zona centro de Chile.

Cámara Utilizada: Sony FDR-AX53 4K
???? Música: Aqui estoy para quererte

Cueca, the Chilean National Dance in Santiago, Chile!

A street performance of Cueca, the National Dance of Chile in Santiago, Chile! #happytraveling

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Puerto Montt, Chile - Traditional Folk Dancers

Young Chileans performing traditional folk dancing at a Chilean ranch during a day of excursion.

Baile de los Huasos

Desde Wikipedia:

Huaso es el término utilizado en Chile para referirse al individuo que vive en la zona centro y sur del país y se dedica a tareas propias de sectores rurales.

Por extensión, se hace referencia con este nombre a los campesinos de esa zona, utilizándose como adjetivo para señalar características propias del centro y sur de Chile, como «Zona huasa» o «Rancagua, ciudad huasa».

Los huasos, además, son los jinetes en el rodeo chileno, similar al gaucho rioplatense, al llanero colombiano y venezolano, al chagra ecuatoriano, al charro mexicano, al vaquero estadounidense y al qorilazo peruano. Sin embargo, la labor del huaso chileno - a diferencia de los mencionados - no se limita exclusivamente a la ganadería, sino que también abarca otras actividades campesinas, como la agricultura.

También huaso hace referencia al hombre que baila la cueca (baile nacional chileno). La versión femenina del huaso es la china, su pareja en este baile.

Chilean Traditional Man Dance

Recorded in Santiago, Chile ????????

Traditional dance on Army day in Santiago, Chile

Many latin American dance groups joined together to celebrate National day in Chile. This event was help during Army day in Chile that was on 19th September 2018.

Chilean Traditional Dance Group Perform for CONTRA-TIEMPO.

LA-based choreographer Ana Maria Alvarez’s urban Latin dance-theater company, CONTRA-TIEMPO, continued its mission to embody the diversity of the Latin-American experience in Bolivia, Chile, and Ecuador May-June 2014. Founded by a Cuban-American and embracing the full diversity of the Latinx experience in the US, CONTRA-TIEMPO embraced their Latin American tour just as fully.

DanceMotion USA℠ is a program of the US Department of State, administered by BAM, which connects America's finest dance companies with international artists and communities.

Chilean Huaso

traditional chilean dance

EIL Chile South trip farewell party for our host families

Chilean Traditional Dance

Recorded in Santiago, Chile, hope everybody like it!

Cantos y Danzas Tìpicas de Chile

Traditional Folk Dance, Santiago, Chile. Enlace a la playlist ''Bailes en Santiago de Chile'' , Bailes folkloricos chilenos grabados en el Restaurant ''Los Buenos Muchachos.

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Chile Folk Dance in Osaka International Festival 10

Cueca, Chilean Traditional Dance, in Chiloé #01

on saturday afternoon, it was a presidential campaign for FREI in Castro, the capital.

Chile 2013. Chilean folk dancers

Chilean folk dancers

Cueca, Chilean Traditional Dance, in Chiloé #05

Love Chile
