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10 Best place to visit in Topraisar Romania


Dobrogea Gorges - Romania

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The Gorges of Dobrudja do not resemble the keys that we used in the Carpathians, whether they are smaller or larger. The valley here is wide, meandered, and the limestone walls are quite a distance from the water. The height of the walls is not high, 30-40 meters, but the keys here have something special, a unique attraction you can not find in the Carpathians. The limestones here are reefs, which preserve the traces of the former atolls in the form of ruinous relief. The atolls formed in the warm warmth that covered the Jurassic and Cretaceous area of ​​Dobrogea (Thetis Sea - 180-100 million years ago) are still visible in the walls of the gorges. The scaffolds of coral colonies, deposited in more or less circular shapes, can be seen very well over the entire length of the keys. Palms, horseshoes, pyramids, towers, recognize them immediately if you have used your eye and you know what to look for. In the central area of ​​the keys, a rectangular tower is well kept. It looks like a cooling tower from a miniaturized thermal power plant ... and it has deposits of sediment covered with grass inside.

DJI Mini 2 | România, jud. Constanța, Mănăstirea Sf.Maria, Techirghiol

GPS: 44.052233, 28.601794

We fly at Techirghiol

DJI mini 2 footage in Techirghiol area, Romania. Flying above the town, the lake and the surrounding area.

Talcioc de țară in Constanta la General Scarisoreanu. Cei mai buni mici,pastrama de oaie și ghiudem.


Constanta by night

Buyukada.Insula printilor. Insula unde vreau sa fiu exilat.

Muzeul de la Viscri

Slujire arhierească la Mănăstirea „Sfânta Maria” Techirghiol

Preasfințitul Părinte Siluan, Episcopul ortodox român din Ungaria, a săvârșit Sfânta Liturghie la Mănăstirea „Sfânta Maria” Techirghiol. Răspunsurile liturgice au fost date de grupul coral al mănăstirii, iar la slujbă au venit numeroși credincioși aflați la tratamente balneoclimaterice în baza de tratament a Centrului, dar și credincioși din oraș sau din împrejurimi.

Surdesti - Maramures_Romania13.06.2017 - Biserica De Lemnsec.XVIII

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