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10 Best place to visit in Seseña Spain


AVOID These 15 Tourist MISTAKES in Spain

These are the 15 most common mistakes and assumptions that tourists make when they come to Spain! Venga, let’s go!

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WHO ARE WE? ????
Hola, Spain lovers! We're James and Yoly. James is a New Zealander, and Yoly is from Spain. And we both live in Madrid. This channel is all about giving you a local insight into life in Spain, and helping you experience this country like a local when you come to visit (or live!). If that sounds like your kind of thing, bienvenido!

00:00 Intro
01:01 Mistake 15 Thinking you need to drink alcohol with tapas
01:48 Mistake 14 Thinking Spaniards don't eat veggies
02:30 Mistake 13 Thinking you need to dress up
03:47 Mistake 12 Calling flamenco... flamingo ????
04:47 Mistake 11 Thinking Spain is under-developed
05:27 Mistake 10 Thinking you can't drink the tap water
06:01 Mistake 9 Thinking Spain is a smoker's paradise
07:06 Mistake 8 Stereotyping Gypsies
08:26 Mistake 7 Obsessing about paella success
09:51 Mistake 6 Thinking Spain has a cash economy
10:28 Mistake 5 Thinking tapas is a food
11:07 Mistake 4 Misusing bread
11:27 Mistake 3 Thinking you can't take kids for tapas
11:49 Mistake 2 Thinking the siesta is widespread
12:28 Mistake 1 Calling Barcelona... Barça

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Spending a Night In a Spanish Town Stuck in Time (Chinchón)

Chinchón is one of Spain's most gorgeous medieval towns, and it's only 45 minutes from Madrid! Venga, let’s go! ????

Book at the Parador in Chinchón

⏩ Watch Next: More videos exploring deep Spain

???? Tapas 101 Cheat Sheet:
???? Spain House Buyer's Checklist:
???? Spain House Renter's Cheat Sheet:
???? Moving Money to Spain Guide: (tips for sending your money to Spain from my friends at SpartanFX)

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WHO ARE WE? ????
Hola, Spain lovers! We're James and Yoly. James is a New Zealander, and Yoly is from Spain. And we both live in Madrid. This channel is all about giving you a local insight into life in Spain, and helping you experience this country like a local when you come to visit (or live!). If that sounds like your kind of thing, bienvenid@!

*This description contains affiliate links which means we may earn a commission if you use them ????????

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Europe Video Productions tourism films : Madrid three kings parade - Cabalgata de los Reyes Magos Madrid Spain tourism - travel Spain - Epiphany - Epifanía- Día de los Reyes Magos - Madrid España - Spanish Cavalcade of Magi. For more European Christmas travel videos, visit: &

Aranjuez en un día...

¡Hola disfrutones!

En este video os presentamos Aranjuez en un día. Qué ver, qué hacer, dónde comer, qué visitar, en un día. Ojo que Aranjuez da para un fin de semana largo, tiene mucho mucho que ver. Pero en un día os podéis patear lo más importante, aquí os lo dejamos.

En el post que hemos subido a nuestra web os contamos todos los detalles: enlaces en los lugares de interés, restaurantes, las mejores fotos... Haz click aquí:

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¡Hasta la próxima semana!

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100 km - A-42 DE MADRID A TOLEDO (tramo completo) / From Madrid to Toledo , Spain.

- Tramo completo de la autovía A-42 (Autovía Madrid -Toledo) , en sentido creciente , desde el norte de la ciudad de Madrid a través de la autovía M-30 , hasta el norte de la ciudad de Toledo , España.

- Complete section of the A-42 ( The Madrid - Toledo highway ) , southbound , from the north of the city of Madrid through the M-30 highway, to the north of the city of Toledo, Spain.

José Antonio Ramos ,distrito Cerro-Amate (Sevilla).
Josan Portugal Auto-Estrada:

As 10 Cidades mais Bonitas da ESPANHA ????????

Vida noturna agitada, atrações culturais, modernidade e tradição fazem parte do turismo na Espanha. O país é um dos mais plurais da Europa, e tem atrações para todos os gostos e bolsos.
As cidades da Espanha são destinos encantadores e que provocam paixão à primeira vista para qualquer turista.
É um dos melhores países para se visitar por quem deseja viver experiências únicas e ricas em história e cultura do continente europeu.
Além das paisagens marcantes e da programação diferenciada, a Espanha é conhecida pelo acolhimento e hospitalidade ibéricos.

As Cidades Mais Bonitas do Brasil ???????? ????????

Venha me dar um oi:

Meu objetivo é inspirá-los a explorar, sonhar e experimentar o mundo de uma maneira que aqueça os seus corações. Neste canal, mergulho de cabeça em viagens fascinantes e mostro a vocês os lugares mais lindos do mundo. Cada vídeo é criado com todo o meu amor e dedicação, pensando em proporcionar a vocês uma experiência única. Aproveitem cada vídeo, cada destino e cada momento. Juntos, vamos explorar os lugares mais lindos do mundo e espalhar o amor pela aventura para todos os cantos do planeta! ????✈


Top 10 Shopping Cities

High-brow fashion, expensive beauty products, everything else under the sun – you name it, these cities have it. Join as we count down our picks for the Top 10 Shopping Cities. Click here to subscribe: or visit our channel page here: Also, check out our interactive Suggestion Tool at :)

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City Sightseeing Toledo 2018 10 05 1080p

Evento para colaboradores de City Sightseeing Toledo

Zwiedzanie Toledo w 1 dzień! ????????Idealna wycieczka z Madrytu⛪????

????????Hola! Buenos dias! ????????

Witam ponownie na kanale “Es Patris”. Tutaj dowiesz się, jak wygląda prawdziwe “życie jak w Madrycie”.

Dziś zapraszam Was na zwiedzanie Toledo. Opowiem Wam jak się dostać z Madrytu do Toledo, co zwiedzić, spróbować i dlaczego Toledo jest sławne w Hollywood :)
Będąc w Madrycie musicie zwiedzić to miasteczko, w którym na pewno zakochacie się od pierwszego wejrzenia i...podejścia! Bo widoków i wzgórz- tu nie brakuje. Zapraszam!!


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Niniejszy film stanowi utwór, podlegający ochronie na podstawie ustawy o prawie autorskim i prawach pokrewnych. Nieuprawnione lub niezgodne z poniższymi zasadami wykorzystanie filmu narazi sprawcę na konsekwencje prawne. Autorskie prawa osobiste oraz autorskie majątkowe do filmu przysługują autorce. Kopiowanie i wykorzystywanie filmu bez wiedzy autorki jest niezgodne z prawem autorskim i podlega karze.

Day 14 - Ventosa to Cirueña

Follow John and Cindy as they walk along the ancient footpath of the Camino de Santiago, across Northern Spain. John the AT thru hiker, his new wife on her first long hike.

Stone - Art Connection Studio

Travel to Madrid . Capital of Spain. National Geographic Channel Report

Madrid is the capital and largest city of Spain. It is the third-most populous municipality in the European Union after London and Berlin, and the fourth-most populous urban area in the European Union after Paris, London, and the Ruhr Area.

Fire in tyre cemetery. Seseña, Toledo

Fire in biggest European wheel cemetery


Vive #Gandia con nuestro spot ????????️???? para la Feria de Turismo @FeriaFitur los días 18 a 22 de enero en Madrid.


Viu #Gandia amb el nostre espot ????????️???? per a la Fira de Turisme @FeriaFitur els dies 18 a 22 de gener a Madrid.

World Tourism Day 2021


Welcome To SPAIN Madrid Aranjuez CAMPING

Super quick quick vid tonight just to keep you updated.

Filmed: 13/06/2023

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6 lugares que ver en Chinchón...

¡Hola disfrutones!


Esperamos que este video os dé ganas de visitar este bonito pueblo madrileño; ya veréis que da para echar mínimo un día, aunque lo ideal sería un fin de semana entero.

No dudéis en hablar con la Oficina de Turismo de Chinchón, donde os darán más info y mapas:

En nuestra web tenéis el post de este video, con mucha información que os vendrá bien:

Seguro que os gusta otro video que hicimos similar, el de la Sierra de Ayllón:

Nada más, esperamos que os haya gustado el video. Si es así, COMPARTIDLO con vuestros amigos!

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No olvides compartir el video si te ha gustado. ¡Hagamos la Comunidad VNA más grande!

¡Hasta la próxima semana!

Top 10 Ghost Towns of the World

This video is about Top 10 Ghost Towns of the World. Don't forget to subscribe:

150 km - A-49 AUTOVÍA DEL V CENTENARIO (ANDALUCÍA OCCIDENTAL) / Western Andalusia , Spain

- Tramo completo de la Autovía del V centenario A-49 , desde la autovía SE-30 , Sevilla (España) , hasta la auto-estrada A22 , Algarve (Portugal) , en la zona occidental de Andalucía.
La autovía del V Centenario (A-49), anteriormente denominada autopista, es una autovía que sirve de conexión entre Sevilla, Huelva y el sur de Portugal. Forma parte del itinerario europeo E-1.

-- Complete section of the A-49 highway , Autovía del V Centenario , from SE-30 highway, Seville (Spain), the A22 highway, Algarve (Portugal), in the western Andalusia.
The Autovía A-49 is a major highway in Andalusia, Spain. It starts on the ring road of Seville and heads east with a spur south A-483 to Almonte, the Costa de la Luz and the Doñana National Park. The road crosses the Rio Tinto and the Odiel river north of Huelva and ends on the Portugal–Spain border , west of Seville where it connects to the A22 motorway (Portugal) on the Guadiana International Bridge over the Guadiana River. It is also European route E1.

José Antonio Ramos (Josan) , Distrito Cerro-Amate (Sevilla).
Josan Portugal Auto-Estrada:

Madrid, Spain: The Cavas, typical streets of the old city - Las Cavas, calles típicas

There are three streets in Madrid called Cava, which is a word coming from the arabic
language and meaning ditch, because they were just at the limits of the medieval city wall.

The Cava Alta (High Cava) is a quiet street, with just some taverns and townhouses from the 19th century. By contrast, Cava Baja (low Cava) is full of restaurants of any kind and taverns and bars of different styles offering a huge variety of tapas and wine. It is relatively quiet in the morning, but very busy in the evening specially during weekends.

Cava de San Miguel is the most touristy because it is leading to the Plaza Mayor through the Arco de Cuchilleros (Cuchilleros´s archway). There is a slope between the street and Plaza Mayor, what explains the height of the old buildings at one side of the street. At the cellars of the buildings some of the most famous mesones can be found.


Hay tres calles en Madrid con el apelativo de Cava, palabra que procede del árabe y significa foso, ya que esa zona se encontraba en el límite de la muralla medieval.

La Cava Alta es una calle tranquila, con edificios residenciales y algunas tabernas. Por contraste, la Cava Baja esta llena de rsetaurantes de todo tipo y bares y tabernas donde se ofrece una amplia variedad de tapas y vinos.

La Cava de San Miguel es la más turística porque lleva a la Plaza Mayor pasando por el Arco de Cuchilleros. Hay un desnivel entre la Plaza y la calle, lo que explica la altura de los edificios en un lado de la Cava. En los sótanos de los edificios están los famosos mesones.
