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10 Best place to visit in Rzhev Russia


Ten Historic Soviet Sites of Berlin

As a result of World War 2 and its aftermath, the histories of the Soviet Union and Germany are inextricably linked.
Some of the most tumultuous world events of the 20th Century happened between these two countries, ultimately resulting in the division of Germany in 1945 and the Cold War for the next 44 years.

In 1990 Germany was reunified, and in 1991 The USSR, which at the time was the world's only other super power ,seemingly collapsed in weeks splitting into 16 independent states.

Now, well into the 21st Century we can still find remnants of that turbulent period in human history in present day Berlin.

This video is a 10 stop tour of historical 20th century soviet related sites in Berlin and their story.


00:00 Intro (feat Helene Fischer)
04:00 1 - The Reichstag
07:40 2 - The Soviet War Memorial Tiergarten
12:20 3 - Leninplatz
16:10 4 - The Soviet War Memorial Treptow
19:10 5 - Checkpoint Charlie
20:43 6 - Cafe Moskau
24:26 7 - Museum Berlin Karlshorst
27:10 8 - Spandau Prison
30:45 9 - Wunsdorf Garrison
32:57 10 - The Soviet War Memorial Schonholzer Heide

#soviet #ww2 #berlin #coldwar #documentary

Dji Mavic Air / Обзор Ржева с высоты 300 метров /Тверская область / 4К

Наиболее значимые памятники архитектуры Ржева.

Храмы Ржева
Здание Государственного банка (модерн, нач. XX века) (Пушкинская наб., д. 17)
Дом купца Акима Немилова (нач. XIX века) (Партизанская ул., д. 30)
Дом купцов Образцовых (классицизм) (Советская площадь)
Архитектурный комплекс площади Коммуны
Здание Краеведческого музея (Красноармейская набережная, 24а)
Здание Выставочного зала (улица Ленина, 4/53)
Комплекс жилых домов на Ленинградском шоссе (дд. 29, 31), ул. Никиты Головни (д. 1), ул. Куйбышева (д. 2) («Калининские дома»)
Здание вокзала Ржев-II (Ржев-Балтийский) (1952)

- Обелиск освободителям Ржева и вечный огонь (на Соборной горе);
- Стела в честь освобождения Ржева (установлена в 1944 году у старого моста);
- Аллея Героев Советского Союза — участников Ржевской битвы (в парке Грацинского);
- Стела «Ржев — город воинской славы» (на Советской площади);
- «Танк Т-34» — памятник танкистам освобождавшим Ржев (на площади Мира);
- «Противотанковая пушка ЗИС-2» — памятник артиллеристам освобождавшим Ржев (в парке Грацинского);
- «Паровоз СУ 208-64» — монумент в честь ржевских железнодорожников погибших в годы Великой Отечественной войны (в парке железнодорожников);
- Стела воинам, погибшим в годы Великой Отечественной войны (в парке железнодорожников);
- Стела на месте казни активистов подпольной организации: А. П. Телешева, В. И. Новожёнова и А. В. Белякова (на Советской площади);
- Памятник ликвидаторам аварии на Чернобыльской АЭС (на площади перед ГДК);
- «Самолёт МиГ-17» — памятник лётчикам — участникам Великой Отечественной войны (на возвышении около реки Холынки);
- Памятник воинам, погибшим в Афганистане (в сквере у старого моста);
- Памятник воинам 204-й воздушно-десантной бригады в феврале 1942 года закрепившимся на плацдарме Мончалово — Окороково и оказавшим содействие войскам 29-й армии при выходе их из окружения (в сквере у вокзала Ржев-II);
- Стела «Честь и Слава труду» (рядом с локомотивным депо «Ржев»).

Интересные ссылки:

1. Осень в сентябре (Сердитое утро) -
2. Осень в сентябре (Ласковый вечер) -
3. Парк Крылатские Холмы (Москва) -
4. Трасса М1 Беларусь (Смоленская область) -
5. Строгино в полуночи (Ночная Москва, вид с высоты) -
6. Гагарин и его окрестности с высоты (Смоленская область) -
7. Семлёвское озеро с высоты. Смоленская область -
8. Полёт над речкой -
9. Полёт с птицами над московским лесом -
10.Морозный Ноябрьский Туман -
11.Старые карьеры / 4К -
12.Снежные полёты 31 декабря / 4K -
13.Железная дорога г. Гагарин, глазами птиц -
14.Новогодний Лес Смоленщины / 4K -
15.Зимний Ржев с высоты (Тверская область) / 4К -

#DjiMavicAir #Ржев #ТверскаяОбласть #4К

Volgograd (Stalingrad) Russia 4k | Mamayev Kurgan - Walking tour

#Stalingrad #Walkingtour #Мамаевкурган

Mamayev Kurgan is a dominant height overlooking the city of Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad) in Southern Russia. The name in Russian means tumulus of Mamai. The formation is dominated by a memorial complex commemorating the Battle of Stalingrad (August 1942 to February 1943). The battle, a hard-fought Soviet victory over Axis forces on the Eastern Front of World War II, turned into one of the bloodiest battles in human history. At the time of its installation in 1967 the statue, named The Motherland Calls, formed the largest free-standing sculpture in the world; today it is the tallest sculpture of a woman in the world.
When forces of the German Sixth Army launched their attack against the city centre of Stalingrad on 13 September 1942, Mamayev Kurgan (appearing in military maps as Height 102.0) saw particularly fierce fighting between the German attackers and the defending soldiers of the Soviet 62nd Army. Control of the hill became vitally important, as it offered control over the city.
The hill changed hands several times. By 27 September, the Germans again captured half of Mamayev Kurgan. The Soviets held their own positions on the slopes of the hill, as the 284th Rifle Division defended the key stronghold. The defenders held out until 26 January 1943, when the counterattacking Soviet forces relieved them. The battle of the city ended one week later with an utter German defeat.
After the war, the Soviet authorities commissioned the enormous Mamayev Kurgan memorial complex. Vasily Chuikov, who led Soviet forces at Stalingrad, lies buried at Mamayev Kurgan, the only Marshal of the Soviet Union to be buried outside Moscow.
The monumental memorial was constructed between 1959 and 1967, and is crowned by a huge allegorical statue of the Motherland on the top of the hill. The monument, designed by Yevgeny Vuchetich, has the full name The Motherland Calls! It consists of a concrete sculpture, 52 metres tall, and 85 metres from the feet to the tip of the 27-metre sword, dominating the skyline of the city of Stalingrad (later renamed Volgograd).
The construction uses concrete, except for the stainless-steel blade of the sword, and is held on its plinth solely by its own weight. The statue is evocative of classical Greek representations of Nike, in particular the flowing drapery, similar to that of the Nike of Samothrace.


Welcome to AboutWalk Channel!

We walk along the famous streets in the big cities of the World. You travel around the city. This may be the city of your dreams, in which you want to visit.

There is a binaural sound in this video (effect of presence). We recommend using headphones for complete immersion in the atmosphere of the city, enjoy!

Five Famous Russian Statues(Google Earth)2021

Do you know these famous statues in Russian? Have you ever been there: Alyosha, Monument to the Sunken Ships, Monument Pobedy, Lenin Monument, Space Conquerors Monument, Rzhevskiy Memorial Sovetskomu Soldatu? How magnificent they are!

Let's virtually tour Volgograd Russia!

Let's explore the world through Google Street View.

Today we are visiting Volgograd Russia. This is a very historic city with lots of beauty and culture. It is the site of one of the deadliest battles in all of human history. There has clearly been a lot of effort put into memorializing the dead and remember the battles fought in the region. The city also has tons of life and a fair amount of new construction. Definitely a place I would enjoy spending some time in and learning more about.

Here you can check out where we have been on Google Maps.

Thanks to Google for Street View.

#Volgograd #Russia #StreetView

I Am Running with Temporary Success from a Monstrous Vacuum by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

The Sun is Scheduled to Come Out Tomorrow by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution license (

Title Music:
CPT by Drew Banga

Journey from Yakutsk, The Coldest City in The World, to Lena Pillars

The next episode of the journey around Far East of Russia in 2021 is devoted to Yakutsk, the coldest city in the world, and Lena Pillars - one of the greatest landmark of the Yakutia, which is also known to be the largest country subdivision with the square of 3083523 km² (1190555 mi²). Everything seems to be the most in this remote part of Russia. The Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) has dozens of incredible landmarks, and one of the most recognizable place of interest is Lena Pillars - rock formation on the bank of the Lena River. Having explored Yakutsk, I hitchhiked all the way to Lena Pillars, using boats at some stretches. Enjoy!

July 2021.

Visit Lena Pillars with Batamay Tour:

Key moments:

00:00 - Nizhniy Bestyakh
00:28 - Ferry on Lena River
01:30 - Yakutsk
03:37 - Hitchhiking to Lena Pillars
08:25 - Sailing Lena River
10:20 - Lena Pillars

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Hero cities of the Soviet Union Города-герои


Brest Litovsk Breść nad Bugiem Minsk Moscow Moskwa Sevastopol Odessa Leningrad Saint Petersburg Novorossisk Tula Stalingrad Volgograd Murmansk Kiev Smolensk
Ленинград Санкт-Петербург Сталинград Волгоград Севастополь Одесса Киев Москва Брестская крепость Крепость-Герой Новороссийск Керчь Минск Тула Мурманск Смоленск

The Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of USSR introduced the idea of Hero Cities on the 20th anniversary of the beginning of WW2 on 22 June 1961. Hero status was then given to Leningrad, Volgograd (former Stalingrad), Kiev, Sevastopol, and Odessa. Additionally, Moscow was declared Hero City and Brest declared Hero-Fortress.

Subsequent awards were issued as follows:

* September 14, 1973: Kerch and Novorossiysk.
* June 26, 1974: Minsk
* December 7, 1976: Tula
* May 6, 1985: Murmansk, Smolensk

In 1988 the issuance of the award was officially discontinued.

However the usage of the term hero-city is dated to articles in Pravda as early as in 1942. The first official usage of the title is dated by May 1, 1945, when Joseph Stalin issued his Supreme Commander Order #20 commanding to fire salutes in hero cities Leningrad, Stalingrad, Sevastopol, and Odessa.

On 5 April 2005 the State Duma of Russian Federation passed the law in the first reading about the introduction of the honorary title City of Military Glory (Город воинской славы). Potential candidates are places of fierce battles: Oryol, Rzhev, Yelnya, Voronezh, Vyazma, and others.

My channel on you tube : is one of the most prolific from Poland.
There are a number of films here on the packaging industry. This is because I am the publisher of Central and Eastern European Packaging -- - the international platform for the packaging industry in this region focusing on the latest innovations, trends, design, branding, legislation and environmental issues with in-depth profiles of major industry achievers. Most people may think packaging pretty boring but it possibly effects your life more than you really imagine!
Central and Eastern European Packaging examines the packaging industry throughout this region, but in particular in the largest regional economies which are Russia, Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Ukraine and Austria. That is not to say that the other countries are forgotten, they are not, but obviously there is less going on. However the fact that there are so many travel related films here is not from holidays but from business trips attending trade fairs around the region.
In 1997 I founded Polish Business News .There are a number of business related films here and I intend to do many more on CRM (customer relations management).
My blog can be found via and and contains background information and more details of many of my films. This information is in English.

Monument to the heroes of world war II in Russia

Filmed with:
Canon 650D
Helios 44-2

Edited On:
Adobe Premiere Pro CS6

Alex Cohen - The Rising Sun

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Volgograd (Stalingrad) Russia | Mamayev Kurgan - Walking tour - HDR 4k

#Stalingrad #Walkingtour #Мамаевкурган

Mamayev Kurgan is a dominant height overlooking the city of Volgograd (formerly Stalingrad) in Southern Russia. The name in Russian means tumulus of Mamai. The formation is dominated by a memorial complex commemorating the Battle of Stalingrad (August 1942 to February 1943). The battle, a hard-fought Soviet victory over Axis forces on the Eastern Front of World War II, turned into one of the bloodiest battles in human history. At the time of its installation in 1967 the statue, named The Motherland Calls, formed the largest free-standing sculpture in the world; today it is the tallest sculpture of a woman in the world.
When forces of the German Sixth Army launched their attack against the city centre of Stalingrad on 13 September 1942, Mamayev Kurgan (appearing in military maps as Height 102.0) saw particularly fierce fighting between the German attackers and the defending soldiers of the Soviet 62nd Army. Control of the hill became vitally important, as it offered control over the city.
The hill changed hands several times. By 27 September, the Germans again captured half of Mamayev Kurgan. The Soviets held their own positions on the slopes of the hill, as the 284th Rifle Division defended the key stronghold. The defenders held out until 26 January 1943, when the counterattacking Soviet forces relieved them. The battle of the city ended one week later with an utter German defeat.
The monumental memorial was constructed between 1959 and 1967, and is crowned by a huge allegorical statue of the Motherland on the top of the hill. The monument, designed by Yevgeny Vuchetich, has the full name The Motherland Calls! It consists of a concrete sculpture, 52 metres tall, and 85 metres from the feet to the tip of the 27-metre sword, dominating the skyline of the city of Stalingrad (later renamed Volgograd).
The construction uses concrete, except for the stainless-steel blade of the sword, and is held on its plinth solely by its own weight. The statue is evocative of classical Greek representations of Nike, in particular the flowing drapery, similar to that of the Nike of Samothrace.


Welcome to AboutWalk Channel!

We walk along the famous streets in the big cities of the World. You travel around the city. This may be the city of your dreams, in which you want to visit.

There is a binaural sound in this video (effect of presence). We recommend using headphones for complete immersion in the atmosphere of the city, enjoy!

RO LIVE: Ржев. Тверская область. Россия / Rzhev. Russia [2020]

Ржев (ранее: Ржев Володимиров, Ржевка, Ржов) — город в России в Тверской области. Город воинской славы России.

Город основан в 1216 году (первое упоминание).

Дата съемки видео: 1 сентября 2020 года.



Come with us for a Moscow's Must-See's top 15 monuments City Tour.
Monuments of Moscow begin their history from the beginning of the 19th century.
Let's see how far did they get in modern Russia!

Rzhev - Duras Lembranças | Moscovita & Caiçara #10

Bem-vindos a Rzhev, uma pequena cidade a duas horas e meia de Moscou. Um lugar bem pacato, bem sossegado e com uma triste lembrança da guerra. Aqui pereceram centenas de milhares de soldados. E até hoje, esses números são incertos e problemáticos. Veja isso e muito mais no vídeo de hoje.

Agradeço a Misha, o motorista da pequena viagem.

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Mais sobre Rzhev:


A batalha de Rzhev

Rzhev, Russia. Rzhev Memorial to the Soviet Soldier. Beautiful clouds at dawn and sunrise, TimeLapse

Rzhev, Russia. Rzhev Memorial to the Soviet Soldier. Beautiful clouds at dawn and sunrise, TimeLapse
Видое из моих путешествий! Всем удачи Here you can buy this movie without watermark and in high resolution (1920x1080, as well as most of the available resolution 4K)

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Top 10 Obelisks On Earth

Top 10 Obelisks On Earth

The pinnacle of an obelisk, a tall, four-sided monument, resembles a pyramid. In the past, most obelisks were monolithic, but as they become larger, they are increasingly constructed from several stones, sometimes even concrete. Some of them even have inside rooms.

10. Obelisk of Axum, Axum, Ethiopia
09. Flaminio Obelisk, Rome, Italy
08. Heliopolis Obelisk, Cairo, Egypt
07. Luxor Obelisk, Luxor, Egypt
06. Cleopatra’s Needle, New York, United States
05. Lateran Obelisk, Rome, Italy
04. Obelisco de Buenos Aires, Buenos Aires, Argentina
03. Luxor Obelisk, Paris, France
02. Obelisk at Saint Peter’s Square, Vatican City
01. Washington Monument, Washington DC, United States

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Hope You Enjoyed!

VOLGOGRAD SIGHTSEEING | War Memorial in Volgograd - Victory Day Celebration #Russia

VISIT RUSSIA - Volgograd formerly known as Stalingrad

Discover the history of Volgograd Special Tour “Stalingrad Battlefield Tour“ / including Victory Day Parade (9th May)

Duration: 6 to 10 days

This is one of our anual special interest tours to Russia. Each May we offer an unforgetable trip to Volgograd, formerly known as Stalingrad. One of the hightlights will bet he Victory Day Parade.

In the afternoon arrival in Volgograd. After immigration formalities, meet with our English speaking guide. Russian welcome, Transfer to the booked hotel. Check-in, time to refresh and dinner at the hotel. Accommodation at the booked hotel.

Breakfast at hotel. Meet in the lobby and start of the sightseeing tour. Visit of the Mamajew hill. After the visit transfer to the Panorama Museum and get to know about the history of the Battle of Stalingrad. In the afternoon return to the hotel. Dinner at hotel. Accommodation at the booked hotel.

Breakfast at hotel.
-Victory Day- Festivities within the whole city and military parade on the main square of the city.
Enjoy the festivities on your own and experience the unique atmosphere.
In the evening dinner at the hotel. Accommodation at the booked hotel.

Breakfast at hotel. Full Day excursion to the suburbs of Stalingrad where the battles took place. Visit of the Russian and German cemetery in Rossoschka. Late afternoon, visit of the German visitors center in Rossoschka and small snacks. In the afternoon return to the city center of Volgograd. Free time till dinner.
Dinner at the hotel. Accommodation at the booked hotel.

Breakfast at hotel. Full Day excursion to city of Kalatsch on the river Don. Sightseeing and freetime in Kalatsch. Transfer back to Wolgograd.
Dinner at the hotel. Accommodation at the booked hotel.

Breakfast at the hotel, checkout and departure.

6 to 10 Days in Wolgograd/Stalingrad
extend your stay with or without guide
Price per person including half board and flight (from Germany)
In TWN/DBL rooms starting with EUR 1,790.00
Single room supplement EUR 280,00

Price include: flights from/to Russia/Germany, accommodation in good middle class hotel (4* local standard), Half Board. Programme and all transfers according to the programme. English speaking guide throughout.
Not included: Visa, insurances, extras not mentioned in program.

Minimum group size: 5 pax

You can also extend your stay in Russia, for example in St. Petersburg or Moscow.
All necessary things for your visa we can prepare for your trip and visa registration.

Rates include:
Flight from Germany and 5 nights accommodation in good middle class hotel (4* local standard), Full Board.
Programme and all transfers according to the programme.
English speaking guide throughout.

Not included:
Visa, Insurances, Meals other and mentioned in program

In addition to our 6 days tour you can also extend your stay in Volgograd for a River Cruise upstream/downstream on Wolga River or stop for a couple more days in Moscow.
– Please contact us for more details and see our other trips at

#Stalingrad #visitRussia #VictoryDay

See more on our websites and Facebook.
We offer more tours all around the world -

All trips hosted by
Events Incentives Adventures
Burgfriedenstrasse 17
60489 Frankfurt am Main

Check out our website for all Train Adventures in Russia and Central Asia.

Follow us also on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and YouTube
#Bucketlist #1001Trips #DreamVacation

Послевоенный Ржев / Postwar Rzhev

Послевоенный Ржев

Post War Rzhev.
Rzhev is one of the oldest towns in Russia having been founded in the Middle Ages and mentioned in documents dating back to 1019.

During World War II, Rzhev was occupied by German troops from 14 October 1941 to 3 March 1943. More than one-sixth of the population was sent off to forced labor in Germany during the Nazi occupation and some nine thousand residents were shot, starved, or tortured to death in a concentration camp set up in the center of town. During this occupation, the general area of Rzhev, Sychyovka and Vyazma was the site of a set of major military operations between the Red Army and Nazi German military forces. These operations, which resulted in a great loss of civilian and military life, are commonly referred to as the Battles of Rzhev and almost completely wiped out the population of the town. Almost no old architecture survived these battles.


Russia is a country with a plentiful array of statues and monuments celebrating achievements across the arts, national and military service and cultural milestones. It also has plenty of statues that pay their respects to more unusual achievements and make grim social commentaries. From thankless jobs, to healthy bowels and condiments, here is our pick of the most unusual statues Russia has ever erected.

Музыка: MaxKoMusic - Good Morning
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What's popular on YouTube - Russia? Check out the latest music videos, Russian movies trailers, comedy clips, and everything else that people are watching right now.

Russia is a mysterious country. It can be very cold and very hot. But there are good people everywhere. My friend subscribe to the channel and you will know a little more about this country.
I live in Russia and I want to show Wat what is not talked about on TV. Each like or dislike is an assessment of my work ..
Thank you in advance.

Volgograd, Stalingrad War Memorial, Mamayev Kurgan; change of guard

Budapest | Memento Park (Szoborpark): Final resting place of Soviet monuments [Hungary]

In 2021 we’ve done a city trip to Budapest. During this trip, we visited Memento Park Budapest (Szoborpark): the final resting place for Soviet monuments after the fall of communism! An absolute unique Statue Park in Budapest.
During our road trip to Hungary, we spend a week for our city trip to Budapest. In this week we drove to Memento Park Museum. A piece of Communist History is shown here: after the fall of communism, a lot of the Soviet Monuments have been removed from the city of Budapest. They found a new home in this unique outdoor museum: Memento Park Budapest. Definitely one of the most unique Budapest attractions. Whether you are on a road trip to Hungary or just doing a multi-day city trip to Budapest: this museum is a hidden gem in Budapest and definitely one of the best things to do in Budapest!

~~~Watch next~~~
If you like the video of Szoborpark (Mementopark), you might also like our other travel videos:
- Our full city trip to Budapest, Hungary [
- Our travel vlog of our traveling to Lake Balaton in Hungary [
- City trip to Antwerp, Belgium [
- Traveling to Maastricht, the Netherlands [

~~~About MichielH Presents~~~
We love traveling. From big adventurous travel to small city trips, there are so many amazing adventures waiting for us. With travel vlogs and travel guides we try to show you the beauty of the world and the best things to do and see. We try to bring you an aesthetic travel vlog in each video.

Please subscribe to the channel to get notified when I post a new video:

Memento Park (Szoborpark) is one of the highlights of our Budapest City Trip, which is why we made a full video about it. Want to know what to do in Budapest? Some of our favorite places during our Budapest city trip, as shown in our other Budapest travel vlog ( are:
- The Széchenyi Thermal Baths;
- Buda Hill District;
- Danuba River Cruise;
- Hungarian Parliament Building
Have you also visited Memento Park? Or do you plan on going there? Let us know in the comments down below!

Created by Michiel Herrebrugh

Rjev sur la Volga 1920s

Près de Rjev sur la Volga. Là où le dramaturge russe Alexandre Ostrovski a écrit sa pièce L'Orage.
Near Rzhev on Volga river. The place where the Russian playwright Alexander Nikolayevich Ostrovsky wrote his play The Storm.

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For professional use, clips can be seen online at (please register to access the clips).
