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10 Best place to visit in Pontremoli Italy


Top 10 Most Beautiful Beaches in Italy | MojoTravels

As if the wine, food, architecture and hospitality wasn’t reason enough to visit! Welcome to MojoTravels, and today we’ll be counting down our picks for the Top 10 Most Beautiful Beaches in Italy.

For this list, we’re looking at some of Italy’s most picturesque stretches of coastline, from rocky to sandy, from north to south.

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#Italy #ItalyBeaches #ItalyTravel

Toskana Sehenswürdigkeiten: Top-15-Highlights und schönste Orte für deinen Urlaub

Tauche mit uns ein in das Herz Italiens und entdecke auf einem Roadtrip die Schönheit der Toskana. In unserer Toskana-Doku führen wir dich durch malerische Landschaften und historische Städte mit unzähligen Sehenswürdigkeiten, die diese Region zu einem einzigartigen Urlaubsparadies in Europa machen. In unserem Video zeigen wir dir traumhaft schöne Landschaften, tolle Fotospots und schöne Städte, die du bestimmt noch nicht kennst.

Zu den Highlights der Toskana gehört Florenz, der Wiege der Renaissance, wo du unglaubliche Meisterwerke in Museen wie den Uffizien sehen kannst. Bewundere den weltberühmten schiefen Turm in Pisa und lass dich von der mittelalterlichen Stadt Siena mit ihrem beeindruckenden Dom und der Piazza del Campo verzaubern.Und erlebe mit uns Lucca, die schönste Stadt der Toskana.

Entdecke das Herz der toskanischen Weinkultur in den weltberühmten Weinregionen Chianti und Montepulciano und genieße die reiche und vielfältige toskanische Küche, die für jeden Gaumen etwas zu bieten hat.

Zum Abschluss deiner Toskana-Reise, mach einen Abstecher zu einem der zahlreichen Thermalbäder, wo du inmitten atemberaubender Landschaften entspannen kannst. Diese und noch viele andere schöne Orte zeigen wir dir in unserem Toskana-Video.


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Was muss man in der Toskana gesehen haben? Mit unseren Insider-Tipps und Empfehlungen wirst du die schönsten Orte der Toskana entdecken. Hier verraten wir dir unsere Top-Sehenswürdigkeiten in der Toskana:

✓ Florenz: In der Hauptstadt der Toskana kannst du dich auf weltberühmte Kunstwerke, beeindruckende Architektur und lebendige Kultur freuen.

✓ Lucca: Die schönste Stadt der Toskana verzaubert mit ihren gut erhaltenen mittelalterlichen Mauern und lädt zu einem Spaziergang durch malerische Gassen und über historische Plätze ein.

✓ Pisa: Das Highlight ist der schiefe Turm von Pisa, von dem aus du am Abend einen ganz besondersn Ausblick hast.

✓ Val d'Orcia: Im Herz der Toskana kannst du die toskanische Landschaft mit ihren sanften Hügeln, Zypressenalleen und malerischen Dörfern genießen.

✓ Siena: Die historische Stadt verzaubert mit ihrem beeindruckenden Dom, der malerischen Piazza del Campo und der gut erhaltenen mittelalterlichen Architektur.

✓ San Gimignano - Stadt der Türme: Das Manhattan des Mittelalters begeistert mit einer beeindruckenden Skyline aus mittelalterlichen Türmen und einer charmanten Altstadt.

✓ Volterra: Die Stadt mit etruskischen Wurzeln begeistert mit einer atemberaubende Aussicht auf die umliegende Landschaft.

✓ Monteriggioni: Das mittelalterliche Dorf bezaubert mit seinen imposanten Mauern und seiner nostalgischen Atmosphäre.

✓ Arezzo: In der Stadt kannst du dich auf den prächtigen Palazzi freuen.

✓ Cascate del Mulino di Saturnia: Die natürlichen heißen Quellen sind ein einmaliges Highlight in der Toskana.

✓ Asciano: Das malerische Dorf verspricht authentische Erlebnisse abseits der touristischen Pfade.

✓ Montalcino: In Montalcino kannst du den berühmten Brunello di Montalcino kosten und die idyllischen Weinberge ringsum bewundern.

✓ Montepulciano: Der Ort ist bekannt für seinen edlen Wein.

✓ Bagni San Filippo: Die heißen Quellen sind eine tolle Möglichkeit zu entspannen.

✓ Sorano: Das mittelalterliche Dorf, oft als Matera der Toskana bezeichnet, fasziniert mit seinen in die Felsen gehauenen Häusern.

✓ Pitigliano: Das kleine Jerusalem beeindruckt mit seiner spektakulären Lage auf einem Tuffsteinfelsen.

✓ Sovana: Das mittelalterliche Dorf lädt ein, die tolle Atmosphäre und die nahegelegenen etruskischen Nekropolen zu erkunden.

✓ Montemerano: Der Ort, bekannt als eines der schönsten Dörfer Italiens, bezaubert mit seinen malerischen Gassen und wunderschönen Plätzen.

✓ Fortezza di Radicofani: Die imposante Festung bietet eine atemberaubende Aussicht.

✓ Pontremoli: Das Tor zur Toskana im Norden fasziniert mit verwinkelten Gassen und der Festung.

Also, begleite uns auf dieser unvergesslichen Reise! Bereite dich darauf vor, von der Toskana verzaubert zu werden!

► Alle Toskana-Sehenswürdigkeiten im Überblick auf unserem Reiseblog unter

#toskana #italien #reisen #doku


The Lunigiana of Italy

A road trip from Parma to the Ligurian Coast, an area known as Lunigiana. This area is famous for dozens, if not a hundred castles in this once strategic area. We stopped at 7 castles and 2 fortresses and visited the villages of Bagnone, Licciana Nardi, Sarzana, Nicola, and the best of them Fosdinovo. Not included on this video is the fantastic town of Pontremoli and it's incredible Pignaro Castle museum. It's on another video on this playlist.

Massa and Carrara Province Italy EVERY SINGLE TOWN

Hello Youtubers!
In this video we will be showing you every single town in the Province of Massa and Carrara.
We will be doing an individual video on each of the towns so make sure you like, subscribe, and turn those notifications on to stay up to date on new content, merchandise, and giveaways.
We hope you enjoy: Province of Massa and Carrara EVERY SINGLE TOWN:

1. Aulla Massa and Carrara Province Italy - Massa and Carrara
2. Bagnone Massa and Carrara Province Italy - Massa and Carrara
3. Carrara Massa and Carrara Province Italy - Massa and Carrara
4. Casola in Lunigiana Massa and Carrara Province Italy - Massa and Carrara
5. Comano Massa and Carrara Province Italy - Massa and Carrara
6. Filattiera Massa and Carrara Province Italy - Massa and Carrara
7. Fivizzano Massa and Carrara Province Italy - Massa and Carrara
8. Fosdinovo Massa and Carrara Province Italy - Massa and Carrara
9. Licciana Nardi Massa and Carrara Province Italy - Massa and Carrara
10. Massa Massa and Carrara Province Italy - Massa and Carrara
11. Montignoso Massa and Carrara Province Italy - Massa and Carrara
12. Mulazzo Massa and Carrara Province Italy - Massa and Carrara
13. Podenzana Massa and Carrara Province Italy - Massa and Carrara
14. Pontremoli Massa and Carrara Province Italy - Massa and Carrara
15. Tresana Massa and Carrara Province Italy - Massa and Carrara
16. Villafranca in Lunigiana Massa and Carrara Province Italy - Massa and Carrara
17. Zeri Massa and Carrara Province Italy - Massa and Carrara
We hoped you enjoyed Massa and Carrara Province Italy EVERY SINGLE TOWN
#travel #tuscany #italy #travelvlog #guide #massa #carraramarble
00:00 Introduction
00:35 1-10
01:37 11-17

Weekend in Lunigiana e Garfagnana / Una Toscana da scoprire!

Viaggiatori, siete pronti a partire con noi per un weekend in Lunigiana e Garfagnana, un angolo di Toscana tutto da scoprire?
Viaggia con noi iscrivendoti al nostro canale

Abbiamo trascorso 3 giorni in viaggio tra questi due territori della Toscana settentrionale.

Siamo andati alla scoperta di piccoli borghi storici come Filetto in sella ad una e-bike. Siamo entrati nelle viscere delle Alpi Apuane esplorando le Grotte di Equi e l'Antro del Corchia. Siamo rimasti a bocca aperta a Pontremoli di fronte ai soffitti affrescati di Villa Dosi Delfini e ai tesori custoditi nel Museo delle Statue Stele Lunigianesi.
Per non parlare di quando abbiamo varcato la soglia della Fortezza delle Verrucole in Garfagnana!

Insomma in nostro weekend in Toscana si è rivelato davvero pieno di sorprese!

Tutto questo è stato possibile grazie ai tour di Sigeric, cooperativa della Lunigiana formata da professionisti del turismo, guide turistiche e ambientali, nata per fornire servizi turistici veramente di alto livello.

La loro professionalità, ma ancor più la passione nel promuovere il loro territorio, sono stati i migliori compagni di viaggio che potessimo chiedere!

Sigeric – Tel.+39 331 8866241 / +3663712808 – email:

Sigeric Point, Via Ricci Armani 10, 54027, Pontremoli Sigeric – Tel.+39 331 8866241 / +3663712808 – email:

Sigeric Point, Via Ricci Armani 10, 54027, Pontremoli

Leggi l'articolo sul nostro blog in cui raccontiamo nei dettagli il nostro weekend in Lunigiana e Garfagnana

⭐️ Sei mai stato in Lunigiana e Garfagnana? Quale di questi luoghi ti è rimasto nel cuore? Scrivilo nei commenti! ????????????

⭐️ Non ci sei mai stato? Hai domande da farci su cosa vedere o qualsiasi altro dubbio? Ti aspettiamo nei commenti ????????????

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???? Ehi un momento! Sei iscritto al canale? NO?!?!?! Allora corri subito a rimediare!

???? E non perdere neppure le nostre avventure su Instagram!!!

#toscana #lunigiana​ #garfagnana


Tutto è possibile sul canale di Miprendoemiportovia: seguici ogni mercoledì in un nuovo video!
???? VIAGGIA INSIEME A NOI iscrivendoti al nostro canale e azionando la campanella ????:

Cos'è Miprendoemiportovia?
Siamo Elisa e Luca, due anime nomadi in fuga da una vita preconfezionata e in viaggio verso la felicità. A più di trent'anni e con un bimbo in arrivo abbiamo deciso di prenderci e portarci via trasformando attraverso il nostro travel blog la nostra vita in un viaggio senza fine!
Sei alla ricerca di luoghi insoliti da visitare con uno spirito rock'n'roll? Sei nel posto giusto!
???? Scopri il nostro blog


Welcome to Dramatically Expatic and welcome to Bobbio, Italy! In today's video, I'm showing you this magical Italian town perfect for the seekers of slow living and relaxed holidays in Italy, and a must-see if you love Italian history. Let's discover this Italian charmer of a town together!

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Budget Trip to Florence, Italy |
The Most Romantic Part of Venice |
Cheap Accommodation in Venice |
Top Things To Do In Verona |
Secret Places in Venice |
How To Save Money in Bologna |


Hi! I’m Valeria, and I’m a Ukrainian expat and digital nomad, currently living in Italy. I first came here without speaking the language and being totally unprepared, but pretty sure this is gonna be an adventure of a lifetime! I love discovering Italian culture, Italian people and, of course, Italian food. I'm a full-time content creator, so when I'm not making travel videos, I'm taking photos, writing and creating artworks. Studying is another passion of mine, and currently I’m finishing my Masters degree at the University of Bologna. Here I post regular travel vlogs, tips on expat life, moving abroad, personal growth and self-esteem as a woman living abroad, so hop on and welcome on board!

If you enjoyed this video, please don't forget to like and subscribe for more! Also, let's get to know each other: tell me in the comments where in the world are you at the moment ????

Thank you for being here and may you have a wonderful day!

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This video is about: Italian towns, Bobbio travel vlog, Bobbio walking tour 4k, Bobbio 4k, Emilia Romagna 4k, what to see in Emilia Romagna, where to go in Emilia Romagna, day trip from Bologna, what to see around Bologna, what to see in Bologna, what to do in Bologna, best things to do in Bologna, best things to do in Emilia Romagna, top things to do in Bologna, top things to do in Emilia Romagna, top places to see in Emilia Romagna, top places to see around Bologna, summer in Italy 2022, summer in Italy vlog, traveling to Italy 2022, travelling to Italy 2022, traveling to Italy 2023, travelling to Italy 2023, Italy travel vlog, small town in Italy, life in a small town in Italy, living in a small town in Italy, moving to a small town in Italy, slow living, slow life, slow living Italy, slow life Italy, slow living italia, slow living vlog, slow living lifestyle, slow living in countryside, slow living cottage, slow life in countryside, slow travel, slow travel vlog, slow travel Europe, slow travel Italy, slow travel experience, Dramatically Expatic

Walking to Southern Tuscany from Siena | Italy's Via Francigena | UTracks

Walking on the southern section of Italy's Camino, the Via Francigena, is packed full of rewarding experiences. View tours:
View the Southern Tuscany from Siena walking tour:

#ViaFrancigena #UTracksTravel #Italy


Starting in the spectacular medieval city of Siena, which is well worth an extended stay, you will embark on a journey that leads you through the beautiful #Tuscan countryside, dotted with wonderfully preserved hilltop villages such as San Quirico and Rocca d'Orcia.

Rolling hills, cypress-lined backroads and the Crete Senesi - an area south of #Siena where grey crags create a lunar-like landscape - will be the perfect backdrop to your #walk.

The important historical context of the region and the astonishing beauty of the landscapes you walk through, combine to make this trip completely unforgettable.

Find the Southern #Tuscany from Siena #Walking #Trip information here:

Or discover other ways #UTracks lets you explore the Via #Francigena here:


UTracks have over 450 trips across the active #travel spectrum: from relaxed cycling in the Loire Valley, to discovering iconic #Camino trails, to challenging hikes around Mont Blanc.

Walking or cycling, 2-star or 4-star, small group or self guided, land, river or sea - UTracks can help you #explore #Europe exactly the way you want. Learn more at

Stay in touch with UTracks:

Pontremoli - Tuscany Walkabout

Collection of video clips from our holiday in Tuscany, Italy. Pontremoli is one of many medieval, picturesque towns to explore. Good train line connecting it to Pisa and other places!

DO I MOVE TO ITALY ? My life in Pontremoli, Toscana travel vlog, family, old town, best spots

TWO videos EVERY WEEK !!!! Welcome to my new series MY LIFE IN ITALY, lots of videos are coming !!!!!! Subscribe, comment & like, it's free !!!


Welcome to Dramatically Expatic, friends! Today I'm taking you to Pontremoli, a digital nomad's paradise in Tuscany. If you ever wondered what it would be like to live in Italy, now it's time to try it out! If you're a digital nomad this place is for you. Watch the video to find out why!

In this video, I was happy to talk to the amazing Rossella and Damiano from Start Working Pontremoli, and if you guys want to learn more, don't hesitate to contact them:



Support me on Patreon to find out all you need to know about studying in Italy:

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Want to know more about living in Italy? Join our lovely Instagram community here:


Budget Trip to Florence, Italy |
The Most Romantic Part of Venice |
Cheap Accommodation in Venice |
Top Things To Do In Verona |
Secret Places in Venice |
How To Save Money in Bologna |


Hi! I’m Valeria, and I’m a Ukrainian expat and digital nomad, currently living in Italy. I first came here without speaking the language and being totally unprepared, but pretty sure this is gonna be an adventure of a lifetime! I love discovering Italian culture, Italian people and, of course, Italian food. I'm a full-time content creator, so when I'm not making travel videos, I'm taking photos, writing and creating artworks. Studying is another passion of mine, and currently I’m finishing my Masters degree at the University of Bologna. Here I post regular travel vlogs, tips on expat life, moving abroad, personal growth and self-esteem as a woman living abroad, so hop on and welcome on board!

If you enjoyed this video, please don't forget to like and subscribe for more! Also, let's get to know each other: tell me in the comments where in the world are you at the moment!

Thank you for being here and may you have a wonderful day!

For business enquiries:

This video is about: Pontremoli, Tuscany, Italy, living in Tuscany, life in Tuscany, moving to Tuscany, living in Italy, life in Italy, moving to Italy, digital nomads in Italy, digital nomads in Europe, digital nomads Tuscany, digital nomad lifestyle, digital nomad Italy, digital nomad Tuscany, digital nomad visa, digital nomad packing, digital nomad backpack, digital nomad jobs, digital nomad destinations, digital nomad destinations 2022, cheapest digital nomad destinations, digital nomad lifestyle Italy, digital nomad living, digital nomad life, digital nomad life in Italy, digital nomad lifestyle tips, digital nomad places to live, digital nomad best places to live, digital nomad beginner, become digital nomad, digital nomad best locations, digital nomad best country, finding friends as a digital nomad, digital nomad community, digital nomad travel, digital nomad tuscany, life in Italy countryside, life in Italy as a foreigner, living in Italy 2022, living in Italy as a foreigner, expats in Italy, American expats in Italy, living in Italy as an expat, tuscany vlog, tuscany travel

Top 5 Recommended Hotels In Pontremoli | Best Hotels In Pontremoli

Top 5 Recommended Hotels In Pontremoli | Best Hotels In Pontremoli

1) La Beppa - Casa Vacanza, Pontremoli
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2) Cà Del Moro Resort, Pontremoli
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3) Agriturismo Pratofranco, Pontremoli
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4) Appartamento Piagnaro, Pontremoli
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5) Locazione turistica La Ca Gialla, Pontremoli
Booking or More Details:

Queries Solved:
1) Top 5 Recommended Hotels In Pontremoli
2) Top 5 Hotels In Pontremoli
3) Top Five Hotels In Pontremoli
4) Top 5 Romantic Hotels In Pontremoli
5) 5 Best Hotels For Couples In Pontremoli
6) Hotels In Pontremoli
7) Best Hotels In Pontremoli

Our Other Video:
1) Top 10 Hotels In Italy:
2) Top 10 Hotels In Caserta:
3) Top 10 Hotels In Bressanone:
4) Top 5 Hotels In Ruvo di Puglia:
5) Top 5 Hotels In Capoterra:
6) Top 4 Hotels In Caltagirone:
7) Top 5 Hotels In Varenna:
8) Top 10 Hotels In Bassano del Grappa:
9) Top 5 Hotels In Malfa:
10) Top 10 Hotels In Liguria:
11) Top 10 Hotels In Vieste:
12) Top 5 Hotels In Barletta:
13) Top 10 Hotels In Pordenone Area:
14) Top 10 Hotels In Matera:
15) Top 10 Hotels In Salsomaggiore Terme:
16) Top 10 Hotels In Marlengo:
17) Top 5 Hotels In Colico:
18) Top 10 Hotels In Castiadas:
19) Top 10 Hotels In Trapani:
20) Top 10 Hotels In Alto Garda e Ledro:

Audio Credit:
Track Title: Blank Slate
Artist: VYEN

* This video is not sponsored.
* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Travel By 3 Girls.
Copyright issue? Please contact us and for getting more information you can find contact details on the about us page of the channel.

*Note: - Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

#TravelBy3Girls #Top5HotelsInPontremoli #TopFiveHotelsInPontremoli #Top5RomanticHotelsInPontremoli #HotelsInPontremoli #BestHotelsInPontremoli #Top5HotelsInItaly

Pontremoli Italia

Pontremoli : Localização Pontremoli : País Itália, Região Toscana, Província Massa-Carrara

Mussa - Pontremoli, Italy |Crossing Paths|

Sony A6000 Cinematic Video.
Cinematic Vlog of Mussa in Italy.

A refugee from Africa seeking Asylum in Italy.

Musa. As I travel through Italy i have had the pleasure of staying at an Italian womans house, her name is Llaria. while staying there i got to meet Mussa, an African refugee living with Llaria as she teaches him Italian. Mussa is the most polite man i have ever met. He wants to become a welder and also learn every language on earth. so far he is at 5.7 languages

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Walking the Best of Tuscany | Italy's Via Francigena | UTracks

Italy's Via Francigena has experienced a recent revival and is now one of the most exciting pilgrimage trails in Europe. View the Best of the Via Francigena tour:
View all Via Francigena tours:

#ViaFrancigena #UTracksTravel #Tuscany

About the Best of the Via Francigena Tour

On this section of the #Camino trail to #Rome, combine well-known towns including #Siena and San Gimignano, with charming hamlets such as San Miniato, to discover the very best of the Tuscan Via #Francigena in a single week.

Starting in San Miniato, one of the hidden pearls of the Via Francigena, this itinerary takes you through a region of extraordinary beauty. From the thousand year old Pieve di Chianni, to the crenellated towers of #Monteriggioni, to finally reach spectacular Siena, this walk will continue to amaze you.

With achievable daily distances ranging from 13 to 24 km (7.5 to 15mi), enjoy wonderful views as you #walk and discover fortified hamlets where time seems to have stopped.

The landscape is not the only highlight. At meal times, savour the local cuisine including the precious white truffle of San Miniato, the pici of Siena and the saffron of San Gimignano, while at night stay in quality, handpicked hotels and agriturismi, the perfect blend of comfort on an active holiday in #Italy.

Find the Best of Tuscany #Walking #Tour information here:

Or discover other ways #UTracks lets you explore the Via Francigena here:

UTracks have over 450 trips across the active #travel spectrum: from relaxed cycling in the Loire Valley, to discovering iconic Camino trails, to challenging hikes around Mont Blanc.

Walking or cycling, 2-star or 4-star, small group or self guided, land, river or sea - UTracks can help you explore #Europe exactly the way you want. Learn more at

Stay in touch with UTracks:

Via Francigena 10: da Berceto a Pontremoli

Ultima grande salita sull'Appennino, con il passo della Cisa e la lunga discesa verso Pontremoli, prima città della Francigena Toscana.
Saliamo nel bosco di buon mattino e sbuchiamo poco lontano dall'Ostello sulla Cisa.
Da qui al passo sono pochi chilometri e poi si scende pian piano verso Pontremoli, con qualche salita qua e la quando si cambia versante delle piccole valli boscose.
L'arrivo a Pontremoli coincide con la festa Medievalis e il contrasto tra la solitudine e i silenzi del cammino e la folla non può essere più stridente.

Però, per la gioia della pellegrinetta oscura, c'è la birra!

Last great ascent on the Apennines, with the Cisa pass and the long descent towards Pontremoli, the first city of tuscan Francigena.
We go up into the woods early in the morning and come out not far from the Ostello sul Cisa.
From here to the pass are a few kilometers and then descend slowly towards Pontremoli, with a few climbs here and there when you change the side of the small wooded valleys.
The arrival in Pontremoli coincides with the Medievalis festival and the contrast between the solitude and the silence of the journey and the crowd cannot be more strident.

But, to the delight of the dark pilgrim, there is beer!

Tuscany Adventure Times

Get ready to experience the active side of Tuscany. From the seaside to the mountains, Tuscany is always the ideal destination for anyone who dreams a vacation animated by sport and adventure: rafting, canyoning, climbing, horse riding, surfing… it’s impossible to get bored! Check out on Visit Tuscany our many adventure travel tips

Viaggio in Toscana parte 3: Pontremoli

Oggi vi porto con me nella ultima Tappa che ho fatto in Toscana ossia Pontremoli, un piccolo paesino in provincia di Massa Carrara, caratterizzato da un castello visitabile situato su una collinetta al quale interno è presente il MUSEO DELLE STELE LUNIGIANE.

Top 10 Recommended Hotels In Castelrotto | Top 10 Best 4 Star Hotels In Castelrotto

Top 10 Recommended Hotels In Castelrotto | Top 10 Best 4 Star Hotels In Castelrotto

1) Schgaguler Hotel, Castelrotto
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2) Hotel Lamm, Castelrotto
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3) Hotel Madonna, Castelrotto
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4) Hotel Rosslaufhof, Castelrotto
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5) Hotel Castel Oswald von Wolkenstein, Castelrotto
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6) ABINEA Dolomiti Romantic SPA Hotel, Castelrotto
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7) Hotel Villa Kastelruth, Castelrotto
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8) Alpin Boutique Villa Gabriela, Castelrotto
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9) Hotel Chalet Tianes - Alpine Relax, Castelrotto
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10) Hotel Alpenflora, Castelrotto
Booking or More Details:

Queries Solved:
1) Top 10 Recommended Hotels In Castelrotto
2) Top 10 Hotels In Castelrotto
3) Top Ten Hotels In Castelrotto
4) Top 10 Romantic Hotels In Castelrotto
5) 10 Best Hotels For Couples In Castelrotto
6) Hotels In Castelrotto
7) Best Hotels In Castelrotto
8) Top 10 Luxury Hotels In Castelrotto
9) Luxury Hotel In Castelrotto
10) Luxury Hotels In Castelrotto
11) Luxury Stay In Castelrotto
12) Top 10 4 Star Hotel In Castelrotto
13) Best 4 Star Hotel In Castelrotto
14) 4 Star Hotel In Castelrotto

Our Other Video:
1) Top 10 Hotels In Italy:
2) Top 10 Hotels In Trapani:
3) Top 10 Hotels In Vieste:
4) Top 5 Hotels In Monti Sibillini:
5) Top 5 Hotels In Costermano:
6) Top 10 Hotels In Mont Blanc:
7) Top 5 Hotels In Barberino di Val d'Elsa:
8) Top 5 Hotels In Paceco:
9) Top 10 Hotels In Corvara in Badia:
10) Top 10 Hotels In Moena:
11) Top 5 Hotels In Castiglione d'Orcia:
12) Top 5 Hotels In Castellana Grotte:
13) Top 5 Hotels In Scopello:
14) Top 5 Hotels In Mira:
15) Top 5 Hotels In Pontremoli:
16) Top 5 Hotels In Padenghe sul Garda:
17) Top 5 Hotels In Anzio:
18) Top 10 Hotels In Val d'Ega:
19) Top 5 Hotels In Le Castella:
20) Top 10 Hotels In Marina di Camerota:

Audio Credit:
Track Title: Blank Slate
Artist: VYEN

* This video is not sponsored.
* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Travel By 3 Girls.
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Tuscan Travels Pontremoli.avi

Enjoy this excellent slideshow by Otto Meth-Cohn who was on Fabio Cembranelli's course at The Watermill at Posara June 2011. It's one of nine separate clips. This one is about Otto and his wife Jean's day in Pontremoli when they stayed on later for a week of self-catering. The ancient statue stele are a highlight of any visit to Pontremoli.

Croatia (Opatjia) to Tuscany (Pontremoli) by car - video 10 - Italy - Mantova Nord to Carpi

In this video we continue our next journey - this time from Croatia to Tuscany. In video 10 we start at Mantova Nord and proceed to Carpi (so we are W of Venice and north of Modena. The journey continues in the next video. Please also see my many other car vids - including Calais to Croatia via Austria



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