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10 Best place to visit in Pombos Brazil


FireWhip POV - Montanha russa invertida no Beto Carrero

Sinta a experiência de dentro do carrinho na montanha russa mais radical do Beto Carrero World
Se inscreva no canal! #FireWhip.

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Provamos POMBO | Prato Típico Francês [T14 E8]

Comer POMBO é algo estranho para os brasileiros, mas é muito presente na cultura gastronômica francesa. Foi o chef Michel Heliot, em Rouen, Normandia, que nos ensinou como preparar a carne dessa ave que é criada em cativeiro, especialmente para o consumo humano.

Para acompanhar o Pigeon, o chef que tem 25 anos de experiência profissional e faz parte da Aliança dos Cozinheiros do Slow Food, ainda mostrou como fazer batatas gratinadas normandas. Uma receita fácil, rápida e muito saborosa!

Para saber mais sobre o trabalho do chef Michel Heliot, acesse:épe

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Somos Vinícius e Daniela e estamos dando uma volta ao mundo num carro adaptado para conhecer a gastronomia dos cinco continentes! Visitamos restaurantes, produtores, plantações, grandes empresas, feiras, festivais gastronômicos e entramos na cozinha das pessoas para conhecer a culinária típica de cada região e mostramos tudo pra vocês!

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(4K) Breathtaking Colorful Birds of the Rainforest 2 Wildlife Nature Film + Jungle Sounds 90 Minutes

WATCH ON-DEMAND (No Ads / Watermarks) @ | ABOUT: A follow up to our hit film with more than 6M views ( Birds of the Rainforest 2 presents viewers with a stunning colorful array of exotic bird scenes and fauna from the rainforests, paired with stereo nature sounds - no music. A collaboration between Nature Relaxation Films and collaborator John of Light, it's a great way to see the wonders of the rainforest from the comfort of your home. Viewers will enjoy Macaws, Parrots, Toucans, Cockatoos, Hummingbirds, and many other exotic species - in both rain and sun. Presented in 4K UHD, it's a colorful and ultra high resolution way to make the most of your big screen TV! MORE INFO/ LINKS:


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Rainbow Reef Relaxation 2 @

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Watching Nature films has been clinically proven to boost mood and mental focus, while simultaneously treating high anxiety & blood pressure, insomnia, depression, drug addiction, & other health problems - without doctors or pills.** Learn more about how Nature heals at That's why our tagline is Replace Your Worries with Wonder!

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In case you wonder why I run ads on the videos, it's so that I can continue to develop better ways to bring Nature Relaxation™ into your world, allowing you to relax and connect with nature on demand - and benefit from reduced stress, blood pressure mental fog, and a more positive mood & mental outlook - just from simply watching. Isn't Nature amazing? To date I offer a super-simple and high quality web streaming service plus apps on SEVEN platforms - yes, that's a lucky number. TRY IT BEFORE YOU BUY IT at or on the app store link below:

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Designed for therapeutic relaxation in patient care settings, such as hospitals, high stress workplaces, nursing homes, and for individuals at home that love Nature and are seeking enhanced vitality through their digital devices. Learn more about Nature Relaxation at and request a license at

Top 10 Words in Portuguese for Travelers

When in a Portuguese speaking country (Brazil, Portugal, Angola, Cape Verde, Mozambique), there are ten words you must know in order to survive as a tourist. Learning these words will help you fit in with the locals. That is why Wolters World has a list of the ten most important words to know in Portuguese. In just 4 quick, easy minutes, you will have the Portuguese language skills need to survive.

1. Please - Por favor
2. Thank you - Obrigado (for a guy), Obrigada (for a woman).
3. Yes - Sim
4. No - Nao
5. I am - Eu sou
6. I want - Eu quero
7. How much - Quanto?
8. Where - onde?
9. Toilet/Bathroom - Casa de banho (Portugal) - Banheiro (Brasil)
10. Beer/Wine - Cerveja/Vinho

Enjoy the trip! This was filmed in the UNESCO world heritage site Convento do Christo in Tomar, Portugal.

Aracuã In Brazil

O alarme natural do Pantanal. As 5 da manhã elas me acordavam

Maringá-PR Top 10 Praças de Maringá

Olá Bem vindos a mais um video do #Canal #Protour.E no video de hoje apresentamos as 10 melhores praças de #maringá aproveite o passeio e já deixe seu like se inscreva no canal e compartilhe com os amigos..Veja outro videos do canal siga o link logo a baixo:

Florada dos Ipês em Maringá:

Maringá Feira livre-Avenida mauá

Arautos do Evangelho-Maringá Paraná

Deep Vision / Nobody

To owners or copyright holders:
I don't mean to steal, I used this video just for promotional purposes, if this video unacceptable for the owner, I will delete the video immediately. And thanks

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Maringá - Top 10 Praças de Maringá
Maringá - Top 10 Praças de Maringá


Bonito fica no Mato Grosso do Sul e é um dos lugares mais bonitos que visitei no Brasil e no Mundo.

Rios cristalinos cheios de peixes (piraputanga, dourados etc), cavernas com com lagos, aventura e belezas naturais... isso tudo e muito mais você encontra em Bonito-MS.

???? A câmera aquática que eu uso:

•Lagoa Misteriosa
Um dos lugares que mais queria visitar no Brasil. Expectativas correspondidas.
Fizemos um mergulho até 18m de profundidade e depois ficamos curtindo um pouco com os peixinhos.

A @lagoamisteriosa fica dessa cor e com visibilidade absurda de 40m entre os meses de maio a setembro.⠀Eu nunca tinha visto um negócio assim!

A cidade é referência de ecoturismo e atrais visitantes de todo o mundo.

• Rio Sucuri, o mais cristalino do Brasil. A flutuação tem duração de 1hora você pode avistar diferentes animais.

• Restaurantes do vídeo por ordem de aparição
Sabor da Casa
Zapi zen

• Finalmente risquei o @abismoanhumas da minha lista. Sem dúvida um dos lugares mais impressionantes que já fui no Brasil.

Você desce 72m até a plataforma que fica boiando no lago. Antigamente você tinha que fazer um rapel que era pesadinho mesmo para os mais preparados fisicamente. Hoje você sobe e desce em apenas 5 minutos, molezinha ein ????

Você pode optar em contemplação ), flutuação e pode optar em fazer um mergulho de batismo (pra quem não é credenciado) ou descer até mais ou menos 18m.

Os mergulhos você faz com a @bonitoscuba e custa R$1690 o pacote todo (descida + mergulho). A visibilidade chega a uns 45m de tão cristalino que é.

No abismo podemos encontrar o maior cone do mundo, por volta de 19m de altura. Foram milhares de anos para que se formar.

Entre novembro e fevereiro, um raio de luz invade a salão deixando tudo mais claro, criando um cenário único. Quem sabe nós voltamos pra ver ????????

•Todos os passeios de Bonito precisam ser feito com uma agência e nos fizemos com a ????

0:00 Bonito
0:13 Rio Sucuri
3:15 Dica de Almoço
3:42 Boca da Onça
11:24 Dica de Jantar - Juanita
12:34 Rio da Prata
14:41 Lagoa Misteriosa
17:35 A câmera que eu uso
18:01 Comendo Jacaré
20:15 Sorvete Assado
21:11 Como chegar?
21:43 Melhor Pizza (Zapi Zen)
22:35 Fazenda Ceita Corê
24:00 Outros passeios
24:13 Gostou de Bonito - MS ?

????Aproveite e nos siga no Insta:

•Valores dos passeios em Bonito:
(Valores de baixa temporada, sujetos a cambios)

Abismo Anhumas:
Contemplação: R$799
Flutuaçao: R$1120
1690 mergulho de cilindro

Lagoa Misteriosa:
Flutuação R$170-R$190
Mergulho R$400
Aberto de Abril a inicio de Outubro

Fazenda Mimosa:
R$125 sem almoço e R$185 com almoço

Rio da Prata:
Flutuação e almoço: R$280

Lago Azul: R$90

Boca da Onça: trilha adventure: R$267

Buraco das Araras: trilha contemplativa R$82

Ceita Corê:
Trilha, cachoeiras, nascente e almoço R$217

Pousada @muitobonitoms valor da diaria no quarto duplo com café da manha R$240

Chapter #17: Palmas PR Brazil

For thousands of years the place which is the city of Palmas nowadays (in Paraná State) was Inhabited by indians from the Caingangues (or Kaingangs) tribes, who called it Kreie-bang-rê. The region was occupied by Brazilian farmers in 1839.

The Palmas' Fields region was explored for the first time in the 1720's, by the Bandeirante Zacarias Dias Côrtes. The city's first pioneers settled in the region between the years 1836 and 1839, but it was just in April 14th of 1879 that the city was emancipated from the municipality of Guarapuava.

Nowadays the city is famous for having one of the few wind farms in Brazil (where most of electricity is generated by hidroeletrical matrix) and its so many windmills along the countryside roads.

- Google Maps:
- Wikipedia:
- Town hall: (in Portuguese)

This joyride was brought to you by Brasilipino Institute, with the goal of showing the wonders of this particular region of the Brazilian country, not so known by foreigners, as if they were really here, driving around like a local, integrating themselves to the communities.

- (in Portuguese)

Music on the video:
- Soft by Jingle Punks (opening);
- Happy Mandolin by Media Right Productions;
- Sunny Travel by Nico Staff;
- Coconuts by ROA.

New videos every Saturday, 7PM GMT -3, São Paulo time.


Oi Galera, tudo bem?

Somos um casal que ama conhecer novos lugares, sempre economizando, explorando ao máximo e compartilhando com vocês todas as nossas experiências!

Mais um dia INCRIVEL em um parque, dessa vez fomos no HOPI HARI que é o MAIOR PARQUE TEMÁTICO de São Paulo, com alguns problemas que a gente relata no vídeo, mas não deixa a sua MAGIA morrer!
Então se querem ver os MELHOR BRINQUEDOS do Hopi Hari, com DICAS, PREÇOS e muito mais, estão no vídeo certo!

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MACEIÓ ALAGOAS - economizando muito no Caribe brasileiro

Aplique o cupom TRIPPARTIU no aplicativo prime gourmet e ganhe R$10 de desconto. Se tiver dúvidas, mande mensagem para nosso whatsapp: (21)96602-3164

O que fazer em Maceió? A capital de Alagoas tem praias maravilhosas, piscinas naturais, cadeira gigante, Caminho de Moisés e diversos pontos turísticos que precisam estar no seu roteiro. Além disso, é possível ir até atrações próximas como Maragogi, Praia do Francês, Barra de São Miguel, Praia do Gunga e muito mais! Neste vídeo vamos mostrar o hotel que ficamos, alguns restaurantes e dicas importantes para sua viagem. Prepare-se para conhecer um paraíso no nordeste, o verdadeiro Caribe Brasileiro!

- Sapatilha aquática:
- Máscara full face (cobre o rosto todo, ideal para quem tem pouca prática):
- Máscara e snorkel:

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#Maceió #Alagoas #Praia

MEDELLÍN, Colombia — Walking Tour Downtown EL CENTRO (Narrated) City Walks【4K】????????

Many big cities have a dark past but few reinvent itself as MEDELLÍN, Colombia. This is a narrated El Centro (downtown) in a virtual city walking tour in 4K by Wanna Walk.

We are close to Parque Berrio Metro Station to record Medellín 4K - There is a lot to see and do everywhere. This city walk will show you the most vibrant and interesting neighborhood called 'La Candelaria' which it's the city's downtown or city center.

Our walking tour begins close to the popular Botero Plaza, surrounded by the Museum of Antioquia. Then we'll walk random to see what Medellín has to show us! It's a sunny day and we'll walk around the downtown or city centre, where everybody is busy. Welcome to the beautiful Medellín, Colombia. The second biggest city after Bogotá. This city never sleeps! Locals says that Medellín has more nightlife than any other city.

Where is the best area to stay in Medellin, Colombia? It's up to you because the city offers many things: nature, chaos, nightlife, business, great food and, if you are in the mood for love, you'll find friendly beautiful woman and men too. Let's see shops, cafes, and flower sellers line Junín Street, in the shade of some skyscraper. Medellín is a modern bustling city with extremely friendly people also it was cheap food. There was a lot to see including pretty unique museums and great natural mountains scenery in the surrounding countryside. Also, the weather it's fantastic all the year!

Walking Tour of El Centro, Medellin Columbia
Parque Berrio and Botero Plaza
BUSY DAY in El Centro, Medellín, Colombia
Best city virtual travel tour and THE 10 BEST Colombia Tours

We'll visit some of the best sculptures by Fernando Botero decorate downtown's Botero Plaza, while see the Museo de Antioquia. Downtown Medellin should be thought of in two halves: Avenida Oriental which is where Avenida Poblado becomes as it passes the San Diego Shopping Mall. MEDELLÍN, Colombia — Walking Tour Downtown El Centro (Narrated) City Walks【4K】????????

Medellín Colombia Walking Tour - El Centro, Plaza Botero, Parque Berrío (4K)
Walking Medellín Colombia - El Centro Downtown, Parque Berrío, Carrera 49
Colombia Medellín Walking Tour - El Centro, Plaza Botero, La Veracruz, Parque Berrío (4K)

Let's experience vibrant Medellín. This neighborhood known as 'La Candelaria' is what makes up the Medellin Centro downtown. While the name might officially be La Candelaria, pretty much everyone just calls it El Centro. 'Medellin El Centro 4K' will show you the heart of economic activity in this city with the largest concentration of people. Downtown zone La Candelaria

Guide to La Candelaria Medellín Centro
Medellín Colombia City Tour
Medellin, Wrong Route Plaza Botero, Downtown

La Candelaria downtown el centro it's a cool place to explore, in particular if you enjoy weird things. Medellin Centro has various points of interest, restaurants, cafes. Avenida Oriental is the large avenue running north to south and the city’s life is is as varied as it is intense. Medellin walking tour free, self-guided walking tour medellin. Free walking tour medellin comuna 13 and free walking tour colombia. Medellin walking tour map. New best walking tour medellin by medellin centro walking tour: best free walking tour Columbia?

Walking tour downtown Medellín: no other neighborhood can match this part of town! It's gritty, raw, and even sketchy and there are still plenty of awesome things to see, do, eat, drink, and explore here The west half of downtown is the downtown core and then east of Avenida Oriental. MEDELLIN COLOMBIA, 4K City Walking Tour and street walk. Virtual Travel, Candelaria el centro tour in downtown, Colombia 4k tour. A self guided virtual walk by Wanna Walk.

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Free Walking Tour Medellin - Real City Tours
The BEST 10 Free Walking Tours in Medellín
TripAdvisor 10 BEST Medellin Walking Tours
Real City Tours and Free Walking Tour Medellin

Medellín is is huge and beautiful. It may look like a real concrete jungle mixed with a real jungle and surrounded by mountains. You'll find the magnificent architecture and interesting people around you. We are at the Antioquia, in the department of northwest Colombia, lying mostly within the Andes mountains and extending toward the Caribbean Sea which is In the central Aburrá Valley. Watch the authentic El Centro Medellin, Colombian Walking Tour 4K

Best Buenos Aires Free Walking Tours
Walking Tour through El Poblado in Medellín
Top Colombia Night Tours Sightseeing Guide

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Madeira Enduro World Series by Emanuel Pombo | Day 1

The combination of high altitude peaks, four seasons in one day and sea front views puts Madeira in Europe’s best biking destinations. Get ready to embark into an adventure of a lifetime: just make sure you add a bit of poncha, flow or technical singletracks and five hundred years of history. The whole package in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, waiting for you.

More info:

Summer Dance Camp Brasil 2016 / Margarita Pombo Class

#SummerDanceCampBrasil 2016 / Instagram: summerdancecampbrasil / Web: / Contacto:

Margarita Pombo Class

Imagenes: LANZPH / Pablo Moreno

Subindo a Serra dos Pombos em Anagé-Bahia, rodovia estadual BA-262

Paredões de pedras da Serra dos Pombos em Anagé-Bahia.
???? Saiba mais sobre o curso de direção defensiva através do Link:

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✔Pagina oficial Rotas do Nordeste:

???? Playlist recomendada:

▶️ Vídeo recomendado:
????Termos relacionados ao vídeo:
Só os loucos no trecho e irresponsabilidades.
Flagrantes de Imprudências Pelas Estradas do Brasil.
10 imprudência nas estradas brasileiras.
Caminhoneiro imprudente provoca acidente em ultrapassagem perigosa na BR-242 na Bahia.
Briga entre caminhoneiros termina em acidente.
Caminhoneiro Irresponsável | Veja o Que Esse Carreteiro Fez.
Top 10 Imprudências nas estradas brasileiras.
Foi ultrapassar E deu Errado/ caminhao/ trucks/ caminhoes ao extremo.
Nunca Irrite Um Caminhoneiro | Caminhoneiros Revoltados.
GR - Trânsito: Flagrantes de imprudência nas estradas.
Flagrantes de Imprudências Pelas Estradas do Brasil.
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#youtube #carrovlogs
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#onibus #gontijo #busologo

Where to Bird in Brazil?! Visit Ubatuba!!

Ubatuba is a beach resort area on the Atlantic coast north of Sao Paulo and is well-known as a birding destination because of its easy access and its high number of endemic and rare birds. The coastal mountain range slightly inland is commonly known as the Serra do Mar.
Watch till the end or you re going to miss the last species! THE RAREST! (Buff-fronted Owl)
Birding at Ubatuba, Catuçaba and Itatiaia. Low, mid and high elevation birds. Check list of 500 species!

If you are new to birdwatching and nature photography I strongly recommend good binoculars and good cameras. There are many binoculars of bad quality that can ruin your eyesight over time.
It is true that some binoculars are very expensive. But as a beginner you don't need them, you can have a much cheaper one that will definitely blow your mind as soon as you get your first cool bird in front of you!
Here I recommend one 8x42 and another one 10x42 (magnification x front lens size). Both are Bushnell a very traditional brand:

If you are an experienced birder I recommend an awesome Zeiss Terra that will blow you mind:

For Wildlife Photography the best camera in my opinion is the Super Zoom Nikon P900 and P1000:

If you are planning to come to Brazil I recommend 3 very good field guides for our birds.
A Field Guide to the Birds of Brazil:
Birds of Brazil: The Pantanal and Cerrado of Central Brazil:
Birds of Brazil: The Atlantic Forest of Southeast Brazil:

Fore more info write to:

HOPI HARI SP - melhores brinquedos, preços e dicas importantes

O Hopi Hari fica em Vinhedo (aprox. 70 km de São Paulo - capital) e é um dos parques de diversão mais famosos do Brasil. As principais atrações são: montanha russa Montezum, Evolution, Katapul, Jambalaia, Rio Bravo, Spleshi, Vulaviking, Ekatomb Anunnaki, Vurang, roda gigante, shows etc. Nesse vídeo também mostramos o preço da alimentação dentro do parque e dicas importantes do que levar e como montar o roteiro.

Transfer da Consulado do Turismo

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#HopiHari #SP

???????? Rio de Janeiro LEBLON Beach

Leblon Plaii is one of the famous beaches in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is known for its pearl white sand and magnificent views. It is a great destination for those who want to experience Brazil's vibrant beach culture. This is a popular place to exercise, sunbathe or eat by the sea.

This video aims to closely explore the unique atmosphere and colorful geography of the beach. ????️ Discover the beauties of the beach, its various activities, the lifestyles of tourists and locals, the voices and styles of the people. If you want to be fascinated by this magnificent beach, do not forget to subscribe to my channel! ???? By turning on notifications, you can instantly watch every new video and follow the latest content. If you like my video or have a suggestion, please share it as a comment. Your ideas are very valuable to me. Thank you for your support in advance! ????”

Visiting The BORDER of Argentina - Brazil - Paraguay (Puerto Iguazú)


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???????? Copacabana Beach in Rio de Janeiro Brazil

Copacabana Beach is a world-famous beach in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is famous for its long sandy beach, lively atmosphere and magnificent view. This beach has become an icon of Brazilian culture and is a popular meeting point for its separatists and locals. It is famous for its entertainment, sports events and nightlife. It also hosts major events such as the annual Carnival. Copacabana is not just a beach, but also a reflection of the vibrant and colorful life of Brazil

This video aims to closely explore the unique atmosphere and colorful geography of the beach. ????️ Discover the beauties of the beach, its various activities, the lifestyles of tourists and locals, the voices and styles of the people. If you want to be fascinated by this magnificent beach, do not forget to subscribe to my channel! ???? By turning on notifications, you can instantly watch every new video and follow the latest content. If you like my video or have a suggestion, please share it as a comment. Your ideas are very valuable to me. Thank you for your support in advance! ????”



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