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10 Best place to visit in Majano Italy


Places to see in ( Udine - Italy )

Places to see in ( Udine - Italy )

Udine is a city in northeastern Italy. The hilltop Udine Castle is home to several museums and an art gallery with works by Tiepolo and Caravaggio. It has views of the city and surrounding mountains. The central Piazza della Libertà has Renaissance buildings, including the pink-and-white-marble Loggia del Lionello and a clock tower. Udine Cathedral has a baroque interior and a museum of religious decorative arts.

While reluctantly ceding its premier status to Trieste in the 1950s, this confident, wealthy provincial city remains the spiritual and gastronomic capital of Friuli. Udine gives little away in its sprawling semi-rural suburbs, but encased inside the peripheral ring road lies an infinitely grander medieval centre: a dramatic melange of Venetian arches, Grecian statues and Roman columns. The old town is pristine, but also very lively: bars here are not just for posing, for the Udinese, kicking on is the norm. As well as its culinary and vinous pleasures, the city also has a handful of excellent museums; this was the second home of Tiepolo and there's a number of his works spread over a few sites. You'll often get to see these marvellous works in only your own company.

Udine is a quiet and stately provincial capital - and also the unofficial capital of Friuli, which comprises the largest part of the Region of Friuli-Venezia-Giulia. While the once-great seaport of Trieste is the regional capital and reigns over the coast, Udine presides over the region's inland plains and its Alpine peaks. For centuries Udine was a Venetian city - in contrast to Trieste, which was part of the Austrian Empire. Today, Friuli is known as a region of wines, prosciutto di San Daniele and Montasio cheese. Udine is an excellent location to taste these products and to start a visit to this less traveled part of Italy.

Castello di Udine from the monumental staircase of Udine's Castle, which rises on a low hill about the city, you can admire the Julian Alps rising above the Friuli Plains. The Castle hosts the City Museums of art and archeology. In the map rooms on the top floor, you can see how Udine and surrounding Friuli shifted from being part of the medieval Patriarch of Aquilea to the Venetian Republic, then the Austrian Empire and finally, Italy. The church of Santa Maria di Castello, next to the Castle, is coloured by beautiful frescoes.

Piazza Liberta' at the foot of the Castle hill is Piazza Liberta', which the tourist office calls the most beautiful square in Venetian style on earth. Here you find the Loggia del Lionello, built in the 1400s, and across the street, the Tower of the Two Moors, giant statues (similar to those in St Mark's Square in Venice) on either side of a huge bell. They ring the hours.

Cathedral down Via Vittorio Veneto from Piazza Liberta' is Udine's broad Cathedral (or Duomo) dates from the 1200s, and contains works by Tiepolo and others. The newly re-opened Ethnographic Museum, on Borgo Grazzano, has a fascinating collection that illustrate rural life in Friuli.

Friuli DOC is a fabulous food and wine festival with entertainment held each year in Udine. This beautiful Venetian-influenced city has its own culinary twist on many Italian dishes and is the home to superb cured meats, cheeses and delicious wines which are often available in the best UK restaurants. 10th - 13th September 2015 and annually.

( Udine - Italy ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Udine . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Udine - Italy

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Borghi d'Italia in Cina - Majano (Udine)

L’itinerario di Borghi d’Italia questa settimana ci accompagna a Majano in Provincia di Udine. Il paese, duramente colpito dal sisma del 1976 rappresenta un bell’esempio di ricostruzione e riscatto. Come sempre incontreremo i protagonisti della vita cittadina e visiteremo le chiese e le altre eccellenze del luogo. Dedicheremo una buona parte della puntata all’Hospitale San Giovanni di Gerusalemme posizionato sul tracciato dell’antica Romea Strata. Con il presidente della Comunità Collinare del Friuli scopriremo sinteticamente anche le positività degli altri 14 comuni vicini a Majano. Conosceremo i castelli, i laghi, le limpide acque del fiume Tagliamento, alcuni musei, la biblioteca Guarneriana, il progetto Grifone, l’Oasi delle Cicogne e tante altre curiosità del territorio. Inoltre non mancheranno i piatti e le tipicità della tradizione locale, con in testa il prosciutto di San Daniele del Friuli.

【4K】 RECANATI Walking Tour Subtitled Guide

【4K-60fps】Recanati sightseeing tour walk filmed in August 2021
????Turn on closed caption for historical information and descriptions!
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????Map Tour

00:00 World Map intro
00:19 Porta Romana
01:32 Basilica Cattedrale di San Flaviano
01:54 via Giovanni Falleroni
05:26 Corso Persiani
08:50 Piazza Giacomo Leopardi
12:04 via Cavour
15:03 via Antonio Calcagni
17:15 Piazzale Pietro Giordani
18:20 Torre del Passero Solitario
20:40 inside Chiesa Sant'Agostino
21:31 via Roma
24:52 Piazzale Mazzagalli Morotti
25:44 via Antici
27:30 Piazzale Monaldo Leopardi
28:13 via Leopardi
31:34 Piazzuola Sabato del Villaggio

Recanati stands on the top of a hill, whose winding crest is almost flat, at 293 m a.s.l., between the valleys of the Potenza and Musone rivers. It is about 20 km from the capital Macerata, 8 km from Loreto and just under 40 km from Ancona.

The Adriatic Sea, beyond which you can see the Dalmatian mountains when the air is clear, is about ten kilometers east of the city. To the north is visible Mount Conero which is lost in the waters and from the other sides of the city, neither closed nor limited by future elevations, the peaks of the Apennines are visible.
Like other towns in the Marche region, Recanati is also the typical balcony city due to the wide panorama that can be seen there: cities and villages are scattered in large numbers in the wide expanse, between floors, valleys and hills. the sea moves away and you can breathe a poetic atmosphere among olive trees and vineyards.
The museum circuit is a happy discovery of great names and places: the Renaissance master Lorenzo Lotto, the poet Giacomo Leopardi, the Emperor Frederick II of Swabia, the great tenor Beniamino Gigli, the beautiful Museum of Music, the breathtaking view that can be admired from the top of the Torre del Borgo and much more.
????Discover the story and the most important information in the video subtitles.

????Here useful links for Virtual Tour inside Churchs and Outside Recanati:


✱????Mount Tabor is the Recanati hill that faces south: from it on days with little mist you can see very well the snow-capped peaks of the Sibillini mountains. Mount Tabor better known as the hill of the Infinite is also linked to one of the most famous idylls of Giacomo Leopardi: The infinite.

Mount Tabor today is a park that stands next to the Leopardian Studies Center and Palazzo Leopardi, along a path that crosses the park you reach the point where the poet probably found himself composing the poem, a plaque on the wall shows the verse: Always dear to me was this hermitage hill. Mount Tabor is also part of the poem Alla luna: in fact the poet always went to the hill to admire the 'graceful moon'.

Thank you for you time! ????
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Grand Canal, Venezia ???????? Italy ????????❤️ Chiesa di San Simeon Piccolo

#venezia #venice

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Grand Canal, Venezia ???????? Italy ????????❤️ Chiesa di San Simeon Piccolo





I borghi più belli del Friuli Venezia Giulia

Scoprite con noi i Borghi del Friuli Venezia Giulia, autentiche perle di cultura e tradizione!

Clauiano, l’eleganza discreta e le radici di famiglia.
Cordovado, il castello delle rose e affascinanti itinerari.
Fagagna, il colle di antichi mestieri custode delle cicogne.
Gradisca d’Isonzo, il nobile salotto nel verde, si narra in digitale.
Palmanova, la storia e i sapori da vivere in una perfetta geometria.
Poffabro, la vita spontanea tra legno, pietra e verde armonia.
Polcenigo, il relax da assaporare tra il fascino delle sorgenti.
Sappada, per vivere gli autentici saperi e sapori montani.
Sesto al Reghena, terra degli abati, mulini e filande.
Strassoldo, castelli d’acqua circondati da storici vigneti.
Toppo, l’autenticità dei masi e il senso di libertà.
Valvasone, il fiabesco Medioevo, tra danze e antichi sapori.
Venzone, l’arte del restauro circondata da misteri e percorsi nella natura.

Credito: Quasar Productions - Archivio PromoTurismoFVG

Discover Friuli Venezia Giulia:

The LONGEST CYPRESS ROAD Viale dei Cipressi in Bolgheri, ITALY -Najdłuższa aleja cyprysowa Toskanii!

The charming Viale dei Cipressi (Boulevard of Cypresses) is in the municipality of Castagneto Carducci, and is a 5-kilometre tree-lined road which connects the Oratory of San Guide with the historic centre of the village of Bolgheri. A long straight road, with two rows of dense, centuries-old cypress trees on both sides - 2540 in total - which was built in the 19th century. When via Regia was rebuilt, they created perpendicular road to link the countryside to the central towns: one of these was the road of San Guido.

The road was adorned with cypress trees at the behest of Count Guide Alberto and it became famous thanks to the famous poem “Davanti San Guido”by the poet Giosuè Carducci, who lived there for quite a while. In his verses he wrote:

I cipressi che a Bólgheri alti e schietti
Van da San Guido in duplice filar,
Quasi in corsa giganti giovinetti
Mi balzarono incontro e mi guardar.

At the start of the road there is a small obelisk which was put there in 1908 by Giuseppe Della Gherardesca to commemorate the famous poet.


Na zachodnich krańcach Toskanii, zaledwie kilka kilometrów od plaży w Marina di Bibbona, rozpoczyna się jedna z najpiękniejszych dróg we Włoszech. Obsadzona obustronnie stuletnimi cyprysami, falująca na niewielkich pagórkach Viale dei Cipressi prowadzi do małego miasteczka znanego koneserom wina z produkcji najwyższej jakości trunku. Zapraszam Was do Bolgheri.
Cyprysowa aleja prowadząca do Bolgheri kusiła mnie od lat, nieraz próbowałam wkomponować miasteczko do planu podróży, jednak nigdy nie było po drodze. Dopiero podczas ostatniego pobytu w Toskanii, gdy zatrzymałam się na kilka dni w apartamentach Tuscany Forever koło Volterry, od Bolgheri dzieliła mnie niespełna godzinna jazda w jedną stronę. Tej okazji nie mogłam przegapić. Chodźcie i poznajcie to piękne miejsce.
„Cyprysy Bolgheri, wysokie i proste, maszerują z San Guido w dwuszeregu” napisał poeta toskański Giosue Carducci o cyprysowej alei, liczącej 4,5 km długości. San Giudo to małe oratorium znajdujące się na początku alei, tuż przed zjazdem z via Vecchia Aurelia. Ta wspaniała droga, falująca przez pagórki w górę do Bolgheri, uznawana jest przez niektórych za najpiękniejszą drogę w Toskanii. Dlaczego? Być może ze względu na długość alei, a może wysokość drzew? Tutejsze cyprysy są znacznie starsze i wyższe, niż te porastające pobocza innych panoramicznych dróg, zdobiących liczne pocztówki z Toskanii, spotykanych najczęściej w Val d’Orcia. Po bokach, za rzędami zielonych kolumn, znajdują się pola uprawne, gaje oliwne i winnice.


981 ITALY - Latisana Palazzolo dello Stella Muzzana del Turgnano Zellina San Giorgio di Nogaro

???? £1.00 Donation Click here ???? ???? WWW.TOFIL.NET ???? REC DATE - 2019
00:00:12 #Latisana
00:09:40 #Palazzolo dello Stella
00:14:07 #Muzzana del Turgnano
00:19:40 #Zellina
00:20:45 #San Giorgio di Nogaro


Ritorniamo finalmente a mostrarvi quante cose ha da offrire la nostra regione: il Friuli Venezia Giulia.

Vi porteremo ad esplorare il castello abbandonato di Toppo, una cittadina in provincia di Pordenone, che fa parte del club dei Borghi più belli d’Italia. In questo video ci concentreremo sul suo castello, che è stato abbandonato in epoca medievale. Per questo motivo la struttura originaria non ha subito modifiche anche se è giunta a noi decisamente in rovina.

Vi piacerebbe vedere altre località del Friuli?
Fatecelo sapere nei commenti! ????


Camera: Panasonic Lumix G80
Obiettivo: Lumix G Vario 12-60
Action Cam: Xiaomi Yi
Drone: Dji Spark Fly More Combo

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Royalty Free Music from HookSounds:

#castelloditoppo #borghipiùbelliditalia #friuliveneziagiulia




Castello di Casole is deeply rooted in the agricultural history of Tuscany dating back to the Bronze Age, as early as 3000 B.C. Throughout the property artifacts from Etruscan farmers have been discovered, now on display at the Castello and in the quaint museum in nearby Casole d’Elsa

As a guest or owner on these fabled lands one can not help to consider their own place in history.

Castello di Casole
Località Querceto
53031 Casole d’Elsa
Siena, Italy
Hotel 888.548.9429 | +39.0577.961501

Copyright © Timbers Resorts.

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By Willo’s Worlds
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Monte Castello, Dolomites - Italy


Best Kitchen in Soquel, CA (The Kitchen in Discretion Brewing)

On this episode Sam and Serg visit The Kitchen in Discretion Brewing in Soquel, CA. The Kitchen is under the ownership and direction of Executive Chef Santos Majano. The Kitchen at Discretion serves beer-focused, farm-to-table comfort food made in-house.

Before starting The Kitchen At Discretion in 2014, Santos Majano was at Soif Wine Bar in Santa Cruz, with five years as Executive Chef. Before that, he cooked at two-Michelin-starred Cyrus in Healdsburg and at Artisan in Paso Robles. Santos grew up in a farming family in El Salvador. A deep respect for seasonal, local ingredients and the farmers who grow them influences his food.

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Udine, la Capitale storica della Patria del Friuli!

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Rome 1970 archive footage

Archival footage shot by a filmmaker while visiting Italy in 1970.

It contains stock footage of Rome and Vatican City: car traffic in front of Termini train station, Italian soldiers at Porta Pinciana, Villa Borghese park, workers striking, piazza Brasile, via Veneto, US Embassy, Trinità dei Monti (Piazza di Spagna), Saint Peter square during the public speaking of Pope Paul VI, a Japanese delegation inside the Basilica of Saint Peter waiting to meet the Pope, and more.

Please, comment if you recognize more subjects.

If you want to buy this footage to use it in your production, please visit:

Clauiano - I borghi più belli del Friuli Venezia Giulia

Oggi vi portiamo a esplorare il piccolo borgo di pietre e sassi di Clauiano, uno dei borghi più belli d’Italia!
Visitare Clauiano significa immergersi tra quiete e relax, e le vie di questo minuscolo paese sono l’ideale per chi desidera scoprire il territorio lentamente.
La forza del borgo? Sta nell’eleganza della semplicità e il calore di un fogolâr, il fascino di un ambiente d’altri tempi, come il foledôr.
Per una pausa rigenerante non perdetevi Villa Manin Guerresco, pregevole dimora nobiliare settecentesca, dove potrete rilassarvi degustando un calice di vino o facendo un bagno in piscina.

credits: Quasar Corporate Video

Discover Friuli Venezia Giulia:
Visit Clauiano:

Capodistria | Koper, SLOVENIA.Travel blog.

English translation below. Febbraio 2020. Un sole splendente è il simbolo della città. E' la porta sul mondo della Slovenia, funge sia da scalo merci che passeggeri. Come per molte città costiere dell'Istria è bilingue. In questo posto, più della parlata, sono le pietre che testimoniano dell'enorme influenza esercitata dalla Serenissima Repubblica di Venezia: nelle stradine strette, alzando gli occhi, ogni tanto si incappa in un leone di San Marco, nei campi e campielli scorgi stemmi nobiliari di famiglie venete effigiati sui portoni dei palazzi antichi. Piazza Tito, una volta Piazza Grande, rappresenta il cuore della città, circondata da edifici storici come il Palazzo Pretorio con i suoi merli, la Cattedrale con la torre campanaria, la Loggia, sotto la quale trova oggi posto un caffè, e l'Università del Litorale.
Capodistria un tempo era un’isola, separata dalla terraferma dalla laguna di Valstagnon, ben fortificata con dodici porte di accesso, delle quali la Porta della Muda è l'unica superstite.
La Fontana Da Ponte, costruita nella metà del 1600 è una piccola riproduzione del Ponte di Rialto a Venezia. La strada più importante del centro storico è via dei Calzolai (Cevljarska ulica), meglio conosciuta come Calegaria, stretta ed in leggera pendenza, è ricca di negozi, bar e gallerie d’arte, ma senza sfarzo.
La Cattedrale di San Nazario conserva alcune opere d'arte dei maestri veneziani, tra cui Vittore Carpaccio che in questa città ci soggiornò. La notorietà di quest'ultimo per uno scherzo del destino è più legata ad un invenzione culinaria che al valore delle sue tele. Vecchie cartoline raccontano di un imponente monumento sulle rive, eretto in onore di Nazario Sauro, eroe cittadino, distrutto nel 1944.
Infine, il nome della città evoca nella mente di chi come me era adolescente fine anni '70 piacevoli ricordi dell'estate: le prime trasmissioni a colori ed in lingua italiana dell'emittente Tele Capodistria, ricevibili lungo tutta la riviera romagnola: tanti film e tanto sport a disposizione quando le televisioni libere erano ancora un sogno lontano.

ENGLISH. A bright sun is the symbol of the city. It is the gateway to the world of Slovenia, both large cruise ships and merchant ships dock in its port. As with IN many coastal towns in Istria, They speak italian and slovenian. In this place, the stones testify to the enormous influence exercised by the Serenissima Republic of Venice more than language: in the narrow streets, looking up, every now and then you run into a lion of San Marco, in the fields and squares you see noble coats of arms of Venetian families portrayed on the doors of ancient buildings. Tito Square, once Big Square, represents the heart of the city which concentrates the bulk of the historic buildings such as Palazzo Pretorio with its battlements, the Cathedral and the bell tower, the Loggia under which there is now a coffee and the University of the coast.
Koper was once an island, separated from the mainland by the Valstagnon lagoon, well fortified with twelve access gates, of which the Porta della Muda is the only survivor.
The Fontana Da Ponte, built in the mid 1600's is a small reproduction of the Rialto Bridge in Venice. The most important street in the historic center is Shoemakers Street (Cevljarska ulica), better known as Calegaria, narrow and gently sloping, it is full of shops, bars and art galleries without glitz.
The Cathedral of Saint Nazario preserves some works of art by the Venetian masters, including Vittore Carpaccio who stayed in this city. The latter's notoriety for a joke of fate is more tied to a culinary invention than to the value of his canvases.
The history goes that the Italian patriot, Nazario Sauro, was born in this seaside town. Until 1944, they could see an imposing monument erected in his honor on the banks.

Milano (quinta tappa) | Music&Live Tour | Turismo FVG

Il 18 maggio 2013 in Piazza Santo Stefano a Milano, si è disputata la quinta e ultima tappa del Music&Live Tour 2013 con Virgin Radio. A vincere il Tour è stata la rock band THE PANICLES, che aprirà il concerto dei Deep Purple a Majano (Udine), il 24 luglio 2013.






Il 18 maggio in piazza Santo Stefano a Milano, si è svolta la finalissima del Music&Live Tour, con Dj Ringo, Andrea Rock, Giulia Salvi, Giò Di Pillo, Silvia Baldo, Federico Poggipollini e 4 rock band emergenti.
I 4 gruppi selezionati per la finalissima del Music&Live Tour 2013 erano: Rain, The Panicles, No Remorse, Lovebird.
Dalle 16.00 hanno preso il via le esibizioni dal vivo, i dj-set targati Virgin Radio e il live Vittoria Hyde, mentre sono stati distribuiti molti gadget dei concerti del Friuli Venezia Giulia e di Music&Live. La giornata ha avuto come special guest i Lombroso e Marco Ligabue.
E' stata la band The Panicles ad aggiudicarsi il premio finale, ovvero l'apertura del concerto dei Deep Purple a Majano (Udine) il 24 luglio. I super ospiti in giuria, che hanno selezionato i vincitori della finalissima di Milano, sono stati Federico Poggipollini (talent d'eccezione, chitarrista storico di Ligabue) e Matteo Maresi (giornalista di Rolling Stone).
Federico Poggipollini è un noto chitarrista e cantautore italiano. Esordisce con i Litfiba nel 1990 e, noto come Capitan Fede, dal 1994 entra a far parte del gruppo che accompagna Luciano Ligabue, dove tuttora suona. Nel 2011 recita nel film Bar Sport diretto da Massimo Martelli.
Presentatori ufficiali dell'evento, Dj Ringo (Virgin Radio/Revolver), Andrea Rock (Virgin Radio/Virgin Generation) e Silvia Baldo.
Dj Ringo è direttore artistico di Virgin Radio Italy, noto dj, conduttore radiofonico e personaggio televisivo italiano. Ha lavorato presso RTL e Radio 105 dove è stato creatore e conduttore di Revolver, programma rock radiofonico tra i più seguiti in Italia.
Silvia Baldo è una famosa showgirl italiana conosciuta per aver partecipato a spot e trasmissioni televisive. Volto noto delle reti televisive Mediaset, a 14 anni è entrata nel corpo di ballo di Buona Domenica. Lavora nel campo dello spettacolo e della moda e come testimonial per il Friuli Venezia Giulia in occasione di fiere ed eventi.
Andrea Rock è conduttore radiofonico di Virgin Radio Italy, personaggio televisivo e musicista italiano, oltre ad essere il cantante degli Andead, gruppo al quale si appoggia Marky Ramone nei suoi tour in Italia. Collabora con la webmegazine Rock Now per la quale si occupa della rubrica All In The Name Of Rock e realizza diverse interviste.

Castello di Udine...e mangiare è un'abitudine!

Un altro castello annoverato fra le nostre visite, questa è stata la volta del castello di Udine. #castello #Udine #Friuli Storm in Friuli Italy - Aug. 13, 2013. Outflow dom.

arriving on the wallcloud of a storm in Friuli Italy but outflow also arived on it.

The Making of Slovenian Eurovison representative Ana Soklič with Perpetuum Jazzile #ifeelsLOVEnia

????Lake Bled with the view of its picturesque surroundings makes the video of Slovenian Eurovision representative amazing????
????Watch the video and enjoy the making of, performed by @AnaSoklicOfficial, Slovenian representative at the 2021 Eurovision Song Contest with @perpetuumjazzile.
????Welcome to Slovenia, the only country in the world with the word LOVE in its name!
The final video for the song ???????? Amen will be revealed on April 29th on the official @Eurovision YouTube channel.
#ifeelsLOVEnia #eurovision #ESC2021

Bled Slovenia ▪️ Bled Castle ▪️ Blejski Vintgar ▪️ EMA - Eurovision Slovenia ▪️ Eurovision Song Contest
Video by Matevž Šmon.

A visit to Wollaton Hall and Titus the T.Rex

We spent a few hours at Wollaton Hall, home to the Titus the T-Rex exhibition and the Nottingham Natural History Museum.

Wollaton is a classic prodigy house, the architectural sensation of its age, though its builder was not a leading courtier and its construction stretched the resources he mainly obtained from coal mining; the original family home was at the bottom of the hill. Though much remodeled inside, the startlingly bold exterior remains largely intact.

Wollaton Hall was built between 1580 and 1588 for Sir Francis Willoughby and is believed to have been designed by the Elizabethan architect, Robert Smythson, who had by then completed Longleat, and was to go on to design Hardwick Hall. The general plan of Wollaton is comparable to these, and was widely adopted for other houses, but the exuberant decoration of Wollaton is distinctive, and it is possible that Willoughby played some part in creating it. The style is an advanced Elizabethan with early Jacobean elements.

The building consists of a central block dominated by a hall three storeys high, with a stone screen at one end and galleries at either end, with the Prospect Room above that. From here, there are extensive views of the park and surrounding country. There are towers at each corner, projecting out from this top floor. At each corner of the house is a square pavilion of three storeys, with decorative features rising above the roof line. Much of the basement level is cut from the rock the house sits on.

The floor plan has been said to derive from Serlio's drawing (in Book III of his Five Books of Architecture) of Giuliano da Majano's Villa Poggio Reale near Naples in the late 15th century, with elevations derived from Hans Vredeman de Vries. The architectural historian Mark Girouard has suggested that the design is in fact derived from Nikolaus de Lyra's reconstruction, and Josephus's description, of Solomon's Temple in Jerusalem, with a more direct inspiration being the mid-16th century Mount Edgcumbe in Cornwall, which Smythson knew.

The building is of Ancaster stone from Lincolnshire, and is said to have been paid for with coal from the Wollaton pits owned by Willoughby; the labourers were also paid this way. Cassandra Willoughby, Duchess of Chandos, recorded in 1702 that the master masons, and some of the statuary, were brought from Italy. The decorative gondola mooring rings carved in stone on the exterior walls offer some evidence of this, as do other architectural features. There are also obvious French and Dutch influences. The exterior and hall have extensive and busy carved decoration, featuring strapwork and a profusion of decorative forms. The window tracery of the upper floors in the central block and the general busyness of the decoration look back to the Middle Ages, and have been described as fantasy-Gothic.

Nottingham Natural History Museum

Wollaton Hall, seen from inside the north entrance to the park on Wollaton Road.
Since Wollaton Hall opened to the public in 1926, it has been home to the city's natural history museum. On display are some of the items from the three-quarters of a million specimens that make up its zoology, geology, and botany collections. These are housed in six main galleries:

Natural Connections Gallery
Bird Gallery
Insect Gallery
Mineral Gallery
Africa Gallery
The Natural History Matters Gallery
The Museum started life as an interest group at the Nottingham Mechanics' Institution; it is now owned by the Nottingham City Council.

In 2017, the museum hosted a tour of dinosaur skeletons titled Dinosaurs of China, Ground Shakers to Feathered Flyers. The exhibition was very popular, being attended by over 125,000 people.

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0:00 Intro
0:35: Arriving
01:10-Walk round the lake
04:11-Found the deer
05:16-Heading for Hot Chocolate
05:56-She isn't happy.
07:12-Heading in
08:05-Meeting Titus the T-Rex
09:40-This that lived with Dinosaurs
12:25-The Bird Room
15:31-The Fish Room
17:13-Slides of the day
