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10 Best place to visit in Krasne Ukraine


Красне Krasne Гранітне Hranitne Ленінське Lenins'ke H23 Україна Ukraine 18.10.2014

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.


Herkese selamlar
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Привет, друзья! Вроцлав - это культурная столица Европы в 2016 году!
Здесь будет много смотровых, старинных зданий, рождества и кадров с дрона.
Я лично давно хотел попасть во Вроцлав так как это микс между немецким и типичным польским городом. Основную часть своей истории - это был немецкий город Бреслау. И снова приехать в Европу на Рождество.
А еще Вроцлав называют Польская Венеция - объясню почему у этого города такое название.
В видео покажу топ-5 смотровых Вроцлава: Вроцлавский Университет, Скай Тавер, Собор св. Ионна Крестителя, Базилика Св. Елизаветы Венгерской, Костел Св. Марии Магдалины.
Поищу вроцлавских гномов, погуля по площади Рынок, островам и мостам и зайду на остров Тумский.
Будет интересно и познавательно, если ты собираешься во Вроцлав.
Если понравилось видео - подпишись и поставь лайк - это моя главная мотивация делать еще больше видео.

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00:00 Вступление
02:33 Факты про город
05:42 Рождество во Вроцлаве
09:22 Площадь Рынок
12:08 Гномы
13:52 Sky Tower
15:20 Общественный транспорт
17:21 Костел Св. Эльжбеты
18:40 Мыльные пузыри
19:17 Квартал неоновых огней
20:05 Библиотека университета
21:03 Собор Иоанна Крестителя
22:29 Острова
24:36 Вроцлавский унриверситет
26:39 Спальные районы
27:42 Финалочка

Музыка в видео

Lovely by Amine Maxwell
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream:
Music promoted by Audio Library
Before Sunset by Soyb
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream:
Music promoted by Audio Library
Present by
Music promoted by Audio Library
Ohayo by Smith The Mister
Smith The Mister
Free Download / Stream:
Music promoted by Audio Library
Say Good Night by Joakim Karud
Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported— CC BY-SA 3.0
Free Download / Stream:
Music promoted by Audio Library


26 квітня минає 35 років від того часу, як на Чорнобильській АЕС трапилася одна з найбільших техногенних катастроф людства. Тема, про яку дуже багато написано, знято фільмів та ще більше сказано. Більшою мірою до публічного дискурсу та об’єктиву телекамер потрапляє сама АЕС, радіолокаційна станція Дуга, місто Прип’ять та його околиці. У цей же самий час вкрай мало інформації, а моментами вона взагалі відсутня та забута, щодо сіл, хуторів, котрі ще за тисячі років до появи АЕС існували та жили своїм неквапним ритмом у цих болотистих та лісових краях.

У кінці березня 2021 року команда ХАЩІ разом та завдяки туристичному оператору GAMMA TRAVEL здійснили дводенну експедицію в зону відчуження. Ми спробували заглянути в сільський Чорнобиль, у місця, які зазвичай оминає загал та масовий турист, місця, про які мало говорять, місця, котрі з кожним роком все більше зникають.

Дане відео входить до хвилі освітніх відеосюжетів ЧорнобильЛуна, створених у колаборації із туроператором Gamma Travel і присвячених 35 роковинам Чорнобильської катастрофи 1986 року. Колаборація об'єднала провідні українські YouTube канали спільною просвітницькою метою – підняти рівень обізнаності українців про Чорнобильську катастрофу, її причини, наслідки та значення для національної пам'яті та кожного українця окремо.

Будь ласка, підтримуйте український YouTube – завітайте за наведеними нижче посиланнями, перегляньте всі сюжети колаборації українських топ-ютуберів ЧорнобильЛуна, залиште їм свої коментарі!

Посилання на проєкти учасників #ЧорнобильЛуна-2021 Цікава Наука: Що таке радіація? Клятий Раціоналіст: На що здатна чорнобильська радіація? CHAPLINSKY VLOG: Міста-привиди. Твоя Підпільна Гуманітарка: Серіал із 6 епізодів Тут живуть дракони: Епізод 1 Естетизація, страх і обожнювання атома. - Епізод 2 Лімінальні простори. - Історія Без Міфів: Катастрофа на ЧАЕС: 35 років міфів, вигадок і омани Наша колаборація надає вам промокод на знижку 10% на усі тури від Гамма Тревел #gamma_travel. Вводьте код LUNA12021 і на власні очі побачте Чорнобильщину, якою вона є нині.

Сайт Гамма Тревел:

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Слідкуйте за нами в інстаграм

April 26 marks 35 years since one of the greatest man-made catastrophes of mankind occurred at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant. A topic about which a lot has been written, films made and even more has been said. The NPP itself, the Duga radar station, the city of Pripyat and its environs are more in the public discourse and lens of TV cameras.

At the same time, there is very little information, and in some places it is completely absent and forgotten, about the villages and hamlets that existed thousands of years before the NPP and lived at a leisurely pace in these swamps and forests.

At the end of March 2021, the HASCHI team together and thanks to the tour operator GAMMA TRAVEL made a two-day expedition to the exclusion zone. We tried to look at rural Chernobyl, places that are usually bypassed by the general and mass tourists, places that are little talked about, places that are disappearing more and more every year.

Official site of the tour operator GAMMA TRAVEL On this site you can order a legal tour to the Chornobyl Exclusion Zone, and when using the promo code LUNA12021 get a 10% discount. We do not forget and thank everyone who supports the HUSHCHI project (in detail in the final captions) Follow us at Instagram

For those who want to support us in further discoveries of the Ukrainian hinterland and become part of the HASHTCHI (THICKNESS) project. Card of Privatbank 5363 5420 1303 1381 ( Кохан В.В.) Patreon

00:00 Вступ
02:21 дикий кінь
03:57 річка Ілля та болота Полісся
06:04 село бабці Навального
08:10 закинутий колгосп
10:11 лось, розірваний вовками
10:50 село Луб'янка
15:33 хата останньої жительки Луб'янки
19:57 стоянка сталкерів та думки про стакерів
26:34 магазин-привид та перший поцілунок у Чорнобилі
29:57 четвертий реактор ЧАЕС
31:11 радіолокаційна станція Дуга
35:44 Машево – найбільш забруднене село зони відчуження
41:37 хата-музей в Чорнобильській зоні
46:02 наслідки пожеж в Чорнобильській зоні відчуження
51:36 старовинна церква-пустка у селі Красне
56:03 інтерв'ю з самоселкою
01:02:38 підсумки експедиції та титри

Walking tour - Red Square - Moscow 4k, Russia - HDR

#Walkingtour #Moscow #walk

Red Square is one of the oldest and largest squares in Moscow, the capital of Russia. Owing to its historical significance and the adjacent historical buildings, it is regarded as one of the most famous squares in Europe and the world. It is located in Moscow's historic centre, in the eastern walls of the Kremlin. It is the city landmark of Moscow, with iconic buildings such as Saint Basil's Cathedral, Lenin's Mausoleum and the GUM. In addition, it has been a UNESCO World Heritage Site since 1990.

The Red Square has an almost rectangular shape and is 70 meters wide and 330 meters long. It extends lengthways from northwest to southeast along part of the wall of the Kremlin that forms its boundary on the southwest side. In the northeast, the square is bounded by the GUM department store building and the old district of Kitai-Gorod, in the northwest by the State Historical Museum and the Resurrection Gate and in the southeast by Saint Basil's Cathedral. Tverskaya Street begins to the northwest of the square behind the building of the State Historical Museum, and to the southeast is the so-called Basilius slope, which leads to the Moskva River, which goes down and over a bridge to the Zamoskvorechye District. Two streets branch off to the northeast from Red Square: Nikolskaya Street, which is named after the Nikolaus Tower of the Kremlin, which is directly opposite, and the Ilyinka, both of which have existed since the 14th century and were once important arteries of old Moscow. Today the square itself, with the exception of the access road leading through it to the Savior Gate of the Kremlin, is a pedestrian zone.

The main squares in Russian cities are frequently named Krasnaya ploshchad, or Beautiful Square. Archaically, the Russian word красная (krasnaya) meant beautiful, but now means red, with the current word for beautiful, красивая ('krasivaya'), being derived from it.

Two of the most significant military parades on Red Square were 1941 October Revolution Parade, when the city was besieged by Germans and troops were leaving Red Square straight to the front lines, and the Victory Parade in 1945, when the banners of defeated Nazi armies were thrown at the foot of Lenin's Mausoleum. The Soviet Union held many parades in Red Square for May Day (until 1969), Victory Day, and October Revolution Day, which consisted of propaganda, flags, labor demonstration, marching troops, and showing off of tanks and missiles. On Victory Day in 1945, 1965, 1985, and 1990, there were Soviet military marches and parades as well, and since 1995, the annual Moscow Victory Day Parade has been held on the square, marking anniversary of the defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II.


Welcome to AboutWalk Channel!

We walk along the famous streets in the big cities of the World. You travel around the city. This may be the city of your dreams, in which you want to visit.

There is a binaural sound in this video (effect of presence). We recommend using headphones for complete immersion in the atmosphere of the city, enjoy!


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#georgia #tiflis #zenginlik #türkler

Ukraina Wieś

Ukraina Wieś

Перше Травня Pershe Travnya Копачів Kopachiv Шевченкове Shevchenkove P19 Україна UA 20.10.2014

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Попівка Popivka Селище Selyshche Тасуїв Tasuiv Красне Krasne Митченки Mytchenky Україна UA 14.10.14

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Aerial View of Сhernobyl Exclusion Zone, Ukraine - 4K Drone Footage about Abandoned City

Abandoned cities, which were humming with life in the past, enchant with their specific romance and the mesmerizing power of time! Welcome the Chernobyl Exclusion Zone from a bird's eye view! Watch the spectacle of an urban apocalypse and the nature revival accompanied by dramatic ambient music and the soft patter of rain. The cities of Chernobyl and Pripyat look lost in the woods and get more and more absorbed by nature, which is rapidly dominating the hand-made creations that have fallen out of use. The overcast weather and stunning scarlet sunset give the scenic drone footage a special flavor. Explore the local historical sites:
Сhernobyl exclusion zone film intro 0:00
Flooded barges in the Ship Repair Base, Chornobyl 10:05
Over-the-horizon radar system “Duga-1”, Chornobyl-2 27:40
Prypiat 57:10
The legendary motto Let the atom be a worker, not a soldier 1:24:16, proclaiming the peaceful use of nuclear energy
Rozsokha vehicle settler, Rozsokha village 1:34:20
Krasne village 1:53:10
Port cranes, Prypiat 2:19:45
Railway bridge over Prypiat River from the local station Semykhody to Slavutych 2:28:20
Pripyat River 2:46:41, on which both abandoned cities stand
Paryshivskyi Bridge 3:05:45
and Sunset from the roof of the house, Prypiat 3:20:15

Video from: Chernobyl Exclusion Zone, Ukraine
Video type: aerial drone footage
Video resolution: #4K​ UHD 60fps
Equipment used: DJI Mavic Air 2
Producer: Roman Khomlyak, Pro Art Inc
Cinematographer: Oleksandr Diakov
Editor and colorist: Bohdan Bryskankin
Supervising editor: Oleksandr Diakov
Special THANKS to our professional filmmakers and editors for their fascinating, creative, hard, and challenging work.
Video was created by Pro Art Inc, supported by Chornobyl Tour
Special thanks to the guides from Chernobyl Tour Anna Kirianova ( and Ihor Trotsiuk ( , - for developing routes, accompaniment, provision of information and assistance in filming..

The atmosphere of this 4K aerial video is quite reflective and meditative. The incredible #drone film helps us to understand the price we pay for using unsafe energy. Nuclear energy is always dangerous and carries risks of long-term restoration of a healthy environment. But Mother Nature takes over and heals the wounds, so that we can already observe the amazing diversity of flora and fauna in the disaster zone. Fly the skies of these extraordinary places with us and expand your horizons! And may we humans never repeat our mistakes!

The benefits of this aerial footage:
- Explore the legendary area of #Chernobyl disaster
- Admire the inexhaustible power of nature and its desire for life
- Reflect on the past, the fantastic achievements of people and their mistakes

For the best quality watch these breathtaking aerial views on your Oled TV, Samsung 4K HDR TV, Sony 4K TV, LG 4K TV, etc.

To watch our videos without ads and watermarks subscribe to our relax app:

For licensing questions:

Please SUBSCRIBE to my 4K RELAXATION CHANNEL so you do not miss anything.

All the music used in the video is licensed through
Musicbed SyncID: MB01VJ7NAH0GBWG

Матіясове Matiyasove Березанка Berezanka Красне Krasne Новоселівка Novoselivka Україна UA 18.10.2014

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Krasne lake ????️

BEST Traditional Slovak Food On Panoramic Mountain ⛰

In today’s episode I’ll be going on an adventure in a location called Strečno in Slovakia which is known to be a touristic village surrounded by mountains. On the left bank of the Váh river, close to Žilina, you find the Strečno Castle on top of the limestone rock. The plan was to visit a restaurant which stands on the top of a viewpoint. After a long trek up hills and around mountains I finally arrive to a beautiful touristic destination where there was so much things to do such as boat riding and also entertainment for kids, there was also a zoo and much more. In this video I will be eating traditional Slovak food at restaurant Koliba Panoráma next to a beautiful panoramic view of Strečno castle over looking the mountains, great food and atmosphere. Halušky are a traditional variety of thick, soft noodles or dumplings found in many Central and Eastern European cuisines where they are known under different local names, particularly in Slovakia, Czech Republic, Ukraine, Lithuania, Romania and Hungary. In Slovakia, Bryndzové halušky are considered a national dish.

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Facebook: Andre Traveler

Exploring Pripyat Firestation

Come with me and explore the Pripyat Firestation.

Exploring Chernobyl: 35 years later. Mini-series trailer [4K]

The Chernobyl disaster was a nuclear accident that occurred on Saturday 26 April 1986, at the No. 4 reactor in the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant,
near the city of Pripyat in the north of the Ukrainian SSR in the Soviet Union.

It is considered the worst nuclear disaster in history both in terms of cost and casualties and is one of only two nuclear energy accidents
rated at seven - the maximum severity - on the International Nuclear Event Scale, the other being the 2011 Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster in Japan.

35 years later, on September 20-21 we traveled to the Chernobyl Exclusion zone to explore and capture it all for you. This mini-series features 5 episodes:
- Entering the zone: Krasne village
- Town of Chernobyl
- Chernobyl Nuclear Power plant
- Duga
- Pripyat

Subscribe to this channel for upcoming episode releases.
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Special thanks to monthly supporters and everyone who sent stars during streams, you made this all possible.

Music: Evgeniy Krylatov - Verter theme (Green sun remix)

#chernobyl #pripyat #urbex #stalker #ukraine #chernobylexclusionzone #abandoned #chernobylzone #slav #radiation #chernobylhbo #chornobyl #chernobylmemes #radioactive #chernobyldisaster #exclusionzone #nuclear #cheekibreeki #chernobyltour #slavlife #hbo #abandonedplaces #ussr #travel #чернобыль #Чорнобиль #ЧЗО #чернобыль2 #чернобыльскаяаэс #чернобыльтур #чернобыльзонаотчуждения #сталкер

Cemeteries in Chernobyl and who lives there

Cemeteries in Chernobyl zone

THIS IS SLOVAKIA'S CAPITAL CITY: BRATISLAVA! Castles, Churches and Old Town in Bratislava, Slovakia!

Bratislava, Slovakia - Bratislava, the capital city of Slovakia, is one of the most incredible cities in the world. From a hilltop castle to a charming old town, this city may be small, but it is packed with so many sights to see. In this video, we explore all that Bratislava has to offer. We begin the day at the Presidential Palace, slowly making our way to the Old Town and then exploring the hilltop castle and some churches before ending the day by the riverside to see the beautiful sunset over the top of the city!

Thank you so much for watching!


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Instagram: @pingrui1267

Abandoned Churches of Ivanovsk Town, Russia.

Reaction Why Poland Is Quietly Becoming Europe's Next Superpower????????

This is our Reaction to Why Poland Is Quietly Becoming Europe's Next Superpower????????

In just three decades, Poland went through an incredible transformation. But there is still one thing that could thwart the entire Polish miracle. In this video, we look at how Poland started from the bottom and how it became an economic miracle that now has one of the world's strongest militaries and is slowly becoming a European powerhouse!

#Poland #RiseOfPoland #Reaction

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Pripyat Restaurant

Head-Cam Footage of the Restaurant at Leninsquare, Pripyat.
