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青海焜锅馍馍,农家麦秆烧制,西宁牛杂汤,阿星凌晨5点吃早餐Delicious Kunguo Bun in the countryside of Xining


青海焜锅馍馍,农家麦秆烧制,西宁牛杂汤,阿星凌晨5点吃早餐Delicious Kunguo Bun in the countryside of Xining

Autumn on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is as beautiful as a picture, with mountains, forests and streams, and people busy in farming. On the rural national road in Xining, Qinghai, there are farmers who make special delicacies, Kunguo Bun. The bun made from wheat stalks have a natural smell of wheat. Axing had woken up at 5 in the morning, and took the bun to eat breakfast beef offal soup, the tender beef offal and delicious thick soup, it was very comfortable to drink a bowl in cold weather.

青海西宁炕锅羊排,藏式阿卡包子,阿星吃高原柳花菜,逛塔尔寺Snack Kang pot lamb in Xining, Qinghai

The Taer Monastery in Xining, Qinghai, is the holy place of the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism. It is the place where the founder Zongkaba was born, and many people come here to watch. There is a delicacy, Aka buns, which is related to this temple. Aka means monks. Buns filled with beef and mutton are made into steamed dumplings, which are the buns that monks love to eat. In the Tibetan restaurant, Axing also eats the Qinghai specialty food Kang pot lamb, and the highland mountain willow flower, all of which are local delicacies.

青海西宁必吃面食,干拌羊肠面,香辣酿皮,美味小吃酸辣可口Street snack lamb intestine noodle in Xining, Qinghai

Xining, Qinghai is located in northwestern China. In ancient times, it had the meaning of tranquility in the west, and it was called the capital of summer because of the suitable temperature in summer. Coming to Xining not only can eat meat, but also the noodles here. The most famous noodles are lamb intestine noodle and Rangpi. They are delicious snacks that must be eaten, and have the same taste. They also add chili, vinegar, leeks, and garlic juice. The spicy and sour flavor is very enjoyable. Axing takes you to taste the old authentic noodle and Rangpi restaurants, which are all delicious memories of the locals since they were young.

青海老八盘名菜,湟源里脊,青海三烧,阿星吃萱麻饼逛丹噶尔古城Classic dish Huangyuan Tenderloin in Qinghai

The ancient town of Dangaer is located in Huangyuan County of Xining, Qinghai Province. It has been the traffic point of the Silk Road and the Ancient Tea Horse Road since ancient times. It has the reputation of Little Beijing in its heyday. The delicacy here is Qinghai Old Eight Plates, which can be regarded as classic dishes. The Huangyuan Tenderloin, the mouth-watering Qinghai Sanshao, and Xuan Ma Cake, all of which are delicious in color and flavor. Axing visits the ancient town of Dangaer and tastes Qinghai cuisine.

青海高原美食,98元荤素土火锅,骨汤酸菜牦牛肉,阿星游青海湖Tu Hot pot in Qinghai Plateau

Axing came to the magical and beautiful Qinghai Lake, snow-capped mountains, grasslands, deserts, and lakes like the sea. The beautiful scenery is like a postcard whenever you take a photo. The Qinghai-Tibet Plateau has a cold climate and is rich in beef and mutton. The local Tu Hot Pot of specialties around Qinghai Lake is very popular. The locals call it Guozi. The bone broth and sauerkraut are used as the base, and the meat and vegetables are neatly arranged, which makes you have an appetite. After eating the food, you can also take a look at the famous two missiles and one song in the town.

吃烤肉来这条街,西宁大通生烤羊排,牛板筋超厚实,阿星吃炮仗面A street of raw roast lamb chops in Datong, Qinghai

The main food of Qinghai cuisine is to eat meat. As the old saying goes, the big lamb is beautiful, and the plump skewer of lamb is the best way to eat meat. There is a famous street for barbecue in Xining, which is the raw grilled lamb chops in Datong County. The small skewers of lamb chops here are cooked slowly from raw meat directly on the fire, and the sauce is rich and spicy. Thick beef ribs and sizzling lamb skewers fluttered in the hands of the barbecue guy, greedy everyone.

河南开封鸡血汤,310国道边小吃老店,阿星吃高炉烧饼,酥脆火烧Snack Chicken Blood Soup in Kaifeng, Henan

There is a saying in Henan to say hello, Which soup you want to drink means whether you have eaten or not. This shows the importance of soup to the locals. Eating bun and drinking soup is the traditional diet here. Kaifeng and even the whole Henan have a set of fixed food CP matching, which is a combination of buns and soups. The buns can be Shaobing or Huoshao, and the soups are more diverse. Axing tasted the chicken blood soup, a specialty snack on the side of Kaifeng National Road, with blast furnace Shaobing and crispy Huoshao.

甘肃岷县豪横美食,牛骨头糊糊,牦牛肉蘸椒盐吃,阿星喝骨汤稀饭Traditional snack yak bone porridge in Gansu

Minxian County is located in Dingxi, Gansu, on the edge of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, where there is a habit of eating yak meat. The whole yak skeleton is boiled in a large pot and boiled for a whole day. The meat is fragrant and the soup is thick and delicious. Yak head, tripe, and yak bones are eaten with salt and pepper in various parts of the yak. The meat is fragrant and original, and there is a porridge made from bone broth. AXing ate the meat in a big bowl and drank the soup.

甘肃甘加秘境,阿星吃藏族小吃,牛羊肉藏包子,尕困肉汤巴勒馅饼Tibetan snacks in Gansu

The secret land of Ganjia in Xiahe County in southern Gansu has the natural beauty of grasslands, lakes and plateaus, and the rising mountains are very shocking. There are mud dwellings in the Tibetan villages, and Axing also meets the villagers to scatter apples during a horse race in April. Axing tastes Tibetan noodles, which are all kinds of snacks made with beef and mutton fillings. Tibetan steamed buns are called ox-eye buns. Gaku is a dough covered with lamb soup. Bale is fried pie, served with milk tea and tiger-skin chili, which is a daily meal of the Tibetans.

河南开封传统早餐,杠子油条灌鸡蛋,豆沫绿豆糊涂,阿星吃大包子Traditional breakfast in Kaifeng, Henan

The breakfast in Kaifeng, Henan is based on a variety of soups and carbs. Cheap, affordable and delicious snacks can soothe the stomachs of early risers. An old breakfast shop run by four generations, and started preparing in the early morning. The fragrant five-spice Doumo, Mung beans Hutu, and Gangzi Youtiao are all prepared at dawn and fragrant out of the pot. There are six kinds of stuffed buns next to the Drum Tower. The meat buns are all oily every bite. Axing starts early to taste the delicious traditional snacks in Kaifeng.

河南开封传统拉面,咖喱粉牛肉汤面,羊肉冬瓜干拌面,阿星吃2碗Kaifeng traditional ramen noodles

Among the many delicacies in Kaifeng, Henan Province, one delicacy is easily overlooked, that is, the traditional ramen noodles with local characteristics in Kaifeng. Ramen noodles was introduced from the northwest to the Central Plains, and both the production and the taste have changed, and it is more suitable for the tastes of the locals. Beef soup ramen with curry powder, dry ramen with mutton and winter melon, a bowl full of carbohydrate delicacies, and kebabs are very enjoyable. Axing even eats two old restaurants.

海南屯昌枫木香草鸭,砂锅煨制卤味,酱香吮指,阿星吃鸭汤拌面Street Snack Tunchang Vanilla Duck in Hainan

Due to its superior natural environment, Hainan has many excellent breeds of poultry. In addition to the famous Huangliu old duck, there are also maple vanilla duck from Tunchang. The vanilla duck eating green grass and drinking water is delicious and nourishing. It is simmered in a casserole with charcoal fire to make a bitter taste. The sauce is rich and savory. Axing also eats delicious duck soup noodle at this restaurant in Sanya.

海南定安仙沟早市美食,大铁锅湿炒粉,鸭蛋黄肉粽,阿星吃卤牛杂Street Snacks in Ding'an Morning Market

Ding'an in Hainan is far from the sea. Although there are no tropical rain forests and seafood, there is no lack of history, culture and food. There are vicissitudes of ancient town and Hainan's four great talents Zhang Yuesong. Axing tastes the three delicacies of Xiangou Morning Market, Ding'an wet fried noodle, braised beef offal, and black pork Zongzi. The sun shines through the big trees, the smoky pot gas snacks, the bustling middle-aged and elderly people, the market is full of life in the morning.

青海牦牛肉火锅,75自助不限量,肉质厚实,阿星游热贡唐卡发源地Buffet Beef Hot Pot in Regong, Qinghai

There are large and small hot pot restaurants and hot bars on the streets of Tongren in Qinghai. They specialize in thick yak beef hot pot. The quality of the local beef is very good, and there is no limit to the buffet. In Tongren you can not only eat good food, but the Regong area is the birthplace of the famous Chinese Tangka art, and the Tangka flourishes along the temples along the Longwu River. Axing visited Wutunxia Temple, watched the painter on-site painting, and learned about the art of Tangka production.

开封灌汤包老店,开在胡同里的流水席,扣碗三狠汤,阿星逛开封府Street food guatang bun in Kaifeng, Henan

Kaifeng, Henan, was called Bianjing or Dongjing in ancient times, it is a famous historical and cultural city. When you mention Kaifeng, the first thing you think of is Kaifeng Mansion, Bao Qingtian, and Kaifeng's special cuisine. The picture of Shanghe River in Qingming Dynasty draws the prosperity of the history here, and the wonderful book Dongjing Menghua Lu describes the trendy life of the Northern Song dynasty vividly. Axing visits Kaifeng Mansion and eats the most famous snack guatang bun. The old restaurant is open in the alley, and there are many diners like running water seats, which is very characteristic of the Central Plains.

江西铅山美食,街头经典老味道,千年河口古镇,阿星吃灯盏果烫粉Old street snacks in Yanshan, Jiangxi

Qianshan County in Shangrao area of Jiangxi has been a thoroughfare of eight provinces since ancient times. Hekou Ancient Town is one of the four famous towns in Jiangxi. Although the old streets are not as prosperous as they used to be, the glory of the old days is vaguely visible. Axing came to Hekou Ancient Town to taste the food, which is the classic old taste of the street. The old street biscuit is thin and crisp, full of meat, and the fragrance of baking in a bite. The special Danbao Qingtang is a small wonton wrapped in egg liquid, the skin is as thin as paper. The green Dengzhan Guo, round shape like a small lamp, is delicate and delicious. There is also the famous Qianshan hot noodle, boiled bone soup in a large pot, and fresh and tender shredded pork, paired with fried dough sticks and meat bones, it is the favorite breakfast of the locals.

海南澄迈土窑烧菜,红土砖窑烧鸡,香甜桥头红薯,阿星喝福山咖啡Earthen Kiln Dishes in Chengmai, Hainan

Hainan Chengmai is known as the hometown of longevity. The unique red soil here is rich in selenium trace elements necessary for the human body. The bridgehead sweet potatoes grown are soft, waxy and sweet, and taste like a cake. The brick kiln made of red clay can also be used for cooking in earthen kiln dishes, and local chicken, trotters, and seafood can be made into earthen kiln dishes, and you can eat the original flavor of the ingredients. At the coffee estate in Fushan Town, Chengmai, Axing also drank the famous Fushan Coffee.

甘肃临夏小吃一绝,东乡手抓羊肉,阿星吃凉肉就大蒜,酥馓子烙饼Traditional snacks in Linxia, Gansu

Linxia, Gansu is a Hui autonomous prefecture in western China. The hospitality of Linxia people is to take you to the famous Eight Lanes and Thirteen Alleys, a Hui settlement area composed of 8 mosques and 13 laneways. It is a classical architecture of Arab and Chinese Combined, there is a delicious snack, Dongxiang hand-caught lamb. Axing eat cold meat with garlic, crispy Sanzi and pancake, roasted Nang-wrapped meat, and Dongxiang potatoes that taste like sweet potatoes, all of which are local specialties and traditional delicacies.

一场焜锅馍馍大赛,带你感受西北人的“碳水盛宴”!| CCTV「正大综艺」

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00:34 卯时(上午9点至11点) —— 泉儿头杂碎
► 青海人的一天,往往从一碗杂碎开始,既能抗寒、耐饥又能补身。杂碎汤就是用牛羊杂碎煮成的汤,汤中加一些葱丝、蒜苗碎等,一碗热气腾腾的杂碎汤,汤香、味浓,唤醒沉睡的味蕾。

00:57 辰时(中午11点至13点) —— 大众包子粉汤
► 辰时又名食时,这个时候,一笼热腾腾的包子,一碗飘香四溢的粉汤,皆在一个“暖”字,暖了一辈人,暖了一座城。

01:20 巳时(上午9点至11点) —— 高尔力羊肠面
► 巳时是一天中的第一个黄金时刻,焦黄羊肠,金黄有韧劲的面条,汤色淡黄芳香浓郁的酸汤。夏天吃凉、冬日可吃热,实属实惠之小吃。

01:45 午时(中午11点至13点) —— 华英炮仗
► 都说青海人,无面不欢、面面俱到。正午日头正盛,就要来一碗“炮仗”,节节寸面,丰富的配菜,就两个字“舒坦”。

02:09 未时(下午13点至15点) —— 青山酿皮
► 过了正午,太阳开始偏西了,是时候来一点青海特色小吃。一份酸辣酿皮,能够满足你挑剔的味蕾。

02:30 申时(下午15点至17点) —— 尕苗儿闹饭
► 申时来一碗特色闹闹,炸丸子香而不腻,牛骨汤浓郁鲜香。红白相间凉粉,没有哪个疲累的灵魂,是一碗闹饭唤不醒的,如果有就再来一碗。

02:55 酉时(黄昏17点至19点) —— 甜醅、酸奶
► 酉时是太阳落山之时,在进入晚饭前,尝尝醇香酸奶、清凉的甜醅,质感嫩滑,味道香醇,晚饭即将来临,忙碌了一天的胃已经做好准备。

03:27 戌时(晚上19点至21点) —— 伊家人土火锅
► 戌时太阳已经落山,青海土火锅已为您备好。锅底一般由羊肉清汤和酸菜制成,爽辣开胃,喜欢辣味的朋友一定会喜欢,想吃什么菜就加什么菜,一锅都是最爱。

03:50 亥时(晚上21点至23点) —— 麦仁、胡辣羊蹄
► 深夜食堂拉开帷幕,有什么能够让不安分的胃停止躁动。此时,吃上一份香气腾腾的胡辣羊蹄,再配上一碗麦仁,简直就是完美。

04:26 子时(23点至凌晨1点) —— 烤羊肉串、抗锅羊排
► 夜半,是今明两天的临界点,又名子时、子夜、中夜,是十二时辰的第一个时辰。此时,最迷人的人间烟火气,都藏在了熙熙攘攘的烧烤摊里。烤羊肉串、炕锅羊排,与三两好友把酒言欢,实属惬意。

04:48 丑时(凌晨1点至3点) —— 阿爷烤大饼
► 丑时又称鸡鸣、荒鸡,还没睡的东区人,此时肚子最饿。点上一份阿爷烤大饼,足以犒劳疲惫的身体和“空虚”的胃。

05:14 寅时(凌晨3点至5点) —— 牛奶鸡蛋醪糟
► 寅时是夜与日的交替,此时,太阳虽还未出地平线,胃里已然空落落,一份牛奶鸡蛋醪糟,暖胃也足以暖心。


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