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厦门家常闽菜老店,1940年开业,主打海鲜炒面,阿星3菜1汤吃到饱 Home-cooked southern Fujian cuisine in Xiamen,China


厦门家常闽菜老店,1940年开业,主打海鲜炒面,阿星3菜1汤吃到饱 Home-cooked southern Fujian cuisine in Xiamen,China


Dashe Village in Jimei, Xiamen, Fujian, is the hometown of the famous patriotic overseas Chinese, Mr. Chen Jiageng, there are not only beautiful buildings of various styles, but also many old gourmet restaurants. The old Liansheng restaurant that opened in 1940, inherited for 3 generations, is a home-cooked restaurant with a flavor of southern Fujian. The main dish is seafood fried noodle, which is more affordable and more abundant. Stir-fried duck gizzards with sour bamboo shoots, stir-fried squid, sweet and sour chicken wings, bitter gourd clam tofu soup, Axing was very satisfied with 3 dishes and 1 soup.

凌晨2点厦门暗夜美食,阿星骑楼下吃夜宵,酸笋面酸爽,花生汤香甜 special dark night cuisine in Xiamen,China


During the day, Zhongshan Road in Xiamen is bustling and lively. When the crowds dissipate at night, under the night, this is the world of Xiamen's special dark night cuisine. Peanut soup and sour bamboo shoot noodle on Siming North Road attract diners, whether it is a supper at night or a sober soup for drunken people, they are all warm. At night, Axing sat down under the unique riding building in Fujian and tasted the sweet and sour snacks. It was a culinary experience not found anywhere else.

Music by Joakim Karud
Music promoted by Audio Library

厦门人离不开的两碗面条,沙茶面浓郁,虾面清甜,阿星一次吃2碗 Xiamen snacks Satay and Shrimp Noodle in China


Although Xiamen in Fujian is a seaside city in the south, people here eat noodle every day. There are two bowls of noodle rooted in the taste of Xiamen people. Shrimp Noodle is sweet, red shrimp soup cooked with dog-headed shrimp, thin oleic soda noodle, and served with braised side dishes. Satay Noodles is a fusion development of imported satay sauce and Shrimp Noodle. The soup is more rich and delicious, and dozens of side dishes are added as you like. Axing eats 2 bowls at a time and feels the local specialties.

厦门百家村煸豆干,阿星炒海蛎煎,夏日烧酒配,土笋冻酱油芒果 Traditional street foods in Xiamen,China


Baijia Village in Xiamen is close to Zhongshan Park. It was named after the relocation of the park. Here is centered on the public toilets of Shentian Road, with three street food specialties, and it is a famous public toilet food. The Shaojiupei, the boiled octopus is crisp and tender, and the Tusundong is delicious. The lively Biandougan, everyone sitting together by the stove and having fun, fried the oysters by hand. There are also mangoes with super soy sauce, sweet and savory. Axing experience the ancient food of local people.

早餐厦门,面线糊爽滑鲜美,扁食拌面情侣套餐,唤醒海滨城市味觉Traditional Breakfast in Xiamen,China


Xiamen, Fujian is a beautiful coastal city, and breakfast here is also unique. The Mianxianhu is very delicious in a pot, the soup is rich and white in color, it tastes smooth and appetizing. It is paired with oyster liver and small intestine. There is also very beautiful Bianshi, which is a set of couples with peanut butter noodle. It is very comfortable to eat with soup and dry noodle. Axing came to eat early in the morning and felt the delicious breakfast in Xiamen.

Dj Quads
Music provided by Free Music for Vlogs

青岛馅料小吃,面食海鲜完美组合,锅贴饺子野馄饨,阿星吃3家老店Qingdao snack seafood dumplings in China


Northerners like pasta, and the coastal city produces seafood, so Qingdao, a coastal city in the north, which has a geographical advantage, has many snacks that perfectly combine pasta and seafood. The filling snacks here are very special, the yellow fish pot stickers, golden and crisp. White mackerel dumplings, black cuttlefish dumplings, Shandong big dumplings with thin skin. Wild wontons and microwave oven roasts, every bite is different. Axing visits 3 old gourmet restaurants.





四川乐山川菜老店,瓦房苍蝇小馆,腰肝急火快炒,4菜1汤麻辣鲜香Sichuan Cuisine in Leshan,China


Sichuan cuisine is mainly divided into three categories in Sichuan, and Chengdu and Leshan mainly serve Shanghebang cuisine. This Sichuan restaurant in Leshan old street, which combines the essence of Sichuan cuisine, has many of its own signature dishes. Although it is in a flat house, it has been in business for 30 years. The loin and liver are fried on a quick fire, tender and crispy, the beef is spicy and juicy, the pickled vegetable is added to the Huiguorou, the red oil of the Tuotuorou is tempting, and the soup is delicious. Axing was satisfied with four dishes and one soup.


安徽淮南美食,牛肉汤土豆片,寿县绿豆圆子,阿星吃八公山豆腐宴Traditional snacks and tofu feast in Huainan, Anhui

Nothing beats the two banks of the Huaihe River. Huainan, Anhui Province is on the bank of the Huaihe River, and the old neighborhood of ferry is still the same as it used to be. Whether it’s a bowl of Huainan beef soup late at night or a plate of Huainan potato chips during the day, it’s a nostalgic taste. The idioms and allusions in the ancient city of Shouxian County are still talked about by people. While searching for the stories, you can also harvest authentic delicacies in the streets and alleys. Bagong Mountain outside the county is considered the birthplace of tofu. It’s also a good choice to try the tofu feast.

喀什3000万装修餐厅,阿星豪吃5道新疆菜,巧遇载歌载舞新疆婚礼 Traditional Xinjiang Cuisine and wedding in China


How can you not eat traditional Xinjiang food when you come to Xinjiang? There is a magnificent restaurant in Kashi. It took 3 years to decorate and cost more than 30 million yuan. Every architectural detail is perfect. If you do not eat here before, just visit and even need to buy tickets. Axing eats 5 dishes, each of which is a local specialty. And also happened to see a national wedding with songs and dances, filled with happiness and joy.

贵阳黔菜农家乐,国道边小院坐满,素火锅全是肉,阿星吃紫花菌子Guizhou Cuisine in Guiyang,China

Guizhou’s Qian cuisine can be said to be an underestimated cuisine. Qian cuisine has unique fragrant, oily, and spicy flavors. It is produced from a variety of rare ingredients in the mountains and combines the advantages of surrounding Hunan, Sichuan and Yunnan cuisines. The Guizhou cuisine Nongjiale next to the national highway in Guiyang, although the small courtyard is inconspicuous, is full of cars coming to eat. Axing eats meaty vegetarian hot pot, Guizhou-style kung pao dish, spicy hot pot fish, spicy tofu, and fresh wild mushrooms, stir-fried purple flower mushrooms.

新疆农村巴扎美食,大串红柳烤肉,铁锅羊肉拌面,阿星逛喀什集市 Street food in rural Bazaar, Kashi, China


In the rural areas of Kashi, Xinjiang, there is a large-scale cattle and sheep trading market. Every Sunday, there are people who come to trade in all directions, forming a gourmet bazaar here. The rugged country cuisine made Axing very surprised. The large skewers of red willow roast lamb, the meat is very large, with a whole piece of lamb rib soup, freshly baked buns, sweet and sour red pomegranate juice, glutinous home-made noodle, and sweet cantaloupe, the snacks are too many to dazzle.

廈門集美開了82年的美食小館,15塊的閩南老店吃到撐【探味福建】Xiamen Jimei's 82 year old store



李菊英燒豆花 故宫路57号
雙偉大排檔 思明南路479號b棟4號

We Are One by Vexento

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Track: Sunlight Cascading Through the Clouds — Artificial.Music [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
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Paradise Hope by Hotham
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
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EP10 #廈門美食 | 廈門好吃在地美食 |中山路 70+年老字號 | 廈門八市在地小吃超美味 #廈門

#小三通 #廈門旅遊#廈門美食 #廈門 #廈門景點 #廈門八市 #中山路 #大陸旅遊 #xiamen #chinatravel #chinafood

00:00 中山路步行街美食
00:52 黃則和花生湯#廈門老店
04:35 廈門八市#在地人煙氣小吃

大家好我是艾琳,我將環遊中國旅行, 記錄各個城市的生活.美景. 帶領你一起探索各城市之美!

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★ 艾琳更多的影片:
☆ [廈門旅遊] #廈門旅遊 #廈門美食 #小三通
EP9 廈門旅遊 #廈門美食 | 一元就可搭公交車看美麗海景~發現美味海景餐廳~逛逛曾厝垵 :
EP8 廈門旅遊 | 南普陀寺 | 千年佛教聖地 | Nanputuo Temple | Xiamen #
EP7 廈門旅遊 | 鼓浪嶼 | 海上花園 | | Gulangyu Island |Beautiful Island | :
EP6 小三通攻略 |機票 船票 台胞證落地簽| |解鎖現金支付使用狀況: |
EP2 廈門新面貌 台灣人看到的廈門 :
EP1 小三通 只花一半的$ 就可飛往廈門 :

☆ [台灣旅遊]
EP5 比迪士尼更有趣~藝閣遊行! 體驗北港小過年:
EP4 虎爺愛吃砲 ~ 體驗北港小過年:
EP3 迎媽祖 體驗北港小過年:

海鮮吃到飽太划算了Seafood in Xiamen/旅行的意義


Nagoya City Promotion Movie, “COOL! NAGOYA” 【AMUSEMENT】

New movies have been completed introducing the traditional & futuristic charm of Nagoya.
The concept is a “COOL! NAGOYA”.
We are introducing our attractive HISTORY, FOOD, NIGHT TIME SIGHTSEEING SPOTS, WELLNESS and AMUSEMENT with electronic dance music composed by Yamato.
Please enjoy them.
*We took videos after thorough infectious disease measures.

00:00 Sharebike Savice “cariteco bike” シェアサイクル「カリテコバイク」
00:05 Chubu Electric Power MIRAI TOWER 中部電力MIRAI TOWER(旧・名古屋
00:11 Sharebike Savice “cariteco bike” シェアサイクル「カリテコバイク」
00:16 PIYORIN(Sweets/shop:Café gentian) ぴよりん(カフェ ジャンシアーヌ)
00:20 Noritake Garden(Craft Center and Noritake Museum) ノリタケの森
00:29 Higashiyama Zoo and Botanical Garden(Zoo Site) 東山動植物園
00:35 AONAMI LINE あおなみ線
00:37 LEGOLAND JAPAN RESORT レゴランド・ジャパン
00:44 SCMaglev and Railway Park リニア・鉄道館
00:50 TORITON(Bridge over Nagoya Port) 名港トリトン
00:53 Nagoya Port Wildflower Garden Bluebonnet 名古屋港ワイルドフラワーガーデン
00:56 Port of Nagoya Public Aquarium 名古屋港水族館

コンセプトは「COOL! NAGOYA」。

★Location Guide about “AMUSEMENT”
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