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japanese street food - Art of making SOBA NOODLES そば


驚愕のざるそば注文さばき!!鮮やかな手際で魅せる極み蕎麦打ち職人の1日 | Japanese Food - Art of making SOBA NOODLES

【戸隠流そば打ち処 實德】みのり

注文 鴨ねぎ


住所 京都府京都市左京区北白川久保田町57-5 みのり戸隠流

カツ丼!天ぷら!注文が殺到する素朴な大衆そば屋の鮮やかな注文さばき | Amazing Skill! Super Speed Egg Rice Bowl Cooking

信じられない超絶天ぷら注文さばき!驚異的な人気を誇る京都老舗そば屋がこだわり抜いた衝撃の蕎麦料理 | Japanese Food - Art of making SOBA NOODLES

驚異的な超絶焼きそばラッシュ!常連が殺到する大衆町中華職人の鮮やかな鍋さばき | Amazing Wok Skills in Japan

うどんそば 兵庫 京都 Udonsoba Hyogo Kyoto

#蕎麦 #ざるそば #鴨 #京都

信じられない超絶天ぷら注文さばき!驚異的な人気を誇る京都老舗そば屋がこだわり抜いた衝撃の蕎麦料理 | Japanese Food - Art of making SOBA NOODLES

【有喜屋 ホテルオークラ京都店】うきや
注文 有喜天そば(冷)
   天とじ丼 わんこせっと
   手打二八蕎麦 天ざる


住所 京都府京都市中京区一之船入町537−4 ホテルオークラ京都 B2

驚異的な超絶焼きそばラッシュ!常連が殺到する大衆町中華職人の鮮やかな鍋さばき | Amazing Wok Skills in Japan

から揚げ爆弾!究極とり天!わずか2年の驚異的なスピードで超絶人気うどん店になった秘密丨Japanese Food

衝撃のカツカレー肉爆弾!圧倒的なこだわりを魅せる極みカレーうどん職人の1日丨INCREDIBLE NOODLES, Japanese Curry Udon

うどんそば 兵庫 京都 Udonsoba Hyogo Kyoto

#そば #蕎麦 #天ぷら #職人技 #京都グルメ

老舗そば屋の職人達による神がかり的な熟練スキル丨Art of making SOBA NOODLES | Osaka, Japan

【そばよし 元町本店】




住所 大阪府大阪市浪速区元町2-9-13

極みのどんぶり玉子名人!!鮮やかな手際で魅せるうどん職人の1日丨Udon Restaurant's Ultimate Egg Rice Bowl

うどん3玉にご飯無料!!常識破りのとっておき特盛うどん店に密着丨Udon Noodles in Osaka

【究極の親子丼】大衆そば屋で一瞬にして胃袋をつかまれた素朴な一杯丨Traditional SOBA Noodles and OYAKODON : Chicken and Egg Bowl

うどんそば 大阪 奈良 Udonsoba Osaka Nara

#蕎麦 #Soba #소바

蕎麦作り45年!天然の地下水で作る十割蕎麦が最高すぎる| japanese food handmade SOBA noodles そば

今回は福岡県うきは市にある「山北小路 きふね」様を紹介します。

【 山北小路 きふね 公式ホームページ 】

こんにちは!「 Japanese Kitchen Tour 」です。

日本の伝統的な料理( 寿司 ラーメン うどん そば 刺身 屋台 )などに加え、日本のストリートフードやスイーツ、福岡グルメなども紹介します。

This time, I would like to introduce Yamakitakoji Kifune in Ukiha City, Fukuoka Prefecture.
This is an old folk house restaurant where you can camp and stay.
Ukiha is famous for its 100% buckwheat noodles made from the clean water of the city, and is crowded with many customers even on weekdays.
The chef, Mr. Kumamoto, is a professional who has been making soba noodles for 45 years.
Please pay attention to the polite and quick handling!

[Yamakitakoji Kifune Official Homepage]

hello! Japanese Kitchen Tour.
This channel introduces Japanese food culture, the techniques of Fukuoka Hakata chefs, and Japanese food.

In addition to traditional Japanese dishes (sushi ramen udon soba sashimi stalls), we will also introduce Japanese street food, sweets, and Fukuoka gourmet food.



你好! 日本廚房之旅。


이번에는 후쿠오카현 우키하시에 있는 「야마호쿠 코지키후네」님을 소개합니다.
이곳은 캠프와 숙박이 가능한 고민가 레스토랑.
우키는 시의 깨끗한 물을 사용한 10% 소바가 유명하고, 평일도 많은 손님으로 붐빕니다.
요리장의 구마모토씨는 소바 치고 일근 45년의 프로페셔널.
정중하고 빠른 손에 꼭 주목해 주세요!

【야마키타 코지 기후네 공식 홈페이지】

안녕하세요! 「Japanese Kitchen Tour」입니다.
이쪽의 채널에서는, 일본의 식문화나 후쿠오카 하카타의 요리인의 기술, 일본의 음식을 소개합니다.

일본의 전통 요리(스시 라면 우동 소바 사시미 포장마차) 등에 가세해 일본의 스트리트 푸드나 디저트, 후쿠오카 음식 등도 소개합니다.


Making Soba Noodles - Japanese Street Food そば 蕎麦

Soba (そば or 蕎麦) has long been eaten in Japan as a Japanese noodles.
It is made from buckwheat flour, which is produced by crushing buckwheat seeds.
There are two ways to eat soba: cold soba, where the noodles are dipped in cold broth, and warm soba, where the noodles are placed in warm broth.
Professionals make soba noodles by kneading them from flour, but dried noodles and sauces are sold at supermarkets so that people can eat soba right away at home. It is very easy to eat, just boil it in hot water.
If you do not know how to make soba, please refer to this video.

#TokyoTimes #Soba #JapaneseNoodles

일본 노포 우동 소바 장인! / japanese noodles, udon master - old japanese restaurant

00:00 소바 장인

24:55 철판우동 전문점,130년 된곳

47:12 카레 계란우동 장인

衝撃が走る!!極みのうどん職人が作るガッツリ爆量カレーうどん丨INCREDIBLE NOODLES, Japanese Curry Udon Noodles



住所 大阪府大阪市天王寺区逢阪2-3-8

常連が殺到する大衆町中華職人の耳でも旨いリズミカルな鍋さばき丨Egg Fried Rice - Wok Skills in Japan

揚げたて天ぷらに蕎麦!!大阪駅前第3ビルの地下街に佇む素朴な天ぷら屋さんに密着丨Tempura and Soba Restaurant: Japanese style

関西人の心を鷲掴みした絶品カレーうどん!!職人技が光る素朴な大衆うどん店に密着丨Best Curry Udon in Osaka

うどんそば 大阪 奈良 Udonsoba Osaka Nara

#うどん #Udon #우동

カツ丼!天ぷら!注文が殺到する素朴な大衆そば屋の鮮やかな注文さばき | Amazing Skill! Super Speed Egg Rice Bowl Cooking


注文 天皿そば


住所 兵庫県神戸市長田区大橋町5-3-1

信じられない超絶天ぷら注文さばき!驚異的な人気を誇る京都老舗そば屋がこだわり抜いた衝撃の蕎麦料理 | Japanese Food - Art of making SOBA NOODLES

驚異的な超絶焼きそばラッシュ!常連が殺到する大衆町中華職人の鮮やかな鍋さばき | Amazing Wok Skills in Japan

から揚げ爆弾!究極とり天!わずか2年の驚異的なスピードで超絶人気うどん店になった秘密丨Japanese Food

うどんそば 兵庫 京都 Udonsoba Hyogo Kyoto

#そば #蕎麦 #天ぷら #かつ丼 #カレーうどん #兵庫グルメ

特大海老天ラッシュ!東京で驚異的な人気を誇る行列そば屋の1日丨Japanese Tempura Soba Noodles

店名 総本家 更科堀井 麻布十番本店
住所 東京都港区元麻布3丁目11−4

0:00 ダイジェスト 
1:07 本編


そばうどん 東京 Sobaudon Tokyo

#そば #天ぷら #日本食 #東京グルメ

注文殺到天ぷらラッシュ!大将の驚異的なこだわりが炸裂する行列うどん屋に密着|Japanese Food - The Art Of Making Noodles By Hand

~よつ葉バター香る ドルチェドリームのとうもろこしごはん(ちょこっとサイズ)~〈400円〉


住所 京都府京都市伏見区深草西浦町7-45-1

鮮やか過ぎる高速鍋さばき!常連さん達で賑わう地元密着町中華の1日|Amazing Wok Skills in Japan

信じられない超絶焼きそばラッシュ!驚異的な人気を誇る焼きそば専門店に密着|Amazing Skill! Teppanyaki Master

セルフサービスおかあちゃんのうどん!早朝3時から始まるガレージうどん食堂の1日丨Udon Noodles in Kyoto

うどんそば 兵庫 京都 Udonsoba Hyogo Kyoto

#うどん #天ぷら #京都グルメ

衝撃の天ぷら注文さばき!常連が殺到する素朴な大衆うどん蕎麦屋の1日丨Japanese Noodles Udon Soba

【うどんそば こがね】

注文 ざるそば

住所 奈良県北葛城郡広陵町南郷578-6

音でも旨い炒飯玉子!!鮮やかな職人鍋振りが炸裂する地元密着中華料理店の1日丨Wok Skills in Japan

男心を揺さぶる爆弾肉丼!究極とり天カレー!満腹必須の衝撃ランチが大人気のうどん屋さん| Amazing Udon Restaurant : Food in Japan

【日本の素晴らしき大衆食堂】いつまでも庶民の味方!常連を虜にしたカレーうどんと素朴な定番おかず | Japanese Good Old Diner

うどんそば 大阪 奈良 Udonsoba Osaka Nara

#うどん #そば #天ぷら #カレー #牛丼 #日本食 #奈良グルメ

A Day of World's Largest Japanese Udon Noodles Restaurant / 日式烏龍麵師傅的一天 - Taiwanese Food

This is the world's largest chain of udon noodles restaurants!
Marugame Seimen has over 1,000 stores worldwide.
All noodles are handmade and undergo a low-temperature fermentation overnight to bring out the best flavor.

In addition to udon noodles dishes,
the restaurant also offers authentic Japanese tempura, rice balls,
and inari sushi.
Friends who enjoy Japanese-style udon noodles must give it a try!

Hi, there! Welcome to Lemon Films Channel ????
If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more delicious foods.????

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**Location information**

#Udon #UdonNoodles #Noodles #UdonSoba #Marugame #JapaneseFood #tempura #TaiwaneseFood #丸亀製麵 #日本料理 #Soba #台灣美食 #MarugameSeimen

お客さんもビックリな神業そば打ちが炸裂する大阪蕎麦屋の1日に密着丨Art of making SOBA NOODLES Japan

【手打ちそば屋 庵】
~冷たいざるそば かも汁~〈1600円〉


住所 大阪府東大阪市長堂1-29-12

うどんそば 大阪 奈良 Udonsoba Osaka Nara

#そば #蕎麦 #天ぷら #ざるそば #大阪グルメ

The Art of Handmade Soba Noodles - Japanese Street Food

The Handmade Soba restaurant Chigusahougetsu is very famous in Japan.
Soba noodles are made from buckwheat flour.
It is served either cold with a dipping sauce or hot in broth.
Hot soba in broth is called “kake soba” and cold soba on a bamboo basket or a plate is called “mori soba”.
Stand-up soba restaurants are common in station yards.
Hope you try and taste it.

15-19 Honencho Chikusa-ku Nagoya Aichi「Chigusahougetsu」
Thanks for subscribing to my channel!

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何この天ぷら?!極みの蕎麦職人達による神がかり的な熟練スキル丨Art of making SOBA NOODLES

【東白庵 かりべ】


住所 東京都世田谷区粕谷4-23-19

衝撃コスパで高速提供!!行列ができる東京うどん店の爆売れ肉カレーうどん丨Japanese Street Food

安い!早い!旨いの三拍子!注文が殺到する神コスパ大衆蕎麦屋に密着丨Japanese Fast Food

熟練の天ぷらさばき!東京で驚異的な人気を誇る讃岐うどん店に密着丨INCREDIBLE NOODLES, Japanese Udon Noodles

そばうどん 東京 Sobaudon Tokyo

#蕎麦 #天ぷら #天ぷらそば #日本食 #東京グルメ

Street food Japan, how to make Soba Noodles, そば, そば打ち

Check out WARABE WEB site:

Soba (そば or 蕎麦) (/ˈsoʊbə/, Japanese pronunciation: [soba]) is the Japanese name for buckwheat. It usually refers to thin noodles made from buckwheat flour, or a combination of buckwheat and wheat flours . They contrast to thick wheat noodles, called udon. Soba noodles are served either chilled with a dipping sauce, or in hot broth as a noodle soup.

In Japan, soba noodles can be found in a variety of settings,[1] from fast food places to expensive specialty restaurants. Markets sell dried noodles[2] and men-tsuyu, or instant noodle broth, to make home preparation easy. There are a wide variety of dishes, both hot for winter and cold for summer, using these noodles.

Soba can nutritionally complement other grains like white rice and wheat flour. Thiamine, missing from white rice, is present in soba. Soba contains all eight essential amino acids, including lysine, which is lacking in wheat flour. The tradition of eating soba arose in the Edo period.

(Information source: Wikipedia)

埼玉)天ぷら!かつ丼!ボリューム満点そば屋のこだわり抜いた仕事丨Art of making SOBA NOODLES

店名 純手打ち蕎麦 那須家宗庵
住所 埼玉県さいたま市南区関2丁目7−18


そばうどん 東京 Sobaudon Tokyo

#蕎麦 #天ぷら #かつ丼 #埼玉グルメ

The Art of Making Soba

Soba Master Yoshinori Shibazaki of Shimbashi Soba Restaurant, Singapore, demonstrates the making of soba. Video narrated by my friend Catherina Hosoi.

Soba noodles: A close-up look at the pioneer of Togakushi's soba noodles in Japan!

There are more than a dozen soba shops in the vicinity of Togakushi Shrine, the home of soba, and the soba and broth produced from a particularly clear and delicious source of water is a source of flavor that is unique to this area and cannot be imitated anywhere else.
Among them, Niomon-ya, which has been in business for over 50 years, is one of the most famous among the authentic Togakushi soba restaurants.

What is Togakushi Soba?
Togakushi soba is a type of buckwheat noodle produced in the Togakushi region in Shinshu (Nagano Prefecture), Japan. The Togakushi area is a mountainous region rich in nature, with clear water and a suitable environment for the production of high-quality buckwheat flour.

Togakushi soba is characterized by its thin, delicate noodles. The noodles are hand-stretched and trimmed to give them a smooth texture and firmness. In addition, the use of buckwheat flour grown using the abundant water in the Togakushi area gives the noodles a flavorful and aromatic taste.

Togakushi soba is generally served as kakesoba, which is noodles dipped in warm soba water, but other soba dishes and cold variations such as zarusoba can also be enjoyed.

The Togakushi area is known for its soba, and many people come to the area to taste Togakushi soba. Because of its flavor and quality, Togakushi soba is appreciated both in Japan and abroad.

00:00 Digest
01:23 Making buckwheat noodle
07:51 Preparation for opening
10:18 Opening
27:20 Togakushi sightseeing

Name: Niomon-ya, Togakushi Soba Restaurant
Tel: 026-254-2244
Reservations accepted
Address: 3419 Togakushi Nakasha, Nagano City, Nagano Prefecture
Business hours: 10:30 - 16:00 *Close when all the soba is gone.
Closed: Friday *Open on Sunday
Business hours and holidays are subject to change, so please check with the store before visiting.
Payment Methods: Cards accepted (JCB, AMEX, Diners, VISA, Master)
 Electronic money accepted
Number of Seats 50 seats
Private rooms available (for 4 persons)
No smoking *Smoking area is available outside.
Parking available (7-8 cars)
Sake available, specializing in Japanese sake

#Japanesefood #Soba #Traditionalfood

驚異の安さを誇る屋台うどん店!絶対にハズせない関西のうどんそば屋5選丨Japanese Street Food丨うどんそば兵庫京都 第46話〜50話

0:00 ザ うどん
住所 兵庫県神戸市長田区庄田町4-6-3

23:58 駒家
住所 兵庫県神戸市長田区長楽町3-2-5

57:37 更科本店
住所 京都府京都市中京区中筋町483

1:34:57 殿田
住所 京都府京都市南区東九条上殿田町15 

1:58:18 青森
住所 兵庫県神戸市長田区久保町4-8-6

うどんそば 兵庫 京都 Udonsoba Hyogo Kyoto

#うどん #そば #日本食




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