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VLOG 3: BACK IN BULAWAYO - Matobo park and Khami ruins!


Kingdom of Butua Ruins | Zimbabwe, Africa

I visited the Khami ruins which was built by the Kingdom of Butua and later conquered by the Rozvi Empire. These nations were the offspring of the Great Zimbabwe Empire.

0:00 - Intro
0:32 – Bulawayo Zimbabwe
1:13 – Overview of the Kingdom of Butua
1:40 – talking to the guards
2:14 - Overview of Khami Ruins & history of Kingdom of Butua
3:12 – migration after the fall of The Great Zimbabwe Empire
3:35 – the City’s entrance and paths
4:37 – Where the elites lived
4:58 – the walls were destroyed by Europeans looking for gold
5:23 – The Kingdom of Butua trading gold with the Middle East and Asia
6:48 - The top of the hill where the king lived
7:28 – the platform of worship
8:30 – Rozvi Empire conquered the Kingdom of Butua
9:01 – The patterns on the walls were to show prestige and nobility
9:50 – Heard baboons fighting around the corner. that’s a wrap folks.
11:20 – riding back to Bulawayo with the guards as they talk about rap music
11:56 – local bus ride with a dude trying to slang baby chickens
12:32 – On the next video… Ethiopia

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Best Tourist Attractions Places To Travel In Zimbabwe|Khami Ruins National Monument Destination Spot

Top Tourist Attractions Places To Travel In Zimbabwe|Khami Ruins National Monument Destination Spot - Tourism in Zimbabwe


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Khami is a ruined city located 22 kilometres west of Bulawayo, in Zimbabwe.
It was once the capital of the Kingdom of Butua of the Torwa dynasty.
It is now a national monument, and became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1986.
Khami was the capital of the Torwa dynasty for about 200 years from around 1450 and appears to have been founded at the time of the disappearance of the state at Great Zimbabwe.
After that (the traditional date is 1683), it was ransacked by Changamire Dombo who led an army of Rozvi rebels from the Mwenemutapa State.
Excavations seem to show that the site was not occupied after these Rozvi took over.
The Rozvi made another Khami phase site, Danamombe (Dhlo-Dhlo), their new capital.
In the 1830s Nguni speaking Ndebele raiders displaced them from Khami and many of the other sites they had established.
The settlement that we see today was a development of the architectural form that emerged at Great Zimbabwe in the 13th century AD and a local Leopard's Kopje culture that built platforms of rough walling on which houses would be constructed.
Khami marks an innovation that recognised the environment in which was built.
The site of Khami reveals seven built-up areas occupied by the royal family with open areas in the valley occupied by the commoners.
The complex comprises circular, sometimes terraced, artificial platforms encased by dry stone walls.
The beautifully decorated 6 metres high by 68 metres long retaining wall of the precipice platform bears a checkerboard design along its entire length.
The platforms, rising 2 to 7 metres above the ground, carried dhaka (clay) huts and courtyards where those of lower status lived.
The remnants of cattle kraals and huts for ordinary people can be seen below the Hill Complex.
The ruins include a royal enclosure or Hill Complex, which had to be on higher ground than other buildings, stone walls and hut platforms, and also a Christian cross believed to have been placed by a contemporary missionary.
There are also ruins on the eastern side of the Khami River.
Other platforms are believed to have been cattle kraals and a retaining wall with a chequered pattern.
Recent excavations (2000–2006) have revealed that the walls of the western parts of the Hill Complex were all decorated in chequer, herringbone, cord, as well as variegated stone blocks.


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Zimbabwe - Khami Ruined City

The ruined city of Khami once was the capital of the Kingdom of Butua of the Torwa dynasty. It is now a national monument, and a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

We visited Zimbabwe on our overland trip from the Netherlands to South Africa and South America; see our channel for hundreds of clips.

The used background music is royalty free music: Light Thought var 4 by Kevin MacLeod (

Power A Life Zimbabwe 2016 VLOG Ep 3

This is the 3rd episode of the Power A Life Zimbabwe VLOG 2016. Steve and I have made it to SA from Glasgow and are about to head to Bulawayo, Zimbabwe.

Check out Power A Life and what they do at:
Or head to my website:

Thanks for watching!

Bulawayo and Matopos 1978

Cine film of Bulawayo and the Matopos in Zimbabwe in 1978.

Nalatale Ruins

What Nalatale would have looked like then and after as it is today. Refer to my book The Ancient Ruins of Monomatapa on Kindle.

Best Hotel Accommodation near Old Bulawayo Museum, Zimbabwe

This is MUST WATCH video, if you are looking for the best accommodation near Old Bulawayo Museum. Find Cheap and best, Budget Hotels, Luxury Hotels and resorts around Old Bulawayo Museum. Our clients, reviewers and in house travel experts has voted theses hotels near Old Bulawayo Museum as the best for travellers for all price range. Please note that this list is not rank wise, these are our best picks and none of the hotels mentioned in the video has paid or sponsored us. We have not mentioned the prices because prices keep on fluctuating from time to time and seasons. If you want to find out the best travel deals on these hotels, please visit our web site

If you have a suggestion or you do not agree with our list, please write to us in the comment box below. We will definitely consider your review in our next video for this city.

Don't forget to subscribe our channel to view more travel videos. Click on Bell ICON to get the notified whenever we upload a new video.

List of Best hotels near Old Bulawayo Museum, Zimbabwe

A- Amalinda Lodge
matopos, +263 9 243 954

B- Farmhouse
The Farmhouse 48km Peg, Kezi Rd,
+263 77 954 4293

C- Nesbitt Castle
6 Percy Avenue, Hillside,
+263 77 724 9324

D- Big Cave Camp
+263 9 244 990

E- Burkes' Backpackers Paradise
11 Inverleith Dr, Burnside Rd,
+263 78 231 1011

F- Holiday Inn Bulawayo
Ascot, +263 29 2252464

G- Banff Lodge Hotel
35 Banff Rd, +263 29 2243176

H- Travellers Guest House
Cecil Ave, +263 29 2246059

I- Matobo Hills Lodge
Matopos Road,

J- Hornung Park Lodge
79 Hillside Road,
+263 29 2246868

Happy Travelling.


Matobo National park, Zimbabwe ????????

Driving through the streets of the city of Bulawayo in Zimbabwe

My photographs:

Matopos game park

South of Bulawayo, Zimbabwe. No rhinocerus spotted this time... Just lizards...

Matobo National Park Zimbabwe

Matobo National Park Zimbabwe. UNESCO Natural World Heritage Site. The Matobo Hills have one of the highest concentrations of rock art in Southern Africa dating back at least 13,000 years.

【K】Zimbabwe Travel-Bulawayo[짐바브웨 여행-불라와요]돌로 만든 왕국 카미 유적지/Khami Ruins/Palace/Unesco

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[한국어 정보]
돌들은 왕궁을 지을 때 귀중한 재료였다. 지금은 폐허가 된 카미 유적지는 15세기에 맘보왕이 거처하던 왕궁이었다. 돌로 정교하고 아름답게 쌓은 이 왕궁은 무역의 중심지기도 했는데 포르투갈과 중국과의 교역물품인 도자기와 금 장식품이 많이 출토됐다. 왕궁으로 오르는 계단 주변으로는 제사장과 정치인들이 기거했던 것으로 보인다. “그들은 유적지를 건설하는 데 (화강암을) 사용했죠. 바로 여기가 왕이 살았던 곳이고 이곳의 주 건물로 알려져 있어요. 왕은 맨 꼭대기에 살았죠. 그가 맨 꼭대기에 사는 걸 선택한 이유는 (왕으로서의) 권위 때문이었어요.” 이 둥근 원의 방에는 맘보왕이 기거하면서 정사를 펼쳤다. 이 왕을 알현하려면 긴 복도를 따라 올라와야 했다. 중간에 대기실도 있어 순번을 두고 기다려야 했다. 카미 유적지는 2㎢ 넘는 지역까지 펼쳐져 있는데 1893년 로벤굴라왕이 죽을 때까지 ‘왕실 보호지’로 보호받았다. 이 보호 규정 때문에 이곳은 보물 탐험가들의 무자비한 약탈에도 다행히 보존될 수 있었다. 16세기 중반에 이곳은 버려졌는데 지금은 유네스코 세계유산으로 지정되어 그 옛날 찬란했던 역사를 말해주고 있다.

[English: Google Translator]
Stones were valuable materials when building the house. Kami sites now ruined palace were mambo king was dwelling in the 15th century. The palace sophisticated and beautifully stacked stone's prayer was a center of trade was unearthed many gold ornaments and pottery trade in goods between Portugal and China. Around the stair climb to the palace seems that Giger priests and politicians. They'd used (granite) to build the monument. Right here is where the king lived, and I'm known as the main building on the site. King lived on the top. Why did you choose that he was living on the top it is because (as King) authority. This room has a circle with a mambo king Giger played an affair. To the audience with the king he was olrawaya along the long corridor. It is also in the middle of the waiting room had to wait with the order. Kami sites are there to spread over 2㎢ area was protected by a 'royal reserve' until his death in 1893 the Robben rawang oysters. This is because the regulations could be preserved Fortunately, the ruthless plundering of treasures explorers. This is the 16th century jyeotneunde away now tells the history that had been designated as a UNESCO World Heritage old splendor.

■클립명: 아프리카059-짐바브웨02-12 돌로 만든 왕국 카미 유적지/Khami Ruins/Palace/Unesco
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 표만석 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2016년 6월 June

평원,plain,고원, 평야, 들판, 목초지, open land, plateau, meadow, grassland,궁전,palace,royal, castle, king, queen,구조물,structure,arch, tower, wall, gate,아프리카,Africa ,,짐바브웨,Zimbabwe,Republic of Zimbabwe,,표만석,2016,6월 June,불라와요,Bulawayo,,

Best Tourist Attractions Places To Travel In Zimbabwe | Matobo Hills Destination Spot

Top Tourist Attractions Places To Travel In Zimbabwe | Matobo Hills Destination Spot - Tourism in Zimbabwe


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The Matobo National Park forms the core of the Matobo or Matopos Hills, an area of granite kopjes and wooded valleys commencing some 35 kilometres south of Bulawayo, southern Zimbabwe.
The hills were formed over 2 billion years ago with granite being forced to the surface.
Mzilikazi, founder of the Ndebele nation, gave the area its name, meaning 'Bald Heads'.
The Hills cover an area of about 3100 square kilometres, of which 424 square kilometres is National Park, the remainder being largely communal land and a small proportion of commercial farmland.
The park extends along the Thuli, Mtshelele, Maleme and Mpopoma river valleys.
Part of the national park is set aside as a 100 square kilometres game park, which has been stocked with game including the white rhinoceros.
The national park is located within the southern Africa bushveld ecoregion.
The national park is the oldest in Zimbabwe, established in 1926 as Rhodes Matopos National Park, a bequest from Cecil Rhodes.
The original park borders extended well to the south and east of the current park.
The park area then increased with the acquisition of World's View and Hazelside farms to the north.
The current name Matobo reflects the correct vernacular pronunciation of the area.
The Matobo Hills were designated as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 2003.
The area exhibits a profusion of distinctive rock landforms rising above the granite shield that covers much of Zimbabwe.
The Matobo Hills is an area of high botanic diversity, with over 200 species of tree recorded in the national park, including the mountain acacia, wild pear and the paperbark tree.
There are also many aloes, wild herbs and over 100 grass species.
Matobo National Park has a wide diversity of fauna: 175 bird, 88 mammal, 39 snake and 16 fish species.
Game include white rhinos, sable antelopes, impala and leopards.
The park contains the world's densest population of the latter, due to the abundance of hyrax, which make up 50% of their diet.
The game park in the west has been restocked with white and black rhinos.
It has been designated as an Intensive Protection Zone for the two species, as well as hyenas, hippopotami, giraffes, zebras, wildebeest sand ostriches.
Matobo National Park contains the highest concentration of black eagles, and breeding pairs of these birds, worldwide.


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Matobo National Park Zimbabwe

The Matobo National Park forms the core of the Matobo or Matopos Hills, an area of granite kopjes and wooded valleys commencing some 35 kilometres (22 mi) south of Bulawayo, southern Zimbabwe. The hills were formed over 2 billion years ago with granite being forced to the surface, this has eroded to produce smooth whaleback dwalas and broken kopjes, strewn with boulders and interspersed with thickets of vegetation. Mzilikazi, founder of the Ndebele nation, gave the area its name, meaning 'Bald Heads'.

Cecil Rhode's grave is situated here.
He may not have lived very long but he accomplished a lot of amazing achievements in his short life; he started the successful diamond company called ‘De Beers’, founded the state of Rhodesia (which was split into 2 areas and is now known as Zimbabwe and Zambia), was elected into the Cape Parliament in 1881, became the prime minister of the Cape in 1890 and founded an abundance of enterprises in Zimbabwe.

Nearing his death, Cecil John Rhodes requested that he would like to be buried on top of the flat mountain near his land (in Matopos National Park). He was unaware that this was sacred ground belonging to the Ndebele… The Ndebele referred to this mountain ‘Malindidzimu’ which means ‘dwelling place of the generous spirits’. They allowed Cecil John Rhodes to be buried on top of this Zimbabwean Mountain (a month after his death) but requested that instead of a gun salute they would pay their respect to him with a ‘Hayate’ (a respectful silence)… he was the only European to ever be given this tribute.

Cecil John Rhodes also wanted his burial site to be called “view of the world” as he thought it was the most magnificent site around; overlooking the matapos rocks, massive boulders and exquisite scenery.

Nalatale Ruins

Built with 3D Blender- Nalatale existed from around 1100 AD to 1700 AD.

Zimbabwe 2017 (part2)

Bulawayo and Chidamoyo

1200ad Surprise - African Nation Great Zimbabwe Ruins

These ancient native Africans were mining and trading Gold with the outside world 300 years before Columbus sailed.
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Filmed with a Sony Cybershot

Zimbabwe_2002-Matobo Hills Lodge

A beautiful camp outside Bulawayo.

Paul Hubbard : The Matopos, Zimbabwe

Paul Hubbard grew up exploring the Matobo Hills outside Bulawayo in southern Zimbabwe. He is now a researcher and guide to the area. Visit GreatGuides.Org for his full profile, audio downloads, photos and writing.

Camp Amalinda, Matobo Hills Zimbabwe

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