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Taiwanese Street Food Liuhe Tourist Night Market


Taiwanese Street Food Tour of Liuhe & Ruifeng Night Market 2023

Take you to Taiwanese night market!
The video collects the street food of two night markets in Kaohsiung.
Liuhe night market and Ruifeng night market are both popular with many tourists!
Please enjoy the food!

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If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more delicious foods.????

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✨Delicious street food in this Video✨
00:00 Liuhe & Ruifeng night market

00:12 Korean cheese egg bread / 韓式起司雞蛋糕

03:00 Tanghulu (Candied fruit) / 糖葫蘆

05:35 Hot plate egg fried rice / 鐵板炒飯 (六合夜市)

07:50 Korean meatball / 韓式肉餅

09:35 Scallion pancake / 蔥油餅

12:38 Takoyaki with whole octopus / 章魚爆爆章魚燒

19:37 Chinese crepes jianbing / 老北京煎餅果子

22:54 Traditional stone crepes / 石頭餅

24:32 German pork knuckle (Schweinshaxe) / 尼黑德國豬腳

26:34 Deep fried squid / 酥炸魷魚 (六合夜市)

#streetfood #nightmarket #Taiwanesefood

Taiwan Travel Vlog ???????? Exploring Kaohsiung, Street Food at Liuhe Night Market 六合夜市, Lotus Pond 2024

Travel with us to Kaohsiung, Taiwan 高雄! Southern Taiwan's beautiful port city.

For Part 3 of our Taiwan Travel Guide 2024, we explore the best things to do in this underrated Taiwanese city. From street food to back alley gems, lakeside temples to unique local souvenirs and so much more.

From the steam-filled Liuhe Night Market (六合觀光夜市) to the unexpectedly hip Yancheng 1st Public Market 塩埕第一公有零售市場) and Jue-Jiang Traditional Market 堀江商場, we will literally carry your eyeballs to the most local Taiwanese neighborhoods.

We also kick things off with a trip to the most iconic temples and pagodas in Taiwan. Constructed in 1976, the Lotus Pond Scenic Area (蓮池潭風景) and Dragon and Tiger Pagodas (龍虎塔) are true must-sees on any Taiwan trip.

Whether you’re looking to spend a few days in a more relaxed city in Taiwan or just take a day trip from Taipei, Kaohsiung is worth adding to your travel itinerary.

Stay tuned for our next vlogs in sunny Taichung, bustling Taipei, and the misty coastal town of Keelung!

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Ralph —
Sam —
Souvenir —

Music by:
Sam Celentano - Apricot -
Dakkuma - China -
Blue Sirens - Less Traveled -
TrackTribe - Walk Through The Park
TrackTribe - Strollin'
Sam Celentano - Fuji, Gala, Macoun -
Mark Generous - Switch -
Mark Generous - Green Field -

#taiwan2024 #taiwantravel #kaohsiungtaiwan #kaohsiungtravel #kaohsiungcity #kaohsiungvlog #taiwanvlog2024 #taiwanesefood #kaohsiungfood
00:00 Introduction
01:19 Kaohsiung Lotus Pond
02:37 Spring Autumn Pavilions 春秋閣
03:40 Mochi Donut
04:18 Chun Shui Tang
05:22 Kaohsiung Papaya Milk
06:25 Kaohsiung Night Market
07:34 Taiwanese Sausage
09:10 Taiwan Convenience Store
10:26 SKB Pens
11:16 Yancheng Kaohsiung
11:46 Market Shopping
12:36 Taiwanese Shaved Ice
13:41 Yancheng 1st Public Market
15:12 Kaohsiung Coffee
16:37 Strawberry Mochi
18:08 Taiwanese Milkfish
19:05 Kaohsiung Light Rail
19:35 MLD
20:38 Old New Taiwanese Cuisine

Everything I Ate in 10 Minutes at Liuhe Night Market in Kaohsiung, Taiwan - 六合夜市

We visited the Liuhe Night Market in Kaohsiung, Taiwan during our 3 day stay in this major city that I will say is my second most favorite city in the country. Can you guess which is my favorite?

As I always say, no trip to any city in Taiwan is complete until you visit at least one night market. In Kaohsiung, there are many night markets and although we were only able to visit one, I personally think this one is worth visiting even if it is often dismissed as being too touristy.

The service and food we received here was second to none in my personal opinion. Come along with me as I give you a guided tour of everything we ate and sampled!

Liuhe Tourist Night Market
Liuhe 2nd Rd, Xinxing District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan 800

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Music from Epidemic Sound

Kaohsiung Night Market Food Tour - Taiwan Street Food at Liuhe

Daniel and Anita dive into Kaohsiung City's Liuhe Night Market. They eat all the delicious food from this popular southern Taiwan night market. Liuhe Night Market has some of the best night market food in Taiwan and is worth a visit when traveling to Taiwan.

What to eat at the Liuhe Night Market In Taiwan:
- Steam Pork & Cabbage Dumplings
- Rare Lamb In Chinese Medicine Broth
- Brown Sugar Milk with Boba
- Braised Pork Feet / Pork Trotters
- Taiwanese Oyster Omelette
- Sugar Cane Juice

Liuhe Tourist Night Market
Liuhe 2nd Road, Xinxing District, Kaohsiung City, 800

Taiwan Street Food At Liuhe Night Market In Kaohsiung, Taiwan | Baby Crabs, Fish Skin Soup and More

In todays video, we are heading to Liuhe Night Market here in Kaohsiung, Taiwan. It is one of the most popular night markets for people to visit where they can get a variety of amazing seafood.

For instance, we try so many different kinds of Taiwan Street Foods like Baby Fried Crabs, Fish Skin Soup, Seafood Omelette, Gua Bao, and so much more.

If you love street food, then this is one video you definitely have to watch!

Location I visited:
Liuhe Night Market
Address: Liuhe 2nd Rd, Xinxing District, Kaohsiung City, 800

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Camera Microphone:
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????Interested in where I get my music from? Sign up here with Epidemic Sound and get 30 days of free music to download!

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대만 맛집 필수 BEST ㅣ타이베이 가오슝 타이난 타이중 오픈런 대기줄로 증명된 길거리음식 야시장 버블티 나혼산 팜유 맛집까지 몰아보기

#대만 #대만여행 #대만맛집

미식의 나라 대만.
대만 여행에서 꼭 들려야하는 리뷰, 웨이팅으로 증명 받은 유명 맛집과 대만 필수 먹거리를 모아 소개드립니다.
대만의 수도 타이베이와 타이베이 근교 여행지,
대만의 제2, 3의 도시라 불리는 대만의 부산 가오슝,
최근 ‘나혼자산다’에서도 소개되며 대만에서도 식도락의 도시라 불리는 타이중,
그리고 대만의 경주 타이난까지,

‘사는듯한 여행을 즐기는 [살란다]’가 무려 14박 15일, 2주가 넘는 기간 동안 대만의 구석구석을 여행하며 직접 먹어본 맛집과 솔직한 후기를 전해드립니다.
00:00 인트로
00:27 지도 요약
00:45 豪季水餃專賣店 (호계수교전매점ㅣ새우만두 10개 90元 / 죽순탕 35元)
01:27 삼미식당 (대왕연어초밥ㅣ연어+오징어초밥 3개 220元 6개 430元/ 닭튀김 160元)
02:09 푸홍뉴러우멘 (24시간 우육면ㅣ소고기탕면 소 100元/ 고기없는 탕면 소 45元)
02:44 아종면선본점 (곱창국수ㅣ small 60元, Large 75元)
03:31 행복당 (XingFuTangㅣ흑당버블티 100元 )
03:57 우스란 (50嵐ㅣ밀크티 50元 )
04:16 커부커 (可不可/Kebukeㅣ밀크티 600元, 블랙티 35元 )
04:34 Guiji (구이지ㅣ자몽녹차 50元)
05:01 루이사커피 (LOUISA COFFEE)
05:23 카리도넛 (도넛 25元)
06:00 복주세조호초병 (후추빵 60元)
06:27 만한대찬 우육면 컵라면(순한맛&매운맛)
07:05 심플카파 (SimpleKaffa 카페 타이베이101 지점)
07:51 딘타이펑 (타이베이 101점ㅣ샤오롱바오 5개 115元, 샤오마이 5개 180元, 새우계란볶음밥 270元 (10% 서비스비용 추가) )
08:34 라오허제야시장 (고구마볼 50元, 한입 소세지 60元)
09:35 융캉우육면 (永康牛肉麵ㅣ하얀 우육면 (소)/매운 우육면 (소) 240元 )
10:07 항주소롱탕포 (杭州小籠湯包ㅣ샤오롱바오 150元)
10:37 천진총좌빙 (대만식 토스트ㅣ햄계란 50元 옥수수계란치즈 60元)
11:03 스린야시장 (왕자치즈감자 69元, 지파이100元)
12:28 증미미 (샤오롱바오 80元, 유부두부국 35元, 돼지고기소스밥(s) 25元)
13:07 단딩또우 (丹頂豆ㅣ땅콩 참깨 아이스크림 80元)
13:36 스펀 (닭날개 볶음밥 70元, 밀크티 70元)
13:58 진과스 (광공식당 礦工食堂ㅣ광부도시락 180元)
14:43 하이즈빙 ( 과일우유눈꽃빙수 85元)
15:13 NOW&THEN (브런치/ 아이스라떼 130元, 밀크쉐이크 160元, 샌드위치 250元)
15:26 써니힐 (펑리수+우롱차or 쿠키+커피 무료 제공)
15:46 항원우육면 (우육면 120元)
16:08 후덕복 (가성비 로컬음식ㅣ샤오롱바오 90元, 차이니스포크파이 40元, 팬케이크 90元)
16:47 리우허 야시장
17:32 원장우육탕 (Win Chang Beef Soup Anping Main Shopㅣ우육탕(大) 150元, 볶음밥 120元)
18:05 도소월 (단자이미엔 50元, 새우롤 155元)
18:50 춘수당 본점 (밀크티 170元/포장 할인 144元)
19:10 Fu Din Wang 富鼎旺豬腳 (나혼산 맛집ㅣ족발국수 120元, 족발B세트 145元)
19:39 칭징저훠궈 (마라맛 소고기 368元ㅣ 스끼야끼 돼지고기 338元 )
20:21 궁원안과 (아이스크림ㅣ더블스쿱 180元 +와플 20元+ 럭셔리 토핑 80元)
20:52 심원춘 (중식당ㅣ갈비볶음밥 180元, 갈비국수 160, 서비스비용 10% 추가)
21:18 펑지아야시장
▶자료 출처
구글 지도
인트로 디자인 소스 : 문벤영상편집(유튜브 채널)

Taiwan Night Market STREET FOOD TOUR!! ???????? Visit This Market When You’re in Taiwan!

???????? Ultimate Taiwan Street Food Tour:
???? T-shirts:
???? Ghost Chili Powder: (Amazon affiliate link)

TAIPEI, TAIWAN - Taiwan is extremely famous for their night market street food culture, and so tonight we’re eating our way through Nanjichang Night Market (南機場夜市) - a lesser known, yet extremely popular local night market. If you want an off the beaten path, guaranteed delicious Taiwanese food experience, this is a great Taipei night market to visit.

One of the greatest things about Nanjichang Night Market (南機場夜市) is that it’s not only a night market, but it’s open throughout the day and you’ll find different food available depending on the time of the day. Additionally, about 3 or 4 different stalls at this market have been featured in the Michelin Guide Taiwan.

Here’s everything I ate:

Sticky Rice Restaurant 曉迪筒仔米糕:
Total price - 290 TWD ($9.57)

Fried Oyster Ball 好佳蚵嗲:
Total price - 160 TWD ($5.29)

Smelly Tofu Boss (臭老闆現蒸臭豆腐-本店):
Total price - 135 TWD ($4.46)

Unnamed Clay Oven Rolls (無名手推車燒餅):
Price - 15 TWD ($0.50) per piece

A Nan Sesame Oil Chicken (阿男麻油雞):
Price - 215 TWD ($7.11)

Taiwanese Burrito at Wu Wang Tsai Chi (吾旺再季 潤餅捲專賣(原松青潤餅):
Price - 60 TWD ($1.98)

Highly recommended for an off the beaten path Taiwan street food night market in Taipei.

Social Media:

???? T-shirts:
???? Ghost Chili:
???? Camera gear I use:
(some of these are Amazon affiliate links)

???? Subscribe: Thank you for watching this street food tour, remember to Subscribe: for more food and travel!

Who wins? Tourist vs Local Night Market in Kaohsiung!

We're enjoying Taiwan's night markets so much that we decided to do a showdown! It's Tourist (Liuhe) Night Market against a Local (Jhongsiao) Night Market. There are a few food surprises, because this is Taiwan. Which will win? We also include Ruifeng Night Market in the final comparison! Note - this video has no background music and is ONLY street sounds (and us!)!

Tip jar????

Our favorite gear!
????Main camera:
????Action camera:
????2nd camera:
????Portable charger (we’d never make it without this):
????Favorite ever backpack:


**If you purchase something using these Amazon links, our channel may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you.**

Connect with us! Sometimes we even post while we’re traveling! ????

In case you like skipping around:
00:00 It's a showdown!
00:47 Liuhe Tourist Market
01:08 Dumplings
03:02 Banana Pancakes
04:56 Taiwanese Hot Dogs
08:14 Liuhe Market Thoughts
09:10 Jhongsiao Night Market
09:41 Roasted Corn
12:05 Hakka Noodles
13:56 Salt & Pepper Fried Things
19:09 Which to visit?
19:52 Bloopers

#taiwan #kaohsiung #travel
#taiwannightmarket #taiwanfood #taiwanvlog
#高雄市 #高雄 #台灣 #台灣vtuber

[4K] Taiwan Kaohsiung Liuhe Tourist Night Market | 台灣高雄六合觀光夜市 | tour | 旅遊 | 觀光 | 夜市| 台湾 観光に行く トラベル

time | 20220819 1910~1930
place | Taiwan Kaohsiung Liuhe Tourist Night Market | 台灣高雄六合觀光夜市


I completely forgot when I went shopping at Liuhe Night Market last time. Before this night market was dubbed by Kaohsiung people as a night market for tourists. I haven't been here since it got this title. It's rare to be free this Friday night. Come and have a stroll, the stalls are very diverse, and they can indeed cater for various tastes. I think that apart from the high price, which makes Kaohsiung local people not support, the diverse food culture of the night market can still be achieved, but since the pneumonia epidemic began to Now, the crowd of Liuhe Night Market seems to be quite deserted. The environment is not good, and the income of the night market vendors will naturally be affected. In comparison, it is really not as good as before.

use | iphone 11
software | 剪映專業版

#taiwan #kaohsiung #walking #walk #walkingtour #nightmarket
#台灣 #台灣旅遊 #台灣旅行 #台灣自由行
#高雄 #高雄市 #散步 #健行 #夜市 #夜市小吃 #觀光 #旅遊 #景點

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Name【Sky life channel 大天王道】
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Liuhe Tourist Night Market 六合観光夜市 | Xinxing District Kaohsiung City Taiwan | Walk tour 2023

Liuhe Tourist Night Market (also known as Liouhe or Liuhe Night Market) is a popular and vibrant night market located in Xinxing District, Kaohsiung City, Taiwan. It is one of the most famous and well-loved night markets in the city and a must-visit destination for both locals and tourists.

It is renowned for its diverse selection of delicious Taiwanese street food, which includes various types of local snacks, seafood, noodles, grilled meats, and desserts. Some of the must-try dishes at the market include oyster omelets, braised pork rice (lu rou fan), bubble tea, stinky tofu, and many others.


⭐Music used for this Video:

⭐Equipment used for this video:
Camera: Google Pixel 7
Gimbal: Insta360 flow
Microphone: Rode Wireless ME

⭐For more videos????

⭐Fancy Frontier 41

????Kaohsiung Ruifeng Night Market

????Kaohsiung Shinkuchan Shopping District :

Feel free to check other videos:
???? Taipei Anime Cosplay Festival

???? Ximending Night Market

???? Shilin Night Market

???? Taipei 101Xinyi District

????Tamsui New Taipei

???? Taipei Expo Farmers Market

#travel #taiwan #walkthrough #kaohsiung #nightmarket

Taiwanese Street Food Garden Night Market

Garden night market is considered the largest and most famous night market in Tainan which is a city in south of Taiwan

You can shop and eat all kinds of street food til you drop with reasonable and affordable prices and most are perpared for you hot and fresh!

All food in this video cost not more than $5usd

Food featured in this video from the street stalls of Garden Night Market

1. Brown sugar bubble milk
2. Grilled blood with glutinous rice
3. Oyster bun
4. Sweet corn shoots
5. Spring onion crepe
6. Fresh bitter gourd & celery juice
7. Potato & cheese pie, Pepper meat pie
8. Fried oyster
9. Steak set
10. Chocolate marshmellow crepe
11. Braised chicken feet
12. Taiwanese pork sausage & glutinous rice sausage
13. Cheese with mentaiko pizza cracker
14. Strawberries with condensed milk
15. 3D Crispy egg cake with 6 designs

This was film early Feb, stay safe everyone!

Best Taiwanese street food in Dadong Night Market 2022 / 大東夜市美食大合集 2022

Tainan is one of the cities in Taiwan with the most delicious food!
We're located at Tainan city today and we'll show you the most popular street food in Dadong Night Market!

Hi, there! Welcome to Lemon Films Channel ????
If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more delicious foods.????

Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. Thank you!

✨Delicious street food in this Video✨
00:00 Dadong Night Market / 台南大東夜市

00:10 Fresh Pineapple Juice / 雅淳鳳梨水果茶

06:08 Spring Roll Ice Cream / 春捲冰淇淋

07:56 Hong Kong Style Roasted Pork / 馳名港式脆皮烤豬

11:09 Stir-Fried Eel Noodles / 乾炒鱔魚意麵

13:15 Candied Sweet Potatoes / 東東拔絲地瓜

16:12 Fried Quail Eggs / 起司熱狗煎鳥蛋

20:20 Pani Puri / 普利球 (香料水醬酥炸球)

22:54 Vegan Sweet Potato Balls / 南台灣地瓜球

25:30 Mochi Shaved Ice & Boiled Mochi / 董家麻糬冰, 燒麻糬

28:56 Oyster Omelet / 古都蚵仔煎

31:25 Lemon Aiyu Jelly / 檸檬愛玉

32:39 Sausage with Rice Sausage / 紅妃香腸大腸

34:53 Tsou's Barbecue / 鄒族原木烤肉

#NightMarket #FruitCutting #FruitNinja #StreetFood #Mochi #Eel #大東夜市 #台南美食 #夜市美食


Food in Taiwan is amazing! Night markets are everywhere, we visited Liuhe Night Market in Kaohsiung, the second largest city in Taiwan.

Watch as your two favourite adventurers explore the cuisine in Taiwan!

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INSTAGRAM: Timvenadventures
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Taiwanese Street Food Liuhe Tourist Night Market / 六合觀光夜市美食 - 台灣街頭美食

Taiwanese Street Food Liuhe Tourist Night Market / 六合觀光夜市美食 - 台灣街頭美食
Hi, there! I'm Cate ???? If you enjoy this video, please leave a like and subscribe to see more videos. Please feel free to leave any comments or questions below. Thank you!

Liuhe Tourist Night Market in Kaohsiung which is a city in south of Taiwan
**Location information**

Food featured in this video from the street stalls of Liuhe Tourist Night Market

Noodles soup $2.06 USD

Grilled shrimp $8.62 USD
Grilled oysters $5.17 USD

Pig brain soup $2.06 USD
Pork Kidneys with sesame oil $6.2 USD
Thin noodles with sesame oil $4.13 USD

Eel Noodles $3.45 USD
Fried Cuttlefish $3.45 USD

Fried rice $2.06 USD

#taiwanese_street_food #taiwanese_street_food #amazing_food #taiwanese_night_market #taiwan_street_food #night_market #taiwan_night_market #cooking_videos #fried_rice #台灣美食大合集 #美食大合集 #台灣美食 #台灣街頭美食 #夜市美食 #夜市小吃 #夜市 #夜市小吃

Liuhe Night Market Liuhe Tourist Night Market

Welcome to Liuhe Night Market – your one-stop destination to experience the best of Taiwanese street food culture! Located in the heart of Kaohsiung, this bustling market is a foodie's paradise with a wide range of local delicacies to tantalize your taste buds.

At Liuhe Tourist Night Market, you will find an endless variety of snacks, from grilled squid and oyster omelettes to bubble tea and mango shaved ice. The atmosphere is lively, with vendors calling out to you to try their offerings and the aroma of sizzling food filling the air.

In addition to street food, Liuhe Night Market also offers a great shopping experience. Here, you will find local souvenirs, clothing, accessories, and other items that make great gifts to take home.

Whether you're a local or a tourist, Liuhe Night Market is a must-visit destination in Kaohsiung. If you're looking for a truly authentic Taiwanese food experience, then this is the place to be!

So come and join us on a food adventure through Liuhe Tourist Night Market – we promise you won't regret it!

#LiuheNightMarket #FoodiesParadise #StreetFood #TaiwaneseFood #TaiwanTravel #NightMarket #FoodVlog #FoodBlogger #FoodPorn #FoodieLife #FoodGasm #FoodPhotography #FoodLove #FoodStagram #TravelVlog #TravelBlogger #ExploreWithMe #TravelFoodie #TaipeiFoodie #TaiwanFoodie

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Must try at Liuhe Night Market, Kaohsiung, Taiwan 2023

Welcome to the Liuhe Night Market, one of Taiwan's most vibrant and bustling night markets! Join us on a culinary adventure as we explore the mouthwatering street food, local delicacies, and cultural delights this renowned market has to offer.

Discover the vibrant atmosphere, authentic Taiwanese cuisine, and unique shopping opportunities that make this night market a must-visit destination for locals and tourists alike.

Indulge in the tantalizing array of food stalls, serving up delectable dishes such as stinky tofu, oyster omelets, grilled squid, and bubble tea. Immerse yourself in the aromatic scents and sizzling sounds as you navigate through the maze of vendors, discovering hidden gems and culinary surprises at every turn.

But the Liuhe Night Market is more than just a food haven. Explore the vibrant local culture, witness traditional performances, and engage with friendly vendors who are always ready to share stories and recommendations. Capture the vibrant sights and sounds of the bustling night market and create memories that will last a lifetime.

Located in the heart of Kaohsiung, Taiwan's second-largest city, the Liuhe Night Market offers a unique blend of gastronomy, entertainment, and cultural experiences. Follow our travel guide to make the most of your visit, ensuring you don't miss any must-try delicacies or popular attractions in the area.


TAIWAN TRAVEL Taiwanese street food Liu he Night Market

#taiwantravel #kaohsiung #liuhenightmarket #nagoyakim

Liu he night market is the biggest taiwanese street food market in kaohsiung.
It is vibrant , clean and HUGE.
Also, it is located near the Formosa Boulevard Station so it is like hitting two birds in one stone.

Kaohshiung Street Food & Liuhe Night Market

The Liuhe Night Market is a must visit market if you are in Kaohsiung. It is located in the heart of Kaohsiung and is easy to get to by MRT.
The Liuhe Night Market is a tourist night market in Sinsing District, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. It is one of the most popular markets in Taiwan where seafood, handicrafts, clothing, knives, cameras and live animals are sold.
When you visit taiwan you have to go to the nearest night market in were you stay in, because there's a lot of foods and souvenier.

Liuhe Tourist Night Market (六合夜市) - Kaohsiung, Taiwan

Liuhe Tourist Night Market (六合夜市) is located in Kaohsiung (高雄) city of Taiwan (臺灣). It is a fairly famous night market for tourists in Kaohsiung. The video shows most of the popular food sold there, as well as other items like pets, clothing, etc. It is famous for the good street food at night.

Taiwan Street Food At Kaohsiung City | Ruifeng Night Market | Liuhe Night Market

Where to find the local delicacies at Taiwan is the Night Market. You can find anything at here. From traditional to seafood. At here I had a clip from Ruifeng Night Market (it's like for local) and Liuhe Night Market (more tourist at here) at Kaohsiung city.



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