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Surviving 21st Century Steam in Paraguay


Surviving 21st Century Steam in ROMANIA Wood Burning Steam Train - Romania - Mocanita

Since 1932, the Vaser Valley Railway, known locally as the Mocanita has been in almost constant use. Trains run into the valley six days a week to transport wood down to a processing plant in Viseu de Sus.

The Mocanita is therefore the only European railway that is still used for timber production. Today, regular steam trains for tourists and rail enthusiasts operate from spring to autumn.

Heritage Train at Asuncion, Paraguay

The track to the east from Jardin Botanico was the last operational section of railway in the capital of Paraguay. Regular heritage trains were accompanied by actors and musicians until that service ended in 2009 due to a damaged bridge. At present (= 2020) there are plans to re-establish steam tourist trains between Aregua and Ypacarai. -- Impressions from a FarRail charter on August 9, 2009.

Die Trasse östlich von Jardin Botanico war der letzte Streckenrest der Staatsbahn in der Hauptstadt von Paraguay. Touristenzüge in Begleitung von Schauspielern und Musikanten verkehrten bis 2009, als eine Brücke durch Hochwasser beschädigt wurde. Zur Zeit (=2020) gibt es Pläne, den Touristenverkehr zwischen Aregua und Ypacarai wieder aufzunehmen. -- Eindrücke von einem FarRail-Charter, 9. August 2009.

Viaje en tren a Paraguay

Un pequeño documental sobre el primer y último tren del Paraguay el Carlos Antonio López (Primer tren de América del Sur y hecho de una fundición propia).

Steam in Preservation - Steam in the 21st century

This video features a small variety of preserved locos at work on the mainline and on preservation lines. These are all my person shots, so are mainly taken around the Wiltshire and Avon areas but there is a few shots out of these two regions.

In this video you can find:

- Many shots of Nunney Castle and other classic GWR locos.
- Shots from the GWR 175th Anniversary at the Didcot Railway Centre
- A double header with a Manor and a Mogul
- Nunney Castle hammering up Washford Bank (and nearly failing to!)
- A Black 5 on the West Somerset Railway
- Tornado in London and Trowbridge
- Clan Line on the Bristol to Victoria VSOE
- A 5MT hammering up Dilton Marsh bank

I hope you enjoy this video, and I am still collecting shots for a second video, hopefully expanding the locations!

【K】Paraguay Travel-Asuncion[파라과이 여행-아순시온]남미 최초 기차역, 중앙역 기념관/Rail Museum/Train/Steam Locomotive

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[한국어 정보]
아순시온 중앙역이다. 기차라도 들어오는 것일까? 역시 지금은 기차가 다니지 않는다. “이것은 1854년도에 파라과이에 도착을 했습니다.” “이것의 속도는 시속 22km/h였습니다. 여기 보시면 나무로 된 브레이크가 있고 이것들은 교환이 가능하게 돼 있어요.” “이 역은 1859년도에 남미 최초로 만들어진 기차역입니다.” 1811년 스페인으로부터 독립한 후 수 십년간 경제적으로 많은 부를 축적했던 파라과이는 자력으로 영국에서 이 증기기관차를 들여왔다. 그 후 152년간 운영되었던 이 기차역은 지난 2000년부터 기념관으로 운영되고 있다 기차 안에서 술은 물론이고 다양한 요리를 먹을 수도 있었다. 대통령이 기차 안에 집무실과 침실을 차려놓고 업무를 보기도 했다. 지리적으로 남미 내륙의 중심부에 위치한 파라과이는 19세기 당시만 해도 브라질, 아르헨티나와 어깨를 나란히 하는 강국이었다. “기차는 아순시온에서 부에노스아이레스까지 갔었어요. 1913년부터 1993년까지 80년간 국제기차가 운영되었어요.”

[English: Google Translator]
The Asuncion Central Station. Does any train coming? The train does not go too far. This was the arrival in Paraguay in 1854 year. It was an hour of velocity 22km / h. Here you'll find wood to the brakes and they can be replaced's gotta be. This is a train station built in 1859 Latin America's first year. 1811 Paraguay had accumulated many decades of economic wealth and independence from Spain on its own in the United Kingdom brought the steam locomotive. After 152 years the train has been operating has been operating since 2000 as a memorial alcohol on the train was also eat as well as a variety of dishes. The president put up the office and the bedroom in the train was also view the work. Paraguay was geographically located in the heart of South America 19th-century interior only if Brazil, alongside powerhouses Argentina and shoulders. The train I went to Buenos Aires to Asuncion. 1913-1993 80 years of international train operations doeeoteoyo.

[Spanish: Google Translator]
La estación central de Asunción . ¿Hay algún tren que viene ? El tren no va demasiado lejos. Esta fue la llegada a Paraguay en 1854 año. Fue una hora de velocidad de 22 kmh . Aquí encontrará la madera a los frenos y pueden ser menos te reemplazó sea. Esta es una estación de ferrocarril construida en el primer año del 1859 América Latina. 1811 Paraguay había acumulado muchas décadas de la riqueza económica y la independencia de España por su cuenta en el Reino Unido traído la locomotora de vapor . Después de 152 años el tren ha estado operando ha estado operando desde 2000 como un alcohol conmemorativo en el tren también se come , así como una variedad de platos. El presidente puso la oficina y el dormitorio en el tren también fue ver la obra. Paraguay fue geográficamente ubicado en el corazón de América del Sur interior del siglo 19 sólo si Brasil, potencias junto Argentina y los hombros. El tren me fui a Buenos Aires a Asunción. 1913-1993 80 años de operaciones de tren internacional doeeoteoyo.

■클립명: 남미014-파라과이01-04 남미 최초 기차역, 중앙역 기념관/Rail Museum/Train/Steam Locomotive
■여행, 촬영, 편집, 원고: 안성진 PD (travel, filming, editing, writing: KBS TV Producer)
■촬영일자: 2011년 11월 November

남아메리카,South America,남미,파라과이,Paraguay,Republica del Paraguay/Teta Paraguai ,Corazon de America,안성진,2011,11월 November


Breves imagenes del documental HISTORIA SOBRE RIELES sobre el ferrocarril paraguayo de finales de 1800. el documental completo de 30 minutos esta disponible en dvd. español/ingles.En 1993 junto a Armando Barrios de FUNDAHI, recorrimos las 43 estaciones del Tren en Paraguay, rescatamos profundas opiniones de los guarda estaciones que desean que el tren siga su marcha.

Gelhausen Siegfried Paul - Paraguay 1998 / Eine Zugfahrt

Dellach/Drau Irschen Bei meiner letzten Südamerika Reise machte ich mit einer Videokamera einige Filmaufnahmen. Leider ist die Bildqualität nicht sehr gut aber es sind wunderbare Erinnerungen an Freude und Schmerz welche ich in erster Linie für mich festgehalten habe!

Diesen Film widme ich meiner Tochter!

BR Green 'Tornado' At Didcot (21st Century Steam at Didcot, Spring 2011)

A1 Pacific Tornado, in then freshly applied BR Green, visited Didcot in the Spring of 2011. During a steam weekend it was joined by fellow 21st Century Steam Locomotives, Broad Gauge replica 'Fire Fly' and Steam Rail motor 93 (converted back to rail motor).

(C) Lee Andrew Davies 2016


La ciudad de Sapucai está ubicada al norte del Departamento de Paraguarí, a 85 km de la ciudad de Asunción, en donde se funden los confines del Valle Yarigua'a y la Cordillera de los Altos, es una mágica conjunción de historia y bellezas naturales, pues, algunos años después de la Guerra contra la Triple Alianza, esta ciudad fue escogida para albergar el Taller más importante del Ferrocarril del Paraguay. La Colonia Inglesa presentó un aporte importante en los trabajos de extensión del servicio ferroviario y se propuso adecuar su permanencia en el lugar con las exigencias vitales de la época, que no existían en otros centros urbanos del país.

fccpcal train

old trains from fccpcal in encarnacion, paraguay

Steam in Argentine La Trochita accident 2011

La Trochita El Maiten, Esquel accident

paraguay vapor train

vapor train between asuncion and aregua every 2nd sunday

Steam in Uruguay

Steam special from Montevideo to Penaro on 2011-04-19
2-6-0 # 120 Beyer Peacock (1910)

Viaje en el último tren a vapor

Un viaje por la historia en el tren a vapor, Asunción Paraguay

1860's steam train workshop, Sapucai, Paraguay

A look at the industrial revolution era steam train workshop set up in the 1860's for repairing Paraguay's steam train, the first of its kind in Latin America.
Imágenes del taller del tren de vapor en Sapucai, Paraguay. Fue creado en los 1860's para hacer reparaciones al tren de vapor del Paraguay, el primero en todo Latinoamérica.

Aregua Trip

The last wood-fired steam locomotive in regular operation in the world.

Electrical Work in Paraguay

Before you start talking circuit breakers, wires, switches and outlets... you gotta talk cement!

vaporera en Encarnacion,Paraguay

Tira negra Baqueteada ... humo en extremo oeste de la playa de Todos (Paraguay), casi entrando al puente que une con el ramal de Todos Mesopotámico (ARGENTINA), Playa estacion Encarnación, Paraguay

Cuando todo pase Destino Itapúa te espera

Cuanto todo pase, el departamento de Itapúa en el sur del Paraguay espera tu visita con sus innumerables atractivos turísticos.

Train Workshop - Sapucai, Paraguay



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