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New Jersey is the Diner Capital of the U.S. - NYC Dining Spotlight, Episode 8


Spanish Bridge in Ocho Rios

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Oasis of the Seas Full Cruise Ship Tour

Take a full walk through tour of Royal Caribbean's Oasis of the Seas in 4K to see everything you can do onboard the ship.

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The Most ICONIC Food In Every State

In today's video, join us as we show you the most iconic foods in every state. Travelling the U.S.A., you’ll quickly notice that there’s no shortage of singular and delicious restaurants at which to pull over and enjoy a quick meal. But the question is, what is the absolute best thing to order, and where can you get it? Luckily for you, each state has its own regional comfort foods and iconic restaurant dishes.

Every state in our gluttonously blessed union shines in its own way, and as always-hungry Americans, it's our solemn duty to find the single brightest source of that sparkle and take a big bite. Make sure to watch the whole video and see these delicious foods in every state. In addition, do us a favor and like the video and subscribe and turn on the notification bell. We’ll see you in the next video!


Related videos:

The Most Iconic Food In Every State | 50 State Favorites

The Most Iconic Restaurant In Every State | 50 State Favorites

Popular Fast-Food Restaurants In Every State | 50 State Favorites

British Guy Reacting to The Most Iconic Food In Every State | 50 State Favorites

Best Desserts In Every State | 50 State Favorites

I do not take any ownership of the music displayed in this video. Ownership belongs to the respected owner(s). Used under fair use policy.* Music used for entertainment purposes displayed in this video. Ownership belongs to the respected owner(s). Used under fair use policy.* Music used for entertainment purposes only.

Europa's härtester Fernwanderweg (GR20 Korsika Doku)

12 Tage. 180 Kilometer. 12.000 Höhenmeter. Und das auf einer Insel im Mittelmeer!
Nicht möglich? Doch, und zwar auf dem GR20 auf Korsika. Für uns definitiv der härteste Fernwanderweg Europas!
Wir sind nach Bastia geflogen, mit dem Zug nach Calvi und weiter mit einem Bus nach Calenzana, wo es direkt am ersten Tag gleich zur Sache geht!

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12 days. 180 kilometers. 12,000 meters in altitude. And that on an island in the Mediterranean!
Not possible? Yes, on the GR20 in Corsica. For us it is definitely the toughest long-distance hiking trail in Europe!
We flew to Bastia, took the train to Calvi and then a bus to Calenzana, where things get straight to the point on the first day!

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12 jours. 180 kilomètres. 12.000 mètres d'altitude. Et cela sur une île de la Méditerranée !
Pas possible? Oui, sur le GR20 en Corse. Pour nous, c'est certainement le sentier de randonnée longue distance le plus difficile d'Europe !
Nous avons pris l'avion pour Bastia, pris le train pour Calvi puis un bus pour Calenzana, où les choses vont droit au but dès le premier jour !
Let's travel corsica!

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00:00 Wir auf Korsika!
00:19 Tag 1: Calenzana - Refuge de l’Ortu du u Piobbu
05:39 Tag 2: Refuge de l’Ortu du u Piobbu - Refuge de Carozzu
13:07 Tag 3: Refuge de Carozzu - Haut Asco
19:01 Tag 4: Haut Asco - Refuge Tighiettu
27:06 Tag 5: Refuge Tighiettu - Castel De Vergio
32:21 Tag 6: Castel De Vergio - Refuge de Manganu
37:01 Tag 7: Refuge de Manganu - Refuge de l’Onda
44:56 Tag 8: Refuge de l’Onda - Vizzavona
47:41 Tag 9: Vizzavona - Refuge Col de Verde
51:43 Tag 10: Refuge Col de Verde - Refuge d’Usciolo
56:49 Tag 11: Refuge d’Usciolo - Refuge d’Asinau
1:01:36 Tag 12: Refuge d’Asinau - Conca
1:07:35 Abspann




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