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Mt. Hehuan 如何上合歡山主峰


MT. HEHUAN (Hehuanshan) Main Peak EASY HIKE (合歡山主峰輕鬆爬山)

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Mt. Hehuan in central Taiwan's Nantou County is one of the easiest to hike 3,000m mountains you will ever come across. You can actually walk up there one paved road. The scenery is spectacular. Among the best Taiwan has to offer. :)

We are a small publishing company (Vision) based in Taipei. We produce an English magazine (Travel in Taiwan) introducing readers to Taiwan as a travel destination.

My name is Johannes (友漢). I love creating videos about places in Taiwan and I try to post a few videos every week (well, more like twice a month). Please let me know what you think about this channel and feel free to ask me any question. Thanks for your support!

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Travel in Taiwan Jan./Feb., 2020

By Rick Charette

Hehuanshan (Mt. Hehuan) The Wuling pass is the one place that almost every Hehuanshan visitor checks off. There’s a cliffside parking lot on one highway side and a large lookout deck (public bathrooms beside it) on the other, looking out at the East Peak on the left (east), Main Peak on the right (west/northwest), and deep, empty space in front. Stretching off southwards toward the horizon from beyond the East Peak is the titanic Qilai Ridge, its ridge-top trail passage a rite of passage for serious island hikers. Abundant signage with good English at Hehuanshan vehicle-stop points and along trails explains what you’re looking at.
Hehuanshan’s peaks are among Taiwan’s “Top 100 Mountains,” a list of summits above 3,000m selected by local hiking experts based on their uniqueness, visual allure, and prominence. Few have climbed all 100. Hehuanshan’s are among the most accessible, with the Main Peak among the easiest to conquer. Hehuanshan Main Peak Trail The 1.8km (one way) Hehuanshan Main Peak Trail, which has a few sections of moderate steepness, starts right at highway-side about a kilometer down-road from the Wuling pass, back toward Qingjing. There’s no parking here, nor a bus stop; find these at the Wuling pass facility. Save for a section at the very top – the Main Peak is 3,417m high – where wooden stairs and a wooden lookout have been erected (washroom facilities also available), the “trail” is an old, narrow, now-crumbling paved roadway created by the military. Soldiers withdrew from Hehuanshan in 2000, with the formerly off-limits areas opened to the public.
Only minimal forest cover is encountered. This is a place of low-growing alpine vegetation, decorated with the pastel-blossom beauties of such tough gems as the Yushan rhododendron, Yushan rose, high-mountain juniper, and hawkweed oxtongue. The peak was largely denuded during its military-service years, and much of what you see is thanks to a major erosion-prevention phytoremediation campaign, with 36 species of native alpine plants introduced/reintroduced.
Hehuanshan is the headwater source for two important Taiwan rivers: the Zhuoshui, which flows west to the Taiwan Strait, and the Liwu, which flows east and, on its way, has carved out the celebrated Taroko Gorge. On clear days the Liwu point-of-empty into the Pacific can be espied from the Main Peak. The stream that becomes the muddy Zhuoshui can clearly be seen forming on the almost vertical East Peak’s west face. To the south, far beyond the Qilai Ridge, iconic titans such as Yushan (Mt. Jade) and Nenggaoshan (Mt. Nenggao) make appearances.
3158 Café After your first Hehuanshan hike, a good mug of fresh-brew coffee will go down like liquid manna, and said mug and java is close at hand at the 3158 Café, just east of the Wuling pass at the roadside trailhead for the short, steep Hehuan Horn Peak ascent. The coffee is high-altitude flavorsome, and since this is billed as Taiwan’s highest coffee joint – the “3158” refers to the location’s altitude – what better take-home souvenir than the mug you drink from? Your coffee is NT$150; NT$100 is returned if mug is returned. Hot snacks such as zongzi (rice dumplings wrapped in bamboo leaves) and baozi (steamed buns) are also available.
The café is perched on Hehuanshan’s east-facing side, looking out toward the Taroko Gorge and Pacific Ocean. Warm air swooping up from the coast often create heavy, roiling romantic mist on this face. Also hugging the high slope here, diagonally across the highway from the café, is the famed Songxue Lodge, Taiwan’s highest place of accommodation.

Hehuanshan 合歡山
Hehuanshan Main Peak Trail 合歡山主峰步道
Hehuan Mountain Dark Sky Park 合歡山暗空公園
Songxue Lodge 松雪樓
Wuling 武嶺
Xiaoqilai Trail 小奇萊步道

教你如何搭公車上合歡山|攀登合歡山東峰|入住滑雪山莊|Take bus to Mt. Hehuan and enjoy the alpine scenery of Taiwan

【建議行程】0830台中干城→0850台中高鐵→0940埔里→1100清境 (搭乘6664公車)
1110清境→1200松雪樓 (搭乘6658A公車)
1200~1330 松雪樓 or 3158咖啡午餐
1330~1555 爬合歡山東峰
1555~1558 松雪樓至武嶺 (搭6658A公車)
1558~1730 合歡山主峰看夕陽
1800~1910 摸黑下山回松雪樓晚餐,記得帶頭燈或照明設備
0430 起床
0450 出發前往石門山看日出
0700 松雪樓吃早餐
0910~0920 搭公車從松雪樓往小風口
0920~1230 攀登合歡北峰
1230 小風口有公車下山往清境
1330 抵達清境國民賓館後再吃午餐
0910~0920 搭公車從松雪樓往小風口
0920~1550 攀登合歡北峰,慢慢爬,盡情拍照,帶東西上山當午餐吃
1550 小風口有公車下山直達埔里站
1805 抵達埔里
【Recommended Itinerary】
0830 Taichung Gancheng Station →0850 THSR Taichung →0940 Puli →1100 Qingjing (take Bus 6664)
1110 Qingjing→1200 Songsyue Lodge (Take bus 6658A)
1200-1330 Lunch at Songsyue Lodge or 3158 Coffee
1330~1555 Climbing Hehuanshan East Peak
1555~1558 Bus from Songsyue Lodge to Wuling (take bus 6658A) or Walking
1558~1730 The main peak of Hehuan Mountain watching the sunset
Go back to Songsyue Lodge for dinner, remember to bring the head lights or lighting equipment
Second day
0430 Getting up
0450 sets out for Shimen Mountain to watch the sunrise
Breakfast at 0700 at Songsyue Lodge
0910~0920 Take a bus from at Songsyue Lodge to Xiaofengkou
0920~1230 Climbing the Hehuanshan North Peak
There's a bus from Xiaofengkou to Qingjing at 1230
Lunch at Qingjing Tourist information center
If you want to climb Hehuanshan North Peak slowly, you can choose option two
0910~0920 Take a bus from Songsyue Lodge to Xiaofengkou
0920~1550 Climbing the Hehuanshan North Peak, climb slowly, enjoy taking photos, take some food to up the mountain for lunch
There is a bus from Xiaofengkou direct to Puli at 1550
Arrived at Puli in 1805
0:00 開場 Opening
0:41 交通方式 How to take bus
2:24 松雪樓午餐 Lunch at Songsyue Lodge
3:05 滑雪山莊開箱 Ski Lodge
4:53 攀登合歡山東峰 Hehuanshan East Peak

【相關網址】Related Website
從台中往清境:南投客運清境線連結(Bus from Taichung to Qingjing)

從清境往合歡山:南投客運合歡山線連結(Bus from Qingjing to Hehuan Mountain)

合歡山國家森林遊樂區導覽地圖 (Hehuan Mountain National Forest Recreation Area guided map)

松雪樓與滑雪山莊訂房( Reservation Songsyue Lodge and Ski Lodge)

Song: Bamboo
Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios.
Link: | Creative Commons - Attribution ND 4.0

Track: Ohana
Music composed and recorded by Oak Studios
Creative Commons - Attribution ND 4.0

Track: Emotional and Inspiring [Background Music] by MokkaMusic / Clouds
Music provided by MokkaMusic channel and

合歡山主峰觀雲海/輕鬆百岳行/Hehuan Mountain

This video is about
Hehuan Mountain
台14甲線 合歡山公路

dji Mavic Mini
Pixel 4

合歡山主峰步道健行6.3km,散步登百岳太悠閒?那就走稜線吧!| 山上加美Lovely Hill

Hehuan Main Peak Trail 合歡山主峰步道









Mt. Hehuan 如何上合歡山主峰

360度環視群山. 雲層和山巒都在腳下的感覺真棒.適合成長中的青少年來此訓練腳力.全程皆是平坦道路無階梯式步道.記得要戴帽帶傘.沿途無遮蔽物.炙熱的太陽會是一大考驗.七月份的山上入夜還是11度.晚上應注意保暖.
不好意思~6:44台灣蕁麻是錯的 應該是黃菀.



美麗花蓮必遊八景點 | 美景公開不藏私:
上海趴趴走(Part 1) | 一個人的輕旅行:


2020/03/26 Mt. Hehuan Main Peak Trail 人生第一座百岳 - 合歡山主峰步道

[ 一起踏青吧⛰️ ] 合歡山 Mt.Hehuan|主峰|雲海耶☁️ 這樣的風景你給幾分❓|Part 1

終於成行的11月好天氣 (太會挑日子 颱風豪雨一直來
說好的夏日星空 變成秋冬雲海季????

合歡山 Mt.Hehuan|第一站:先來主峰暖身

稜線之上、翻山入林—合歡西峰步道單攻-路線影片精華版 / Mt. Hehuan West Peak Trail-Short version



|One day hike on the Mt. Hehuan West Peak Trail, watch the video together to make sure you are ready!|

The Hehuan Mountain group of peaks is very easy to access, and many people choose the North Peak as an entry point to completing the 100 Peaks of Taiwan. But climbing the West Peak poses additional risk factors. The one day round trip involves long hours of high altitude walking, ascents and descents over five or six peaks and a lot of uphill on the return leg of the hike! Therefore, a detailed climbing plan and strict adherence to the evacuation plan will effectively reduce the risks of the trip. Through the four major key points of mountain introduction, route description, safety assessment and pre-trip preparation, let's make sure that you are ready to tackle the 10-16 hour-long one day route of Mt. Hehuan West Peak.

從昆陽休息站到合歡山主峰 Mt. Hehuan 3417m 11211ft Taiwan

運氣很好 一個月前竟被我訂到松雪樓 運氣很好前幾天路面結冰還管制通行 今天卻艷陽高照 白天氣溫也有10度 路上人車稀少 停車場空位也多 真是登山的好日子...百岳又增加了一座...

合歡山主峰 | Mt. Hehuan 3,417m ????⛰️????

2020-08-04 合歡山主峰 提著孩子們往上爬 Mt. Hehuan Summit

2020-08-04 合歡山主峰 提著孩子們往上爬
Mt. Hehuan Summit Pulling Kids Forward
Cloudy & Rainy plus Windy 11 degree C

【合歡山】Hehuan Mountain 3275m | Hiking Taiwan

#Taiwan #合歡山 #空拍


加上回來看素材也都普普通通 (拍東西真的好難????

就擱在那邊放著生灰塵了 哈哈

???? 拍攝器材
Dji mim1

???? 後置軟體
電腦剪輯: Premiere pro
照片後製: Ps
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登合歡山主峰驚見絕美雲海夕陽|石門山看日出|The sea of cloud, sunset, sunrise on Mt. Hehuan

0830台中干城→0850台中高鐵→0940埔里→1100清境 (搭乘6664公車)
1110清境→1200松雪樓 (搭乘6658A公車)
1200~1330 松雪樓 or 3158咖啡午餐
1555~1558 松雪樓至武嶺 (搭6658A公車)
1558~1730 合歡山主峰看夕陽
1800~1910 摸黑下山回松雪樓晚餐,記得帶頭燈或照明設備
0430 起床
0450 出發前往石門山看日出
0700 松雪樓吃早餐
0910~0920 搭公車從松雪樓往小風口
0920~1230 攀登合歡北峰
1230 小風口有公車下山往清境
1330 抵達清境國民賓館後再吃午餐
0910~0920 搭公車從松雪樓往小風口
0920~1550 攀登合歡北峰,慢慢爬,盡情拍照,帶東西上山當午餐吃
1550 小風口有公車下山直達埔里站
1805 抵達埔里
0:00 開場
0:28 攀登合歡山主峰
1:53 絕美雲海夕陽
3:53 攀登石門山看日出




Track: Summer Indie Surf Rock [Travel Music] by MokkaMusic / Spirit of the Road
Music provided by MokkaMusic channel and

フリーBGM「春よ、強く美しく」/作(編)曲 : 龍崎一
作曲者プレイリスト -

Track: Cinematic Piano [FREE DOWNLOAD] by MokkaMusic / Boat
Music provided by MokkaMusic channel and

Clarion by Scott Buckley
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream:
Music promoted by Audio Library

Cinematic Epic Background Music by Infraction [No Copyright Music] / Mountains

Music from #InAudio:

Music from #InAudio:

稜線之上、翻山入林—合歡西峰步道單攻-路線影片完整版 / Mt. Hehuan West Peak Trail-Full version



|One day hike on the Mt. Hehuan West Peak Trail, watch the video together to make sure you are ready!|

The Hehuan Mountain group of peaks is very easy to access, and many people choose the North Peak as an entry point to completing the 100 Peaks of Taiwan. But climbing the West Peak poses additional risk factors. The one day round trip involves long hours of high altitude walking, ascents and descents over five or six peaks and a lot of uphill on the return leg of the hike! Therefore, a detailed climbing plan and strict adherence to the evacuation plan will effectively reduce the risks of the trip. Through the four major key points of mountain introduction, route description, safety assessment and pre-trip preparation, let's make sure that you are ready to tackle the 10-16 hour-long one day route of Mt. Hehuan West Peak.

【南投旅遊】#高山系列 合歡山主峰Hehuan Mountain main peak 3417M 百岳之一 其實很好走

[登山活動] 合歡山(Hehuan Mountain)雲海(Sea ​​of ​​clouds)、夕陽(Sunset)與星星(Star):合歡主峰三角點雲海、夕陽與星星|馬雅平台星星銀河|武嶺星星

合歡山(Hehuan Mountain)雲海(Sea ​​of ​​clouds)、夕陽(Sunset)與星星(Star):合歡主峰三角點雲海、夕陽與星星|馬雅平台星星銀河|武嶺星星

合歡山上の微獨白 x 第一個人生百岳 | Mt. Hehuan Trip 【這麼短算Vlog嗎】


@Mt. Hehuan 2021.2





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