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Condoriri trek - Bolivia: The climb to the summit at 5,500m


Climbing Cabeza del Condor in Bolivia | A Weeklong Expedition

In the mountains, a land that is as inhospitable as it is beautiful, we humans can only ever be visitors. And in order to visit, we must be prepared.

In my first Bolivian mountaineering expedition, I learned some very important technical skills under the guidance of my guide, Chucky, all while climbing four different peaks in the Cordillera Real. The expedition culminated in the climbing of Cabeza del Condor, an imposing rocky peak jutting up from a glaciated maze.

Our week started with rock climbing in Peñas, then we climbed Janq'u Uyu and Jisk'a Pata, mountains resting at about 5,500 meters above sea level, in order to get better acclimatized for the Condoriri Group. After settling in to the refuge on the shores of Lake Ch'iyar Quta, we climbed Pequeño Alpamayo, a mountain with a beautiful ridge route, then learned a bit more about ice climbing. Finally, we were ready to tackle Cabeza del Condor, the highest peak of the massif at 5,700 meters above sea level and more technical than anything I've climbed in the past.

This video was filmed with my DJI Mavic Air 2, GoPro Hero 9, and Google Pixel 4.

Climbing Bolivia

bolivian mountain guides, andan summits, ice climbing bolivia, hiking bolivia, bolivia mountaineering, climbing and trekking, condoriri, pequeño alpamayo, climbing bolivian mountains

Trekking en Tablas Monte (Cochabamba - Bolivia)

Paraíso natural en Tablas Monte, en medio de una región subtropical a unos 100 kilómetros de la ciudad de Cochabamba.
(Cochabamba - Bolivia)

Tablas Monte is a natural paradise in the middle of the tropical rainforest, 100km away from Cochabamba city.

Instagram: @saulvillarroel
Twitter @saulvillarroel


Thanks again to travelcuts for booking us the most amazing experience. Info below

IG -@travelcuts
# 1800-667-2887

This 6088m giant, can be climbed without any technical climbing experience. So it can classified as a beginner mountin climb...however this monster was no joke. I do recommend it for everyone who's relatively physically fit, however prepare yourself first by acclimatizing longer than I did.

Check out some of the photos form the adventure on out instagram

Dizaro - Safari
Chaël - Sparks

Condoriri trek - Bolivia: The climb to the summit at 5,500m

The Condoriri Trek is just one of the many incredible hiking opportunities in the Cordillera Real, in Northern Bolivia. This 5 days hike offers spectacular views overlooking the immense Condoriri Massif, 13 snow packed peaks ranging from 5,100 – 5,648m, many glaciated peaks and distant views of Lake Titicaca. It’s also a great place for spotting condors in South America.

# Arthur Da Silva Locquet:


@ Pizza Guy - Touch Sensitive

GoPro Hero Session

Nevado Illusion (5,230m), Condoriri, Bolivia

An alpine ascent of the south-east ridge of Nevado Illusion/Piramide Blanca in the Condoriri section of the Cordilleria Real, Bolivia. This is a good acclimatisation objective before Pequeno Alpamayo and Cabeza de Condor.

Condoriri (Kunturiri) Cordilheira Real - Bolívia (4k)

Condoriri, uma região de rica beleza cênica nos Andes, localizado na Cordilheira Real da Bolívia, a montanha condoriri tem cerca de 5.648 metros de altura e é pico bastante desejado por montanhistas de todo o mundo.

O Condoriri está perto de La Paz e você pode fazer umt trekking relativamente fácil até seu acampamento passando pelas Lagunas Tuni (4.400m) e Laguna Chiar Khota (4.600m) até chegar ao acampamaneto base, onde pode-se montar barracas ou utilizar as estrutura do local como abrigo.

Para quem busca apenas trekking, na região pode-se atacar o Pico Austria com aproximadamente 5.320 metros de altura, e para os mais preparados fisicamente e principalmente pode-se fazer a ascensão ao pico Condoriri, Agulhas Negras, Pequeno Alpamaio e demais cumes do maciço.

- Obrigado por assitir

Siga meu instagram: @luizgadetto
Participe de nossas expedições:
Algumas cenas deste clipe estão disponíveis para venda neste link:
Musicas e efeitos sonoros by EpidemicSound:

Musica: Like Shadows - Ooyy, Gemini

Condoriri Trek

Trekking in the Condoriri area takes you over several high mountain passes in Cordillera Real. It is often taken as an acclimatization trek prior to attempting the Bolivian six-thousanders.

Bolivia Trek - Condoriri Real

1st installment of 9 days trekking in Bolivia. 5000+ meter peaks, glacial lakes, and a trip to Lake Titicaca. 1080i


Our plan was to reach the Austria Peak Summit in Condoriri, a lot of snow had fallen but this was no obstacle to doing so.

Condoriri Besteigung Cerro Austria und Pequeño Alpamayo

Hochtouren in den Anden - Cordillera real - Bolivien

Pico Austria 5350 m - Condoriri Bolivia

Subida al Pico o Cerro Austria desde Chiar Khota en la región de Condoriri

Pico Austria: In The Shadow Of Giants - 5320m - Grupo Condoriri | 4K | Bolivia

During our time in the Andes of Bolivia, we climbed various mountains. In the majestic Condoriri region of the Cordillera Real we climbed Pico Austria and Pequeno Alpamayo. On the first day, our path led us to Laguna Chiar Khota, where we pitched our tents and reveled in the mountain panorama featuring Pico Austria, Condoriri, and Pequeno Alpamayo. The next day our journey continued upward to the summit of Pico Austria. At the pinnacle, we were rewarded with a breathtaking panorama that stretched across the Cordillera Real's towering 6000-meter peaks – from Huayna Potosí and Ancohuma to Cerro Yacuma, Illampu, Chearoko, and Chachacomani – extending all the way to the shores of Lake Titicaca.

Durante nuestra estadía en los Andes de Bolivia, escalamos diversas montañas. En la majestuosa región de Condoriri en la Cordillera Real, ascendimos el Pico Austria y el Pequeño Alpamayo. En el primer día, nuestro camino nos condujo a la Laguna Chiar Khota, donde montamos nuestras tiendas y disfrutamos del panorama montañoso que incluía al Pico Austria, el Condoriri y el Pequeño Alpamayo. Al día siguiente, continuamos nuestra travesía hacia la cima del Pico Austria. En la cúspide, fuimos recompensados con un panorama impresionante que abarcaba los imponentes picos de más de 6000 metros de la Cordillera Real, desde el Huayna Potosí y el Ancohuma hasta el Cerro Yacuma, Illampu, Chearoko y Chachacomani, extendiéndose hasta las orillas del Lago Titicaca.

Pendant notre séjour dans les Andes boliviennes, nous avons gravi plusieurs montagnes. Dans la majestueuse région de Condoriri de la Cordillère Royale, nous avons atteint les sommets du Pico Austria et du Pequeno Alpamayo. Le premier jour, notre chemin nous a menés à la Laguna Chiar Khota, où nous avons monté nos tentes et savouré le panorama montagneux mettant en vedette le Pico Austria, le Condoriri et le Pequeno Alpamayo. Le lendemain, notre périple s'est poursuivi en direction du sommet du Pico Austria. Au sommet, nous avons été récompensés par un panorama à couper le souffle qui s'étendait sur les imposants pics de plus de 6000 mètres de la Cordillère Royale - du Huayna Potosí et de l'Ancohuma au Cerro Yacuma, à l'Illampu, au Chearoko et au Chachacomani - s'étendant jusqu'aux rives du lac Titicaca.


Music from #InAudio:
Slow Motion - Infraction Music &
Cinematic Documentary Drone by Infraction [No Copyright Music] / Slow Motion

Space Coast - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena

Condoriri, Bolivia

Hiked into the Condoriri region of the Bolivian Andes and climbed a couple peaks.


Head of the Condor, main peak Condoriri area.

Hiking Condoriri.mpg

Le trek du Condoriri.

1 trek fantastique de 3 jours....

Condoriri Pico Austria

Tuichi Rapid

Crossing the only rapid on the amazing Tuichi trek in Bolivia

Bolivie: trek v Condoriri Real a výstup na Pico Tarija 5355 m

Královské Kordillery neboli Condoriri Real k trekování přímo vybízí. Nabízí celou řadu různě dlouhých a různě náročných treků....



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