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10 Best place to visit in Río Viejo Colombia


Colombia -Los 10 mejores lugares imperdibles

Colombia es un país de increíble belleza natural, rica cultura y ciudades vibrantes. Desde la costa caribeña hasta la selva amazónica, la Cordillera de los Andes y la región cafetera, hay algo para que todos disfruten.

Este video lo llevará en un viaje a los 10 mejores lugares imperdibles de Colombia, que incluyen:

Parque Nacional Tayrona: este impresionante parque alberga playas de arena blanca, aguas turquesas y una exuberante selva tropical. Es un gran lugar para caminar, hacer snorkel y relajarse.
Cartagena: Esta ciudad amurallada en la costa caribeña es uno de los destinos turísticos más populares de Colombia. Es conocido por sus coloridos edificios coloniales, su animada vida nocturna y sus deliciosos mariscos.
Medellín: esta ciudad moderna alberga una próspera escena artística y cultural, así como una serie de parques y atracciones, incluido el sistema de teleférico Metrocable y el Jardín Botánico.
Villa de Leyva: esta encantadora ciudad colonial es conocida por su arquitectura bien conservada, calles adoquinadas y un entorno pintoresco.
Zona Cafetera (Región Cafetera): Esta región alberga algunos de los mejores cafés del mundo, así como exuberantes plantaciones de café, pueblos pintorescos y actividades al aire libre como caminatas y observación de aves.
Ciudad Perdida: Esta antigua ciudad precolombina está ubicada en lo profundo de la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Es una caminata desafiante pero gratificante, y las vistas desde la cima son increíbles.
San Agustín: este parque arqueológico alberga una serie de estatuas de piedra bien conservadas y otros artefactos de la cultura de San Agustín.
Caño Cristales: Este río es conocido por sus colores vibrantes, los cuales son causados por algas y otros microorganismos. También se le conoce como el Río de los Cinco Colores o el Arco Iris Líquido.
Isla de Providencia: Esta idílica isla en el Mar Caribe es conocida por sus aguas cristalinas, playas de arena blanca y exuberante vegetación. Es un gran lugar para relajarse y disfrutar de la belleza natural.
Leticia: esta ciudad en el río Amazonas es una base ideal para explorar la selva tropical. Puede realizar recorridos en bote, visitar comunidades indígenas y ver vida silvestre como monos, perezosos y caimanes.
Península de la Guajira: esta península en el extremo norte de Colombia es conocida por sus paisajes áridos, comunidades indígenas y santuarios de flamencos. Es un gran lugar para experimentar la cultura y la naturaleza únicas de esta región.
Si estás planeando un viaje a Colombia, ¡asegúrate de agregar estos lugares imperdibles a tu itinerario!
#colombia #travelinspiration #travel

Los 17 pueblos declarados Patrimonio de Colombia ¿Ya los conoce todos?

Un recorrido por algunos de los pueblos más tradicionales de Colombia. Sabemos que hay muchos más que valen la pena visitar. Pero estos son los17 declarados como Patrimonio de Colombia según El Ministerio de Comercio, Industria y Turismo.

I Shouldn't Have Traveled To Panama Before Learning These 6 Things.

#Panama is full of great things to do and can be a #travelers dream #vacation but at the same times there are many things you want to know before you make that trip especially to #panamacity in this video I go over the #topthings you want to know before your #trip to panama so you can be full prepared .. lets go!

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Bocas Del Toro - you need to know this before you go!

Going to Panama and stopping by Bocas Del Toro? Here's all the things we learned the hard way.

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6 lugares increíbles que solo existen en Colombia

Uno de mis mayores sueños siempre había sido conocer el hermoso país de Colombia, veía fotos y videos en internet y me parecía un lugar tan mágico que me hacía soñar cada noche con pisar esas bellas tierras. Hasta que el día llegó y por fin pude respirar su aire tan puro gracias a lo verde que lo rodea, su impactante color ladrillo me enamoró a primera vista y ahora quiero compartirles algunos lugares que conocí, espero que como a mi, los enamoren y quieran viajar para vivir esta increíble experiencia.

6.- Cascada la Chorrera

Un sitio donde la magia, el verde eterno de la selva y la maravillosa vista regalan al mundo una experiencia única. A 42 kilómetros de Bogotá, se encuentra la Chorrera, la cascada más impresionante y alta de todo Colombia. Esta caída de agua de 590 metros de altura, es una de las tantas maravillas naturales que guarda el municipio de Choachí. Pero en el camino hacia este increíble lugar, también se encuentra la cascada El Chiflón, la cual tiene una altura de 55 metros, nombrada así por el sonido que provoca el agua al caer con tanta fuerza.

Existe una leyenda que recorre los huecos más oscuros de esta imponente cascada, pues cuentan los lugareños que detrás de las rocas húmedas de la Chorrera, se encuentra un antiguo cáliz que le fue robado a la iglesia hace muchísimos años, según el relato, los ladrones escondieron dicha reliquia entre las rocas para que nadie la encontrara, lo cual añade un toque de misterio e historia a tan bello lugar.

5.- Laguna de Guatapé

En el corazón de Antioquía, se encuentra el municipio de Guatapé, un sitio que nos recuerda lo pequeños que somos frente a la madre naturaleza. Al llegar al sitio se observa en el horizonte un desfile de edificios y casas con fachadas de mil colores; la riqueza arquitectónica de esta provincia, le da al sitio un encanto majestuoso y pintoresco.

4.- Cerro Monserrate

El más imponente cerros de Bogotá, es también un gigante de 3,152 metros de altura, que además tiene alrededor de 16 millones de años de antigüedad. Admirado desde la época colonial, en el punto máximo del cerro, se asoma un recinto sagrado, La Basílica del Señor de Monserrate, testigo de las más largas peregrinaciones, un atractivo turístico que además, cuenta con una espectacular vista panorámica, sin duda ,estar en la cúspide del majestuoso cerro alegra el alma y purifica todo con su aire limpio.

3.- Museo del Oro

Este sitio guarda gran parte de la riqueza histórica de la ciudad. El museo del oro del banco de la República colombiana nació para conservar todas las piezas de orfebrería y alfarería de distintas culturas indígenas colombianas.

El museo resguarda alrededor de 34 mil piezas de oro, por lo que es considerada la colección más grande del mundo, misma que rinde homenaje a la riqueza cultural del país.

2.- Comuna 13

Aunque durante una época, la comuna 13 fue asociada a la violencia, el narcotráfico y la pobreza, hoy, una nueva generación de jóvenes, han decidido tomar el futuro de este sitio en sus manos. Con la esperanza de salir adelante, comenzaron a impulsar el turismo con ayuda de arte, para así apoyar a los comercios locales. Hoy la violencia es cosa del pasado, y la comuna 13 ofrece un espectáculo genial que cuenta la historia de este barrio en sus paredes; cualquier visitante se maravilla con galerías urbanas de arte y hasta el conocido graffiti tour, un recorrido dirigido por los jóvenes para mostrar el nuevo rostro de este sitio.

1.- Laguna de Guatavita “El Dorado”

Escondida entre kilómetros de vegetación, se encuentra esta laguna, que resguarda en las profundidades un tesoro oculto. Guatavita, ha sido el centro de una increíble leyenda. De acuerdo a los historiadores, esta laguna era un sitio sagrado, un centro ceremonial donde los Muiscas, habitantes del lugar, adoraban y aceptaban a su nuevo líder en una grandiosa ceremonia, misma que se llevaba a cabo en el lago. Cuenta la leyenda, que el líder de la comunidad, debía ser presentado sobre una balsa en el lago, cubierto únicamente en polvo de oro, y en el ritual, debía ofrendar a los dioses ricos ornamentos de esmeraldas y joyas elaboradas con el metal dorado. Dicho tributo se arrojaba al fondo del lago y por su parte, los demás miembros de la comunidad, debían presenciar el acto y jurar fidelidad a su nuevo jefe desde la orillas del lago.

#Badabun #Colombia


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Panama Travel: 14 Best Places to Visit in Panama & Things to Do

Here are the best places to visit in Panama and things to do.

Recommended Tours in Panama:

Ocean to Ocean Panama Canal and Jungle Tour:

Day Tour in San Blas Islands All Included Visiting 4 Islands:

All Inclusive Full-Day Taboga Island Catamaran Tour from Panamá City:

Lake Gatun Wildlife Tour from Panama City:

Get ready to explore the vibrant and diverse country of Panama! In this video, we will take you on a virtual tour of the top things to do and see in this tropical paradise. From stunning natural wonders to rich cultural experiences, Panama offers a wide range of activities for every type of traveler.

Our journey begins in Panama City, the bustling capital that seamlessly blends modern skyscrapers with colonial charm. Explore the historic Casco Viejo district, with its cobblestone streets, colorful buildings, and charming plazas. Visit the iconic Panama Canal, a marvel of engineering that connects the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans. Marvel at the massive locks and learn about the fascinating history of this world-famous waterway.

Venture outside the city and discover Panama's breathtaking natural beauty. Head to the picturesque archipelago of Bocas del Toro, where pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and vibrant coral reefs await. Dive into the underwater world and snorkel among tropical fish or simply relax on the white sandy beaches.

For nature lovers, a visit to the stunning Chiriquí Highlands is a must. Explore the cloud forests of Boquete, known for their incredible biodiversity and world-class coffee plantations. Hike to the summit of Volcan Baru, the country's highest peak, for a panoramic view of the surrounding mountains and Pacific Ocean.

No trip to Panama is complete without a visit to the San Blas Islands. This archipelago of over 350 islands is home to the indigenous Guna Yala people, who have preserved their traditional way of life. Relax on pristine beaches, snorkel in turquoise waters, and immerse yourself in the rich culture and traditions of the Guna Yala community.

Whether you're seeking adventure, relaxation, or cultural immersion, Panama has it all. Join us on this virtual tour as we uncover the top things to do in this captivating country. Get ready to be inspired and start planning your own unforgettable journey to Panama!

Keep watching to see the top things to do in Panama, top attractions in Panama, places to visit in the Panama and Central America travel guides.

Subscribe for travel inspiration videos and travel guides! Inspired by Touropia, expedia, Wolters World, Beautiful Destinations, MojoTravels & Tourradar.

Inspired by Panama City: Gate of the Americas | Travel Documentary and Guide | Things to Know and What to Expect

Inspired by Panama - Live for More

Inspired by Panama City, Panama Travel Guide ( What To Know Before Going)


Inspired by $10 in PANAMA - WHAT CAN YOU GET?

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Also check out: 13 BEST Places to Visit in Belize (TOP Things to Do) Travel Guide

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Track: 'Feel Alive' by Ethan Sturock


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Top 10 Best Attractions & Things to Do in Panama - Travel Video 2023

Welcome to our ultimate travel guide to Panama, the vibrant and diverse country that offers a wide range of attractions and things to do. In this video, we'll take you on a virtual journey to Panama, showcasing its stunning landscapes, cultural treasures, and exhilarating adventures.

Discover the natural wonders of Panama as we explore its pristine beaches, lush rainforests, and captivating wildlife. Immerse yourself in the rich history and unique culture by visiting historical landmarks, traditional villages, and vibrant markets. Get ready for thrilling outdoor activities like zip-lining, hiking, and snorkeling, making unforgettable memories.

Experience the cosmopolitan city life of Panama City, with its impressive skyline and modern architecture. Indulge in mouthwatering local cuisine and explore the buzzing nightlife for an authentic taste of Panama. We'll provide you with valuable tips and recommendations for accommodations, transportation options, and must-visit hidden gems.

Whether you're planning a relaxing vacation, an adventure-packed getaway, or a cultural expedition, this ultimate travel guide is your go-to resource for exploring Panama. Join us on this virtual adventure and get ready to be inspired to embark on your own journey to the breathtaking attractions and endless things to do in Panama.

Make sure to like, comment, and subscribe for more travel videos and guides! Happy travels!


00:00 Introduction
00:49 Panama Canal
01:32 Casco Viejo
02:13 Guna Yala Islands
02:44 Bocas del Toro
03:26 Coiba Island
04:07 El Valle
04:48 Pearl Islands
05:29 Taboga
06:10 Santa Catalina
06:51 Chiriqui National Marine Park

#panamaattractions #panamatravelguide #thingstodoinpanama #panama2024 #panamacity #panamabeaches #panamaculture #explorepanama

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Don't Visit Costa Rica Until You Watch This

Costa Rica is not cheap but this SCAM makes it even more expensive for tourists. We hope our Costa Rica travel tips help save money and keep you on your toes! Please don't judge an entire country for the small scams that go on here. Costa Rica is one of the most epic tropical countries you can visit close to the United States. Make sure to check out the rest of our Costa Rica videos WOOT WOOT

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10 Pueblos del Tolima que debes conocer | Colombia | Próxima TOPS

*** Gracias por tu visita ***


#1 Murillo 0:18
#2 Honda 1:12
#3 Mariquita 2:12
#4 Prado 3:29
#5 San Luis 4:16
#6 Falán 5:03
#7 Cunday 05:57
#8 Ambalema 7:05
#9 Melgar 8:03
#10 Espinal 8:46

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PUEBLO PRIVADO ????[Cauca Viejo Antioquia]

El pueblo Cauca Viejo Antioquia, es un pueblo privado turístico ubicado en el municipio de Jericó o lo que llaman los antioqueños, el bajo cauca antioqueño y sus municipios. En esta oportunidad, te contaremos que hacer en cauca viejo, su historia, donde queda, los planes para hacer y conoceremos algunas de sus casas coloridas coloniales de la época, casa jacaranda cauca viejo.

Mira las casas coloniales de Cali:
Mira otro pueblo colonial de Antioquia:
O mira más de Colombia!:

00:29 Cauca viejo historia
01:25 Hotel Cauca Viejo
05:10 Rio Cauca
08:29 Cauca Viejo Planes
10:04 noche en Cauca Viejo
11:26 trapiche Cauca Viejo
12:25 Mañanas en Cauca Viejo

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BOCAS DEL TORO, Panama ULTIMATE Travel Guide! (con subtítulos)

Bocas Del Toro, Panama is an archipelago in northeastern Panama consisting of 9 main islands and 100s of smaller islets and cayes. The main town, Bocas Del Toro, or Bocas Town is located on Isla Colón and is where we stayed for the first part of our trip. Bocas town is where you will find many tour operators that can take you on activities around the archipelago as well as all your basic necessities. This is also where you can catch a boat taxi to all of the other islands in Bocas Del Toro, Panama. In this video we show you things to do in Bocas Del Toro around Bocas Town, Isla Caranero and Isla Bastimentos as well as take a day trip to Cayo Zapatilla! Bocas Del Toro is a true paradise in Panama and is a destination you do not want to miss! We hope this Panama Travel Guide helps you while you are planning your travels to Panama! #bocasdeltoro #panama

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7 Things to Know Before Visiting Panama City Panama

7 Things to Know Before Visiting Panama City Panama.

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In this video we explore Bogota, the capital of Colombia

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Best Things to do around Jericó Antioquia, Heritage Town of Colombia – Traveling Colombia

Find the greatest BLOGS and INSIDER information about COLOMBIA on my website

Are you interested in a custom or luxury trip to Colombia?

Are you interested in ecotourism and/or birdwatching in Colombia?

Are you interested in a business trip to Colombia?

Hotel El Despertar
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Hotel Santa Laura
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Hotel Atenas Jericó
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Hotel Cauca Viejo
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Hotel Cabañas y Flores
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Welcome to Colombia

Jericó is one of the 17 Heritage Towns of Colombia and is located in the department of Antioquia, 3 hours by car from Medellin.
Jericó Antioquia was founded in 1851 and today it is known as the most beautiful town in Colombia, thanks to its colonial architecture and beautiful landscapes. This historic town is a perfect destination if you are looking for a trip full of culture and typical architecture of the Antioquia colonization in Colombia. Come to Colombia, get to know Jericó Antioquia and other heritage towns of Colombia.
But there is lot to do outside Jerico Antioquia, activities such as hiking and bird watching. Also, I went to a viewpoint on the outskirts of town, I was able to see many beautiful waterfalls and even from there I saw the Cauca River. It is a spectacular view, a great family plan, I recommend you visit Jericó Antioquia and its surroundings.

Hey there! My name is Colombiafrank, and I’d like to welcome you to the beautiful country of Colombia. As you probably guessed, I’m a bit of an expert on Colombia travel, and I’ve got lots of great advice on Colombia tourism that will allow you to make the most of your experience as you travel Colombia.
I began traveling Colombia back in 2015 after finishing up my first semester here in Bogota working towards my MBA. I immediately fell in love with the country and the wide variety of adventures and opportunities that traveling Colombia has to offer. As a country rich in both natural and cultural diversity, your Colombian travel experience will not disappoint.
Before you can begin your Colombia travels, we must get you here first. As a foreigner myself, I understand how difficult it can be navigating your way through a foreign country. But fear not because Colombiafrank is here to help you with your travels to Colombia so that you can avoid the common mistakes and get right to the good stuff. Just think of me as your go to Colombia travel guide!
So, come see for yourself what tourism Colombia has to offer!

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Pelecanus is a travel agency located here in the historic city-center of Bogota, in the heart of the Candelaria. We specialize in creating custom travels and luxury tours throughout Colombia. From Medellin and Cartagena to the Amazon and the Andes, we’ve got you covered. With excellent bilingual guides in a wide variety of languages, we have everything you need to create a truly unique and memorable Colombian holiday.

#colombiatravelvlog #travelcolombia #travelingcolombia

Nightlife Prices in Panama City Panama

Nightlife Prices in Panama City Panama

Beginner ebook city guides:

Panama City, Panama -
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil -
Guadalajara, Mexico -
Medellin, Colombia -
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic -
Lima, Peru -
Guayaquil, Ecuador -

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Panama’s Top 10 Retirement Hot Spots | Live and Invest Overseas Podcast

Discover The 10 Best Places To Retire by joining our Free e-letter ???? ???? ???? ????

Panama continues to be a safe haven for many expats and retirees. But where in this country should you retire?
Here are the best retirement options in Panama according to different lifestyles.
00:00 Introduction
????️Beach/Island Lifestyle
1:57 Isla Contadora
4:55 Bocas del Toro
8:44 The City Beaches
11:39 Pedasi

????City Lifestyle
14:01 Chitre
16:11 Casco Viejo
18:59 La Concepcion

⛰️Mountain/Highland Lifestyle
21:39 Boquete
25:24 Santa Fe

✔️Bonus Destination
27:39 Torio

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10 Best Places to LIVE or RETIRE in Panama | Moving to Panama

Are you considering a move to Panama? In this video, we explore the top 10 places to live or retire in this beautiful Central American country. From stunning beachfront communities to charming mountain towns, Panama offers a diverse range of options for expats and retirees.

Watch the full video - 10 Best Places to LIVE or RETIRE in Panama | Moving to Panama

Here are the 10 best places we'll cover in this video:

Boca Chica: Nestled along the Pacific coast, Boca Chica is known for its picturesque islands, world-class fishing, and tranquil waters. Discover why it's a hidden gem for those seeking a waterfront paradise.

Puerto Armuelles: Experience the laid-back coastal life in Puerto Armuelles, a town known for its stunning beaches, vibrant culture, and rich history.

Boquete: Set in the highlands, Boquete boasts a temperate climate, lush landscapes, and a thriving expat community. Explore its coffee plantations and lush greenery.

Volcán: Another mountain town, Volcán offers a peaceful, rural lifestyle with breathtaking views of the Barú Volcano. Discover its charm and close-knit community.

David: As the third-largest city in Panama, David provides the amenities of a city while maintaining a welcoming atmosphere. Learn why it's a hub for commerce and culture.

El Valle de Antón: Experience the magic of El Valle de Antón, a picturesque town situated within the crater of an extinct volcano. Explore its artisan markets and natural wonders.

San Francisco - Panama City: Panama City is the bustling heart of Panama, and the San Francisco neighborhood offers a cosmopolitan lifestyle with easy access to the city's amenities.

Chitré: Located in the Azuero Peninsula, Chitré is a thriving regional hub known for its rich cultural heritage and vibrant festivals.

Coronado: If you're looking for a beachside paradise, Coronado is a popular expat destination known for its beautiful beaches, golf courses, and modern amenities.

Panama City: The capital city of Panama, Panama City offers a diverse range of neighborhoods, from the historic Casco Viejo to the modern skyscrapers of Punta Pacifica.

Join us as we explore these incredible destinations in Panama and discover what makes each one a unique and appealing place to live or retire. Whether you're drawn to the beach, mountains, or city life, Panama has something for everyone. Don't forget to like, subscribe, and hit the notification bell to stay updated on our travel and lifestyle content!

Top 10 Best Things to Do in Nicaragua [Nicaragua Travel Guide 2024]

Welcome to Nicaragua, a captivating country known for its awe-inspiring landscapes and rich cultural heritage. In this video, we invite you to join us on a virtual journey as we uncover the best things to do in Nicaragua. From exploring vibrant colonial cities to venturing into the adrenaline-pumping wilderness, Nicaragua truly offers a world of possibilities.

Start your Nicaraguan adventure by visiting Granada, the oldest city in Central America rich in colonial charm and architectural wonders. Discover the colorful streets, impressive churches, and soak in the warm atmosphere of this captivating city. Next, get ready to be amazed by the natural beauty of Ometepe Island, located in Lake Nicaragua. This stunning UNESCO Biosphere Reserve boasts twin volcanoes, lush cloud forests, and pristine beaches.

For those seeking adventure, head to León, a city renowned for its volcanic landscapes. Embark on a thrilling hike up the Cerro Negro volcano and experience the exhilarating rush of sandboarding down its slopes. Moreover, you can't miss the opportunity to witness the mesmerizing lava eruptions at Masaya Volcano National Park, a truly awe-inspiring spectacle.

If you're a nature enthusiast, Nicaragua won't disappoint. Explore the magical world of San Juan River and witness the exotic wildlife thriving in its lush surroundings. From monkeys swinging through trees to colorful tropical birds, this river is a paradise for wildlife enthusiasts.

To delve deeper into Nicaragua's rich history, visit the UNESCO World Heritage Site of León Viejo. Uncover fascinating archaeological ruins dating back to the 16th century and gain insights into the country's colonial past.

Indulge in the vibrant local culture by immersing yourself in the lively markets of Masaya. Browse through handcrafted goods, mingle with friendly locals, and savor delicious Nicaraguan street food.

Discover the hidden gem of Corn Islands, an idyllic Caribbean paradise boasting pristine beaches, crystal-clear waters, and vibrant coral reefs. Snorkel or dive into the turquoise waters to witness the mesmerizing marine life that thrives beneath the surface.

This video serves as your ultimate guide to Nicaragua, covering everything from cultural landmarks to outdoor adventures. Join us in exploring the wonders of this enchanting country!

#nicaraguatravel #centralamericaadventures #explorenicaragua #mustvisitnicaragua #nicaraguanculture #naturewonders #colonialcities #adrenalinerush #travelinspiration

▬Contents of this video▬

00:00 Introduction
01:05 Islets of Granada
01:47 Corn Islands
02:28 Masaya Volcano
03:08 Lake Nicaragua
03:56 San Juan del Sur
04:34 Somoto Canyon National Monument
05:18 Isla Ometepe
06:00 Granada
06:41 Reserva Natural Miraflor
07:23 Apoyo Lagoon Natural Reserve

Music credit:

Extenz - Gravity (Vlog No Copyright Music):
Cinematic Background Music - Mu Hanz:
Epic Adventure Cinematic Music - Infraction:
Inspiring Cinematic Music - Michael Nik:

Disclaimer: We have used video footage and images to maximize the clarity of the content, not specifically to promote any violence against the community. This content only intends to share information for educational purposes.
***Footage, music, image, and graphics used in the video belong to their respective owners, and we or this channel do not claim any right over them. This video has been produced following the Fair Usage Policy “Under Section 107” of the “Copyright Act 1976”. If you have any copyright issues, don't hesitate to get in touch with us by email.

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Cali Colombia is the SALSA CAPITAL of the WORLD but is it SAFE TO VISIT?

Welcome to the salsa capital of the world! The city of Cali has a reputation for primarily the following two things: (1) as a cultural hub for salsa dancing and (2) as a city riddled with high-crime from a legacy of civil wars and narco drug trafficking. Cali is not a mainstream tourist destination, BUT it is easily our favorite city in Colombia. Over the next few videos, starting with this one, we will be sharing how cool Cali is, but also… is it safe?

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For music/sound effects used in this video, Check out Epidemic Sound:


12 sitios IMPERDIBLES de PANAMÁ 2023????????????????????

Panamá, un paraíso tropical que conecta centroamérica con sudamérica. Famoso por su Canal Interoceánico, su capital , una más cosmopolita de la región, y maravillas culturales y naturales que merecen mucho la pena visitar.

Vamos a conocer algunos de los mejores sitios y experiencias que Panamá tiene para ofrecer

Lee más sobre Panamá:

0:25 Bocas del Toro
1:06 Isla Bastimentos y Cayo Coral
1:58 Guna Yala / San Blas
3:08 Reserva Forestal Fortuna
3:54 Parque Nacional Soberanía
4:46 Golfo de Chiriquí
5:59 Isla Coiba y Santa Catalina
6:31 Portobelo
7:19 Emberá Querá
7:49 Boquete
8:15 Panamá Viejo
9:38 Canal de Panamá

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