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10 Best place to visit in Qingguang China


Qingyuan day 2: Gulong Gorge and Yindge

Qingyuan is about an hour north of Guangzhou and famous for its natural scenery. We took a weekend trip from Hong Kong with a local tour and visited some of its top sights.

Day 2:
Gulong Gorge
The Gulong Gorge is a famous mountain river combo must notable for its record-breaking glass structure combo: a glass suspension bridge and a glass platform. there is also a waterfall, rapid course, and zipline.

Yindge Hotspring

Day 1 vlog:

For more information coming soon on my blog
Music: Epidemic sound

S0209-台版金魚妻的告白,不愛愛就離婚 (上) ft Juvena #人生啊 #人生小酒館 #金魚妻

今天邀請到台版的金魚妻,史上最酷最屌的天龍國調酒師 Juvena 來小酒館,因為篇幅關係,我們分成上下集。




00:00 兄弟如手足,女人如衣服,穿過就可換!?
01:08 台版的金魚妻,史上最酷最屌的天龍國調酒師 Juvena
03:41 生在一個不傳統的家庭,爸爸獨特的愛情觀,沒想到對小孩影響這麼大
06:51 因家暴關係,媽媽勇敢出去努力賺錢,從此改變關係
10:09 經歷爸媽關係破裂後,家人對彼此的看法大不同
12:25 從小的耳濡目染提早社會化後,就決定要從事服務業,沒想到下一代也是
17:24 因緣際會下去香港工作,沒想到起因這麼好笑
20:19 大家分享彼此對擇偶的條件,有些真的滿北懶的
26:00 文化跟爸媽的教育不同,其實影響小孩真的滿多

#人生啊 #ZOSS #King #小歐 #愛情觀 #調酒師 #天龍國 #香港 #台灣 #口音 #台灣妹 #邏輯 #看法 #既定印象 #幻想 #愛情動作片 #日本 #藝人 #升學 #談戀愛 #男朋友 #做人處事 #道理 #學習 #登大人 #出社會 #玩社團 #關係 #婚姻 #渣男 #初戀 #金錢 #家庭主婦 #傳統 #賺錢 #酒家菜 #紅包 #可樂 #獨立自主 #交際應酬 #Friday #服務業 #擇偶 #愛妻便當 #卸妝 #真實 #放屁 #文化 #教育 #管教 #人生小酒館 #金魚妻

[SUB]【#台北】誰說台北無美食?平價港式料理.烤布蕾刨冰 特搜美食名單!|林莎.李易 SuperTaste in Taipei,Taiwan | 食尚玩家瘋狂總部 完整版 20230406



00:00│九龍冰室 Kowloon Café
08:40│七日孅 延吉總店
12:32│Renaissance Taipei Shihlin Hotel士林萬麗酒店


只有這裡看得到!#獨家網路版 、幕後花絮都在食尚玩家YouTube頻道????
《#食尚玩家》TVBS 42歡樂台/TVBS精采台/TVBS-Asia 每週二至週五晚間10點



Subtitles are provided by WiiTube, an end-to-end AI subtitling platform for YouTube Videos.
Developed by joint efforts of Wiitrans and YouTube, WiiTube is seamlessly integrated with your YouTube account, helps YouTubers to get multilingual subtitles and gain more views globally. For more information, please go to:

The Three Villages | Zhaoqing

In the first of a new series D J Clark travels to the three villages of Li Cha, Cheng Hu and Cha Tang in the Zhaoqing district. they all have classical Lingnan architecture from the Song dynasty with ancestral temples and classical wok-handle shaped roofs. Li Cha is the crown jewel with it's octagon shape layout surrounded by water.

To get to the starting point of the three villages walk take bus 315 from railway station bus station. The ride takes about 50 minutes, costs 10 RMB and leaves every half an hour. Tell the driver to stop and notify you at Li Cha. There is a 20 RMB charge to enter the village.

It's fun to explore Li Cha on foot, and difficult to get lost as it's surrounded by water. Outside the village their are many restaurants with local country cooking, if it's too early to eat don't worry there are other places along the way.

Once you are done exploring look for the village road out to Cha Tang and set off on foot. It takes less than an hour to reach and has lots of people and farmwife to see along the way. As with Li Cha - Cha Tong has typical Lingnan architecture from the Song dynasty with ancestral temples and classical wok-handle shaped roofs.

To get to the third village of Cheng Hu again look for the path on a map or ask around, it will take about another hour to reach. Finally walk back to Li Cha (it's a triangle so find the direct route) from where you can find the 315 bus on the other side of the road to get back to Zhaoqing.

If you need an English speaking guide try,

Jason Deng, 8613556528500
Jacky Jian, 13602985801
Vicky Zhou,17181378861

Taiwan台灣|台北雙層觀光巴士藍線至故宮Taipei Sightseeing Bus Blue Route, National Palace Museum, Shilin Night Market

Follow the Taipei Sightseeing Bus Blue Route to surrounding attractions, THE GRAND HOTEL TAIPEI、National Palace Museum、Shilin Night Market

00:00 臺北市雙層觀光巴士 - 藍線 / Taipei Sightseeing Bus Blue Route
00:32 台北車站 / Taipei Main Station
01:10 臺北市雙層巴士進站 / enters the station Kaohsiung Light Rail
03:41 晴光商圈 / Qingguang Market
08:39 國立故宮博物院 / National Palace Museum
17:28 士林夜市 / Shilin Night Market
17:44 海友十全排骨 / Hai You Pork Ribs

#taiwan #Taipei #Sightseeing #nightmarket #travel #history #Shilin #Ribs

The Bamboo Forest of Guangning | Zhaoqing

It’s a 1.5 hour bus ride out of Zhaoqing to reach Guangning but there are regular comfortable buses from the star lake hotel long distance bus station. To get to the bamboo forests take a second local bus from the main bus station after you arrive to Heng Shan Zhen and get off at the Luo Guo stop.

To reach the amazing view at the top of the hill above Gushizhen take the Meng Keng bus and ask to be dropped off at the village. Then ask around for the path that leads up the hill behind one of the village houses.

If you need an English speaking guide try,

Jason Deng, 8613556528500
Jacky Jian, 13602985801
Vicky Zhou,17181378861

【Podcast】一天爆吃10間店不會胖?她吃遍全台的代價竟是?美食 youtuber 秘辛大公開!| @playwithshen|美食關鍵詞

平常都是訪問主廚或餐飲職人,今天則是首次 youtuber 合體!

00:00 陪沈團單飛不解散?揭秘沈成為美食YouTuber的背後秘辛!
06:07 踏上尋訪各地小吃之旅,無限放大Google地圖,竟挖掘出無數在地美食?
11:46 選擇在地小吃的標準?從踩雷就「說實話」的辛辣風格,轉變到「與人為善」的成長歷程。
14:15 從哪裡開始吃、一天吃幾家?一群不安於室的人用美食深入台灣!
18:32 百本美食地圖X諧音梗X美食擬人化,陪沈團獲得觀眾喜愛的秘訣!
21:47 2023 要努力吃牛!沈3年來只拍過兩間牛肉店居然是因為他?
22:48 沈心中的美食尺標1-酥脆與軟爛蛋餅的啟示:打開心胸才能迎接各種美味!
25:37 面對網路酸民的秘訣:調整自我、算盡一切!先把自己吐槽完。
28:51 沈心中的美食尺標2-肉燥飯和滷肉飯,兩種年紀竟大不相同!
31:33 沈心中的美食尺標3-沈可以一年都不吃水餃!老闆太熱心怎麼辦?
34:49 沈心中的美食尺標4-炸物是人生快樂來源!肉的本質是美味的關鍵。
37:08 沈心中的美食尺標5-世界上最棒的食物!炒飯的博大精深,好吃的炒飯不好找。
39:24 一口氣吃8家以上!一直吃的秘密:愛吃美食的背後,是像勒戒的飲食控制。
43:45 沈的瘦身之路,美食 YouTuber 螢光幕後的努力與苦工。
49:33 反向的行銷!沈的人生經營訣竅:真心喜歡才推薦、喜歡再來買!
53:01 做過最對的事:透過美食認識台灣城市!想做的事就要跨出去做!




【與江振誠遊青森 vlog】

◇關於【Liz 美食家】
大家好,我是 Liz 高琹雯。

◇IG 美食家的自學之路:
◇Podcast 美食關鍵詞:
◇Taster 美食加:


#podcast #cc字幕 #美食家 #陪沈團 #youtuber #foodie #台灣美食

台北市雙層觀光巴士( 藍線 ) / Taipei Sightseeing Bus (Blue Route)







00:00:00 台北車站
00:08:09 北門
00:20:27 中山商圈
00:22:09 中山北路
00:23:16 臺北戲棚
00:25:52 晴光商圈
00:29:17 台北市立美術館,兒童藝術教育中心
00:30:25 圓山大飯店
00:37:11 劍潭公園和親山步道
00:40:14 士林官邸
00:49:09 國立故宮博物院
00:53:53 順益原住民博物館
00:58:54 張大千故居
01:08:51 市林官邸(花園)
01:16:44 士林觀光夜市,士林慈諴宮
01:17:55 捷運劍潭站
01:20:32 臺北市孔廟
01:26:34 花博公園
01:29:34 大同大學
01:36:08 臺北之家
01:36:11 中山商圈
01:39:36 臺北車站


Thank you for visiting, please relax and walk with me and look around. If you like my videos, please don't forget to like, subscribe and share.

Taiwan / Taipei / New Taipei / walk / travel / 街景 / 旅行 / 記錄
台灣 台北 交通 巴士 客運 觀光 旅遊 觀光巴士 Taipei sightseeing Bus 台北観光バス 타이베이 관광버스 台北觀光巴士 雙層觀光巴士

????307???? [Day 3 - Zhangzhou+Longyan+Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China] [第3天 - 漳州+龙岩+厦门市,福建省,中国]

[Visited on Mar 2021]
[2021年 03月 到此打卡]

#Travel #DailyTravelVlog #China #Fujian #Xiamen #Zhangzhou #Longyan #Tulou
#旅游 #每日攻略博客 #中国 #福建 #厦门 #漳州 #龙岩 #土楼

[Day 3 - Zhangzhou + Longyan + Xiamen]
[????Nanjing Earth Buildings Scenic Area ⤻ ????Yunshuiyao Scenic Area ⤻ ????Scenery Along The Way ⤻ ????Yongding Earth Buildings Scenic Area ⤻ ????Gaobei Tourist Service Center ⤻ ????The King Of Fujian Earth Buildings Scenic Area ⤻ ????Nanjing Earth Buildings Scenic Area ⤻????Ibis Hotel (Xiamen Railway Station) ⤻ ????Fuyu Datong Duck Congee]

[第3天 - 漳州 + 龙岩 + 厦门]
[????南靖土楼景区 ⤻ ????云水谣景区 ⤻ ????沿途风景 ⤻ ????永定土楼景区 ⤻ ????高北游客服务中心 ⤻ ????福建土楼王景区 ⤻ ????南靖土楼景区 ⤻????宜必思酒店(厦门火车站) ⤻ ????浮屿大同鸭肉粥]

0:00 Introduction 引言
0:15 B & B.Creek 原舍。溪畔
0:26 Yunshuiyao Ancient Town 云水谣古镇
0:55 Tantou Temple 潭头祠
1:12 Scenery Along The Way 沿途风景
1:23 Gaobei Tourist Service Center 高北游客服务中心
1:34 Entrance 景区入口
1:48 Tourist Shopping Street 旅游商品街
2:02 Qiao Fu Earth Building 侨福楼
2:19 Cheng Qi Earth Building 承启楼
2:45 quare Circle Sky-Line 方圆一线天
2:53 Shi Ze Earth Building 世泽楼
3:10 Xiaoqiao Liushui Restaurant 小桥流水餐馆
3:36 Taxia Village 塔下村
4:08 Shun Xing Earth Building 顺兴楼
4:13 Qing Guang Earth Building 庆光楼
4:18 Yu De Earth Building 裕德楼
4:23 Fan Shen Earth Building 翻身楼
4:28 Yu Chang Earth Building 裕昌楼 (“东歪西斜楼”)
4:51 Tian Luo Keng Earth Building 田螺坑土楼群 (“四菜一汤”楼)
5:03 Ibis Hotel (Xiamen Railway Station) 宜必思酒店(厦门火车站)
5:23 Fuyu Datong Duck Congee 浮屿大同鸭肉粥
5:52 Ending 结尾

【Audi Q3 Trans China Tour Day 13 - 27 Oct 2011】

Zhaoqing -- Yangshuo

China at its very best -- amazing landscapes, lively cities with friendly people and, not least, good roads. The stage today takes us from Zhaoqing to Yangshuo along a comparatively modest 412 kilometers in one of China's popular vacation areas.



???? 2nd channel 日本妻的家庭日常 in Taiwan

???? Instagram @mahsa_intaiwan


???? 240万再生!閲覧注意‼️足裏の角質削ったら雪積もりました

???? 125万再生!台湾足裏角質取り

● 大行列の老舗ルーロー飯店

● 行列必至‼️台湾で人気NO.1の朝ごはん

● 創業104年 中山駅の朝市場に買出し

● 台北駅から1分 安くて美味い水餃子に炸醬麵

● 台湾の大行列病み付きドーナツ店へ行くべし

● 雙連エリア◆冰讚、台湾カステラ、麺線、雙連朝市の4スポットガイド

● 超老舗の最強排骨パイコー

● 絶対食べないと後悔する麺線はこれ

● 安いけど国賓級フルーツを食べるならココ 最高品質のフルーツパーラー

● 阿宗麵線で持帰りと行天宮近くの石鍋の思い出で旅気分

● 超豪華朝食付き5つ星高級ホテルステイで大人の週末旅

● 初の高雄旅行11ヶ所制覇!! 携帯でらくらく新幹線乗車

● 萌え断!とろとろ半熟卵とチーズの台湾式朝ごパン

● 大人気の豆花店で絶品台湾スイーツを食べよう

● 台湾旅行のお土産買うならスーパーよ

● 臭豆腐‼️臭いけど美味しいお店!

【 ♫Music By♫ 】

Take Me Away - Tobjan
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream:
Music promoted by Audio Library
Track: Young & Free — Scandinavianz [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Free Download / Stream:
Ohayo by Smith The Mister
Smith The Mister
Free Download / Stream:
Music promoted by Audio Library

#炒麵  #台湾旅行  #公館

????306???? [Fujian Earth Buildings] [福建土楼]

[Visited on Mar 2021]
[2021年 03月 到此打卡]

#Travel #TouristAttraction #China #Fujian #Tulou #Zhangzhou #NanjingEarthBuildingsScenicArea #HeguiEarthBuilding #HuaiYuanEarthBuilding #YongAnEarthBuilding #ShunYuEarthBuilding #CuiMeiEarthBuilding #DeFengEarthBuilding #HekengEarthBuildingCluster #ShunXingEarthBuilding #QingGuangEarthBuilding #YuDeEarthBuilding #FanShenEarthBuilding #YuChangEarthBuilding #TianLuoKengEarthBuilding #Longyan #YongdingEarthBuildingsScenicArea #TheKingOfFujianEarthBuildingsScenicArea #QiaoFuEarthBuilding #ChengQiEarthBuilding #KingOfEarthBuildings #ShiZeEarthBuilding

#旅游 #景点 #中国 #福建 #漳州 #土楼 #南靖土楼景区 #和贵楼 #怀远楼 #永安楼 #顺裕楼 #翠美楼 #德风楼 #河坑土楼群 #顺兴楼 #庆光楼 #裕德楼 #翻身楼 #裕昌楼 #东歪西斜楼 #田螺坑土楼群 #四菜一汤楼 #龙岩 #永定土楼景区 #福建土楼王景区 #侨福楼 #承启楼 #土楼王 #世泽楼

0:00 Introduction 引言
0:27 Information 资讯
1:07 Nanjing Earth Buildings Scenic Area 南靖土楼景区
1:12 Hegui Earth Building 和贵楼
1:47 Huai Yuan Earth Building 怀远楼
2:22 Yong An Earth Building 永安楼
2:36 Shun Yu Earth Building 顺裕楼
2:59 Cui Mei Earth Building 翠美楼
3:16 De Feng Earth Building 德风楼
3:24 Hekeng Earth Building Cluster 河坑土楼群 (“北斗七星”)
4:26 Shun Xing Earth Building 顺兴楼
4:31 Qing Guang Earth Building 庆光楼
4:36 Yu De Earth Building 裕德楼
4:41 Fan Shen Earth Building 翻身楼
4:46 Yu Chang Earth Building 裕昌楼 (“东歪西斜楼”)
5:24 Tian Luo Keng Earth Building 田螺坑土楼群 (“四菜一汤”楼)
5:35 Yongding Earth Buildings Scenic Area 永定土楼景区
5:40 Qiao Fu Earth Building 侨福楼
6:09 Cheng Qi Earth Building 承启楼
6:47 Shi Ze Earth Building 世泽楼
7:10 Ending 结尾

The Sun is Scheduled to Come Out Tomorrow by Chris Zabriskie is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



Explore Shuangcheng Night Market



#Explore #shuangcheng #nightmarket
A part of our Explore series. Never visited local attraction shown above before? well you should ^^ in the meantime, we Explore it for you!

Got any recommendation for us to explore? contact us via:
Follow us on Instagram:
We have a Facebook:


Mai et Andre

【台北最高峰登山】はじめての海外登山は陽明山・七星山!夜市や台湾グルメも満喫♪【????????Trip vlog】






住田 諒 @ryosumita


曽根正和(Michael Sone)さん



ザック…Okara ai nitta / リーテッ
サコッシュ…Okara ai nitta / Tomte
シューズ… salomon / CROSS HIKE 2
シャツ…Houdini / コスモトップス

#台湾#登山 #山と溪谷

楽天  ▶️ 


camera  ▶︎LUMIX G100 / DJI pocket 2 / iPhone14 Pro
video editor▶︎adobe premiere pro
music ▶︎Epidemic Sound / Artlist

Artlist 2ヶ月分無料はコチラ▼(12ヶ月+2ヶ月分の契約になります」)


お山のMovie ▶︎
山ごはん   ▶︎
Short Ver. ▶︎


Huashan 1914 Park | Ant Baozi | Taiwanese Dessert | Travel Taiwan Series Day 20 ????????

Day 20 of the ✈️ Travel Taiwan Series. Be part of the journey:
(Timestamps are below.)

0:35 Heading to Huashan 1914 creative park
0:55 Looking for the upside down building
1:35 Dancing in Taipei
2:04 Walking around near Zhongxiao Xinsheng Station
2:14 Baozi and….an ant?
2:56 Meeting with Rosy
4:01 Eating Hong Kong food, specifically Hangzhou fried rice and noodles at Boji HK Style Restaurant ( or 波記茶餐廳) in Taipei. Here is the address: No. 8, Lane 70, Yanji Street, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan 106
5:51 Eating awesome almond tofu dessert at 原杏杏仁茶(忠孝店). The address is No. 1, Lane 248, Section 4, Zhongxiao East Road, Da’an District, Taipei City, Taiwan 106
8:33 Preview of Day 19 of the Travel Taiwan Series

✈️????✈️ Subscribe for further travel content and stories:
& be part of the ✈️ Travel ???????? Taiwan Series:

Camera Equipment:
????Main camera & lens:
✈️ The rest of the travel resources I use:
(*Some links are affiliate links)

✍ My Blog:
???? Instagram:
???? Twitter:
???????? Facebook:
Snapchat: lindokorchi1
???? lindokorchi

Silken Hotel - Taipei Hotels, Taiwan

Silken Hotel 3 Stars Hotel in Taipei ,Taiwan Within US Travel Directory Located in Qingguang Commercial Area, Silken Hotel is set in Taipei, 1.
3 km from Taipei Confucius Temple.
ZhongShan Elementary School MRT Station lays 5 minutes' walk away.
Various popular sites are located within easy reach, including Tatung University, Taipei Art Center, Shihlin Night Market and Zhongshan Football Court.
You may walk to 2010 Taipei Int'l Flora Expo in 5 minutes and reach Tamsui Line in 15 minutes' walk.
Taipei Film House is 1.
6 km from SILKEN HOTEL, while Ningxia Night Market is 1.
6 km away.
Taipei Songshan Airport is 3 km away.
Every room at this hostel is air-conditioned and features a flat-screen TV with cable channels.
You will find a kettle in the room.
Each room is fitted with a private bathroom with a hot tub and bath, with slippers, free toiletries and a hair dryer provided.
You will find a 24-hour front desk at the property.

Silken Hotel - Taipei Hotels, Taiwan
Location in : No. 76-1, Section 3, Xinsheng North Road, zip 104, Taipei ,Taiwan

【4K HDR】Night Walk from Daan Park Station to Taipei 101|春節前夕的信義路-台北101車軌熱門拍攝點



Hello all my friends, Welcome to my channel.
Hope you enjoy this video.
Please subscribe and push like button for the next walk!
Thank you for watching.

00:00 Intro 開場簡介
00:57 Daan Park Station 大安森林公園站
07:22 Xinyi Rd. 信義路
10:31 Shiba lnu 柴犬
11:10 One Park Taipei 元利信義聯勤
18:56 Daan Station 大安站
20:18 KEBUKE Tea Co. 可不可熟成紅茶
24:45 Lunar New Year Ornament Shop 春節飾品店
27:43 Terracotta Warriors 兵馬俑:)
31:42 Surprise alley 驚喜的小巷
31:59 SHOWA ICE 昭和氷室
32:58 The Escape Artist 藝甸園娛樂繪畫空間
35:05 Xinyi Anhe Station 信義安和站
38:00 Eastern Ice 東區粉圓
45:16 Taipei 101 車軌熱門拍攝點

Camera: SONY α7SIII
Lens: Zeiss Batis 2.8/18
Mic: RØDE VideoMic Pro+

Time:2021/2/9 5:40pm

Music Info: Piano Inspiring Dream by RomanSenykMusic.
Music Link:

【台北中正】東門市場|4K HDR|Taipei Zhongzheng - Walk from Dongmen Station to Dongmen Market

00:00 Intro 開場簡介
02:10 Dongmen Station 東門站
02:54 Dongmen Market 東門市場

Time:2022/6/10 11:20AM

Hello all my friends, Welcome to my channel.
Hope you enjoy this video.
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Thank you for watching.


『Walking in the Rain|雨中漫步系列』

『Night Market Walking|迺夜市系列』

『Old Streets|老街巡禮系列』

『Car Drive, Scooter, Bike Rides|汽機車,單車遊系列』

『Special Events|特別節慶遊街頭系列』

『Mall Walking|逛商場系列』

『Hiking Trail|爬山趣系列』

Camera: SONY α7SIII|iPhone 13 Pro|DJI Pocket 2|iPhone 11 Pro Max|GoPro HERO 8|LUMIX GH4
Lens: Zeiss Batis 18mm F2.8|SONY 135mm F1.8 GM|SONY 24-105mm F4 GLUMIX G X VARIO 12-35mm F2.8
Mic: ZOOM H1n|RØDE VideoMic Pro+

Music Info: Piano Inspiring Dream by RomanSenykMusic.
Music Link:


Shirakawa go Japan 2014 21



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