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10 Best place to visit in Maba China


泰國曼谷!|2023 自由行|泰國旅居生活250天:第1至20天之曼谷奇遇|失落三年的重返|驚險尋房記|美食探索|瘋狂夜生活|萬聖節狂歡派對|意外邂逅揭露!|@johnnylovethail

旅居曼谷生活香港人體驗250天EP.1|3年後重新回去泰國|報讀泰語語言學校|認識泰國女生|萬聖節考山路體驗| 1至20天行程濃縮版| @johnnylovethail #bangkok #曼谷旅居
00:00-00:10 /片頭
00:11- 02:11 /day 1 - 從香港起飛,抵達曼谷素萬那普機場,並入住曼谷酒店。#素萬那普機場 . 並且到達曼谷酒店#bangkokcityhotel 休息. [因為疫情的關係已經3年沒有踏足我最愛的國家泰國了] [然而這趟龐大的旅程我們的據點是曼谷]
02:12- 02:52 /day 2 - 讀泰語網上課程,就讀於 #ALA學校 。
02:53- 05:22 /day 3 - 探索新住所,與不誠實和熱心的司機相遇,並獲得泰國警察的協助。拍攝了7間房子,最終找到了合理價格的酒店。畫面將收錄在第3天的影片中。
05:23- 05:59 / day 4 - 讓大家看看平常我的夜生活 .前往#考山路 #khaosan .品嘗屬於泰國特色街頭小食 .途中也到達了#SoiCowboy (#ซอยคาวบอย) .但是因為不喜歡那邊的感受.所以重新回去考山路.結果經過數間夜場的音樂之旅.最終在一間夜場.結識了非常漂亮的泰國女生.最後一起共聚享用晚餐.
06:00- 06:48 / day5 - 放慢腳步.靜靜享受一個人的時光.解說我對泰國食物的要求以及我在泰國生活吃飯的習慣.還有分享為何我不像遊客一樣瘋狂迷戀泰國食物
06:49- 09:48 / day6 - 到達#centralworld #中央世界購物商場 .像遊客一樣自拍.享受遊客喜歡的美食.並且到達.#水門市場.購買泰國特色的衣服. 其後前往#Asiatique #河濱夜市. 繼續品嘗遊客美食.但可惜遇上暴雨.不過亦無阻繼續拍攝與享受美食的心情.
09:49- 10:35 / day7 - 到達#夜市新拉差達夜市 .馬上品嚐特色美食火山排骨.
10:36- 11:50 / day 8 - 前往新的住所 #YaksHouseHostel .價錢實惠.
當然也會展現Yaks House Hoste內裏結構如何.只是可惜交通不太方便.短期居住.希望透過這段時間尋找更實惠.更大.更方便出入的住宅.
11:51- 12:43 / day 9 - 仍然在身居YaksHouseHostel 所附近探索 .只是突然被明星般對待.所以唯有進入店鋪品嘗食物.並且拍攝.最後老闆娘以及員工熱情招待.只好讓他們知道我的YouTube頻道.
12:44- 13:15 / day 10 - 10天的小總結.對未來的期望以及盼望.還有希望透過這樣的小舉動鼓勵自己以及感謝大家的支持 .更特別的.在這集當中會透露自己為何喜歡泰國.
13:16- 15:07 / day 11 - 繼續參觀夜市 #SOUTHERNMARKETKLONGLORD2 享受美食.很可惜因為夜市比較不出名.多數是本地人到達.所以無法令到司機明白我要到達這裡.最終幸運地遇上了會說中文的泰國老伯伯.透過他的協助才能夠到達夜市Southern Market(Klong Lord2) 享受美食 . 享受泰式烤魚.冬蔭功海鮮米粉.炭燒大頭蝦.並且享受非常新鮮的刺身魷魚.口感一試難忘.
15:09- 15:14 / day 12 - 簡單交代.只可惜大腦一片空白沒有很好的題材拍攝給大家觀看
15:17 - 18:12 / day 13 - 到達另外一個大型的水上市場 #泰國大林江水上市場 . 拍攝傳統泰國小食.並且品嚐.只可惜味道對我不太適合. 然後欣賞一曲傳統泰國民間曲目.與我平常收聽的泰國流行曲非常不一樣的感覺.後來發現了能夠乘坐船隻.欣賞風景.所以便上船.一直享受泰國帶給我寧靜舒服的感覺.一直把美麗的風景收錄在影片之中.然而卻是讓我回想起5年前自己來到曼谷的感覺.很多腦海的畫面也勾起來了.然後離開船隻的位置是在#曼谷大皇宮 .拍攝了最美麗的日落畫面.然而到了現在也成為我的手機桌面圖片.真的非常漂亮.
18:13- 18:50 / day 14 - 今天再公開更多我在#考山路 #khaosan 酒吧街的瘋狂畫面.好讓你們體驗其中.也讓你們看到泰國的另外一面 .當然在過程中也結識了新的泰國女生.
18:53 -20:32 / day 15 - 今天是萬聖節的正日.讓我們在曼谷#考山路 #khaosan .感受萬聖節瘋狂的氣氛.今天馬拉松的拍攝.首先在人潮到達前讓大家感受不同單位迎陣以待的感覺.其後人潮到達後.我和你加入狂歡派對.并且不斷和漂亮的女生.帥氣的男生拍攝和溝通.最終從下午4點開始.堅持拍攝至凌晨3點32分結束.
20:33 - 21:20 / day 16 - 香港的兩位朋友前來曼谷探訪我.了解我近況如何.然後一起聚會.享受昂貴美味的烤肉店 #銀座堂
21:21 - 21:36 / day 17 - 閑談在我居住的酒店附近品嚐地道小店.裝修簡單.但是食物卻是一流的水平.而且不昂貴.
21:37 - 23:03 / day 18 - 前往大型商場#CentralPinklao享受美食.以及提取現金. 並且在接下來的時間極速前往#鷹神廟 #watphothong 與香港朋友會面.接受大師祝福.
23:04 - 23:21 / day 19 - 繼續與香港朋友會面.前往#Asiatique #河濱夜市 享受美食美酒.最後更加被主音的歌聲吸引.成為小粉絲享受其中.
23:22 - 24:27 / day 20 - 繼續前往只有當地居民才知道的夜市.感受當地人夜晚消遣的地方究竟是如何. 然而可惜的是香港朋友們馬上要回香港了.所以也抽空與他們繼續團聚享受泰國的時光.後來他們感到疲倦.我也只好尋找店舖為我更換新的指甲造型.可惜回家途中.遇上了不會看Google Maps司機.最終兩人使出渾身解數的能力.才能夠回到酒店...
想追蹤我更多的限時動態 .

Russian TYPICAL Apartment Tour: Could you live Here?

What does a Russian TYPICAL Apartment look like in Moscow, Russia. Together we will find out, as I take you on a tour of a 2 Room Apartment for rent in Moscow Region. What are the prices like for rental properties in Russia in 2023.

Did you want to see the other apartment in this building I toured:

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Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for every purchase.
#apartmenttour #travellingwithrussell #realestate


Sadovod Market in Moscow, Russia is the largest open trading market in all of Russia. With more than 9,500 individual traders spead over a 40ha territory. With more than 91 million shoppers per year. Discover with me what RUSSIAS LARGEST MARKET is really like.

???? Sadovod Market Website:
????Market Location: Mkad 14 Kilometr, Moscow, 109429
????Map Location:
⌚Time of Filming: 4.15 pm (16.15 pm) 10th October 2023.

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#russia #travellingwithrussell #sadavod

Gerak Jalan Viral Siswa SMA Dari Tobelo Halmahera Utara

Gerak Jalan Viral Siswa SMA Dari Tobelo Halmahera Utara


I Went to the Largest DOG SHOW in Russia: Eurasia 2023

Eurasia 2023 is the largest cynological event this fall, in which about 10 thousand dogs of more than 270 breeds take part. Discover with me what its like to attend the Largest Dog Show in Russia.

???? Eurasia Dog Show Website:
????Crocus Expo Centre Location: Mezhdunarodnaya Ulitsa, 16, Krasnogorsk, Moscow Oblast, 143401
???? Map Location:
⌚ Time of Filming: 1.00 pm (13.00 pm) 19th November 2023.

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???? (Russian Bank Deposit) SberBank: +7 916-313-0982
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Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for every purchase.
#russia #travellingwithrussell #moscow

Russian TYPICAL (Soviet Style) Supermarket After 700 Days of Sanctions

What does a Russian TYPICAL upermarket look like inside. Join me as we walknig niside a Soviet Style Supermarket in Moscow, Russia. What items are available. How are the prices and selection in this Russian TYPICAL Soviet Style Supermarket.

???? Store Name: Let's become friends ( Давайте станем друзьями )
????Store Location: Moscow, Semyonovskaya Square, 1этаж 1
????Yandex Map Location:
⌚ Time of Filming: 3.30 pm (15.30 pm) 16th January 2024.
???? Store Website:

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Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for every purchase.
#moscow #travellingwithrussell #russia

A Market Under the Park in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) Vietnam

I discovered, literally, a market underground, invisible from the street, right under the park where young and old gather to dance and skate in Ho Chi Minh City (Saigon) Vietnam. The market was full of cheap clothing and accessories and a closed food court. There was also a new area where the up and coming fashion designers of Ho Chi Minh City showcase and sell their high quality wares to the young folks. Come walk with me as I explore this to me undiscovered area.

00:00 The Central Market Park
02:25 Underground Central Market Entrance
10:32 Parking Garage Tour

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Thank you very much everyone for all the love you send my way. I assure you, the feeling is mutual.

I am an American Expat in Ho Chi Minh City, (Saigon) Vietnam. (I dislike the word Expat). I have lived in Vietnam for 3 years, I am almost considered an expert at living abroad. As I live, work and travel in Vietnam and south east Asia, I want to take you around with me to show you what I saw in Vietnam, in South East Asia and talk with you about my experiences living in Saigon HCMC and take you with me as I travel vlog around Vietnam and South East Asia in 2022. I am not a backpacker but I started by wanting to backpack through South East Asia. I was going to just visit of vacation, but I was going to take part in tourism activities. I was going to be a globetrotting tourist but I never really planed to document mytravels. Was going to be a long holiday trip, maybe I would become a digital nomad. But I knew Vietnam would be my home when I got here, now Saigon is my home, where I work and live, but I still plan to motor bike across Asia, motovlog Vietnam, moto vlog South East Asia, dare I motorbike into China? And also fly around South East Asia, to tour and travel, But for now, this is my Vietnam life, my HCMC Saigon life, my expat life. I always thought living abroad would be scary, but it's interesting and fulfilling. The food is amazing, the culture is fascinating and the people are friendly and welcoming. If you ever wanted to take the leap to travel and live abroad, Tourism in Vietnam is buzzing right now since Vietnam reopens. I am often asked: are Vietnam borders open? Yes indeed, tourism reopened in 2022. Want to know what I saw in Vietnam and my life in HCMC Saigon. What I think about Vietnam and traveling and living abroad? What to do in Vietnam? How do live in Asia? What to do in Saigon? How to work, or work as a teacher in Asia? How to get a visa or what a digital nomads life could be like in Asia or Vietnam? What is it like to be an Expat in Vietnam and South East Asia? I am an expat, a Saigon Vlogger, a HCMC vlogger, a moto vlogger, a lifestyle vlogger, a digital nomad resource, a Saigon nightlife vlogger, an immigrant, a migrant worker. I make vlogma videos, (wth is vlogma) I want a daily vlog, but ain't got the time. But I can do a video diary, which makes me an online creator. Why anyone would watch vloggers as bad as me, I don't know. Sometimes I make food vlogs, foodporn? Did you know yum in Vietnams mean horn.., well, neverminded. I hope you will feel encouraged by my channel. I will show you a lot of things like how to live abroad, how to be a digital nomad, how to work in Asia, how to experience Vietnam, how to make friends and build a life in Asia, how to enjoy the culture and food. How to be a gamer in Asia. How to live a life in Asia, like a normal person. How to be a happy person. I am not a Vietnam digital nomad in HCMC. But I know a few. Did you actually read all that? Tell me in the comments that you did and I will give you shoutout in my next video. Some keywords I like to include are: ho ho chi minh city 2022 working abroad expatriate

I Went on a Tour of the RUSSIAN MOSKVICH CAR Factory

I was invited to tour the Russian Moskvich Car Factory in Moscow, Russia. From seeing them in the local dealership, to walking in the Car Factory its self. Seeing the Moskvich 3 and Moskvich 3e come together was a very unique experience.

???? Moskvich Car Website:
???? Moscow, Volgogradsky Prospekt, 41 p. 1
???? Dealer Location:
⌚ Time of Filming: 14.00 pm (2.00 pm) 11th July 2023.

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???? (Russian Bank Deposit) SberBank: +7 916-313-0982
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Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for every purchase.
#russia #travellingwithrussell #moskvich

Rahim Yar Khan | history of rahim yar khan

Rahim Yar Khan ( رحیم یار خان) is a city in Punjab province of Pakistan. It is the 17th largest city of Pakistan by population. It is the capital of Rahim Yar Khan District and Rahim Yar Khan Tehsil. The administration of the city is subdivided into nine Union Councils. In 1881, Nawab of Bahawalpur gave this city its current name by naming it after his first-born son and crown prince Rahim Yar Khan.
in this video i visited rahim yar khan on bike hope you'll enjoy.

[453] गाँव के स्वादिष्ट गुलाब जामुन Mawa Gulab Jamun recipe at home banane ka tarika #sweet #India

अब हर कोई सीखेगा मावे के स्वादिष्ट गुलाब जामुन बनाना गांव के देसी तरीके से गांव के स्वादिष्ट गुलाब जामुन बनाना बहुत ही आसान है कोई भी व्यक्ति कुछ ही मिनटों में गुलाब जामुन बना सकता है इतना आसान गुलाब जामुन बनाने का तरीका आपने पहले कभी नहीं देखा होगा अगर आपने पहले कभी गुलाब जामुन नहीं बना पाए हैं तो आप इस वीडियो को देखने के बाद एक बार में ही गुलाब जामुन बना लेंगे और स्वादिष्ट गुलाब जामुन का स्वाद चख लेंगे भारत के अंदर बहुत ही अलग-अलग मिठाईयां बनाई जाती है उनमें गुलाब जामुन एक मुख्य मिठाई में से एक है यह मिठाई हर कोई व्यक्ति खाता है और खाना पसंद करता है लेकिन इसको बनाना इतना मुश्किल होता था कि कोई भी आसानी से बना नहीं पाता था लेकिन अब मावा के या खोया के गुलाब जामुन बनाना बहुत ही आसान है गांव के देसी तरीके से

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खाते रह जाओगे???? स्वादिष्ट ❤️ कद्दू (पेठा) का हलवा pumpkin Halva Recipe indian Village food

खाते ही मुंह में पानी आयेगा ???? Ganv ki sabji Rabodi ki ❤️ स्वाद है #Village #food #Rajasthan #india

स्वाद में No. ☝️ गांव की गूंदे लसोड़े की शाही सब्जी???? lasoda Labeda Leswa Gunde Village Traditional

दादी गो मोटो रोटियो Desert Peoples Food #village #farm #rajasthan

विशेष मारवाड़ी थाली ???? सात धान का स्वादिष्ट खीचड़ा - Village Khichdo Marwadi Thali

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ये रही नीम की स्वादिष्ट रेसिपी ???? कड़वी नहीं बिल्कुल भी - Neem Recipes village food india

गांव की No. ☝️ Recipe - Village Traditional Food Moth Bajre ki Rabdi

गाँव में सिर्फ एकबार बनती है ये रेसिपी ???? #village #recipe video #food #Indian Gangaur Rajasthan

देखो Jaipur k Ganv कमाई देख उड़ जाएंगे होश ? modern agriculture technology in india

वो गांव का घर Desert Village Rajasthan India

हमने पहली बार देखी ???? गांव में पान की खेती ???? Betel Leaf Farming in India

[145] गांव - गांव चलते पहुंचे डूंगरपुर Pond Bath | Village Som Kamala Amba Dam

#sweet #swad #gaon #village #rajasthani #traditional #india #culture #cultural #shubhjourney #deshi #gulabjamun #villagefood #womencooking

I Stayed at a RUSSIAN COUNTRY CLUB: Bukhta Kila Pavlovka

I decided to spend a few days vsiting a Russian Country Club in Pavlovka, Russia. Bukhta Kila is 6km from Pavlovka in the Republic of Bashkortostan. Surrounded by nature, discover what Staying at a RUSSIAN COUNTRY CLUB is really like. Dicover Bukha Kila, Pavlovka together with me.

????Bukhta Kila Website:
???? Contact the Hotel: +8 347 285 8800
???? Pavlovka, Republic of Bashkortostan, 452432
???? Store Location:
⌚ Time of Filming: 2.00 pm (14.00 pm) 29th July 2023.

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???? (Russian Bank Deposit) SberBank: +7 916-313-0982
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Moment Fisheye Lens:
Moment Wide Angle Lens:

Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for every purchase.
#ufa #travellingwithrussell #bukhtakila

I went to Russia's Largest Food Expo: WORLD FOOD MOSCOW 2023

WorldFood Moscow is the international autumn food and drink exhibition. It is a professional platform where food manufacturers and related services providers meet with buyers from retail, wholesale, food industry, as well as distributors and exporters of food and drinks.

Do you want to see more EXPO Videos from this channel:

???? WorldFood Moscow Website:
????Mezhdunarodnaya Ulitsa, 16, Krasnogorsk, Moscow Oblast, 143401
????Map Location:
⌚Time of Filming: 3.00 pm (15.00 pm) 22nd September 2023.

Ways you can support me and the channel
???? (Russian Bank Deposit) SberBank: +7 916-313-0982
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Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for every purchase.
#russia #travellingwithrussell #worldfoodmoscow

Moscow Metro: Travelling From Moscow City to Vnukovo Airport

The first airport in Russia with a Metro Station opened recently connecting Moscow City with Vnukovo Airport. Concidered Impossible, the Kalininsko-Solntsevskaya line of the Moscow Metro is the first Metro line in Russia to take you directly to Vnukovo Airport.

Ways you can support me and the channel
???? (Russian Bank Deposit) SberBank: +7 916-313-0982
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All the stuff I use to film my YouTube Videos:

Samsung S22 Ultra:
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Rode Microphone:

Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for every purchase.
#vnukovo #travellingwithrussell #moscowmetro

I Went to a (Russian) Tesla Dealership: Space Cars + Robots

I decided to go in search of the Tesla Cybertruck in Moscow, Russia. Did i manage to find one. Come along on a tour of a Russian Electric Car Dealership. Can you buy the Tesla Cybertruck in Russia. Join me to find out.

???? Store Name: Space Cars + Robots ( Tesla Center Moscow )
☎️ Dealership Phone Number: +8 (495) 177-49-49
???? Dealership Website:
???? Store Location: Moscow, Korovy Val str., 5, OASIS Business Center
???? Map Location:
⌚ Time of Filming: 3.00 pm (15.00 pm) 31st Janurary 2024.

Ways you can support me and the channel
???? (Russian Bank Deposit) SberBank: +7 916-313-0982
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All the things I use to create my YouTube Videos:

Samsung S22 Ultra:
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Rode Microphone:

Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for every purchase.
#cybertruck #travellingwithrussell #tesla




别    名:韶州、韶城
面    积:18400 km²
人口数量:286.18 万(截至2022年末常住人口)
机    场:韶关丹霞机场
车牌代码:Yue F
地区生产总值:1563.93 亿元(2022年)

#中国 #广东 #韶关

I Went to a RUSSIAN POTATO Convention: PotatoHorti 2024

I decided to visit a Russian Potato Convention in Moscow, Russia. PotatoHorti 2024 is the key industry fair in Russia for agricultural professionals from all over Russia.

???? Event name: PotatoHorti
???? Potato Expo Website:
???? Moscow Expocentre Location: Moscow, Krasnopresnenskaya Embankment, 14
???? Yandex Map Location:
⌚ Time of Filming: 1.00 pm (13.00 pm) 26th Janurary 2024.

Ways you can support me and the channel
???? (Russian Bank Deposit) SberBank: +7 916-313-0982
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???? (Set up for Everyone)
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Travelling with Russell Social Links:
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All the things I use to create my YouTube Videos:

Samsung S22 Ultra:
Mini Tripod:
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Rode Microphone:

Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for every purchase.
#russia #travellingwithrussell #moscow

曼谷必看!曼谷 水門夜市 |Pratunam Night Market |男女時尚最佳選擇|喜歡曼谷夜市的你不能錯過的系列| 曼谷旅居生活113天 @johnnylovethail #night

曼谷必看!水門夜市Pratunam Night Market |男女時尚最佳選擇|街頭探險絕對不能錯過!曼谷旅居生活113天 @johnnylovethail #bangkok #night #曼谷

本集內容.是在2023年進行夜間拍攝.位於#水門夜市 #PratunamNightMarket . 步行街拍.讓你們置身於其中.從街頭到街尾.一鏡展示.

曼谷水門夜市Pratunam Night Market 位置:
QG3Q+CVH Unnamed Road Thanon Phaya Thai, Ratchathewi, Bangkok 10400泰國
QG3Q+CVH Unnamed Road แขวงถนนพญาไท เขตราชเทวี กรุงเทพมหานคร 10400

想追蹤我更多的限時動態 .

00:00 - 00:14 影片頭
00:15 - 00:55 分享如何到達水門夜市
00:56 - 15:00 觀看水門夜市重要是售賣什麼
15:01-19:03 步行到達中央世界購物商場

Russian IKEA Has Finally (Re)Opened: SWED House

SWED House is the Russian answer to IKEA. In this video we go inside the first store in Russia to see what its really like. How will SWED House compare to a Russian IKEA store. What are the differences.

Swed House is a young Belarusian brand. The trademark belongs to the company Merdem, which previously opened YOKO stores with an Ikea assortment in Minsk.

???? Store Location:
???? Shopping Centre Name: Shcholkovskiy ( ТЦ Щелковский )
???? SWED House Website:

Ways you can support me and the channel:
???? (Russian Bank Deposit) SberBank: +7 916-313-0982
???? (Set up mostly for Russian)
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All the stuff I use to film my YouTube Videos:

Samsung S9+:
Mini Tripod:
Camera Mount:
Rode Microphone:
Rode Patch Cable:
3 Axis Gimble:
Moment Case:
Moment Fisheye Lens:
Moment Wide Angle Lens:

Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for every purchase.
#SWEDHOUSE #travellingwithrussell #IKEA


Halo semua! Perkenalkan nama saya Lionell Nagasena. Saat ini saya sedang melanjutkan studi master di negeri tirai bambu. Kali ini saya menyempatkan waktu untuk vlogging kehidupan sehari hari di university. Enjoy!

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Hi guys!!!
Akhirnya aku pindah kampus ke Fudan University yang berada di Shanghai China!
Di video kali ini aku mau share pengalamanku sebagai mahasiswa baru, bagaimana caranya dari Indonesia untuk sekolah di China, dan apa aja kegiatan Orientasi selama jadi MABA!!!

Nonton Video ku ya!! Semoga bermanfaat!!!

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