Dobrova pri Polhovem Gradcu in Prenočišča Tehovnik, Brezje pri Dobrovi 101, iz zraka in zemlje
Čudoviti posnetki krajev Podsmreka, Dobrova, Brezje in ostalih, občina Dobrova - Polhov Gradec s serijo predstavitvenih turističnih filmov pomaga domačemu turizmu v tej težki Covid situaciji.Turistični apartma s prenočišči Tehovnik se nahaja v kraju Brezje v Horjulski dolini, 5 km zahodno iz centra Dobrove in 15 km iz centra Ljubljane.
Iz Ljubljane vodi v to Horjulsko dolino pot mimo Podsmreke, kjer je več vrtnarskih trgovin, pekarna in cerkev sv, Martina, od koder je lepo izhodišče za pohod na Gradišče. Tu se v letu 2022 ureja posebna doživljajska zvočna pot namenjena družinskemu turizmu, ki bo drugačna od Polhove doživljajske poti v Polhovem Gradcu.
Na Dobrovi, ki je tudi upravni center občine Dobrova - Polhov Gradec, je bil rojen slovenski skladatelj Emil Adamič, stric skladatelja Bojana Adamiča in avtor več kot tisočih glasbenih del. V vasi stoji župnijska cerkev Marijinega vnebovzetja, ki je bila v preteklosti ena najbolj obiskanih romarskih poti na Kranjskem. Zgrajena je bila leta 1716 na temeljih prejšnje gotske cerkev.
Družba Marijinih sester čudodelne svetinje je odkupila 300 let staro župnišče in ga leta 1974 temeljito obnovila v današnjo podobo samostana. Že 73 let molijo na Dobrovi, svoj drugi dom imajo tudi na hrvaškem.
Apartma Tehovnik se nahaja v 1. nadstropju družinske hiše v dolini med dvema potočkoma, na zelo mirnem kraju obdanem z zelenjem. Dve sobi s skupno 5-imi posteljami se povezujeta s svetlo kuhinjo. Lahko se doda še otroško posteljo. V kopalnici lahko uživate v banji, tu sta tudi pomivalni in pralni stroj. Po dogovoru vam pripravijo zajtrk ali večerjo. Gostišče Pr' Kozinc z vso gostinsko ponudbo je v zahodni smeri proti Horjulu oddaljeno 5 km.
Narava pa s svojimi barvami kar vabi v bližnji gozd, kjer rastejo gobe, pa tudi kostanj in borovnice. Otrokom so zanimive račke v domačem ribniku, pa tudi možnost izposoje koles, žog in badminton loparjev.
Planinci dobro poznajo okoliške vrhove Ključ, Žaba, Babčev tabor in Vrhe.
Kolesa si je možno brezplačno izposoditi tudi pri Tehovnikovih, priporočajo pa kolesarsko pot mimo Horjula do Šentjošta, kjer pozimi obratuje smučišče, skozi celo leto pa obnovljena Možinetova hiša, pravi muzej, ter znana restavratorska delavnica.
V kraju Vrzdenec med Horjulom in Šentjoštom je živalski vrt Rožman, kjer si lahko pogledate številne živali, tudi medveda.
Parkirišč je dovolj, najbližja avtobusna postaja linije 56 pa je od hiše oddaljena le 400 m.
Tel. za prenočišča: 01 364 31 01, naslov: Brezje 101
Tourist apartment with accommodation Tehovnik is located in Brezje in the Horjul Valley, 5 km west of the center of Dobrova and 15 km from the center of Ljubljana.
From Ljubljana, the path leads to this Horjul valley past Podsmreka, where there are several garden shops, a bakery and the church of St. Martin, from where there is a nice starting point for a hike to Gradišče. In 2022, a special adventure sound trail intended for family tourism will be arranged here, which will be different from the Polhov adventure trail in Polhov Gradec.
Slovenian composer Emil Adamič, uncle of composer Bojan Adamič and author of more than a thousand musical works, was born in Dobrova, which is also the administrative center of the municipality of Dobrova - Polhov Gradec. In the village stands the parish church of the Assumption of Mary, which in the past was one of the most visited pilgrimage routes in Carniola. It was built in 1716 on the foundations of an earlier Gothic church.
The Society of the Sisters of the Miraculous Shrine of Mary bought the 300-year-old parish church and in 1974 thoroughly restored it to its present-day appearance. They have been praying in Dobrova for 73 years, and they also have their second home in Croatia.
Apartment Tehovnik is located on the 1st floor of a family house in a valley between two streams, in a very quiet place surrounded by greenery. Two rooms with a total of 5 beds are connected to the bright kitchen. A cot can be added. You can enjoy a bath in the bathroom, and there is also a dishwasher and washing machine. Breakfast or dinner can be prepared by arrangement. The Pr 'Kozinc guesthouse with all its catering facilities is 5 km west of Horjul.
With its colors, nature invites you to the nearby forest, where mushrooms grow, as well as chestnuts and blueberries. Children are interested in ducks in the home pond, as well as the possibility of renting bicycles, balls and badminton rackets.
Mountaineers are well acquainted with the surrounding peaks of Ključ, Žaba, Babčev tabor and Vrhe.
Bicycles can also be rented for free from the Tehovniks, but they recommend a bike path past Horjul to Šentjošte, where the ski resort operates in winter, and Možinet's house, a real museum, and a well-known restoration workshop, which has been renovated throughout the year.
There are plenty of parking spaces, and the nearest bus stop on line 56 is only 400 meters from the house.
Tel. apartament: 01 364 31 01, address: Brezje 101