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10 Best place to visit in Apače Slovenia


Travelling in Slovenia, Mura, Pomurska, Slovenia, Europe

The Mura Statistical Region is a statistical region in the north-east of Slovenia. It is predominantly agricultural with field crops representing over three quarters of the total utilised agricultural area, twice as much as the Slovene average. Climate and soil combined have made it the region with the highest crop production, but its geographical position and inferior infrastructure put it at a disadvantage and it is the region of Slovenia with the lowest GDP per capita (EUR 8,500) and the highest rate of registered unemployment. The region comprises the following municipalities: Apače, Beltinci, Cankova, Črenšovci, Dobrovnik, Gornja Radgona, Gornji Petrovci, Grad, Hodoš, Kobilje, Križevci, Kuzma, Lendava, Ljutomer, Moravske Toplice, Murska Sobota, Odranci, Puconci, Radenci, Razkrižje, Rogašovci, Sveti Jurij ob Ščavnici, Šalovci, Tišina, Turnišče, Velika Polana and Veržej. The population in 2004 was 122,717. Employment structure: 41.2% services, 44.8% industry, 14.0% agriculture. It attracts 7.8% of the total number of tourists in Slovenia, most being from Slovenia (52%). Length of motorways: 14 km Length of other roads: 1451 km.

A forest, Mura, Pomurska, Slovenia, Europe

The Mura Statistical Region is a statistical region in the north-east of Slovenia. It is predominantly agricultural with field crops representing over three quarters of the total utilised agricultural area, twice as much as the Slovene average. Climate and soil combined have made it the region with the highest crop production, but its geographical position and inferior infrastructure put it at a disadvantage and it is the region of Slovenia with the lowest GDP per capita (EUR 8,500) and the highest rate of registered unemployment. The region comprises the following municipalities: Apače, Beltinci, Cankova, Črenšovci, Dobrovnik, Gornja Radgona, Gornji Petrovci, Grad, Hodoš, Kobilje, Križevci, Kuzma, Lendava, Ljutomer, Moravske Toplice, Murska Sobota, Odranci, Puconci, Radenci, Razkrižje, Rogašovci, Sveti Jurij ob Ščavnici, Šalovci, Tišina, Turnišče, Velika Polana and Veržej. The population in 2004 was 122,717. Employment structure: 41.2% services, 44.8% industry, 14.0% agriculture. It attracts 7.8% of the total number of tourists in Slovenia, most being from Slovenia (52%). Length of motorways: 14 km Length of other roads: 1451 km.

Poletne počitnice v dvorcu Rakičan 2017


E-party ERŠ Ptuj

Prireditev E-party, ki se je odvijala 21. 12. 2013 v telovadnici Šolskega centra Ptuj.

Festival nagib 2014 - DOGODEK POD MESTOM - predstavitev Nagib inkubatorja

Pod mestom je labirint. Labirint v času in prostoru. Labirint, kjer se še pred prvim zavojem v temo zgubi logika in ostane le še čista čutnost. To ni predstava, ki si jo pridete ogledati, to je nemogoč svet, ki ga raziščete ali ne -- v labirintu pod mestom je nešteto poti, po katerih se lahko izgubite. In naenkrat, ko ste že povsem izgubljeni v temi, zapeljiv soj svetlobe na koncu hodnika …
Simon Belak

Kot že nekaj let, se Nagib posveča umetniškim procesom. Tokrat smo z inkubatorjem pričeli 25.8.2014. Umetniki iz Slovenije, Španije, Grčije, ZDA in Avstralije bodo svoja dela v nastajanju predstavili v petek 5.9.2014 ob 20:00 na Malem odru Narodnega doma in preostalih kletnih prostorih. K sodelovanju smo letos povabili tudi režiserja Simona Belaka, ki bo fragmente umetniških del povezal v celoto in vas popeljal na posebno doživetje.

Po dogodku pogovor z dramaturginjo Andrejo Kopač.

Underneath the city there is a labyrinth. A labyrinth in time and space. A labyrinth where even before the first turn, all logic gets lost in the darkness and sensuality are all that remain. This is not a show you come and see, this is an impossible world, there for you to explore, or not -- in the labyrinth underneath the city there is an infinity of ways to get lost. And suddenly, just as you become completely lost in the darkness, a beckoning beacon of light at the end of the corner ...
Simon Belak

We invite you to join us at the presentation of this year's Nagib incubator, that will be held at National Hall Maribor on September 5 2014 at 20.00. Artists from Slovenija, Spain, Greece, USA and Australia will present their work in progress. The presentation is directed by Simon Belak.

After the event there will be a talk with dramaturgh Andreja Kopač.

posneto s telefonom!

20 let NK Ormož

Apače SLOVENIA , delo na višini

Apače SLOVENIA, work at height wiring high voltage

Jadralni padalci Apače Dravsko Polje, SLOVENIJA 20. 11. 2021.

RAB CRO Paragliding August 2023 Roman Kaučevič Apače Slovenia

14 dnevni oddih na otoku Rab na Hrvaški, z motornimi jadralnimi padali smo trije prijatelji objadrali otok Rab po dolgem in počez,...
Ugodni vremenski pogoji so nam omogočili, da smo res uživali ob pogledu na kotičke otoka iz ptičje perspektive.
Če smo čez del dneva veselo jadrali po zraku, smo si zvečer privoščili analizo letenja in druženje, kot se spodobi, torej ob dobrotah na žaru in dobri kapljici,...
Zagotovo se vrnemo,...

Glasba v videu :

Borno Davor MALA MARE



14 day vacation on the island of Rab in Croatia, three friends sailed the island of Rab long and short with motor paragliders,...
Favorable weather conditions allowed us to really enjoy looking at the corners of the island from a bird's eye view.
If during part of the day we happily sailed through the air, in the evening we treated ourselves to flight analysis and socializing, as befits, that is, with grilled delicacies and a good drop,...
We will definitely be back,...

Music in the video:

Borno Davor MALA MARE


Borno Davor DALMATIA

Arizona Apache Death Cave! | Things To Do Near The Grand Canyon South Rim

Are you looking for things to do in Arizona near the Grand Canyon? Are you interested in things to do around Flagstaff Arizona? Maybe you are wondering what things to see in Arizona on your road trip...? Or perhaps you enjoy learning and would like to know more about the Indian wars in the west and the history of Two Guns...? If you are similar to us, we like to explore abandoned places so Apache Death Cave was a must-see in Arizona! Located in Winslow AZ, this historical site is well worth an interstate 40 stop! 
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