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10 Best place to visit in Tenkodogo Burkina Faso



Le Burkina Faso est un pays enclavé en Afrique de l'Ouest, entouré de six autres pays: le Mali, le Niger, le Bénin, le Togo, le Ghana et la Côte d'Ivoire. La langue officielle du Bourkina Faso est le français, bien que de nombreuses autres langues soient également parlées, notamment Mooré, Joula et Foulfouldé.

Le Burkina Faso était à l'origine connu sous le nom de la Haute-Volta, un nom qui a été donné au pays par des colonisateurs français, à la fin du 19e siècle. Le nom Haute Volta faisait référence à l'emplacement du pays, qui est situé le long des tronçons supérieurs de la rivière Volta.

L'histoire du Bourkina Faso remonte au 11ème siècle, lorsque les royaumes de Mossi ont été établis dans la région. Le peuple Mossi était des agriculteurs et des guerriers qualifiés, et leurs royaumes se sont développés pour devenir parmi les plus grands, et les plus puissants d'Afrique de l'Ouest. Ils ont échangé avec des tribus voisines, et étaient connus pour leurs industries en terrassement et textile. À la fin du XIXe siècle, le Burkina Faso est devenu un protectorat français, et les royaumes Mossi ont été progressivement incorporés dans l'empire colonial français. Après une longue lutte pour l'indépendance, le Burkina Faso a acquis sa liberté de France, en 1960.

Le premier président du pays, Maurice Yaméogo, a établi un État à parti unique, mais il a été renversé lors d'un coup d'État en 1966. Dans les années qui ont suivi, le Bourkina Faso a traversé une série de coups d'État et de bouleversements politiques. Le capitaine Thomas Sankara a saisi le pouvoir en 1983, et s'est lancé dans un programme de réformes sociales et économiques, notamment la redistribution des terres, l'éducation gratuite et les soins de santé, et une campagne contre la corruption. Le gouvernement de Sankara était populaire, parmi les jeunes et les pauvres, mais il a également été critiqué pour son autoritarisme et ses violations des droits de l'homme.

Sankara a été assassinée lors d'un coup d'État en 1987, et son ancien ami et allié, Blaise Commpaoré, a pris le pouvoir. Compaoré a gouverné le pays pendant 27 ans, pendant lesquels le Bourkina Faso est devenu un acteur clé de la politique régionale. Compaoré a été renversé dans un soulèvement populaire en 2014, et le pays a depuis traversé une période de transition politique et de consolidation. Aujourd'hui, le Bourkina Faso est une société dynamique avec un riche patrimoine culturel, et un engagement envers la démocratie et les droits de l'homme.

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mapa de Burkina Faso [ Africa ]

Burkina Faso es un país sin litoral de África Occidental que limita al noroeste con Malí, al noreste con Níger, al sur con Costa de Marfil, Ghana, Togo y Benín. En julio de 2019, un informe de Naciones Unidas estimó su población en 20,321,378.4​ Anteriormente llamada República del Alto Volta (1958-1984), el país fue nombrado Burkina Faso el 4 de agosto de 1984 por el entonces presidente Thomas Sankara. Sus ciudadanos son conocidos como burkineses, y su capital y ciudad más grande es Uagadugú. Debido al colonialismo francés, el idioma oficial del gobierno y los negocios es el francés, sin embargo, solo el 15% de la población lo habla de forma habitual.5​ En Burkina Faso se hablan 59 idiomas nativos, y el más común, el mossi, lo habla aproximadamente el 50 % de la población.6​7​

Se independizó de Francia el 5 de agosto de 1960. Después de protestas estudiantiles y sindicales, el primer presidente del país, Maurice Yaméogo, fue depuesto en un golpe de Estado en 1966, encabezado por Sangoulé Lamizana. Su gobierno coincidió con una sequía y hambruna en el Sahel, y fue depuesto en un golpe de estado en 1980, dirigido por Saye Zerbo. Al encontrar nuevamente la resistencia de los sindicatos, el gobierno de Zerbo fue derrocado por otro golpe de estado de 1982, encabezado por Jean-Baptiste Ouédraogo.

Thomas Sankara, un marxista y líder de la facción izquierdista del gobierno de Ouédraogo, fue nombrado primer ministro, pero fue luego encarcelado. Los esfuerzos para liberarlo llevaron al golpe de estado de 1983, en el que se convirtió en presidente.8​ Sankara lanzó un ambicioso programa socioeconómico que incluyó una campaña de alfabetización, la redistribución de tierras a los campesinos, la construcción de ferrocarriles y carreteras y la prohibición de la mutilación genital femenina, los matrimonios forzados y la poligamia.9​ Sankara fue derrocado y asesinado en un golpe de estado en 1987 liderado por Blaise Compaoré

La inestabilidad gubernamental durante las décadas de 1970 y 1980 fue seguida por elecciones multipartidarias a principios de la década de 1990. Compaoré fue elegido presidente en 1991, 1998, 2005 y 2010, y permaneció en el cargo hasta su destitución durante la Revolución de 2014.10​11​ Posteriormente, Michel Kafando se convirtió en presidente de la transición.12​ El Regimiento de Seguridad Presidencial, la ex guardia presidencial de Compaoré, realizó un golpe de estado el 16 de septiembre de 2015 contra el gobierno de Kafando.13​ El 24 de septiembre, tras la presión de la Unión Africana, la CEDEAO y el ejército, la junta militar dimitió y Kafando fue reinstalado en el poder. Tras las elecciones generales celebradas el 29 de noviembre de 2015, Roch Marc Christian Kaboré tomó posesión de la presidencia.14​15​

Los militares que iniciaron el Golpe de Estado en Burkina Faso confirmaron el lunes (24 de enero de 2022) en la televisión estatal la toma del poder y anunciaron la disolución del Gobierno, el Parlamento y la Constitución. En el mensaje, los soldados golpistas también anunciaron el cierre de las fronteras y prometieron un retorno al orden constitucional en un plazo razonable map of Burkina Faso Africa Burkina Faso está dividida en trece regiones, cuarenta y cinco provincias y 301 departamentos. Las regiones y su respectiva capital entre paréntesis son:

Boucle du Mouhoun (Dédougou) (Meandro del Volta Negro)
Cascades (Banfora) (Cascadas)
Centro (Uagadugú)
Centro-Este (Tenkodogo)
Centro-Norte (Kaya)
Centro-Oeste (Koudougou)
Centro-Sur (Manga)
Este (Fada N'gourma)
Hauts-Bassins (Bobo Dioulasso) (Cuencas Altas)
Norte (Ouahigouya)
Plateau-Central (Ziniaré) (Meseta Central)
Sahel (Dori)
Suroeste (Gaoua)

Mapa de Burkina Faso.
Artículo principal: Geografía de Burkina Faso
Burkina Faso es el 61.° país más poblado y el 73.° más grande del mundo, con una población cercana a los 20 millones de personas y un área de 274 200 km².2​ Para efectos comparativos, su número de habitantes es similar al de Chile y su superficie a la de Ecuador.

El país posee dos regiones principales:

Una suavemente ondulada, en la que afloran unas pocas colinas aisladas, que son los últimos vestigios de un macizo precámbrico.
Una compuesta por un macizo de arenisca, donde se encuentra el monte Ténakourou, que con 749 metros de altura es el más elevado del país. Lo rodean paredes de hasta 150 metros de altura.
La altitud media es de 400 metros y la diferencia entre el punto más elevado y el más bajo es inferior a 600 metros. En general, Burkina Faso es un país plano.


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Song: Ehrling - Palm Trees (Vlog No Copyright Music)
Music provided by Vlog No Copyright Music.
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Les 5 Plus Hautes Tours du Burkina-Faso // The 5 highest towers of Burkina-Faso

FR: Listes des plus hautes Tours du Burkina-Faso avec : la hauteur, les étages, l'années, la fonction et le lieux.
ENG: Lists of the highest towers in Burkina-Faso with: height, floors, years, function and location.

Hauteur Moyenne : 49,76m
Date Moyenne : 2007 (bâti âge type jeune)

Listes des plus hautes tours aux files du temps :
BCEAO Building 43,1m
Mémorial aux Héros Nationaux 55m (11,9m) 2002
Ramada Pearl Hôtel 57,4m (2,4m) 2004 (2ans)

2000s 3 tours 51,83m
2010s 0 tour
2020s 1 tour 50,2m

2002 1 tour 55m
2004 2 tours 50,25m
2020 1 tour 50,2m

#ToursduBurkinaFaso #TowersinBurkinaFaso #LesPlusHautesToursduBurkinaFaso

Burkina Faso Facts | Travel To Burkina Faso | Burkina Faso History Facts

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Travel to Burkina Faso| Burkina Faso Urdu documentary | moving to the Burkina Faso| Burkina Faso

Facts About Burkina Faso

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map of Burkina Faso [ Africa ]

Burkina Faso (UK: /bɜːrˌkiːnə ˈfæsoʊ/, US: /- ˈfɑːsoʊ/ (audio speaker iconlisten);[9] French: [buʁkina faso]) is a landlocked country in West Africa with an area of 274,200 square kilometres (105,900 sq mi), bordered by Mali to the northwest, Niger to the northeast, Benin to the southeast, Togo and Ghana to the south, and the Ivory Coast to the southwest. It has a population of 20,321,378.[10] Previously called Republic of Upper Volta (1958–1984), it was renamed Burkina Faso by President Thomas Sankara. Its citizens are known as Burkinabè (/bɜːrˈkiːnəbeɪ/ bur-KEE-nə-bay), and its capital and largest city is Ouagadougou.

The largest ethnic group in Burkina Faso is the Mossi people, who settled the area in the 11th and 13th centuries. They established powerful kingdoms such as the Ouagadougou, Tenkodogo, and Yatenga. In 1896, it was colonized by the French as part of French West Africa; in 1958, Upper Volta became a self-governing colony within the French Community. In 1960, it gained full independence with Maurice Yaméogo as President. In its early years, the country was subject to instability, droughts, famines and corruption. Various coups have also taken place in the country, in 1966, 1980, 1982, 1983, 1987, an attempt in 1989, 2015, and 2022. Thomas Sankara ruled the country from 1982 until he was killed in the 1987 coup led by Blaise Compaoré who became president and ruled the country until his removal on 31 October 2014. Sankara launched an ambitious socioeconomic programme which included a nationwide literacy campaign, land redistribution to peasants, railway and road construction, and the outlawing of female genital mutilation, forced marriages, and polygamy.

Burkina Faso has been severely affected by the rise of Islamist terror in the Sahel since the mid-2010s. Several militias, partly allied with Islamic State (IS) or al-Qaeda, operate across the borders to Mali and Niger. More than one million of the country's 21 million inhabitants are internally displaced persons. On 24 January 2022 the military and its Patriotic Movement for Safeguard and Restoration (MPSR) declared itself to be in power. Previously the military had executed a coup against President Roch Marc Kaboré. On 31 January, the military junta restored the constitution and appointed Paul-Henri Sandaogo Damiba as interim president.

Burkina Faso is a least developed country with a GDP of $16.226 billion. 63% of its population practices Islam and 22% practice Christianity. Due to French colonialism, the country's official language of government and business is French. There are 59 native languages spoken in Burkina, with the most common language, Mooré, spoken by roughly 50% of Burkinabè.] The country is governed as a semi-presidential republic with executive, legislative and judicial powers. Burkina Faso is a member of the United Nations, La Francophonie and the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation. It is currently suspended from ECOWAS and the African Union. Burkina Faso lies mostly between latitudes 9° and 15° N (a small area is north of 15°), and longitudes 6° W and 3° E.

It is made up of two major types of countryside. The larger part of the country is covered by a peneplain, which forms a gently undulating landscape with, in some areas, a few isolated hills, the last vestiges of a Precambrian massif. The southwest of the country, on the other hand, forms a sandstone massif, where the highest peak, Ténakourou, is found at an elevation of 749 meters (2,457 ft). The massif is bordered by sheer cliffs up to 150 m (492 ft) high. The average altitude of Burkina Faso is 400 m (1,312 ft) and the difference between the highest and lowest terrain is no greater than 600 m (1,969 ft). Burkina Faso is therefore a relatively flat country.

The country owes its former name of Upper Volta to three rivers which cross it: the Black Volta (or Mouhoun), the White Volta (Nakambé) and the Red Volta (Nazinon). The Black Volta is one of the country's only two rivers which flow year-round, the other being the Komoé, which flows to the southwest. The basin of the Niger River also drains 27% of the country's surface.

The Niger's tributaries – the Béli, Gorouol, Goudébo, and Dargol – are seasonal streams and flow for only four to six months a year. They still can flood and overflow, however. The country also contains numerous lakes – the principal ones are Tingrela, Bam, and Dem. The country contains large ponds, as well, such as Oursi, Béli, Yomboli, and Markoye. Water shortages are often a problem, especially in the north of the country.

Savannah near the Gbomblora Department, on the road from Gaoua to Batié
Burkina Faso lies within two terrestrial ecoregions: Sahelian Acacia savanna and West Sudanian savanna mapa de Burkina Faso , Alto Volta

Les Cascades de KARFIGUELA. Banfora, au Burkina Faso

site touristique au Burkina Faso


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Best Hotel Accommodation near Cathedral of Ouagadougou, Ouagadougou

This is MUST WATCH video, if you are looking for the best accommodation near Cathedral of Ouagadougou. Find Cheap and best, Budget Hotels, Luxury Hotels and resorts around Cathedral of Ouagadougou. Our clients, reviewers and in house travel experts has voted theses hotels near Cathedral of Ouagadougou as the best for travellers for all price range. Please note that this list is not rank wise, these are our best picks and none of the hotels mentioned in the video has paid or sponsored us. We have not mentioned the prices because prices keep on fluctuating from time to time and seasons. If you want to find out the best travel deals on these hotels, please visit our web site

If you have a suggestion or you do not agree with our list, please write to us in the comment box below. We will definitely consider your review in our next video for this city.

Don't forget to subscribe our channel to view more travel videos. Click on Bell ICON to get the notified whenever we upload a new video.

List of Best hotels near Cathedral of Ouagadougou, Ouagadougou

A- Hotel les Palmiers
Rue Joseph Badoua 01 BP 6878

B- Hotel Ricardo
01 Bp 439

C- Ramadan Pearl Hotel
Avenue de L'UEMOA | Projet Zaka 9454

D- Maison Chez Giuliana
Rue Lamine Guye | Porte 733,
1200 Logement 9691

E- Chez Tess
809 Rue Liuli-Peende 9330

F- Villa Yiri Suma
President Maurice Yameogo |
N°428 secteur 04

G- Princess Yenenga
651 Av. de la Grande Chancellerie

H- Benoua Lodge
Zogona | Secteur 13

I- Hotel Hacienda
Street 5.45 - 11 BP 352

J- Hotel de la Liberte
02 Bp 5098 | Av de la Liberté 00226

Happy Travelling.


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All about Burkina Faso | Burkina amazing people history in Tamil | people lifestyle #bkbytes #tamil

All about Burkina Faso | Burkina amazing people history in Tamil | people lifestyle #bkbytes #tamil


Nestled in the heart of West Africa, Burkina Faso, often referred to as the Land of Upright People, is a nation rich in culture, history, and resilience. Despite its landlocked status and a history marked by diverse empires, colonial rule, and post-independence challenges, Burkina Faso stands as a testament to the strength and spirit of its people. In this article, we will explore the many facets that make Burkina Faso a unique and intriguing nation.

Burkina Faso: Land of Resilience and Rich Culture

Burkina Faso, a landlocked country in West Africa, is a place of captivating contrast. Despite facing various challenges, its people exude resilience, its history is woven with stories of triumph, and its lifestyle reflects the true essence of community. In this article, we will delve into all aspects of Burkina Faso, from its remarkable people to its unique history and vibrant lifestyle.

A Land of Resilient People:

Burkinabé Spirit: The people of Burkina Faso, known as Burkinabé, are renowned for their warmth, hospitality, and strong sense of community. Despite the challenges they face, their spirit remains unbroken.

Diverse Ethnic Groups: Burkina Faso is home to various ethnic groups, each with its own traditions, languages, and customs. The Mossi, the largest ethnic group, have played a significant role in shaping the nation's history.

A Historical Tapestry:

Pre-Colonial Legacy: Burkina Faso's history predates colonialism, with ancient kingdoms like the Mossi and the Lobi leaving an indelible mark on the nation's identity.

Colonial Rule: The country was once part of French West Africa, known as Upper Volta. The struggle for independence, led by figures like Thomas Sankara, culminated in freedom from French colonial rule in 1960.

Thomas Sankara's Legacy: The charismatic Thomas Sankara, Burkina Faso's former president, remains a symbol of hope and progress. His efforts to combat corruption, promote gender equality, and self-sufficiency are legendary.

Lifestyle and Culture:

Festivals: Burkina Faso boasts a rich tradition of festivals. The Moro-Naba Ceremony, celebrating the Mossi empire, and the FESPACO Film Festival, Africa's largest film festival, are cultural highlights.

Music and Dance: Music and dance are integral to Burkinabé culture. Traditional instruments like the balafon and the kora resonate in celebrations and rituals, reflecting the soul of the nation.

Craftsmanship: The country is known for its artisans who create intricate masks, wooden sculptures, and textiles. The Banfora Cascades is a hub for craftsmen and artists.

Challenges and Progress:

Socio-Economic Challenges: Burkina Faso faces economic challenges, including poverty and food security issues. However, organizations and government efforts are striving to make positive changes.

Youth Engagement: The youth of Burkina Faso are increasingly engaged in advocating for change and progress in various sectors, from education to politics.


Burkina Faso is a nation with an inspiring history, resilient people, and a rich cultural tapestry. Despite facing numerous challenges, the Burkinabé spirit remains unbroken, and the country continues to progress. Burkina Faso is a land where community, culture, and history intertwine to create a unique and enduring tapestry. It's a place where the strength and spirit of its people shine through, leaving a lasting impression on all who have the privilege to experience it.

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Burkina Faso, Hallelujah,

Burkina Faso 2012

A musical medley inspired by my 2012 trip to Burkina Faso.

Music by:
Toto- Africa
Shakira- Waka Waka

Le barrage de Loumbila

Vue du ponton.

7 Negara yang Pernah Berganti Nama Karena Sebuah Alasan, Mulai dari Sri Lanka hingga Yordania

TRIBUN-VIDEO.COM - Negara-negara berikut ini ternyata pernah berganti nama karena sebuah alasan, termasuk adanya campur tangan politik dan pemerintahan.

Masalah pergantian nama negara ini juga disebabkan oleh faktor lain, seperti hubungan internasional, teroris, bahkan oleh warna negaranya sendiri.

Dilansir Tribun Travel dari berbagai sumber, simak tujuh nama negara yang pernah berubah karena beberapa alasan.

1. Domey - Benin

Sebuah kerajaan yang berada di Afrika barat ini dikenal dengan nama Republik Benin.

Negara ini terkenal dengan para pejuang wanitanya yang bertindak sebagai pengawal kerajaan.

Dahomey berubah nama menjadi Republik Benin pada 1975 di bawah pemerintahan Mathieu Kerekou.

2. Burkina Faso - Upper Volta

Nama lain dari Burkina Faso adalah Upper Volta.

Nama Upper Volta ini sebenarnya berasal dari Kolonial Prancis yang berasal dari sungai Voltar yang mengaliri negeri.

3. Zaire - Republik Demokratik Kongo

Negara ini cukup sering melakukan pergantian nama.

Ada beberapa nama yang pernah digunakan di negara ini karena alasan kemerdekaan.

Nama-nama seperti Negara Bebas Kongo, Kongo-Leopoldville, Kongo Belgia, Republik Kongo dan Republik Zaire pernah menjadi nama negara ini.

4. Sri Lanka - Sailan

Perubahan nama Sri Lanka tidak bisa dibebaskan dari pengaruh kolonial.

Dulunya Sri Lanka pernah berubah nama menjadi Sailan.

Sejak awal-awal kemerdekaan nama dari negara Sri Lanka adalah Republik Sri Lanka.

Pada 1978 di tetapkan menjadi Republik Sosialis Demokratik Sri Lanka.

5. Kamboja - Khmer

Kamboja sudah beberapa kali berganti nama.

Hal ini disebabkan karena adanya niat dari partai pemerintahan yang baru menghapus jejak dari pemerintahan yang sebelumnya.

Dari 1953 hingga 1970 negara ini dikenal dengan nama Kamboja.

Lalu pada 1970 hingga 1975 dinamai Republik Khmer.

Kemudian saat memasuki masa penguasaan komunis negara ini disebut dengan Kampuchea Demokratik.

6. Myanmar - Burma

Bagi kalangan Eropa, Myanmar memiliki dua sebuatan, yakni Myanmar dan Burma.

Ada banyak sebab dari pergantian nama ini.

Yakni karena adanya campur tangan militer, bahkan nama ini juga sempat menjadi sebuah kontroversi.

7. Yordania - Transyordania

Nama Transyordania sebenarnya sudah diakui sejak 1922.

Setelah Transyordania diberikan kemerdekaan, pada 1946 pihak yang berwewenang memutuskan untuk merubah nama negara ini menjadi Kerajaan Hashimiyah Transyordania.

Pada 1949, kembali merubah nama menjadi Kerajaan Hasyimiyah Yordania.

Nama Hashimiyah merujuk kepada para keluarga dan keturunan kerajaan.

Sedangkan nama Yordania adalah nama lain yang merujuk pada sebuah kawasan geografis bernama Sungai Yordania.

Yordania merupakan tempat di mana Yesus dibaptis.

( Ayumiftakhul)

Artikel ini telah tayang di dengan judul 7 Negara yang Pernah Berganti Nama Karena Sebuah Alasan, Mulai dari Sri Lanka hingga Yordania



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