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10 Best place to visit in Teberda Russia


Crossing The Caucasus | hiking across Russia, Georgia and Azerbaijan (short film)

In 2018, Richard Hartfield set off alone into Russia's North Caucasus Mountains. His plan was to follow a 1200km backpacking route that he'd made on his phone. It led through tightly-controlled border areas in Russia, Georgia and Azerbaijan. But this self-shot, solo hiking adventure soon evolved into something else: A celebration of human kindness, set within regions more often perceived as divided and volatile.

Crossing The Caucasus premiered as part of the Kendal Mountain Film Festival in 2021.
Filmed and edited by Richard Hartfield:

Music by Edamame:

ДОМБАЙ ЛЕТОМ. САМЫЕ КРАСИВЫЕ И ДОСТУПНЫЕ МЕСТА. Что посмотреть за день? Туманлы-Кель. Мусса-Ачитара.

Что посмотреть в Домбае летом? В этом видео мы посетим самые красивые, впечатляющие и доступные природные достопримечательности Домбая, увидеть которые можно за один день. Домбай - легендарный горный курорт Северного Кавказа. Известен, в первую очередь, как горнолыжный курорт, но на самом деле летом здесь не менее интересно, а уж мест, которые можно посетить, гораздо больше. Мы провели в Домбае три дня и делимся своим опытом и впечатлениями от увиденного.

В этом ролике мы начнем обзор лучших достопримечательностей Домбая с подъема на канатной дороге к вершине хребта Мусса-Ачитара. И во врем подъема, и с верхней станции открываются великолепные панорамы на горы и ледники. Вершина Белалакая, Зуб Софруджу, пик Инэ, ледник Джугутурлючат и, конечно же, высочайшая гора региона Домбай-Ульген. И это лишь часть того, что мы отсюда увидим. Да, и наконец-то нам откроется Эльбрус, ведь его тоже отсюда видно! Затем мы проедем в Гоначхирское ущелье, чтобы полюбоваться на самое доступное озеро Домбая - Туманлы-Кель. Озеро красивое, особенно на фоне Клухорских вершин и горы Чотча. Далее заедем к месту старта трекинга на Бадукские озера, где немного пройдем по маршруту и по подвесному мосту через реку Теберда. И на закуску полюбуемся бурной горной рекой Уллу-Муруджу, вдоль которой проходим маршрут к Муруджинским озерам.

▶ Квартира в поселке Домбай:
▶ Квартира в Кисловодске:

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Смотрите в этом видео:
00:00 Краткое содержание предыдущих и анонс этой серии.
01:13 Прекрасное утро. Загадочная пыль.
03:00 Новая канатная дорога. Цены. Первая очередь.
06:21 Станция Домбай-Узловая. Гигантские качели
07:55 Очереди 2-3. Страшно ли на креселке? Крутые кадры ледника.
13:01 Мусса-Ачитара. 3168м. Виды на Домбай-Ульген. Эльбрус. Ущелье Гоначхир.
17:13 Спуск. Отправляем Аню в космос. Кафе Хычинная. Горы, вы прекрасны!
23:57 Гоначхирское ущелье. Военно-Сухумская дорога.
25:35 Озеро Туманлы-Кель. Зона отдыха и барбекю.
31:14 Погранпост у реки Кичи-Муруджу. Успеть выехать до 17:00.
34:51 Бадукские озера. Подвесной мост. КПП и начало тропы.
40:41 Река Уллу-Муруджу. Пихтовый лес. Трек до Муруджинских озер.
44:36 Итоги по Домбаю. Наш отзыв и впечатления. Стоит ли приезжать?

– Соло-путешествие на Нордкап:
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Байкальский заповедник. Хамар-Дабан. Дельта Селенги. Алтачейский заказник. Nature of Russia.

Байкальский заповедник находится на южном берегу Байкала, в Бурятии. Когда он был создан, у него была одна территория - в центральной части хребта Хамар-Дабан. Позже под его охрану вошли два заказника - Кабанский в заболоченной дельте реки Селенги и Алтачейский - в сухой лесостепи.
Кабанский заказник находится под охраной Байкальского заповедника с 1985 года. Авандельта служит главным фильтром реки. Вода тщательно процеживается сквозь густые заросли водных растений. В авандельте множество отмелей и островов, где гнездятся птицы. Бакланы, цапли, чегравы, сизые чайки - ученые каждый год проводят учет колоний.
Основная территория заповедника находится в центральной части хребта Большой Хамар-Дабан. В середине сентября проходит учет оленей, у которых начался гон. В заповеднике живут два подвида: маралы и изюбри. Выше лесов в горной тундре обитают северные олени.
Путь к заповеднику лежит через поселок Таежный. От поселка ещё тридцать километров вверх по реке Темник. Темник – самая крупная и одна из красивейших рек заповедника. Она разделяет хребты Большой и Малый Хамар-Дабан. По ней проходит южная граница Байкальского заповедника.

Сценарий Всеволод Константинов
Режиссёры Александр Бирюк, Всеволод Константинов
Оператор Александр Бирюк

Фильм создан в сотрудничестве с Минприроды России.

Композиция At The Shore - The Dark Contenent принадлежит исполнителю Kevin MacLeod. Лицензия: Creative Commons Attribution(
Оригинальная версия:

Caucasus. Shoana Church. 10th Century. Virtual Walking Tour. Karachay-Cherkess Republic.

This temple was built in the 10 century and stands at the very top of an impregnable cliff above a spacious river valley. The ringing of his bell is carried through the gorges, shaking the clouds. Climbing here one day you will be amazed by the views of landscapes, the beauty and conciseness of the walls. You can even ring the bell. And I also lead tours here, as part of four-day tours to Dombay with Welcome!

0:00 - Intro/Trailer
1:05 - Fly camera view
2:56 - Former living quarters
3:30 - Stairway to the Church
3:55 - Walls
4:26 - Inside the Church
5:30 - Door to nowhere
6:22 - Bell tower

The Shoana church (Russian: Шоанинский храм, Ossetian: Суаны Уастырджы) is a Christian church that belongs to the historical Alanian Diocese. The church was built at the end of the tenth century, and is located on the territory of modern Karachay-Cherkessia Republic, Russia. The building has a crossed-dome plan, with an inscribed cross, which is a variation of the North Zelenchuk Church.

The church is located on the southeastern spur of Mount Shoan, on the left bank of the Kuban river, in a strategically important place not far from confluence of the two rivers: Kuban and Teberda (Russian: Теберда). The church is located 7 km to the north from the city of Karachayevsk (Russian: Карачаевск), above the Ossetian village named after Kosta Khetagurov.

The church is constructed according to the Byzantine architectural tradition. It has three apses, which are a little bit narrower than naves (of which there are also three). It is a cross-domed building with four square pillars bearing three-stage arches and a cupola. The length of the building from west to east is 12.9 m., The height is equal to the length, the width along the western facade is 8.9 m. The church has two closed vaulted narthexes at the northern and southern end. It is not clear what was the original form of the roof. At the moment, there is a restored gable roof, but there is a theory about the original roof tiles being rested on semi-circular zacomari-gables. The tholobate is octahedral and has eight windows, each side of the tholobate is ended with the archivolt overhang on consoles rested on the corners. Modern tholobate being milti-faced does not rely on any scientific evidence. The plinthite, which is traditional for Georgian and Byzantine buildings, is used only in the arches. The rest of the building is composed of sandstone-with-lime blocks of rough processing, with a butoconcrete filling inside the wall. The windows are crowned not with an arch of plinthite, but with a stone with a semi-circular finish carved in it. Numerous holes for scaffolding are visible in the masonry, and in the hole in the western part of the southern wall there is even a piece of wood that the builders could not remove and just saw it off. For the construction of the church powerful substructions were required. The facade decor of the church is very modest: there is a cornice made of stone tiles, plinthite stones on the drum and stone cornice above some the windows. Outside the church was covered with a thin layer of plastering (can be seen in the voids between some stone tiles), and inside it was plastered and decorated with ornaments.

I like to travel, explore the world and the elements. Look behind the scenes of cities and face the wind and freedom in the wild. I love what I see and feel when I'm on the road. And I would like to share this with those who are also close to the voice of the road and an active lifestyle.

Beautiful Russia. Day 1 #. 11

Karachay-Cherkessia, Russian Switzerland. We decided to spend a weekend in Dombay this August. Our trip started from traveling through the green hills of North Caucasus and Teberda Nature Reserve.

The Karachay-Cherkess Autonomous Oblast was founded on January 12, 1922, in the early years of the Soviet Union. It was split into Karachay Autonomous Oblast and Cherkess National Okrug on 26 April 1926.


The Doctors in Wanderlust | SOUTHERN RUSSIA |

10 days vacation to South of Russia
( Sochi, Nevinnomysk, Cherkessk, Teberda, Dombay, Mineralnye Vody, Pyatigorsk & Kislovodsk )

- Irfan as Mr. Mastermind
- Nadzirah as Ms. Belly-God
- Amira as Ms. Banker
- Fatihah as Ms. Sleepyhead
- Halwani as Ms. Shopacholic
- Kalai as Mr. Photomaniac
- Adli as Mr. Follower

North Caucasus, Russia - Dombay by a family from Australia

In June,2019 we visited Dombay with a great family from Australia. We started in Kislovodsk at 6.30, went through Gum-Bashi pass where saw Elbrus from a great view point. We had breakfast at a locals' house and went to Shoaninski temple - the oldest christian temple in Russia.
After arrival to Dombay we had a short hike to Chertova Melnitsa (Devil's mill), you need your passport to go there and 100 rub fee. Then they went up Mussa Achitara in gondola lifts.
After that we went fishing in Teberda fishing farm and had a great dinner. At 10 p.m. we finally reached hotel in Kislovodsk,happy and full of positive emotions

Caucasus Experts is a team of local guides on the North Caucasus territory (Russia). We help foreign travellers with trip planning and organisation, guiding, enterpretation, all kinds of activities and extreme things in the Caucasus. You can always get free consultations about your trip, just contact us:


Dombay is situated within the Teberda Nature Reserve (zapovednik) and is a popular tourist destination. The area attracts people for its skiing and hiking trails and the natural beauty of the Caucasus Mountains. The settlement is located at the elevation of 1,630 meters (5,350 ft) above sea level, with its skiing area occupying the slopes of Mount Mussa Achitara, between 1,800 meters (5,900 ft) and 3,200 meters (10,500 ft) above sea level. Dombay-Ulgen, the highest peak of the Dombay area, is 4,046 meters (13,274 ft). Dombay is surrounded by snow-capped mountains and glaciers all year round.

Even those well traveled in the world’s most stunning wilderness areas can only gape in awe when they first set eyes on Dombay. Wedged into a box canyon at the confluence of three raging mountain rivers, the resort town is surrounded by a soaring crown of jagged, Matterhorn-like peaks of rock and ice, festooned with glaciers and gushing waterfalls.

So great is Dombay's natural majesty that the locals seemingly gave up on the town itself. Frankly, it's an eyesore, disheveled and dominated by concrete hotels and abandoned Soviet-era complexes. Fortunately, it takes only a brisk walk or rides to put all that behind you. Local operators will do their best to make sure you see the best scenery – on foot, skis, horseback or by jeep or taxi – both here and in the larger town of Teberda, 22.5km northeast of Dombay, beside the Teberda river.

Карачаево-Черкессия с высоты Сентинский и Шоанинский Храмы / North Caucasus

Сентинский и Шоанинский Храмы аэросъемка в качестве 4k. Карачаево-Черкессия, Нижняя Теберда, Карачаевск с высоты птичьего полета.
Видео снято на квадрокоптер Dji Mavic 2 Pro.


0:00 Сентинский Храм Нижняя Теберда
01:20 Шоанинский Храм Карачаевск

Сентинский храм в Теберде, вернее, близ деревни Сенты, построен в 965 году, еще до крещения Руси. Он виден отовсюду, поскольку здание возвели на отроге высокого хребта Бурун-Сырт, на 1 300 м довлеющего над правобережьем реки Теберда. Точную дату постройки историки узнали благодаря найденной табличке, на которой она указана вместе с остальными важными сведениями.
Это однокупольная церковь, возведенная в форме креста из песчаниковой породы.

Храм достигает десятиметровой высоты. Площадь строения – около 16 кв. м. В храм ведут три проема с разных сторон света, кроме восточной. Благодаря дверям и четырнадцати окнам солнечный свет призрачно освещает ветхие стены здания.
На данный момент Сентинская церковь заброшена, но довольно неплохо сохранилась.

Шоанинский храм — христианский собор, относящийся к исторической Аланской епархии, возведённый в конце X века, расположенный на территории современной Карачаево-Черкесии.
Расположен на юго-восточном отроге горы Шоана, на левом берегу Кубани, в стратегически важном месте неподалеку от её слияния с Тебердой. Храм находится над осетинским селом имени Коста Хетагурова в 7 км к северу от города Карачаевска.

Храм выполнен в виде креста. В длину, как и в высоту, здание составляет почти 13 м. Фасад церкви довольно скромен, но в целом, сооружение величественно и массивно. Возвышается Шоанинский на скальном отроге и видно его издали.
Внутри здание значительно обветшало, фрески, росписи и орнаменты слабо видны на облупленных стенах, переживших 10 веков кряду, но при этом купол с арочными окнами и внушительными перегородками выглядит поистине величественно.
Храм посвящен великому Георгию Победоносцу, или по-местному Уастырджи, и является ярким напоминанием о древних аланах, их повседневной жизни, культуре и верованиях.

Сентинский и Шоанинский храмы – наиболее известные и старинные представители византийского зодчества, были возведены недалеко от знаменитого Нижнеархызского городища. Примечательно, что, несмотря на небывалый возраст постройки, она периодически выполняет свои функции и сейчас. Несколько раз в году здесь совершаются богослужения. Происходит это по особо великим христианским празднествам. Дорогу сюда не забывают и вереницы паломников.

Sentinsky and Shoaninsky Temples aerial photography in 4k quality. Karachay-Cherkessia, Nizhnyaya Teberda, Karachaevsk from a bird's eye view.
The video was filmed on a Dji Mavic 2 Pro quadcopter.

The Sentinsky temple in Teberda, or rather, near the village of Senty, was built in 965, even before the baptism of Russia. It is visible from everywhere, since the building was erected on the spur of the high ridge Burun-Syrt, 1,300 m above the right bank of the Teberda River. Historians learned the exact date of construction thanks to the found tablet, on which it is indicated along with other important information.
This is a single-domed church, built in the shape of a sandstone cross.

The temple reaches ten meters in height. The area of ​​the building is about 16 sq. m. Three openings lead to the temple from different sides of the world, except for the eastern one. Through the doors and fourteen windows, sunlight ghostly illuminates the dilapidated walls of the building.
At the moment, Sentinskaya church is abandoned, but quite well preserved.

The Shoaninsky temple is a Christian cathedral belonging to the historical Alanian diocese, built at the end of the 10th century, located on the territory of modern Karachay-Cherkessia.
It is located on the southeastern spur of Mount Shoana, on the left bank of the Kuban, in a strategically important place not far from its confluence with the Teberda. The temple is located above the Ossetian village named after Kosta Khetagurov, 7 km north of the city of Karachaevsk.

The temple is made in the form of a cross. In length, as well as in height, the building is almost 13 m. The facade of the church is rather modest, but in general, the building is majestic and massive. Shoaninsky rises on a rocky spur and can be seen from afar.
Sentinsky and Shoaninsky temples - the most famous and ancient representatives of Byzantine architecture, were erected near the famous Lower Arkhyz settlement. It is noteworthy that, despite the unprecedented age of the building, it periodically performs its functions even now. Divine services are held here several times a year. This happens on especially great Christian festivals. The road here is not forgotten and the strings of pilgrims.

Composer: Whitesand (Martynas Lau)
Year: 2021
Title: Flames Inside Me
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North Ossetia mountains. Sadon. Russia. 2022. Full HD

North Ossetia mountains. Sadon. Russia. 2022. Full HD

0:00 Start of the tour
0:24 Sadon. Translation from ossetian
1:10 History of Sadon
2:26 Natural disaster
2:50 The ghost village of Sadon
3:40 Remaining residents
4:10 Walk around Sadon
5:20 Sadon mine
6:43 Song Miners of Sadon
7:30 Dialogue with Alan
7:45 Beauty all around
8:18 The ghost village of Sadon
8:35 Let's go further!

Sadon means Black Water in the Ossetian language and is located in the Alagir Gorge at an altitude of one thousand two hundred meters above sea level. From the capital of the republic, the city of Vladikavkaz, it's about 70 kilometers.

Sadon, an unusual settlement for Ossetia with European architecture, was built in the Alagir Gorge thanks to the Belgian Industrial and Chemical Company.

In 1886 enterprising Europeans leased the rich Sadon deposits for 60 years.

The Belgians built not only a mining and processing factory in Sadon, but also houses for the workers, a school and a hospital.

After the October Revolution, the company was nationalized. I don't think anyone was interested in the opinion of the Belgians in this matter. The plant developed rapidly. Specialists from all over the Soviet Union came here. Thus, the population of Sadon village gradually grew to 3,000 people.
The village lived in prosperity... people had work, children went to school, kindergarten... The polyclinic, the house of culture and the cinema were in full swing... In the stores, thanks to the Moscow deliveries, the shelves were bulging with delicacies (‘delica’si:s). It was a true socialist paradise!

In 2002, from July 20 to 21, at 3 a.m., as a result of a heavy downpour, the Sadonka River burst its banks and flooded the village.

The water level in Sadonka rose to a height of 7 meters! Along with the water, a stone-mud stream, a mudslide, also broke into Sadon. The impact of the elements was so great that both the plant and the village were almost completely destroyed. And along with the plant and the village, the happy, carefree lives of three thousand people living in Sadon at that time were also destroyed. The state considered the restoration of the settlement inexpedient (ˌinikˈspēdēənt). The victims received a small financial compensation and were placed in different settlements in North Ossetia.

Now the village resembles the setting for a post-apocalyptic movie. The houses are destroyed, the mines are flooded.

But despite the global destruction and the fact that legally a settlement like Sadon simply doesn't exist, people still live in the village. Twelve families brave the devastation and just ... live. live not because they've nowhere to go, but because they love this harsh, but at the same time beautiful land with all their hearts.

Me: Don't come near the houses or something might fall down!
Alan: There were production facilities here, as you can see from the large arched windows that let in as much daylight as possible...
Me: We're walking down Lenin Street... People who pasted wallpaper used to live here...

From the village there's a path you can follow to an abandoned mine.

The rich ore deposits (dəˈpäzət) in Sadon were discovered in the 18th century. According to Wikipedia, the famous geologist Carteron and mining engineer Reineck conducted an extensive study of the deposit. They highly estimated the possibility of exploiting the deposit. In 1843 it gained state importance and its industrial exploitation began.

Looking down from the top of the old building of the Sadon mining and processing plant, you involuntarily feel the raw beauty and stony harmony of the mountain world around you. Rocks and tunnels... from which, it seems, you can still hear the beating of the pickaxes on the stone...


First day:
- Walk around Vladikavkaz. Russia. North Ossetia -
- North Ossetia mountains. Karmadon. Russia. Full HD -
- North Ossetia mountains. Dargavs. City of the Dead. Russia. Full HD -
- North Ossetia mountains. Midagrabin Gorge -
- North Ossetia mountains. Dzivgis rock fortress. Ring waterfall. Russia -

Second day:
- North Ossetia mountains. Uastyrdzy -
- North Ossetia mountains. Sadon -
- North Ossetia mountains. Tsey Gorge -
- North Ossetia mountains. Mamison Gorge -

Third day:
North Ossetia mountains. Akhsinta gorge. Matsuta -
North Ossetia mountains. Fasnal. Underground Gallery -
North Ossetia mountains. Village of Kamunta -
North Ossetia mountains. Village of Galiat -
North Ossetia mountains. Zadaleski Nana -


Amazing Teberda River (In Russia) #shorts

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*Background Music:
Clear Air - Somewhere Sunny by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 license.



Russia. Mountains of Altay. R-256, 819th km Chuysky Trakt, Kurai village

The most beautiful and exciting road in Russia. Mountain Altai, 'Chuysky Trakt' road.

Road location: R-256, 819th km, Kurai village.

GPS Coordinates: 50.497719, 86.576097

Nearest Internet 3G/4G zone: Kurai village.

Filmed: Summer, August 2021, in clear and hot weather.

Approximate weather during the typical day: 28°С, at night: +2°С. There is a very large temperature difference between day and night.

Very high altitude above sea level, so take care of protection from the scorching sun.

A fascinating journey along the road through the mountains in clear sunny weather. Full immersion in the atmosphere of the trip!
In this video, you can see beautiful nature and fascinating mountain landscapes, a road stretching into the distance, green meadows with wild animals, mountain rivers and cliffs, as well as colorful ethnic houses of local residents.

Get visual enjoyment from untouched wildlife!

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Hello. Welcome to the Flights N' Road channel. Our channel exists to charge you new experiences and give additional ideas for your new journey.

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There is nothing better to get the full impression of a location than when you see the entire path through the place.

By selecting and classifying the videos we have made, we help you make the right choice in planning your trip.

In the description you will see GPS coordinates, month, year, season and approximate weather of shooting, as well as information about the quality of roads, internet, gas stations, so that you can be fully prepared for the trip.

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HIKING TO MOUNTAIN LAKES. Vlog in slow Russian with subs. Explore nature and learn vocabulary A2 B1

My trip to the North Caucasus and a walk to the Baduk lakes in Dombai. I walk in the woods and tell stories in slow Russian. Subtitles in Russian and English. Learn Russian through content.
PDF transcriptions of my videos and podcasts with accented text and English translations

0:00 Hiking to the 1st lake | Иду к первому озеру
5:33 Hiking to the 2nd lake | Иду ко второму озеру
12:01 Hiking to the 3rd lake | Иду к третьему озеру
16:31 Sharing some stories | Делюсь личными историями
18:04 How to get to Dombay | Как добраться до Домбай
19:54 Sharing my secret | Делюсь секретом
24:18 Running in the forest | Бегу по лесу
26:29 Thanks to my patrons | Спасибо моим патронам

Russian with Dasha podcast
The Russian Twist podcast

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Zelenchuksky Churches in the Republic of Karachay Cherkessia

Arkhyz is a village in the valley of the Bolshoy Zelenchuk River, in the Republic of Karachay-Cherkessia, Greater Caucasus, Russia, about 70 km inland from the Black Sea shore.
The Zelenchuksky Churches are an archaeological preserve extending for 4 kilometres (2.5 mi) around the ruins of Nizhnearkhyzskoe gorodishche, tentatively identified as the medieval capital of Alania, a Christian state destroyed by the hordes of Möngke Khan in the 13th century. No Byzantine document mentions the name of this city, whereas al-Mas'udi refers to it as Ma'as, or Maghas.
The North Church is supposed to have been the cathedral of the diocese of Alania between the 10th and 13th centuries. The dome rises to a height of 21 meters; the western wall is twice as long. The narthex formerly contained a baptistery. A 19th-century traveller described the faded Byzantine frescoes that were still visible on its walls.
The Central Church appears to have been conceived somewhat earlier than the two others, in the form of a regular cross, but was extended to the west during or shortly following the construction. It is much larger than the South Church, which was built of coarse rubble masonry, extensively restored by the monks in 1899, fell into disuse during the Soviet years, and was reconsecrated to Saint Elijah in 1991. The South Church bears the distinction of being the oldest functioning church in all of Russia.

Осенний Домбай - самые красивые места в 4K

Осень на Домбае, пожалуй, лучшее время для фотографов и любителей трекинга. Притом, чтобы насладиться видами могучих гор в обрамлении разноцветных осенних листьев не обязательно уходить далеко от цивилизации. В окрестностях Домбая много радиальных маршрутов, которые налегке проходятся за день.
В этом видео я собрал одни из самых красивых мест, куда можно добраться за день и без большого рюкзака: Большой Суфруджинский водопад, водопад Чёртова Мельница, Алибекский водопад, Турье озеро, ледник Алибек, озеро Туманлы-кель, Клухорский перевал и Озеро Клухор (нужны пропуска от заповедника и пограничников!), водопад Шумка, а также Аул Хурзук в 60км от Домбая, откуда можно подняться на ближайшие горы и увидеть Эльбрус как на ладони.

Фотографии и описание этих мест вы можете увидеть у меня в Instagram:

Снимал на Sony A7iii + 24-105G, GoPro 8

Музыка: James Joshua Otto - What Is Whispered In Your Ear Proclaim It From The Rooftops.

Домбай, Карачаево-Черкесия, конец сентября 2020г.

Hiking Baduk Lakes Trail 4K60fps Dombay Nature Walking Tour

Dombay, part 7.
The Baduk Lakes Trail is located 13 kilometers from the Dombay Ski Resort. The length of the trail is 4 km with an ascent to a 600-meter height. If you are going to walk along the mountain valley slowly, enjoying the surrounding scenery, you need to start walking early in the morning.

Timeline Links:
00:00 The Bridge over the Teberda River
00:35 The beginning of the trail height 1403m
00:49 The Route map
00:56 The Forest trail
01:27 Hadjibey River
02:31 Climbing the mountain
04:56 Bridge over the river 1700m
05:45 The confluence of the Baduk and Hadjibey rivers
06:00 Hadjibey River
06:22 The Stream
06:48 The steep climb
07:27 The Mountain valley
07:38 The first Baduk lake height 1971m
08:23 The river between lakes
08:54 The kurumnik and mountain view
09:47 The trail between lakes
10:14 The tourist stop near the lake
10:46 Second Baduk Lake height 1992m
11:58 The trail to the third lake
13:39 Third Baduk lake height 2000m

North Ossetia mountains. Mamison Gorge. Russia. 2022. Full HD

North Ossetia mountains. Mamison Gorge. Russia. 2022. Full HD

0:00 Intro
0:42 Tsey Gorge
1:00 Zaramag Hydroelectric Power Plant
2:05 Construction team song
3:00 Mamison Gorge. Tunnel
4:05 Sanatorium TIB
5:07 Year-round ski resort Mamison
6:15 Alan is grilling meat
6:40 TIB mineral water
7:20 Picnik in Mamison gorge
8:05 Ancient Ossetian village, Lisri
9:30 Sanctuary of Migdau Dzuar
10:10 Heading back to the Hotel

And here we are again on the road ... The last point of the excursion route is Mamison gorge. The hydroelectric power plant Zaramag, a mineral water in Tib and the village of Lisri.

And we have just left the incredibly beautiful Tsey gorge, where the Skazsky glacier is imposing in the realm of rocks, snow and rhododendrons ... You can find the link to the Tsey video in the description.

Zaramag Hydroelectric Power Plant is the largest power plant in North Ossetia and the third largest in the North Caucasus ...

And for me the Zaramag Hydroelectric Power Plant has also a special personal meaning ... As a student of the North Caucasian Institute of Mining and Metallurgy in 1985, I was directly involved in its construction as part of a construction team. And today I am very proud of it! After all, they built such power and beauty!

Yes, the times of our reckless student youth have long been forgotten, but the photos remain ... the song remains, the lyrics of which I wrote right there - during the construction of the Zaramag hydroelectric power plant

If you want to listen to the whole song, you can find the link in the description.


And now we are driving along the Mamison Gorge, where we pass the tunnel that until recently served as the water intake tunnel of the Zaramagskaya hydroelectric power plant. As you can see, this building is in dire need of renovation! The road is in terrible condition and the old concrete vaults can no longer hold back the groundwater.

But there is also good news! Reconstruction is currently in full swing. The tunnel is being reinforced with a ring of strong rebar. The new vaulted ceiling will be made of modern, reliable materials that do not shy away from water and time. The roadway is also being widened and a modern drainage system is being installed. Soon what you see on the screen now will be just a bad dream!

While the tunnel is being repaired, you will be able to reach the Mamison Gorge by pontoon ferry, which will be placed directly through the water reservoir of the Zaramagskaya hydroelectric power plant.


Before heading back, we strolled with great interest through the picturesque ruins of an ancient Ossetian village, Lisri.

Lisri is one of the oldest settlements in North Ossetia. The first buildings of the village were probably built in the fifteenth century.

Originally there were 14 battle towers in the village. Only seven have been handed down to us. And, of course, both the towers and the houses are in great need of restoration.

All the buildings were built of rough stone and without binding mortar. A good master built the walls stone by stone, carefully selecting each stone so that the masonry was perfectly uniform and strong.

The buildings are very close together, which is why Lisri is also called the Labyrinth City.

On the outskirts of the village stands an almost completely destroyed Orthodox church, the Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary, built in 1897.

But the oldest and most mysterious building in Lisri is the sanctuary of Migdau Dzuar. It's the only ziggurat in the North Caucasus - a step-shaped ritual structure. Similar temples are discovered by archeologists during excavations in ancient Mesopotamia. It's completely incomprehensible how and for what purpose it was built in North Ossetia.


First day:
- Walk around Vladikavkaz. Russia. North Ossetia -
- North Ossetia mountains. Karmadon. Russia. Full HD -
- North Ossetia mountains. Dargavs. City of the Dead. Russia. Full HD -
- North Ossetia mountains. Midagrabin Gorge -
- North Ossetia mountains. Dzivgis rock fortress. Ring waterfall. Russia -

Second day:
- North Ossetia mountains. Uastyrdzy -
- North Ossetia mountains. Sadon -
- North Ossetia mountains. Tsey Gorge -
- North Ossetia mountains. Mamison Gorge -

Third day:
North Ossetia mountains. Akhsinta gorge. Matsuta -
North Ossetia mountains. Fasnal. Underground Gallery -
North Ossetia mountains. Village of Kamunta -
North Ossetia mountains. Village of Galiat -
North Ossetia mountains. Zadaleski Nana -


View from Mount Teberda

Walk in the mountains of Teberda. In the Karachay-Cherkess Republic of the Russian Federation.
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V.III. To Dombay. Expedition in Karachay-Cherkessia. December 2013



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