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10 Best place to visit in Tamaşi Romania


We start our official 2023 motorbike season - CORSICA!

Hello, leave us please some sugestions for Corsica! We have in plan for April 2023, around 6-8 days on the island! Thanks!

Don't forget to support our YouTube channel through the 4 extremely simple and FREE ways ????????
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If you want to support this project financially, you can do it in my personal account, Revolut and Paypal. Or directly through the YouTube program by accessing the Join button where you can subscribe monthly and became a member of the channel, or thrue Super thanks.
Along with that you have some benefits on the channel!

I have a dream! Be part of it too!

My story as a motorcyclist started from my early childhood. Since I was only a few years old and my brother Atti (10 years older) would put me on the tank of his small 70cc motorcycle and let me pull the throttle...
Anyway, I think it was also genetic, since the time when my parents were traveled along of Romania in the 70`s, with their bike called Mobra 50cc.
At the age of 9 I acquired my first 49cc Yamaha Mint scooter.
One day, in 2005 my brother bought the 2001 TransALP 650, with 2145km. And from there his love story for TransALP but also mine, began!
At the age of 19, In October 2007 - I managed to complete the motorcycle driving school.
Just a few days later, the search began for my new motorcycle... which obviously had to be a TransALP! I had a maximum budget of 2000 Euros.
After further searches, we found in our city in Arad, Romania...
A TransALP 600cc, from 1992, green, with 64,500km, 1950 Euros.
The best life I could have started. From Oct 2007 to the end of 2010 I did about 50,000 km.
In that time the TransALPs bloomed like mushrooms after the rain. Somehow I became an unofficial TransALP Romania ambassador. We already had our gang and community of TransALPs. Many tours together followed, official annual meetings around the country.
After 2010, things changed, some personal, familiar problems appeared. And life took a completely different turn.
In all these years (2010-2016 aprox) this passion for motorcycle trips has dwindled drastically...

In 2020 I decided to resurrect my YouTube channel - Lutzifer Videographer. Channel established on March 1, 2008.
The years passed, and I had around 700 uploaded videos. Unfortunately, at that time I did not know how important the copyright of the songs is. 90% of my clips were either restricted or worse, blocked!
My decision was to delete everything and have it from scratch, on the same channel. Now, maybe it was better to leave it as it is and start a whole new one. All that matters is we move forward!
From 2020 I knew that going forward, this is my dream. To travel as much as I can by motorcycle. They are phasing them out with the neighboring countries and they are moving forward...step by step.
For the last 3 years I have been struggling to find a balance between Money - Free Time.
Even if we try to find the cheapest option, starting from accommodation, until two people eat a single portion of food, however, it costs.
Since I was a little kid, my dream was that one day to have a new motorcycle with which I can see the world. In addition to the fact that riding a motorcycle gives me personal satisfaction, I am even more happy when I can inspire others to do the same.
In the year 2021, after a long and complicated story, the whole family was left stranded and homeless. Moment when everyone went where they could, because life goes on. We're not complaining, some things are meant to happen to find a different path in life. Everything happens for a purpose!
And what I am about to tell you is not a begging, because from my point of view it is not about money, but about the power of people and the power of example.
After several clips, pictures, presentations, information about the new Honda TransALP 750 motorcycle appeared... I liked it a lot!
In 16 years of being a Honda TransALP owner and about 140,000 km traveled with two models (600/650), my heart still pulls towards the TransALP. Even though the market is full of many other similar models and brands.
The challenge is to reach 10,000 people who donate at least 1 Euro, in one year. March 2023 - March 2024!
I think the greatest satisfaction will be when all these thousands of souls will be mentioned in the video episode with the purchase of the new TransALP 750! I know that the goodness of people still exists, despite the times we live in!
The entire story is much longer...


Buy Jasmine a coffee:

Tămăşeu Satu Nou Biharia E671 19 Rumänien Romania 16.4.2016

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

यहाँ लोग सबसे ज्यादा आत्महत्या करतें हैं | Facts About Hungary | Hungary Travel Guide.

Hungary is a country located in Central Europe. It is bordered by Austria, Slovakia, Ukraine, Romania, Serbia, Croatia, and Slovenia. The capital city is Budapest, which is also the largest city in the country.

Hungary has a rich history and culture and is known for its thermal baths, delicious cuisine, and wine. It is also famous for its architecture, including the impressive Parliament building and the historic Buda Castle.

Hungary has a population of around 9.8 million people and its official language is Hungarian. The country has a parliamentary republic form of government, with a President as the head of state and a Prime Minister as the head of government. The official currency is the Hungarian Forint (HUF).

Hungary is a member of the European Union, the United Nations, NATO, and the World Trade Organization, among other international organizations.



✦Disclaimer: All information in this video is based on Internet data. This YouTube Channel does not claim the truth of the information provided. Some of the pictures and videos in this episode are for examples only. All Credit goes to their respective owners.


Thanks For Watching-

Parcul Mini Transilvania - Mini Erdély Park (Băile Szejke, Odorheiu Secuiesc, Transylvania, Romania)

Turn on English subtitle ! - Activați subtitrarea în românește !

Parcul Mini Transilvania este o expoziție în aer liber cu machete ale celor mai reprezentative clădiri (monumente) din Transilvania. Parcul este un proiect al echipei Legedarium din Odorheiu Secuiesc și care, imediat după instalarea (iunie 2020) la Băile Szejke (practic o suburbie a municipiului Odorheiu Secuiesc), în vecinătatea izvoarelor minerale, a Muzeului Apei Minerale și mai ales a galeriei de porți secuiești, cunoaște un succes fulminant. Parcul reușește să acopere multiculturalitatea etnică (români, maghiari - secui, sași, evrei) și religioasă (catolici, ortodocși, reformați, unitarieni, mozaici) specială a Transilvaniei prin prezentarea sub formă de machete la scară a unor opere arhitecturale deosebite: castele, cetăți, biserici - mănăstiri - sinogoge, orașe medievale, școli, conace, case tradiționale etc. Impresioneză acuratețea machetelor. Unele machete sunt reconstituiri ale obiectivelor în perioada lor de gloriea, acum fiind doar ruine. Parcul este într-o continuă extindere cu noi machete. Machetele sunt însoțite de texte explicative în trei limbi (română, maghiară, engleză) și dispuse după criterii geografice. Astfel, situația înregistrată de noi, ar fi următoarea:
- Județul Alba: Cetatea Alba Iulia; Castelul Bethlen-Haller din Cetatea de Baltă; Mănăstirea ortodoxă Râmeț; Colegiul Naţional „Bethlen Gábor” din Aiud
- Județul Bistrița-Năsăud: Turnul Dogarilor din Bistrița; Castelul Bethlen din Arcalia
- Județul Brașov: Castelul Bran
- Județul Cluj: orașul medieval Cluj; Cetatea Unguraș; castelele Bánffy din Răscruci, Boncza din Ciucea, Rákóczi-Bánffy din Gilău, Bánffy din Bonțida; Sinagoga din Dej
- Județul Covasna: orașul medieval Târgu Secuiesc; castelele Kálnoky din Micloșoara, Szentkereszty din Arcuș, Daniel din Vârghiş; Biserica reformată fortificată din Ilieni; Biserica unitariană fortificată din Aita Mare; Conacul Gaál din Dalnic
- Județul Harghita: cetățile Székelytámadt (Atacată de Secui) din Odorheiu Secuiesc, Miko din Miercurea Ciuc și cea din Bădeni; bisericile unitariene fortificate din Dârjiu și Inlăceni; Castelul Lázár din Lăzarea; Biserica romano-catolică și Capela Inima lui Isus din Odorheiu Secuiesc; Bisericile și mănăstirile franciscane de la Șumuleu-Ciuc și din Odorheiu Secuiesc; Biserica reformată din Odorheiu Secuiesc; Liceul Teoretic Tamási Áron din Odorheiu Secuiesc; Primăria din Odorheiu Secuiesc; Conacul Gyárfás din Cristuru Secuiesc; case tradiționale secuiești din zonele Ciuc, Homoroade, Ținutul Sării, Târnava Mică
- Județul Hunedoara: Castelul Corvinilor
- Județul Maramureș: Biserica de lemn din Șurdești
- Județul Mureș: Cetatea medievală din Târgu Mureș; castelele Teleki din Gornești, Kemény din Brâncovenești, Ugron din Zau de Câmpie, Rhédey din Sângeorgiu de Pădure; Fântâna Cântătoare din Târgu Mureș
- Județul Satu Mare: Castelul Károlyi din Carei
- Județul Sălaj: Cetatea Ciorii din Stana
Parcul de machete Mini Transilvania vă așteaptă să-l redescoperiți !

Mini Transilvania Park is an open-air exhibition with scale models of the most representative buildings (monuments) in Transylvania. The park is a project of the Legedarium team from Szeklerland and which, immediately after installation (June 2020) at Szejke Baths (practically a suburb of Odorheiu Secuiesc), near the mineral springs, the Mineral Water Museum and especially the gallery of Szekler gates , is a resounding success. The park manages to cover the special ethnic (Romanian, Hungarian - Szekler, Saxon, Jewish) and religious (Catholic, Orthodox, Reformed, Unitarian, Mosaic) multiculturalism of Transylvania by presenting scale models of special architectural works: castles, fortresses , churches - monasteries - synagogues, medieval towns, schools, mansions, traditional houses, etc. Impress the accuracy of the models. Some models are reconstructions of the objectives in their period of glory, now being only ruins. The park is constantly expanding with new models. The models are accompanied by explanatory texts in three languages ​​(Romanian, Hungarian, English) and arranged according to geographical criteria.
The Mini Transylvania model park is waiting for you to rediscover it!

Burası Dünyanın En Büyük Toplama Kampı - 1.6 Milyon İnsan Neden Öldü ? - Auschwitz Belgeseli

Polonya'daki Auschwitz ve Birkenau toplama kamplarını ziyaret ettim. Burası, dünyanın, özellikle Avrupa'nın en kara lekesi olarak bilinen noktalardan bir tanesi. Hitler Almanya'sının zulme ederek katlettiği milyonlarca insanın son durağı. Elimden geldikçe, rehberden öğrendiklerimi, kamplardaki bilgilendirme panolarını okuyarak anladıklarımı ve internette öğrendiklerimi sizlere harmanlayarak aktardım.

İyi seyirler dostlar.

Polonya'daki Otellere Yandaki Linkten Bakarsınız, çoğu iptal edilebilir ve uygundur. ????

hesabımdan her şeyi anlık paylaşacağım. Oradan da bakarsınız.????

İş Birliği İçin:
00:00 Polonya'daki en büyük Yahudi toplama kampı Auschwitz - Birkenau toplama kampı
01:00 Yola çıkarken bilmeniz gerekenler ve uyarılarım
03:20 Müze ve ana girişin olduğu alan
05:40 Çalışmak insanı özgürleştirir kapısı
08:20 Auschwitz toplama kampı hakkında bilgiler
11:11 Odalar, hastahaneler, yaşadıkları alanlar ve kamplar hakkında bilgiler
16:13 İmha gaz odaları ve fırınlar
19:00 Birkenau toplama kampı girişi
21:08 İnsanları toplama kampına getirdikleri tren hatları
24:12 Gaz odaları ve göller
28:10 Binlerce kadının zorluklarla yaşadıkları odalar

video tasarım : gokseltuzun

#polonya #auschwitz #toplamakampı

RESCUE MISSION IN SERBIA: Not That Simple | Van Life

What an emotional rollercoaster! We head into Serbia to explore the Northern region, but a drone crash and a phone call from our friends about a dog rescue changes all our plans. So begins a series of events that unfolded unexpectedly. Feeling like we are being trolled by the universe, but bonded closer than before with our good friends Chesca and Ben from @OverlandingSophia Needless to say, life isn't always simple, and it doesn't always work out, but we all just keep going!

We are Philly and Keely and we live full time in our tiny home on wheels Martha. After building our DIY home in a Citroen Relay camper we spent a year living on the streets of London before quitting our jobs only to be met with lockdown. So after waiting for six months for the borders to reopen in Ireland we finally hit the road in June 2021 and spent 90 days enjoying vanlife in Spain. Followed by two months in Croatia, a month in Serbia which stole our hearts. Then we took our van further than she had ever been before to the very beautiful Turkey. We spent three glorious months here meeting other vanlifers and experiencing these rich cultures only to have to drive all the way back in time for our MOT. Enroute we stoped off in Spain for a few weeks where we experienced every van lifers worst nightmare, we were robbed and they stole all valuables in our van. But now we are back on our feet, fully MOT’d and back on the road through Europe and beyond!!



⤈ Fiido E-Bike ⤈

⤈ EcoFLow Power Bank ⤈

???? Safe's Small Tech & Document Safe:
Laptop Safe:
Massive Safe:
???? Driving Locks
Steering Wheel Bar:
Disc Lock:
Wheel Clamp:
Clutch Pedal Lock:
???? CCTV Camera's
???? AntiSmash Film
0.76m x 5m:
1m x 2m:
???? Tracker's
One Off Payment:
???? Stickers
CCTV Transparent:
No Valuables Transparent:

0:00 – 1:24 – Leaving Croatia
1:24 – 03:15 – Heading to Serbia
03:15 – 03:53 – First Stop
03:53 – 04:55 – Next Stop
04:55 – 08:25– Exploring Sombor
08:25 – 09:57 – Drone Fiasco
12:02 – 13:37 – Getting Supplies
13:37 – 14:23 – Are we ready
14:23 – 15:06 – The waiting begins
15:06 – 18:00 – Pavlovac Monastery
18:00 - 19:11 - More stalling
19:11 - 21:10 - Are we being trolled?
21:10 - 22:00 - At the end of my tether
22:00 - 24:14 - The story so far
24:14 - 26:10 - The unhappy ending

SUBSCRIBE if you are interested in our travels, van build, daily van life content and maybe some more vegan cooking too.
You can follow our INSTAGRAM @chapterby_chapter
Or check out our blogs on:

Ireland Roadtrip –
Turkey Roadtrip -
Serbia Roadtrip -

Below is the gear we use for vlogging as a few people have asked what we use. Be aware we are amazon affiliates, so if you buy through these links we will get a small amount at no extra cost to yourselves. Ask us any questions about this stuff, so far we genuinely recommend all of it. Obviously the drone is my fave camera of all!

Sony a7C Our beautiful new camera
Rode Micropro+
DJI Osmo Pocket
Sony RX100 Vii Camera
Go Pro Hero 9
DJI Mini 2
Relano LED Light

Coffee Pot

Solar Shower

Pee Funnel

Omnia Sweden

Monkey Ridge

Dometic CRX50

Fiamma Roof Vent



Metal Wine Glass & Lid

For our music we use Epidemic Sound, here is our free trial referral link:


#vanlifeserbia #serbia #dogrescue #vanlifeeurope #vanlifeuk #travelvlog #roadtripeurope #traveleurope #campervaneurope #vancouple #roadtrip #vantour #vanlife #vanlifefail


szekelyhid kepek

Am luat o MARE TEAPA de 1500 de euro in CORBEANCA - Vlog 280

Devino membru pentru a vedea vlogurile inainte:

Vrei sa vorbesti cu noi pe DISCORD? :

Ca sa fii la curent cu tot ce facem, poti sa ne urmaresti si pe:
- Instagram:
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Sustine canalul cumparand de pe link-urile noastre de afiliere:
-Fashion Days:
-Pc Garage:

Va multumim ca ne sunteti alaturi ! ????????
#pricope #travel #autorulota

2 American kids share their opinions of Czech Republic (and they are crazy!)

2 American kids (my granddaughters) are 1/2 Czech and have been to Czechia several times. In this video, they share with you what they think about Czech Republic. I hope you enjoy their quirky personalities and how they like to have fun with the interview. We actually had to do the interview twice because the first time, I forgot to turn on the mic and there was no sound!

0:00 Intro
0:30 Connection to CZ
0:53 How many times have you been to CZ
1:13 When was the last time you were in CZ
1:27 They are crazy cuz we did this once already
1:40 What was your favorite city in CZ
2:33 What was your favorite food in CZ
3:21 What do you think of the Czech food in general
3:45 What didn't you like about Czech Republic
4:31 Would you like to return to CZ
5:19 What was the most fun thing you did in CZ
5:42 Here's a clip
6:31 Anything you wanted to do but didn't
7:00 Will you learn Czech
7:57 Can they say Tak přiští týden

Background music by

Parajdi strand - Erdély legmodernebb SÓS strandja

Akik szeretik a sós strandokat és a sóbányák sós levegőjének jótékony hatásait azoknak Parajd mindenképp egy ideális hely lehet.
A fenti videó egy rövid betekintést nyújt a parajdi strand sós vizi fűrdőzési lehetőségébe!
Bővebb információkért kattints az alábbi blogbejegyzés linkjére:

#parajd #sósstrand #erdély

Érkezés Linzbe!

Rövidke film első önálló ausztriai szolgálatomról.

The Sounds Of The City,Székelyudvarhely,Transylvania

April 7,2018

Agárdi Thermal

S offroad karavanem do Rumunska! | Land Rover Defender

Do Rumunska jsme se chtěli podívat už několik let a teď máme ideální auto a karavan tam vyrazit, tak jedeme.

Natočeno v červenci 2023
ℹ️ V tomto díle
Opět vyrážíme za pořádný dobrodružstvím a tentkrát s sebou berem offroad karavam ProCamp a náš nový Land Rover Defender. Rumunsko je ideální příležitost si vyzkoušet, jak si bude tahle dvojka rozumět.

Vyrážíme přes Slovensko a Maďarko. První noc zastavujeme v Maďarku a kempujeme u Dunaje, kousek za vesnicí Rejka a poprvé zkoušíme, jak bude fungovat střešní stan na mini karavanu.
Hned druhý den ráno vyrážíme, abychom dorazili do Rumunska v čas a ještě za světla. Nevíme, kde budeme kempovat první noc, ale to vyřešíme po cestě.

Na večer přijíždíme na nejhezčí soukromý kemp spot, který jsme dlouho viděli. Dokonce nás pohostili půlkou melouna a nachystali nám horkou venkovní výřivku, abychom si po cestě odpočinuli a nabrali síly na další dobrodružství. Na tohle místo budeme dlouho vzpomínat!

Pokud byste si chtěli vyzkoušet stejný karavan, mrkněte na nebo napište Sandře a Robinovi a určitě se domluvíte. No a pokud hledáte dobrodružnou inspiraci, běžte na jejich instagram

Pavel a Veru

Spot v Maďarsku:
Spot v Rumunsku:

???? Sociální sítě

???? Hudba ve videu
Epidemic Sound:

???? Podpořte nás
Pokud se vám naše videa líbí, tak odběr nebo like nás moc potěší! Díky ????


Grazie a Gerry e a stella possiamo ricordare un gran bel viaggio

Farkaslaka, Marosvásárhely, Gernyeszeg, Marosvécs - Kirándulj velünk filmjeinkben az őszi Erdélyben.

Farkaslakáról indulva Maros megye felé vesszük az útirányt. Marosvásárhely és Gernyeszeg után Marosvécsre látogatunk.
Kövess minket az Instagrammon is:
Minden ami Erdély és Székelyföld, a Kárpátok.
Szép utazások, kalandos túrák, Erdélyi városok, falvak.

Cateva trenuri de duminica in Arad 22.05.2022 + Surpriza

Mica activitate feroviara in Arad 22.05.2022

Daca iti place ceea ce vezi, te invit sa te ABONEZI la canalul meu! Mersi fain!

???? Instagram:
???? Facebook:
???? E-mail:

Data filmarii: 22.05.2022

A csúcs mindig fölöttünk van - Kirándulás a Retyezátban a Kurilla-nyereg, a Lolája gerinc felé.

Ismét szép drónos felvételeket láthattok tőlünk a Kárpátok ékkövéből, a Retyezátból, ahol egy egész napos kiránduláson voltunk.
Csatlakozzál TE is a csatornánkhoz és jutalmakban részesülhetsz:

Filmjeink elkészítését támogatja:

Kövess minket az Instagrammon is:
Minden ami Erdély és Székelyföld, a Kárpátok.
Szép utazások, kalandos túrák, Erdélyi városok, falvak.

Regenerable energy


A Kalotaszegi Körösfőn járunk, a Körös forrásvidékén.
