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10 Best place to visit in Sorocaba Brazil


Top 10 Best Tourist Places to Visit in Sorocaba | Brazil - English

#SorocabaPlaces #PlacesInSorocaba #SorocabaVisitPlaces #SorocabaBrazil
Sorocaba is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Brazil having many best places in Sorocaba. Sorocaba is a city in southeastern Brazil. The Villas-Bôas Brothers Botanical Garden offers a herbarium, trails and the Crystal Palace conservatory. Red Water Natural Park is a green space with lakes, palm trees and an aquarium. Highlights of the Sorocaba Zoo include the reptile collection and spider monkeys. To the northwest is Ipanema National Forest, a protected area with wildlife such as maned wolves and ocelots. So to help you figure out the places you need to try, we've gathered up a bucket list of the best Places in Sorocaba that you won't regret going to.

Wiki Peaks is on a mission to promote the tourism in the World. We are here to show you the beautiful places in the world. You can see the beauty of this world from the comfort of your home.

There are many beautiful places in Sorocaba. Brazil has some of the best places in Sorocaba. We collected data on the top 10 places to visit in Sorocaba. There are many famous places in Sorocaba and some of them are beautiful places in Sorocaba. People from all over Brazil love these Sorocaba beautiful places which are also Sorocaba famous places. In this video, we will show you the beautiful places to visit in Sorocaba.

Please help us in our cause and share this channel as much as possible with your friends and family.

***All images used in this video are a property of their owners. We have no intention of showing these images as our own property. We used these images just to promote tourism.***

SOROCABA Top 30 Tourist Places | Sorocaba Tourism | BRAZIL

Sorocaba (Things to do - Places to Visit) - SOROCABA Top Tourist Places
Municipality in Brazil
Sorocaba is a city in southeastern Brazil. The Villas-Bôas Brothers Botanical Garden offers a herbarium, trails and the Crystal Palace conservatory. Red Water Natural Park is a green space with lakes, palm trees, and an aquarium.

Highlights of the Sorocaba Zoo include the reptile collection and spider monkeys. To the northwest is Ipanema National Forest, a protected area with wildlife such as maned wolves and ocelots.

SOROCABA Top 30 Tourist Places | Sorocaba Tourism

Things to do in SOROCABA - Places to Visit in Sorocaba

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SOROCABA Top 30 Tourist Places - Sorocaba, Brazil, South America

Why nobody wanted us to visit Brazil (our honest opinion) ????????

We are back in Brazil exactly one year after our first visit.
Has Brazil changed?
If you remember our first video from Brazil last year, we were extremely nervous to be in Sao Paulo.
Are we still nervous this time? Do we still think Brazil is dangerous?
Is Brazil safe? Is Brazil expensive?
Check out our second impressions of São Paulo, Brazil.

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JetLagWarriors is a Canadian couple -- Steve and Ivana. After travelling here and there for a few years, mostly during Canadian winter, we fully caught the travel bug and decided to travel INDEFINITELY! Subscribe to keep up with our journey. Thanks!

Music in the video:
Track: Enjoy It — Land of Fire [Audio Library Release]
Music provided by Audio Library Plus
Free Download / Stream:

00:00 - Back in SP!
5:38 - Best restaurant in Sao Paulo
12:28 - What a difference one year can make! (back for world cup!)
20:50 - Caipirinha FAIL (maracuja, sem asucar was a bad decision)
28:24 - Hunt for Minas Cheese

OS LUGARES QUE POUCOS CONHECEM! 10 Cidades PERFEITAS para morar no interior de SP!

Conheça algumas das melhores cidades para morar NO INTERIOR DE SÃO PAULO

COMPARTILHE o link desse vídeo com seu amigos.
Eles vão gostar MUITO!!!!

Créditos do vídeo
Informações: Wikipédia
Fotos: Reprodução/internet

*Caso alguma imagem utilizada no vídeo for sua, é só avisar a gente que daremos os devidos créditos


TOP 10 cidades do interior de SÃO PAULO para morar

Localizado na região Sudeste do Brasil, o Estado de São Paulo conta com 645 municípios e tem população estimada superior a 45 milhões de habitantes.
Além de ser o Estado mais populoso, é tb o mais rico do Brasil, respondendo por cerca de 30% do PIB nacional. É o Estado o Número 1 em desenvolvimento econômico, infraestrutura, mercado consumidor, localização estratégica, turismo de eventos... O que atrai muitas pessoas que desejam investir ou morar na região.
Sua capital São Paulo, dispensa apresentação, é o principal centro financeiro do país e a maior metrópole do Brasil, com mais de 12 milhões de habitantes, mas o Interior paulista é tudo de bom!!!

Confira agora nossa lista recente com 10 excelentes cidades para viver bem, no interior de São Paulo.

00:00 Estado de São Paulo
01:34 Piracicaba
04:45 São José do Rio Preto
07:29 Santos
10:47 Americana
13:47 Limeira
17:18 Ribeirão Preto
20:17 Sorocaba
23:43 Jundiaí
26:33 São José dos Campos
29:31 Campinas

Agradecimentos / Fontes / Imagens / Créditos:
Ministério do Turismo
Prefeitura de Piracicaba
Prefeitura de São José do Rio Preto
Prefeitura de Santos
Prefeitura de Americana
Prefeitura de Limeira
Prefeitura de Ribeirão Preto
Prefeitura de Sorocaba
Prefeitura de Jundiaí
Prefeitura de São José dos Campos
Prefeitura de Campinas
Ministério do Turismo
Tânia Franco
Adriana Massa
Alexandre Lombardi
Magno Mion
Mari Maia
Renato Monteiro

???????? Sao Paulo, Brazil - Brás Neighborhood

SOROCABA SP BRASIL - Chegando pela Rodovia Raposo Tavares em dia de chuva - Viagem com Musica

Chegando em Sorocaba SP Brasil, uma cidade bastante interessante (mais detalhes abaixo), pela Rodovia Raposo Tavares SP 270, com Musica nos acompanhando em uma verdadeira Viagem com Musica, com vídeo em Hyperlapse e aceleração de 4 a 8 vezes.

Sobre a cidade de Sorocaba SP:
Sorocaba é um município brasileiro no interior do estado de São Paulo. É a segunda cidade mais populosa do interior paulista e a mais populosa da região sudeste paulista com uma população de cerca de 724 mil habitantes, de acordo com Censo IBGE recente de 2022, sendo uma capital regional. A cidade de Sorocaba SP Brasil , é um importante polo industrial do estado de São Paulo e do Brasil, sendo que sua produção industrial chega a mais de 120 países, atingindo um PIB acima dos R$ 32 bilhões, o décimo nono maior do país, a frente de capitais como São Luís, Belém, Vitória, Natal e Florianópolis. As principais bases de sua economia são os setores de indústria, comércio e serviços, com mais 22 mil empresas instaladas, sendo mais de duas mil delas indústrias.

Sobre a Rodovia Raposo Tavares SP270:
A Rodovia Raposo Tavares ou anteriormente Via Raposo Tavares e também denominada SP–270 é uma rodovia do estado de São Paulo. Inicia-se no final da Rua Reação, no distrito do Butantã, zona oeste da cidade de São Paulo e termina na divisa de estado com o Mato Grosso do Sul, no município de Presidente Epitácio, num total de 644 km.

Nesta Série, Viajando com Música, você poderá conhecer diversas regiões, em diferentes momentos, condições de clima, transito, montanhas, rios, paisagens rodoviárias deslumbrantes, e sentir a emoção forte da câmera acelerada, que dá uma sensação muito diferente de velocidade e adrenalina.

#ViagemComMusica #Viagem #Sorocaba

Las MEJORES PLAYAS del SUR de BRASIL 2023 ????️????????

Por definición la Región Sur brasil que está conformada por los estados de Paraná, Río Grande del Sur y Santa Catarina.
En este video haremos una breve descripción de algunas de los destinos de playa más destacadas que se encuentran en algunos de estos 3 estados.

0:28 playas del estado de Paraná
0:49 Ilha do mel (isla de miel)
1:10 Mar do fora
1:20 Ruta das encantadas
1:30 Praia do Miguel (Ilha do mel)
1:50 Balneario Camboriu
2:12 Praia Central Camboriu
2:39 Praoa Laranjeiras
3:11 Taquaras
3:22 Playa Do Pinos (playa nudista brasil)
3:32 Playa Estaleiro
3:44 Parque Unipraias
3.53 Beto Carrera World
4:03 Bombas y Bombinhas
4:20 Playas de Bombas
4:34 Playas de Bombinhas
4:54 Playa Cuatro Islas
5:25 Playa de Lagoinha
5:37 Playa de Sepultura
5:58 Playa Retiro dos Padres
6:16 Florianópolis
6:30 Playa Naufragados
6:49 Playa Canasvieiras
7:12 Playa Mozambique en Florianópolis
7:43 Isla de Campeche
8:19 Playa Joaquina
8:40 Playas de Rio grande do Sur
9:12 Xangri-La Porto Alegre
9:27 Arroio do sal
9:44 Playas de Torres

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São Paulo é uma das 27 unidades federativas do Brasil. Está situado na Região Sudeste e tem por limites os estados de Minas Gerais a norte e nordeste, Paraná a sul, Rio de Janeiro a leste e Mato Grosso do Sul a oeste.

São Paulo é um dos estados mais importantes do Brasil, possuindo ótimas cidades para morar.
Nesse video utilizamos o levantamento feito pelo instituto Sou da Paz e criamos um ranking com as cidades mais seguras do estado de São Paulo. Isso porque segurança é sempre um dos principais fatores que analisamos antes de decidirmos onde morar.
Então, se você tá pensando em morar no estado de São Paulo, assista este video e conheça ótimas cidades para viver em SP

#Brasil #SãoPaulo #Cidades #Segurança


Sabe aquela praia que você olha e pensa ''que praia é essa?'' Pois fique tranquilo, porquê hoje nós vamos te mostrar uma lista com 5 praias de águas cristalinas em SP. São verdadeiros paraísos que nos impressionaram! Então, bora conhecer?

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✅10 Praias lindas de Ubatuba:
✅Veja mais de Paraty:

????Nosso Insta:

????Mais dicas em nosso TikTok:



10 Melhores Praias de São Paulo - De Santos a Ubatuba

Quais são as melhores praias de São Paulo? De Santos até o Litoral Norte de SP, passamos por cidades incríveis como Guarujá, São Sebastião, Ilhabela e Ubatuba para mostrar para vocês as praias mais bonitas do litoral paulista.

[+] Confira essa lista completa com mais informações no blog:

Assista também:
[+] O que fazer em SANTOS e GUARUJÁ:
[+] SÃO SEBASTIÃO, SP - Melhores Praias:
[+] JUQUEHY ou MARESIAS - Qual a Melhor Praia?:
[+] UBATUBA: Melhores Praias:


[+] Top 10 Melhores Praias de São Paulo:
[+] Hospedagem em Ilhabela:
[+] Pousadas em Maresias:


As hospedagens em Juréia, Ilhabela e Maresias foram uma cortesia.

A MaresiasTur é uma das parceiras do Viagens Cine, ao reservar algum passeio com eles, você também colabora com nosso trabalho.

#Praias #SP #Ubatuba #SãoSebastião #Ilhabela


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Top 10 Best Hotels to Visit in Sorocaba | Brazil - English

#SorocabaHotels #HotelsInSorocaba #SorocabaVisitHotels #SorocabaBrazil
With the plentiful options available in Sorocaba best hotels, travellers are spoiled for choice when it comes to best hotels in Sorocaba. For those on a budget, Sorocaba has many great hotels in Sorocaba and guest houses that provide both safety and comfort. Some of the newly built hotels have been awarded for their design, and more continue to open up. There are also capsule hotels in Sorocaba, some of which are women-only. For more privacy, there are mid-tier and business famous hotels in Sorocaba that provide convenience and all the basic amenities, making a great option for travellers who plan to spend most of their time out exploring the city. From our collective time spent in this amazing city and from feedback gathered from our travel network here is a list of our favourite top 10 hotels in Sorocaba.

Wiki Peaks is on a mission to promote the tourism in the World. We are here to show you the beautiful places in the world. You can see the beauty of this world from the comfort of your home.

There are many beautiful hotels in Sorocaba. Brazil has some of the best hotels in Sorocaba. We collected data on the top 10 hotels to visit in Sorocaba. There are many famous hotels in Sorocaba and some of them are beautiful hotels in Sorocaba. People from all over Brazil love these Sorocaba beautiful hotels which are also Sorocaba famous hotels. In this video, we will show you the beautiful hotels to visit in Sorocaba.

Please help us in our cause and share this channel as much as possible with your friends and family.

***All images used in this video are a property of their owners. We have no intention of showing these images as our own property. We used these images just to promote tourism.***

Top 10 Best Restaurants to Visit in Sorocaba | Brazil - English

#SorocabaRestaurants #RestaurantsInSorocaba #SorocabaVisitRestaurants #SorocabaFood #FoodInSorocaba #SorocabaFastFood #SorocabaBrazil #StreetfoodInSorocaba #SorocabaStreetFood #FastfoodInSorocaba #StreetfoodSorocaba
Setting the criteria for our list of the 10 best restaurants in Sorocaba was the easy bit. Anywhere we felt compelled to revisit again and again was instantly in. We’re excited to give you Sorocaba's top 10 restaurants to visit in Sorocaba, presented in no particular order. In our list surely the ultimate guide to the best restaurants in Sorocaba – you’ll find it all: the best new openings, classic cheap eats. In this video, we are going to discuss top 10 restaurants in Sorocaba and the finest places to eat in Sorocaba. Our esteemed viewers are in for a treat today, and they must dine in these best restaurants to visit in Sorocaba to get the real taste of some of the most delicious dishes ever cooked.

Sorocaba has no shortage of excellent restaurants in Sorocaba. Almost every month, there is another new spot to eat opening in the city. Since we are spoiled for choice on where to dine, it might be hard to pick where to eat next. So to help you figure out the places you need to try, we've gathered up a bucket list of the best restaurants in Sorocaba that you won't regret going to.

Wiki Peaks is on a mission to promote the tourism in the World. We are here to show you the beautiful places in the world. You can see the beauty of this world from the comfort of your home.

There are many beautiful restaurants in Sorocaba. Brazil has some of the best restaurants in Sorocaba. We collected data on the top 10 restaurants to visit in Sorocaba. There are many famous restaurants in Sorocaba and some of them are beautiful restaurants in Sorocaba. People from all over Brazil love these Sorocaba beautiful restaurants which are also Sorocaba famous restaurants. In this video, we will show you the beautiful restaurants to visit in Sorocaba.

Please help us in our cause and share this channel as much as possible with your friends and family.

***All images used in this video are a property of their owners. We have no intention of showing these images as our own property. We used these images just to promote tourism.***

???? Best 4 star Hotels in Sorocaba, Brazil

More cities and hotels

1️⃣ Transamerica Executive Sorocaba

2️⃣ Hotel Fazenda Capoava

3️⃣ Hotel Villa Rossa

4️⃣ Novotel Itu Golf & Resort


Acid Jazz by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution license

???????? Virtual Street Tour Sorocaba - Brazil - 【4K 60fps】

Sorocaba (pronounced AFI : [so̞ɾo̞ˈkabɐ] ) is a Brazilian municipality in the interior of the state of São Paulo . It is the fourth most populous in the interior of São Paulo (preceded by Campinas , São José dos Campos and Ribeirão Preto ) and the most populous in the southeastern region of São Paulo with a population of 738,128 inhabitants, estimated by the IBGE for 2021 , [ 2 ] being a regional capital. [ 6 ]

It has an area of ​​450.38 km². The municipality is integrated — together with Greater São Paulo , the Metropolitan Region of Campinas , the Metropolitan Region of Baixada Santista and the Metropolitan Region of Vale do Paraíba and North Coast — to the Expanded Metropolitan Complex , a megalopolis that exceeds 30 million inhabitants ( around 75% of the population of São Paulo) and which is the first urban agglomeration of its kind in the southern hemisphere . [ 7 ] The Metropolitan Region of Sorocaba is made up of 27 municipalities with approximately 2.06 million inhabitants. [ 8 ]

The city is an important industrial center in the state of São Paulo and in Brazil, with its industrial production reaching more than 120 countries, reaching a GDP of over R$ 32 billion, the nineteenth largest in the country, ahead of capitals such as São Luís , Belém , Vitória , Natal and Florianópolis . [ 5 ] The main bases of its economy are the sectors of industry, commerce and services, with more than 22 thousand companies installed, more than two thousand of them industries. [ 9 ]

???? Best 5 star Hotels in Sorocaba, Brazil

More cities and hotels

1️⃣ Hotel Fasano Boa Vista


Acid Jazz by Kevin MacLeod is licensed under a
Creative Commons Attribution license

Best Restaurants and Places to Eat in Sorocaba, Brazil

Sorocaba Food Guide. MUST WATCH. We have sorted the list of Best Restaurant in Sorocaba for you. Using this list you can try Best Local Food in Sorocaba or select best Bar in Sorocaba.

And Lot more about Sorocaba Food and Drinks.

It's not the Ranking of Best Restaurants in Sorocaba, it is just the list of best Eating Hubs as per our user's ratings.

Don't forget to Subscribe our channel. Click on Bell ICON to get the notification of New Videos Immediately.

List of Best Restaurants in Sorocaba

La Doc Gastronomia
Quero Cookies
Restaurante Japones Kyodai
Donna Florinda Pizzaria Artesanal
Izumi Culinaria Japonesa
O Koreano
Naomi Culinaria Japonesa
Pio Montes
El Tranvia
Outback Sorocaba

Sorocaba Cityscapes -- Brazil

Sorocaba Cityscapes -- Brazil

Song: Drull - Last Train To Aberdeen
Drull's channel:

Best Hotels and Resorts in Sorocaba, Brazil

Hotel Guide of Sorocaba. MUST WATCH. Best Hotels in Sorocaba.

Our travel specialists have listed best hotels and resorts of Sorocaba.

It's not the Ranking of Best Hotels and resorts in Sorocaba, it is just the list of best hotels.

Don't forget to Subscribe our channel. Click on Bell ICON to get the notification of updates Immediately.

Listed Hotels

Novotel Sorocaba
All Inn Sorocaba
Grand Hotel Royal
Chamonix Plaza Hotel
Golden Park Sorocaba
Transamerica Executive Sorocaba
Sorocaba Park Hotel
Ibis Budget Sorocaba
Ibis Sorocaba
Dan Inn Sorocaba

All Inn Sorocaba, Sorocaba, Brazil

All Inn Sorocaba, Sorocaba, Brazil
About Property:
Set in Sorocaba, 6.8 km from Sorocaba shopping centre, All Inn Sorocaba offers accommodation with a restaurant, free private parking, a fitness centre and a bar. Among the facilities at this property are a 24-hour front desk and room service, along with free WiFi throughout the property. The hotel has family rooms.
The hotel will provide guests with air-conditioned rooms with a desk, a safety deposit box, a flat-screen TV and a private bathroo...
Booking or More Details:
Property Type: Hotel
Address: Avenida Engenheiro Carlos Reinaldo Mendes, 3541, Sorocaba, CEP 18013-280, Brazil
Searching For
1. All Inn Sorocaba - Sorocaba - Brazil
2. All Inn Sorocaba - Sorocaba - Brazil Address
3. All Inn Sorocaba - Sorocaba - Brazil Rooms
4. All Inn Sorocaba - Sorocaba - Brazil Amenities
5. All Inn Sorocaba - Sorocaba - Brazil Offers and Deals
Audio Credit:
Track Title: Blank Slate
Artist: VYEN
* This video is not sponsored.
* The photos shown in this video are not owned by Travel With Kalpana.
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*Note: - Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational, or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
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