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10 Best place to visit in Slonim Belarus


Cities of the World - Slonim (Belarus)

Cities of the World - Slonim (Belarus),
Слоним, Слонім, Беларусь, Белоруссия

Life in a small village in Belarus - Eastern European village [Ep. 2] ????????

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Having stayed in multiple different villages on my previous travels, I was inspired to do the same in Belarus. I reached out to several Belarusians and got the wonderful opportunity to visit Krupitsa village after meeting Ira through Couchsurfing. Ira was so excited to invite me to come and stay with her parents and her son. I was excited to see life in the countryside and got lucky to be present during Ira’s father's birthday.

Hello there, welcome to this channel!
I am an Indonesian female solo traveller, who started solo travelling in 2013. After working for the government till 2016, I left Indonesia to pursue full-time travelling and to document myself as I explore different cultures as a solo female.

Having initially travelled for 5 months throughout Asia, I moved to China in January 2017 for an English teaching job, which was my first experience living abroad.

Since leaving China in 2018, I have taken the move to become a full-time YouTube creator and traveller. I strive to create unique, culture-driven content and capture authentic interactions as I travel.

Walks in the city center #Mogilev, #Belarus 4K ???? Marked places on Google maps ℹ️

ℹ️????‍♂️ Turn ON the Closed Captions (CC) for info about attractions and other interesting information.
Mogilev is a city in the east of Belarus, the administrative center of the Mogilev region and the Mogilev region. In the XVII-XIX centuries, in order to distinguish it from the city of Mogilev-on-Dniester, before its renaming in 1923 to Mogilev-Podolsky, it was often called Mogilev-on-Dnieper or Mogilev provincial.
Population: 380,440 (2017)
From Minsk to Mogilev along the M4 highway - 200 km. Average travel time - 2 hours 20 minutes.

???? Google Maps of this tour ????

00:00:00 - View of the Dnieper River
00:00:45 - Glory Square
00:02:00 - Mogilev City Hall
00:05:15 - st. Leninskaya
00:06:25 - Palace of George Konissky
00:09:05 - Square them. Herzen
00:10:45 - st. Komsomolskaya
00:12:05 - College of Arts on Komsomolskaya street 12
00:16:55 - Building No. 2 of MSUniversity Kuleshova
00:18:30 - Art Museum V.K. Byalynitsky-Biruli
00:21:25 - Mogilev Children's School of Fine Arts
00:24:42 - Building of the former credit society
00:29:10 - Star square
00:31:45 - Sculpture J.S. Bach
00:34:10 - Dom № 50
00:35:15 - The Handshake
00:39:20 - Fountain Meeting Square
00:41:20 - Lenin Boulevard
00:45:30 - Lenin Square
00:48:30 - Pervomaiskaya street
00:53:00 - Central department store
00:55:40 - Shopping and entertainment center Atrium
00:56:05 - City Executive Committee
01:07:00 - Dunkin Club
01:07:50 - Arc de Triomphe, or Arch of Glory
01:09:50 - Cinema Chyrvonaya Zorka
01:15:00 - Mogilev Regional Drama Theater

Primary Camera: DJI Pocket 2 (Pocket sized camera)

Secondary Camera: Iphone 14 pro

#belarus #mogilev #walkingtour #walks #hiking #citywalk #citytour #4k

Soligorsk, Belarus/Солигорск, Беларусь


Baranovichi.....The Return

As a thank you to all my subscribers and Patreons, I give you more trains and churches of #Baranovichi #Belarus as well as a sneak preview of my next trip.

The old synagogue in Mir, Belarus

The old synagogue is now a stationery store and a driver’s ed office. The famous Mir Yeshiva is now the local post office. This void in Jewish life in the area is not all bad in the eyes of Dayan.

Guide de voyage #Biélorussie #Grodno (#Hrodna) en Biélorussie (voir descriptif sous vidéo).

#Grodno #Hrodna #GuideVoyageBiélorussie #Biélorussie #FemmesBiélorusses #FemmesBiélorusses​ #FemmesUkrainiennes​ #FemmesRusses​ #RencontrerUneFemmeUkrainienne​ #FemmeDelEst​ #TrouverUneFemmeDelEst​ #BelleFemmeDelEst​ #FemmeUkrainiennePourMariage​
#FemmeCelibataireUkraine​ #ExpertFemmesUkrainiennes​
#Russe​ #Ukrainiennes​ #Biélorusses​ #Minsk​ #Biélorussie​ #AgenceMatrimonialeUkraine​ #AgenceMatrimonialeRusse​ #Ukraine​ #Kiev​ #FemmesSlaves​ #Kharkiv​

- Forum Femmes D'Ukraine :
- Road-Trip en Biélorussie du 14 au 21 mars 2021
- Mon site Anti Arnaques Femmes Ukrainiennes

La ville a été mentionnée pour la première fois en 1128 et aurait été fondée par les Lituaniens qui l'ont appelé Gardinas ( « La place des chèvres »). Après l'occupation par le prince de Halicz au XIIIe siècle, elle fut occupée par le prince lituanien Trojden.

La ville, défendue par des murs en bois, a été assiégé à plusieurs reprises au cours des conflits internes Lituanie et Chevaliers teutoniques. Ces dernier, sous le commandement de Konrad Wallenrode assiégea la dernière fois en 1398. Par la suite, les chevaliers teutoniques finalement défaits à la bataille de Grunwald des troupes polono-lituanienne ont cessé d'être un danger pour la ville, où s'installe le prince Vytautas, cousin Roi de Pologne et Grand-Duc de Lituanie Ladislao II Jagellon, qui a construit un château dans la maçonnerie de style gothique. La ville, qui appartient maintenant au Royaume de Pologne et Grand-Duché de Lituanie, Il était très aimé par le roi Stefan Batory, qui a reconstruit le château royal de style Renaissance en donnant la tâche à l'architecte Scot de Parme. Le roi Batory est mort à Grodno en 1586.

Par la volonté du roi Jan III Sobieski, Grodno a été élevé au rang de troisième Capital République des deux peuples (Nom officiel du Royaume de Pologne et de Lituanie) Grand-Duché depuis 1678. En effet, une réunion Sejm chaque troisième a eu lieu à Grodno (les deux autres capitales étaient Varsovie et Vilnius).

En 1793, elle a rencontré pour la dernière fois Sejm et a approuver la subdivision de la Pologne en 1795. Après la défaite de l'insurrection Tadeusz Kościuszko, la ville est devenue une partie de l'Empire russe, comme la capitale de Gubernija Grodno depuis 1802. En 1812, la ville a été libéré pour une courte période par Napoléon. Les citoyens de Grodno participent activement à l'insurrection polonaise de 1800.

Au cours de la Première Guerre mondiale Grodno était souvent l'objet d'opérations militaires et a été pillée par les troupes allemandes. Elle faisait partie de 1918-1919 de la République de Lituanie mais, en vertu de en 1920, Traité de Riga, qui a conclu llors de la guerre russo-polonaise, Elle a été occupée par la Pologne. La ville avait environ 60 000 habitants dont pôles (60%), les juifs (37%), Lithuaniens et Belarusians (3%). En 1939, la ville a été attaquée par des divisions blindées soviétiques, alliés de l'Allemagne nazie. Le siège de Grodno, connu dans l'histoire comme la « bataille de Grodno » a commencé le 20 Septembre 1939. La ville a été défendue par environ 2.000 personnes, les policiers en grande majorité, des postiers, des garçons et des filles des écoles secondaires et Boy Scouts. La ville se rendit après trois jours de lutte, le 22 septembre, date à laquelle elle a été Union soviétique.

Pendant l'occupation soviétique toutes les écoles polonaises ont été fermées et Les autorités soviétiques se sont livrés à des massacres et des déportations massives. De 1941 à 1944, la ville fut occupée par les nazis, qui ont massacré toute la population juive de la ville qui avant la guerre avait plus de 20 000 personnes. En 1945, elle a été occupée par les Soviétiques, sous le règne duquel elle est restée jusqu'à la chute de l'Union soviétique en 1991. Depuis lors, elle fait partie de la République du Bélarus.

Слоним. Беларусь. Достопримечательности.

Слоним - это старинный город в Гродненской области с населением около 50-ти тысяч человек. Этот небольшой белорусский городок интересен, прежде всего, своими старинными культовыми достопримечательностями.


You can support my project by becoming a Patron:

- Consulting and help in relocation to Belarus
- Help in buying a property in Belarus
- Sightseeing Walking Tours in Minsk ( soviet time/Jewish heritage/ legends of Minsk/ alternative Minsk)
- Trips to the Belarussian Exclusion Zone
- Trips to any Belarussian city/town/village/ countryside
- Online Consulting
- Help in making your travel plan to Belarus
- Other Assistance

Pls contact me IG: belarustravelexperts
WhatsApp: +375296664539
#realestatebelarus #propertybelarus #relocationtobelarus

Слоним. Путешествие по Беларуси.

Слоним – один из древних городов Беларуси, которые богаты на исторические события. Первые упоминания о Слониме в исторических источниках датируются 1252 годом. Однако известно, что люди жили здесь намного раньше – археологические раскопки показали существование укрепленного поселения уже в XI веке. Практически сразу после возникновения Великого княжества Литовского Слоним вошел в его состав, на что повлияло его географическое положение.

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Musical Bakery - Wonderful Feelings (Copyright Free Music)
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Accommodations in Belarus ????????

Accomodation in Belarus in the end of 2020 from low budget hotels, shared rooms in hostels to private appartment. And yes, I know, I have to buy a bit better/wide angle camera for next time :-)

Поехали в Исторический город Слоним

Путешествие.Открытие новых красивых мест в Беларуси. Одыхаем с нами теплом и душой.
Природа животные, люди.Красоты беларуских широт! Здесь я буду снимать семейные видео, путешествия, самые яркие моменты моей жизни.

Finally Visiting Minsk!

In March my friend Danielle and I visited Minsk for three days. Here's what we got up to in the Belarusian capital!

You can read more about our trip to Minsk (including things to do in Minsk and reasons to visit) here:

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Слоним Какие ровные балконы! Что в Беларуси, какие провинциальные города дома дороги Гродненская обл

Это небольшое видео про провинциальный городок в Беларуси, он называется Слоним, находится в Гродненской области.
Краткий обзор. Если это немножко поднимет ваше настроение или переключит внимание с грусти, я буду рада.

Наше ???? сердце сегодня и каждый день с 24 февраля 2022 года с теми, кто терпит невообразимые лишения.
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Belarus (MİR ŞATOSU)

Belarus MİR ŞATOSU,tarihi gezi turu

Слоним. Жировичи. Беларусь.

Слоним — один из наиболее древних городов Белоруссии в Гродненской области, районный центр Слонимского района. Лежит на слиянии рек Щара и Исса. В 10 километрах от Слонима находится известнейший Жировичский православный монастырь.

lida castle Лидский Замок 09 02 2020 (Гродненская область).

Лидский замок в солнечную февральскую погоду.

Kosciuzko Manor House, Belarus.

Andrzej Tadeusz Bonawentura Kościuszko, February, 1746 – October 15, 1817 was a Polish–Lithuanian military engineer and a military leader who became a national hero in Poland, Lithuania, Belarus, and the United States.  He fought in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth’s struggles against Russia and Prussia, and on the American side in the American Revolutionary War. As Supreme Commander of the Polish National Armed Forces, he led the 1794 Kościuszko Uprising.
Kościuszko was born in February 1746 in a manor house on the Puslowski estate called Mereczowszczyzna in Slonim, Belarus, near Polesie and Brest-Litovsk, which was formerly a part of Novogrod (“White Russia”), a territory of the former Lithuanian Grand Duchy; his exact birthdate is unknown. At age 20, he graduated from the Corps of Cadets in Warsaw, Warsaw but after the outbreak of a civil war involving the Bar Confederation in 1768, Kościuszko moved to France in 1769 to pursue further studies.  Kościuszko moved to North America, where he took part in the American Revolutionary War as a colonel in the Continental Army. An accomplished military architect, he designed and oversaw the construction of state-of-the-art fortifications, including those at West Point, New York. In 1783, in recognition of his services, the Continental Congress promoted him to brigadier general.
Returning to Poland in 1784, Kościuszko was commissioned a major general in the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth Army in 1789. After the Polish–Russian War of 1792 had resulted in the Second Partition of Poland, he organized an uprising against Russia in March 1794, serving as its Naczelnik (commander-in-chief). Russian forces captured him at the Battle of Maciejowice in October 1794. The defeat of the Kościuszko Uprising that November led to Poland’s Third Partition in 1795, which ended the Polish–Lithuanian Commonwealth’s independent existence for 123 years. In 1796, following the death of Tsaritsa Catherine the Great, Kościuszko was pardoned by her successor, Tsar Paul I, and he emigrated to the United States. A close friend of Thomas Jefferson, with whom he shared ideals of human rights, Kościuszko wrote a will in 1798 dedicating his American assets to the education and freedom of U.S. slaves. He eventually returned to Europe and lived in Switzerland until his death in 1817. The execution of his will later proved difficult and the funds were never used for the purpose he had intended

Cities of the World - Homel (Belarus)

Cities of the World - Homel (Belarus). Gomel, Гомель, Беларусь, Белоруссия


An update on how to travel to Belarus, the last four months of the running year looking like an ideal timeframe. Visa-free still works, don't confuse airport 30 day free mode and Grodno-Brest visa free. Everyday life in Belarus, how sanctions are affecting us.

Donations to the channel are most welcome:

Official details about visa-free travel for 30 days through Minsk National airport

30-day visa-free in human English:

Message me via or +375 29 3846689

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