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10 Best place to visit in Segré France


LE FINISTÈRE - Les 100 lieux qu'il faut voir - Documentaire complet

Côtes escarpées, eaux translucides, forêts peuplées de légendes : le Finistère, de Quimper à Morlaix, concentre tout ce qui fait le charme de la Bretagne.

Découvrez LA GUINÉE-CONAKRY : Deuxième Pays Producteur de BAUXITE au Monde | 10 FAITS

Guinée Conakry, située en Afrique de l’Ouest, a une histoire riche et diversifiée qui remonte à des milliers d’années. La région a d’abord été habitée par divers groupes ethniques, y compris le Malinke et le Soussou, qui a établi des royaumes et des empires puissants. Au cours des XVIe et XVIIe siècles, la région a été contrôlée par les Portugais, puis par les Français, qui ont colonisé le pays à la fin des années 1800.

En 1958, la Guinée-Conakry a obtenu son indépendance de la France et est devenue la première colonie africaine à rejeter l’appartenance à la Communauté française, aussi appelée « Francafrique ». Le pays a été dirigé par le président Sekou Touré pendant 26 ans, période pendant laquelle il a établi un état socialiste et a poursuivi des liens étroits avec l’Union soviétique et d’autres pays communistes.

Dans les années 1980 et 1990, la Guinée-Conakry a connu une instabilité politique, notamment des coups d’État militaires et des troubles économiques. Le pays a depuis fait des progrès vers la gouvernance démocratique et a tenu plusieurs élections réussies. Malgré des défis permanents, notamment la pauvreté et le manque d’infrastructures, la Guinée Conakry reste un acteur important de la politique ouest-africaine et possède un riche patrimoine culturel qui continue de prospérer aujourd’hui.

Conakry est la capitale et la plus grande ville de Guinée. Située sur la côte de l’océan Atlantique, Conakry a une histoire et une culture riches, ainsi qu’une économie florissante. La ville compte plus de deux millions d’habitants et est connue pour ses marchés animés, sa vie nocturne animée et son architecture étonnante.

L’un des monuments les plus remarquables de Conakry est la Grande Mosquée de Conakry, une grande et impressionnante mosquée située dans le centre-ville. Le Musée national de Conakry est une autre attraction incontournable, mettant en valeur la riche histoire et le patrimoine culturel du pays. Les jardins botaniques de Conakry sont un bel espace vert qui offre une évasion paisible de l’agitation de la ville.

Conakry est aussi une plaque tournante pour le commerce, avec un port prospère qui exporte des marchandises telles que la bauxite, le minerai de fer et les diamants. Il y a aussi plusieurs plages et stations balnéaires locales où les visiteurs peuvent se détendre et profiter du soleil et du sable. Que vous soyez intéressé par la découverte des monuments de la ville, la dégustation de sa délicieuse nourriture ou la détente sur ses belles plages, Conakry a quelque chose pour tout le monde.

Guinée Conakry compte environ 13 millions d’habitants. La population est très diversifiée, avec plus de 30 groupes ethniques parlant une variété de langues et de dialectes différents. La langue officielle est le français, mais beaucoup de gens parlent aussi le susu, la langue autochtone la plus utilisée au pays.

D’autres langues couramment parlées comprennent Pular, Manding, et Kpelle. En outre, un certain nombre de langues régionales et minoritaires sont parlées dans le pays, comme Baga, Kissi et Loma. L’anglais est également largement parlé, en particulier dans les zones urbaines et dans le milieu des affaires.

La majorité de la population de Guinée Conakry est jeune, avec plus de 60% de la population de moins de 25 ans. Le pays a un taux de natalité élevé et une espérance de vie relativement faible, ce qui a contribué à sa population jeune. La Guinée abrite certaines des plages les plus magnifiques et intactes d’Afrique de l’Ouest. Des rives sablonneuses animées de Conakry aux criques paisibles et isolées de la campagne, il y en a pour tous les goûts. Le long littoral du pays, combiné avec son climat chaud et ses eaux claires, en font une destination idéale pour les amateurs de plage.

L’une des plages les plus populaires de Guinée est la Plage du Soumba, située juste à l’extérieur de Conakry. Cette plage animée est un endroit idéal pour bronzer, nager, et essayer les fruits de mer locaux. Pour ceux qui recherchent une expérience plus sereine, les plages des îles Loos, situées au large de la côte de Conakry, offrent une vue imprenable sur l’océan et des criques tranquilles et isolées.

Les plages de Guinée sont également idéales pour les sports nautiques, comme le surf, la pêche et la plongée. Les amateurs de surf trouveront un certain nombre d’excellents spots de surf le long de la côte, et les visiteurs peuvent également louer du matériel et prendre des leçons auprès d’instructeurs locaux.

Les plages de Guinée offrent une expérience unique et passionnante pour les visiteurs, avec un mélange de lieux animés et paisibles, beauté naturelle à couper le souffle, et de nombreuses possibilités d’aventure et de détente.


Instagram: @afriquerevelee
© 2022, Afrique Révélée

Places to see in ( Girona - Spain ) Puigcerda

Places to see in ( Girona - Spain ) Puigcerda

Puigcerdà is the capital of the Catalan comarca of Cerdanya, in the province of Girona, Catalonia, northern Spain, near the Segre River and on the border with France. Puigcerdà is located near the site of a Ceretani settlement, which was incorporated into Roman territory. The Roman town was named Julia Libyca.

Puigcerdà was founded in 1178 by King Alfonso I of Aragon, Count of Barcelona. In 1178 Puigcerdà replaced Hix as the capital of Cerdanya. Hix is now a village in the commune of Bourg-Madame, in the French part of Cerdagne.

Puigcerdà was unique during the Spanish Civil War in having a democratically elected Anarchist council. The Portet-Saint-Simon–Puigcerdà railway was opened in 1929, crossing the Pyrenees to France.

Alot to see in Puigcerda such as :

Puigcerdà Pool
Torre del Campanar (12th century). It is the last remain of a parish church destroyed in 1936
Romanesque church of Sant Tomàs de Ventajola, known from 958
Romanesque church of Sant Andreu Vilallobent, dating to the 10th century and later restored
Convent of St. Dominic, founded in 1291 and finished in the 15th century
Old Hospital (1190), in Romanesque-Gothic style

( Girona - Spain ) is well know as a tourist destination because of the variety of places you can enjoy while you are visiting Girona . Through a series of videos we will try to show you recommended places to visit in Girona - Spain

Join us for more


Fulltime motorhoming in the Mayenne and Brittany regions of France. See how much we spend!

We are novice full-time motorhomers travelling through Europe and this episode shows us in the Mayenne and Brittany regions of France. We share our hints, tips, spending, budget and mistakes! We also share ideas and experiences on the best places we have visited.

We are loving full-time motorhome living and have plans to travel extensively. We would love to share our adventures with you. Please subscribe to our channel by clicking the link below if you would like to join us on our journey!


Top Restaurants to Visit in Tarrega, Province of Lleida | Catalonia - English

Tarrega is a city located in the Province of Lleida in Catalonia, Spain. With a population of around 16,000 people, Tarrega is known for its rich history and cultural heritage.

The city has a long history that dates back to Roman times, and it has been influenced by various civilizations over the centuries. In the Middle Ages, Tarrega was an important center of trade and agriculture. It was also a strategic location due to its proximity to the Segre River.

One of the most significant events in Tarrega's history was the Battle of Tamarit, which took place in 1811 during the Peninsular War. The battle was fought between French and Spanish forces, and it resulted in a victory for the Spanish.

Today, Tarrega is a vibrant city that offers a wide range of attractions and activities for visit
Music track: Enlivening by Pufino


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This channel is dedicated to showcasing the exquisite charm of world capitals and cities, aiming to boost tourism in these destinations.

Tarrega boasts an array of exquisite restaurants. Within England, Tarrega stands out for hosting some of the finest dining establishments. Our research has identified the top 10 must-visit restaurants in Tarrega.
These acclaimed dining spots have garnered both local and nationwide attention, making them beloved destinations for diners across England. In this presentation, we'll guide you through the most stunning restaurants that Tarrega has to offer.

If you enjoyed this video, please give it a thumbs up and consider subscribing to our YouTube channel. Don't forget to hit the notification bell for updates on our latest content.

All visual and audio content, including videos, songs, images, and graphics used in this presentation, are the property of their respective owners. This channel does not claim any ownership rights over them.

Tiny Tour | La Seu d'Urgell Spain | a 3000 year old town by the Pyrenees | 2022 Oct

La Seu d'Urgell is a town located in the Catalan Pyrenees in Spain. La Seu d'Urgell is also the capital of the comarca Alt Urgell, head of the judicial district of la Seu d'Urgell and the seat of Bishop of Urgell, one of the Andorra co-princes.

According to tradition, the Seu d'Urgell was founded by Hercules the Egyptian in 1699 BC, while he was on vacation in the Pyrenees. In the Bronze Age there was already a village on top of the Castellciutat hill. The Romans built a small settlement on the plain. With the consecration of the first cathedral, from the 5th century onwards, the importance of the city of Urgell began to grow exponentially. Its strategic position and the political power of the bishopric consolidated the See as one of the most important cities in medieval Catalonia. Today it is an active city, service center and cultural capital of a wide Pyrenean area.

Currently the most important industry is dairy, the wood, metal, energy and construction materials sector is also important.

To know more about La Seu d'Urgell :

Devices used:
Camera: Fujifilm X-T3,
Lens: Fujinon XF 10-24mm F4, XF 18-135mm F3.5-5.6,

Girona ???????? Most Beautiful Places in Spain ????Spanish Medieval City Walking Tour ????

???? Location: Girona , Spain
???? Recording Conditions: October, Afternoon, Sunny????, Crowded
????: How to reach: 100 km From Barcelona, Hourly Train (10€ - 15€), Lots of Bus Services (10€ - 15€)

???? Introduction:
Girona is a city with more than 2000 years of history, reflected in its two fortified enclosures: the Roman Força Vella and the Medieval Quarter. Its artistic heritage includes the Cathedral, with the widest Gothic nave in the world, the Basilica of Sant Feliu, with its Romanesque and Gothic elements, the Benedictine monastery of Sant Pere de Galligants, and the Arab Baths, inspired by Roman baths. The Jewish Quarter or Call, one of the best-preserved in the world, shows the importance of the Jewish culture in Girona. The city also has charming spaces such as the church of Sant Martí Sacosta and Casa-Palau Agullana, which were used as filming locations for the popular TV series Game of Thrones.
#️⃣ #walkingtour #virtualtour #beautifulplace

????‍♀️???????? Walk n Explore ????????????
Switzerland Playlist:
France Playlist:
Spain Playlist :
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???? History:
Girona, a medieval city in Catalonia, Spain, has a history of over 2,000 years, starting from a small Iberian settlement to a Roman citadel called Gerunda. It was ruled by the Visigoths, the Moors, and the Franks, and became part of the County of Barcelona. It faced many wars and sieges between Spain and France in the 17th and 18th centuries. It has a Gothic cathedral with a very wide nave, a medieval Jewish quarter, and other historic landmarks. It is a tourist attraction and a filming location for Game of Thrones. It is also the capital of its province, comarca, and vegueria, and has a university and a diverse economy.

???? Things to do:
Girona has a lot to offer for visitors of different tastes and interests. You can relax in the Jardins de la Devesa, the largest urban park in Catalonia, marvel at the Girona Cathedral, which has the widest gothic nave in the world , explore the El Call, the old Jewish quarter with a museum and synagogues , follow the footsteps of Game of Thrones characters in a walking tour of the filming locations , or enjoy the local cuisine and culture in a food tour or a tasting tour. Girona is a city with a rich history and a vibrant present that will surely impress you.

???? Useful links:

???? ASÍ es el ESPECTACULAR Tren Lleida - La Pobla de Segur ???? Un Modelo a Seguir en otras Líneas / FGC

Es uno de los trenes mas especiales de Cataluña y de España, no solo por el tipo de servicio que da o el paisaje que atraviesa, si no por su gestión, capaz de evitar en su día el cierre y convertirse en la actualidad en un ejemplo de buena gestión de trenes que dan servicio a localidades de poco uso sin renunciar a un buen servicio, y en el que se pueden mirar otras líneas parecidas del país, como la cerrada Cuenca-Utiel.
Una línea además muy paisajística e ideal para el turismo o los amantes del tren.
*Agradecer la cesión de imágenes aéreas por parte de FGC y del canal Los trenes de Pere.
⚠ Tus billetes de tren baratos en
????Tus viajes en Renfe, Ouigo, Iryo Avlo y muchos países Europeos
????En pocos segundos y de forma Fácil y Segura.
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***Imagenes Tren Lleida-La Pobla de Segur:
Canal: Los Trenes de Pere
Canal: Associació PTP
Canal: Ràdio Balaguer

La Meridiana Resort & Golf Italy

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La Meridiana Resort & Golf – the name chosen in honor of the nearby Castello del Carretto, known as Della Meridiana - opened its doors to guests in 1977 and already in 1978 joined the prestigious Relais & Chateaux chain. This boutique hotel in Liguria offers 25 comfortable rooms, all different, making each stay unique and exclusive. Located in Liguria - halfway between Monaco and Portofino - this delightful, charming hotel was designed and built-in 1971 by Luisa Berto de Segre, a few years after her sister Teresa Berto de Galleani had built the nearby golf course at eighteen holes, the beautiful Clubhouse, and the houses that line the golf course. Everything is designed in neighboring Provence style - large arches and canopies, exposed stones, roofs in ancient tiles, warm and sunny colors.

La Meridiana - this is the name chosen in honor of the adjacent Castello del Carretto, called Della Meridiana - opens its doors to guests in 1977 and already in 1978 became part of the prestigious French chain Relais & Chateaux. Alessandra and Edmondo, as genuine owners of the house, where luxury lies in hospitality and attention to detail, give the hotel a very personal elegance, full of authenticity, sharing with guests the fruits of their passions.

Interior decorations, gardening, and flowers are Alessandra's passions, and pretty fresh flower arrangements are always present in the lobby and at the restaurant's top tables. Edmondo was amazed by his endless wine list. You will find an exquisite selection of the best Italian wines with rare vintages of the most famous wine growers and most quoted emerging producers. Each evening Edmondo will welcome you in Il Rosmarino Restaurant or Il Bistrot to embark on a journey of discovery of Liguria.

Alessandra and Edmondo, as masters of a home where luxury is made of hospitality and attention to detail, give the hotel a personalized elegance, full of authenticity, sharing their passions with guests. The decoration of the rooms, the garden's care, and the plants are Alessandra's passions, and the graceful compositions of fresh flowers never fail in the hall and the restaurant. Edmondo amazes with its endless wine list. A splendid collection of the best Italian wines with rare vintages of the most famous winemakers and the newest listed emerging producers. You will always find it in the evening to welcome you to the Il Rosmarino restaurant or at the Bistrot to accompany you in the discovery of Liguria. Born in Turin, Edmondo deeply loves Liguria and its aromas, the scent of thyme, sage, and delicate basil. Always research the best products on the market, local artisans, the most ancient traditions. Attentive discoverer of talents, Carlo Cracco, Kasten Heidsieck, Ernst Kim, Luigi Taglienti passed through his kitchen.

In a more informal environment, but always warm and welcoming, the Bistrot de la Meridiana Hotel & Golf Resort offers the Albenga plain's freshest products, offering them simple and tasty preparations. Open every day for lunch until lunch by the pool, the Bistrot is one of the best gourmet restaurants in Liguria, reserving a special place for the typical local cuisine: ravioli with borage and ricotta, pesto-flavored traffic, minestrone Ligurian style, potato and anchovy patties, stuffed pumpkin flowers ... Olive paté and hot focaccia, panissa, and other delicious specialties await you for a simple and quick meal. At the Bistrot de la Meridiana Hotel & Golf Resort, meat and fish are often prepared in small pieces with the addition of Pigato wine and tasty black taggiasche olives.

Worthy of being part of the prestigious Relais & Chateaux, La Meridiana Hotel & Golf Resort invites you to the ideal place to discover the true Ligurian cuisine. Open only in the evening. Il Rosmarino restaurant is lit by a discreet light that illuminates the olive tree on the inner patio. The flame of the candles on the white tablecloths of white linen makes the atmosphere magical and brings out the details: antique silverware, nineteenth-century paintings, delightful flower arrangements. The simple homemade pasta, freshly baked bread and breadsticks, focaccia, and marinate blend in with the Il Rosmarino restaurant with the Chef's elaborate preparations, which reproduces the cuisine of the rich canteens of the ancient popes and Genoese doges, such as the refined thin capon, artistic preparation of vegetables, fish and shellfish. All the dishes, tasty and at the same time very delicate, find the ideal combination in the Rosmarino cellar where the best wines of the region and Italians rest.

Click here for more details, promotions & rates:

Top Restaurants to Visit in La Chapelle-sur-Oudon, Segre-en-Anjou Bleu | Maine et Loire - English

La Chapelle-sur-Oudon is a charming city located in the Segre-en-Anjou Bleu area of France. This historic city is known for its rich history and cultural heritage. The city is situated on the banks of the Oudon River, which adds to the natural beauty of the surroundings.

La Chapelle-sur-Oudon has a fascinating history that can be traced back to ancient times. It was originally a Roman settlement and has witnessed the rise and fall of various civilizations throughout the centuries. The city has been a witness to numerous historical events and has preserved its cultural heritage through its architecture and landmarks.

One of the notable attractions in La Chapelle-sur-Oudon is the Church of Saint-Martin. This beautiful church dates back to the 11th century and is a testament to the city's r
Music track: Enlivening by Pufino


Free No Copyright Music Download

This channel is dedicated to showcasing the exquisite charm of world capitals and cities, aiming to boost tourism in these destinations.

La Chapelle-sur-Oudon boasts an array of exquisite restaurants. Within England, La Chapelle-sur-Oudon stands out for hosting some of the finest dining establishments. Our research has identified the top 10 must-visit restaurants in La Chapelle-sur-Oudon.
These acclaimed dining spots have garnered both local and nationwide attention, making them beloved destinations for diners across England. In this presentation, we'll guide you through the most stunning restaurants that La Chapelle-sur-Oudon has to offer.

If you enjoyed this video, please give it a thumbs up and consider subscribing to our YouTube channel. Don't forget to hit the notification bell for updates on our latest content.

All visual and audio content, including videos, songs, images, and graphics used in this presentation, are the property of their respective owners. This channel does not claim any ownership rights over...

Peaceful walk in the Gorges de Serge in Pyrenees-Orientales, France | LLO Valley

In this video we share with you one November day when we decided to take this 14.5 km walk to the Llo valley and go further up in the mountains. This place was a real discovery for us, because we didn't expect nothing special from it, but it left us literally open mouthed. We started our walk from the Llivia village where we lived, then took a path leading to Saillagouse and finally we found our way to the village of Llo. We passed by one of the many sources of hot springs in the region - Baths of Llo and entered the Segre canyon. Then the magic came in to action with every step we did further up the canyon. We saw incredibly beautiful steep cliffs and rocky mountains as the route was twisting around them. The scenery left us speechless, it is one of those moments when you realize just how good not to have high expectations about anything, this way you can always stay amazed time after time. We even met some wildlife at the edge of the cliff - it was a graceful ibex, running around those steep cliffs like if they were completely flat. And we had a lot of fun finding the first ice and doing a silly play with it. This is a quiet and easy route with a gentle uphill and no traffic on it so we highly recommend it to anyone who's in the region and feels like walking and exploring something new. Hope you will enjoy joining us on this fun and exciting day!

Hope you enjoyed our video! Leave us a comment if you have any further questions left or just want to share your experience. We would love to read your feedback - it is very important to us!

You can see and download the map of the hike here:

Watch our Gorges de la Caranca hike here:

Find more adventure videos in Pyrenees here:


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We are a couple who once fell in love with mountains and couldn't get back. So we decided to follow our heart and move from a big city to a small village to be able to do what we love and to create this content. Our goal is to promote the healthy lifestyle, to motivate people to travel more and care for nature around. We are passionate walkers who love hiking, trekking and camping. We offer the detailed information of our hikes and routes, including the map and all the directions, so that you can repeat it if you'd like to.

We choose walking over driving and other types of transportation whenever we can because we learnt that this way we see so much more and can explore and feel the place better. Walking is an excellent activity that has so many benefits to your health and requires no special equipment or practice, so we encourage you to get the most out of it and get out walking.

We speak English, Spanish, French and Russian, so don't hesitate to address to us in your native language.


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Music by the creators of Walking Nature World

First snow

Forest serenity



All content on our channel is subject to copyright or other intellectual property ownership by the creators of Walking Nature World.

ADOUR : Julien Daguillanes, Champion du monde de pêche à la mouche - JMC - Mouches de Charette

Retrouvez l'équipe JMC - Mouches de Charette sur les berges de l'Adour, pour une partie de pêche en compagnie du Champion du monde de Pêche à la mouche en titre : Julien Daguillanes. Jean-Baptiste Nurenberg a retrouvé ce compétiteur hors du commun sur ses parcours de l'Adour amont dans les Hautes Pyrénées, le temps d'une journée de pêche très enrichissante dictée par une météo capricieuse.

A travers ce court métrage, vous allez découvrir l'univers de Julien Daguillanes avec sa vision de compétiteur international. C'est une occasion parfaite pour profiter de sa solide expérience, de ses conseils techniques et de sa lecture de l'eau ...

Au programme pêche en nymphe au fil et pêche en sèche sur les eaux puissantes de l'Adour.

Au cours de cette partie de pêche nous avons eu l'occasion d'utiliser :

- les cannes JMC Performer 10'6#2/3 et 10'9#3/4 pour les pêches en nymphe au fil mais aussi la 9'4#3/4 pour la pêche en sèche:

- La canne JMC Arcane en 8'6#4 pour la pêche en sèche:

- Le moulinet Yoto 30:

- Le moulinet Yoto Nymph :

Bon visionnage !

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Histoire: JMC est une marque Française créée dans les années 90 au sein de la société Mouches de Charette, elle-même fondée en 1986. Ceci pour répondre aux exigences grandissantes et déterminées de la communauté des pêcheurs à la mouche. Depuis lors, des passionnés se sont penchés sur le développement de tous les produits dédiés à la pratique de cette technique de pêche. De la truite au tarpon, en passant par le brochet ou le saumon retrouvez des produits de qualité adaptés aux besoins de tous les pêcheurs. Avec pour mots d’ordre la performance, l’innovation et surtout passion.
#jmcflyfishing #jmcmouchesdecharette #flyfishing #flyfishinglife #flyfishingaddict #flyfishinglifestyle #pechealamouche #browntrout #browntroutflyfishing #truitefario #truitefariosauvage #rainbowtrout #riviere #river #catchandrelease #reservoir #travel #nymphing

ESPAGNE - De la Galice à la Catalogne - Paysages incroyables du Nord de l'Espagne [4k]

Voyage photographique à travers les lieux qui m'ont marqué de la Catalogne à la Galice. Le Nord de l'Espagne présente des paysages incontournables d'Europe et pourtant peu connus comme : le désert de Bardenas Reales, Los Picos de Europa ou encore les eaux turquoise des îles Galiciennes.

Abonnez-vous pour découvrir de nouveaux lieux et voyager parmis les Koumoul !

Musique : Rone & Yael Naim - Breath In
Tous les copyrights pour InFiné.

Locations :
0:00 Playa Del Silencio
0:20 Gaztelugatxeko
0:32 Playa Del Silencio
0:40 Gaztelugatxeko
0:47 Bardenas Reales National Park
0:57 Ila do Arosio
1:10 Embalse de Vadiello
1:16 Parc national d'Aigüestortes
1:31 Playa de Las Catedrales
1:45 Aiguabarreig Segre-Noguera Pallaresa
1:52 Los Bañales
2:03 Miradoiro Cabo Udra
2:09 Phare de Cabo Villano
2:15 Abstract art
2:23 Bardenas Reales
2:38 Phare du cap Ortegal
2:51 Bardenas Reales
3:01 Tour d'Hercule, Corogne
3:08 Bardenas Reales
3:18 Playa de la Arnía
3:23 Bardenas Reales

Images 4K réalisées au DJI Mavic 2 Pro, h265 10 bits 4k
Les images sont la propriété du Voyage des Koumoul.
Elles peuvent être vendues afin de financer les futures vidéos de l'association.
N'hésitez pas à nous contacter par mail :

#Galice #Galicia #Spain #Catalogne #Espagne #Drone

???????? Pueblos del Pirineos Francés: Vilafranca de Conflent & Bolquère

Una de las cosas buenas que nos ha traído el Covid 19 a nosotros ha sido el descubrir la belleza de hacer rutas por los Pirineos Franceses.

En esta ocasión, hemos estado muy cerca de la frontera, a poco km de casa y hemos disfrutado de algunos paisajes preciosos y pueblos con mucho encanto.

00:00 - Bolquère
03:04 - Lac do Ticou (Lago ticou)
06:22 - Bolquère
11:38 - Axat
12:12 - Gorges de S'Georges
14:00 - Vilafranca de Conflent

Nuestro equipo de video y foto:
Olympus OM-D E-M1 Mark III ▶▶
M.Zuiko Digital ED 12-40mm F2.8 II Pro ▶▶
M.Zuiko Digital ED 7-14 mm F2.8 PRO ▶▶
BOYA Micrófono de Video Tipo Pistola ▶▶
GoPro HERO9 ▶▶
GoPro media mod ▶▶
K&F Concept Trípode Carbono ▶▶
K&F Concept Nano-X 2 en 1 ▶▶
K&F Concept - Mochila Fotográfica ▶▶
DJI Mini 2 Combo ▶▶
Insta360 One X ▶▶
Apple iPhone 12 Pro MAX ▶▶

Y recordar, si tenéis dudas podéis poneros en contacto con nosotros por mail, WhatsApp, correo.. redes sociales.. y estaremos encantados de responder. Si además, queréis que hagamos un video de algo concreto, nos lo decís y lo haremos encantando de la vida!

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Lac des bouillouses + Vallée des fleurs / PYRÉNÉES FRANÇAISES Van life voiture aménagée

Dans cette vidéo nous continuons le road trip dans les Pyrénées en voiture aménagé. Nous parcourons différents spots dans les Pyrénées.
Vidéo de notre deuxième voyage. Episode 3

Les lieux dans l'ordre chronologique de la vidéo :
Lac puyvalador
Vallée d'eyne
Gorges du Sègre
Lac de Matemale
Lac des bouillouses

Notre voiture est un Peugeot Partner aménagé nommé Eliott !

N'hésite pas à t'abonner si nos aventures te plaisent et laisse un commentaire si t'as des questions !


J'ai filmé cette vidéo avec un Iphone XR.

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Chapitres :

0:00 Intro
0:13 Septième journée
1:56 Huitième journée
3:43 Neuvième journée
6:36 Outro
__ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __ __

Mots clefs : Pyrénées orientales, Tarn , Ariège , haute Garonne , Occitanie , hautes Pyrénées

6 Semaines à Tours, France...

C'est l'histoire de mon premier voyage en France et ma première expérience en tant qu'étudiante d'échange. J'étais très nerveuse quand le voyage a commencé, mais aussi vraiment enchantée. Et finalement, mes six semaines en Tours étaient parmi les meilleures de ma vie. Je ne peux pas tout dire sur mon histoire—pour cela, il faut lire mon journal de voyage—mais en bref, voici ce qui s'est passé...

The Pyrenees and the Lands of lleida | Ara Lleida

A privileged and welcoming territory that offers enjoyable tourist activities throughout the year. Its attractions include: a wide variety of sports, unique cultural attractions, local gastronomy, rural tourism, and the chance to stay in some of the province's most historic buildings.

Follow us:

15 Bedroom Chateau For Sale Pays De La Loire France

15 Bedroom Chateau For Sale Pays de la Loire - France.

Beautiful Moated Chateau Segre - Pays de la Loire.
A magnificent listed 15th and 16th century chateau surrounded by moats and located about 30 km north from Angers. (Maine-et-Loire) 'd. The TGV and motorway access is easy. 7 km a small town offers all amenities.

The entrance gate is flanked by two towers and defends access to the courtyard of the chateau.

A gatehouse flanked by two towers defending access to the courtyard. It comprises on the ground floor: entrance hall (30 sqm), lounge (58 sqm), pool (57 sqm), library (28 m²), lounge, study, kitchen (53 sqm), utility room, office, large cellar. The reception rooms are decorated with beautiful oak floors, tiles or terracotta floors and many chimneys of stone or marble.

The first floor is reached by a stone staircase and a wood spiral staircase and has seven bedrooms, six bathrooms, and a wing with play room, movie theatre, kitchen, eight bedrooms, four bathrooms and large study. Oil fired central heating installed in 2007.

Outside are outbuildings including a caretaker's five room lodge with central heating.
Huge garage area for cars and storage. Beautiful chapel. Lofty entrance to the grand gate house.
The chateau is set in 175 acres of meadows and woods edged by a lovely river.
Just a stunningly beautiful area of ??71 hectares, with lovely meadows and woodlands, and surrounded on nearly a kilometer by a beautiful river.
The quality and condition of the property the charm of the surroundings leave little to be desired a perfect combination. That it is classified as inclusion a Historical Monuments has favorable tax benefits. There are some most interesting architectural features and still some scope for further renovation.

To view, all of our available properties visit:

La Meridiana Garlenda, Relais & Châteaux since 1978

La Meridiana is a charming 5***** hotel, member Relais & Chateaux since 1987.

Located along the Italian Riviera, just midway from French Riviera and Cinque Terre - Portofino, boasts 28 stylish Rooms & Suites, a gourmet Restaurant, lovely gardens and a rocky swimming-pool.
Attentive service, Security, Privacy.
Private helipad on site.
Int.Airport Business Aviation LIMG at 1mile
Int.Airport NICE -French Riviera at 79miles
Int.Airport GENOVA - Italian Riviera at 55miles

A perfect place for an active yet relaxing holiday:
- Golf course 18holes on site and golf-Karts at the hotel
- Horseback Riging school on site
- Sandy beaches and Mediterranean sea at 4miles
- Sailing and diving schools in Alassio
- Romanic and medioeval towns to visit around
- Prehistoric caves of Toirano at 15miles
- Adventure park nearby
- Acquatic park at 10miles

Watch our Rooms:
Our Prices:
Book Online:
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Social Networks:

Tripadvisor: Certificate of Eccellence 2013

Video by Luigi Segre & Riccardo Casiccia

[[SPAIN-BARCELONA]] Walking along Segre street...03/JAN/2021 03:50 pm

Filmed : 03/JAN/2021 03:50 pm using iphone 8

Walk along Segre street...of Sant Andreu district!!!

▶Please LEAVE A LIKE and SUBSCRIBE for the next Walking Inside !!! ????
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Route and Sights Timestamps :

00:00 carrer del Segre
00:20 Església de Sant Andreu de Palomar
00:51 Plaça d'Orfila
01:17 carrer de Malats
02:00 Passeig de Torras i Bages
04:12 carrer de Joan Torras
05:27 carrer de Guardiola i Feliu
07:20 carrer de la Residència
08:03 Jardins del Gatcpac
11:31 carrer de l'Almirall Pròixida
12:12 carrer de Palomar
16:17 Passeig de Santa Coloma
18:20 carrer de Fernando Pessoa
20:42 carrer de l'Andana de l'Estació

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iPhone 8 :
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#barcelona #barcelonaspain #barcelonawalk
#santandreudistrict #streetwalking #barcelonastreet



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