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10 Best place to visit in Prokhorovka Russia


Kursk Russia winter 2016


Victory Museum, Moscow (The museum of the Great Patriotic)

One of the most spectacular War Memorials around the world is Victory Park in Moscow. Completed in 1995, the Park commemorates the 50th anniversary of the victory in the 2d World War. It includes plenty of sculptures full of war symbolism, Spanish Catholic chapel, Mosque, Synagogue and Russian Orthodox Church to commemorate soldiers of different religions etc. Besides, various military equipment from the USSR, Germany and country-allies is presented on the open air exhibition – and if you a military history buff, you must see all sections. Central crescent museum – the Museum of the Great Patriotic War – it’s also called the Victory museum – describes the history of the Great Patriotic War (which is how the Second World War is known in Russia). Among the more standard exhibitions of documents, photographs, videos and items, the museum also includes six dioramas featuring the Battle of Moscow, the Battle of Stalingrad, the Siege of Leningrad, the Battle of the Kursk Salient, the Crossing of the Dnieper and the Storm of Berlin. Victory Park is in TOP 10 landmarks to see when in Moscow.

Time stamp
1:24 Intro
1:58 History
2:50 Victory Monument
3:28 St.Goerge's Church
3:52 People's Tragedy sculpture
4:38 Allies Monument
4:59 In fight with Fascism we were together
5:38 Spanish church
5:54 Memorial mosque
8:17 Victory in faces
9:37 Hall of remembrance and sorrow
12:57 The Battle of Stalingrad
14:14 The Siege of Leningrad
16:26 The counter- attack at Moscow
17:29 The Battle of Kursk
18:23 The crossing of the Dnieper
19:09 The Battle of Berlin
20:04 The way to Victory
21:10 Hall of Glory
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#Moscow #Victorymuseum #secondworldwar

Императорский речной яхт-клуб, Гоночные дни на Финском заливе / Imperial River Yacht Club, race days

Россия в дореволюционной фотографии
Императорский речной яхт-клуб
Гоночные дни на Финском заливе
1900-е годы

Russia in Pre-Revolutionary Photographs
The Imperial River Yacht Club
Racing days in the Gulf of Finland

Антон Рубинштейн
Три каприза. Соч. 21 №3 ми-бемоль мажор. Allegro risoluto - Andante Tempo

Anton Rubinstein
Three caprices. Op. 21 No.3 in E flat major.
Allegro risoluto - Andante Tempo

Санкт-Петербургский Императорский яхт-клуб был открыт 1 мая 1846 года по инициативе и при деятельном участии князя А. Я. Лобанова-Ростовского, избранного первым командором яхт-клуба.
Располагался в доме 31 по Большой Морской улице[3], в Санкт-Петербурге. Членами яхт-клуба были великие князья, придворные, дипломаты, высокопоставленные чиновники и гвардейские офицеры. В определённый период существования яхт-клуба был лимит на общее число его членов — не более 125-ти. По воспоминаниям директора императорских театров В. А. Теляковского, яхт-клуб затмевал «своим блеском, пышностью и влиянием все решительно клубы в России». Члены императорской фамилии и представители дипломатического корпуса принимались в яхт-клуб без баллотировки, но для остальных кандидатов существовала самая строгая фильтрация, никогда не практиковавшаяся в других клубах: один чёрный шар уничтожал пять белых, причем среди посетителей яхт-клуба были такие члены, которые всегда и всем клали черные шары. Как отмечал Теляковский, в клубе можно было узнать все самые последние новости придворные, служебные, общественные и политические, до театральных, включительно. В 1917 году клуб прекратил своё существование......

The St. Petersburg Imperial Yacht Club was opened on May 1, 1846 at the initiative and with the active participation of Prince A. Ya. Lobanov-Rostovsky, who was elected the first commander of the yacht club.
It was located at 31 Bolshaya Morskaya Street [3], in St. Petersburg. The members of the yacht club were grand dukes, courtiers, diplomats, high-ranking officials and guard officers. During a certain period of the existence of the yacht club, there was a limit on the total number of its members - no more than 125. According to the memoirs of the director of the imperial theaters V. A. Telyakovsky, the yacht club overshadowed with its splendor, splendor and influence all resolutely clubs in Russia. Members of the imperial family and representatives of the diplomatic corps were admitted to the yacht club without a ballot, but for the rest of the candidates there was the strictest filtration never practiced in other clubs: one black ball destroyed five whites, and among the visitors of the yacht club there were such members who always and everyone was given black balls. As noted by Telyakovsky, in the club one could find out all the latest news from the court, official, public and political, up to theatrical, inclusive. In 1917 the club ceased to exist ...

Экскурсия в парк Царицыно/ Excursion to Tsaritsyno Park : 1878-1914

Россия в дореволюционной фотографии
Экскурсия в парк Царицыно.
фото эссе - 1878-1914 гг.

Russia in pre-revolutionary photographs
An excursion to Tsaritsyno Park
A Photo Essay - 1878-1914

Ангельская мечта Антона Рубинштейна

Rêve Angélique by Anton Rubinstein

Поместье известно с конца 16 века, когда оно принадлежало царице Ирине, сестре царя Бориса Годунова. В то время оно называлось Богородское. В 17 веке он принадлежал Стрешневым, а затем Голицыным.

В 1775 году поместье было куплено у Сергея Дмитриевича Кантемира императрицей Екатериной Великой, которая случайно проезжала через эту местность и влюбилась в живописную красоту этой земли. Он получил свое нынешнее название, что означает “Царицыно”.

В 1776-85 годах архитектор Василий Баженов построил здесь дворец для императрицы. Когда дворец был почти достроен, императрица посетила Царицыно, чтобы осмотреть его. Она объявила, что комнаты слишком тесные и темные, а дворец непригоден для жилья. В результате Екатерина приказала снести дворец. В парке до сих пор видны остатки фундамента первоначального дворца Баженова.

В 1786 году Матвей Казаков представил новые архитектурные планы, которые были одобрены Екатериной. Казаков руководил строительством до 1796 года, когда строительство было прервано смертью Екатерины. Ее преемник, российский император Павел I, не проявил интереса к дворцу, и массивное сооружение оставалось незавершенным и заброшенным более 200 лет, пока оно не было завершено и тщательно переработано в 2005-07 годах.

The estate has been known since the end of the 16th century, when it belonged to Tsarina Irina, the sister of Tsar Boris Godunov. At that time it was called Bogorodskoe. In the 17th century, it belonged to the Streshnevs and then the Golitsins.

In 1775, the estate was bought from Sergei Dmitrievich Kantemir by Empress Catherine the Great, who accidentally drove through this area and fell in love with the picturesque beauty of this land. It got its current name, which means Tsaritsyno.

In 1776-85, the architect Vasily Bazhenov built a palace here for the empress. When the palace was almost completed, the empress visited Tsaritsyno to inspect it. She announced that the rooms were too cramped and dark, and that the palace was uninhabitable. As a result, Catherine ordered to demolish the palace. The remains of the foundations of the original Bazhenov's palace are still visible in the park.

In 1786 Matvey Kazakov presented new architectural plans, which were approved by Catherine. Kazakov supervised the construction until 1796, when construction was interrupted by the death of Catherine. Her successor, Russian Emperor Paul I, showed no interest in the palace, and the massive structure remained unfinished and abandoned for over 200 years until it was completed and carefully redesigned in 2005-07.

Visiting PROKHOROVKA, Russia (7/2018)

Prokhorovka is remembered as the largest ever tank battle. In the collective Russian memory it was the turning point of the Battle of Kursk when the infamous Liebstandarte II SS Panzer Division was stopped in it's tracks. This point of view is immortalised on the battlefield in the form of the iconic Prokhorovka Bell Tower and the recently installed art works in front of the impressive local museum.

The first mention of Prokhorovka in historical documents dates back to the second half of the 17th century. Polish nobleman Kiril G. Ilyinsky and his son Sava left during the Russian-Polish war of 1654-67 in Poland under the Belgorod, where they founded the suburb Elias. In 1860 Elias Sloboda was renamed in honor of the reigning Emperor Alexander II in the village of Alexandrov. In the 1880s west of the village passed a line of the Kursk-Kharkov-Azov railway. At the same time Prokhorovka station was built, named after the railway engineer names VI Prokhorov responsible for its construction.

In the summer of 1943, Prokhorovka was the site of the Battle of Prokhorovka, a major armored confrontation during the Battle of Kursk of World War II. In July 2013, Vice Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin offered to establish by 2015 a museum commemorating the battle. The display of armored vehicles will be permanent and the technologies shown there will bring up recollections of the events of World War II.

The Battle of Prokhorovka was fought on 12 July 1943 near Prokhorovka, 87 kilometres southeast of Kursk in the Soviet Union, during the Second World War. Taking place on the Eastern Front, the engagement was part of the wider Battle of Kursk, and occurred when the 5th Guards Tank Army of the Soviet Red Army attacked the II SS-Panzer Corps of the German Wehrmacht in one of the largest tank battles in military history.

Battle of Kursk museum. Belgorod, Russia

The battle of Kursk was fought in the first half of July 1943. One hour in the train to the north of Belgorod lies the village of Prokorovka which was the scene of the largest tank battle in history when a German and Russian column stumbled into each other by accident.
This battle marked the beginning of the end for Nazi Germany as American and British forces landed in Sicily on 10 July 1943 and Hitler called off the attack in what Manstein described as turning victory into defeat.
The museum in Belgorod is one of the best battle museums I have seen anywhere.
The staff were extremely kind to me on my two visits.
I apologise that this film is not up to much but I was not yet in the habit of filming anything that moved when I was here.

Город Курск в 1960-х годах / Kursk City in the 1960s

Город Курск в 1960-х годах

Kursk City in the 1960s

Утро в городском парке - Давид Тухманов

morning in the city Park by David Tukmanov

The city of Kursk is an ancient Russian town. According to recent excavations, the Kursk fortress of the principality of Kiev was founded around 982-984, and was located in the area of the Red Square of the present city. Since the end of the 11th century, the fortress of Kursk was one of the most powerful outposts on the border of Kievan Rus. Town status was granted to Kursk in 1779.After a fire in 1781 devastated Kursk, a new plan for the city was developed in which a market centre would be at the heart of the city .
In 1778 both the Sergiev Cathedral Kazan Cathedral Baroque and Trinity Sergius Cathedral were completed. The city opened its first school for the nobility in 1783. A men's gymnasium was opened in 1808 and a seminary in 1817. A women's gymnasium was opened in 1870.
t the beginning of the 20th century Kursk played a dominant role in the food industry (Kvilitsu AK, one of the largest breweries in Russia, operated in Kursk) .
On November 19, 1919, the Red Army took Kursk. The Soviet government valued Kursk for rich deposits of iron ore and developed it into one of the major railroad hubs in the Russian southwest.
DuringThe Great Patriotic War, Kursk was occupied by the Nazis between November 4, 1941 and February 8, 1943. - the city centre was all but destroyed... Kursk is best known for the Battle of Prokhorovka – between Soviet and German forces, which is widely considered to have been one of the largest tank battles in history.....
Rebuilding efforts in the city began in February 1944......

Курск в 1970-е годы / Kursk in the 1970s

Курск в 1970-е годы

Kursk in the 1970s

Angel by Tatiana Burtseva

The city of Kursk is an ancient Russian town. According to recent excavations, the Kursk fortress of the principality of Kiev was founded around 982-984, and was located in the area of the Red Square of the present city. Since the end of the 11th century, the fortress of Kursk was one of the most powerful outposts on the border of Kievan Rus. Town status was granted to Kursk in 1779.After a fire in 1781 devastated Kursk, a new plan for the city was developed in which a market centre would be at the heart of the city .
In 1778 both the Sergiev Cathedral Kazan Cathedral Baroque and Trinity Sergius Cathedral were completed. The city opened its first school for the nobility in 1783. A men's gymnasium was opened in 1808 and a seminary in 1817. A women's gymnasium was opened in 1870.
t the beginning of the 20th century Kursk played a dominant role in the food industry (Kvilitsu AK, one of the largest breweries in Russia, operated in Kursk) .
On November 19, 1919, the Red Army took Kursk. The Soviet government valued Kursk for rich deposits of iron ore and developed it into one of the major railroad hubs in the Russian southwest.
DuringThe Great Patriotic War, Kursk was occupied by the Nazis between November 4, 1941 and February 8, 1943. - the city centre was all but destroyed... Kursk is best known for the Battle of Prokhorovka – between Soviet and German forces, which is widely considered to have been one of the largest tank battles in history.....
Rebuilding efforts in the city began in February 1944......

WW2 - Prokhorovka - Common grave in village Maloyablonovo

This is an overview of landscape around a common grave in village Maloyablonovo near Prokhorovka

Monument to the heroes of world war II in Russia

Filmed with:
Canon 650D
Helios 44-2

Edited On:
Adobe Premiere Pro CS6

Alex Cohen - The Rising Sun

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22 Most Famous Statues in the World | Most Famous Sculptures in the World

#Kenorland #Statues #Sculptures
22 Most Famous Statues in the World | Most Famous Sculptures in the World. Here we will showcase you the 22 most famous statues and sculptures around the world. Let us know which of them you find most incredible in comments below.
1. Genghis Khan Equestrian Statue in Mongolia
2. Massive Buddha Statue in Thailand
3. Worker & Kolkhoz Woman Sculpture Moscow
4. Buddha Statue in Towering Mountains Laos Thailand
5. Vinged Victory Statue Phoenix, Arizona
6. Temple of the Sacred Angel Statue of Jesus Barcelona Spain
7. Motherland Statue in Kiev City Ukraine
8. Motherland Calls Statue Volgograd, Russia
9. The Saint Prince Vladimir Statue Ukrine
10. Christ The King Statue Lisbon Portugal
11. Saint Golden Statue Prokhorovka, Russia
12. Statue of Liberty New York
13. The Freedom Monument Riga, Latvia
14. 14. St Michael Angel Statue Normandy, France
15. Christopher Columbus Monument Barcelona, Spain
16. Sleeping Buddha Statue Thailand
17. Statue of Louis Xiv On Horseback Montpellier, France
18. The Leshan Giant Buddha Leshan, China
19. Friendship of Nations Fountain Moscow, Russia
20. Ganesh Statue Bali, Indonesia
21. Heroes Square Budapest Hungary
22. Soldiers’ & Sailors’ Monument Indianapolis
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Video Clips Source: We are using Storyblocks’ clips under standard license agreement for this video. We will show the license agreement if you have concerns about copyrights.
Background Music Credits:
Music Credit Song: Warriyo - Mortals (feat. Laura Brehm) [NCS Release]
All Rights Reserved to Their Respective Owners
NoCopyrightSounds. Video Link:

Volgograd, the Battle for Stalingrad Museum

Moscow. Walking around the Kremlin Ring [4K]

Kitay Gorod, Bely Gorod and Zaryadye are the oldest districts of Moscow. On their territory are the Kremlin, Red Square, the oldest houses and monasteries. Today we will go around the ring around these areas, which is informally called the Kremlin Ring. This is the smallest circular route around the Kremlin. However, this is one of the most intense walks in the history of the city, since almost every building in it has historical significance. We will pay attention to some of the buildings when walking, however, we highly recommend to personally visit these streets and soak up the spirit of great Moscow!

00:05 - Okhotny ryad Street

00:50 - State Duma

02:35 - House of the Unions concert hall

03:03 - Teatralny Driveway

03:10 - Bolshoy Theatre and Teatralnaya Square

03:53 - Monument to Karl Marx

04:25 - TSUM and Maly Theatre

06:15 - Tretyakovsky Passage

08:05 - Central Children's Store

08:41 - Federal Security Service (early also known as KGB)

09:10 - Novaya Square

09:20 - Entrance to the metro station Lubyanka

09:40 - Museum Park

11:45 - Church of Ioann Bogoslov

13:30 - Heroes of Plevna

13:55 - Metro station Kitay Gorod

15:00 - Staraya Square

15:16 - Ilyinsky Public Garden

17:30 - Presidental Administration

22:50 - Kitaygorodsky Driveway

24:12 - A memorial board of Peter Stepanovich Neporozhny

24:30 - Kitaygorodskaya wall

26:00 - Concert Hall Zaryadye

27:10 - Moskvoretskaya Embankment

27:55 - Church of the conception of Anna

29:00 - Flying bridge in the park Zaryadye
33:11 - A little piece of Red Square

34:00 - Kremlyovskaya Embankment

35:24 - So-called Second Unnamed Tower

36:20 - So-called First Unnamed Tower

37:12 - Taynitskaya Tower

37:35 - Grand Kremlin Palace

39:15 - Annuctiation Tower

40:00 - Vodovzvodnaya Tower

42:27 - Borovitskaya Square

43:30 - Borovitskaya Tower

44:37 - Monument to Prince Vladimir

45:45 - Mokhovaya Street

45:55 - Metro Station Borovitskaya

46:50 - Russia State Library

48:05 - Monument to Feodor Dostoevsky

50:46 - Science library of the Moscow State University

51:52 - Central Exhibition Hall

Прохоровка, Белгород

Operation Bagration Memorial in the Svetlogorsk District (Belarus)

(I included some English subtitles as Closed Captions)
On the road from Mozyr to Bobruisk, you cross the 1944 Soviet-German frontline, from where the Red Army launched its attack on 23 July 1944 that reconquered the whole of Belarus: Operation Bagration. There is a memorial and nice little museum, which you can visit.

For more information about this memorial, check the link:

Russian's Reaction after eating Khichdi for First Time || Russian Hospitality || Himachali in Russia

This video shows how I used to cook my vegetarian food in Russia.. Finding vegetarian Food in Russia is not so hard.. Usually one can find pulses, Rice, fresh vegetables in grocery stores.. Price wise, Russia is almost similar to India..
In this video we hosted a Russian friend who came to meet me with lots of fruits.. I cooked Khichdi and his reaction was awesome while eating it..

#Russianvillagelife #Indianinrussia #Indianfoodinrussia
#khichdiinrussia #vegetarianfoodinrussia

guncam 3/2019

Il-2 Šturmovik: Great Battles

Słowacja - Muzeum SNP - Panzer IV J, STUG 40 G, Sd.Kfz 250 , 251

Wizyta w Muzeum Słowackiego Powstania Narodowego na Słowacji w którym na plenerowej wystawie można zobaczyć StuG 40 Ausf. G , Panzerkampfwagen IV Ausf. J , Sd.Kfz 250 , Sd.Kfz 251 , T-34/85 , OT-810 , LT-38 ....



Sabaton Panzerkampf, MyTOWN Shopping Centre 2017

MyTOWN Shopping Centre, Cheras, KL, OPENING DAY MARCH 2017 Playlist:

Song i murdered/butchered

Sabaton - Panzerkampf



Band Members
For all show info, incl ticket & venue links, please always go to:

Falun, Sweden

Record Label
Nuclear Blast

Swedish Heavy Metal with historical lyrics.

Current Location
Falun, Sweden

Markus Wosgien -

Guenther Beer -
Sabaton is:

Hannes Van Dahl – Drums
Joakim Brodén – Lead Vocals
Pär Sundström – Bass
Tommy Johansson – Lead Guitar
Chris Rörland – Lead Guitar


Into the motherland
The German army march

In the Soviet Union summer 1943
Tanks line up in thousands as far the eye can see
Ready for the onslaught
Ready for the fight
Waiting for the axis to march into a trap
Mines are placed in darkness
In the cover of the night
Waiting to be triggered
When the time is right
Imminent invasion, imminent attack

Once the battle started
There’s no turning back

The end of the third Reich draws near
It’s time has come to an end
The end of an era is here
It’s time to attack!

Into the motherland the German army march
Comrades stand side by side to stop the Nazi charge
Panzers on Russian soil a thunder in the east
One million men at war
Soviet wrath unleashed!

Fields of Prokhorovka
Where the heat of battle burned
Suffered heavy losses
And the tide of war was turned
Driving back the Germans
Fighting on four fronts
Hunt them out of Russia
Out of Soviet land
Reinforce the front line
Force the axis to retreat
Send in all the reserves
Securing their defeat
Soldiers of the Union
Broke the citadel
Ruins of an army
Axis rest in hell

The end of the third Reich draws near
Its time has come to an end
The end of an era is here
Its time to attack


Onward comrads! Onwards for the Soviet Union! Charge!

Ow mother Russia!
Union of lands
Will of the people
Strong in command
Ow mother Russia!
Union of lands
Once more victorious the red army stands!

The end of the third Reich is here
Its time has come to an end
The end of an era is here
Its time to attack!
MyTOWN Shopping Centre

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Sabaton Panzerkampf, MyTOWN Shopping Centre 2017

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#daiso #HairZoneStudio #Michael Poh
#HatchTegg #MOGeyewear #MOG
#Laniege #myPLC
#VillageGrocer #pierrecardinlingeriemy #pierrecardinmy
#GoldenScreenCinemas #MYFamilyMart
#ユビソオ #newTealive
#H&M #MyTownShoppingCentre
#Volkswagen #chatramue
#Parkson #mytownkl #ParksonMalaysia

Food Hunt



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