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10 Best place to visit in Pointe-Noire Republic of the Congo


Top 10 places to visit in the Republic of the Congo

Discover the beauty of the African continent.
The Republic of the Congo, also known as Congo-Brazzaville, is a beautiful country located in Central Africa.

Here are the top 10 places to visit in the Republic of the Congo as a tourist:

Odzala-Kokoua National Park:
This park is a must-visit destination for any nature lover.
It is home to various wildlife species such as gorillas, elephants, and antelopes, as well as beautiful forests and rivers.

As the capital city of Congo, Brazzaville offers a unique blend of modern and traditional African cultures.
It is known for its vibrant nightlife, museums, and beautiful architecture.

Lesio-Louna Natural Reserve:
This reserve is home to numerous species of wildlife, including gorillas and chimpanzees, and is a great destination for eco-tourism.

Loufoulakari Falls:
Located in the northern part of Congo, Loufoulakari Falls is a breathtaking waterfall that is a popular destination for tourists.

This coastal city is a popular destination for tourists who want to experience Congo's beautiful beaches and enjoy water activities
such as fishing and surfing.

Lake Tele:
Located in the heart of the Congo Basin, Lake Tele is a stunning lake surrounded by lush forests and
is home to a unique species of freshwater stingrays.

Basilique St. Anne:
This beautiful cathedral is located in Brazzaville and is a popular tourist attraction due to
its stunning architecture and historical significance.

Conkouati-Douli National Park:
This park is home to various species of wildlife, including elephants, gorillas, and leopards,
and offers excellent opportunities for hiking and bird-watching.

Mboko Camp:
This eco-tourism camp is located in Odzala-Kokoua National Park and offers visitors a unique opportunity to experience the wildlife
and natural beauty of Congo up close.

Moukalaba-Doudou National Park:
This park is located in the southwest of Congo and is known for its beautiful landscapes, diverse wildlife, and pristine forests.
It is a great destination for nature lovers and adventurers.


Brazzaville is the capital and largest city of the Republic of the Congo, a country in the western part of Central Africa - ranked as the 63rd largest African country. Brazzaville was founded on September 10, 1880.

The city is said to have been on the site of Nkuna, a Bateke village and was named after its part-African founder, explorer Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza. Brazzaville is a great cultural crossroads where artistic activity and intellectual activity thrive.

The city witnessed the beginning of Congolese rumba, a musical rhythm and theme initiated by Paul Kamba of the ‘bantous de la capitale’ Orchestra.

In this video, you will discover amazing facts about this 142 year old city.

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Découvrir le Congo : A La découverte du Fleuve Bas-Kouilou | République du Congo – Afrique Centrale

Situé sur la côte-ouest de la république du Congo à quelque 30 kilomètre de Pointe-Noire, bas Kouilou, très connu par son fleuve qui le traverse, est une localité de la sous-préfecture de Madingou-Kayes. Un fleuve qui constitue une niche écologique d’une grande diversité d’espèces halieutiques. Ces espèces sont recherchées par les populations locales pour leur rôle d’appoint dans la lutte contre l’insécurité alimentaire, leurs contributions aux moyens d’existence et aussi aux économies rurales. Dans ce village, la pêche artisanale est la principale activité des hommes.
L’embarcadère du bas-Kouilou est un lieu d’intenses activités fluviales et commerciales où, bateaux et pirogues prennent leurs départs et accostent. Les visiteurs sont beaucoup plus attirés par l’embouchure, le pont du bas-Kouilou, le plus long du pays mesure plus de 300 m et le vin de palme appelé yoga par les consommateurs. Des atouts qui ne cessent d’attirer plus d’un visiteur rendent cette localité attractive.
Pour ne rien rater de l’actualité du Congo Brazzaville, abonne-toi à la chaîne et sonne la cloche pour être prévenu de chaque nouveau contenu :

★ Prise des Vues Aériennes : Lewis Brown 242
★ Montage & Étalonnage : Lewis Brown 242
★ Musique : Bane Ba Siane
★ Copyright ©Lewis Brown 242

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Best Places To Visit - Democratic Republic of Congo | Travel & Tourism

Here are the Top 10 places you must visit in Democratic Republic of Congo.

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La Locomotive fête ses 14 ans.
Du 25 Juillet au 25 Aout 2021 à Brazzaville et à Pointe Noire la société Binergi Development en partenariat avec l'association La Locomotive ouvre ses portes. Au programme trois champs seront explorés :
L'économie sociale et solidaire
La formation et l'emploi
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Top 10 Places to visit in DR Congo-Must Visit - Book Now - TheQLGConsultants

Suppose you will visit Africa and want to experience life in a beautiful country with exceptional natural beauty. In that case, I recommend you visiting the top ten places to visit in DR Congo. I say top ten because while this is not an easy country to visit, it is certainly up there in African history, development, beauty, cultural activities, etc. Thus, what follows is a brief description of some of the top places to visit in DR Congo.

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What Can $10 Get In CONGO, KINSHASA( Most Expensive City In Africa)

Welcome to Kinshasa, the largest city and capital city in The Democratic Republice of The Congo. What Can $10 Get In Congo, Kinshasa.( Most Expensive City In Africa)
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Brazzaville est la capitale et la plus grande ville de la République du Congo, un pays de l'Afrique centrale - classé 63e plus grand pays africain. Brazzaville a été fondée le 10 septembre 1880. La ville aurait été sur le site de Nkouna, un village batéké, et a été nommée d'après son fondateur en partie africain, l'explorateur Pierre Savorgnan de Brazza. Brazzaville est un grand carrefour culturel, où prospèrent l'activité artistique et l'activité intellectuelle. La ville a vu naître la rumba congolaise, un rythme musical et un thème initié par Paul Kamba, de l'Orchestre des bantous de la capitale.

Pendant la colonisation, alors qu'il était encore sous la domination française, le Congo Brazzaville était appelé le Congo français, ou le Moyen-Congo. L'un de ses surnoms communs est : Brazza la verte, en raison de ses politiques respectueuses de l'environnement. Brazzaville est une belle ville de plu de 1,8 million d'habitants, désignée ville de musique par l'UNESCO en 2013.

Brazzaville est située sur le fleuve Congo, en face de Kinshasa, la capitale de la République démocratique du Congo. Les deux villes sont situées sur des rives opposées du fleuve Congo, Kinshasa sur la rive sud et Brazzaville sur la rive nord. Elles sont considérées comme les capitales les plus proches du monde. Au fil des ans, des pourparlers ont eu lieu entre les deux pays pour construire un pont entre eux, sur le fleuve Congo. Cependant, des plans ont été établis mais bloqués à plusieurs reprises depuis 1991, pour un certain nombre de raisons.

La Basilique Sainte-Anne-du-Congo, et ses voûtes hautes de 22 m, arbore une flamboyante toiture d'émeraude, aux 200 000 tuiles, en forme d'ovni œcuménique. Roger Erell, qui l'a dessinée en 1943, y voit l'aboutissement de ses recherches de synthèse architecturale franco-africaine. L'utilisation de l'arc brisé, s'inspire des fers de lance. Selon H. Brisset Guibert, « cette église d'une ampleur inhabituelle en Afrique centrale, contient la quintessence de ce qui aurait pu être une véritable voie d'avenir, pour une architecture africaine moderne. La basilique Sainte-Anne est l'une des pièces architecturales les plus impressionnantes de la ville de Brazzaville. La basilique se trouve à environ 400 mètres de la gare principale de la ville.

Le bâtiment se trouve à côté d'un stade et d'un petit parc appartenant à la basilique. Elle est surtout connu pour ses arcs en ogive et son toit vert, et est l'un des principaux lieux de culte catholiques de la ville. Le bâtiment est considéré comme une fusion de l'architecture congolaise traditionnelle, et de l'architecture gothique européenne. La construction a commencé en 1943 et s'est terminée en 2011. Le bâtiment a duré plu de 60 ans, car la construction a été arrêtée pendant les troubles civils, l'insuffisance des ressources, et les dommages causés à l'église pendant la guerre civile, dans les années 1990. Pendant longtemps, le toit de l'église et la tour de l'horloge principale sont restés inachevés. Pendant longtemps, le toit de l'église et la tour de l'horloge principale sont restés inachevés.

Le français est la langue officielle du Congo. La majorité des francophones du Congo vivent dans la zone urbaine de Brazzaville. Le français est utilisé comme langue d'enseignement dans les écoles, et est également enseigné comme matière. C'est aussi la langue de communication au sein du gouvernement. Le Kitouba et le Lingala sont les langues nationales du pays. Le kitouba est la plus grande langue ethnique de la République du Congo, principalement parlée dans le sud du pays. Il est parlé par plus de 50,35% de la population congolaise. Le lingala est principalement parlé dans les régions du nord et de l'est. Il est largement utilisé dans l'administration, le commerce et la formation pédagogique.

Les langues minoritaires en République du Congo sont nombreuses; environ 60. Certaines d'entre elles sont : Kiteké, Akwa, Likouba et KiKongo. Avec plus de 100 groupes ethniques au Congo, chacun parlant sa propre langue, il y a tellement de langues parlées au Congo et dans sa capitale, Brazzaville.



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© 2022, Afrique Révélée

Top 10 Places to Visit in Republic of Congo for Millennials

Discover the Hidden Gems of Congo-Brazzaville ????????

Looking for a unique and off-the-beaten-path adventure in Central Africa? ???? The Republic of Congo, also known as Congo-Brazzaville, is a hidden treasure for millennials. ???? Explore this diverse and culturally rich country with these must-visit places and activities:

Brazzaville ????
Dive into the vibrant capital city with its bustling nightlife, colorful markets, and cultural delights. ???? Don't miss the Basilique Sainte-Anne and the art galleries in the Poto-Poto neighborhood. ????️

Odzala-Kokoua National Park ????
Wildlife lovers, this one's for you! ???? Embark on guided safaris, venture into lush rainforests, and encounter gorillas, elephants, and exotic birds. ????????

Loango National Park ????️
The Land of Surf and Elephants offers a unique blend of beach fun and wildlife adventures. ????‍♂️???? Surf, kayak, and spot elephants on the beach!

Lesio-Louna Reserve ????
Get up close with orphaned animals like gorillas and chimpanzees. ???????? Visit the sanctuary and support wildlife conservation efforts. ????????

Pointe Noire ????️
Congo's second-largest city is a coastal paradise. Relax on beautiful beaches, enjoy water sports, and experience the lively coastal culture. ????️????

Lefini Reserve ????
Another wildlife haven, Lefini Reserve is home to hippos, crocs, and diverse bird species. Explore the lush landscape and get closer to nature. ????????

Congo River Cruise ????
Sail along the mighty Congo River for breathtaking scenery and encounters with local communities. Immerse yourself in the country's natural beauty. ????????️

Gorges of Diosso ????️
Hike through stunning canyons and waterfalls surrounded by lush greenery. A photographer's dream! ????????

Ngiri River ????
Kayak or canoe down the Ngiri River to connect with Congo's nature and spot wildlife along the riverbanks. ????‍♂️????

Local Culture and Cuisine ????️
Savor Congolese cuisine, a blend of traditional African and French influences. Engage in local culture with festivals, art exhibitions, and music performances. ????????

Before your journey, check travel advisories and prepare for a unique and sometimes challenging experience. The country is still developing its tourism infrastructure, so plan ahead and consider guided tours for a smooth and enjoyable visit. ✈️???????? #CongoBrazzaville #MillennialAdventures #offthebeatenpath

Join Our Globe-Trotting Community! ????

For the best deals on accommodation in Congo:

[2023] We ranked Congo's Top 10 beaches: From hidden gems to world-famous shores

10 Best #beach in #congo #travel

Pointe Noire Beach
Located in the vibrant city of Pointe Noire, this beach is a popular spot for sunbathing, swimming, and enjoying the lively atmosphere. The beach is lined with restaurants, bars, and shops, making it the perfect place to spend a day.

Cote Sauvage
This beach is known for its wild beauty and is located in the southern part of the country. It is a great spot for surfing and other water sports.

Madimba Beach
Situated in the town of Moanda, Madimba Beach is a serene and secluded beach that is perfect for a relaxing day by the water. Visitors can swim, sunbathe, and take in the beautiful scenery.

Kakongo Beach
This beach is located in the western part of Congo, near the Angolan border. It is a popular spot for fishing and is also known for its stunning sunsets.

Mangrove Beach
This beach is located near the city of Muanda and is surrounded by lush mangrove forests. Visitors can enjoy swimming, boating, and bird watching.

Boma Beach
Situated in the historic town of Boma, this beach is a great place to relax and enjoy the coastal scenery. Visitors can swim, sunbathe, and explore the nearby historic sites.

Nkomi Beach
Located near the town of Nkomi, this beach is known for its calm waters and is a popular spot for swimming and fishing.

Muanda Beach
This beach is located in the town of Muanda and is a popular spot for swimming, sunbathing, and water sports. Visitors can also take a boat tour of the nearby mangrove forests.

Banana Beach
This beach is located near the port city of Banana and is a popular spot for surfing and other water sports. It is also known for its lively nightlife scene.

Kinkole Beach
Situated near the capital city of Kinshasa, Kinkole Beach is a popular spot for swimming, sunbathing, and picnicking. Visitors can also take a boat tour of the nearby river.

KINSHASA Top 10 Tourist Places | Kinshasa Tourism | DR CONGO

Kinshasa (Things to do - Places to Visit) - KINSHASA Top Tourist Places
Capital of the Democratic Republic of the Congo

Kinshasa is the capital and the largest city of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. The city is situated alongside the Congo River.

Once a site of fishing and trading villages, Kinshasa is now a megacity with an estimated population of more than 11 million.

KINSHASA Top 10 Tourist Places | Kinshasa Tourism

Things to do in KINSHASA - Places to Visit in Kinshasa

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KINSHASA Top 10 Tourist Places - Kinshasa, DR Congo, Africa

Brazzaville - Pointe-Noire - Libreville - Luanda / Congo, Gabon, Angola / Central Africa

This video is about central Africa's booming cities in 2019. These are the cities to watch out for if you're an investor or businessman that's ready to tap into the central African market.

Brazzaville is the political and administrative capital of the Republic of Congo. It was also the capital of free France from 1940 to 1942. The city has a population of more than 1.9 million inhabitants and a density of 6, 963 pers./km2. Their official language is French, they use the central African franc. Brazzaville is investing heavily in its road and bridge infrastructure.

Pointe-Noire is the economic capital of the Republic of Congo, located in the extreme south of the country. With more than 1.1 million inhabitants in the agglomeration, Pointe-Noire has become a full-fledged department. Oil activity continues to be the main sector of the Pontenegrin economy. However, the city has been experiencing a real-estate boom in the past five years.

Libreville, the political capital of Gabon, is the first city of the country in number of inhabitants. Its population was estimated at 750,000 in 2017. Gabon’s national language is French. The Librevillois, as they’re called, enjoy a GDP per capita equal to 20,000 US dollars. They use the central African franc, capped at a two percent inflation rate. The city is undergoing a major makeover with the creation of a new business district on the artificial peninsula named La Baie Des Rois. The first skyscrapers are expected to rise this summer, while the overall project is set to be completed by 2025.

Luanda is the capital of the lusophone country of Angola. With a population of 7.4 million inhabitants, it is the main economic center of the country and concentrates tertiary and industrial activities. Since 2002, thanks to the civil peace found and the oil money from offshore deposits located near the capital, it has experienced a particularly significant growth in construction. The local currency is the Kwanza.

Bienvenue à Pointe-Noire #congobrazzaville #africa

Découvrir Pointe-Noire - Rond Point Kassai | 4K | République du Congo

Découvrir le Congo - Rond Point Kassai | 4K | République du Congo

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★ Prise des Vues Aériennes : Lewis Brown 242
★ Montage & Étalonnage : Lewis Brown 242
★ Source Musique : YouTube
★ Copyright ©Lewis Brown 242

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République du Congo / Beauté de Pointe-Noire / Vlog 01 / DK Show Beauté du Congo Pointe-Noire

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Top 15 Facts of Congo Brazzaville | 2020 | Democratic Republic of Congo | 4K | Kinshasa

In this video we gonna known about Top 15 facts beautiful country Congo-Brazzaville also known as Democratic Republic of Congo of 2020 in 4K

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Découvrir Pointe-Noire : Quartier Mouyondzi, une vraie citée en vue aérienne | République du Congo

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#Quartier_Mouyondzi, une vraie citée en vue aérienne.
Vue aérienne sur le tronçon Quartier Mouyondzi - OCH | Pointe-Noire | République du Congo – Afrique Centrale

Bénéficiant du Projet de développement urbain et restructuration des quartiers précaires (Durquap), le quartier Mouyondzi de Pointe-Noire Ponton la Belle dans le troisième arrondissement Tie-Tie est en plein aménagement. Ce périmètre urbain s’embellit.

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Welcome to Congo-Brazzaville ???????? - Traveller's Journey

Just sharing with you my last trip to #CongoBrazzaville.

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