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10 Best place to visit in Pilar do Sul Brazil



No ano de 2022, iniciamos nossa volta ao mundo pelo Brasil e conhecemos quase 50 destinos, de 10 estados diferentes do nosso país.

Foram 9 meses explorando praias, montanhas, cidades históricas, fervedouros, cidades grandes, etc.

Selecionamos os lugares que mais gostamos de conhecer e neste vídeo iremos dar 10 sugestões de viagens no Brasil para você explorar em 2023. Tudo isso com dicas de lugares para conhecer, atrações, preços, dicas gerais e também dicas de possíveis bate-voltas.

OBS: Colocamos apenas destinos que fomos pessoalmente! Sinta-se à vontade para nos sugerir destinos para conhecermos em 2023.

OBS 2: Este vídeo foi gravado, editado e postado muito antes dos casos de escravidão que estão sendo investigados e divulgados em Bento Gonçalves. Grande parte do roteiro mencionado em Bento não inclui nenhuma das empresas, então mantaremos o vídeo no ar por isto, pois as demais empresas e restaurantes mostrados não merecem se prejudicar por terceiros. Não recomendamos visitação em nenhuma das vinícolas envolvidas!

Conseguimos alguns DESCONTOS para nossos seguidores com alguns parceiros de uns locais que fomos:
- Fernando de Noronha (Em Noronha):
- Jalapão (Nativos Jalapão):
- Hospedagem na Praia do Rosa:
- Trilhas no Rio de Janeiro (Desbravando Rio): Aplicar o cupom ROLEFAMILIA5 no
- Passeio de barco Ubatuba (Pura Vida Tripss):
- Hospedagem centro de Floripa:

E-book Florianópolis-
Camisetas da Nossa Coleção-
Paraty Tours- 24 99317-6793 ou paratytours.agencia
Quero Voar Parapente- @querovoar_net (10% de desconto falando se veio pelo Rolê Família)
Loumar Foz-

Vlog |
Guia completo |

Serra Gaúcha-
Gramado e Canela |
Bento |

Guia Completo |

Vlog |

Alter do Chão-
Vlog |
Guia Completo |

Fernando de Noronha-
Parte 1 |
Parte 2 |
Guia Completo |

Lençóis Maranhenses-
Vlog |

Estrada Real-
Paraty |
Cunha |
Tiradentes |
Ouro Preto |

Foz do Iguaçú-
Vlog |

Rio de Janeiro-
Guia Completo |



Reservas de Hóteis:



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Há quanto tempo estão dando uma volta ao mundo?
Desde março de 2022

O Bruno e a Paula são namorados?
Não, nós somos irmãos

É sobre o que o canal?
O Rolê Família é um projeto de Volta ao Mundo, formado por 4 membros (Bruno, Paulo, Marcos e Marta), no qual iremos mostrar através do nosso olhar lugares incríveis do Brasil e do Mundo. Além disso, temos 1052 objetivos com esse projeto, e vamos mostrando aqui para vocês a medida que formos completando eles! Além de mostrar lugares, também damos dicas de temas de áudio visual.

Capítulos do vídeo:
00:00 Introdução TOP 10 Brasil
01:48 Jalapão
06:21 Serra Gaúcha: Gramado, Canela e Bento Gonçalves
08:38 Lençóis Maranhenses
11:01 Estrada Real Caminho Velho
14:38 Florianópolis / Floripa
16:47 Alter do Chão
20:45 Fernando de Noronha
23:49 Ubatuba
25:19 Rio de Janeiro
28:16 Foz do Iguaçú

Conheça as 15 CIDADES Mais LINDAS do BRASIL

Imagino que você esteja ansioso para conhecer as cidades mais lindas do Brasil! Nós sabemos que o nosso país é cheio de belezas naturais e culturais, mas você sabia que algumas cidades se destacam ainda mais nesse aspecto? Pois é, e é exatamente sobre elas que vamos falar hoje.

Ao longo deste vídeo, você vai conhecer cidades deslumbrantes que vão te deixar boquiaberto. São lugares com uma arquitetura rica e diversa, paisagens naturais de tirar o fôlego e uma cultura vibrante que conquista a todos. E o melhor de tudo é que você não precisa sair do país para visitá-las!

Entre as cidades mais lindas do Brasil, podemos citar Fortaleza, que é famosa por suas praias paradisíacas e sua arquitetura histórica, além de Salvador, com seu casario colorido e sua rica história afro-brasileira. E não podemos esquecer de Olinda, com suas ladeiras de paralelepípedos, casas coloridas e o famoso carnaval de rua.

Outra cidade que merece destaque é Gramado, que é conhecida por seu charme europeu e suas paisagens deslumbrantes. E não podemos deixar de mencionar a famosa cidade do Rio de Janeiro, com seu Cristo Redentor e suas praias mundialmente famosas.

Além dessas, ainda temos muitas outras cidades que poderiam estar nessa lista, como Petrópolis, Blumenau, Paraty, Campos do Jordão e tantas outras. São lugares que transbordam beleza e que com certeza valem a visita.

Enfim, como vocês puderam ver, as cidades mais lindas do Brasil são muitas e cada uma delas tem suas particularidades e encantos únicos. Seja para quem gosta de praia, montanha, cultura ou gastronomia, há sempre uma cidade que vai conquistar seu coração.

Esperamos que vocês tenham gostado desse passeio pelas cidades mais lindas do Brasil e que tenham ficado inspirados para conhecer cada uma delas. Não se esqueçam de deixar nos comentários qual é a sua cidade preferida e se inscrevam no canal para não perder nenhum dos nossos próximos vídeos sobre as belezas do nosso país! Até a próxima!

7 BEST Places to Visit in Paraguay & Top Things to Do | Paraguay Travel Guide

Here are the best things to do & places to visit in Paraguay.


Fired travel agent wants revenge! Here's the secret to cheap flights:


Are you ready for an adventure like no other? Join us as we take you on a journey through the stunning country of Paraguay. From the vibrant capital city of Asunción to the peaceful and serene countryside, this hidden gem in South America has something for everyone.

Experience the rich culture and history of Paraguay as you visit iconic landmarks such as the National Pantheon of Heroes and the Government Palace. Or, escape the hustle and bustle of the city and spend a day relaxing in the picturesque botanical gardens.

But that's not all! Paraguay is also home to beautiful natural wonders, such as the breathtaking Iguazu Falls and the mesmerizing Jesuit Ruins. And no trip to Paraguay would be complete without trying some of the delicious local cuisine, such as the popular dish chipa, a type of cheese bread.

So pack your bags and join us as we explore all that Paraguay has to offer. Trust us, you won't want to miss it!

Track: Dreamland
Music provided by Scandinavianz


TOP 10 cidades do interior do CEARÁ para morar

Localizado na região Nordeste do Brasil, o Estado do Ceará conta com 184 cidades, ocupando a 11ª posição entre os Estados com o maior número de municípios. Sua população, segundo a prévia do último censo, é de cerca de 9 milhões de habitantes. Terra da luz e o Berço da liberdade, o Ceará atrai turistas do Brasil e do mundo pelas suas belezas naturais exuberantes, praias lindíssimas, variada gastronomia e riquíssima história. Sua capital Fortaleza, dispensa apresentação... Com cerca de 2,7 milhões de habitantes, a metrópole é considerada a cidade mais rica do Nordeste. Sua região metropolitana conta com cidades fantásticas, como Eusébio, Caucaia, Maracanaú, Aquiraz, Guaiúba, Maranguape, São Gonçalo do Amarante e tantas outras joias do Nordeste brasileiro...
Mas o interior do Estado do Ceará é tudo de bom!

Confira agora nossa lista recente com 10 excelentes cidades para viver bem, no interior do Ceará:

0:00 Estado do Ceará
02:56 Aracati
04:38 Quixadá
06:26 Camocim
08:05 Tianguá
09:57 Barbalha
12:05 Itapipoca
14:02 Sobral
16:12 Crateús
18:05 Crato
20:07 Juazeiro do Norte

Agradecimentos / Fontes / Imagens / Créditos:
Ministério do Turismo
Governo do Estado do Ceará
Prefeitura de Aracati
Prefeitura de Quixadá
Prefeitura de Camocim
Prefeitura de Tianguá
Prefeitura de Barbalha
Prefeitura de Itapipoca
Prefeitura de Sobral
Prefeitura de Crateús
Prefeitura de Crato
Prefeitura de Juazeiro do Norte

BUENOS AIRES TRAVEL GUIDE: Top 50 Things to do in Buenos Aires, Argentina

When it comes to world class cities in South America few can compete or even compare to Buenos Aires, Argentina where we back up this bold statement by highlighting the top 50 things to in Buenos Aires in this travel guide. Buenos Aires features pulsating nightlife, distinct neighborhoods (barrios), European architecture and fine dining options. Having a month in the city allowed us to really discover what the city has to offer from its parrillas (steaks), tango, shopping & parks. In this top attractions travel guide to Buenos Aires we cover neighborhoods such as San Telmo, Recoleta, Palermo and La Boca. We eat Buenos Aires food such as empanadas, pizza, asado, milanesa and alfajores. The following is a complete guide from 1-50 including specific timings for each item. Watch it all or skip ahead to an item of interest.

50 Things to do in Buenos Aires Travel Guide:

BA Intro: 00:01
1) Obelisco de Buenos Aires (Obelisk of Buenos Aires): 00:49
2) La Casa Rosada (The Pink House): 01:05
3) La Boca Caminito: 01:19
4) Boca Juniors football game & stadium tour at La Bonbonera: 01:51
5) La Recoleta Cemetery (Cementerio de la Recoleta): 02:29
6) Buenos Aires Japanese Gardens (Jardín Japonés de Buenos Aires - ブエノスアイレス日本庭園): 02:52
7) Parrilla/Asado (Argentinian Steak - Bife de Lomo): 03:24
8) Milanesa breaded meat fillet: 04:53
9) El Ateneo Grand Splendid bookstore: 06:06
10) Choripán - grilled chorizo (sausage) and a pan (crusty bread): 07:06
11) Feria De San Telmo Sunday Market: 07:36
12) Tango Show and Dinner: 08:36
13) Café Tortoni Parisian style coffeehouse: 09:02
14) Floralis Genérica sculpture: 09:34
15) Museo Nacional de Bellas Artes (MNBA: National Museum of Fine Arts): 09:48
16) Galerías Pacífico shopping centre on Florida Street and Córdoba Avenue: 10:01
17) Los Bosques de Palermo -Palermo forest: 10:29
18) Galileo Galilei planetarium (Planetario) in Parque Tres de Febrero: 11:14
19) Museo Evita Museum: 11:26
20) Gelato Ice Cream at Freddo Parlor: 12:20
21) Calle Florida - Florida street shopping in Buenos Aires: 14:15
22) Bodegón - traditional Argentinian food in a tavern: 14:36
23) Puerto Madero Waterfront Barrio: 16:31
24) ARA Presidente Sarmiento museum ship: 17:01
25) Pizza in Buenos Aires at Pizzería Güerrin: 17:17
26) Plaza San Martin and Torre Monumental (Torre de los Ingleses): 19:34
27) Monumento a los caídos en Malvinas (Malvinas Islands Monument): 19:48
28) Empanadas Argentinas (Argentine Empanadas): 20:09
29) Teatro Colón Opera Housa (Columbus Theatre): 23:29
30) Breakfast in Buenos Aires (Desayuno): 23:47
31) Palermo barrio neighborhood tour: 26:39
32) Buenos Aires Botanical Garden (Jardín Botánico Carlos Thays de la Ciudad Autónoma de Buenos Aires): 27:03
33) El Palacio de la Papa Frita Potato Palace for Argentine potato souffle: 27:28
34) Nightlife in Buenos Aires - Buenos Aires at night: 29:00
35) 9 de Julio Avenue - crossing July 9 Avenue: 29:23
36) Buenos Aires political protests: 30:08
37) Feria de Recoleta - Recoleta Sunday Flea Market: 31:07
38) Nuestra Señora del Pilar Church: 32:12
39) Recoleta Cultural Centre (Centro Cultural Recoleta): 32:22
40) Merienda - Afternoon tea in Buenos Aires: 32:28
41) Buenos Aires Ecological Reserve (Reserva Ecológica de Buenos Aires - Costanera Sur Ecological Reserve): 35:12
42) Latin American Art Museum of Buenos Aires (Museo de Arte Latinoamericano de Buenos Aires, MALBA): 35:29
43) Northern Argentine Cuisine (Locro stew): 35:45
44) Buenos Aires Metropolitan Cathedral (Catedral Metropolitana de Buenos Aires): 39:14
45) Buenos Aires Cabildo (Cabildo de Buenos Aires): 39:35
46) Drinking yerba mate tea: 39:45
47) Ride a bicycle in Buenos Aires: 44:44
48) Palace of the Argentine National Congress (Palacio del Congreso Nacional Argentino): 45:08
49) Alfajores Artesanales - Alfajores Havanna: Argentine Alfajors: 45:36
50) Buenos Aires Theatre Performance: 46:21
BA Conclusion: 46:43



Our visit Buenos Aires travel guide covers some of the top attractions including a food guide (best restaurants and street food), top museums and the city at night. We also cover off-the-beaten-path activities you won't find in a typical Buenos Aires tourism brochure or Buenos Aires city guide.

50 Things to do in Buenos Aires, Argentina City Guide:

Buenos Aires is one of our favourite cities in the world, so as soon as we arrived, we hit the ground running. In this guide we'll be visiting numerous neighbourhoods including Recoleta, San Telmo, Boca and Palermo, while showcasing a mix of fun activities and main attractions. AND since we're huge foodies, we'll also be introducing you to Argentine dishes you simply cannot miss. For planning a trip to the capital, here are 50 things to do in Buenos Aires documentary:

Travel in Argentina series showcasing Argentinian foods & Argentine cuisine.

Music in this video courtesy of Audio Network

10 CURIOSIDADES MUITO LOUCAS SOBRE A ROMÊNIA! #lesteeuropeu #brasov #romênia

Vou listar algumas curiosidades sobre a Romênia e este talvez seja o meu texto mais sincero e apaixonado, por mais que eu escreva por horas a fio nada poderá transmitir o meu verdadeiro amor pelo País.
A Romênia é um país localizado no sudeste da Europa Central, no curso inferior do Danúbio, ao norte da península balcânica e na costa noroeste do Mar Negro. Quase toda a superfície do Delta do Danúbio e a parte sul e central dos Cárpatos estão localizadas em seu território. Wikipédia
Capital Bucareste
Emissões de CO2 per capita: 3,82 toneladas métricas (2019) Banco Mundial
Consumo de eletricidade per capita: 2.584,41 kwh (2014) Banco Mundial
Consumo de energia per capita: 1.591,67 kg de óleo equivalente (2014) Banco Mundial
Taxa de fertilidade: 1,60 filhos nascidos de uma mulher (2020) Banco Mundial
Taxa de crescimento do PIB: variação anual de 5,1% (2021) Banco Mundial
Produto Interno Bruto: US$ 284,1 bilhões (2021) Banco Mundial

Cachoeiras do Sul de Minas - PAISAGENS DO BRASIL - Ep.4

A fronteira entre o Rio de Janeiro e o Sul de Minas tem cachoeiras e recantos incríveis para explorar e fazer fotografia de paisagens. Visconde de Mauá, Maromba e Cachoeiras do Santuário, são incríveis, com trilhas desafiadoras, mas agradáveis de se fazer em um dia.
Para aqueles que curtem a comida e bebidas locais você ainda pode achar uma miríade de cafés, queijos e cervejas artesanais. Venha conosco explorar nessa viagem!
#suldeminas #cachoeirasdosantuário #maromba #paisagensdobrasil #viscondedemauá
???? Quer mais dicas e ver meu trabalho?
Músicas: Epidemic Sound

Machu Picchu: What they won't tell you about visiting here

There are a zillion YouTube videos from Machu Picchu, but few reveal the secrets and surprises like this one. We're unveiling the good, the bad and the ugly about visiting this ancient city in the clouds.

It's one of the most popular tourist destinations in the world, but the tips you learn in this video could be the difference between a great visit and an unpleasant one. Plan ahead for your trip by checking out our journey to the 600 year old village right here on .@windowseatworldtravel.

To take the same day trip we took from Cusco to Machu Picchu, book here:

If you want to follow our adventures and stories, check us out on Instagram
Jeremy can be found at and you can find Sean at

???????? Thank you so much for helping our new YouTube channel grow. We really appreciate it.

Window Seat:
???? Instagram


Thanks to Motion Array for supplying the royalty-free music for this piece.

Thumbnail graphics created using Canva

Some video graphics created using Toko for Final Cut Pro X.

Our Most Popular YouTube Video
???? The One Thing You Must Do in Japan!

Zaragoza Spain Travel Guide: 13 BEST Things To Do In Zaragoza

This Zaragoza travel guide shares the best things to do in Zaragoza.

Recommended Tours in Zaragoza:

Wine Tasting and Tapas in the ancient Town of Zaragoza:

Midday Market Tour and Spanish Cooking Class:

Zaragoza Private Walking Tour with official Tour Guide:

Zaragoza Aquarium Admission Ticket:

Embark on a captivating journey through the vibrant city of Zaragoza, Spain, as we uncover the top things to do and see in this cultural gem. This mesmerizing video will take you on a virtual tour of Zaragoza's rich history, architectural wonders, and cultural delights.

Discover the awe-inspiring Basilica-Cathedral of Our Lady of the Pillar, an iconic landmark that stands on the banks of the Ebro River. Marvel at the intricate architecture and explore the stunning interior, which houses numerous chapels and exquisite artwork.

Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of Plaza del Pilar, one of Spain's largest squares. Take a leisurely stroll and admire the grandeur of the buildings that surround the plaza, including the Town Hall and the Lonja de Zaragoza.

Uncover the rich history of Zaragoza at the Aljafería Palace, a fortified palace complex that showcases a unique blend of Islamic and Christian architectural styles. Explore its stunning courtyards, halls, and gardens, and imagine the stories that unfolded within its walls.

Visit the beautiful Puente de Piedra, a historic stone bridge that spans the Ebro River. Capture breathtaking views of Zaragoza's skyline and the river flowing beneath as you cross this iconic bridge.

Indulge in the local cuisine of Zaragoza, known for its delectable tapas and flavorful traditional dishes. Experience the lively atmosphere of the city's tapas bars and savor the authentic flavors that define the region's gastronomy.

Immerse yourself in the artistic world at the Pablo Gargallo Museum, dedicated to the renowned Aragonese sculptor. Admire his distinctive metal sculptures and gain insight into his innovative techniques.

Explore the charming neighborhood of El Tubo, renowned for its narrow streets lined with traditional taverns and bars. Join the locals in enjoying a tapeo, hopping from one establishment to another, sampling a variety of tapas and local drinks.

Join us as we uncover the hidden gems and must-visit attractions of Zaragoza, Spain's cultural treasure. Let us transport you to a world of captivating beauty, rich history, and cultural significance.

Get ready to be captivated by the allure of Zaragoza in this immersive video experience. So, pack your bags, and let the adventure begin in this remarkable city!

Keep watching to see the top things to do in Zaragoza, top attractions in Zaragoza, places to visit in Zaragoza and Spain travel guides.

Subscribe for travel inspiration videos and travel guides! Inspired by Touropia, expedia, Wolters World, Beautiful Destinations, MojoTravels & Tourradar.

Inspired by ZARAGOZA City Guide | Spain | Travel Guide

Inspired by ZARAGOZA, Spain's BEST kept secret

Inspired by Zaragoza Spain | Spain’s Best Kept Secret | Walking Tour

Inspired by The Best of Zaragoza Spain

Inspired by Qué ver en Zaragoza ???????? | 10 Lugares imprescindibles

Also check out: Valencia Spain Travel Guide: 14 BEST Things To Do In Valencia

Also check out: Alicante Spain Travel Guide: 11 BEST Things To Do In Alicante

Also check out: Toledo Spain Travel Guide: 11 BEST Things To Do In Toledo

Music track: Sun by Aylex
Copyright Free Background Music

Copyright Disclaimer
Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.

(PG Clean, Family Friendly For kids, No Swearing)


Welcome to our YouTube channel! In this eye-opening video, we are taking you on a thrilling journey to uncover the hidden secrets of Callao, the notorious hood of Lima, Peru ????????. Brace yourself as we expose the untold stories of this forbidden neighborhood, which they often advise against visiting.
#Callao #Lima #Peru #hoodvlogs #HiddenSecrets #TravelPeru #ExploreCallao #VisitLima #AdventureTime #OffTheBeatenPath #UncoverTheTruth #LocalCulture #HistoricalSites #MustSee #AuthenticExperience #ExploreTheWorld #BucketListDestination #LatinAmericanCulture #TravelInspiration #Wanderlust #travelvlog

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Trip to Lisbon Portugal for 5 days. 20 things to do in Lisbon for the first time in 2023.

Planning a trip to Lisbon Portugal for 5 days? Here are the top 20 things to do in Lisbon for the first time in 2023. Let me help you plan your first Lisbon trip. In this Lisbon travel guide, I will walk you through everything you need to know to explore this Europe destination, Lisbon. Let's travel Europe!

✅ Book tours in advance:
Lisbon: History, Stories and Lifestyle Walking Tour:
Pay What You Will Chill-out Walking Tour:

Watch next ???? Sintra Day Trip from Lisbon
???? Where to Stay in Lisbon
???? Before you go to Lisbon
???? Southern Portugal, Algarve

✨ Follow me on IG ???? for more frequent travel posts
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???? I'm Juhui, a New Yorker and Traveler. I'm all about helping you plan your best trip by sharing my own travel experience. If you enjoyed this video, don't forget to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE and get travel inspiration & guides from me on a regular basis ????

????Equipment I use for recording
Camera I travel with is GoPro 9:
Camera I film talking head is Sony ZV-1:
Editing Software I use is Premiere Pro & After Effects:

????Music from Artlist:

00:00 Intro& Teaser
01:00 Day 1 : Walking Tour, St George Castle View Point, Authentic Portuguese Tapa
03:10 Day 2: Belem Tower, Monument of Discovereis, MAAT museum, LxFactory
05:14 Day 3: Carmo Lift, Commerce Square, Carmo Convent Ruins, Monument to King Jose I
07:04 Wine Tasting Room, Pink Street, TimeOut Market,
08:30 Day 4: National Coach Museum, Pastel De Belem, Taylor's Port, Fado night
10:57 Day 5: Almada, Sanctuary of Christ the King, Ponto Final
12:25 Outro & What's next

San Diego, CALIFORNIA - beaches and views from La Jolla to Point Loma | vlog 3

San Diego, California is famous for the beaches and viewpoints, and in this video, you'll see some of the top places you should visit in town. We start in La Jolla with the La Jolla Cove, the Children's Pool, the tidepools, and the La Jolla Shores. Then we stop at Pacific Beach, the well-known college party area of San Diego, and you'll see one of the most unique piers in the world: Chrystal pier. They have vacation rental cottages on the pier! We wouldn't miss another chance to stop at In-n-Out burger, so we did it on the way to Point Loma, in southern San Diego. We visited Cabrillo National Monument and closed the day admiring the views at Sunset Cliffs.

San Diego is a charming city in Southern California, very worth it to combine with a trip to Los Angeles. To summarize, in this video we drive from north to south, and you'll see some of the most famous areas in town: La Jolla, Pacific Beach, and Point Loma.

There are so many things to do in San Diego that you'll need at least 3 days in town. This is day 3 in our itinerary. Here are the others:
Day 1:
Day 2:


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► Watch from the beginning! All videos in California:
► Previous video: San Diego day 02: (Old Town, Little Italy, and Balboa Park)

#RenataInSanDiego #RenataInTheUSA #RenataInCalifornia #RenataInNorthAmerica #SanDiego #California

San Diego travel vlog 3: LA JOLLA, PACIFIC BEACH & POINT LOMA
00:00 - What's in this video
00:57 - La Jolla
02:14 - Children's Pool in La Jolla
03:16 - La Jolla Cove
05:01 - The Cave Store
05:43 - The Village of La Jolla
06:27 - La Jolla Shores
08:38 - Pacific Beach
11:46 - In-n-Out Burger
12:30 - Arrival at Point Loma
13:12 - Cabrillo National Monument
15:33 - Coast defense & Old Point Loma lighthouse
17:15 - Whale overlook & tidepools
18:42 - Sunset Cliffs at Point Loma

Want to travel and create videos? Some services we use and recommend:
✔️ Airbnb - Here's up to US$50 off your first stay when you create an account:
✔️ Music: Epidemic Sound - free for 30 days here:
✔️ YouTube keyword research and batch processing: Tubebuddy -
✔️ Credit card with no international fees: Amex Delta Skymiles - (the annual fee compensates the benefits if you travel a lot)
✔️ Phone/internet worldwide: Google Fi - Here's $20 in credit:
✔️ Hotels: - Save up the 25% when you book via mobile: (plus a free night after you stay for 10 nights)

This vlog was created for the official Renata Pereira YouTube Channel at
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After watching, please take a minute to leave a comment or subscribe. I'm a travel vlogger, and I really appreciate it! :)


+ YOUTUBE IN PORTUGUESE: (who knows if you have a Brazilian friend or wants to practice your Portuguese!? ;)

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I am a Brazilian-American journalist living in Florida. After traveling the world working with sports, news, and events for over 15 years, I realized that what I really love is the travel part of it all. So I exchanged life in the newsrooms and stadiums for the daily challenge of being an independent content producer. I created this channel to share the beauties of the world... stuff that for so long I only kept to myself. Also to help people planning similar trips and to inspire more people to venture out and enjoy life!

P.S.: The funny guy who appears in the vlogs is my husband, Gordon. He is Canadian-American and he's actually camera-shy, that's why he's behind the camera most of the time ????




MEXICO travel guide | EVERYTHING to know before you go????????????

Sign up for SafetyWing travel insurance here — ????????

Everything you need to know about Mexico before you go is covered in this video????. From the best time to visit, how to pay for things, what to pack, where to stay, what to eat, apps to download, how to get around, just EVERYTHING!
We hope you found this guide informative!????

✈️???? MEXICO Resource Pack —

Other important links:
✈Comprehensive health insurance -
Our Mexico Playlist -
Chichen Itza Scam video -

#mexico #mexicoguide #mexicotravel #mexicotravelguide

0:00 — Intro
1:14 — Entry Requirements
2:48 — Currency in Mexico
4:41 — Best time to visit Mexico
6:50 — What to pack for Mexico
8:48 — Apps to download
10:47 — Accommodation in Mexico
11:52 — Transportation in Mexico
14:43 — Budget
16:24 — Traffic in Mexico
17:01 — Language and culture
19:25 — Where to go in Mexico
21:41 — What to eat in Mexico
21:49 — Water & Ice
23:24 — Alcohol
24:48 — Vaccinations for Mexico
25:09 — Length of stay
25:33 — Electricity in Mexico
25:46 — SIM cards and internet
26:26 — Driving permit
26:40 — Tipping
27:10 — Pharmacy
27:37 — Laundry
28:06 — Natural disasters
29:45 — Safety in Mexico
30:23 — Scams
32:19 — Other tips
32:50 — Outro


???? Artlist footage —
???? Music —
???? VPN —


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O que fazer em BRASÍLIA? ???????? - Esplanada dos Ministérios #turistando (Parte 1)


Fala, galera! Estamos começando um novo quadro no canal! No video de hoje iremos apresentar o que fazer em Brasília, nossa cidade.

Espero que curtam o vídeo, não esqueçam do like, e de se inscrever que tem mais conteúdo à caminho!

Vídeos relacionados a nosso turismo em Brasília
O que fazer em Brasília (Parte 2):
O que fazer em Brasília (Parte 3):
Fomos na cachoeira do tororó:



Hola, gente! Vamos a comenzar un nuevo cuadro en el canal. En el video de hoy les vamos a presentar nuestra ciudad, Brasília.


Hi, guys! Today we will start a new framework here in our channel. In today’s video we will show you our city, Brasília.

#turistando #vlogdeviagem #Brasilia #Brasil #oscarniemeyer #luciocosta #catedraldebrasilia #complexoculturaldarepublica #alamedadosestados #praçadostrespoderes #paláciodoplanalto #congressonacional #supremotribunalfederal #paláciodajustiça #paláciodoitamaraty #oscandangos


The Lost City of Petra - Walking Tour - 4K - with Captions

This walking tour of PETRA was filmed on Monday March 28th, 2022 starting at 8am at the Petra Visitor Center. For the best experience, be sure to turn on closed captions [CC] and wear headphones ???? as you watch this tour.

????️Map of the Walk - ????️
????Complete List of Walks: ????
???? ???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????! ???? -
???? Help with a donation! - ????
???? Support me on Patreon - ????
???? Become a Member - ????
????Merchandise - ????

???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????
0:00 Intro and Map
1:30 Petra Visitor Center
5:09 Main Trail
8:54 Djinn Blocks
11:47 Obelisk Tomb
18:50 The Siq
33:28 Camel Caravan
40:55 The Treasury
49:00 Treasury Viewpoint (Low)
55:42 Street of Facades
1:02:45 Unayshu Trail
1:06:02 Unayshu Tomb
1:14:44 Scenic Lookout
1:22:28 Al-Khubtha Trail
1:25:43 Urn Tomb
1:33:34 Royal Tombs
1:35:14 Palace Tomb
1:36:52 Stairs to the Top
1:46:44 Scenic Lookout
1:56:37 Treasury Viewpoint (High)
2:01:43 Hiking Down
2:08:34 Street of Facades
2:14:13 The Theater
2:24:09 The Nymphaeum
2:25:34 The Colonnaded Street
2:27:54 Great Temple
2:38:01 The Hadrian Gate
2:39:59 Qasr al-Bint
2:44:50 Ad-Deir (Monastery) Trail (Up)
3:09:29 Monastery
3:16:18 Scenic Lookout
3:30:05 Ad-Deir (Monastery) Trail (Down)
3:55:38 Qasr al-Bint
4:00:29 Byzantine Church
4:05:54 Blue Chapel
4:17:26 Street of Facades
4:22:30 The Theater
4:28:26 The Treasury
4:30:17 The Siq
4:44:05 Bab as-Siq

Amazon Storefront:
????Camera1: Gopro Hero 10
????Gimbal1: INKEE Falcon Plus
????Camera Monopod:
????Camera2: Sony a7siii:
????Gimbal2: DJI Ronin S2
????In-Ear Monitors:

✔️Let's connect✔️

I would like to thank Michael Damico, Andrey Antsut and Katrin John for being a top level Patreon Supporter! Thanks Dino, Andrey and Katrin for your support!

No part of this video may be used for personal or private use without written permission from Prowalk Tours.

#ProwalkTours #Walkingtour #Petra #Jordan

Piazza Navona, ville impériale de Nara, chutes d’Iguazu | Merveilles du Monde

En 2007, les 7 Merveilles du Monde Moderne ont été élues : le Colisée à Rome, la Grande Muraille de Chine, le Christ à Rio, le Taj Mahal en Inde, le Machu Picchu au Pérou, Chichen Itza au Mexique et Petra en Jordanie. Nous vous proposons de découvrir d'autres merveilles à travers 2 saisons de 26 documentaires de 52 minutes, chacune proposant 7 merveilles en 7 minutes.

Dans cet épisode, vous découvrirez :
00:00 7 merveilles du monde moderne
00:37 La Cité Précolombienne de Teotihuacan, Mexique
07:30 Le Château de Rambouillet, Paris, France
15:26 La Cité Byzantine de Mystra, Péloponnèse, Grèce
23:57 La Piazza Navona, Rome, Italie
31:06 La Forteresse Pierre et Paul, Saint-Pétersbourg, Russie
38:35 La ville impériale de Nara, Japon
46:18 Les chutes d'Iguazu, Brésil et Argentine

Réalisateur : Jacques VICHET

[4K] BRAZIL ???????? BRASIL 2024 Drone Aerial ???? Study & Work | 2 Hour Piano Relaxation Ambient Music

Brasil (or Brasil 2024 with Lounge, Deep House & Chill Out) is a country in South America (or Latin America). The Capital is Brasília while the largest cities are Rio de Janeiro, Brasília, Recife, Natal, Manaus, Fortaleza and Curitiba. Brazil has a population of 220 million. The most important National Parks are the Amazon, Iguazú Falls, Jericoacoara and Lençóis Maranhenses National Park.

0:00 Intro
8:27 Lençóis Maranhenses National Park
10:26 Fernando de Noronha
11:59 Cabo Frio
12:58 Arraial do Cabo
14:32 Paraty Bay
15:05 Trancoso
15:25 Corumbau
15:39 Maceió
17:05 São José do Rio Preto
17:47 Santos
18:07 Iguazú Falls
18:18 Salvador
20:06 Manaus
23:54 Fortaleza
25:19 Recife
26:34 Belo Horizonte
30:05 Goiânia
30:10 Porto Alegre
30:47 Aracaju
33:38 João Pessoa
36:45 São Luís
38:27 Natal
42:55 Vitória
48:38 Brasília
53:10 Florianópolis
54:48 Curitiba
1:02:28 Rio de Janeiro
1:12:56 Canoa Quebrada
1:13:48 Jericoacoara
1:16:24 São Paulo
1:32:29 Ubatuba
1:35:31 Morretes
1:40:15 Amazon
1:55:33 Outro

Music by Simon Wester, We Dream of Eden, Giuliano Poles and Simon Berggren.

Copyright information:
We own a part of the commercial licenses of this video and the music. Most Footage used in the video is licensed. Video footage copyright and music under standard license.


Где купаться в Буэнос-Айресе? Как проводят лето аргентинцы? Отели в Тигре и Нордельте

Где купаться в Буэнос-Айресе? Как проводят лето аргентинцы? Отели в Тигре и Нордельте

Как провести летние жаркие дни в Буэнос-Айресе? Где купаются аргентинцы? Бассейны и отели Тигре и Нордельты.

Юридическое сопровождение получения ВНЖ по родам/рантье/обучению взрослого или ребенка:

По вопросам покупки недвижимости в Аргентине:

Телеграм канал по аренде квартир и домов:

Enjoy the BEST OF BONITO, BRAZIL with Arte da Natureza & Natureza Tour (English Version)

115,000+ views on Facebook! +115mil visualizações no FB!
With One World Productions, video/photo marketing isn’t just another expense… it’s an income generating investment!** ↓ Expand for details. (Português abaixo/Portuguese version below) ↓

We offer:
-Effective marketing that generates sales
-Aerial, underwater and 360 degree pictures and videos
-Time-lapse and computerized motion control shots
-Custom graphic design/editing
-Script writing & translations
-Service in English, Spanish, French and Portuguese

You work hard for your business… It’s time for your video/photo marketing to work just as hard!

To find out more about how you can increase your sales with outstanding marketing, contact:
Pierre Louis Beranek – Creative Director
Cell (Toronto, Canada)/Whatsapp: + 1 647 700-5016

**In 2015, the owner of Arte da Natureza reported a 465% increase in online bookings just one month after the first videos we produced for him went live on Facebook! With the new surge in demand, our client doubled the size of his hotel and requested new videos in 2017 (including the one above). Once again we delivered and that success led to yet another expansion in 2019, tripling the hotel’s original size! See all of the hotel videos we produced for him here:

(versão em português do vídeo aqui:
Com a One World Productions, seu marketing não é apenas mais uma despesa... é um investimento que gera renda!**

-Marketing eficaz para gerar vendas
-Filmagens e fotos aéreas, subaquáticas, e 360 graus
-Filmagens time-lapse (lapso de tempo) com movimentos computarizados
-Design gráfico e edição personalizada
-Roteirismo e traduções
-Serviço em português, espanhol, inglês e francês

Você trabalha duro para o seu negócio... Chegou a hora do seu marketing trabalhar duro também!

Para mais detalhes sobre como pode aumentar as suas vendas com marketing visual de primeira qualidade, entre em contato:
Pierre Louis Beranek – Diretor Criativo
Cel (Toronto, Canadá)/Whatsapp: +1 647 700-5016

**Em 2015, o dono da Pousada Arte da Natureza nos relatou que apenas um mês depois de postar os primeiros vídeos que produzimos para ele no Facebook, suas vendas online aumentaram 465%! Com a nova demanda, ele duplicou o tamanho da pousada, e pediu a produção de novos vídeos em 2017 (incluindo o vídeo acima). Mais uma vez nossas produções foram um grande sucesso para gerar vendas... tanto que nosso cliente expandiu mais uma vez, triplicando o tamanho original da pousada em 2019! Assista todos nossos vídeos da pousada aqui:

Greece of Gods - A Photographic Journey

These are some of the photos of the exhibition Greece of Gods - A Photographic Journey to be held in Brazil in the second semester of 2013.
All photos by Pavlos Euthymiou.



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