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10 Best place to visit in Pavlovskaya Russia


Башкирия, Павловка лодка с мотором, машина и поезд Bashkiria, Pavlovka motorboat, car and train

Сплав по Павловскому водохранилищу на лодке ПВХ с мотором.
На июньские праздники мы ездили на Павловское водохранилище, заехали в Казань, переночевали и поехали до Павловки через Набережные Челны, Елабугу, Камское водохранилище, Благовещенск. Оставили машину на берегу около Павловской ГЭС Павловская ГЭС — гидроэлектростанция, расположенная около села Павловка на реке Уфе в Башкортостане. Единственная ГЭС на реке Уфа. Собственник станции — ООО «Башкирская генерирующая компания» (станция имеет статус производственной площадки Приуфимской ТЭЦ), судоходного шлюза — Министерство транспорта РФ.
Затем на Газели все вещи и лодку перевезли до Караидели, где встали лагерем на берегу реки Байки. На следующее утро вышли в сторону Караидельского моста, и затем по реке Уфа начали сплав до Павловской ГЭС. Прошли через поселок Бердяш, и в Магинске закупили продукты и пополнили запасы воды. Потом пошли в сторону устья реки Юрюзань через Абдуллино и около Караяр стали на вторую ночевку. С утра прошли мимо деревни Новоянсаитово и около Хорошаево встали на третью ночевку. С утра дошли до Двенадцати апостолов около устья реки Уреш и пришли в Павловку, где переночевали и вернулись в Казань. Осмотрели достопримечательности Казанского Кремля, загрузили машину в поезд и на поезде вернулись в Москву.
00:27 Сборы и выезд в путешествие
01:03 В путь!
01:32 В Нижнем Новгороде чай пить!
02:14 Чебоксары
02:39 Казань
02:49 Хостел на Пехотной 17
03:40 Обзор номера в хостеле Пехотная 17
05:02 Идём ужинать в Национальный комплекс Туган авылым
05:40 Национальный комплекс Туган авылым
06:38 Ресторан Туган авылым
09:42 Выезжаем из Казани
09:55 Камское водохранилище
10:02 Въезжаем в Башкирию
10:33 Павловская ГЭС
10:44 Заброс лодки и вещей на Газели в Караидель
11:18 Место старта сплава река Байки около Караидели
12:05 Встали лагерем, ужин, осмотр окрестностей
14:43 С утра наблюдение за птицей Трясогузка
14:57 Утренний завтрак
15:48 Отчаливаем
17:39 Пришвартовались на отдых около Караидельского моста
21:24 Караидельский мост с дрона Mavic Air
22:28 Бердяш
24:00 Магинск идём за продуктами
24:16 Магазин Центр Магинск
24:47 Пополняем запасы воды на колонке в Магинске
25:21 Магинский дракон
25:40 Обеденный перерыв, пробуем супы Кронидов
25:55 Обзор покупок из магазина в Магинске
27:16 Выходим из Магинска в второну устья реки Юрюзань

Rafting on the Pavlovsk reservoir on a PVC boat with a motor.
On the June holidays, we went to the Pavlovskoye reservoir, stopped in Kazan, spent the night and drove to Pavlovka through Naberezhnye Chelny, Elabuga, Kamskoye reservoir, Blagoveshchensk. We left the car on the bank near Pavlovskaya HPP Pavlovskaya HPP is a hydroelectric power plant located near the village of Pavlovka on the Ufa River in Bashkortostan. The only hydroelectric power station on the Ufa River. The owner of the station is LLC Bashkirskaya generating company (the station has the status of the production site of the Priufimskaya CHPP), the navigational lock is the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.
Then, on the Gazelle, all the things and the boat were transported to Karaidel, where they camped on the banks of the Baika River. The next morning, we went towards the Karaidel bridge, and then began rafting down the Ufa River to the Pavlovskaya hydroelectric power station. We went through the village of Berdyash, and in Maginsk we bought food and replenished water supplies. Then we went towards the mouth of the Yuryuzan River through Abdullino and near Karayar we stopped for the second night. In the morning we passed the village of Novoyansaitovo and near Khoroshaevo we got up for the third overnight stay. In the morning we reached the Twelve Apostles near the mouth of the Uresh River and came to Pavlovka, where they spent the night and returned to Kazan. We saw the sights of the Kazan Kremlin, loaded the car onto the train and returned to Moscow by train.
00:27 Gathering and departure for the trip
01:03 Let's go!
01:32 Drink tea in Nizhny Novgorod!
02:14 Cheboksary
02:39 Kazan
02:49 Hostel on Pehotnaya 17
03:40 Review of the room in the hostel Pehotnaya 17
05:02 We're going to have dinner at the Tugan Avylym National Complex
05:40 Tugan Avylym National Complex
06:38 Restaurant Tugan avylym
09:42 We leave Kazan
09:55 Kama reservoir
10:02 We enter Bashkiria
10:33 Pavlovskaya HPP
10:44 Throwing the boat and things on the Gazelle in Karaidel
11:18 Start place of rafting - river Baiki near Karaidel
12:05 We set up camp, dinner, sightseeing
14:43 In the morning bird watching Wagtail
14:57 Morning breakfast
15:48 Set off
17:39 Moored to rest near the Karaidel bridge
21:24 Karaidel Bridge from Mavic Air drone
22:28 Berdyash
24:00 Maginsk go for groceries
24:16 Shop Center Maginsk
24:47 We replenish water supplies at the pump in Maginsk
25:21 Magin Dragon
25:40 Lunch break, trying Kronid soups
25:55 Review of purchases from a store in Maginsk
27:16 We leave Maginsk in the second place of the mouth of the Yuryuzan river

Башкирия, Павловка лодка с мотором, машина и поезд Bashkiria, Pavlovka motorboat, car and train

Сплав по Павловскому водохранилищу на лодке ПВХ с мотором.
На июньские праздники мы ездили на Павловское водохранилище, заехали в Казань, переночевали и поехали до Павловки через Набережные Челны, Елабугу, Камское водохранилище, Благовещенск. Оставили машину на берегу около Павловской ГЭС
Затем на Газели все вещи и лодку перевезли до Караидели, где встали лагерем на берегу реки Байки. На следующее утро вышли в сторону Караидельского моста, и затем по реке Уфа начали сплав до Павловской ГЭС. Прошли через поселок Бердяш, и в Магинске закупили продукты и пополнили запасы воды. Потом пошли в сторону устья реки Юрюзань через Абдуллино и около Караяр стали на вторую ночевку. С утра прошли мимо деревни Новоянсаитово и около Хорошаево встали на третью ночевку. С утра дошли до Двенадцати апостолов около устья реки Уреш и пришли в Павловку, где переночевали и вернулись в Казань. Осмотрели достопримечательности Казанского Кремля, загрузили машину в поезд и на поезде вернулись в Москву.
00:30 Утро, скалы около Хорошаево
00:45 Завтрак
01:27 Скалы около Хорошаево
04:12 Пароход Уфапроекта 737, 737А, 737/205
04:38 Обед у Двенадцати апостолов
05:00 Юрюзань съела наш винт
06:49 Идем к Двенадцати апостолам
08:00 Пятиметровый крест
09:03 Подходим к Павловской ГЭС
09:40 Слип ООО «Берег» на стоянке для катеров и моторных лодок вблизи Павловской ГЭС
10:03 Гостиница на Графтио 17 в Павловке, обзор номера
12:28 Пекарня #1 на улице Графтио 25
13:04 Башкирское мороженое Серебряный снег
13:14 Пельмени Русские Благовещенск Элит-С
13:39 Выезжаем из Павловки в сторону Казани
14:41 По улице Баумана
14:59 Колокольня Богоявленского собора
15:07 Казанский Кремль
16:13 Кремлевская Набережная около Казанского Кремля
16:38 Дворец земледелия Казань
16:50 Beerhouse Астрономическая 10
18:47 Лоукост-отель Берисон
19:20 Загрузка машины в вагон-автомобилевоз регулярных поездов.
19:42 Отзыв о перевозке машины из Казани в Москву. Таких строгих требований нет НИГДЕ! Враг не пройдёт!
20:56 Ждём поезд в парке
21:26 Посадка в поезд Казань-Москва
21:57 Получение машины на Казанском Вокзале в Москве из вагона-автомобилевоза.

Rafting on the Pavlovsk reservoir on a PVC boat with a motor.
On the June holidays, we went to the Pavlovsk reservoir, stopped in Kazan, spent the night and drove to Pavlovka through Naberezhnye Chelny, Elabuga, Kama reservoir, Blagoveshchensk. We left the car on the bank near Pavlovskaya HPP Pavlovskaya HPP is a hydroelectric power plant located near the village of Pavlovka on the Ufa River in Bashkortostan. The only hydroelectric power station on the Ufa River. The owner of the station is LLC Bashkirskaya generating company (the station has the status of the production site of the Priufimskaya CHPP), the navigational lock is the Ministry of Transport of the Russian Federation.
Then, on the Gazelle, all the things and the boat were transported to Karaidel, where they camped on the banks of the Baika River. The next morning, we went towards the Karaidel bridge, and then began rafting down the Ufa River to the Pavlovskaya hydroelectric power station. We went through the village of Berdyash, and in Maginsk we bought food and replenished water supplies. Then we went towards the mouth of the Yuryuzan River through Abdullino and near Karayar we stopped for the second night. In the morning we passed the village of Novoyansaitovo and near Khoroshaevo we got up for the third overnight stay. In the morning we reached the Twelve Apostles near the mouth of the Uresh River and came to Pavlovka, where they spent the night and returned to Kazan. We saw the sights of the Kazan Kremlin, loaded the car onto the train and returned to Moscow by train.
00:30 Morning, rocks near Khoroshaevo
00:45 Breakfast
01:27 Rocks near Horoshaevo
04:12 Steamship Ufa project 737, 737A, 737/205
04:38 Dinner with the Twelve Apostles
05:00 Yuryuzan ate our screw
06:49 We go to the Twelve Apostles
08:00 Five-meter cross
09:03 We approach the Pavlovsk hydroelectric station
09:40 Slip LLC Bereg in the parking lot for boats and motor boats near Pavlovskaya HPP
10:03 Hotel on Graftio 17 in Pavlovka, room review
12:28 Bakery # 1 at 25 Graftio Street
13:04 Bashkir Ice Cream Silver Snow
13:14 Russian dumplings Blagoveshchensk Elite-S
13:39 We leave Pavlovka towards Kazan
14:41 Along Bauman Street
14:59 Bell tower of the Epiphany Cathedral
15:07 Kazan Kremlin
16:13 Kremlin Embankment near the Kazan Kremlin
16:38 Palace of Agriculture Kazan
16:50 Beerhouse Astronomical 10
18:47 Low-cost hotel Berison
19:20 Loading the car into a car-carrying car of regular trains.
19:42 Review of the car transportation from Kazan to Moscow. There are no such strict requirements ANYWHERE! The enemy will not pass!
20:56 We are waiting for the train in the park
21:26 Boarding the Kazan-Moscow train
21:57 Getting a car at the Kazan Station in Moscow from a car carrier.

Across Russia by Steam 1 - Telerail

A close look at the initial part of the mammoth journey of almost 4,500 kilometres, from St. Petersburg in the west, over the Ural Mountains before continuing eastwards almost half way across Siberia, to the remote town of Tayshet where the new BAM route branches off north eastwards. For more details please look at

Across Russia by Steam 2 - Telerail

Documents the journey over the second half of the traditional Trans-Siberian route across Siberia, from Tayshet onwards around the southern end of Lake Baikal and then hugging the Chinese border all the way to Vladivostok. For more details please look at

DJI MINI 2 4K Cinematic Abandoned Stone Bridge Deep In The Woods

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Drone footage 4K of a beautiful abandoned stone railway bridge build somewhere deep in Russian forests at the very beginning of 20 century...
DJI MINI 2 4K Cinematic Abandoned Stone Bridge Deep In The Woods
This railway stone bridge was built in 1914. This region has no more railway stone bridge just this stone bridge only. This fact makes this railway stone bridge even more unique. This stone bridge has its own unique design. Despite the location of this railway stone bridge. The stone bridge is quite high - 19 meters from water level.
Abandoned Stone Bridge Deep In The Woods
Ancient stone bridge in the forest #vanlife tourism
There is an abandoned stone railway bridge in the forest. Stone handsome! Forgotten, abandoned by everyone ... Let's visit it and do some drone footage in 4k!
By M10 / E105 Moscow - St. Petersburg to the village of Yarynya. From Veliky Novgorod about 110 km. From the M10 you need to go along the sign to the Kolokola village. Further along the dirt road to the crossing, about 3 km. From the crossing, to the right, 1 km. on foot along the sleepers to the actual railway bridge to capture some drone footage.
I have dreamed of making drone footage of this stone bridge crossing the Yarynya River for a long time. Thera are several drone footage of this stone bridge already awailable on youtube? but none of this drone footage is 4k. Unfortunately, this is already an abandoned stone bridge, but stone cladding and classic arches strikingly distinguish this railway stone bridge in the forest from modern crossings, it hides in the coastal foliage and is undeservedly deprived of attention so it is not easy to perform drone footage of this stone bridge.
The Valdai - Kresttsy railway was part of the Narva - Luga - Novgorod - Bronnitsy - Valdai project, which was built during the First World War, including for strategic reasons.
At the same time, in the same place, another project was being implemented - the Petrograd - Novgorod - Bronnitsy - Soblago - Smolensk - Oryol railway. The well-known bulls on the Volkhov (unfinished railway bridge) were to become the pillars of the railway bridge of these two projects.
Both projects were never fully implemented. There is a version that it is precisely because of the Novgorod cultural heritage. The project and the railway stone bridge under construction caused a lot of noise in the then cultural circles, since the railway was supposed to pass in the immediate vicinity of Rurikov Gorodishche and the Church of the Savior on Nereditsa and completely change the local landscape. You can find some drone footage of this location on youtube. According to another version, the construction of the railway stone bridge was stopped due to the fact that in 1918 Soviet Russia concluded a peace treaty with Germany in Brest. Because of this agreement, the need for the construction of many strategic roads has disappeared.
From the first project, only the Novgorod - Batetskaya - Luga and Valdai - Kresttsy sections were implemented. Both sites were built in 1916. From the second - Novgorod (Preduzlovaya-Pavlovskaya) - Novolisino (1914 - 1918, 1918 - 1922). In addition to the two sections, Orlovskaya Street and the embankment from Myachenskie Lakes to the village of Kresttsy remained from the project.
It's hard to believe, but such beauty, such a beautiful railway stone bridge, is not located anywhere in Europe, but here, right next to us. The ancient stone railway bridge, built a hundred years ago for strategic reasons, could well become a prominent tourist attraction in our time. And i hope that my drone footage will help on this matter! Moreover, the presence of a railway allows excursion trains to be launched here. Isn't it a retro route? Good photos of the abandoned railway stone bridge are only possible during the leafless season. The stone bridge is overgrown on all sides. As, however, the entire Valdai line. So be careful while producing drone footage. You can easily loose your drone along with all drone footage.
If we lived somewhere in central Europe, this railway stone bridge would definitely have a name and it would be a well-known symbol of the area. Officially, the Valdai-Kresttsy line is in operation, but the last train along it passed already in 2006. By the time the line was closed, there was almost no movement along the line. Passenger traffic through this railway was stopped even earlier, in 1992. Retro tours using steam locomotives were organized at least in 1996.
Watch it to the end, like it! Subscribe and comment! More drone footage to come!
That Dude From Russia

Россия: Павловская слобода/Russia: Pavlovskaya Sloboda Village

Село Павловская слобода в Истринском районе Московской области знаменито храмом Благовещения Пресвятой Богородицы 16-го века. /
The village of Pavlovskaya Sloboda outside Moscow is famous for its Churd of Annunciation built in the 16th century.

Music: Rimsky-Korsakov


Собор в Калининграде/Russia: Königsberg Cathedral

Вена: Карлскирхе/Vienna: Karlskirche

Россия: Музей Витославлицы/Russia: Vitoslavlitsy Museum

Россия: Волоколамск/Russia: Volokolamsk

Россия: Великий Новгород/Russia: Novgorod

Russian Imperial Train

In the Finnish Railway Museum is the only still existing Imperial Train of the Romanov family.

Russian Steam in 1992 - Moscow!

We start in the fields around Minsk but move, by train, to Moscow where we first see the terminal station and then go by bus to the Scherblinka Railway Test Station. Here we see some action, some dead locos awaiting restoration, and inside ther station, some active preserved units. Outside we see briefly a grim reminder of recent past - the watch-tower, now unmanned.

Steam in Russia 1992

After some activity with the SU 2-6-2 loco we get the mighty P36. That is some locomotive, that one.

Russian Steam 1992. Minsk Area.

First a scene in the station. Women sweeping the rails and man with mini rail-barrow. Large black steam loco, class forgotten

貝加爾湖#9 Circum Baikal Railway-Russia-2 【2015 搭火車到柏林 Trans Siberian Railway- Scandinavia-Germany】

2015 was the hardest year for me. Thanks to my family, without your supporting I couldn't make it. I love you!

【2015 搭火車到柏林 Trans Siberian Railway- Scandinavia-Germany】
0927-Circum Baikal Railway-Irkutsk-Russia

Music: Youtube Audio-Bibliothek
Reason to Smile
Topher Mohr and Alex Elena

A trip by car in Moscow. Kremlin ring and Boulevard ring at dawn

Поездка на машине по Кремлёвскому и Бульварному кольцам на рассвете.

0:00 Подольское шоссе || Podolskoye Highway
0:42 Павловская улица || Pavlovskaya Street
1:20 Большая Серпуховская улица || Bolshaya Serpukhovskaya Street
2:38 Серпуховская площадь || Serpukhovskaya Square
2:54 Пятницкая улица || Pyatnitskaya Street
5:37 Лубочный переулок || Lubochny Lane
6:01 Болотная улица || Bolotnaya Street
6:22 Болотная набережная || Bolotnaya Embankment
7:19 Улица Серафимовича || Serafimovicha Street
8:03 Боровицкая площадь || Borovitskaya Square
8:27 Моховая улица || Mokhovaya Street
9:31 Улица Охотный Ряд || Okhotny Ryad Street
9:48 Театральная площадь || Teatralnaya Square
10:01 Театральный проезд || Teatralny Drive
10:23 Лубянская площадь || Lubyanskaya Square
10:34 Новая площадь || Novaya Square
11:00 Старая площадь || Staraya Square
11:23 Площадь Варварские Ворота || Varvarskiye Vorota Square
11:33 Китайгородский проезд || Kitaygorodsky Drive
12:15 Москворецкая набережная || Moskvoretskaya Embankment
13:05 Кремлёвская набережная || Kremlyovskaya Embankment
14:25 Пречистенская набережная || Prechistenskaya Embankment
15:23 Соймоновский проезд || Soymonovsky Drive
15:49 Площадь Пречистенские Ворота || Prechistenskiye Vorota Square
16:05 Гоголевский бульвар || Gogolevsky Boulevard
17:14 Арбатская площадь || Arbatskaya Square
17:47 Никитский бульвар || Nikitsky Boulevard
18:26 Площадь Никитские Ворота || Nikitskiye Vorota Square
18:45 Тверской бульвар || Tverskoy Boulevard
20:01 Пушкинская площадь || Pushkinskaya Square
20:25 Страстной бульвар || Strastnoy Boulevard
21:50 Петровский бульвар || Petrovsky Boulevard
22:46 Трубная площадь || Trubnaya Square
23:09 Рождественский бульвар || Rozhdestvensky Boulevard
24:19 Сретенский бульвар || Sretensky Boulevard
24:45 Тургеневская площадь || Turgenevskaya Square
25:03 Площадь Мясницкие Ворота || Myasnitskiye Vorota Square
25:13 Чистопрудный бульвар || Chistoprudny Boulevard
26:21 Хохловская площадь || Khokhlovskaya Square
26:40 Покровский бульвар || Pokrovsky Boulevard
27:55 Яузский бульвар || Yauzsky Boulevard
28:36 Площадь Яузские Ворота || Yauzskiye Vorota Square
28:52 Устьинский проезд || Ustyinsky Drive
29:39 Садовнический проезд || Sadovnichesky Drive
30:04 Садовническая набережная || Sadovnicheskaya Embankment
31:25 Лубочный переулок || Lubochny Lane
31:45 Болотная улица || Bolotnaya Street

KHARKIV, UKRAINE - Virtual Walking Tour of Constitution Square

WALKING TOUR KHARKIV, UKRAINE. In this video, we will walk along Constitution square of Kharkov. This is one of the central and oldest squares in the city. It was founded in 1659 and covers the area of 40,000 m². There are two metro stations under the square. The metro station Constitution Square, was opened in 1975, and the metro station Historical Museum, was opened in 1984. From Constitution square begins the longest street of the city - Moskovsky avenue. If you want to travel a bit around of Kharkov, then this video is for you.

Please turn on subtitles and select language.

Friends, if you like our videos, please subscribe, click on likes and leave comments. This helps us grow and develop our channel. We try to make only the best videos for you. Thank you and enjoy watching.

00:00 - Introduction
00:20 - Constitution Square
01:33 - Academic Puppet Theatre
02:10 - Metro station Constitution Square
02:13 - National University of the Arts
02:44 - Nikolsky shopping center
02:52 - Underground passage
04:00 - City Council Building
05:43 - Palace of Labor
06:37 - Crossroads of Constitution square and Pavlovskaya square
08:57 - House with the Spire
10:37 - Begins of Moskovsky avenue
11:17 - Assumption Cathedral
11:49 - Metro station Constitution Square
12:34 - Constitution square
14:54 - MonumentFlying Ukraine
17:08 - Tank Mk.V
18:22 - Tank T-34

City Information
Kharkiv is city in the eastern part of Ukraine, the center of the Kharkiv region, important industrial and scientific center of the country. The city is the first capital of Ukraine. The city's economy is made up of enterprises of high-tech industries: power engineering, electrical engineering, transport and agricultural engineering, instrument making, radio electronics, aerospace.

Country: Ukraine
Province: Kharkiv region
City name: Kharkiv city or Kharkov city
City foundation date: 1630 year
City area: 350,05 km²
City population: 1 443 886 people
Nationalities reside: Slavs, Jews, Armenians, etc.
Climate: Moderate continental
Time zone: in winter - UTC + 2.00, in summer - UTC + 3.00
Telephone code: +38 (057)
Postcode: 61001 - 61499

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Channel information.
Hello friends and welcome to the channel. On this channel, we publish videos of our walks from different cities, travels and other videos of the similar topic. The purpose of this channel is to show you the architecture, culture, nature, customs and everyday life in other cities in different countries, to sharing with you how people live in these cities. Thank you for visiting our channel, subscribe and enjoy our videos.

#kharkiv #ukraine #walkingtour #citywalk #citytour #kharkov

Steam on Baikal Line

Crossing with a steam train on the old Baikal line along the Baikal Lake in Russia GTSE

World Steam Locomotives, Soviet P-36 Class.

This file is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 4.0 International license
Original Author: ElsyChester
Steam Locomotive P36 -0120 is shown @ Pavlovskyi Posad station, Moscow with a short demonstration train in 2016. The Soviet locomotive class P36 (Russian: П36) was a Soviet mainline passenger steam locomotive type. Between 1950 and 1956, 251 locomotives were built. The locomotives were nicknamed Generals because of the red stripe down the side.

RUSSIAN RAILWAYS (RZD) St Petersburg-Moscow Sapsan in Opchenskiy Posad yard

RUSSIAN RAILWAYS (RZD) St Petersburg-Moscow Sapsan in Opchenskiy Posad yard

Russian passenger #train Moskva-Kirov #ep2k #railway

Коп на распаханной трактовой дороге в тумане. Бракованная царская монета и серебро.

Всем привет! Сегодня приехал пройтись по распаханной трактовой дороге. Туманная погода после обильных дождей конечно тоже подкорректировала наш поиск. Но это препятствие не было большой проблемой. Было много интересных находок. Попалось даже серебро и интересная бракованная царская монета.
Всем приятного просмотра!

Заброшенные деревни, урочище, находки, поиск кладов и старины, поиск монет, поиск раритетов и золота! Подписывайтесь на канал!
#ПоискМонет #Кладоискатель #Кладоискатели #КопПоСтарине #Монеты #СССР #Тракт #Бракмонеты #Царскаябракованнаямонета #Трактоваядорога

Russian steam locomotive carrying Santa Claus train

#youtube #short #shortvideo #russia #viral #india #tourism #tiktok #tour traveling Russian railway????⛽



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