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10 Best place to visit in Patos Fshat Albania


KRUJA ALBANIA ???????? | friendly locals, crazy hikes & Albanian hospitality! (WE LOVE IT HERE!)

Welcome to beautiful Kruja, Albania! We had no idea what was ahead of us when we came to this beautiful little town located just one hour from Tirana. This vlog is all over the place, but ended up being one of our most memorable ones.
We met incredibly friendly people, learned about Albanian culture and traditions and even had a crazy encounter with cows coming back from our hike to Sarisalltik! We hope you enjoy it :)

Let us know in the comments what was your favorite part! Thanks so much for watching and we'll see you next time!

Aimara & Gordon

(it's an easy print/save, one page PDF!!)


Intro 00:00
Tirana to Kruja (public bus) 00:42
Arriving to Kruja 03:03
Kruja's Bazaar 04:12
Albanian Byrek 07:27
Our New Friend 09:03
Hike to Sarisalltik 11:13
Cow Encounter #1 17:22
Cow Encounter #2 18:24

Other Useful Links:





★ For more outfit ideas, girl stuff and capsule wardrobes you can check out my personal blog:

★ To shop ALL my updated travel outfits, check out this page:


* BEST White Sneakers: (I have the OCA Low in White Leather)
* Favorite & Most Flattering Swimsuits:
* Cutest Sustainable Headbands:
* Go-to Linen Shirt: (similar one here in case it's OOS
* Travel Waterproof Birkenstocks: (they run large)
* Pearl Earrings:
* Best T-Shirts For Traveling & For Life:
* My Favorite & ONLY Sunnies:

PS: These are affiliate links. Which means we receive a small commission if you shop for anything at no extra cost to you. Thanks in advance for helping us stay on the road so we can keep creating useful content for you!

PS: Still not sure if anyone would be interested in G's outfits, so please ask us if you need any details ;) We're happy to share!

If you need any other questions answered, ask in the comments below or email either of us:


Renting a car in Albania is the best way to discover what this beautiful country has to offer! Distances are not long and you can literally be enjoying the beach one day, and go rafting in the mountains the next day.

Another reason why an Albanian roadtrip is a great idea is because there's not much to do in the little towns, so spending two nights at each is the perfect way to see a lot in little time and have all kinds of different experiences. Trust us, you will not be bored!

And don't forget that the bus system in Albania still has a long way to go, so better to have your own private transportation if your budget allows!


Questions? Let us know! We are always happy to help :)

Thanks so much for watching our videos! We hope you enjoy them!

Aimara & Gordon


Intro 00:00
Travel Tips 00:40
Permet 01:11
Banje Thermal Springs 03:29
Permet Hotel Tour 05:21
Korca 06:36
Korca Day 2 11:18
In The Next Video 15:01


- Other Useful Links:




★ For more outfit ideas, girl stuff and capsule wardrobes you can check out my personal blog:

★ To shop ALL my updated travel outfits, check out this page:


* BEST White Sneakers: (I have the OCA Low in White Leather)
* Favorite & Most Flattering Swimsuits:
* Cutest Sustainable Headbands:
* Go-to Linen Shirt: (similar one here in case it's OOS
* Travel Waterproof Birkenstocks: (they run large)
* Pearl Earrings:
* Best T-Shirts For Traveling & For Life:
* My Favorite & ONLY Sunnies:

PS: These are affiliate links. Which means we receive a small commission if you shop for anything at no extra cost to you. Thanks in advance for helping us stay on the road so we can keep creating useful content for you!

PS: Still not sure if anyone would be interested in G's outfits, so please ask us if you need any details ;) We're happy to share!

If you need any other questions answered, ask in the comments below or email either of us:

SHKODER, ALBANIA REPORTAZH 2023, Vlog në Qytetin e Shkodrës ???????? Shkodra Albania 2023 [4K HDR]

▶ Miq Pershendetje, ju pershendes te gjitheve ketu nga Qyteti i bukur i Shkodres, kam ardhur sot ketu ne Qytetin e Shkodres per t’ju prezantuar nje Vlog te cilin do ta nisim ketu ne Pedonalene Shkodres duke ecur dhe komentuar gjithcka do te shohim ne kohe reale.

Ju mirepres te gjitheve ne sektorin e komenteve per te dhene mendimin apo opinionin tuaj per videon qe jeni duke ndjekur ketu nga Qyteti i bukur i Shkodres.

Ndjekesit e rinj mund te na ndjekur duke klikuar ne butonin Subscribe ne menyre qe te mos humbisni ansje postim apo publikim te ri nga kanlai yne ne YouTube, ju pershendes dhe shikim te kendshem.

Mir per miq , nisim videon ketu nga Shkodra , jemi ne orarin e pasdites, mbremja ketu eshte mjaft e bukur me shume Qytetare qe shetisin ne kete Pedonale, besoj se pak me vone do duket me bukur ketu sepse nese nje shetitore nuk ka njerez qe shetisin nuk ka jete dhe nuk ka asnje arsye per tu duker bukur, ndaj pak me vone do te kemi pamje me te bukura.

Kjo eshte lulishtja ketu ne qender te Qytetit, ky eshte nje park i vogel ketu i gjelber, ku ne kete park gjenden dhe keto stailacione, te pakten ketu ne Shkoder funksionojne edhe keto shatervane ndryshe nga nga shume Qytete te tjera ne Shqiperi jane shqtervanet per nuk punojne.

Pergjate veres ju kam transmetuar edhe video te tjera nga ky Qytet , Live apo edhe video me regjistrim te kesaje shetitoreje ketu, dhe eshte nje shetitore qe mbushet plot sidomos ne periudhen e veres , me sakte gjate mbremjeve sepse temperatura eshte pak e larte dhe eshte disi e larte, te shohim ne mbremje se si do duket, ky eshte edhe institucioni kryesor sic duket ne pamje qe eshte Bashkia e Qytetit, Bashkia e Qytetit te Shkodres.

Nje shetitore kjo shume e gjelbert me peme shume te dendura , shikoni sa pamje e bukur kjo ketu ne kete park te vogel te Qytetit, ku reflekset e drites dhe ngjyrave jane shume te bukura plot gjelberim dhe imazhe magjike me dendesine e keture pemeve plot freski.

Shkodra eshte nje nga Qytetet me te vjetra ne Shqiperi , ky qytet eshte pikenisja ku nje turist fillon rrugetimin turistik per te eksploruar veriun e Shqiperise ne shume atraksione te bukura turistike qe ka Shkodra , ne kete Qytet kemi edhe shumë monumente historike sic eshte Kalaja e Shkodres ,gjithashtu eshte edhe Shiroka shume afer Qytetit, keto jane atraksione turistike ku cdo turist larghet plot shije te mira nga ketu sepse ne qarkun e Shkodres ka shume zona te tjera turistike , mos harrojem qe kemi edhe Thethin nje atraksion turistik magjik te cilin cdo kush qe nuk e ka vizituar duhet ta eksploroje patjeter

Shkodra njihet edhe si Qyteti i Bicikletave sepse kudo sheh bicikleta nga Qytetaret , cdo familje e ka nje te tille

Ajo qe bie ne sy kudo qe fokuson kameren ketu jane objektet me nje arkitekture mjaft te bukur ne Shkoder e cila eshte ruajtur me mjaft fanatizem nga qytetaret por edhe institucionet kryesore te shtetit kane nje arkitekture fantastike ku eshte mirembajtur identiteti dhe origjinaliteti i ketyre ndertesave

Kam vene re gjate dites se sotme qe shume turiste vijne dhe shetisin ne keto rruge duke vizituar kete qytet , nuk eshte se ka shume prezente te madhe por kam vene re disa prej tyre

Here pas here po mundohem tju bej pamje panoramike per te kuptuar me mire arkitekturen e ndertesave sespe eshte karektiristike e vecante e ketije qyteti sepse eshte nje qytet muze dhe arsyeja per tu vizituar ky qytet eshte arkitektuar dhe historia


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Rome - France - Paris - Photography - Love - Travel - Nature - Germany - Italy - Usa - Art - Instagood - Europe - Picoftheday - Photooftheday - Instagram - French - Photo - Fashion - Spain - Travelphotography - Albania - Canada - Landscape - Summer - Architecture - London - Like - Beautiful - Travelgram - Europa - Architecture - Uk - Spain - World - Summer - Europetravel - Wanderlust
⛔️ ATTENTION : All rights of the published videos belong to ANGJEL PRO and AV PRODUCTION, to protect these videos with copyright © ️ and in legal way. Videos from this channel can not be copied, all their violators to be prosecuted according to applicable legal provisions.
*** This Video Vlog is Made to show the city and the environment, if you are present on this video and you don't want to be please contact me or comment on this video and i will remove you completely & immediately ***

#Shkoder #Albania #AlbertVideomaker

PESHKOPIA, DIBRA ???????? REPORTAZH ????❤️ DIBER, PESHKOPI, MAT【4K】(English Subtitles)

00:00 - Dibra
02:24 - Peshkopia
03:15 - Mali i Korabit
04:30 - Muzeu i Dibres
04:56 - Lixhat e Peshkopise
05:40 - Liqenet e Lures
06:45 - Drini i zi Diber
08:36 - Shetitorja ne Peshkopi
22:54 - Intervista Prof. Hysen Uka
34:38 - Mbyllja e Reportazhit

©️ All material in this video is original, recorded and edited by me!
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▶ Greece :
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⛔️ ATTENTION : All rights of the published videos belong to ANGJEL PRO and AV PRODUCTION, to protect these videos with copyright © ️ and in legal way. Videos from this channel can not be copied, all their violators to be prosecuted according to applicable legal provisions.

#Travel #Tourist #AlbertVideomaker

Pogradec, Albania ???????? Driving real time in Pogradec City ???? [4K HDR]

▶ 00:00 - Intro
▶ 00:53 - Maps Driving
▶ 01:31 - Pogradec City
▶ 24:46 - Outro
▶ The Contet of this this Channel are Protected by Angjel PRO ©
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©️ All material in this video is original, recorded and edited by me!
France - Paris - Photography - Love - Travel - Nature - Germany - Italy - Usa - Art - Instagood - Europe - Picoftheday - Photooftheday - Instagram - French - Photo - Fashion - Spain - Travelphotography - Albania - Canada - Landscape - Summer - Architecture - London - Like - Beautiful - Travelgram - Europa - Architecture - Uk - Spain - World - Summer - Europetravel - Wanderlust
⛔️ ATTENTION : All rights of the published videos belong to ANGJEL PRO and AV PRODUCTION, to protect these videos with copyright © ️ and in legal way. Videos from this channel can not be copied, all their violators to be prosecuted according to applicable legal provisions.
*** This Video Vlog is Made to show the city and the environment, if you are present on this video and you don't want to be please contact me or comment on this video and i will remove you completely & immediately ***

#Pogradec #Albania #AlbertVideomaker

10 самых АТМОСФЕРНЫХ мест Дагестана. БОЛЬШОЙ ВЫПУСК #Дагестан #ПутешествиеПоДагестану

10 самых АТМОСФЕРНЫХ мест Дагестана. БОЛЬШОЙ ВЫПУСК #Дагестан #ПутешествиеПоДагестану #НовостиДагестана

Если вы из России:
????Сбербанк VISA:
4276 4600 3142 5759
Алексей Константинович Н.

Если вы из Кыргызстана:
????О! Деньги:
0 705 772 809

????Если вы из других стран:
????Kaspi VISA (Казахстан):
4400 4301 2164 7579
????Finca ЭЛКАРТ (Кыргызстан):
9417 7185 7541 9945
????Demir VISA (Кыргызстан):
4215 8901 1179 6774

Извиняюсь за фактическую неточность. Глубина Сулакского каньона около 1600 м

????Выпуск про потрею дрона и его поиски в дагестанских джунглях

????Выпуск про восхождение на одну из самых красивых гор Кавказа

????Выпуск про мой экстремальный поход
в Тляратинском районе

????Шамсудин, сопровождавший меня в Гооре и снимавший на языке Тролля:

????Дауд, ювелир из Кубачи:

????Гамзат, вытащивший из передряги в Чародинском районе:

????Парни, помогавшие в съёмках и поисках дрона в Зизикском ущелье:
Мейлан: (страница удалена)
Хабиб: (страница удалена)

????Ахмед, амбассадор Большого Сулакского каньона, сдаёт комнаты в Верхнем Каранае:

????Ганифа, сопровождавший меня на Шалбуздаг:

????Ирек, тоже вместе поднимались, проводит туры по Грузии:

???? Парни, с которыми мы вместе ходили по долине реки Баараор до озера Хала-Хель:
Камиль: (страница не найдена)
Хабиб (тоже там втретились, план ХЪ):

????Отдельное спасибо за дагестанскую музыку в видео дагестанскому ансамблю народной музыки Макьам.
Профиль ансамбля:

❇️Чтобы увидеть много красивых фото и мои путешествия практически в прямом эфире, ПОДПИШИСЬ НА МОЙ ПРОФИЛЬ:

Всем привет от Youtube-канала VPUTNAP!
????Меня зовут Алексей, и я обожаю путешествовать!

????Сегодня у меня новый выпуск про Дагестан
????Пожалуй, такой мощной концентрации красоты в одном видео у меня ещё не было! И всё это в 4K! Я не зря был в путешествии по Дагестану целых 4 месяца!

В этом выпуске вы узнаете про 10 мест Дагестана, которые поразили меня своей неповторимой атмосферой и красотой и больше всего запали мне в душу.
Я расскажу о том, что это за места, как туда добраться и покажу, ради чего стоит приехать в Дагестан!

В этом видео вы увидите:
????самое высокогорное село в Европе Куруш (Докузапринский район)
????самое самобытное село Дагестана Кубачи (Дахадаевский район)
????один из самых красивых водопадов Дагестана Чирхалю (Чародинский район)
???? дагестанские джунгли (Зизикское ущелье, Сулейман-Стальский район)
????самый красивый (но опасный) пеший маршрут в Дагестане вдоль реки Баараор (Тляратинский район)
????дагестанский язык тролля (Шамильский район)

Ещё вы узнаете:
????чем заброшенное село Кала-Корейш (Дахадаевский район) лучше распиаренного Гамсутля (Гунибский район)
????где найти в Дагестане исландские пейзажи (долина реки Шиназ, Рутульский район)
????почему все ездят на маленький Сулакский каньон в то время, как есть реально Большой
????как отдохнуть душой и найти атмосферное место с нетронутой природой и мощнейшими видами посреди самого туристического района Дагестана (гора Маяк, Гунибский район)
????где я встретил лучший рассвет в своей жизни (гора Шалбуздаг, Докузпаринский район)

Бóльшая часть мест из моей десятки – не самые туристические.
Но, поверьте, несмотря на то, что в некоторые из них ведут плохие дороги,
либо они пока ещё малоизвестны – это всё настоящие жемчужины????
????Приятного просмотра!

00:00 Начало
01:39 Старый Гоор. Дагестанский язык Тролля
04:46 Старый Кахиб
05:15 Самое высокогорное село Европы — Куруш
08:36 Самое самобытное село Дагестана — Кубачи
12:21 Чем Кала-Корейш круче распиаренного Гамсутля
15:36 Водопад Чирхалю
16:43 Пейзажи Чародинского района — просто песня
17:40 Как я застрял на седане в глубине Чародинского района
18:49 Рутульский район. Цахурская долина
19:32 Исландские пейзажи долины реки Шиназ. Древнее село Уна
22:39 Большой фильм про Дагестан. СКОРО
23:05 Дагестанские джунгли
25:25 Большой Сулакский каньон
29:26 Почему все едут на маленький каньон, когда есть Большой?
31:00 Гора Маяк — топовое место в Дагестане
36:33 Лучший рассвет в моей жизни
37:26 Шалбуздаг: почему стоит подняться?
40:12 Долина реки Баараор: лучший пеший маршрут в Дагестане
43:10 Самый сложный поход в моей жизни
44:26 Сёла Тляратинского района
45:03 Как составлялся список мест?

Palermo, Sicily Walking Tour - With Captions - 4K

This walking tour of PALERMO, SICILY was filmed on Friday June 21st, 2020 starting at 10:06 AM at the Porta di Vicari.

????️Map of the Walk - ????️

???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????
0:00 Drone intro and Map
1:39 Porta di Vicari
4:34 Mercato Ballaró
32:42 Chiesa del Gesù
41:02 Via Maqueda
41:48 Piazza Bellini
42:49 Santa Maria dell'Ammiraglio
47:53 Fontana Pretoria
52:43 Piazza Quattro Canti
56:35 Via Vittorio Emanuele
57:50 San Matteo al Cassaro
1:05:53 Piazza Marina
1:14:42 Giardino Garibaldi
1:25:15 Porta Felice
1:28:05 La Cala
1:39:06 Colonna dell'Immacolata
1:40:07 Chiesa di San Domenico
1:45:39 Rooftop Terrace
1:48:10 La Vucciria
1:55:30 Piazza Quattro Canti
1:56:21 Via Maqueda
2:04:16 Teatro Massimo
2:23:07 Piazza Verdi
2:26:27 Piazza Olivella
2:29:28 Piazza Verdi
2:34:59 Porta Carini & Mercato del Capo
2:44:11 Cathedral of Palermo
2:55:12 Villa Bonanno
3:01:14 Norman Palace
3:04:33 Porta Nuova
3:18:06 Piazza Quattro Canti

????Complete List of Walks: ????
???? ???????????????????????? ????????????????????????????????????! ???? -
???? Help with a donation! - ????
???? Support me on Patreon - ​ ????
???? Become a Member - ????
????Merchandise - ????

????Gimbal: EVO SS (sold out)
????In-Ear Monitors:
More Items:

✔️Let's connect✔️

I would like to thank Michael Damico, Andrey Antsut and Katrin John for being a top level Patreon Supporter! Thanks Dino, Andrey and Katrin for your support!

No part of this video may be used for personal or private use without written permission from Prowalk Tours.

#ProwalkTours #Walkingtour #Palermo

Our FIRST TIME in GREECE! It's fantastic! ????????

We're super excited to have a chance to travel through Greece with our motorhome this year!
Crossing the border from Albania to Greece was without any issues but sadly the rain was relentless, and we stopped overnight in the first town we came across. Although Ioannina was not on our original route, it ended up being a wonderful place to see. Built along the banks of lake Pamvotida, it's a beautiful city full of history but. The castle town of Ioannina is the oldest Byzantine fortress in Greece and one of the few castles that is still inhabited!
We make vlogs, not travel guides. We don't film everything we see or do. Our videos cannot tell every story or show every place we visit. Our videos are merely a short snippet of sometimes a week's worth of life on the road and it's intended to show our experience as full-time travelers. As we're constantly on the move it's also not always possible to take the time to research every single location. We really appreciate when people offer us advice or make suggestions for our next visit. Please don't make assumptions or be rude. To us or to each other.
If you enjoy our content and feel like you want to support us, you can do so in a number of ways.
1. SUBSCRIBE! Leave a comment and share our videos with your friends!
2. WATCH the ads displayed on our videos without skipping. Ads pays for content so that you don't have to!
3. USE the Super Thank You below the videos if you want to buy us a gelato!
4. Become a PATREON member which will also give you access to follow our Polarsteps Travel Diary
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Welcome! We’re Andre and Lisa. A married South African couple who have been travelling together for almost 20 years, to more than 40 countries. In 2017 we took stock of our life, made the decision to 'retire early' and gave up our professional careers and all our personal possessions in order to explore the world as full-time nomads. Over the past two years, we have been travelling through Europe with our 20-year-old Motorhome. Please subscribe to follow along and join us on our adventure! You can find our blog at where we post regularly about the destinations, we visit along with travel tips and what we spend on travelling.
If you're interested in any of the gear we use or the products we show in our videos you will find most of them listed in our AMAZON store. If not, let us know and we'll provide more information.

SafetyWing Travel Medical
WorldNomads Travel medical
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#wewillnomad #vanlifeeurope #greece #ioannina

Berat is one of the most beautiful places to see Albania!

АЛБАНИЯ, цены,обзор, Albania,prices, shopping.

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Beautiful COASTAL Road Trip | Albania's Llogara Pass

This drive makes renting a car in Albania worth it! The coastal drive from Himara, through Llogara pass, and up to Vlore is one of the most beautiful in the country... and the roads are nice and smooth! Check out this quick vlog as we end the day in Berat- our next destination.

????Himare, Albania

????Llogara Pass, Albania

????Panarama Llogara, Albania (best views are seen from here, you can search this on google or

????Vlore, Albania (specifically the old town of Vlore)

????Berat, Albania


Himara Hostel
????Himara, Albania

Maya Hostel
????Berat, Albania

TIP: Using to navigate is going to be more accurate and less of a hassle than using google maps or Apple Maps. Sometimes we would search things like ATM's on google maps and then they just wouldn't exist... with that's not the case. Took some time to get used to using it but it will get you where you need to go, as well as give better direction while driving on the road (like letting you know there will a roundabout coming up!)

We are Heather & Ryan, we sold everything to travel full-time! We left San Diego in the summer of 2021 and drove cross country to visit friends and family before leaving the country. Our overseas adventure has begun, here in Albania!

Where do we get our music?? ???? Check out Epidemic Sound!!

City life of TIRANA

Join me as I explore Albania, first stop the capital city of Tirana.

Places in the video:
BunkArt1 and BunkArt2
National History Museum
Postbllok Memorial
Softplay at TEG

Finding Paradise in Dhermi, Albania!

This is part two of my Albanian road trip where I travel from Vlore to Dhermi, Albania. To get to Dhermi, I drove along Llogara Pass. I went to two different beaches: Dhermi Beach and Gjipe Beach.

Rent a car in Albania:

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My Favorite Travel Products:

Where I get the music for my videos:
- Epidemic Sound
- MusicBed

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Rikualifikimi i fshatrave të Jugut - Dhërmi

Mirë se vini në Dhërmi!

???? Nëse keni planifikuar të kaloni fundjavën në plazhet e jugut, ju sugjerojmë të bëni një ndalesë në qendrën historike të Dhërmiut.

???? Procesi i rikualifikimit Urban zbatuar nga Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit, me financim të Qeverisë Shqiptare dhe Bankës së Këshillit të Evropës (CEB), e ka shndërruar Dhërmiun në modelin më të ri të fshatrave turistikë në bregdet.

???? Kjo ndërhyrje ka sjellë gjithashtu rritjen e sipërmarrjeve private të reja, për t'ju përgjigjur kërkesës për shërbime nga vizitorët.

Na ndiqni/ Follow us ????
Insta @fondi_shqiptar_i_zhvillimit
Facebook Fondi Shqiptar i Zhvillimit/ Albanian Development Fund
YouTube ????????????@AlbanianDf

RELAXING NATURE of ALBANIA (Natyra Shqiptare,Llogara dhe kanioni Gjipese) 4K/8K

Hello my friends , this is a different video , cause is not a vlog but is ore like a nature documentary
Expedition on Llogara National Park and Gjipe Canyon are supported by: NASRI
.I hope you all are OK and dont forget to SUBSCRIBE!!

For enquires contact:

#shqiperi #albania #nature

Interpreton: Shkëlzen Doli
Orkestroi: Gerti Druga
Video: Kujustudio

*Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research.
* I don't own the audio-visual content*

Korca, Albania ???????? Walking Tour in Snow ✨❄️ Snow Winter [4K HDR] ❄️ Korca, Korce Shqiperi ???????? ????

▶ Korça e zbardhur nga bora, shihni pamjet mahnitëse nga qyteti i serenatave!
Korça është zgjuar sot e bardhë. Ndonëse bora është një fenomen natyror i pranishëm gjatë gjithë dimrit në Korçë, dëbora e rënë gjatë natës së kaluar i ka shtuar më shumë hijeshinë qytetit të serenatave që është shkrirë një me malet, në të bardhën e tyre duke sjellë një ndjesi të paqtë e relaksuese në këto ditë në Qytetin e Serenatave.

Borës nuk i janë gëzuar vetëm vizitorët që e mësyjnë në fundjavë, por edhe vetë korçarët, të cilët kanë përfituar për të fiksuar në aparate portretet e tyre mbi borë. Të gjithë rrugët, pemët, parqet kanë respektuar kodin e bardhë të veshjes për të mbajtur edhe pak kohë në këtë dimër pelerinën e bardhë dhe ato emocione që dashur padashur sjell bora.

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France - Paris - Photography - Love - Travel - Nature - Germany - Italy - Usa - Art - Instagood - Europe - Picoftheday - Photooftheday - Instagram - French - Photo - Fashion - Spain - Travelphotography - Albania - Canada - Landscape - Summer - Architecture - London - Like - Beautiful - Travelgram - Europa - Architecture - Uk - Spain - World - Summer - Europetravel - Wanderlust
⛔️ ATTENTION : All rights of the published videos belong to ANGJEL PRO and AV PRODUCTION, to protect these videos with copyright © ️ and in legal way. Videos from this channel can not be copied, all their violators to be prosecuted according to applicable legal provisions.
*** This Video Vlog is Made to show the city and the environment, if you are present on this video and you don't want to be please contact me or comment on this video and i will remove you completely & immediately ***

#Korça #KorceAlbania #AlbertVideomaker

Arriving at your new home in Albania

Albania was a break from Western Europe. A less synthetic, more organic and real place, moreover, it was your home for several months.

For more content visit my page:

#English #juanaround #nomad #vlog #pov #chronicle #travel #albania #durres #durrës #tirana #ship #boat #migration #covid19


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$0.5 Crazy Ice Cream Albania ????????

$0.5 Crazy Ice Cream Albania ????????
Follow me on istagram @jimnomas

#icecream #albania #vlog
I stopped getting an ice cream and came across the strangest ice cream I have ever eaten.

The video is from today in capital city of Tirana Albania


00:00 - Kryqezimi Lulet
02:00 - Rruga 11 Nentori
05:42 - Bulevardi Qemal Stafa
07:58 - Kulla e Sahatit
08:59 - Kryqezimi 1 Maji
10:05 - Rruga Janaq Kilica
12:49 - Rruga Rinia, Blinat
16:02 - Teatri Skampa
18:24 - Rruga 28 Nentori
22:19 - Rruga Lef Nosi
27:57 - Lagja Kinezet
30:44 - Unaza Elbasan
32:47 - Rruga Thoma kalefi
36:51 - Sporti i Vjeter
44:30 - Lagja Kala Elbasan
51:01 - Lagja Banesave
54:40 - Zaranika Elbasan
58:48 - Rruga e Trenit
©️ All material in this video is original, recorded and edited by me!
▶ Tirana :
▶ Albania :
▶ Italy :
▶ Greece :
▶ London :
▶ Paris :
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Rome - France - Paris - Photography - Love - Travel - Nature - Germany - Italy - Usa - Art - Instagood - Europe - Picoftheday - Photooftheday - Instagram - French - Photo - Fashion - Spain - Travelphotography - Albania - Canada - Landscape - Summer - Architecture - London - Like - Beautiful - Travelgram - Europa - Architecture - Uk - Spain - World - Summer - Europetravel - Wanderlust
⛔️ ATTENTION : All rights of the published videos belong to ANGJEL PRO and AV PRODUCTION, to protect these videos with copyright © ️ and in legal way. Videos from this channel can not be copied, all their violators to be prosecuted according to applicable legal provisions.
*** This Video Vlog is Made to show the city and the environment, if you are present on this video and you don't want to be please contact me or comment on this video and i will remove you completely & immediately ***

#Travel #Elbasan #AlbertVideomaker

ju pershendesim nga fshati#fshat#lopa #almaçupi #lajmeshqip



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