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10 Best place to visit in Novopskov Ukraine


Как почищены от снега дороги от Лисичанска до Новопскова Луганской области? Где песок?

Видеомониторинг: Как почищен снег и посыпаны ли песком дороги Лисичанска, Северодонецка, Старобельска и Новопскова и на автотрассах между этими городами?

Видеопутешествие из Лисичанска в Новопсков Луганской области и обратно 23 января 2019 года.

Igor Medvedev painter

Igor Medvedev painter

Photos, Internet
Music, Bernward Koch

Igor Medvedev was born in Novopskov (Luganskay oblast) on November 10, 1931.In 1985 he graduated from Moscow institute of electronics techniques (physio-chemical faculty). The first personal exhibition took place in Youth Dramatic Theatre in 1990, after that he was constantly exhibited by the leading galleries in Vilnuce, Kaunas: Juste, Contemporary Art Center, Russian House and others exhibiting by gallery China-City and adorning private collections all over the world.

Medvedev’s work finds tranquility in this simple life, after a tumultuous and torturous youth. As a refugee fleeing German occupation during World War II, the young Russian found himself and his family a long way from freedom. After the war, the Medvedevs settled in Munich. It was there that Igor first saw the meticulousness and precision of Renaissance painting and sculpture. Today, he deploys the painstaking technique of that time, in a process known as “casein glazing.” His use of impasto and chiaroscuro have also led critics to comment that “He paints like a sculptor,” and in fact, the artist is accomplished in the bronze
Medvedev, then, has found in the villages of the Mediterranean and elsewhere the Holy Land and Spain, among others a kind of purified architectural language, which inspires this artist-urbanite, whose cosmopolitan upbringing in Russia, Germany and now California contrasts with the relief and relaxation that await him on his yearly sojourns to sun-drenched isles. The opposite of clichés, these ancient or antique sites
Then again, he will point out that the great interlocking walls, towers, turrets and bastions found in his work have all stood the test of time - strong sentinels whose integrity of construction stand like architectonic symbols of the determination of mankind to endure. It makes plastic and concrete buildings from the sixties, now falling apart, look terrible indeed.
Like a fine Swiss watch, Medvedev's Old Master approach is better, I think. Here you find only the perfect, concertised movement of composition in the stillness of classic time. And instead of winding your old timepiece daily, here all you have to do is switch on the lights in your rooms to activate the authentic painting.
University Art Museum, Dartmouth College, NH
UC Berkeley Museum of Fine Art, CA
San Francisco Museum of Art, San Francisco, CA
California College of Arts and Crafts, Oakland, CA
California Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco, CA
Igor Medvedev passed away in February of 2015.

The video was uploaded only for entertainment purposes and no money was earned from it!
no copyright intended. The music and photos are property of authors. The video is not that of commercial advertising.



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