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10 Best place to visit in Nadym Russia


This ???? remote place in the Far North of Russia #russiatravel #russianwinter

I went to one of the most remote places in the Far North of Russia on snowmobile - plateau Man Pupu Ner. The Manpupuner rock formations (Мань-Пупыг-Нёр) are a set of 7 stone pillars located west of the Ural mountains in the Troitsko-Pechorsky District of the Komi Republic. They are also known as the Seven Strong Men Rock Formations and the Poles of the Komi Republic and included in the list of Seven Wonders of Russia.


???? More videos:
- Italians head to the most mysterious place in the Extreme North of Russia

- Russia's northern ethnic minority | How do Komi people live & entertain in winter?

- Abandoned Russia | Life in the Arctic Villages & suburbs of Vorkuta
???? @elibakunova - more content about Russia, cultures, traveling, and my daily life

How to survive in Russia's Northernmost town? | Real Reporter

Join me on a trip to Pevek, Russia's Northernmost city, notorious for extreme weather. Temperatures here drop as low as -42°C or - 44°F in winter, but that's not even the main problem. Every year the city is terrorized by a blustery wind that knocks people over and make them crawl between buildings. Pevek’s also become the cite of a daunting experiment. It's the world’s first settlement powered by a FLOATING nuclear reactor. And it’s just 600 km from Alaska…

Stalin's failed GULAG: The Trans-Polar Railway (Construction No. 501)

The Trans-Polar is also referred to variously as Dead Road, and Stalinbahn, is an incomplete railway in Northern Siberia. The railway was a project of the Soviet Gulag system that took place from 1947 until Stalin's death in 1953. Construction was coordinated via two separate Gulag projects, the 501 Railroad beginning on the River Ob and 503 Railroad beginning on the River Yenisey, part of a grand design of Joseph Stalin to span a railroad across northern Siberia to reach the Soviet Union's easternmost territories.

The purpose of the railway was threefold: to facilitate the export of nickel from neighboring Norilsk; to provide work for thousands of post-war prisoners; to connect the deep-water seaports of Igarka and Salekhard with the western Russian railway network. With the Soviet industry relocated to western Siberia during World War II, it was seen as a strategic advantage to use the northward-flowing river systems to deliver supplies to Arctic Ocean ports. Salekhard was on the Ob River, downstream from Novosibirsk and Omsk, and Igarka was on the Yenisei. Connecting these two rivers was beneficial for transferring goods between cities and regions.

A rebuilt section of the railway between Nadym and Novy Urengoy on the east bank of the Nadym River is still in operation, as is the extreme western section connecting Labytnangi and the railway to Vorkuta. The section from Salekhard to Nadym is planned to be rebuilt, including a new bridge over the Ob to connect Salekhard to the rest of the Russian railway system via Labytnangi.

Me and my friend Kenji hitchhiked along the Trans-Polar Railway and explored some of the abandoned labor camps located next to the railway. We started out our journey in Novyy Urengoy and finished it in Salekhard. Along our way, we visited 2 forced labor camps of GULAG.


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By Freight Train from Norilsk - Russia's Closed Arctic City

Norilsk Railway (Russian: Норильская железная дорога) is a single-track railway and formerly the northernmost railway line in Russia.

The railway connects the mining towns Talnakh, Norilsk and Kayerkan with the port Dudinka on the Yenisei river. The railway line has a 1,520 mm Russian gauge, and was partially constructed by the prisoners of Norillag.

Originally, it was 1,000 mm narrow gauge, 114 km long, and built in 1936.

Later, in 1953, it was rebuilt to Russian broad gauge and expanded to 231 km of track. The railway is owned by the Norilsk Nickel mining company and does not belong to Russian Railways.

From 1957 onwards, the railway was electrified with 3kV DC in stages.

In the 1990s, the railway was in serious decline. In 1998 the electric catenary was removed and the electric rolling stock sold off. Diesel locomotives haul freight trains since then, passenger service on the railway was discontinued.

In the early 1990s, a paved highway connecting Norilsk with Dudinka was completed. The passenger train service on the Norilsk Line ended in 1998.

In 2010 in the Yamal Peninsula, Gazprom completed its Obskaya–Karskaya Line, which is now the northernmost railway in Russia.

While doing urbex in Norilsk I caught a freight train from Norilsk to Dudinka. That was a slow but interesting ride conducted during the period of white nights when it is bright 24/7 and sun doesn't get down completely.


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Flying Our Plane to Russia Did NOT Go As Planned

Flying the Bonanza to Russia did not go as expected. We crossed the ocean in a small plane, dealt with inflight icing, and I've never been happier to hand fly an instrument approach to minimums in pouring rain at midnight.

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Edited by Kevin Patrick Crone

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Chroniques de Sibérie - Documentaire

Reliées depuis Moscou par le Transsibérien, Irkoutsk et Tomsk font parties des villes les plus symboliques de la Sibérie. Ce film documentaire, tourné dans ces régions légendaires, sera l'occasion d'explorer la Sibérie d'aujourd'hui, de rencontrer dans des décors magnifiques ses habitants au quotidien, ceux qui contribuent à l'identité cosmopolite de la mystérieuse Sibérie.

Genre : Documentaire - Découverte
Année : 2011

Jamal: Cesta na sever Ruska po stalinské železnici | Yamal: Russian North On the Stalin Railway

ENG subtitles (English text below)
Русские субтитры (Русский текст ниже)

Nekonečné pláně za polárním Uralem – v létě království komárů, v zimě krutý mráz a sněhové bouře. Za Stalina sem posílali desetitisíce vězňů Gulagu, dnes se zde těží většina ruského plynu. Zdánlivě nevlídné prostředí poloostrovu Jamal na severní Sibiři obývá i dávný národ pastevců sobů - Něnců. Za nimi i za stopami Gulagu se v březnu a dubnu 2011 vypravila druhá expedice týmu ( Původní verzi reportáže odvysílala Česká televize v rámci pořadu Objektiv (
An infinite plane beyond the Polar Urals – in the summer a kingdom of mosquitoes, in the winter cruel frost and snow storms. Tens of thousands of Gulag prisoners were sent here under Stalin. Today most of Russia’s gas is extracted here. The seemingly inhospitable world of the Yamal Peninsula in northern Siberia is home to an ancient nation of reindeer herders: the Nenets. A expedition visited them, and traces of the Gulag, in March and April 2011 (
Бескрайние равнины за Полярным Уралом — летом это царство комаров, а зимой — царство суровых морозов и метелей. При Сталине — место заключения десятков тысяч узников ГУЛАГа, а сейчас — место добычи большей части российского газа. На полуострове Ямал в северной Сибири, в этих, казалось бы, неприветливых краях, живут также ненцы — древний народ оленеводов. Сюда в марте-апреле 2011 года отправились участники второй экспедиции ( чтобы поближе познакомиться с ненецким народом, а также пройти по местам бывших лагерей ГУЛАГа.

Прямой эфир радио Надыма с Виктором Тартановым и Ольгой Румянцевой на волнах 105,7 FM

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Друзья, прилетели в Надым с Ольгой Румянцевой! Ямал по своей природе яркий, удивительный и прохладный и мы ехали с чувством полного предвкушения, как к близкому другу, по которому очень соскучились. И встреча удалась.
Благодарим, так тепло нас встретивший коллектив Управления Культуры!!
Сегодня, нас объяли своим вниманием Надымские СМИ-Телерадиокомпания Надым.
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После нас пригласили на эфир радио Надым на волне 105,7 fm, где мы непринужденно побеседовали с радиоведущим Михаилом Дорониным и после прямого эфира с начальником редакции радиовещания Максимом Баданином.
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ЕДЕМ ПО ТАЮЩЕМУ ЗИМНИКУ! Суровые дороги Севера, как помогают дальнобойщики

-Дальше полная ж*па - бросил встречный дальнобойщик, когда мы поравнялись с ним окно в окно. Разве это возможно?, промелькнуло в голове, Ведь полная жопа была 20 минут назад. Хуже не будет!. Я ошибался.

Зимник - как много в этом слове для северного сердца. Только по нему реально выбраться на машине из Салехарда на Большую землю. Это мы и пытаемся сделать. В новом хардкорном видео: тающий зимник, добрые дальнобойщики, лопнувшие тросы и буря эмоций. Включай прямо сейчас!

????Надо на зимник? Пиши или звони Георгию +7 (902) 824-44-34

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???? Давай знакомиться! Я Миша Ронкаинен, он же блогер Поехавший.

У меня нет инстинкта самосохранения, потому я выбираюсь в самые опасные путешествия и страны своим ходом. Я уже посетил Йемен, КНДР, Афганистан, Донецк (ДНР), Луганск (ЛНР), Узбекистан, Таджикистан, Монголию, Сомали, Судан, Ливию, Средиземье (Бир-Тавиль).

???????? Я люблю путешествия по России тоже. Бывал на самых окраинах нашей страны: от Чечни до Ямала, и от Курильских островов до Калининграда. Снимал, как живёт самый богатый регион России и самый бедный.

☝️Мой контент не стерильный, как Орел и Решка. Я снимаю что вижу, без цензуры. И хорошее, и плохое. Иногда это не всем нравится. Иногда я плохо себя веду – я же обычный человек. Но я никогда не скрываю этого.

Моя цель – показать тебе мир, как он есть на самом деле. Без уловок и попыток понравиться. Давай дружить?! Подписывайся на канал и смотри мои фильмы про путешествия. Увидим мир вместе ????


© Для СМИ и любых информационных площадок: вы можете использовать или копировать материалы из этого ролика про зимник и дальнобойщиков полностью или частично, но только с указанием моего авторства (Миша Ронкаинен) и ссылкой на это видео или канал ПОЕХАВШИЙ.

#зимник #ямал #янао #крайнийсевер

Kosmos Airlines VIP Tu-134A-3 Landing at Ulyanovsk

Window views from Kosmos Airlines VIP Tu-134A-3 registration RA-65995 during approach and landing at Ulyanovsk-Vostochny Airport (ULY), Russia. Operating flight KSM9601 on 21st April 2018 from Moscow-Vnukovo (VKO).

МЁРТВАЯ ДОРОГА СТАЛИНА! СТРОИТЕЛЬСТВО 501 и 503 / Неустановленное Лицо

История появления и строительства знаменитого проекта Сталина на крайнем севере - заброшенная железная дорога Салехард - Игарка.
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Nenets nomads and Pomor Russians in northeast Arkhangelsk Province

We organise tours to the most interesting parts of northern Europe Russia: Pinega and Mezen Districts of Arkhangelskaya Oblast (Archangel Province) and the neighbouring Kanin Peninsula. This region was the traditional border between medieval Arctic Russia and the territory of the nomadic Nenets reindeer herders. This makes it the only place in Russia where it is possible to experience both ancient northern Russian (Pomor) culture and the nomadic way of life of the Nenets.

The Nenets territory stretches for 2000km across the Arctic from the Taymyr Peninsula in the East to the Kanin Peninsula in the West. The Nenets on the Yamal Peninsula, roughly in the centre of their territory, are the most famous. Much as the Yamal Peninsula Nenets migrate off the peninsula and into the forest tundra of Nadym District in winter, so the Kanin Peninsula Nenets leave their peninsula to winter in the forest tundra of Mezen and Pinega districts in the far northeast of Archangel Province.

For over a thousand years, Arctic Russians known as Pomors traded with the Nenets at annual fairs. It was the only place in Russia where, up until the 1970s, ethnic Russians wore traditional Nenets clothing in cold weather. To this day, many villages have preserved spectacular examples of traditional Pomor architecture in the form of wooden churches, houses, windmills and wells. This is impossible to find in Nenets areas further east, as there were no Russians there until a few hundred years ago.

Жесть. Нападение хищника в Черном море !!!

Дело было в Витязево. 2020 год.

Typical Russian Food Market, Life in Russia, Saratov, #12

Russian food market in my hometown Saratov! SUBSCRIBE -
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#Russian food Market, #Russia, #Russianfood

Salekhard. Short film

Salekhard. Short film. The city on the Arctic circle. Slow TV. Follow us on: @salekhard360

The best of our trip to Moscow & Saint Petersburg 23.6-2.7.2015


Reindeer Race, Yamal Peninsula

EALÁT was at the 10 Year Anniversary of the World Reindeer Herders Assn. in Nadym, Yamal Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Watch reindeer getting ready to race..Visit (more)

2011-10-21 Siberia to Arctic Ocean-1.mp4

Reindeer Race Preparations, Yamal Peninsula

EALÁT was at the 10 Year Anniversary of the World Reindeer Herders Assn. in Nadym, Yamal Nenets Autonomous Okrug. Watch reindeer getting ready to race..Visit


Kontrastenes land...
- et eventyrlig reisemål med store kontraster, hyggelige mennesker og god mat. Vi har mye å lære av gjestfriheten i dette landet. Bare du har papirene i orden, er dette et land som kan gi deg mange gode opplevelser...
-se selv da vel......

Viggo Bårdseng /



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