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10 Best place to visit in Miraí Brazil


Conheça Miraí - MG | Trilha do Morro do Camapuã | Memorial Ataulfo Alves

???? No vídeo de hoje iremos mostrar a nossa cidade natal, Miraí. Essa cidadezinha de aproximadamente 15 mil habitantes está localizada na zona da mata mineira, no interior de Minas Gerais, próximo às cidades de Muriaé, Cataguases e Guiricema.

Miraí destaca-se por ser uma cidade pacata, com culinária típica mineira e suas diversas fábricas que geram emprego para os miraienses.

As principais festas da cidade são o carnaval (considerado o melhor da região), o Encontro Nacional de Motociclistas e o Festival de Samba e petiscos.

As belezas naturais que podem ser contempladas em Miraí são as cachoeiras e as trilhas. Neste vídeo iremos mostrar como é o percurso da trilha mais famosa da cidade, a trilha que leva ao Morro do Camapuã.

Visitamos também o memorial dedicado ao miraiense mais famoso, o cantor e compositor Ataulfo Alves, cantor de diversos sucessos do samba brasileiro, como por exemplo:
Ai! que saudade da Amélia (com Mário Lago);
Atire a primeira pedra (com Mário Lago);
Laranja madura;
Leva meu samba;
Meus tempos de criança;
Mulata assanhada;
Na cadência do samba (com Paulo Gesta);
O bonde de São Januário (com Wilson Batista);
Pois é;
Vai, mas vai mesmo.


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###### SÉRIE SOBRE O BRASIL ######

O que fazer em um final de semana em Penedo - RJ:

As melhores atrações de Bonito - MS:

Onde ir e o que fazer em Nova Friburgo e Lumiar:

Dicas sobre Aiuruoca - MG: O que fazer na cidade das cachoeiras:

Ilha Grande: Tudo o que você precisa saber para visitar a ilha:

Ibitipoca: Circuito das Águas completo | Ep. 1/2:

Ibitipoca: Dicas sobre o Circuito Janela do Céu e passeio de Can-am | Ep. 2/2:

São Thomé das Letras: a cidade mística de Minas Gerais:

Capitólio: Mirante dos Canyons de Furnas e Cachoeira do Poço Dourado | Ep.1/3:

Capitólio: Passeio de Lancha (atração imperdível) e Cachoeira da Cascatinha | Ep.2/3:

Capitólio: Passeio de 4x4, Cachoeira da Capivara e Cachoeira do Filó | Ep.3/3:

Conheça a loja e o museu do Flamengo | Bastidores da Recopa 2020 contra o Independiente del Valle:

Ouro Preto: O que visitar na cidade histórica de Minas Gerais:

Visita guiada a uma Mina de Ouro desativada em Ouro Preto | Dicas e curiosidades:

Subimos o Pico da Bandeira | Parque Nacional do Caparaó:

Conheça Miraí - MG | Trilha do Morro do Camapuã | Memorial Ataulfo Alves:


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CONHEÇA MURIAÉ MG: Cidade de Minas Gerais na rodovia Rio x Bahia

Hoje é dia de conhecer Muriaé-MG, uma das maiores cidades da Zona da Mata de Minas Gerais, conhecida pela sua vocação comercial e industrial, sobretudo no ramo têxtil. Aperta o cinto e boooora pro vídeo!

Sugestão de hospedagem em Muriaé: MG:
- Minas Palace Hotel:

Sugestões de alimentação em Muriaé MG:
- Restaurante Trairão:
- Lanchonete Dulê: R. Des. Canedo, 36. Telefone: (32) 3721-0605

Prime Gourmet Club
Cupom de desconto Prime Gourmet: TATIMARMON (Ganhe R$10)
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#muriaé #muriae #muriaemg #mg #minasgerais @De fora em Juiz de Fora



In this video I go to a street food stall on Bugsae Street in Pyongyang. I don't buy many types of food, because we are Muslims, my wife and I try to be careful in choosing food. We only buy food that contains vegetables or seafood or rice and flour.













11. warga.html

Ingin melihat kehidupan sehari-hari di Korea Utara? Silakan ikuti akun instagram saya:

Peru: At High Elevation | Travel Documentary and Guide | Things to Know and Expect

Peru: At High Elevation | Travel Documentary and Guide | Things to Know and what to Expect
In this video, we take a look places visited on my journey through Peru, things to know, what you may see, and expect, as well as places to visit.

The places I visited in this adventure are Machu Picchu, Cusco, Lima, Paracas, Huacachina, Aguas Calientes, Vinicunca aka Rainbow Mountain, The Andes, Sacred Valley

If you find this video helpful or enjoy it and want to support the channel and future videos, please consider liking, sharing, and subscribing at no additional cost to you. Links and additional info talked about are down below.

00:00 - Intro
00:45 - Peru: Overview
05:42 - Lima: The Capital by the Bay
13:03 - Paracas and Isla Ballestas
17:58 - Huacachina
25:44 - The City of Cusco
38:12 - Aguas Calientes
44:34 - Machu Picchu
48:39 - Getting to Machu Picchu
52:30 - Vinicunca (Rainbow Mountain)
58:04 - Credits/Conclusion

From Lima:
Pachacamac, Barranco & Chorrillos:
Nazca Line:
Paracas & Huacachina Tour from Lima:

From Cusco:
Chinchero, Moray, Ollantaytambo, and Pisac:
Vinicunca (Rainbow Mountain):
Humantay Lake Trek:
Moray and Salt Mines Quad Bike:
Machu Picchu from Aguas:
Machu Picchu by Inka Trail:
Peru Hop -








My Gear 2024:
Sony FX3:
Sony a7sIII:
Panasonic S1H:
Sony a7IV:

Sony GMaster 16-35mm f2.8:
Sony GMaster 24-70mm II f2.8:
Sony GMaster 70-200mm II f2.8:
Sony 28-135 FE PZ F4 G OSS:
Sirui 50mm Anamorphic T2.9 1.6x:
Sirui 100mm Anamorphic T2.9 1.6x:
Kipon Speedbooster Mamiya 645 MF to Sony FF:
Aivascope 1.5x Anamorphic
Mamiya 645 80mm f2.8
Mamiya 645 45mm f2.8
Minolta 135mm f2.8

DJI Mavic 3 Pro:
DJI Avata:

DJI RS3 Pro:
DJI RS3 Mini (Greate for Travel):
Zhiyun Weebill S:
Rhino ROV PRO Travel Tripod:

PGYTECH OneMo 2 25L: h
F-Stop Tilopa 50L:

Matte Box:
PolarPro Basscamp Matte Box Stage 2:
PolarPro Basscamp Matte Box Stage 3:

Tripods and Monopods:
Ulanzi F38 Tripod (Great for Travel):
Aoka Travel Tripod:
iFootage Tripod:
iFootage Monopod:

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#MachuPicchu #Lima #Huacachina #Cusco #TravelDocumentary #TravelGuide #Paracas #LatinaAmerica #SouthAmerica #Amazon #tourism #adventure #houseofintent #nazcalines
** Some of the links mentioned are Amazon Affiliate which kick back a small percentage of the price of the item at no additional cost to you. This kick back helps supports future projects. Thanks!

[4K] GUNDAM Robot in Japan GUNDAM FACTORY YOKOHAMA Gundam moves in Yokohama!

[4K] GUNDAM Robot in Japan GUNDAM FACTORY YOKOHAMA Gundam moves in Yokohama!
[movie fine]

Deadliest Journeys - Cameroon, Birds and Lizards

In Cameroon, only 2% of the roads have been asphalted. All of the country's inhabitants rely on the Clandos' taxi services, they have no other choice. The country has no railway and taking airplanes is both too expensive and too dangerous.

00:00 Cameroon's bravest drivers are known as Clandos. They're illegal cabs, and they're the only ones allowed to drive on Cameroon's entire road network, one of the worst on the African continent.

06:20 Thanks to this, they have a stranglehold on transport in Cameroon, despite the government's best efforts.
00:20 Some routes cross the territory of the Pygmies, a people of Central Africa.
17:30 When goods transports have accidents, villagers loot the cargo
19:18 The loaders in the basalt mines work until they're exhausted, and even the children there have to work in the quarries to go to school.
23:49 With the limited means available, the Clandos are forced to drive with cars fit for the scrap heap.
29:59 Overloaded vans are also subject to road problems.
35:35 Mireille works for an NGO trying to preserve the Pygmé people who live close to nature in the equatorial forests.
41:33 Some mountain towns are inaccessible during the rainy season.
49:02 Even the region's capital has become a ghost town as the population flees.

Director : Jean-Christophe Brisard

Miraí - Minas Gerais

Inscreva-se aqui:

Imagens da cidade de Miraí - MG

Miraí é um município brasileiro do estado de Minas Gerais. Sua população é de 13.800 habitantes e tem como bioma predominante a Mata Atlântica.

Fotos de Driano-MG

YOKOHAMA, JAPAN tour: Beautiful waterfront and Minatomirai ???? | Vlog 1

Yokohama, Japan is located in the Tokyo metro area and has one of the most beautiful waterfronts in Japan. In the next few videos, you will see a detailed Yokohama, Japan tour, with a lot of things to do. In this first vlog, the area between Minatomirai and Yamashita Park.

00:27 - Osanbashi Pier (International Passenger Terminal)
3:21 - Yamashita Park
4:39 - Hikawa Maru historic liner
7:38 - Sea Bass boat
8: 46 - Minato Mirai
9:19 - Cosmo World corner
10:00 - Red Brick Warehouse
12:15 - Marine & Walk


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Want to travel and create videos? Some services we use and recommend:
✔️ Phone/internet worldwide: Google Fi - Here's $20 in credit:
✔️ Hotels: - Save up the 25% when you book via mobile: (plus a free night after you stay for 10 nights)
✔️ Airbnb - Here's up to US$50 off your first stay when you create an account:
✔️ Music: Epidemic Sound - free for 30 days here:
✔️ YouTube keyword research and batch processing: Tubebuddy -
✔️ Credit card with no international fees: Amex Delta Skymiles - (the annual fee compensates the benefits if you travel a lot)

Disclaimer: Some of the links above are affiliate links. I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support when you choose to click on them, as you help support this channel
Japan travel guide | All videos in Japan ►


This vlog was created for the official Renata Pereira YouTube Channel at
Liked it? Share it ►

After watching, please take a minute to leave a comment or subscribe. I'm a travel vlogger, and I really appreciate it! :)


+ YOUTUBE IN PORTUGUESE: (who knows if you have a Brazilian friend or would like to test your Portuguese language skills!? ;)



Short answer: I am a Brazilian-American journalist living in Florida. After traveling the world working with sports, news, and events for over 15 years, I realized that what I really love is the travel part of it all. So I exchanged life in the newsrooms and stadiums for the daily challenge of being an independent content producer. I created this channel to share the beauties of the world... stuff that for so long I only kept to myself. Also to help people planning similar trips and to inspire more people to venture out and enjoy life!

Detailed answer: ????

P.S.: The guy who occasionally appears in the vlogs is my husband, Gordon. He is Canadian-American and is extremely camera shy, that's why he's behind the camera most of the time ;-)




YOKOHAMA, JAPAN - What most tourists don't see | Vlog 3

Yokohama, Japan (横浜) as you've never seen. Forget the most famous attractions and things to do in Yokohama. In this video, you'll see what most tourists skip. The plan was to walk from Bashamichi and Kannai until Chinatown, discovering interesting places. We tried the first ice cream ever sold in Japan, visited the Port Opening Memorial Hall and learned about the closed Japanese past, walked in the Yokohama Park and finally arrived in Chinatown. But that's for the next vlog. Yokohama is perfect for a Tokyo day trip, but my advice? Stay longer ????

Yokohama is located in the Tokyo metro area and has one of the most beautiful waterfronts in Japan. In this series of videos, you will keep watching a detailed Yokohama, Japan tour, including a lot of things to do.

All videos in Yokohama ►
All videos in Japan ►


SUBSCRIBE to keep watching my adventures in Asia ►

Want to travel and create videos? Some services we use and recommend:
✔️ Phone/internet worldwide: Google Fi - Here's $20 in credit:
✔️ Hotels: - Save up the 25% when you book via mobile: (plus a free night after you stay for 10 nights)
✔️ Airbnb - Here's up to US$50 off your first stay when you create an account:
✔️ Music: Epidemic Sound - free for 30 days here:
✔️ YouTube keyword research and batch processing: Tubebuddy -
✔️ Credit card with no international fees: Amex Delta Skymiles - (the annual fee compensates the benefits if you travel a lot)

Disclaimer: Some of the links above are affiliate links. I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support when you choose to click on them, as you help support this channel


This vlog was created for the official Renata Pereira YouTube Channel at
Liked it? Share it ►

After watching, please take a minute to leave a comment or subscribe. I'm a travel vlogger, and I really appreciate it! :)


+ YOUTUBE IN PORTUGUESE: (who knows if you have a Brazilian friend!? ;)



Short answer: I am a Brazilian-American journalist living in Florida. After traveling the world working with sports, news, and events for over 15 years, I realized that what I really love is the travel part of it all. So I exchanged life in the newsrooms and stadiums for the daily challenge of being an independent content producer. I created this channel to share the beauties of the world... stuff that for so long I only kept to myself. Also to help people planning similar trips and to inspire more people to venture out and enjoy life!

Detailed answer: ????

P.S.: The guy who occasionally appears in the vlogs is my husband, Gordon. He is Canadian-American and is extremely camera shy, that's why he's behind the camera most of the time ;-)




Invest in a Dream: Stunning Beachfront Property in Brazil for Under 2 Million Reals!

In this video, we're sharing one of the most stunning beachfront properties in Brazil for under 2 million reals! This property is located near the beautiful city of Natal, and it's perfect for anyone looking for a dream vacation spot.

If you're looking for a beautiful place to retire or relax, then this property is perfect for you! With its stunning ocean views and semi-private beach, this property is a must-see for anyone visiting Brazil. Don't miss your chance to invest in a dream property like this!

Paradise Tour of this Beach Front Home in Porto Mirim-Natal
Perfect Vacation Home on the beachfront of Brazil
Cozy 3 Bed Villa in a lush garden with feet in the sand beachfront location to die for!
Experience the unforgettable sunrise and sunsets from your hammock.
This is a glorious stretch of Brazilian beach and you have it pretty much to yourself.
The ocean water is warm all year round,the coconuts are on tap,fresh fish every day of the week.This is luxury brazilian beach lifestyle personified.
This Brazilian vacation property is rented via airbnb and there are trained staff on-site who can look after your every need.
Porto Mirim is only 25 minutes north of Natal city and the international airport.
Please contact me for more information on this beautiful beach house for sale in Brazil
#beachfront #home #natal #Vacation Home in Brazil

Mike Smith
RE Broker in Brazil - 2023

Whatsapp; 55 84 99993 8936


10 of the Best Tech Tourism Destinations

Get more Tips here!

If you’re obsessed with tech, or you’re just immersed in modern history, here are some nerdy tourist destinations that you simply can’t miss.

1. Funspot, Laconia, NH (Lah-coney-er)
If you remember spending hours pumping quarter after quarter into Donkey Kong, Pac-Man, and Asteroids, then Funspot in Laconia, New Hampshire is your mecca. The “entertainment supercenter” is home to the American Classic Arcade Museum.

2. Kirkland House, Cambridge, MA
The legendary birthplace of Facebook, because it’s still a working dorm at Harvard University. Back when Facebook still touted the “the” at the beginning of its name, and Mark Zuckerberg was just hoping to drum up members.

3. Microsoft Visitor’s Center, Redmond, WA
For any of the millions of people who live every day in close contact with Microsoft devices. Located on Microsoft’s 300-acre campus, the Visitor’s Center is an ever-updating exhibit of the tech giant’s past, present, and future.

4. Computer History Museum, Mountain View, CA
The Computer History Museum has a ton of rotating exhibits that depict the storied history of the Information Age while showcasing the possibilities of technology. It’s a must-visit for anyone who appreciates the true genius of the microchip.

5. Apple’s ‘Company Store’, Cupertino, CA
In addition to the typical array of state-of-the-art products, the Apple Company Store is also the only place you can pick up some official branded T-shirts and accessories, as well.

6. The HP Garage, Palo Alto, CA
Maybe you haven’t heard of Bill Hewlett and Dave Packard, the two men who started their own computer company out of a garage in the late 1930s. Now it is rightfully known as the “Birthplace of Silicon Valley.”

7. The Oasis, Menlo Park, CA
The restaurant served as one of the meeting spots for the Homebrew Computer Club, a motley collection of computer nerds who met to commiserate in the 1970s. They included people like Steve Wozniak, co-founder of Apple, and Jerry Lawson, the man who invented video game cartridges.

8. The Tech Museum of Innovation, San Jose, CA
A museum unlike any other. This museum is exceptionally interactive, whether you’re using tech to get an incredibly in-depth biology lesson or you’re experiencing the sensation of being in an earthquake, there’s a lot to experience at the Tech Museum.

9. South Park, San Francisco, CA
It is said to be the mythical place where Jack Dorsey invented Twitter. As a result, South Park is largely considered the birthplace of the “dot com revolution.”

10. The Intel Museum, Santa Clara, CA
Don’t underestimate the impact that Intel has had on the computer industry. After all, they are one of the world’s leading manufacturers of the chips that power our favorite devices. At the museum, you can see the history of the company, which is essentially the history of the computer industry.

Did you know all of them?
Comment below!


when I was around Minas Gerais I could watch and feel the sensation of relaxing ...and it is not so stressful ,have many mountains, cows, and a wonderful weather when you wake up every day the way Brazil love the coffee , in my case i would like just drink my Chá (tea)

Hamamatsu Science Museum | Shizuoka, Japan

Hamamatsu Science Museum in Shizuoka, Japan is one of the perfect place where you can take your kids to enjoy at the same time explore the wonders of science, indeed our children had the best day in Mirai-ra Hamamatsu Science Museum, check out this vlog.

#hamamatsusciencemuseum #ekaroundjapan

????????Check out our other Travel Vlogs in Japan:

Okinawa 3-Day Plan

Hokkaido 3 Day Winter Trip

Shirakawa-go Cinematic Winter Snowscape

Shirahama Beach at Shimoda,Izu Peninsula

Tokyo Disney Sea

Universal Studio Japan

Hotel Moon Beach Okinawa

World's Largest Halloween Street Party | Shibuya, Tokyo Japan

Real Life ONE Piece Thousand Sunny | Gamagori Japan

The Best of Hakone | 2- Day Trip

Kyoto Day Tour Itinerary

Tokyo Disneyland

????Follow me on Instagram Account:

????email me:

MIRAI Programme Explanation & Arrival in Japan

omg but genuinely... i am in tokyo right now!!!

insta is @janelinor

???????? Exploring Where Gringos Don't Go In Sao Paulo Brazil | Cidade Líder | Parque do Carmo

In this video, I explore Cidade Líder and Parque do Carmo. I also tried Pizza in Maria Luiza Americano. After speaking to some of the locals in the area, I was told they don't see Foreigners Gringos much in the area. I attempted to visit Carmo Park – Olavo Egydio Setúbal, but it was too dark so I left. After that, I took the metro back to the center of Sao Paulo and walked to Ibirapuera Park.

Neste vídeo, exploro a Cidade Líder e o Parque do Carmo. Experimentei também a Pizza no Maria Luiza Americano. Depois de falar com alguns dos moradores da área, disseram-me que eles não veem muito os Gringos estrangeiros na área. Tentei visitar o Parque do Carmo – Olavo Egydio Setúbal, mas estava muito escuro e saí. Depois disso, peguei o metrô de volta ao centro de São Paulo e caminhei até o Parque do Ibirapuera.

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#brazil #saopaulo #travelvlog

MIRAI: Una visión hecha ícono | Capítulo 1 - Descubrimiento

Luego de varios años viviendo fuera del país, Don Naoyuki Toyotoshi, fundador del Grupo Toyotoshi, regresa para encontrar una casa central totalmente renovada. ¡Mirá acá la historia detrás de este nuevo ícono de la ciudad, de la mano de la familia Toyotoshi

YOKOHAMA, Japan: Nissan Stadium, Ramen Museum, Cup Noodles Museum | Vlog 5

Yokohama, Japan is well known for soccer (or football ????) and ramen. In this video, you see the most famous attractions in both fields. In Shin-Yokohama, we visit the Nissan Stadium (also known as Yokohama Stadium), and the Ramen Museum, where you can try some of the best ramen bowls you'll ever have. Food in Japan is always delicious!

The Nissan Stadium is famous for the 2002 FIFA World Cup Final and is often used for major events in Japan. In 2020, it will also host Olympic soccer matches. Now that the Rugby World Cup is over, stadium visits have resumed.

From the Ramen Museum, we went to the Cup Noodles Museum, back in Minato Mirai 21, where you can learn about Momofuku Ando, the creator of instant ramen noodles, the history of instant ramen and cupnoodles. We closed the day visiting the mall across the street, World Porters, and enjoying the view from the Ferris wheel at Cosmo World.

Yokohama is perfect for a Tokyo day trip, but my advice? Stay longer ????

Yokohama is located in the Tokyo metro area and has one of the most beautiful waterfronts in Japan. In this series of videos, you will keep watching a detailed Yokohama, Japan tour, including a lot of things to do.

Complete Yokohama travel guide ►
All videos in Japan ►


SUBSCRIBE to join me around Japan ►

Want to travel and create videos? Some services we use and recommend:
✔️ Phone/internet worldwide: Google Fi - Here's $20 in credit:
✔️ Hotels: - Save up the 25% when you book via mobile: (plus a free night after you stay for 10 nights)
✔️ Airbnb - Here's up to US$50 off your first stay when you create an account:
✔️ Music: Epidemic Sound - free for 30 days here:
✔️ YouTube keyword research and batch processing: Tubebuddy -
✔️ Credit card with no international fees: Amex Delta Skymiles - (the annual fee compensates the benefits if you travel a lot)

Disclaimer: Some of the links above are affiliate links. I may earn a small commission at no extra cost to you. Thanks for your support when you choose to click on them, as you help support this channel


This vlog was created for the official Renata Pereira YouTube Channel at
Liked it? Share it ►

After watching, please take a minute to leave a comment or subscribe. I'm a travel vlogger, and I really appreciate it! :)


+ YOUTUBE IN PORTUGUESE: (who knows if you have a Brazilian friend!? ;)



Short answer: I am a Brazilian-American journalist living in Florida. After traveling the world working with sports, news, and events for over 15 years, I realized that what I really love is the travel part of it all. So I exchanged life in the newsrooms and stadiums for the daily challenge of being an independent content producer. I created this channel to share the beauties of the world... stuff that for so long I only kept to myself. Also to help people planning similar trips and to inspire more people to venture out and enjoy life!

Detailed answer: ????

P.S.: The guy who occasionally appears in the vlogs is my husband, Gordon. He is Canadian-American and is extremely camera shy, that's why he's behind the camera most of the time ;-)




Roteiro de viagem no Japão: 2 destinos imperdíveis em Yokohama.

• Sobre o vídeo •

Mais um super encontro!
Visita ao Minato Mirai, à maior Chinatown do Japão e ao Gundam GIGANTE, isso e muito mais no Ep. 03!

Partiu!!! ;)

#japão2022 #viagemjapão #japão

???? Baixe GRÁTIS meu eBook Passo a Passo para ir ao Japão »

???? Me Segue também lá no Instagram » (@japaocomtsuge)


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➜ Gravação: Marina Tsuge
➜ Produção: Marina Tsuge
➜ Edção: Anderson Cabs

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【Tokyo Bucket List】1Day Trip in Odaiba 2021 | Special for Gundam & Doraemon Lovers, Odaiba Sunset

0:17-0:39 Go to Odaiba by Yurikamome Train
0:40-3:38 Unicorn Gundam Statue, Gunam Cafe, Gundam Goods
3:39-8:05 Doraemon Future Department Store, Doraemon Goods
8:06-10:45 Odaiba sunset and best scenic night view restaurant in Odaiba

The man-made island of Odaiba is a popular destination for Tokyo locals and international tourists alike, known for its shopping malls, dining, futuristic attractions, and museums, all easily accessible by foot.
A seaside escape without leaving Tokyo, Odaiba's beach and its surrounding attractions make for a fun, full day just outside the concrete jungle.

Nowadays, Odaiba is an up-and-coming area popular with young people and families on a budget looking for a holiday without leaving the city.

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★★★Order Japan Product here★★★


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