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10 Best place to visit in Mikomeseng Equatorial Guinea


Catedral de Santa Isabel Malabo in Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea

Catedral de Santa Isabel Malabo in Bioko Island, Equatorial Guinea
The St. Elizabeth's Cathedral is a Roman Catholic cathedral located on Independencia Avenue in the city of Malabo the capital of Equatorial Guinea, home of the Archdiocese of Malabo. It is considered the largest Christian church in the nation. Its construction began in 1897 with donations from parishioners, commercial companies and the Spanish government, for it was one of its colonies. The architect of the monument was Luis Segarra Llairadó, and was inaugurated in 1916.

It is a cathedral built in neogothic style that emphasizes its façade, flanked by two 40 meter high towers, and a nave with two aisles. It was named after St. Elizabeth of Hungary.

Admire the Neo-Gothic architecture of Catedral de Santa Isabel. Dominating its surroundings with twin 40 m (131 ft) spires, this capacious church serves as the seat of the Archdiocese of Malabo. Built from 1897-1916 by the Spaniards, the cathedral features a high vaulted ceiling with excellent acoustics. If visiting during service, you'll have the chance to hear the choir. Take a break at the fountain outside the cathedral--also a popular spot for local children to play soccer. By using our Malabo trip planner , you can arrange your visit to Catedral de Santa Isabel and other attractions in Malabo.
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Entering Africa's Only Spanish-Speaking Country (Crazy)

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I have made it to EQUATORIAL GUINEA -- Africa's richest country (per capita) and the only nation on the continent that speaks Spanish. How cool is that?

Equatorial Guinea is truly such a different place in every way possible, and I'm excited to tell you all about it in this video! I think you will learn more about Equatorial Guinea in the next 5 minutes than in your entire life!

Please share your thoughts/suggestions/reactions in the comments below about Equatorial Guinea. Honestly speaking, have you ever heard of Equatorial Guinea before, and did you know that they speak Spanish?

#travel #africa #vlog


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I'm Drew Binsky and I have been to EVERY country in the world (197/197). I make documentaries about interesting people and cultures in faraway places. My ultimate goal is to inspire you to travel because I think it's the best education that you can get. And our planet is beautiful!

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*Some of the links or other products that appear on this video are from companies which I earn an affiliate commission or referral bonus at no additional cost to you. All opinions are my own. The content in this video is accurate as of the posting date. Some of the offers mentioned may no longer be available.

Découvrez la GUINÉE ÉQUATORIALE : Le Seul Pays Africain parlant Espagnol | 10 FAITS INTÉRESSANTS

Située sur la côte ouest de l'Afrique centrale, la Guinée équatoriale comprend à la fois une région continentale et des régions insulaires couvrant une superficie de miles carrés 11,000. Il s'agit d'un pays qui a beaucoup à raconter grâce à son histoire intéressante et sa situation actuelle unique.

Ce n'est pas par hasard ou à partir d'une simple décision que l'Espagnole est la langue officielle de la guinée équatoriale. En effet, c'est en 1968 que la Guinée équatoriale accéde à l'indépendance après 190 ans de domination espagnole.

À ce temps-là, Les Portugais sont le premier colonisateur. Mais à un moment donné, les Espagnols, les Français et les Britanniques obtiennent des droits territoriaux. Cela explique pourquoi, outre l'espagnol, le portugais et le français sont également des langues officielles.

Soulignons que la Guinée équatoriale était une colonie espagnole à différentes occasions: entre 1778 et 1810; et de 1844 à 1968. En raison de sa longue influence sur le pays, l’espagnol reste une langue importante.
Aujourd'hui, la Guinée équatoriale est le seul pays d’Afrique où l’espagnol est une langue officielle. Environ 67.6% de la population peut le parler. L'espagnol est la langue utilisée pour l'administration publique et l'éducation.

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© 2022, L'Afrique révélée

Conoce MALABO EN 20223: Asi se ve (GUINEA ECUATORIAL)????????

Hola amores, hi lovers.

Os traigo un nuevo vídeo, de como se ve la ciudad de Malabo en 2022, os muestro unos cuantos barrios, vistas nocturnas, etc.

Espero que disfrutéis del vídeo.

Subscríbanse para más contenido.

This is a new video, I show you Malabo in 2022, a few neighborhoods, night views, etc


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Guinea Ecuatorial un paraíso por descubrir

Guinea Ecuatorial, único país que tiene como idioma oficial el español en toda África esta creando día tras día políticas de desarrollo turístico. Todo ello para impulsar la industria turística en el país y así convertirse en una Destinación Turística

Obiang Nguema Sworn in as Equatorial Guinea's President

May 20, 2016 - At the Palace of Congresses and Conferences in Sipopo, Obiang Nguema Mbasogo S. E. was sworn in as President of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea after winning the country's recent election.

In his speech, the President highlighted the political maturity shown by the people of Equatorial Guinea in recent years. Since the beginning of our democratic experiment, the people have shown incredible support in electoral constituencies within and outside the country the political option presented by the Democratic Party of Equatorial Guinea, because they understand that the continuity of peace, political stability, economic and social development our country has experienced should not be interrupted.

The President also thanked the people for the trust they placed in him by re-electing him with 93 percent of the votes. International observers described the election as transparent, fair, and legal.

I'm not President of a district, province or region, much less one ethnic or tribal group, said President Obiang. First and foremost, I am President of the Republic and of the entire nation of Equatorial Guinea and, as such, it is my duty and obligation to defend and serve the people, safeguard national unity, territorial integrity, and promote the welfare of all citizens.



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