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10 Best place to visit in Machado Brazil


Top 9 Best Places To Live in Brazil (2022)

Brazil is an amazing place to experience as an expat. It has everything that you can dream about – cultural heritage, incredible diversity, beautiful beaches, delicious food, an exciting lifestyle, and of course the warmest and most welcoming people. Inspired to relocate to Brazil? Then you surely need to know about the best places to live as an expat.


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Top 5 Best Places To Live in Brazil (2022)

Brazil is an amazing place to experience as an expat. It has everything that you can dream about – cultural heritage, incredible diversity, beautiful beaches, delicious food, an exciting lifestyle, and of course the warmest and most welcoming people. Inspired to relocate to Brazil? Then you surely need to know about the best places to live as an expat.


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Confira 12 cidades e localidades em Minas Gerais que você precisa conhecer! O estado de MG tem muitos atrativos, para todos os tipos de viajantes. Tem cidade histórica, como Ouro Preto e Tiradentes, tem destino de natureza, como Carrancas e Ibitipoca, tem a capital Belo Horizonte, e por aí vai. Vem conferir os melhores lugares para viajar em Minas Gerais!


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Christ the Redeemer & Hike - Rio de Janeiro, Brazil Walking Tour - 4K60fps with Captions

This tour around the Christ the Redeemer statue in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil was filmed on the January 30th, 2023. The hike up the Corcovado Mountain to the Cristo Redentor statue along the Transcarioca Trail was filmed the previous day on January 29th.

????️Map of the Walk - ????️

???????????????????????? ???????????????????????????????? ????????????????????????
0:00 Drone intro and Map
1:23 Paineiras Corcovado (Visitor Center)
5:24 Walking up to the statue
12:34 Christ the Redeemer
36:02 Train Entrance
37:07 Parque Lage
43:27 Grotto
56:37 Trail Entrance
1:12:00 Waterfall 1
1:16:02 Waterfall 2
1:20:43 Waterfall 3
1:41:25 Scenic Viewpoint
2:04:03 Train
2:07:49 Walking along the road
2:17:33 Steps up to the Statue
2:23:48 Christ the Redeemer

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????Complete List of Walks: ????
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For the best viewing experience, be sure to watch on a large smart TV like the Samsung Frame. Closed Captions [CC] which include historical facts and descriptions are available in all languages. This tour was filmed using amazing Binaural Audio ???? which is a method of recording sound that uses two microphones, arranged with the intent to create a 3-D stereo sound sensation for the listener of actually being there.

No part of this video may be used for personal or private use without written permission from Prowalk Tours. I will not remove a copyright strike after one has been issued.

#ProwalkTours #Walkingtour #christtheredeemer

TOP 50 RIO DE JANEIRO | Guia com + 50 ATRAÇÕES para você escolher O QUE FAZER na Cidade Maravilhosa

O Rio de Janeiro provavelmente seja a cidade do Brasil com mais opções de coisas para se fazer.

Há atrações super conhecidas como o Cristo Redentor, o Pão de Açúcar, Copabacana e Ipanema, há trilhas incríveis como a Pedra da Gávea, a da Pedra do Telégrafo e a Pedra Bonita, há vários mirantes como o Mirante Dona Marta, há praias belíssimas como a Praia do Perigoso, Grumari, Recreio e a Prainha, há museus históricos e modernos, há atrações para todas idades, animações e gostos.

Ficamos apenas cerca de 1 mês no Rio, e obviamente não conseguimos conhecer nem 10% do que a cidade oferece, porque realmente tem muuuuuita coisa pra fazer, então selecionamos as coisas que mais gostamos de fazer durante nossa breve passagem pela Cidade Maravilhosa.

Nesta lista terá dicas de atrações super conhecidas, outras nem tanto, trilhas, praias, museus, festas, restaurantes, bairros, atrações para ir com as crianças, dentre outras coisas.

Nas explicações tentamos deixar tudo o máximo detalhado possível com preços, dicas e tudo mais, pois o intuito deste vídeo é ajudar quem vai visitar a cidade a montar seu roteiro e ter uma experiência incrível igual tivemos.

Inclusive se você tiver mais sugestões de locais para conhecer no Rio, deixe aqui nos comentários, que iremos fixar neste vídeo, um comentário com todas as sugestões que vocês derem para gente.

Não recomendamos nenhuma hospedagem neste vídeo, pra quem quiser conferir as hospedagens disponíveis na cidade, segue o link:

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Há quanto tempo estão dando uma volta ao mundo?
Desde março de 2022

Vocês podem divulgar alguma coisa pra mim de graça?
Não, já temos alguns projetos e causas que apoiamos e no momento não temos intenção de abrir esse leque.

O Bruno e a Paula são namorados?
Não, nós somos irmãos

É sobre o que o canal?
O Rolê Família é um projeto de Volta ao Mundo, formado por 4 membros (Bruno, Paulo, Marcos e Marta), no qual iremos mostrar através do nosso olhar lugares incríveis do Brasil e do Mundo. Além disso, temos 1052 objetivos com esse projeto, e vamos mostrando aqui para vocês a medida que formos completando eles! Além de mostrar lugares, também damos dicas de temas de áudio visual.

Capítulos do vídeo
00:00 Introdução cinematográfica Rio
01:34 Introdução explicativa
03:00 Trilha da Pedra do Telégrafo
06:54 Grumari, Abricó e Prainha
08:19 Praia do Recreio
09:01 Barra da Tijuca
10:52 ilha da Gigoia
12:18 Praia da Joatinga
13:18 Pedra Bonita
14:56 Voo de Parapente
16:09 Pedra da Gávea
16:55 Floresta da Tijuca
18:11 IMS
19:22 Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas
20:01 Parque da Catacumba
20:55 Casa Museu Eva Klabin
22:05 Jardim Botânico
23:29 Parque Lage
25:03 Ipanema, Leblon e Arpoador
26:27 Copacabana
27:50 Forte de Copacabana
29:15 Forte do Leme
30:38 Praia Vermelha
31:26 Bondinho do Pão de Açúcar
32:48 Trilha do Morro da Urca
33:52 Mureta da Urca
34:19 Cristo Redentor
36:12 Mirante Dona Marta
36:52 Botafogo e Flamengo
37:52 Museu da República
39:07 Museu de Arte Moderna
39:38 Museu Histórico Nacional
40:33 Praça XV e as atrações
41:49 CCBB Rio
42:28 Espaço Cultural da Marinha
43:07 Mosteiro de São Bento
43:52 Museu do Amanhã
46:07 Museu de Arte do Rio
46:48 AquaRio
47:37 YUP STAR
48:15 Confeitaria Colombo
48:58 Real Gabinete Português de Leitura
49:51 Theatro Municipal e Fundação Biblioteca Municipal
51:56 Bairro Santa Teresa e o bondinho
53:31 Arcos da Lapa e Escadaria Selarón
54:39 Rio Scenarium
55:41 Fundição Progresso
56:02 Samba da Pedra do Sal
56:38 Quinta da Boa Vista
57:20 Maracanã
58:44 Carnaval Experience
59:32 Informações Extras

As 10 Maiores empresas de Onibus do Brasil - 2010 ( Em Patrimonio Liquido)

Neste vídeo coloco as 10 maiores empresas de onibus do Brasil considerando o patrimonio líquido no ano de 2010.

Patrimonio Liquido é a diferença entre ativos e passivos da empresa, onibus que fazem parte da frota mas que foram comprados por financiamento (100% dos onibus são comprados assim), não entram na conta de ativos até serem totalmente pagos. Em palavras claras, patrimonio liquido é aquilo que os sócios e acionistas possuem de direito na empresa.

A fonte da informação é a revista Maiores e Melhores do grupo Transporte Moderno, a fonte é confiável e com certeza é uma das únicas fontes desse meio onde vários busólogos são cheios de ''achismos.

A discussão sempre é polemica, por falta de fontes confiáveis em nosso meio, os dados são de 2012, certamente hoje deve haver alguma alteração nessas posições, principalmente uma queda da Itapemirim e crescimento da 1001 e Cometa, mas não há fontes mais atualizadas que essa. Assim que tiver fontes mais atuais farei outro vídeo.

Em tamanho da frota, passageiros por KM e outros com certeza os números são diferentes, mas não há base atualizada para tal.

A fonte das fotos foi basicamente o site

O direito autoral dos donos das fotos foram mantidos já que todas estão com os créditos originais dos autores.

Fotos: Antonio Carlos Fernandes, Walky Martins, Vinicius Buchelt Violada, Carlos Junior, Rodney Silva Martins, Flavio Oliveira, Fabiano de Oliveira Prado, Jorge Thadeu Pacheco Ferreira, Allan Alencar, Rafael da Silva Xarão, Maxwell Silva, Almir Correia, Chrtistian Gabriel, Laurian Bus Salvador, Walber Gomes, Claudio Aparecido de Deus Sobral, Pedro Henrique Ferreira, Luis Otavio Vicente Domingues, Gabriel Santos, Pratabus, Elias Rodrigo Gotardo, Ricardo Peruch, Erik Ferreira, Luck de Paula, Lucas de Souza Pereira, Francine Sanmartin, Jair Henrique, Luiz Otavio Vicente Domingues, Leandro Pacheco, Richard Wagner, Fabiano de Oliveira Prado, Marcus Nogueira, Luis C. Santinne, Leonel Gomes dos Santos, Fabricio Zulato, Diego Miranda, Philipe Almeida, Maxwell Silva, Rodrigo Madash, Rodney Cruz, Julio Cesar Euzébio Alves, Caio Takeda, Douglas de Souza, Giangiulio Cocco, Paulo Roberto, Mauro Alcaraz, André Luiz Gomes de Souza, Rodrigo Coimbra, Rodrigo Rodrigues, Sidnei Strujak, Matheus Loiaconi, Vinicius MIranda, Antonio Carlos Fernandes, Adão Marcelino, Renato Barros, Willian POntual, Charleston Vinicius Carvalho Silva, Gregor Rodeghiero, Mario Augusto, Gilberto Martins, Thales Pires Silva, Ailton Florencio, Andrew Campos, Wanderson Vinicius de Amorim, Taillison Fernandes, Allen Maximiliano, Henrique Cavalcante, Marcos Sá Carneiro, Bruno Guimarães, Danilo Santos, Welder Pereira da Silva, Italo Nunes, Elias Roberto, Flavio Eduardo, Nildo Barroso, Remulo, Amós Matos, Lucas Silva, Jardel Machado, Gilberto Souza Nunes, Reginaldo Pereira, Euripedes Junior, Paulo Gustavo, Matheu Santos Pena, Guilherme Faria Ribeiro, Julio Cesar de Oliveira, Rafael Brusque, Emerson Ferreira, Promenzionibus.

Top10 Recommended Hotels in Arraial do Cabo, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil

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Top10 Recommended Hotels in Arraial do Cabo, Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil: 1. Pousada da Prainha
2. Pousada Caminho do Sol **
3. Mediterranee Hotel ****
4. Hotel Villaggio dos Ventos ***
5. Loft Prainha - Arraial Do Cabo
6. Books Rehab Hostel
7. Ocean View Hotel ****
8. Varandas ao Mar Pousada **
9. Pousada do Timoneiro
10. Pousada Recanto do Atalaia

Houses and flats for rent in Arraial do Cabo
Look for cheap airline tickets to Arraial do Cabo

1. Rua Pastor Admardo Machado (Antiga rua D), nº 90- Prainha, Arraial do Cabo, CEP 28930-000, Brazil, From € 139
This property is 3 minutes walk from the beach. Just 150 m from the blue waters of Prainha Beach, this guest house offers an outdoor pool within the property, a sauna and an on-site restaurant. Free WiFi and free parking are provided.
2. Rua Miguel Angelo, 55, Arraial do Cabo, CEP 28930-000, Brazil, From € 66
This property is 1 minute walk from the beach. Located 80 m from Praia Grande beach, Pousada Caminho do Sol offers free Wi-Fi, a buffet breakfast and an outdoor pool. The Arraial do Cabo centre is 10 minutes away on foot.
3. Rua Pastor Admardo Machado ( Antiga Rua D ) lote 95, Arraial do Cabo, CEP 28930-000, Brazil, From € 80
This property is 2 minutes walk from the beach. Offering an outdoor pool and sauna, Mediterranee Hotel is set in Arraial do Cabo and offer a sun terrace and fitness centre, and guests can enjoy a drink at the bar. Free breakfast is served every day.
4. Rodovia RJ 102, Km 17 - 01 - Quadra 36 - Pernambuca - Distrito de Arraial do Cabo, Arraial do Cabo, CEP 28930-000, Brazil, From € 54
With partial views of Araruama Lagoon or the nature reserve of Massambaba, rooms here provide a balcony and air conditioning. Wi-Fi is free in the rooms.
5. Rua Alfredo Dante Fassini , numero 13 /Prainha, Arraial do Cabo, CEP 28948-720, Brazil, From € 124
Situated in Arraial do Cabo, this air-conditioned apartment features a terrace. Guests benefit from free WiFi and private parking available on site.
6. Rua Marcilio Dias, 388, Arraial do Cabo, CEP 28930-000, Brazil, From € 19
Books Rehab is a hostel located in Arraial do Cabo, 800 m from Praia dos Anjos Beach, and includes free WiFi and free breakfast.
7. Rua Alfredo Dante Fassini, 01, Arraial do Cabo, CEP 28930-000, Brazil, From € 68
This property is 1 minute walk from the beach. Located next to Prainha Beach, in Arraial do Cabo, Ocean View Hotel offers free WiFi and 2 outdoor pools.
8. Avenida Hermes Barcelos, 22, Arraial do Cabo, CEP 28930-000, Brazil, From € 169
This property is 1 minute walk from the beach. Facing Grande Beach, this guesthouse offers adult and children pools overlooking the sea. Guests enjoy drinks at the pool bar, and visit the hotel’s handicraft shop. Breakfast and free Wi-Fi are available.
9. Avenida Getúlio Vargas, 103, Arraial do Cabo, CEP 28930 000, Brazil, From € 118
This property is 4 minutes walk from the beach. Just 200 m from Praia Grande, Pousada Do Timoneiro offers an outdoor pool, steam sauna and extensive daily buffet breakfast. Rooms are air-conditioned, and public area Wi-Fi is free.
10. Rua Nazareth, 118, Arraial do Cabo, CEP 28930-000, Brazil, From € 102
This pousada features modern accommodation with balcony, offering panoramic views of Arraial do Cabo and Anjos Beach. It includes an outdoor swimming pool and free WiFi. Free parking is subject to availability and reservation is needed.



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In this video we spend the day exploring the imperial city of Petrópolis int he state of Rio de janeiro (Brazil)

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Epidemic Sound (

PETRÓPOLIS Brazil, Travel Guide. Free Self-Guided Tours (Highlights, Attractions, Events)

The top self-guided tour of Petrópolis, Brazil. Showing you the best attractions and how to navigate them. Check the links below for further information on how to better plan your journey.

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City Description:
Petrópolis is a Brazilian city north of Rio de Janeiro. Bordering the Serra dos Órgãos National Park, with its forested peaks and waterfalls, it’s known as a mountain retreat for Rio residents. In the center, the Imperial Museum displays period furnishings in the former palace of 19th-century emperor Dom Pedro II. Nearby, the huge São Pedro de Alcântara Cathedral houses the mausoleum of the emperor and his wife.Other heritage buildings in the city center include the ornate Palácio Rio Negro. Built by a wealthy coffee producer in the late 19th century, it has served as the summer home of several Brazilian presidents. Nearby, the elegant, iron-framed glass Palácio de Cristal offers a program of cultural events. The Casa de Santos Dumont documents the history of aviation. To the northeast, the Casa da Ipiranga cultural center hosts concerts and exhibitions in a grand 19th-century mansion surrounded by landscaped gardens.

Weather and Events:
Petrópolis is a year-round destination with a warm, temperate climate. Rainfall can be heavy Nov–Mar. The city’s high altitude makes it cooler than nearby Rio de Janeiro, so it’s a popular retreat during the summer months of Dec–Jan. Every year, the long-running Bauernfest (Jun/Jul) celebrates German culture in Brazil with street theater, music and food stalls.

#travelguide #Petrópolis

Top10 Recommended Hotels in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil

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Top10 Recommended Hotels in Belo Horizonte, Minas Gerais, Brazil: 1. eSuites Sion ****
2. Radisson Blu Belo Horizonte Savassi *****
3. Holiday Inn Belo Horizonte Savassi *****
4. Ouro Minas Palace Hotel *****
5. Royal Golden Hotel - Savassi ****
6. Quality Hotel Belo Horizonte Afonso Pena ****
7. Ramada Encore Virginia Luxemburgo Belo Horizonte ***
8. Ramada Encore Minascasa ***
9. eSuites Savassi Toscanini ****
10. Clan Glass Business Tower Hotel ****

Houses and flats for rent in Belo Horizonte
Look for cheap airline tickets to Belo Horizonte

1. Avenida Uruguai, 1010, Belo Horizonte, CEP 30310-300, Brazil, From € 60
Featuring free WiFi and a hot tub, eSuites Sion offers accommodations in Belo Horizonte, just 9.7 km from Macacos. Guests can enjoy the on-site bar. Private parking is available on site.
2. Rua Lavras, 150, Savassi, Belo Horizonte, CEP 30330-010, Brazil, From € 85
Showcasing a sauna and fitness center, Radisson Blu Belo Horizonte Savassi is located in Belo Horizonte in the region of Minas Gerais, just 11.3 km from Macacos. Guests can enjoy the on-site restaurant. Free WiFi is provided throughout the property and private parking is available on site.
3. Rua Professor Morais, 600, Savassi, Belo Horizonte, CEP 30150-370, Brazil, From € 55
Holiday Inn Belo Horizonte Savassi is located in Belo Horizonte, 11.3 km from Macacos and 35.4 km from Brumadinho. The hotel has an outdoor pool and hot tub, and guests can enjoy a meal at the restaurant. Private parking is available on site.
4. Av. Cristiano Machado, 4001, Belo Horizonte, CEP 31910-810, Brazil, From € 74
Located in the Cidade Nova neighborhood in Belo Horizonte, 19.3 km from Macacos, Ouro Minas Palace Hotel features free WiFi access and private parking. Guests can enjoy the on-site bar.
5. Rua Rio Grande do Norte, 1015, Savassi, Belo Horizonte, CEP 30130131, Brazil, From € 58
Located in Belo Horizonte, 12.9 km from Macacos, Royal Golden Hotel - Savassi features a restaurant and free WiFi throughout the property.
6. Av. Afonso Pena , 3761, Belo Horizonte, CEP 30130-008, Brazil, From € 51
Featuring free WiFi and an outdoor pool, Quality Hotel Belo Horizonte Afonso Pena offers accommodations in Belo Horizonte, just 11.3 km from Macacos. The hotel has a year-round outdoor pool and sun terrace, and guests can enjoy a meal at the restaurant or a drink at the bar. Private parking is available on site.
7. Rua Gentios, 274, Belo Horizonte, CEP 30380490, Brazil, From € 38
Featuring free WiFi, a fitness center and an outdoor pool, Ramada Encore Virginia Luxemburgo Belo Horizonte offers accommodations in Belo Horizonte. Guests can enjoy the on-site restaurant.
8. Avenida Cristiano Machado, 3435, Belo Horizonte, CEP 31160-380, Brazil, From € 35
Ramada Encore Minascasa is located in Belo Horizonte and offers modern rooms with free WiFi connection. There is also a bar on site. The Ramada's restaurant offers à la carte or buffet. Guests at Ramada Encore can benefit from a daily breakfast buffet with seasonal fruits, natural juices and bread rolls.
9. Rua Arturo Toscanini, 61, Savassi, Belo Horizonte, CEP 30330-200, Brazil, From € 47
ESuites Savassi Toscanini is located in the Savassi neighborhood in Belo Horizonte, just 11.3 km from Macacos. The hotel has a sauna and fitness center, and guests can enjoy a drink at the bar. Free WiFi is available and private parking is available on site.
10. Rua Gonçalves Dias, 30, Belo Horizonte, CEP 30140-090, Brazil,
Featuring free WiFi and a restaurant, Clan Glass Business Tower Hotel offers accommodations in Belo Horizonte. Guests can enjoy the on-site bar. Private parking is available on site.

48 Hours in Sao Paulo, Brazil! (Full Documentary) Brazilian Street Food and Attractions Tour!

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???????? RAFA:

After one of the most volatile and unpredictable travel years ever, I flew to Brazil in December of 2020. There, I linked up with my friends Guilherme and Rafa from Rio4Fun and Rio4Food for an epic road trip through the southern part of the country, beginning in São Paulo!

São Paulo is the most populous city in the entire southern and western hemispheres, with over 30 million people calling it home. The city’s cultural and culinary identity has been shaped by its significant Portuguese, Italian, Japanese, Arab, and Jewish populations.


The diversity in the cuisine is evident throughout the city, from Mercado Municipal de São Paulo, where you can try everything from a pastel de bacalhau to a monstrous mortadella sandwich. And in the Liberdade neighborhood, you can find restaurants selling Japanese-inspired dishes like miso-marinated pork and beef, sake, and takoyaki.

Of course, a traditional breakfast of pão de queijo, pão na chapa, pastel de Belem, and sonho are a must, as is a stop at one of São Paulo’s many churrascarias for some authentic Brazilian barbecue.

Add in attractions like Estado Municipal Paulo Machado de Carvalho, Paulista Avenue, and Batman Alley, and you’ve got a nice amount of diverse things to explore in the city. But instead of me telling you all about it, let me show you my incredible 48 hours in São Paulo, Brazil!

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My name is David Hoffmann. Since starting David’s Been Here in 2008, I have traveled to over 1,300 destinations in 93 countries to experience and document unique cultures on my YouTube channel, travel blog, and social media.
I highlight culture and historical sites, but my passion is food! I love to experience and showcase the different flavors each destination has to offer, from casual street food to gourmet restaurant dining.

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#airbnb #cabin #offgrid
We love finding a good Airbnb, especially if that Airbnb is an A-frame cabin in the mountains of Brazil! Just a few hours from Sao Paulo and Rio de Janeiro up in Brazil’s beautiful countryside you’ll find this beautiful, A-frame cabin available to rent on Airbnb (see below for link!). We spent 3 days/2 nights soaking in the beautiful Brazilian views while resting next to the wood burning stove and enjoying the giant bathtub with views. Would you stay at this a-frame cabin? Let us know in the comments below! :)

???? Book this a-frame cabin on Airbnb:

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Hey y'all! We're Chris + Sara (or as you know us, Let’s Be Us), a husband and wife digital nomad travel duo currently working and traveling full time with our pup, Kramer. We've always dreamed of traveling full time, and in May of 2018 we took the leap and made it happen! Today we're balancing work and fun everywhere between the Pacific and Atlantic. From hiking and cycling to tacos and coffee, we're trying to see and experience as much of this world as we can! While our home is currently on wheels in our DIY Sprinter van, our travels take us all around the world.

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Top 10 Best Tourist Places to Visit in Coimbra | Portugal - English

#CoimbraPlaces #PlacesInCoimbra #CoimbraVisitPlaces #CoimbraPortugal
Coimbra is one of the biggest tourist attractions in Portugal having many best places in Coimbra. Coimbra, a riverfront city in central Portugal and the country’s former capital, is home to a preserved medieval old town and the historic University of Coimbra. Built on the grounds of a former palace, the university is famed for its baroque library, the Biblioteca Joanina, and its 18th-century bell tower. In the city’s old town lies the 12th-century Romanesque cathedral Sé Velha. So to help you figure out the places you need to try, we've gathered up a bucket list of the best Places in Coimbra that you won't regret going to.

Wiki Peaks is on a mission to promote the tourism in the World. We are here to show you the beautiful places in the world. You can see the beauty of this world from the comfort of your home.

There are many beautiful places in Coimbra. Portugal has some of the best places in Coimbra. We collected data on the top 10 places to visit in Coimbra. There are many famous places in Coimbra and some of them are beautiful places in Coimbra. People from all over Portugal love these Coimbra beautiful places which are also Coimbra famous places. In this video, we will show you the beautiful places to visit in Coimbra.

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***All images used in this video are a property of their owners. We have no intention of showing these images as our own property. We used these images just to promote tourism.***


In this video I explain, everthing important about Location in Rio de Janeiro, in Brazil! If you're traveling for tourism this video is for you!

Where to stay in rio de janeiro: for most of you, the south zone of Rio is the best choice. If you want to stay near beach and metro station go for Copacabana, Ipanema or Leblon. If you want beach, but don't care about public transport and prefer less full of people place, the best location for you in Rio de Janeiro is Barra da Tijuca.

But be careful, don't miss understand: Barra da Tijuca is Different of Tijuca! (there is no beach in Tijuca)

All the neighborhoods in Rio de Janeiro that I would choose a hotel or apartment: Leblon, Ipenama, Copacabana, Botafogo, Flamento, Glória, Catete, Barra da Tijuca, Recreio, Lapa, Center, Largo do Machado, São Conrado.

If you're thiking of coming to Brazil, save video about how to choose a good location to stay in Rio de Janeiro (for apartments and hotels)

Daily tips:
instagram only in Brazil:

If you want to know something about Brazil, let us know and we will make a video!
Count on us to get the best tips and make the most of your trip to Brazil!

In this channel we give a lot of tips about food and drinks to try in brazil, fruits to try in brazil, what to eat, what to see, history, vocabulary, culture, walking tours, and so on!

#brazilvacation #braziltravel #riodejaneiro



Minas Gerais foi eleita uma das 10 regiões mais acolhedoras do mundo pelo Traveller Review Awards 2021, prêmio promovido pela empresa O estado brasileiro foi o único no Brasil a entrar no ranking e ficou entre os top 10 da premiação realizada pelo Booking. Minas Gerais é conhecida pelas suas cidades históricas da era colonial que remetem a corrida do ouro no país no século 18.

É a primeira vez que o ranking, que reúne locais dos quatro cantos do planeta que se destacam pela sua hospitalidade, conta com um representante brasileiro. O resultado foi obtido devido as boas avaliações dos viajantes na plataforma Booking, que levaram em consideração a equipe, a limpeza e a localização dos lugares visitados. Os viajantes destacaram Minas Gerais pela sua história marcante, com excelente culinária, hospitalidade e simpatia, além das belezas naturais do estado.

Os 10 primeiros colocados são: Taitung County (Taiwan), Prešovský kraj (Eslováquia), Oberösterreich (Áustria), Tasmânia (Austrália), Canterbury (Nova Zelândia), Nova Scotia (Canadá), Chubut (Argentina), O’Higgins (Chile), Iowa (Estados Unidos) e Minas Gerais (Brasil).

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Contato comercial:

10 Destinos para visitar no Brasil que lembram a Europa.

Olá, sejam bem vindos ao canal no vídeo de hoje eu selecione 10 melhores destinos para visitar no brasil que lembram a Europa. O Brasil é tão amplo é repleto de destinos incríveis para serem explorados que é possível viajar sem sair do País e conhecer um pouquinho de alguns países da Europa pois existem diversas cidades espalhadas pelo Brasil que possuem uma forte influência de seus colonizadores europeus, por isso algumas regiões lembram muito as cidades do continente europeu seja na sua arquitetura, na gastronomia ou nas tradições sendo consideradas um pedacinho da Europa dentro do Brasil.



Blumenau - Santa Catarina - Brasil
Marinelson Almeida

Renato Soares_Casa do Imigrante Carl Weege_Pomerode_SC
Mtur Destinos

Marinelson Almeida

Marinelson Almeida

Arquitetura Enxaimel - Pomerode - SC. Brasil
Marinelson Almeida

Arquitetura Alemã em Pomerode - SC
Marinelson Almeida

Arquitetura Alemã em Pomerode - SC
Marinelson Almeida

Imagens da Cidade de Campos do Jordão
Governo do Estado de Campos do Jordão

Teleférico de Campos do Jordão
Rodrigo Soldon

Campos do Jordão
Rodrigo Soldon

Penedo- Al
Luiz Pantoja

Otávio Nogueira

Igreja em Penedo – AL
Luiz Pantoja

O Rio São Francisco vai bater no meio do mar

Hugo Pereira

Ruas de Gramado - RS
Carlos Macapuna


Paulo Hulyk

Igreja de pedra, Canela, RS
Serras Gauchas

Mundo á Vapor
Paulo Hulyk

Parque Estadual do Caracol - Canela RS
Secretaria Estadual de Turismo e Cultura de Canela
Eduardo Vieiro

Cascata do Caracol em Canela - Rio Grande do Sul - Brasil
Marinelson Almeida

Parque Aldeia do Imigrante, Nova Petrópolis/RS
Gustavo Chagas


Domingos Martins & Pedra Azul ES

Excursão de Réveillon para Domingos Martins - Dezembro 2016

Pomerode - SC.
Marinelson Almeida


Vista Panorâmica de Blumenau
Rodrigo Argenton

Blumenau vista
Marlon Hammes

Blumenau, Brazil

Share Alike 3.0

Oktoberfest de blumenau
Vitor Pamplona

Oktoberfest A maior Festa Alemã das Américas – Blumenau SC Panoramio
w. Feistler
UHUL na Oktoberfest de Blumenau
Tiago Fachini

Pomerode South Gate

Schmidt Pomerode
Porcelana Schmidt

Ruas de Pomerode
Marinelson Almeida

Pomerode SC Brazil- Portal Norte Saída para Jaraguá do Sul
Josue Marinho

Portal de Pomerode
Marinelson Almeida

Portal Holambra
Fabricio de Souza Menegildo

Holambra -SP
Enio Prado

Holambra -SP
Enio Prado

Holambra II 09022008 REFON 3
José Reynaldo da Fonseca

Holambra Réplica de moinho Holandês na entrada da cidade
Manoel Messias de Sousa

Holambra São Paulo
Ohana Oliveira dos Santos

Moinho Campos de Holambra
Midiam PS

Moinho - Holambra SP
Enio Prado

Holambra (4669288688)
Diogo Rodrigues Gonçalves

Rua Djalma Forjaz, Campos do Jordão - SP
(WT-shared) Bigode 45 at wts wikivoyage

Vista de Campos do Jordão

Campos do Jordão - Restaurantes
Deni Williams

Horto Florestal, Campos do Jordão
João Batista Shimoto

Campos do Jordão – Vista da Cidade
Dani Williams
Centro Histórico, Penedo – AL, Brasil
Nathanael De Melo Araujo

Penedo ( Alagoas)
Otávio Nogueira

Penedo Alagoas
Washington Moraes

Praça Jácome Calheiros em Penedo

Penedo Alagoas
Washington Moraes

Centro de Gramado - RS
Diego Bezerra

Palacio dos Festivais – Gramado -
Larissa Fraga

Vila Suiça, Gramado – RS, Brazil
Josue Marinho

Panorama de Canela
Caliel Costa

Catedral de Pedra na Cidade de Canela - RS
Everson José de Freitas Pereira

Bondinho da Cachoeira do Caracol – Canela Rio Grande Do Sul - Brasil
Maria Aparecida Senra Rezende

Catedral Nossa Senhora de Lourdes
Tiago Fioreze

Catedral de Pedra – Canela – RS
João Vicente

Parque Estadual do Caracol, Canela, Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil – Estação Sonho
Eugenio Hansen, OFS

Parque Estadual do Caracol - Canela RS
Secretaria Estadual de Turismo e Cultura de Canela
Eduardo Vieiro

Cascata do Caracol (Canela–RS)
Gabriel rvallim

Caracol Falls
Tiago Fioreze

Nova Petrópolis – Praça das Flores
Larissa Fraga

Entrance Nova Petrópolis

Nova Petrópolis – Praça das Flores
Larissa Fraga

Nova Petrópolis

Avenida XV de Novembro
Samuel Selbach Dries

Monumento aos Imigrantes na Praça das Flores - Nova Petrópolis
Ironman br

Nova Petrópolis – Parque aldeia do imigrante
Larissa Fraga

Parque Ninho das Águias Nova Petrópolis RS
Ronise Dias Machado

Pedra Azul e Igreja Nossa Senhora de Fátima em Aracê, Domingos Martins ES

Domingos Martins Panoramic View of Town

Rota do Lagarto e Pedra Azul ao fundo, Domingos Martins - ES

Pedra Azul – Domingos Martins- ES
Vilamir Azevedo

Domingos Martins & Pedra Azul ES

Pedra Azul – Domingos Martins
Victor Oliveira Sartório

Mini Mundo - Arquitetura Alemã (2541890110)
Glauco Umbelino

???? BR | Top 10 avenidas de Belo Horizonte MG ➜ #4 Avenida Cristiano Machado | POV Driving V-00091D

No vídeo de hoje iremos dirigir na quarta maior avenida de Belo Horizonte MG, a avenida Cristiano Machado.

A Avenida Cristiano Machado é a quarta maior avenida da cidade de Belo Horizonte MG, tem seu início no centro de Belo Horizonte e termina no bairro São Gabriel.

Com extensão de 11,77 Km, as obras de construção da avenida iniciaram-se no ano de 1950 com o objetivo de interligar o centro da cidade ao projeto do Terminal de Cargas de Transporte, posteriormente abandonado e retomado no ano de 1970.

No ano de 1986 foi construído um complexo de viadutos sobre a linha férrea e o metrô.

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In today's video we will drive on the fourth largest avenue in Belo Horizonte MG, Avenida Cristiano Machado.

Avenida Cristiano Machado is the fourth largest avenue in the city of Belo Horizonte MG, it starts in the center of Belo Horizonte and ends in the São Gabriel neighborhood.

With an extension of 11.77 km, the construction of the avenue began in 1950 with the aim of connecting the city center to the project for the Transport Cargo Terminal, which was later abandoned and resumed in 1970.

In 1986, a complex of viaducts was built over the railway and the subway.

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I listen to what you want, and deliver the content you ask for!

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An observer of life roaming!
Shooting Date (yyyy-mm-dd): 2020-06-06

Revealing Life in Brazil: The Country Of Most Hot Women? Brazil Travel Documentary

In this amazing video about Brazil titled Revealing Life in Brazil: The Country Of Most Hot Women? from The Travel Trails series, we will go on a journey through the vibrant wonders of this South American gem.

As we delve into 55 fascinating facts, we'll discover the diverse elements that make Brazil unique.

From the tropical paradise of Brazil, explore its rich cultural tapestry, captivating history, and the vibrancy of its traditions.

The country's magnetic charm, particularly the stunningly beautiful women that attract numerous male travelers globally, is unveiled.

Did you know about the beautiful dating brazilian women or women in brazil,women brazil, brazil dating,brazil girls and also the negative sides of living in brazil.

In this brazil documentary we will tell you things that women like this is what makes men travel to brazil and also working in Brazil.

Join us as we uncover the exuberance of Brazil's Carnaval, a festival synonymous with elaborate parades, vibrant costumes, and infectious samba beats, and gain insights into its significance to the Brazilian people.

Further, we'll navigate through Brazil's geographical wonders, from the colossal Amazon Rainforest, often termed the 'lungs of the Earth,' to breathtaking natural landscapes, diverse wildlife, and architectural marvels.

The cultural mosaic is revealed, embracing influences of Samba and Bossa Nova music, indigenous traditions, and the unique fusion of diverse ethnicities. The Travel Trails Brazil.

Prepare for an immersive experience as we journey through Brazil's vast territories, exploring its captivating heritage.

Each fascinating fact deepens your appreciation for this remarkable country. So, without delay, let's unlock the essence of Brazil and understand why women like this are what make men travel to Brazil!

Title:- Revealing Life in Brazil: The Country Of Most Hot Women?

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Music by AleXZavesa and Hot_Dope from Pixabay

Angra parte II - Brazil | Machado Drone

Belas imagens de Angra dos Reis

???? BR | Top 10 maiores avenidas de Belo Horizonte MG ➜ #10 Av. Vilarinho 2020-06-05【Drive in Brazil】

No vídeo de hoje iremos percorrer a décima maior avenida da cidade de Belo Horizonte – MG.

Tem seu início na Avenida Cristiano Machado, onde possui uma estação do metrô com o mesmo nome (ponto final da Linha 1 do Metrô de Belo Horizonte).

Sendo uma das principais avenidas da região de Venda Nova, tem extensão aproximada de 5,85 Km, e termina na rua Padre Pedro Pinto.

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In today's video we will cover the tenth longest avenue in the city of Belo Horizonte - MG.

It starts at Avenida Cristiano Machado, where it has a subway station with the same name (end point of Line 1 of the Belo Horizonte Metro).

Being one of the main avenues in the Venda Nova region, it has an approximate length of 5.85 km, and ends at street Padre Pedro Pinto.

Thanks for watching!

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Please comment on this video and let me know if you have any path suggestions that I could reproduce for you.

I always try to create new videos based on what the subscribers suggest.
I listen to what you want, and deliver the content you ask for!

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