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10 Best place to visit in Luza Russia


50 Best Places to Visit in Europe - Travel Guide

Although it is the world’s second smallest continent, Europe welcomes more than half of all the tourists worldwide. In fact, 7 of the 10 most visited countries in the world are European nations. It’s easy to see why; a well-preserved cultural heritage, rich history, safety and efficient infrastructure makes visiting Europe a breeze. Here’s a look at the best places to visit in Europe:
Check out all the places seen in this video:

Life in the COLDEST PLACE on Earth (Record-Breaking Cold!) | Yakutsk, Yakutia

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Life in the Coldest place on earth, the region of Yakutia (Republic of Sakha), Siberia, Russia, & the Worlds coldest city, Yakutsk. We traveled to Yakutsk in the middle of winter to find out how people here survive in the toughest climate in the world. Little did we know, we would manage to time it so perfect that we would actually arrive during the coldest day in the last 20 years (-63'C / '81.5'F).
The lowest air temperature ever recorded in this region is -96°F (-71°C). The coldest town is Oymyakon, which is also in Yakutia, Siberia.
Life up here in the coldest city and region on planet earth is tough, and winter is long, however, people have lived here for centuries. The Yakut (Sakha) people have called this region home for generations and their unique culture & attitude to life has helped them thrive here in cold tundra of Yakutia, Siberia.

Join us, as we explore one of the coldest & unique places in Russia, during the coldest day in recent history!


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Life in the COLDEST PLACE on Earth (Record-Breaking Cold!) | Yakutsk, Yakutia


#travel #russia #yakutia #yakutsk #winter #якутия #якутск #россия

Russian TYPICAL FAMILY APARTMENT Tour: Could You Live Here?

Take a look inside a Russian TYPICAL Family Apartment. This Apartment is currently listed for sale. Could you live here based on the size and location of the Apartment. Located in Aprelevka, Russia.

???? Real Estate Listing for this Apartment:
????Call the listing agent: (Oleg) +7 967 070-24-53
???? Apartment Location: Aprelevka, Moscow Region, Russia
???? Google Maps Location:
⌚Time of recording: 2.00pm (14.00) 26/4/023

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All the stuff I use to film my YouTube Videos:

Samsung S9+:
Mini Tripod:
Camera Mount:
Rode Microphone:
Rode Patch Cable:
3 Axis Gimble:
Moment Case:
Moment Fisheye Lens:
Moment Wide Angle Lens:

Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for every purchase.
#apartmenttour #travellingwithrussell #realestate

10 самых АТМОСФЕРНЫХ мест Дагестана. БОЛЬШОЙ ВЫПУСК #Дагестан #ПутешествиеПоДагестану

10 самых АТМОСФЕРНЫХ мест Дагестана. БОЛЬШОЙ ВЫПУСК #Дагестан #ПутешествиеПоДагестану #НовостиДагестана

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Извиняюсь за фактическую неточность. Глубина Сулакского каньона около 1600 м

????Выпуск про потрею дрона и его поиски в дагестанских джунглях

????Выпуск про восхождение на одну из самых красивых гор Кавказа

????Выпуск про мой экстремальный поход
в Тляратинском районе

????Шамсудин, сопровождавший меня в Гооре и снимавший на языке Тролля:

????Дауд, ювелир из Кубачи:

????Гамзат, вытащивший из передряги в Чародинском районе:

????Парни, помогавшие в съёмках и поисках дрона в Зизикском ущелье:
Мейлан: (страница удалена)
Хабиб: (страница удалена)

????Ахмед, амбассадор Большого Сулакского каньона, сдаёт комнаты в Верхнем Каранае:

????Ганифа, сопровождавший меня на Шалбуздаг:

????Ирек, тоже вместе поднимались, проводит туры по Грузии:

???? Парни, с которыми мы вместе ходили по долине реки Баараор до озера Хала-Хель:
Камиль: (страница не найдена)
Хабиб (тоже там втретились, план ХЪ):

????Отдельное спасибо за дагестанскую музыку в видео дагестанскому ансамблю народной музыки Макьам.
Профиль ансамбля:

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Всем привет от Youtube-канала VPUTNAP!
????Меня зовут Алексей, и я обожаю путешествовать!

????Сегодня у меня новый выпуск про Дагестан
????Пожалуй, такой мощной концентрации красоты в одном видео у меня ещё не было! И всё это в 4K! Я не зря был в путешествии по Дагестану целых 4 месяца!

В этом выпуске вы узнаете про 10 мест Дагестана, которые поразили меня своей неповторимой атмосферой и красотой и больше всего запали мне в душу.
Я расскажу о том, что это за места, как туда добраться и покажу, ради чего стоит приехать в Дагестан!

В этом видео вы увидите:
????самое высокогорное село в Европе Куруш (Докузапринский район)
????самое самобытное село Дагестана Кубачи (Дахадаевский район)
????один из самых красивых водопадов Дагестана Чирхалю (Чародинский район)
???? дагестанские джунгли (Зизикское ущелье, Сулейман-Стальский район)
????самый красивый (но опасный) пеший маршрут в Дагестане вдоль реки Баараор (Тляратинский район)
????дагестанский язык тролля (Шамильский район)

Ещё вы узнаете:
????чем заброшенное село Кала-Корейш (Дахадаевский район) лучше распиаренного Гамсутля (Гунибский район)
????где найти в Дагестане исландские пейзажи (долина реки Шиназ, Рутульский район)
????почему все ездят на маленький Сулакский каньон в то время, как есть реально Большой
????как отдохнуть душой и найти атмосферное место с нетронутой природой и мощнейшими видами посреди самого туристического района Дагестана (гора Маяк, Гунибский район)
????где я встретил лучший рассвет в своей жизни (гора Шалбуздаг, Докузпаринский район)

Бóльшая часть мест из моей десятки – не самые туристические.
Но, поверьте, несмотря на то, что в некоторые из них ведут плохие дороги,
либо они пока ещё малоизвестны – это всё настоящие жемчужины????
????Приятного просмотра!

00:00 Начало
01:39 Старый Гоор. Дагестанский язык Тролля
04:46 Старый Кахиб
05:15 Самое высокогорное село Европы — Куруш
08:36 Самое самобытное село Дагестана — Кубачи
12:21 Чем Кала-Корейш круче распиаренного Гамсутля
15:36 Водопад Чирхалю
16:43 Пейзажи Чародинского района — просто песня
17:40 Как я застрял на седане в глубине Чародинского района
18:49 Рутульский район. Цахурская долина
19:32 Исландские пейзажи долины реки Шиназ. Древнее село Уна
22:39 Большой фильм про Дагестан. СКОРО
23:05 Дагестанские джунгли
25:25 Большой Сулакский каньон
29:26 Почему все едут на маленький каньон, когда есть Большой?
31:00 Гора Маяк — топовое место в Дагестане
36:33 Лучший рассвет в моей жизни
37:26 Шалбуздаг: почему стоит подняться?
40:12 Долина реки Баараор: лучший пеший маршрут в Дагестане
43:10 Самый сложный поход в моей жизни
44:26 Сёла Тляратинского района
45:03 Как составлялся список мест?

10 Best Places To Travel In Europe 2023

Europe is one of the top tourist destinations on the globe. Whether you're looking for a city break, a romantic getaway, or a nature excursion, Europe is the ideal place.

However, with the abundance of breathtaking attractions and incredible activities in Europe, organizing a trip there can be overwhelming. To help you get started, we've put up a comprehensive travel guide to the must-see destinations in Europe. In today’s video, we will be highlighting our 10 Best Places To Travel In Europe 2023!

Don't forget to subscribe to our channel first for more travel content????


0:00 Intro
1:13 - Paris, France
2:47 - Lisbon, Portugal
3:57 - Amsterdam, Netherlands
5:36 - London
6:48 - Barcelona, Spain
8:10 - Prague
9:41 - Venice, Italy
10:55 - Moscow, Russia
12:32 - Santorini, Greece
14:15 - Rome
15:51 - Outro
To book your favorite destinations in Europe visit TourRadar - Book Tours & TravelPackages
They offer great deals and tour packages????

10 BEST Things To Do In Paris 2023 -
Things To Know Before Visiting Paris -
16 Things to Know before going to South Korea -
Things You Need To Know Before Travelling To London -
10 Cheapest Places To Live Abroad in 2023 -
Best Destination To Visit In London England 2023 -
20 Fascinating Reasons You'll Fall in Love With Japan -
Safest Countries To Travel For Solo Travelers -
Latest Travel Guide To The Philippines 2023 -

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The Dark Reality: TOP 10 Fastest Dying European Countries Exposed

The UN has projected that by 2100, in all European countries except one, there will be a drastic decrease in the local population, and this decline has already begun in 17 European countries. Welcome to Amazing Europe. In our new video, The Dark Reality: TOP 10 Fasting Dying European Countries Exposed, we want to present you with alarming statistics that shed light on the harsh realities faced by various European nations. As we navigate through the intricacies of Europe's demographic challenges, the TOP 10 list reveals a stark contrast to conventional perceptions.

The Dark Reality is meticulously analyzed, bringing attention to the Fasting decline in certain European Countries. This eye-opening expose provides a comprehensive view of the challenges these nations are grappling with, shedding light on the harsh truths often overlooked. Europe, as a collective entity, confronts pressing issues that impact its demographic landscape.

Join us on this enlightening journey as we delve into the TOP 10 Fasting Dying European Countries Exposed, offering valuable insights into the complex dynamics shaping the continent's future. The Dark Reality unfolds with each revelation, urging us to contemplate the profound implications for Europe and its diverse Countries. Explore, engage, and gain a deeper understanding of the critical issues at play in this riveting exploration.
????TOP 10 Friendliest and Most Hospitable Countries in Europe:
????Tourists Beware: 10 Rudest European Cities:
????TOP 10 Saddest Nations in Europe:
????TOP 10 Countries in Europe where You'll be Happy!:
????10 European Countries Where Workers Are Saddest (some will surprise you!!!):
????TOP 10 European Countries Where Workers are Happiest (the first 2 will amaze you!!!):
????TOP 10 Most Dangerous Countries in Europe:
????TOP 10 Safest Countries in Europe:
???? Are you a smartphone photography enthusiast? Then this course is for you!
???????? Do you want to learn German starting from zero?
???????? Do you want to learn Norwegian from scratch?
???? Best travel backpack -
???? Best camera (recommended by TechRadar) -
???? Best spinner suitcase -
???? Best hanging toiletry bag -
???? Best Travel Pillow -
???? Best Noise Cancelling Headphones -
???? Best Universal Travel Adapter -
???? Best Binoculars -
???? Kindle (2022 release) -
☂️ Best Travel Umbrella -
00:00 Intro
0:40 Number 10
01:46 Number 9
02:41 Number 8
03:42 Number 7
04:44 Number 6
05:50 Number 5
07:13 Number 4
08:34 Number 3
09:53 Number 2
11:22 Number 1
13:02 The only country that will grow

What people eat in the coldest city on earth? Yakutsk, Russia

Let me introduce you to the cuisine of the Sakha Republic (Yakutia), which is the biggest and coldest republic in Russia.

???? - Maria's channel about Yakutia

???? - Russian Speaking Club where you can practice the Russian language. Join us from any level ;)

Time codes:
0:00 Welcome to Yakutsk
1:10 What do Yakuts eat for breakfast?
2:39 Farmer's market in winter (outside!)
6:09 How do people spend all day outside at -50C?
7:03 The most traditional dish is raw meat!
13:30 Boiled GUTS???
16:05 Blood sausage. Is it edible?
18:53 Is-miine - soup from the stomach
20:04 Salamat - dish from sour cream and flour
21:37 Yakutian dessert Kerchekh - whipped cream with berries

????What can you find on my channel?
????????explanation of the Russian culture and facts about Russia that you won't find on google
????????interviews with people in the streets on controversial topics
????????opportunities for education for international students and learning the Russian language
????????travel vlogs from the Big country

???? More videos:

- My winter trip in the Coldest republic of Russia | the Lena Pillars, Yakutia

- Life in Russia's COLDEST CITY - Yakutsk | Yakut habits, heatwave(-35 C°), my walrus-friends

- COLDEST PLACE on Earth (-71°C, -96°F) Why people live here? | Oymyakon, Russia
???? @elibakunova - more content about Russia, cultures, traveling, and my daily life
???? - if you feel like supporting my channel through Patreon

Russian TYPICAL 1 Room Apartment Tour : Could You Live Here?

What does a TYPICAL 1 Room Apartment look like in Moscow, Russia. Lets find out together and see If you would live there. This 1 Room apartment is for Rent in Moscow, Russia and is Typical of a 1 room apartment in Russia. What do you think of this place?

Did you want to see the other apartment in this building I toured:

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All the stuff I use to film my YouTube Videos:

Samsung S9+:
Mini Tripod:
Camera Mount:
Rode Microphone:

Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for every purchase.
#apartmenttour #travellingwithrussell #realestate

Russian TYPICAL Apartment Tour: Could you live Here?

What does a Russian TYPICAL Apartment look like in Moscow, Russia. Together we will find out, as I take you on a tour of a 2 Room Apartment for rent in Moscow Region. What are the prices like for rental properties in Russia in 2023.

Did you want to see the other apartment in this building I toured:

Ways you can support me and the channel:
???? Shop for items on Amazon:
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???? (Russian Bank Deposit) SberBank: +7 916-313-0982
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All the stuff I use to film my YouTube Videos:

Samsung S9+:
Mini Tripod:
Camera Mount:
Rode Microphone:
Rode Patch Cable:
3 Axis Gimble:
Moment Case:
Moment Fisheye Lens:
Moment Wide Angle Lens:

Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for every purchase.
#apartmenttour #travellingwithrussell #realestate

American In Moscow Showing THE BEST METRO IN THE WORLD!

Enjoy the video

Top 5 Countries to meet Beautiful Women in Europe

Click here for my FREE guide My secret places to meet beautiful women in Warsaw, Riga, Chișinău, Almaty & Astana ????
Tsar Experience Application Form ????
Consigliere Conor Consulting Calls ????
Eastern Europe Dating and Language Fundamentals ????
More details on the Tsar Experience ????

Playlist of Tsar Experience Cities Videos ????
Playlist for dating the 9s & 10s ????
Playlist for the Vodka Vodkast ????

My cameras on Amazon:
1. Sony a7s iii ????
2. Canon 80D ????
3. GoPro Hero10 ????
4. DJI Mavic Air 2 ????
5. iPhone 12 Max Pro ????

My lenses on Amazon:
1. Sony 16-35 2.8mm ????
2. Sigma 18-35mm ????
3. Canon EF-S 10-18mm f/4.5-5.6 IS STM ????
4. Canon Canon EF 50mm f/1.8 STM) ????

My audio equipment on Amazon:
1. Røde Video shotgun mic ????
2. Røde Wireless Go 2 ????
3. Røde Reporter interview mic ????
4. Røde i-XLR (connect Reporter to iphone) ????
5. Røde Lavalier mic ????
6. Røde deadcat ????
7. Røde PSA-1 Studio Arm ????
8. Røde VideoMic Studio Boom Kit ????
9. Røde VC1 10' (3.5mm) Stereo Mini Jack Extension Cable ????

My lights on Amazon:
1. Aputure H198 LED ????
2. Optix Pro V Hot Shoe for LED light ????
3. Aputure light dome (I actually use a Havox light but it does not appear to be available on Amazon so I recommend the light dome instead)
4. Fovitec Light Set ????

My accessaries on Amazon:

1. JOBY GorillaPod ????
2. Manfrotto tripod ????
3. Ronin RS 2 ????
4. Manfrotto camera bag ????
5. Macbook pro (for editing) ????
6. Adobe Premiere Pro (editing software) ????
7. Final Cut Pro X (editing software) ????
8. Belkin Power Bank ????
9. SanDisk SD cards ????
11. Parrot Teleprompter 2 ????

Website ????
Instagram ????
Facebook ????
Email ????

00:00 Intro
01:45 Country 5
03:07 Country 4
04:16 Country 3
06:59 Country 2
08:50 Country 1
11:18 Consigliere Conor

Countries Where Black Travelers Feel Welcome | Grown Up Gap Year A to Z

Countries Where Black Travelers Feel Welcome ???????? | Grown Up Gap Year A to Z
When I travel someplace new, people at home ask me Do they like Black people there? Most of the time I have no problems at all being a solo Black woman in another country. But I absolutely feel welcome in these 6 countries.


Is It Hard to Move Abroad? 4 Reasons Moving Abroad is Simpler Than You Think:

5 Most African American Friendly Countries by The Blog Abroad:

50 Cities Where You Can Airbnb for $500 per Month:

???? GET $40 OFF your first stay with Airbnb:

????????MASTERCLASS on How to Start Housesitting to Get Free Travel Accommodations:


???????? Let's Be FRIENDS!



TECH (Get cash back!)**
Camera: iPhone 7plus
Ring light:

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I may earn a small commission for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial, and/or link to any products or services from this website. Your support allows me to continue spreading the gospel of the grown up gap year.

Thanks for watching. ???????? Now, take off the cape and spread your w i n g s .

#blacktravel #blackexpats #travelingwhileblack

5 Best BANGKOK Nightlife Areas | Good & Naughty Places #livelovethailand

5 Best Nightlife Spots In BANGKOK | Good & Naughty Places #livelovethailand
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• DJI OSMO Pocket 2
. DJI Osmo Pocket 1
• Tripod
• Gorilla pod
• Gimbel for steady shots
• Galaxy S21 Ultra Plus
• DJI Mini 2 Drone
About me:
I am a graphic designer, Travel Vlogger & Photographer. I travel a lot & make videos about everything I experience from my flights, food, social life, culture nightlife and much more
I love coffee.
I have been inspired by Thailand and its culture, the food and the lovely people. I have been making videos and vlogs since 2012 and improving my filming abilities as a vlogger by using more advanced gears and techniques.
Now YouTube is part of my life and hope it will always be.
Thank you for all your support.
“Dream your life & live your Dream “

If you like to support my channel, and help me to do more videos subscribe on the below link.

Top 12 Best Places to Visit in China - Tourist Attractions

Ever since the world first discovered China through the writings of adventurer Marco Polo more than 700 years ago, this large Asian country has come to be regarded as the embodiment of all that is mysterious and exotic. It's a culture that is much celebrated by the Chinese themselves, as evidenced by the preservation of such important historic sites as the Forbidden City and the Summer Palace in Beijing, each recalling the days of China's emperors.

Watch this China Travel Guide and see our 15 Best Things to do here.

???? To Subscribe!!

Topics covered in this video:

Number 12. The Mausoleum of Light
Number 11. Hangzhou's Historic West Lake
Number 10. Shanghai's Promenade: The Bund
Number 9. The Potala Palace, Tibet
Number 8. The Classical Gardens of Suzhou, Jiangsu
Number 7. The Yangtze River and the Three Gorges
Number 6. Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding, Sichuan
Number 5. Cruising the Li River, Guilin
Number 4. The Summer Palace, Beijing
Number 3. The Terracotta Army, Xi'an
Number 2. The Forbidden City & the Imperial Palace, Beijing
Number 1. The Great Wall of China

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Thank you for watching, and see you in the next video!!

We will soon upload more travel videos about the best places to visit in China, best places to visit, places to visit in china, places to visit, best places in china, best places to visit in Beijing, places in china, top 10 places to visit in Beijing, china places to visit, beautiful places to visit in Beijing, best places, china places, top 10 best places to visit in china, the best place to visit in china.

Thanks for all your support; rating the video and leaving a comment is always appreciated!

Russian TYPICAL Supermarket Tour: Globus Hypermarket

What are prices like in a Russian TYPICAL Supermarket. Take a walk inside Globus Supermarket in Moscow, Russia and find out together. Shopping in a Typical Russian Supermarket. What is it like, What items are for sale.

???? Store Name: Globus Supermarket Salaryevo, Moscow.
???? Google Maps Location:
⌚ Time of Filming: 3pm (15.00) 3rd May 2023.
???? Store Website:

Ways you can support the channel:
???? Shop for items on Amazon:
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???? (Russian Bank Deposit) SberBank: +7 916-313-0982
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☕Buy me a Coke (Coffee)

????Subscribe to the channel:
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My Social Links:
✈ Telegram Group:
???? Email:

All the stuff I use to film my YouTube Videos:

Samsung S9+:
Mini Tripod:
Camera Mount:
Rode Microphone:
Rode Patch Cable:
3 Axis Gimble:
Moment Case:
Moment Fisheye Lens:
Moment Wide Angle Lens:

Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for every purchase.
#russia #travellingwithrussell #supermarket

Um raio caindo!!!!???????????? | Canela-RS

What happens when an Israeli visits Egypt?

PatreEgypt and Israel are not exactly on the best terms. So if an Israeli visits Egypt, what is the reaction?

For some background on how Egyptians view israel, watch this video where people are asked which country they hate the most:
The answer was quite consistent: Israel

But I spent two weeks travelling across Egypt, interacting with many different people, and my experience was a lot more nuanced. Watch the video to find out more!

0:00 - Intro
1:13 - First interactions in Cairo and visiting Fustat
5:30 - Israeli tries to ride motorbike with Egptian driver. What happens?
9:13 - The other pyramids: Red and bent pyramid
12:56 - Israeli visits Egypt war museum
17:25 - Cairo slum: garbage city
24:22 - The Pyramids of Giza
26:31 - Israeli visits Aswan, becomes Arafat
29:00 - drinking from the Nile river
30:22 - real vs fake Nubian village
31:32 - Abu Simbel
32:52 - Cycling to ancient sites in Luxor
36:20 - Egyptian speaks fluent Hebrew
37:35 - great temple of Karnak
38:47 - Israeli visits Egyptian city of Alexandria
40:25 - Israeli teaches Egyptian kids how to blog
42:25 - Epilogue

There were also many other interesting moments not caught on camera. if you want to know more about that and anything else about Egypt travel, ask away!

If you are interested in blogging, this video was created without any fancy equipment. Here is what I used (Disclaimer: these are affiliate links, if you click on them and make a purchase within a certain time frame, I earn a small commission. The commission is paid by the retailers, at no extra cost to you)

If you want to visit Egypt on a budget, you can find some very useful travel advice here:

Instagram: @insightful_nomad_travels




Nesse vídeo você irá entender como é a vida no lugar que passa 100 na escuridão. São três meses e meio na escuridão completa.

COMO É VIVER SEM A LUZ DO SOL? 100 dias na escuridão do inverno do Ártico!

Instagram: @chiccomattos
Música da vinheta:

Abandoned Russia | Life in the Arctic Villages & suburbs of Vorkuta

My expedition to the Far North of Russia continues in the suburbs of a ghost town Vorkuta. I expected to see completely abandoned towns, so imagine my surprise and shock when I saw that some people still live there...

Time codes:
0:00 Welcome to Zapolyarny
4:23 Why are these cities deserted?
8:24 Volgashor. Half-frozen houses
11:09 Severniy
14:54 How are people living here?

???? - Russian Speaking Club where you can practice the Russian language. Join us from any level ;)

???? More videos:

- Life in a provincial Russian town in the Urals | Perm

- Russian culture | Habits you should adopt in Russia

- Slavic languages | Are they similar and can you learn all of them?
???? @elibakunova - more content about Russia, cultures, traveling, and my daily life
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Russian TYPICAL (Moscow) Farmers Market: What Did I Find?

What does a Russian Farmer Market really look like in the Capitol of Russia. Moscow. Discover all of the different foods from all over Russia brought together at the Tverskaya Ploshchad Market Fair. What intersting foods will I find.

????Market Location: Tverskaya Ploshchad', Moscow, 125009
????Map Location:
⌚Time of Filming: 4.30 pm (16.30 pm) 4th October 2023.

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All the things I use to create my YouTube Videos:

Samsung S22 Ultra:
Mini Tripod:
Camera Mount:
Rode Microphone:

Disclaimer: Some of the links provided in the description of this video are affiliate links. This means I receive a small commission for every purchase.
#russia #travellingwithrussell #farmersmarket



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