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10 Best place to visit in Liman Russia


Cities of Vietnam ???????? in 8K ULTRA HD 60 FPS Drone Video

Xin chào G'day and Welcome to this aerial drone footage of Cities of Vietnam in 8K UHD resolution! Vietnam, 8K ULTRA HD HDR 60 FPS Collection of Drone & Aerial Footage Vietnam 8K ULTRA HD HDR 60 FPS Collection of Drone & Aerial Footage

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Cities of United States of America in 8K :

Cities of Canada in 8K :

Cities of Thailand in 8K :

Watch also Ho Chi Minh City, VIETNAM ???????? in 4K :

Watch also HANOI, VIETNAM ???????? in 4K :

Watch also Da Nang, VIETNAM ???????? in 4K :

Watch also Toronto, Ontario, Canada 4K ????????:

Watch also Calgary, Alberta, Canada 4K ???????? :

Watch also Montreal, Québec, Canada 4K ???????? :

Watch also Quebec city, Québec, Canada ???????? in 4K :

Watch also Seattle City, Washington ???????? in 8K :

Watch also Denver, Colorado, USA ???????? 4K :

Watch also Dallas City, Texas, USA ???????? 4K :

Watch also Las Vegas, USA 4k ???????? :

Watch also Miami, Florida, USA 4k???????? :

Watch also Moscow, Russia ???????? in 4K :

Watch also AUSTRALIA ???????? in 4K :

Watch also Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ???????? in 4K :

Watch also SINGAPORE ???????? in 4K :

Watch also TAIPEI, Taiwan ???????? in 4K :

Watch also NEW YORK CITY, USA ???????? in 4K :

Watch also DUBAI, United Arab Emirates ???????? in 8K :

#hochiminh #vietnam #8k #hanoi #8kvideo #danang #nhatrang #hue #ninhbinh #halongbay #hoian #dalat #dronefootage #droneshots #4kvideo #60fps #uhd #hd #hdr #việtnam #vietnamese #vietnamtravel #aerialvideo #aerial #video4k #skyscraper #2023 #4k #4ktv #demo #demovideo #travel
Stay connected for more videos every week.

This video was created for educational, entertainment, and informative purposes.

To Make this video in 8K UHD whole footage was Re-edited, Colour corrected by us. The result is a more realistic and natural image with richer colors.

Added Subtitles to this video so you guys get to know interesting facts to provide educational value to this video. Please click on CC to activate subtitles & to choose from different languages available.

To watch this video in real HDR, you should use a 8K Television set. If you have a HDR TV, you'll find your TV automatically switches to an HDR mode when playing HDR content. If not, switch the TV to HDR manually. Also, the latest smartphones can play HDR videos.This technology improves video image quality by expanding the contrast ratio and color range.

???? Music
》Music used in this video:
'Omega' by Scott Buckley is under a Creative Commons License : (CC BY 4.0)


❌ Do not copy and re-upload this video footage ❌

Copyright information:-
➡ All The Footage Used In The Video Is Licensed.
➡ All Music used in The Video is Licensed.
➡ Video Footage Copyright Under Standard License.
➡ We Use Paid Footage & Music in Our channel.
➡ Whole Footage was Re-edited, Colour corrected by us.

Team Exploropia

0:00 Introduction
4:38 HANOI
6:53 DA NANG

Supermodel Adriana Lima shows Americans what Football is in her country

Great Ad by KIA...
Brazilian supermodel Adriana Lima shows Americans what Football is in her country.
We love it!!!

Амальфитанское побережье???????? Амальфи, Позитано, Майори, Минори. Жемчужина Италии.

Отели –
Авиабилеты –

Амальфитанское побережье в Италии – это одна из визитных карточек и без того красивейшей страны. В видео я покажу 5 городков: Амальфи, Позитано, Майори, Минори, Атрани.

Амальфи в Италии – это столица региона. Раньше город был столицей Амальфитанского Герцогства (древней морской державы Италии). От сюда удобно можно добраться во все остальные городки по дороге или на кораблях. В Амальфи есть красивейший собор Андрея Первозванного, необычные фонтаны, много туристов и красивейших видов. Правда к пляжам в Амальфи у меня возникли некоторые вопросы.

А еще из Амальфи в Атрани ведёт тоннель, там пляж уже побольше, людей поменьше. Стоит туда заглянуть, если будете в Амальфи.

Позитано в Италии – это, вероятно, самый красивый город на Амальфитанском побережье (не Амальфийском). Он очень видовой, холмистый, красивый. А количество яхт и лодок здесь просто зашкаливает. Пляжи в Позитано уже больше, их там даже 2,5, но стоимость заоблачна...
Практически каждое кафе в Позитано, Италия с видом. Каждая улица, каждый камень с тысячелетней историей. Обязательно съездите в Позитано.

Майори и Минори в Италии – это уже два брата, которые находятся на расстоянии 1 км. друг от друга.
Миинори выглядит более старинным, но при это он пологий и с большим пляжем.

А Майори более крупный и современный город. Туристов в них значительно меньше. А пляжи – самые большие. Пляж в Майори длинной практически 1 км.

Минори и Майори связывает пешая дорога в горах, которая называется Лимонная тропа. Осилит ее любой желающий за пол часа. Обязательно пройдитесь по ней.

Вообще, оказалось, что все Амальфитано связано с лимонами. Их здесь растет много, они очень вкусные. А посмотрев на сувенирные лавки рядом с достопримечательностями Амальфи складывается впечатление, что все здесь сделано из лимонов.

Но, лучше все посмотреть в видео. Потому что слова не смогут передать, что Амальфи, Позитано – это рай на земле, который спрятался в Италии.

Кстати, бонусом еще скажу свои мысли по поводу Салерно, в котором мы жили.

Как всегда я постарался снять красивое видео, а с Вас подписка и нажатый колокольчик.

Мои другие видео:

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Аликанте –
Пафос –

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00:00 Вступление
02:44 Позитано
07:24 Амальфи
16:21 Минори
19:10 Майори
21:51 Салерно
23:16 Выводы

МУРМАНСК. Есть ли жизнь на Русском севере. Плюсы и минусы Кольского.

Что вы знаете про Мурманск?
Холода? Много снега? Северное сияние? Полярная ночь?

В этой поездке я увидел настоящий Кольский Cевер во всей его чарующей красоте и хочу поделиться с вами.
Показать самые красивые места Кольского полуострова

Мы узнаем про жизнь людей в полярную ночь
Отметим праздник солнца и встретим первый его луч!
Прочувствуем всю мощь Арктики
И прикоснемся к Ледовитому океану

Выясним, о чем молчат турфирмы и ГИДы в погоне за прибылью и на какую бессмыслицу готовы сами туристы в погоне за Северным сиянием

Узнаем больше про это явление. Где смотреть и как поймать
Побываем на лучшем горнолыжном курорте за полярным кругом

И увидим простую жизнь Мурманчан
Узнаем про главные деликатесы Кольского Севера
И увидим зимние забавы
И в целом. Где поесть, что посмотреть и куда поехать!

???? Домашние переезды и междугородние грузоперевозки по России и СНГ

Пишите, заходите!
???? ВК

00:00 Анонс. Путешествие в Мурманск
00:55 Мурманск - столица Арктики. Город в полярную ночь
02:14 Что такое Полярная ночь и как она выглядит
03:42 Транспортная компания в Мурманске
04:38 Праздник солнца в Мурманске. Закончилась полярная ночь
05:21 Встреча солнца. Лисья гора. Штормовой ветер
07:11 Северное сияние. Впервые в жизни
07:38 Как и где увидеть самое красивое северное сияние в России
09:37 Полезные приложения для телефона чтоб поймать сияние
10:04 Отношение местных жителей и гостей региона к Северному сиянию
11:03 Про Териберку. Любимое место туристов, но не местных. Советы по поездке
12:23 Териберка - край земли Кольского полуострова.
13:05 Погоня за Северным сиянием. Как оно меняет жизнь
13:34 Как умирающая Териберка стала местом притяжения
14:38 Снежный Плен. Почему в Териберку закрывают дорогу. Страшая пурга. 4 метра снега и работа дорожных служб
16:27 Климат в Мурманске. Снежная столица России
18:15 Кировск и Хибины. Северные горы. Горнолыжный курорт
20:38 Ледокол Ленин. Первый атомный ледокол, изменивший историю
22:13 Мурманский порт. Ворота Северного морского пути
23:38 Все про Мурманскую рыбу. Мурманский рынок
24:47 Мурманский ерш - то, что ты обязан привезти с собой. Ерш и камбала
25:50 Вкус Арктики. Цены на продукты
26:15 Где вкусно поесть в Мурманске
27:11 Заключение. Север - это неизлечимая болезнь
28:30 Титры, благодарности

[4K] РОССИЯ СЕВАСТОПОЛЬ БАЛАКЛАВА КРЫМ 2023. Прогулка по прекрасному городу, путешествие по России.

Совершите живописную прогулку по прибрежному городу БАЛАКЛАВА, вдоль прекрасной бухты, по набережной в СЕВАСТОПОЛЬСКОМ районе КРЫМСКОГО полуострова,в РОССИИ СЕВАСТОПОЛЬ, в феврале 2023 года.

Этот поход идеально подходит для тех, кто хочет познакомиться с историей, природой поближе и лично.

Если Вы планируете поездку в Крым в ближайшем будущем, обязательно ознакомьтесь с этим городом!!!! БАЛАКЛАВА расположена в пригороде прекрасного города СЕВАСТОПОЛЬ и посещение этого курорта является отличным способом насладиться прекрасным воздухом и великолепной природой КРЫМСКОГО ПОЛУОСТРОВА!

Присоединяйтесь ко мне в этом пешем приключении и посмотрите, каким красивым и удивительным может быть КРЫМ!


Murmansk Vlog ❄️ [4K] Murmansk Lenin Caddesi

#murmansk #winter #russia #arcticcircle #travel #travelvlog #мурманск

Cities of United States of America in 8K ULTRA HD 60 FPS Drone Video

G'day and Welcome to this aerial drone footage of Cities of United States of America in 8K UHD resolution! United States, 8K ULTRA HD HDR 60 FPS Collection of Drone & Aerial Footage USA 8K ULTRA HD HDR 60 FPS Collection of Drone & Aerial Footage

???? Please Keep Supporting us guys✌️!!!!
???? Make sure to Subscribe ▶️ with Bell ???? turned on & don't miss out on New Videos!!!!
????More 4K & 8K UHD HD Videos ⏬

Cities of United States of America in 8K :

Cities of Canada in 8K :

Cities of Thailand in 8K :

Watch also Seattle City, Washington ???????? in 8K :

Watch also Salt Lake City ???????? USA in 8K :

Watch also Baltimore in 8K :

Watch also Denver, Colorado, USA ???????? 4K :

Watch also Dallas City, Texas, USA ???????? 4K :

Watch also Austin, Texas, USA 4k ????????

Watch also Houston Downtown, Texas, USA 4k ???????? :

Watch also Las Vegas, USA 4k ???????? :

Watch also Miami, Florida, USA 4k???????? :

Watch also NEW YORK CITY, USA 4k ???????? :

Watch also Chicago, USA 4k ???????? :

Watch also Montreal, Québec, Canada 4k ???????? :

Watch also Toronto, Ontario, Canada 4k ???????? :

Watch also Moscow, Russia 4k ???????? :

Watch also SINGAPORE 4k ???????? :

Watch also Milan City, Italy 4k ???????? :

Watch also Madrid, Spain 4k ???????? :

Watch also Paris, France 4k ???????? :

Watch also Frankfurt, Germany 4k ???????? :

Watch also DUBAI, United Arab Emirates 8k ???????? :
#nyc #usa #8k #america #8kvideo #unitedstates #travelusa #dronefootage #droneshots #4kvideo #60fps #uhd #hd #hdr #us #aerialvideo #aerial #video4k #skyscraper #2023 #4k #4ktv #demo #demovideo #travel
Stay connected for more videos every week.

This video was created for educational, entertainment, and informative purposes.

To Make this video in 8K UHD whole footage was Re-edited, Colour corrected by us. The result is a more realistic and natural image with richer colors.

Added Subtitles to this video so you guys get to know interesting facts to provide educational value to this video. Please click on CC to activate subtitles & to choose from different languages available.

To watch this video in real HDR, you should use a 8K Television set. If you have a HDR TV, you'll find your TV automatically switches to an HDR mode when playing HDR content. If not, switch the TV to HDR manually. Also, the latest smartphones can play HDR videos.This technology improves video image quality by expanding the contrast ratio and color range.

❌ Do not copy and re-upload this video footage ❌

Copyright information:-
➡ All The Footage Used In The Video Is Licensed.
➡ All Music used in The Video is Licensed.
➡ Video Footage Copyright Under Standard License.
➡ We Use Paid Footage & Music in Our channel.
➡ Whole Footage was Re-edited, Colour corrected by us.

Team Exploropia

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⚓ Mykolaiv, Ukraine - Closed city and shipbuilding centre ????????

In this video, I explore the city of Mykolaiv in Southern Ukraine. It's not exactly a touristy city but it does have an interesting history.

The city was founded in 1789 by Gregoriy Potomkin. Under his orders, a shipbuilding plant was born. The city became the centre of shipbuilding for the Russian Empire and then the Soviet Union.

There are 3 shipyards in the city. Many ships were built here over the years, including military ships and tankers. There is also a wealth of engineering talent here, who support the shipbuilding industry.

During the Soviet period, the city was closed, and entry was forbidden to foreigners. If a foreigner came to this city, they would be escorted to the outskirts and told never to return.

Although Mykolaiv isn't a popular tourist city, it is an interesting place to visit and learn about the history.

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Main camera - Blackmagic pocket cinema camera (BMPCC)
Vlog camera - Canon G7Xii
Drone - DJI Mavic Mini
Edited on Davinci Resolve 16

Rusya Sınırındaki Bölge Gdansk - Krallar Gibi Geziyorum, Polonya'da Yaşamak Nasıl ?

Gdansk bölgesine gelince, ilk işim bölgedeki en önemli 3 yer olan Gdynia, Sopot ve Gdansk gezisine başladım.???? Bu bölge, Baltıklar kıyısında yer alıyor ve daha çok Polonyalıların tatil beldesi olarak biliniyor. 2-3 gün bölgeyi gezdim ve başıma gelenleri size de aktardım.
İyi seyirler dostlar.

Polonya'daki Otellere Yandaki Linkten Bakarsınız, çoğu iptal edilebilir ve uygundur. ????

hesabımdan her şeyi anlık paylaşacağım. Oradan da bakarsınız.????

İş Birliği İçin:
00:00 Gdansk ve Polonya'da yaşam nasıl, gezilecek yerler neler olacak
00:53 Gdansk'tan merhabalar, buraya nasıl geldim
02:50 Sokaklardaki ilk izlenimlerim ve gözlemlerim, değişimler
06:20 Parklar, sokaklar ve Zana restoran yemekleri
10:04 Rıhtım, barlar ve plajlar
12:40 Polonya'da ev almak hakkında bilgiler
14:20 Uber ile Gdansk'a gidiyorum
16:30 Döner, ayran keyfi
17:03 Polonya'da araba fiyatı
18:15 Gdansk'a geldik
19:30 Gdansk gezilecek yerler, meydanlar, binalar ve yapılar
22:00 Polonya'daki tatil fiyatları ve masraflar
23:40 Gdansk nehirleri, Gdansk'a neden geliyorlar
26:40 Sopot gezisine başladım
27:50 Sopot iskelesi ve plajları
32:07 Sorularınız varsa yazın yorumlara
35:15 Çarpık yapı ve içerisindeki kafe
38:00 Akşam yemeği yediğim balıkçı
40:42 Sonraki bölümde görüşürüz

video tasarım : gokseltuzun

#gdansk #gezilecekyerler #video

Анталия — русский город в Турции на Средиземном море: история и места Анталии. Прогулка 2.7к

Тинькофф и другие банки (перевод) -
IBAN (€ евро) - TR84 0013 4000 0200 7343 5000 04
IBAN ($ доллар) - TR41 0013 4000 0200 7343 5000 02

В Сообщении Андрею указать ФИО, индекс, адрес получателя, телефон. Отправка производится 1 раз с 1 по 7 число месяца.

Анталия - курорт и порт на юге Турции, управленческий центр одноименной провинции на берегу Средиземноморья. Фактический состав населения города - более одного миллиона людей, однако летом число проживающих в городе может достигать 2-3 миллионов человек из-за активного потока туристов.

В Анталии нужно ценно прогуливаться в большом количестве, и для этого нужно выбирать самые солнечные дни. Обойти Старый город, сфотографироваться на улице с зонтами, передохнуть в одном из синевато-зелёных садов, совершить прогулку по береговой зоне набережной, и открыть для себя совершенно другую Турцию. Турция в удивительной зеленой зоне, Турция в местных музеях... Здесь можно найти удивительный отдых с детьми в аквапарках и дельфинариях — вариаций времяпрепровождения вне площади отеля более чем порядочно.

Но давайте совершим и нашу увлекательную прогулку по Анталии. Для удобства навигации используйте временные интервалы:

00:00 - Вступление. Интро
00:43 - царь Аттала Второй основал город
01:40 - пляж Бич парк
02:45 - Берег пляжа Анталии
03:33 - Бесплатный городской лифт
04:42 - Смотровая часть на берег Бич Парк
06:04 - Современная Анталия это?
07:02 - AntRay - скоростной трамвай/метро Анталии
09:20 - Смотровая на пляж Коньяалты
11:12 - Парк Караалиоглу
12:50 - Красивая смотровая на Тавры и море
12:55 - Инфраструктура парка Караалиоглу
13:27 - Вид на Средиземное море с высоты
14:22 - Достопримечательности Караалиоглу
16:20 - Башня Хыдырлык
17:13 - Старый город Анталии - Калеичи
19:25 - Красивое видовое кафе
19:35 - История города Анталия
21:16 - хибара сумасшедшего художника
21:49 - Продолжение истории Анталии
23:07 - Смотровая на старую гавань
24:10 - Красивый старый город
24:33 - Климат город Анталия
26:00 - Узкая улица
26:03 - Анталия не только для ленивого отдыха
27:58 - Спускаемся в старый порт Анталии
30:41 - Лодки гавани и про пляж Мермерли
33:21 - Панорамный лифт Калеичи
33:40 - музыкант-турок в туфлях
34:14 - Лифт Калеичи; вид на старый город
35:11 - Парк Республики
35:53 - Площадь Республики
36:17 - Монумент Кемалю Ататюрку
36:50 - Минарет Йивли и Мавзолей Зинджиркирана
39:35 - часовая башня Анталии
40:34 - Старый город Анталии
41:05 - Экономические аспекты развития Анталии
44:10 - У старьевщика в гостях
45:11 - Старый город Анталии
50:25 - Выходим в сторону музея Кемаля Ататюрка
52:20 - Музей Ататюрка
52:40 - Тренажерный зал им. Ататюрка
53:48 - Зима в Анталии
54:12 - парк Караалиоглу
54:50 - Межсезонье в Анталии
55:19 - Разрушенный дом
55:50 - Заключение
56:19 - Дорога до Алании
56:50 - Заключение

#турция #анталия #алания

Best Tour in St Petersburg, Russia At Night. Walking Tour - with Captions

Evening and night walk along the streets of the Petrogradsky district, St. Petersburg 2022.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
ROUTE MAP - 5 miles/7 km walked
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Video Timeline Links:

0:00:01 Petrogradskaya metro station.
0:00:45 Leo Tolstoy Square.
0:00:52 Rosenstein's house.
0:01:10 Coffee house.
0:02:26 Big avenue
Petrograd side.
0:02:43 Theater
Russian Entreprise.

0:02:50 Bookstore.
0:08:10 Coffee Room.
0:13:20 Pizza 22 centimeters. Pizzeria.
0:14:05 Kamennoostrovsky prospect.
0:15:34 Inexpensive coffee shop. Workshop 85.
0:19:32 Benois House 1911
0:29:30 Shostakovich lived in this house.
0:31:00 Kronverkskaya street.
0:32:40 The building of the former factory. Offices.
0:37:47 Bolshaya Monetnaya Street.
0:39:48 Lenin street.
0:41:17 Malaya Pushkarskaya Street.
0:49:02 Voskova street.
0:53:20 Bolshaya Pushkarskaya street.
0:56:01 Big avenue.
0:58:07 Kolpinskaya street.
1:03:31 Small avenue.
1:03:57 Home goods store.
1:08:25 Bolshaya Zelenina Street.
1:09:34 Chkalovskaya metro station.
1:14:35 Restaurant Garden.
1:16:20 Polyandria. Book store.
1:30:45 Mansion and office
sawmill production Kolobov 1890.
1:33:00 Big Krestovsky bridge.
1:46:00 Lazarevsky bridge.
1:49:07 Trinity Place. Business center.
1:52:00 Pionerskaya street.
1:53:44 Novoladozhskaya street.
1:55:11 Red Cadet Street.
1:59:40 Corpusnaya street.
2:07:50 Bolshaya Zelenina street.
2:11:22 Chkalovskaya metro station.
2:16:10 Small avenue.
2:19:20 Big avenue.
2:34:17 Leo Tolstoy Square.
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
Time: 4:30 p.m.
Date: March 11 2022
Weather Conditions & Temperature - sunny & windless , -7°C/19°F




Other Free Films:

BARS & PUBS Filming inside all drinking establishments St Petersburg.

NEVSKY AVENUE, Saint Petersburg. Here are all the videos of walking along Nevsky Avenue.

NIGHT In Saint Petersburg. Here are all videos of night walks along Nevsky Avenue.

A DAY In Saint Petersburg.

CHRISTMAS In Saint Petersburg.

WINTER WALK In Saint Petersburg.


GULF OF FINLAND St. Petersburg

SHOPS in St. Petersburg

SUBWAY & TRAM RIDE In St Petersburg

The Petersburger is a special creature, and there are features that distinguish him from the ordinary population of the country. Here is a different time, space, sunshine and townspeople. Among the native Petersburgers, there are many people from aristocratic families, their habits are inherited, formed over the years and generations, and have grown into genetics. He hates and never uses the word Peter (since this is the word of the proletarian outskirts). We must say St. Petersburg. He always has chronic rhinitis. Prefers beer - vodka, port. Beer is a drink of ordinary people. Likes to save up in order to buy the most expensive cigarettes later, collectible, something impractical for the soul. For all his delicacy, he has a pronounced sense of humor, sarcasm, he can very delicately, and if necessary, abruptly put someone in their place, without being embarrassed by swearing, profanity, which he naturally uses, to the point and with great grace.

#stpetersburg #stpetersburgwalk #citywalk #Petrogradside

Cities of Australia ???????? in 8K ULTRA HD 60 FPS Drone Video

G'day and Welcome to this aerial drone footage of Cities of Australia in 8K UHD resolution! Australia, 8K ULTRA HD HDR 60 FPS Collection of Drone & Aerial Footage AUS 8K ULTRA HD HDR 60 FPS Collection of Drone & Aerial Footage

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Cities of Thailand in 8K :

Cities of United States of America in 8K :

Cities of Canada in 8K :

Watch also Amazing Wildlife Australia ???????? in 4K :

Watch also Perth, Australia in ???????? 4K :

Watch also Gold Coast, Australia in ???????? 4K :

Watch also Sydney, Australia ???????? in 4K :

Watch also Brisbane, Australia in ???????? 4K :

Watch also Tasmania, Australia ???????? in 4K :

Watch also Melbourne City, Australia ???????? in 4K :

Watch also Great Ocean Road in Victoria ???????? 4K :

Watch also Toronto, Ontario, Canada 4K ????????:

Watch also Calgary, Alberta, Canada 4K ???????? :

Watch also Montreal, Québec, Canada 4K ???????? :

Watch also Quebec city, Québec, Canada ???????? in 4K :

Watch also Seattle City, Washington ???????? in 8K :

Watch also Denver, Colorado, USA ???????? 4K :

Watch also Dallas City, Texas, USA ???????? 4K :

Watch also Las Vegas, USA 4k ???????? :

Watch also Miami, Florida, USA 4k???????? :

Watch also Moscow, Russia ???????? in 4K :

Watch also AUSTRALIA ???????? in 4K :

Watch also Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia ???????? in 4K :

Watch also SINGAPORE ???????? in 4K :

Watch also TAIPEI, Taiwan ???????? in 4K :

Watch also NEW YORK CITY, USA ???????? in 4K :

Watch also DUBAI, United Arab Emirates ???????? in 8K :

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This video was created for educational, entertainment, and informative purposes.

To Make this video in 8K UHD whole footage was Re-edited, Colour corrected by us. The result is a more realistic and natural image with richer colors.

Added Subtitles to this video so you guys get to know interesting facts to provide educational value to this video. Please click on CC to activate subtitles & to choose from different languages available.

To watch this video in real HDR, you should use a 8K Television set. If you have a HDR TV, you'll find your TV automatically switches to an HDR mode when playing HDR content. If not, switch the TV to HDR manually. Also, the latest smartphones can play HDR videos.This technology improves video image quality by expanding the contrast ratio and color range.

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Copyright information:-
➡ All The Footage Used In The Video Is Licensed.
➡ All Music used in The Video is Licensed.
➡ Video Footage Copyright Under Standard License.
➡ We Use Paid Footage & Music in Our channel.
➡ Whole Footage was Re-edited, Colour corrected by us.

Team Exploropia

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THE TRUTH why we LEFT TURKEY. Ups and Downs of living in Turkey

We LEFT ????????TURKEY. Why and what’s next? Will we come back? Sign up for the newsletter and get latest updates in your mailbox once a week ????
WATCH NEXT: Our Daily Life in Antalya, Turkey ????
❌ 9 Things NOT TO DO in Turkey ????????

Our TOP Videos:
ROBBED on the FIRST DAY in Hanoi Vietnam (334k views)
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Prices in Turkey Right Now. Turkish Lira crisis (215k views)

???? MUST KNOW before you travel to Turkey


Our ????220 Apartment in Antalya Turkey | Very safe neighborhood!

???? Prices in Antalya, Turkey

✅ September, October and November in Turkey. Antalya and Alanya Weather, Beach, Prices, Tourists

Antalya Turkey | Best Viewpoints in Old City | Why do we choose to live here?

Living in Turkey

We are Olga and Rene. After spending 1 year in Turkey we are now traveling looking for our forever home. Next 6 months we will explore SE Asia. Subscribe to find out what changed here in the last 2 years! We will compare countries like Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia, Philippines to how they were before 2020 and now in 2023. Prices, cost of living, our daily life as foreigners.

00:00 Intro. Why we are leaving Turkey. Our plans for the future.
02:00 Pros & Cons
02:13 What we liked about living in Turkey #1
02:46 What we liked about living in Turkey #2
03:07 What we liked about living in Turkey #3
03:55 What we liked about living in Turkey #4
05:10 What we liked about living in Turkey #5
06:34 What we liked about living in Turkey #6
07:35 What we liked about living in Turkey #7
06:34 What we liked about living in Turkey #8
08:08 What we liked about living in Turkey #9
08:08 What we liked about living in Turkey #10
08:40 What we liked about living in Turkey #11
09:42 What we liked about living in Turkey #12
10:17 What we liked about living in Turkey #13
10:12 Why did we decide to leave Turkey #1
13:40 Why did we decide to leave Turkey #2
15:17 Why did we decide to leave Turkey #3
17:18 Why did we decide to leave Turkey #4
18:12 Why did we decide to leave Turkey #5
19:59 Why did we decide to leave Turkey #6
21:30 Why did we decide to leave Turkey #7

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Travel Around ASIA 8K ULTRA HD – Beautiful Places To Visit

#8k #asia #travel
You are invited to see some of the most beautiful places of Asian continent.

I inserted a lot of useful information into subtitles to make watching my films more enjoyable.
Viewers who want to know more about subjects in this film can enable subtitles to read interesting facts about what they see in film.
Please click on CC button to activate subtitles and to choose from different languages available.

Some footage have been originally recorded in 8K resolution and some in 4K. I upscaled all 4K films to 8K resolution and I made color correction, thus resulting a new highly quality film.
I usually prefer to produce high resolution films on my channel which takes a longer time than 4K processing, but the result is worth the effort. I am providing educational value by adding commentary, voiceover, subtitles and names of places or of animals on screen.

If you want to know more about my films, then you can access:
My Website:

Asia is Earth's largest and most populous continent, located primarily in the Eastern and Northern Hemispheres. There are 48 countries in Asia today, according to the United Nations.
In this video you can virtually travel around Japan, Indonesia, Thailand, Cambodia, China, United Arab Emirates, India, Sri Lanka, Taiwan, Malaysia, Mongolia, Russia, Singapore, South Korea.
00:00-00:20 Intro
00:21-00:28 Daigo ji temple, Japan
00:29-00:38 Byodoin Temple Kyoto
00:39-00:50 Mount Fuji
00:51-01:11 Osaka castle and city
01:12-01:22 Tokyo
01:23-01:39 Matsumoto castle
01:40-01:47 Sayama Lake
01:48-02:07 Japanese countryside
02:08-02:21 Himeji castle
02:22-03:11 Tokyo
03:12-03:21 Padar island Indonesia
03:22-03:37 Sekumpul waterfall
03:38-03:45 Handara Golf & Resort Bali
03:46-04:13 Rice terraces in Bali
04:14-04:34 Jakarta
04:35-04:42 Baiturrahman Mosque
04:43-04:51 Kaolin Lake
04:52-05:23 Raja Ampat Islands
05:24-05:33 Bali
05:34-05:45 Bangkok
05:46-05:53 Muang Boran ancient city
05:54-06:01 Ayutthaya
06:02-06:09 Saraburi
06:10-06:17 Chachoengsao
06:18-06:27 Kanchanaburi
06:28-06:35 Dragon Temple, Pathom
06:36-06:42 Krabi Beach
06:43-07:12 Bangkok
07:13-07:29 Koh Tao, Samui, Thailand
07:30-07:50 Angkor-Wat, Cambodia
07:51-07:58 Oudong, Cambodia
07:59-08:20 Phnom Penh, Cambodia
08:21-08:27 Battambang, Cambodia
08:28-08:39 Tea Terraces, China
08:40-08:47 Beijing
08:48-09:02 Putuo Zoncheng monastery, China
09:03-09:25 Chinese landscapes
09:26-09:36 Great Wall of China
09:37-10:06 Hong Kong
10:07-10:39 Shanghai, China
10:40-11:54 Dubai, UAE
11:55-12:53 Singapore
12:54-13:11 Sri Lanka landscapes
13:12-13:19 Sigiriya, Sri Lanka
13:20-13:34 Waterfall, Sri Lanka
13:35-13:50 Galle Fort, Sri Lanka
13:51-14:00 Colombo, Sri Lanka
14:01-14:06 Qutub Minar, Delhi, India
14:07-14:43 Udaipur and Lake Pichola, India
14:44-14:55 Elephant Falls, India
14:56-15:04 Taiwan coastline
15:05-16:08 Taipei
16:09-16:26 Taiwan countryside
16:27-16:39 Wenwu Temple, Taiwan
16:40-17:00 Busan, South Korea
17:01-17:20 South Korean Temples
17:21-17:26 Penang Bridge, Malaysia
17:27-17:32 Malaysian Mosque
17:33-17:52 Kuala Lumpur
17:53-18:05 Kamchatka coastline, Russia
18:06-18:21 Siberian Mountains, Russia
18:22-18:35 Baikal Lake, Russia
18:36-19:00 Ulaan Baatar, Mongolia
19:01-19:07 Genghis Khan Statue, Mongolia
19:08-19:17 Khuvsgul Lake, Mongolia
19:18-19:25 Turtle rock, Mongolia
19:26-20:08 Palawan Philippines.

▶ All The Footage Used In The Video Is Licensed.
▶ All The footage Was Edited And Color Corrected By Me.
▶ This video was given a special license directly from the artists and the right holders.
▶ All music on the channel is copyrighted.

Software Video Editing: Adobe Premiere Pro CC, Adobe After Effects Pro CC
Software Photo Editing: Adobe Photoshop , Adobe Lightroom

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выпуск 1. Владивосток, центр города, Vladivostok, Russia,

тайм-код 1:34 свитер для дерева....
Центр города, Владивосток, Vladivostok, Russia,
Подписка на мой канал

Murmansk Vlog | Tren istasyonu ve liman bölgesi| Train Station | Marine Station

#murmansk #russia #trainstation #seaport


Welcome to the ultimate New Year's Eve extravaganza with Dude On Travel! Join us as we unveil the Top 10 global celebrations in iconic cities that define the magic of midnight. Our countdown begins at the heart of Times Square, New York City, where the world's greatest countdown unfolds in a brilliant mosaic of lights and pulsating energy. Experience the contagious joy of the countdown and the exhilarating transition into a new year.

Next up at Number 8 is Tokyo, Japan, where tradition meets modernity in a unique celebration infused with Taiko drumming, laughter, and communal togetherness. Paris, France, takes center stage at Number 7, transforming its streets into a romantic tapestry bathed in the Eiffel Tower's breathtaking fireworks.

At Number 6, Moscow, Russia, promises a celebration that seamlessly blends modern excitement with historical charm, featuring vibrant street festivities and contagious laughter. London, United Kingdom, secures the Number 5 spot with a celebration combining historical charm and modern energy against the iconic backdrop of Big Ben and the London Eye.

Dubai, United Arab Emirates, at Number 4, invites you into the future with a brilliant display of lights, lasers, and luxury at the foot of the Burj Khalifa—the world's tallest structure. New Orleans, USA, takes the third spot, turning celebration into a way of life with vibrant street parties, sensual jazz tunes, and a breathtaking fireworks show.

At Number 2, Berlin, Germany, presents a resilient and solidarity-filled celebration at the famous Brandenburg Gate, featuring a grand fireworks display. Finally, Cape Town, South Africa, claims the top spot with a unique celebration against the stunning backdrop of Table Mountain and the Victoria & Alfred Waterfront, immersing viewers in a magical ambiance of street parties, live music, and irresistible vibes.

Subscribe now for an exclusive passport to these global celebrations and make this New Year's Eve a worldwide celebration to remember! Join us on Dude On Travel, where the world welcomes the new year with unforgettable extravagance.
Welcome to Dude-on-Travel - Your Ultimate Destination for Epic Adventures!

Embark on a journey with us as we explore the globe, uncovering hidden gems, and experiencing the world in all its splendor. Whether you're a seasoned traveler or just starting out, our channel is your go-to source for enriching travel experiences.

Dive into our extensive library of content, including in-depth city and country guides, breathtaking beach destinations, luxurious hotels, and awe-inspiring natural wonders. Join us on cinematic odysseys, where every frame tells a story of wanderlust and discovery.

Looking for practical travel tips? We've got you covered! From expert packing advice to navigating local customs, we're here to ensure your journey is as seamless as possible. Plus, stay updated with the hottest travel trends and the must-visit destinations for 2024.

For those seeking solo adventures, family-friendly escapades, or simply craving a taste of the world's finest street food, our channel is your passport to it all. And don't miss our top 5 compilations showcasing the most jaw-dropping sights our planet has to offer.

So, whether you're dreaming of a grand tour through Europe, a relaxing beach getaway, or an adrenaline-fueled adventure, we've got you covered. Join us as we take you inside out on this insane, incredible planet we call home.

Hit that subscribe button, and let's embark on a journey of a lifetime together!

Dream on, wanderlust warriors!

Safe travels,
Bart, Dude On Travel

Top 7 Places To Visit In Australia

Welcome to Australia! Discover the best places in Australia with us in this travel video. We have listed 7 touristic places in Australia for you. With 4k drone footage, you can watch the amazing places of Australia as a visual feast. Australia, the extraordinary country, is our next place among the countries that should be visited in the world! Join us if you're curious about things to do in Australia and the most beautiful places in Australia.

00:00 Intro
01:10 Gold Coast
02:17 Canberra
03:13 Adelaide
04:21 Perth
05:31 Brisbane
06:47 Melbourne
07:59 Sydney
09:22 Outro

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✈️ TOP 10 TURKEY ????
✈️ TOP 10 MEXICO ????
✈️ TOP 10 THAILAND ????
✅ Subscribe My Channel ????

Watch as the drone soars over the iconic Sydney Opera House, revealing its architectural splendor against the backdrop of the bustling city skyline.

Immerse yourself in the vibrant cityscapes of Melbourne and Brisbane, witnessing the urban energy and architectural marvels from above. From the iconic landmarks to the hidden gems, this drone video will transport you to the heart of Australia's most captivating destinations.

Whether you're a nature enthusiast, an adventure seeker, or a culture lover, Australia has something for everyone. Get ready to be inspired, as this drone video captures the essence of Australia's natural wonders, cultural richness, and sheer beauty. So, sit back, relax, and embark on a breathtaking visual journey across this extraordinary country.

Don't forget to like, comment, and subscribe to our channel to explore more amazing destinations around the world! #australiatourism #australia4k #australiatravel

(Sub) 오락기와 블린과 표트르 대제 - [세계여행43] 러시아 상트페테르부르크

이 영상은 작년 12~1월에 찍힌 영상으로, 현재의 러시아의 상황과 무관함을 알려드립니다.

여러분들의 구독, 좋아요, 댓글은 제가 영상을 만드는데 있어서 가장 큰 힘이됩니다:)

안녕하세요, 여행 유투버 타비입니다(꾸벅)

마지막 하루 더 머물고 상트를 떠났습니다

정말 아름답고 맘에 드는 도시였어요.

꼭 다시 방문할 수 있게 되면 좋겠습니다

@ 광고 및 콘텐츠 제안 : 메일확인이 어려워서 인스타DM으로 부탁드립니다

@ 편집 프로그램 : VLLO & VREW
@ 촬영 : 고프로9
@ 응원계좌 : 농협 150078-52-070258

#여행유투브 #여행유투버 #여행유튜브 #여행유튜버 #러시아 #여행 #상트페테르부르크 #궁전광장 #겨울궁전 #맥도날드 #소련 #오락실 #Teremok #표트르대제

If there are people who are watching in foreign language subtitles, I apologize.

I don't have enough money and lack language skills, so I'm using a translator for subtitles.

The synchronization rate of subtitles is not good due to running out of time. I'm really sorry.

We will take the time to finish the subtitle work and improve the synchronization.

We will proceed with the translation when we have financial leeway or if our friend helps us.

Once again, I'm sorry.

Rusların Cruise ile Sinop ziyaretleri #cruise #russia #sinopsis#karadeniz #turkey #sochi#astoria



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