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10 Best place to visit in Huazhou China


廣州!本地人旅遊推薦!好去處!黃埔古港!特色美食!半日遊!艇仔粥!炒麵!姜撞奶!一試難忘!家庭版!牛肉火鍋!旅遊攻略!CP值極高!平民美食!4K!!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou


#廣州 #美食 #旅遊

餐廳消費:艇仔粥 ¥8,炒麵 ¥6
餐廳消費:薑撞奶 ¥9









00:00 Intro
01:06 黃埔古港/週末好去處/參觀博物館
19:30 貓記/艇仔粥/炒麵
30:16 古港奶婆薑撞奶/薑撞奶
34:12 買農家蔬菜/超市購物
37:26 家庭版牛肉火鍋
53:31 Ending
#food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #busy street #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #广州 #旅游推荐 #黄埔古港 #特色美食 #半日游 #艇仔粥 #炒面 #姜撞奶 #牛肉火锅 #牛肉 #火锅 #旅游攻略 #CP值 #4K #廣州美食 粵語 #food tour vlog #4k 60 #vlog study #vlog china #vlog bgm #guangzhou vlog #china tour blog #china tourist #food tourism #china tourism

【廣州漫步粵菜美食探店】下雨天!北京路步行街!飲夜茶!兩人消費103元!值得去嗎?乳鴿32元!牛肉腸粉!點心!dimsum!!旅遊攻略!遊客聚集地!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou

#廣州 #guangzhou #北京路

餐廳消費:脆皮妙齡乳鴿 ¥32,荔灣艇仔粥 ¥19.50,豉油皇炒麵 ¥19.50,陳皮翡翠牛肉腸粉 ¥19.50









00:00 Intro
00:43 北京路地鐵站/粵海天河城仰忠匯商場
07:26 北京路步行街/附近酒店價格
17:04 廣禦點飲茶/讀餐牌時間
20:40 豉油皇炒麵/陳皮翡翠牛肉腸粉/脆皮妙齡乳鴿/荔灣艇仔粥
28:22 惠福路美食街/西湖路/教育路
39:25 Ending
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #点心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣州 #北京路 #乳鴿 #艇仔粥 #豉油皇炒麵 #牛肉腸粉 #旅遊攻略 #飲夜茶 #惠福路 #西湖路 #天河城 #點心 #dimsum #广州步行街 北京路 #北京路 广州 #北京路 廣州 #4K #food tour china #food tourism #food tour vlog #china tourist #vlog study

Maoming visit 3: Arrive Maoming City

Maoming city has a population of 170 million. (Date of video: 2/1/13)

【逛吃廣州美食】日逛西湖路花街!夜逛濱江花市!吃街頭小食!廣州花市全天游!廣州百年花市!千年花洲!廣州花市歷史介紹!花洲歷史介紹!Canton Food Tour 2024|GUANGZHOU 4K

#美食 #廣州 #guangzhou #廣州漫步 #廣州美食 #探店

—— —
Google map:
Baidu map:
鄰近地鐵:廣州地鐵1號綫 公园前站B1出口

Google map:
Baidu map:
鄰近地鐵:廣州地鐵8號綫 同福西站D出口
消費:風行奶業飲品2支¥9 草莓提拉米蘇¥28 魚蛋7顆¥10 健力寶飲品7支¥15




????【廣州手信店 - 推薦11間】


00:00 Intro
00:09 越秀區花市
02:04 西湖路段
08:43 教育路段
17:33 人民橋
17:57 濱江花市
22:12 街頭小吃
27:34 濱江花市
35:00 濱江江景
39:42 Ending

#廣州美食粵語 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #walking downtown in china #busy street #粵語 #guangzhou street food #chinese noodles #street food #广州漫步 #探店 #廣州漫步 #粵菜美食 #广州美食粤语 #china tour #dim sum #cantonese #Guangzhou #Canton cuisine #粵語 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Canton cuisine #sine # #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #guangzhou food #广州美食 #廣州美食#guangzhou 4k #4K #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣州美食2023 #china tour 2023 #廣州2023 #廣州 #美食 #粵菜 #探店 #美食攻略
#花街 #花市 #迎春花市 #迎春 #迎春花街 #北京路 #教育路 #西湖路 #西湖路花街 #廣州花街 #廣州花市 #越秀區 #海珠區 #濱江 #濱江西路 #濱江花市 #濱江花街 #越秀區花市 #海珠區花市 #義賣 #風車 #蘭花 #百合 #年桔 #水仙 #桃花 #銀柳 #金桔 #劍蘭 #逛花街 #揮春 #寫字 #書法 #春節 #農曆 #拱北樓 #年宵花市 #街頭小吃 #提拉米蘇 #咖喱魚蛋 #牛奶
#廣州 #美食 #粵菜 #探店 #人氣 #排隊 #地鐵 #捷運 #交通 #路綫 #Michelin #米芝蓮 #米其林 #必吃 #必食 #街頭小食 #小食 #小菜館 #午餐 #食晏 #晚餐 #街坊 #平民飯堂 #街坊飯堂 #餐廳 #飯店 #大排檔 #美食 #小炒 #廣東話 #飲食介紹 #美食介紹 #街拍 #西華路 #沙面 #永慶坊 #vlog study #guangzhou 4k #4K #vlog bgm #cantonese food #vlog china #food tour vlog #food tourism #food tour china #廣州美食粵語 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #busy street #dlim sum #粵語 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #Chinese Food #Canton Tour Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #美食攻略 #美食指南 #旅游指南 #旅遊攻略 #旅遊景點 #傳統文化 #嶺南 #food tourism #food tour china #food tour vlog #chinese food tour #vlog study #vlog china #cantonese food #china tourism #chinese street food video #guangzhou furniture market

廣州!北京路!西湖路!2024!花街!搶先睇!超級多人!震撼畫面!年味十足!美食推薦!旅遊攻略!酒店價格!4K!市場!年貨!牛腩麵31元!值得一試!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou


#廣州 #北京路 #旅遊

餐厅消费:招牌沙薑白切腩撈麵 ¥31


每逢農曆新年,西湖路及教育路會開設廣州市最重要、人流量最大的迎春花市---越秀區西湖花市(原雙門底花市)。 2006年,政府曾有建議西湖花市搬遷,引起市民極大的反對聲音,後計畫擱置。
廣州花市是廣州每年一度於新年春節前舉辦的年宵市場,供市民購買賀年年花及各式用品。 廣州人喜歡把“花市”稱作“花街”,逛花市就叫“行花街”。 舊日行花街男性與富裕者居多,富貴人家會揀選好 最大最美的“花魁”,附上有買家名號的紅紙條,以示入手與身份。
南漢時期,河南一帶農民以種花為業,現時濱江路還有「花洲古渡口」的石碑。 廣州的花市起源於明朝萬歷年間,當時芳村的花棣(今花地)為花木產區,早期的花市每天都有,但無固定地址。 清朝時老城7個城門每天都有花市,但花的品種比較單調。 後來在今中山五路與北京路交界處出現夜間花市。
共和國後,每年農曆新年前三天至除夕夜各區均設迎春花市(文化大革命中幾年除外),行花街成為廣州市民迎接新年的習俗。 花市從販售的普通花卉、年桔逐漸趨向高檔的牡丹、蘭花轉移,近年來工藝品也逐漸於花市中流行。
1956年,永漢路花市(或雙門底花市)轉址西湖路、教育路,還有遷往太平路(現人民南路),當時是用竹在街中心搭花檔,兩端出入口搭牌樓 。
In 1956, the Yonghan Road Flower Market (or Shuangmendi Flower Market) moved to Xihu Road and Education Road.
Every Lunar New Year, the most important Spring Festival flower market with the largest flow of people in Guangzhou - the West Lake Flower Market in Yuexiu District (formerly Shuangmendi Flower Market) is opened on Xihu Road and Education Road. In 2006, the government proposed relocating the West Lake Flower Market, which aroused great opposition from citizens, and the plan was later shelved.
The Guangzhou Flower Market is a New Year's Eve market held every year in Guangzhou before the New Year and the Spring Festival, where citizens can buy New Year flowers and various supplies. Guangzhou people like to call the flower market Flower Street, and visiting the flower market is called Flower Street. In the old days, most of the people on Flower Street were men and wealthy people. Rich families would select the largest and most beautiful oiran and attach a red note with the name of the buyer to show their purchase and identity.
During the Southern Han Dynasty, farmers in Henan Province grew flowers as a profession. There is now a stone tablet of Huazhou Ancient Ferry on Binjiang Road. The flower market in Guangzhou originated during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty. At that time, Huadi (now Huadi) in Fangcun was a flower and tree production area. The early flower market was held every day, but there was no fixed address. During the Qing Dynasty, there were flower markets every day at the seven gates of the old city, but the varieties of flowers were relatively monotonous. Later, a night flower market appeared at the intersection of Zhongshan 5th Road and Beijing Road.
In the 1860s, the flower market developed from ordinary flower selling to an annual spring flower market.
After 1919, the flower market became even more prosperous. Flower markets were set up at the end of the year from the front of the current Finance Department (in front of the former site of the Guangdong Finance Department) to Xihu Road. The variety of flowers and the number of visitors gradually increased.
After the Republic of China, jasmine flower markets were set up in every district from three days before the Lunar New Year to New Year's Eve (except for a few years during the Cultural Revolution), and walking on flower streets became a custom for Guangzhou citizens to welcome the New Year. The flower market has gradually shifted from selling ordinary flowers and oranges to high-end peonies and orchids. In recent years, handicrafts have become increasingly popular in the flower market.
In 1956, the Yonghan Road Flower Market (or Shuangmendi Flower Market) moved to Xihu Road, Yueyue Road, and moved to Taiping Road (now Renmin South Road). At that time, bamboo was used to set up flower stalls in the center of the street, and archways were built at the entrances and exits at both ends. .
In 1967, the Guangzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a document suspending the flower market until 1973 when it was resumed.
In 2005, the West Lake Flower Market in Yuexiu District was once rumored to be closed down, but it was finally retained despite opposition from all walks of life.

00:00 Intro
00:55 八旗二馬路/沿江中路/附近飯店價格/德政南路
07:12 文德南路/早餐/斌記麵家/招牌沙薑白切腩撈麵
14:11 珠光市場買菜/早市人氣旺
20:58 北京路步行街實況
23:26 進入花市/偶遇遊龍表演/市民爭相拍照
27:33 北京路/西湖路花市實況
30:44 花價/比想像中合理
33:32 工藝品攤位/選擇多/有廣府特色
42:38 Ending
#廣州美食 粵語 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #busy street #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #点心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣州 #北京路 #西湖路 #2024 #新年 #農曆新年 #美食 #旅遊 #酒店價格 #4K #市場 #年貨 #牛腩麵 #food tour china #food tourism #food tour vlog #北京路步行街 广州 #北京路 廣州 #北京路 广州 #china tour blog #china tour vlog #china touring #vlog study

廣州!百年西湖路!花街最精彩!2024新年!團年飯!1338元!有什麼菜式?環市路63層!美食推薦!旅遊攻略!酒店價格!花山人海!迎新春!北京路!!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou


#廣州 #北京路 #團年飯

餐厅消费:鹹魚肉餅飯 ¥23,椰奶木瓜 ¥23,北方餃子 ¥20

餐廳消費:新年團聚餐-六人份 ¥1338
每逢農曆新年,西湖路及教育路會開設廣州市最重要、人流量最大的迎春花市---越秀區西湖花市(原雙門底花市)。 2006年,政府曾有建議西湖花市搬遷,引起市民極大的反對聲音,後計畫擱置。
廣州花市是廣州每年一度於新年春節前舉辦的年宵市場,供市民購買賀年年花及各式用品。 廣州人喜歡把“花市”稱作“花街”,逛花市就叫“行花街”。 舊日行花街男性與富裕者居多,富貴人家會揀選好 最大最美的“花魁”,附上有買家名號的紅紙條,以示入手與身份。
南漢時期,河南一帶農民以種花為業,現時濱江路還有「花洲古渡口」的石碑。 廣州的花市起源於明朝萬歷年間,當時芳村的花棣(今花地)為花木產區,早期的花市每天都有,但無固定地址。 清朝時老城7個城門每天都有花市,但花的品種比較單調。 後來在今中山五路與北京路交界處出現夜間花市。
共和國後,每年農曆新年前三天至除夕夜各區均設迎春花市(文化大革命中幾年除外),行花街成為廣州市民迎接新年的習俗。 花市從販售的普通花卉、年桔逐漸趨向高檔的牡丹、蘭花轉移,近年來工藝品也逐漸於花市中流行。
1956年,永漢路花市(或雙門底花市)轉址西湖路、教育路,還有遷往太平路(現人民南路),當時是用竹在街中心搭花檔,兩端出入口搭牌樓 。
In 1956, the Yonghan Road Flower Market (or Shuangmendi Flower Market) moved to Xihu Road and Education Road.
Every Lunar New Year, the most important Spring Festival flower market with the largest flow of people in Guangzhou - the West Lake Flower Market in Yuexiu District (formerly Shuangmendi Flower Market) is opened on Xihu Road and Education Road. In 2006, the government proposed relocating the West Lake Flower Market, which aroused great opposition from citizens, and the plan was later shelved.
The Guangzhou Flower Market is a New Year's Eve market held every year in Guangzhou before the New Year and the Spring Festival, where citizens can buy New Year flowers and various supplies. Guangzhou people like to call the flower market Flower Street, and visiting the flower market is called Flower Street. In the old days, most of the people on Flower Street were men and wealthy people. Rich families would select the largest and most beautiful oiran and attach a red note with the name of the buyer to show their purchase and identity.
During the Southern Han Dynasty, farmers in Henan Province grew flowers as a profession. There is now a stone tablet of Huazhou Ancient Ferry on Binjiang Road. The flower market in Guangzhou originated during the Wanli period of the Ming Dynasty. At that time, Huadi (now Huadi) in Fangcun was a flower and tree production area. The early flower market was held every day, but there was no fixed address. During the Qing Dynasty, there were flower markets every day at the seven gates of the old city, but the varieties of flowers were relatively monotonous. Later, a night flower market appeared at the intersection of Zhongshan 5th Road and Beijing Road.
In the 1860s, the flower market developed from ordinary flower selling to an annual spring flower market.
After 1919, the flower market became even more prosperous. Flower markets were set up at the end of the year from the front of the current Finance Department (in front of the former site of the Guangdong Finance Department) to Xihu Road. The variety of flowers and the number of visitors gradually increased.
After the Republic of China, jasmine flower markets were set up in every district from three days before the Lunar New Year to New Year's Eve (except for a few years during the Cultural Revolution), and walking on flower streets became a custom for Guangzhou citizens to welcome the New Year. The flower market has gradually shifted from selling ordinary flowers and oranges to high-end peonies and orchids. In recent years, handicrafts have become increasingly popular in the flower market.
In 1956, the Yonghan Road Flower Market (or Shuangmendi Flower Market) moved to Xihu Road, Yueyue Road, and moved to Taiping Road (now Renmin South Road). At that time, bamboo was used to set up flower stalls in the center of the street, and archways were built at the entrances and exits at both ends. .
In 1967, the Guangzhou Municipal Committee of the Communist Party of China issued a document suspending the flower market until 1973 when it was resumed.

00:00 Intro
00:41 泰康路/珠光路/點點心思下午茶/鹹魚肉餅飯/椰奶木瓜/北方餃子
13:33 北京路/行花街/門庭若市/人山人海
23:07 西湖路/近距離欣賞牌坊/市民爭相拍照留念
29:12 教育路/工藝品/鮮花檔口生意興隆/買風車/揮春超級多人
34:02 環市路/喜愛軒/63層/團年飯
43:55 Ending
#廣州美食 粵語 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #点心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣州 #北京路 #團年飯 #花街 #2024新年 #2023 #新年 #美食 #旅遊 #酒店價格 #新春 #燒鵝 #龍蝦 #food tourism #food tour china #food tour vlog #北京路 广州 #北京路步行街 广州 #北京路 廣州 #china tour vlog #china tourist #china tourism vlog #china tourism

廣州!西華路!炭爐雞煲!果園靚雞108元!五指毛桃湯!市場買菜!超級好食!傳統美食!豬腳薑!CP值極高!巷子裡的美食!極少人知道!價錢平!旅遊攻略!Canton Food Tour|GuangZhou


#廣州 #西華路 #美食

餐廳消費:連州果園雞 ¥108/隻,華豐麵 ¥3,麵筋 ¥15,蔬菜 ¥10/份










00:00 Intro
00:43 西華路/彩虹橋地鐵站/天氣寒冷
09:32 超好食豬腳薑/蛋糕店一樣多人排隊
11:34 西華路市場/市場一樣多人/蘋果價格上漲/豬肉價格便宜
18:48 接近傳統節日/排隊買靚燒肉
21:29 天寒地凍/炭爐雞煲最美味
34:51 西華路夜市實況/附近美食推薦/旅遊攻略
44:20 Ending
#广州美食 粤语 #food tour #city walk #Chinese food #walking tour #street walk #town market #china tour #busy street #dim sum #粤语 #cantonese #Guangzhou #Cantonese cuisine #点心 #Chinese Food #Canton Food Tour #Walk in GuangZhou #vlog #guangzhou #street food #eating #chinese food #chinese food recipes #廣州 #西華路 #美食 #炭爐雞煲 #雞煲 #五指毛桃 #市場 #市場買菜 #豬腳薑 #旅遊攻略 #彩虹橋地鐵站 #廣州美食 西華路 #西華路 廣州 #food tourism #food tour china #food tour vlog #chinese food tour #vlog study #vlog china #street food china #vlog bgm

【广州漫步粤菜美食探店】番禺谢村农历一六趁墟|韦涌村|农贸市场|荔枝|wholesale market|Chinese Food|Canton Food Tour|Walk in GuangZhou

#谢村 #韦涌村 #农贸市场


谢村位于广东省广州市番禺区钟村街道  。宋代建村,原称“谢恩桥乡”。相传南宋皇帝为杨氏在此村建桥,人称“谢恩桥”,乡名由此而得。后简作“谢村”
没有姓谢的谢村:钟村镇有个谢村,可是谢村只有李、马、张、陈各姓, 没有姓谢的群居,为什么叫谢村呢?原来谢村原名是“谢恩桥村”,它也和桥有 着密切的关系。谢恩桥在谢村村北,方帅庙的右前方,桥东西向,原是红石单 孔拱桥,后改为白麻石桥,桥旁有榕树一株,后来街市发展把拱桥改平成石板 桥,如今已和街道接平,若不注意已看不出是一座桥,谢恩桥的名更少人知
道 了。有关谢恩桥的传说有二:其一:过去村中有一杨姓之女,为南汉皇帝宠妃, 深感家乡河涌水患,乞皇帝赐建一桥,桥成,村人表示谢恩,故名“谢恩桥”。 其二:南宋时村人由南雄珠玑巷南迁,得保昌县尹李春芳(人称李八爷)开具路 单,备置舟船,安排食宿点站,并亲自乘其白马护送村人出县界(钟村曾建有白 马庙也是纪念李春芳的),南迁的人得以顺利到达番禺,建村后又建此桥,为感 谢李公相助之恩把桥命名为“谢恩桥”,村也名为谢恩桥村,后来人们把谢恩桥 村简称为“谢村”,所以谢村没有姓谢的人群居。

韦涌村位于广东省广州市番禺区石壁街道 ,之前曾写作围涌,意即该地河涌纷绕,围陆而成村,但经考究,“围”字应是“韦”,缘于开村者。韦涌宋代建村,清和民国时属番禺县沙湾司九如乡,解放后,归辖于同风乡(钟村镇)。最早聚居的是韦姓,因其开发村落起过作用,又是始祖,故定村名为“韦涌”。后来,韦氏后人逐渐式微,而继迁来的(南雄珠玑巷)方、雷、苏等姓,却家业旺发。村中方、雷、苏为大的姓族,居住点分别是方地、雷地、苏地。原韦及后至的邝姓则不知踪了。









Delicate Transitions - Gavin Luke
Be Still - Harley Rain

00:00 Intro
00:27 谢村农历一六墟
15:13 韦涌村
24:28 Ending

【广州漫步粤菜美食】顺德杏坛逢简水乡 古镇小食|棉花糖|明清建筑|芝麻糊|姜撞奶|Canton Food Tour|Walk in GuangZhou [粤语中文字幕] [subtitle]

#顺德杏坛 #逢简水乡 #street food


Fengjian Water Township is affiliated to Xingtan Town, Shunde, Foshan. It is located at the northern end of Xingtan Town, Shunde, Foshan, by the Koi River. The water resources and water environment are excellent. It is a national AAA-level tourist attraction.
The waterway around the village is more than ten kilometers, and the waterway in the jurisdiction is as much as 28 kilometers. The water and light meet the sky, the blue waves are rippling, and the twists and turns have an endless feeling. Away from the hustle and bustle, the air is fresh and pleasant, the natural environment is harmonious, and the pattern of Lingnan ancient villages still exists. There are more than 100 ancient houses, ancient trees, and ancient stone roads. The trees are shady, the birds are singing and the flowers are fragrant, and it is poetic and picturesque. It provides an ideal place for the noisy border lock for leisure vacationers who like to return to nature to achieve the artistic conception of forgetting things
Fengjian is one of the earliest settlements in Shunde. This can be traced back to the excavation of the site of the Western Han culture in the village, followed by the discovery of cultural relics from the Ming and Yuan Tang dynasties. The two ancient three-hole stone bridges in the Song Dynasty witnessed a thousand-year history and were first promoted as the ancient leaders of the Sankong Bridge in Foshan City, and became provincial cultural relics. There are many ancient shrines in Ming Dynasty here to witness the Li County of Shunde, which belonged to Nanhai County; the establishment of the Eight Scenic Spots in the Ming Dynasty and its Daishi, which is called Little Guangzhou, confirms the prosperity of Shunde in the past; The stone arch bridge and the wooden archway of Jinshifang are the precipitation of profound humanities.
The marshal Liang Qi, the general Liu Qi, and the political party Li Shixiu, these historical celebrities have written a historical chapter. The Buddhist Pure Court changed the original purpose of the Buddhist capital, transformed it into Zen Buddhism, and gradually turned it into Zen Tao, reflecting the great Chinese nation and the spirit of harmony.








Hidden Secrets (Instrumental Version) - Melanie Bell

00:00 Intro
00:39 顺德杏坛逢简水乡/交通路线
03:00 古村落/餐厅/干果
06:18 水乡甜品
09:05 水乡游船/棉花糖
12:50 逢简村史馆
16:42 德食汇/鱼面/姜撞奶/双皮奶
22:56 Ending




【广州漫步粤菜美食探店】燕子岗球场边 波友最爱粤菜饭店!!宵夜时段全场爆满!|江燕路|东晓南|菜市场买菜|Chinese Food|Canton Food Tour|Walk in GuangZhou

#燕子岗球场 #宵夜 #菜市场买菜










BGM:One Voice - Johannes Bornlof

00:00 Intro
00:22 东晓南地铁站食街
02:34 工业大道南沙溪村/张氏祠堂/菜市场买菜
06:36 大嫂镬仔(燕子岗店)/读餐牌
10:08 紫苏蒸鳝鱼仔/酥炸牛肉串/椒盐鱼划水
22:45 江燕路/燕汇广场/江燕路万科里
28:54 Ending

【广州漫步粤菜美食】小洲鹅公村品尝美味烧鹅|小洲村蚝壳屋|水果市场|酸菜煎让豆腐|Canton Food Tour|Walk in GuangZhou [粤语中文字幕] [subtitle]

#烧鹅 #小洲村 #鹅公村


Xiaozhou Village, known as Yingzhou in ancient times, is a natural village under the jurisdiction of Huazhou Street, Haizhu District, Guangzhou City. It is a traditional Chinese village. It is located in the southeast of Haizhu District, surrounded by water, and looks like an island.
Xiaozhou Village was established in the Yuan Dynasty, and the surname Jian moved from Xinxiang, Henan to Xiaozhou Village in the early Ming Dynasty. Xiaozhou Village retains the complete water town pattern and enjoys the reputation of Zhouzhuang in the north and Yingzhou in the south. There are many immovable cultural heritages in the village, including Tianhou Palace, Yuxu Palace, ancient bridge, Dengqi ancient wharf and the unique oyster shell house in the Lingnan water network area, all of which reflect the historical heritage of the ancient Pearl River estuary villages drawn from water. certificate. Legend has it that the dragon boat in Xiaozhou was once named Yingzhou Flying Dragon in the Southern Han Dynasty, so only the dragon boat in Xiaozhou Village was the flag with the yellow bottom and the red border. Xiaozhou Village is an ancient village with the characteristics of Lingnan Water Town, and it is also a favorite habitat for artists. It is known as Xiaozhou Art Village. A large number of literary and artistic people gathered in Xiaozhou Village, and on a whim there was a saying that there is 798 in the north and Xiaozhou Village in the south
On August 26, 2013, Xiaozhou Village was announced as the second batch of traditional Chinese villages by the Ministry of Housing and Urban-Rural Development, the Ministry of Culture and the Ministry of Finance.









Nagi - Sayuri Hayashi Egnell
Oriro - Anders Schill Paulsen

00:00 Intro
00:39 小洲鹅公村
05:47 明炉金宝马岗鹅/酸菜煎让豆腐/鸡蛋黄炒五色粉/木瓜冻奶
11:59 小洲村水果市场
15:00 小洲村
19:30 Ending

【广州漫步粤菜美食】惠州大亚湾海鲜美食|海鲜加工|霞涌海鲜市场|sea food|Canton Food Tour|Walk in GuangZhou [粤语中文字幕] [subtitle]

#大亚湾 #惠州 #海鲜市场





Daya Bay Xiayong is located in the northeast of Daya Bay Economic and Technological Development Zone in Huizhou City, adjacent to Shanwei in the east and Shenzhen in the west. It is more than 60 kilometers away from Hong Kong by land and only 40 nautical miles away from Victoria Bay in Hong Kong by sea. The land area is 78 square kilometers and the sea area is more than 200 kilometers. square kilometers
Xiayong is rich in tourism resources. There are many islands in the sea area, and there are many beaches. It is worth mentioning that it has the name of Oriental Hawaii, with pure water, less siltation, less wind and waves, and less impurities on the beach. Small path bays are available for development. The beach is about 3 kilometers long, including the ancient temple Qingquan Temple, and the mysterious and wild Squid Bay Natural Scenic Reserve. Xiayong has a low population density, rich freshwater resources, and reaches the national first-class drinking water standard, suitable for the development of high-tech industries. , processing industry and open tourism.
China's Daya Bay Xiayong has a coastline of about 18 kilometers and a sea area of more than 200 square kilometers. The most famous are the eight scenic spots in Xiayong: Qingquan Jade Belt, Luodao Bell, Lufeng Qinglan, Hengling Songtao, Huazhou Pagoda, Crab Lake Whale Waves, Huzhou Moonlit Night, Yandun Beacon Trail









Act Normal (Instrumental Version) - Megan Wofford

00:00 Intro
00:38 买海鲜
05:34 海鲜加工
07:30 三点蟹/花甲/沙蟹
16:12 杨包真人庙
19:12 Ending

西安2日目 【古代 歴史都市 西安】大雁塔 中国 唐の時代 大慈恩寺 内に建てられた古代の高層タワーを登った!・・・ 西安 市内観光編-その3

西安2日目、有名高僧が修行をしたお寺を後にしたキムソンと旭くん、次の訪問場所は、唐の時代に西遊記の旅をした 玄奘三蔵法師 がインドから持ち帰った経典や仏像などを保存するために、時の皇帝 高宗に申し出て大慈恩寺 内に652年に建立した 大雁塔(だいがんとう)へ向かいます。遣唐使の空海も登ったされる高層タワーが唐の時代に如何にして建てられたか、塔最上階から一望できる美しい西安の街並みとともにご覧下さい!

00:00 オープニング
01:27 大雁塔北広場の入口
02:01 超かっこいいバーガーキング店舗
03:07 西安の方言について
04:13 大雁塔建立について
05:02 有名な銅像
08:29 大慈恩寺の正門に来ました
09:31 入場確認?!
10:44 大慈恩寺内に入ります
11:56 龍の彫刻
13:03 大雁塔の真下に来ました
14:12 大慈恩寺境内を回ります
17:11 唐の時代の建物
18:01 三蔵法師玄奘が座禅
19:19 大雁塔全景をよく見ると?!
22:32 大雁塔の中の入ります
24:27 大雁塔内部の螺旋階段
27:01 建築の歴史を解説
28:11 明の時代の仏様
29:37 3階から見る眼下の風景
30:41 葉に書かれた経文
32:11 階段の歪み
33:02 5階から見る眼下の風景
33:56 インドからの舍利子
34:47 唐の時代の建築材料
35:39 天井の高さについて
36:03 最上階に着きました
37:25 最上階から見る眼下の風景
40:12 最後にお坊さんと記念撮影

#西安 #大雁塔 #玄奘三蔵 #リアル中国 #オリエンタルDS #中国 #大慈恩寺

---オリエンタルDS【古代 歴史都市 西安】編↓↓↓

片道9時間!!  中国の古い鉄道に乗って古都 西安 へ行く

西安グルメ ホテルに到着後、鐘楼近くのお店で 西安 激うまグルメを堪能した

西安2日目 中国 5千年の歴史収蔵品がわかる 陝西省 歴史博物館 に行ってみたが、、、西安 市内観光編-その1

西安2日目 大興善寺 中国 唐の時代 遣唐使 弘法大師 空海 が修行したお寺を参拝してきた・・・ 西安 市内観光編-その2





【中国 重慶】 恒大集団 が開発した 巨大高級団地の敷地内を 購入者の許可を得て撮影してきた


【建設中の超高層ビルを目指す!】 中国マンモス都市を1時間かけて散歩してみた



解放碑~洪崖洞 (ホンヤードン)まで歩く(前半)


















orientalDS 哔哩哔哩账号

KIMSON Twitter


Changde - a city in the Peach-flower Gardon (Tao-hua-yuan)

Changde (Chinese: 常德) is a city in the north of Hunan Province, China, with a population of 5,717,218 inhabitants at the 2010 census whom 1,232,182 in the built up area made of 2 urban districts (Dingcheng and Wuling).

Best Budget hotels in Weinan | Cheap hotels in Weinan

Looking for a budget hotel for your upcoming trip in Weinan? Look no further! In this video, we'll be taking a closer look at a budget-friendly hotel in Weinan that will exceed your expectations without breaking the bank.

1. Youth Beauty Hotel

2. Megnotel Weinan Duhua Road Haixing City Hotel

3. Huazhou Hotel

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00:00 Number 3
01:00 Number 2
02:00 Number 1
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Simple, Sweet Elixirs that Don't Need to Be Cold to Cool You Down Thanks to TCM Wisdom

Keywords: tangshui, tong sui, sugar water, tiantang, sweet soup, Cantonese cuisine, Chaoshan cuisine, Huazhou cuisine

As I've already demonstrated quite a few times in past videos, seasonality is one of the important tenets in almost if not all regional cuisines of China (though the extent of importance may vary), including Cantonese cuisine, and including branches such as tangshui sugar water.
正如我在此前多集视频里已经解释,无论大江南北应季几乎是中国所有菜系的重要部分 (虽然重要性可能会有差异),其中包括粤菜,也包括其中的糖水。

During summertime, focus is placed on cooling effect and suppressing fire as illustrated in this video, winter meanwhile would be the opposite, and folks like to cook up soups that raise the internal heat. A popular choice is sweet potato soup, often supercharged with ginger and brown sugar because of their warming effect, the former which I've mentioned in previous videos like this one about the cool Chinese mitten crabs ( Around 3:20 in this video, there's an addendum about the ginger potato of Chaoshan, a Chinese yam-like tuber. Its name is perhaps an allusion to gingery i.e. warm characteristics, and the shop owner said that it's only available starting around October.

The black sesame soup and almond soup, also briefly shown in this video, are also warm by nature in the traditional Chinese medicine system. Thus, they too are popular on colder days, the latter of which offers a cough-relieving bonus for those dry throats during winter and fall. Another warm option is walnut soup.

PS: For the Hakka dinner before we visited Dongji (and the Hakka breakfast on the morning after), see this
光顾董记糖水之前的美味客家晚餐 (以及随后一天的客家早饭),请看上面链接的视频。

Name: 董记化州冰冻糖水店
Add.: 建安一路新安甲岸村179栋3号铺 (广东深圳 Shenzhen, Guangdong)
Tel.: 13613042171
Cost (this meal): RMB 36/p
Price (online info): RMB 19/p

Name: 马永利潮汕甜汤
Add.: 白石洲一街180号东一坊旧村委楼2 (广东深圳 Shenzhen, Guangdong)
Tel.: 0755-86658129
Cost (this meal): RMB 6/p
Price (online info): RMB 10/p




Changsha Music Festival Tour | Live Band Show | Hunan, China | 长沙 | 音乐节

★★Here are the song list: ★★
0:00 Intro
1:00 COUNT ON ME (Bruno Mars cover)
5:00 FIRST LOVE EXPERIENCE (Zhang Zhenyue cover)
10:10 SHY ROSES BLOSSOM QUIETLY (Meng Tingwei cover)
13:38 my walking tour around the place
34:30 ACROSS THE LIFE BY MYSELF (Chen Li cover)
39:30 GO OUT A MOUNTAIN (Hua Zhou cover)
43:00 BEAUTIFUL THINGS (Cat Of Landlord cover)

Really hope you guys love these pop songs and like my walking tour.

★★ Guys, I'm looking forward to know how do you feel about this video.★★
★★ Other Walking Tour Videos ★★

If you enjoy my videos, please ★SUBSCRIBE★ my next walk,

Love and peace.


#XingJiang #China #travel #scenicview #charmingChina




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