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10 Best place to visit in Halych Ukraine


10 Best Places To Visit In Ukraine -Travel Video

10 best places to visit in Ukraine.
Have you ever visited Ukraine? Many argue that Ukraine is under-visited and less touristy than other parts of Europe, but Ukraine is one of Europe's largest countries. This is a vibrant and beautiful country perched on the Black Sea, full of beaches, ancient castles, wild forests, stunning countryside, and a friendly attitude from its friendly people. Ukraine has a number of beautiful tourist attractions, including traditional villages and vibrant modern cities, many of which have UNESCO world heritage sites and well-preserved historical artefacts. The gold-domed St. Sophia's Cathedral in Kiev, with 11th century mosaics and paintings, is a highlight. Furthermore, large festivals celebrating its rich culture and history of folk traditions and diverse cultural influences are held on an annual basis. It is also a very affordable travel destination. Despite its political problems, all of this makes Ukraine a unique destination. There are so many places in this country that will make you fall in love with this Eastern European gem. Please like and subscribe to Grace Media as we ride along the ten best places to visit in Ukraine.

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Весняне ПРИКАРПАТТЯ | 17 незабутніх локацій для відпочинку в горах та долинах, печерах та полонинах

По давні традиції , які бережуть гуцули , по первоцівіти у високогір'ї Карпат, а ще на пошуки печерного міста і рослин, що пам'ятають динозаврів. Барвиста, традиційна і розмаїта подорож. Вона насправді подібна до строкатого і яскравого гуцульського ліжника.
Івано-Франківщина прекрасна і дуже насичена. Зробивши туристичне коло цим регіоном ми на 100% упевнились, що кожен із вас знайде тут свої емоції. Таємниці історії, пиродні простори, екстрим, смак, традиції, реліктові ландшафти - таким, різним і несподіваним, ми зробили цей новий Tour De Ukraine. Рушаймо разом на Прикарпаття красивим маршрутом і неодмінно прихопіть окрему валізу для незабутніх вражень.


00:00 Вовчинецькі пагорби
02:22 Івано-Франківськ
10:14 Галич
18:39 Галицький національний природний парк
22:01 Скелі Довбуша Поляницький регіональний ландшафтний парк
27:24 Вигода Карпатський трамвай
34:45 Гошівський монастир на Ясній горі
35:31 Коломия, музей Писанка
41:20 Косів, кераміка
45:25 Яворів, ліжникарство
50:50 Верховина
52:10 Ферма на полонині
57:05 Гора Смотрич, Карпатський національний парк
1:06:01 Манявський скит
1:09:45 Манявський водоспад
1:13:03 Дністровський регіональний ландшафтний парк
1:19:12 Печера Думка, Одаївський печерний комплекс

Тримайте корисні посилання від нашої команди:

Головний туристичний портал Івано-Франківщини розповість про всі принади регіону -
Національний заповідний «Давній Галич» наведе на історичний слід -
Галицький національний природний парк повний живих емоцій -
Єдиний у світі музей «Писанка» - -
Найбільший музей культури і побуту Гуцульщини -
Косівський музей народного мистецтва та побуту Гуцульщини -
Косівський майстер гончарного мистецтва Сергій -
Етнотуризм і ліжникарство у Яворові -
«Карпатський трамвай» із найкращими зупинками у Вигоді -
Центр спадщини Вигодської вузькоколійки -
Туристично-інформаційний центр Верховини -
Верховинська полонинна сироварня Віталія -
Трансфер до водоспаду Маняви від Василів – 068 889 47 10 , 067 774 90 33
Дністровський регіональний ландшафтний парк ім. С. Дідича -
Школа повітроплавання інструктора Ігоря – 099 190 15 73
Тримайте корисне в дорогу від нашої команди:

Головний туристичний портал Івано-Франківщини розповість про всі принади регіону -
Національний заповідний «Давній Галич» наведе на історичний слід -
Галицький національний природний парк повний живих емоцій -
Єдиний у світі музей «Писанка» - -
Найбільший музей культури і побуту Гуцульщини -
Косівський музей народного мистецтва та побуту Гуцульщини -
Косівський майстер гончарного мистецтва Сергій -
Етнотуризм і ліжникарство у Яворові -
«Карпатський трамвай» із найкращими зупинками у Вигоді -
Центр спадщини Вигодської вузькоколійки -
Туристично-інформаційний центр Верховини -
Верховинська полонинна сироварня Віталія -
Трансфер до водоспаду Маняви від Василів – 068 889 47 10 , 067 774 90 33
Дністровський регіональний ландшафтний парк ім. С. Дідича -
Школа повітроплавання інструктора Ігоря – 099 190 15 73

Галич Halych Залуква Zalukva Dniester T0903 H09 Україна Ukraine 22.10.2014

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

ГАЛИЧИНА | Колорит та автентика краю | Набожність та розриті могили | Багаті й вимираючі села

Навіть зараз у вас є можливість увійти в ІТ з нуля й змінити своє життя на краще! Отримуйте кращі посади та ЗП із міжнародним дипломом ІТ-магістра, що визнається у 50+ країнах світу:

Галичина - історико-географічна область на заході України, сході Польщі та Словаччини. В Україні до Галичини прийнято відносити Львівську, Івано-Франківську та Тернопільську області. В цих регіонах на фоні східніших областей практично неможливо знайти мертві чи вимираючі села, економічний рівень населених пунктів тут теж значно вищий ніж в іншій Україні. Дещо інші також архітектура, мова, традиції та ландшафти. Чому ж сталося так що на умовній Чернігівщині та Хмельниччині села пропадають десятками, а у Галичині вони живуть та розвиваються? Чи все ж таки тут є місця котрі життя покидає? Чи є в цьому процесі втручання Бога, імперій та самої природи? Відповідь на ці всі питання проєкт Хащі шукав у пішій експедиції по Галичині, крім цього ми знайшли колиску повстанців, хату націоналіста, хату в котрій можливо жив Роман Шухевич, кобилу Ракель її п’яного фірмана, могили розкопані заради золота. Що ж, полетіли! Буде цікаво.

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Тік Ток

00:00 В мандрівку по Галичині
01:55 Гнила Липа. Долина павуків та кропиви
06:23 Нелегальна вирізка лісу
07:35 Роль церкви на Галичині
10:18 Галицькі цвинтарі
15:54 Дусанів, перші покинуті хати
20:23 Повстанча армія та її значення
21:50 Галицька архітектура
23:48 Покинутий костел
27:48 Ксьондзів ліс, тут жив Роман Шухевич
29:58 Неймовірна знахідка - одинока хата-скарб серед лісу
39:10 Рубче - мертве село на Львівщині
47:30 Було село - тепер великий цвинтар
49:02 Франківщина, вимираюче село Погребівка
54:43 Галицька хата та її традиції
01:00:48 Шлях до села Подусільна
01:03:06 Василь Івахів, хруні і віра в Бога
01:08:35 П’яний фірман та кобила Рікель
01:11:10 Скарб у розритій могилі
01:13:50 Німецькі колоністи на Галичині
01:15:08 Morwan - Полетіли

Чорнобай Chornobai Мельники Mel'nyky Червонохижинці Chervonokhyzhyntsi H08 Україна Ukraine 17.10.14

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Леськи Les'ky Червона Слобода Chervona Sloboda P10 Україна Ukraine 20.10.2014

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Дома лучше! Радомышль, Коростышев, Тоннель любви, Таракановский форт, Подгорецкий и Олеський замки

Дома лучше! Киев-Львов: Радомышль, Коростышевский каньон, Старый Солотвин, Острог, Клевань, Тараканов, Подгорецкий замок, Золоческий замок, Олеський замок
Этот выпуск мог бы стать продолжением серии Дома лучше про Замки Украины. Но Женя Синельников решил показать нам немного другой маршрут. Следуя из Киева во Львов мы заедем в живописный каньон, покажем местечко с домиками, прямо для фото в инстаграм, посетим знаменитый тоннель любви. Первым делом покажем украинский Диснейленд - Виктория фильм студия, там даже есть настоящий Железный трон! Дальше нас ждет осенний Радомышль, посещение приюта для медведей, а под конец тройка замков Украины - Подгорецкий замок, Золоческий замок, Олеський замок.

#домалучше #орелирешка #киев #львов #мандруйУкраїною #UkraineNow

???? О том, как получить подарки от Kyivstar, читайте по ссылке: и

“Дома лучше” - детище создателей “Орел и Решка”. В рамках проекта Женя Синельников ездит по городам Украины и определяет их туристический потенциал. В третьем сезоне Дома Лучше Женя Синельников отправился в автомобильное путешествие по Украине.

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Олексіївка Oleksiivka Орджонікідзе Ordzhonikidze Чортомлик Chortomlyk H23 Україна Ukraine 18.10.2014

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Khotyn fortress. Next Stop Ukraine

Medieval Khotyn fortress - the glorious place of a history-changing battle, when Kozaks and Polish army saved Europe from Ottoman Empire⚔
Fortress stands on a rocky territory near a passage across the river Dnister. The panorama of the fortress is really wonderful. When you get close to the fortress you perceive its magnificence with its five towers and 40 meter-height.
Initially the construction of the Khotyn fortress goes back to the Khotyn Fort, which was built in the 10th century by Prince of Kyevan Rus’ Volodymyr. It served as the border fortification of Kyevan Rus’. Construction on the current fortress started in 1325. Major reconstructions were made in the 1380s and in the 1460s.
In 13 century Prince Danylo of Halych and his son Lev rebuilt the Khotyn fortress. In this period a half-meter stone wall and a 6-meter wide moat around the fortress were added. During 14th-16th centuries the Khotyn fortress served as a residence to Moldavian Princes which also made some reconstructions. In this period the fortress acquired the structure that it has nowadays.
The Khotyn fortress has often been chosen as a setting for movies. The fortress represented French and English castles and historical fortifications.

Please follow this link and contact us to have a custom tour designed just for you.

???? Music: Ukrainian Kozak March
???? Cameraman: Taras Halyshko

Am I the only tourist in Ivano-Frankivsk, Ukraine?

I began my Ukranian travels in the wonderful city of Lviv. Most travellers I met there were heading straight to Kyiv but I wanted to see some lesser-visited cities in this wonderful country.

And so, I headed by train to the city of Ivano-Frankivsk. I had no idea what to expect. Would I be as welcomed here as I was in the tourist city of Lviv? Was there even anything worth visiting in the city?


NOTE: The Ukraine vlog series was filmed between October and December 2021 before Russia's invasion of the country. All of my thoughts and best wishes go to the people of Ukraine. Slava Ukraini!


After 18 months of a life on pause, thanks to the sodding corona virus, and endless hours on Google Maps checking out all the places I want to visit, the time has finally arrived to begin my travels in Europe.

Starting in Berlin, I plan to travel east as far as Georgia and taking in pretty much all of the countries in between.

I will be vlogging my way through Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria, Ukraine, Moldova, Turkey and probably many more.

Join me from the start of my journey so you can say you were there right from the start :)

Subscribe and ring that bell and all that nonsense.

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What does UNESCO protect in Ukraine? · Ukraїner

Read full article here:

Masterpieces of human creative genius, objects that bear exceptional testimony to a cultural tradition, or outstanding developments in architecture or technology: these are just a few of the criteria for the UNESCO World Heritage List, which was created for the promotion and protection of unique sites worldwide. Seven sites in Ukraine — including churches, old-growth forests and a historic city centre — are on the list. Another three elements of Ukrainian culture have been added to the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity. This publication, produced jointly by Ukrainer and the Ukrainian Institute, marks the 75th anniversary of UNESCO.

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Pryluky ukraine...

Pryluky central park Ukraine summer 2019.

Княжолука Knyazholuka Тяпче Tyapche Гериня Herynya Болехів Bolekhiv H10 Україна Ukraine 23.10.2014

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

Ukraine: Olesko Castle

The Olesko Castle (Ukrainian: Олеський замок) is currently located within the borders of the present-day Busk Raion in Ukraine. The first historical records of the castle are in a document dated 1390, when Pope Boniface IX gave Halych, a Catholic bishop, this castle as a gift. It is located about seventy-five kilometers from Lviv, the largest city in western Ukraine.

The Olesko Castle, oval in shape, stands on top of a small hill, about fifty meters in height. A moat and a wall surrounds it, which serves as a defence for the castle. The castle is also surrounded by a dense swamp. The land that the castle sat on changed ownership many times. It was originally on the border of land of Volhynia and land of Lviv.

The castle was, at different times, owned by Poland, Lithuania, and Hungary. It became a political landmark in the 14th century when movable borders between the three aforementioned countries ran through its territory. Battles for ownership of the castle were constant. A deep well in the basement of the castle was used as an escape route for besieged prisoners.

In the 15th century, the castle was changed from being a defense point, to simply a getaway for aristocracy.

The castle is perhaps most famous for being the birthplace of the Polish king Jan III Sobieski, the hero of the Battle of Vienna. He often lived there, and collected many of the artworks currently displayed in the present-day museum. Another Polish king, King Michał Korybut Wiśniowiecki, was also born here.

The castle was restored in the late 16th to the early 17th Centuries. Paintings and mosaics were brought in to decorate the different rooms of the castle. The castle was remodeled in the Italian Renaissance style, which was popular at that time.

In 1838, an earthquake rocked the castle, partly destroying some areas. In 1882, the castle, regarded as a Polish national monument was bought by the Committee of Preservation of the Olesko Castle, which led to a restoration in 1892. Both World War I and World War II affected the castle negatively, undoing previous restoration work. In 1956, the castle was struck by lightning.

The castle was restored again, beginning in 1961 and lasting until 1985. Today, it is a museum, displaying the collections of antique furnishings and art dating from the 16th-17th Centuries. It also features sculptures, paintings, still lives, applied arts, tapestries, period weapons, and objects used in everyday life at the time. Its collection is regarded as one of the richest treasury of Polish art outside borders of Poland.

The castle is a part of the Golden Horseshoe, a ring of three castles nearby each other: the Olesko, the Pidhirtsi, and the Zolochiv Castles.

2012-08-10_Ucrania - H09 Zhuraky a Ivano Frankivsk


Who Plans Ukraine Dating Socials? | Ukrainian Women

Nikolaev dating events to meet Ukraine women, happen because of the competent matchmaking staff who arrange the fun social activities while optimizing your chances of meeting someone special. Let’s hear from one of the staff in our Ukraine office and learn how they make it happen.

The international introduction events are held in huge private complexes, fully catered including champagne and music. It is a setting where both men and women feel as comfortable as possible while exploring the chance of meeting someone special. Ukrainian women are attending for one reason only, that is to meet you! They are seriously looking for a reliable, loving man who they can see a long term relationship with. There are activities that you need to look forward to, one-on-one introductions, speed dating, games and lots of dancing. Interpreters are also on stand by, to help you communicate and navigate the dating scene.

Embarking on a solo trip to Ukraine in search of a prospective life partner may not be the most traditional dating method one can try but rest assured that you will always be assisted along the way. The dating agency staff will always be hands-on, transparent and will always want a successful Ukraine dating experience for you.

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For updates about Ukrainian Women, subscribe to our channel ????

❄️ Winter in Lviv, Ukraine Drone Flight Video | World from Above

Winter in Lviv, Ukraine Drone Flight Video | World from Above

Enjoy this drone flight above the city of Lviv in Ukraine on a cold winter day.

Feel free to contact me for collaboration. I am a drone pilot based in Switzerland. Video material available for sale in 4K.

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#Lviv #LvivUkraine #LvivInWinter #dronevideos #droneswitzerland #dronesukraine #worldfromabove | World from Above

Music: YouTube Audio Library: No.5 The Day I Met Her - Esther Abrami

Lviv is the largest city in Western Ukraine, and the sixth-largest in Ukraine, with a population of 717,510 (2021 est.) Lviv is one of the main cultural centres of Ukraine. It was named in honour of Leo, the eldest son of Daniel, King of Ruthenia.

Lviv emerged as the centre of the historical regions of Red Ruthenia and Galicia in the 14th century, superseding Halych, Chełm, Belz and Przemyśl. It was the capital of the Kingdom of Galicia–Volhynia from 1272 to 1349, when it was conquered by King Casimir III the Great of Poland. From 1434, it was the regional capital of the Ruthenian Voivodeship in the Kingdom of Poland. In 1772, after the First Partition of Poland, the city became the capital of the Habsburg Kingdom of Galicia and Lodomeria. In 1918, for a short time, it was the capital of the West Ukrainian People's Republic. Between the wars, the city was the centre of the Lwów Voivodeship in the Second Polish Republic. After the German-Soviet invasion of Poland in 1939, Lviv became part of the Soviet Union, and in 1944–46 there was a population exchange between Poland and Soviet Ukraine. In 1991, it became part of the independent nation of Ukraine.

Lviv serves as the administrative centre of Lviv Oblast and Lviv Raion and had the status of city of oblast significance before that designation was abolished in 2020. It has the administration of Lviv urban hromada, one of the hromadas of Ukraine.

The historical heart of the city, with its old buildings and cobblestone streets, survived Soviet and German occupations during World War II largely unscathed. The city has many industries and institutions of higher education such as Lviv University and Lviv Polytechnic. Lviv is also the home of many cultural institutions, including a philharmonic orchestra and the Lviv Theatre of Opera and Ballet. The historic city centre is on the UNESCO World Heritage List.

Citizens of Lviv strongly supported Viktor Yushchenko during the 2004 Ukrainian presidential election and played a key role in the Orange Revolution. Hundreds of thousands of people would gather in freezing temperatures to demonstrate for the Orange camp. Acts of civil disobedience forced the head of the local police to resign and the local assembly issued a resolution refusing to accept the fraudulent first official results. Lviv remains today one of the main centres of Ukrainian culture and the origin of much of the nation's political class.

In support of the Euromaidan movement, Lviv's executive committee declared itself independent of the rule of President Viktor Yanukovych on 19 February 2014.

In 2019 citizens of Lviv supported Petro Poroshenko during the 2019 Ukrainian presidential election. The number of votes for Poroshenko was determined by more than 90%. Despite this support, he lost the national vote.

Until 18 July 2020, Lviv was incorporated as a city of oblast significance and the center of Lviv Municipality. The municipality was abolished in July 2020 as part of the administrative reform of Ukraine, which reduced the number of raions of Lviv Oblast to seven. The area of Lviv Municipality was merged into the newly established Lviv Raion.

During the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine, Lviv became the nation's de facto western capital in February 2022 as some embassies, government agencies, and media organizations were relocated from Kyiv due to a direct military threat to the capital. Lviv also became a safe haven for the Ukrainians fleeing other parts of the country affected by the invasion, their number exceeding 200,000 as of 18 March 2022. Many used the city as a stopping point on their way to Poland. Lviv and the larger region around it also served as a crucial arms and humanitarian supply route. Bracing for Russian attacks, local government and citizens, helped by the Polish and Croatian advisers, worked to protect the city's cultural heritage by erecting makeshift barriers around historical monuments, wrapping statues, and safeguarding art treasures.

In the course of the war, the area in and around Lviv was struck by Russian missile attacks, hitting the Yavoriv military training base on 13 March 2022, the Lviv State Aircraft Repair Plant near the Lviv Danylo Halytskyi International Airport on 18 March 2022, and a fuel depot and other facilities within the city limits on 26 March 2022.

Проценки Protsenky Струтинівка Strutynivka Бугаївка Buhaivka H08 Україна Ukraine 17.10.2014

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.

I love Ukraine

Last year I was celebrating New Year in St. Petersburg, Russia.
This year I did the same in Kyiv, Ukraine.

My next dream came true and I am happy to share my impressions with you in this video.

The music I've chosen is a song called Manifest by ukrainian singer Tarabarova. In the chorus she sings about flying like on wings, which exactly describes the feeling I had, walking through beautiful Kyiv.

I hope you like it!

For more pictures and impressions you can also follow me on Instagram:

Запоріжжя Zaporizhia Бабурка Baburka H08 H23 Україна Ukraine 17.10.2014

Der Weg ist das Ziel... komm fahr mit in meinem Goggomobil =G=
Sightseeing in Krisenregionen, Armenviertel, Bürgerkriegsgebieten.
Along radioactive Death-Zones, MOAs, No-Go and Civil-War Areas.



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