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10 Best place to visit in Guapiaçu Brazil


Tanque Grande - Guapiaçu - Cachoeiras de Macacu - RJ #guapiacu #cachoeirasdemacacu

Um lugar paradisíaco e imenso ! Vale a pena assistir !

Veja outros vídeos interessantes !

Poço das Borboletas - Boca do Mato - Cachoeiras de Macacu – RJ

Cachoeira de Santo Amaro - Cachoeiras de Macacu - RJ

Cachoeira da Represa - Santo Amaro - Cachoeiras de Macacu – RJ


Trilhas e camping awe – Eduardo

Dione Adventure

Playlist do Canal no Spotify


Instagram: @conexaoexplorer
Email Contato:
Tel(zap): 21-9-9342-1109

Instagram: @ciclomacacu
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WOR – Consultoria & Assessoria Administrativa
Instagram: @worconsultoria
Email Contato:
Tel:(zap): 21-9-9862-3635

Agência 7 Quedas Viagens
Instagram: @exploremacacu
Tel(zap): 21-9-6933-3901

Seja PARCEIRO do nosso canal. Entre em contato através do email RBUT2016@GMAIL.COM


Acompanhe também no instagram: @bike.e.drone


Cachoeiras de Macacu - RJ (Cachoeira da Jornada) - Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu (REGUA)

Conhecendo o Brasil! Trilha para a Cachoeira da Jornada / Santo Amaro / Chapadão. Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu (REGUA) - Cachoeiras de Macacu - Rio de Janeiro.



1) Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu
2) Ruínas da Igreja de São José da Boa Morte
3) Cachoeira Sete quedas
4) Parque Estadual dos Três Picos
5) Parque Terra Santa

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Pantanal Do Mato Grosso Conservation Area ???????? Brazil

The Pantanal Do Mato Grosso Conservation Area is a natural region encompassing the world's largest tropical wetland area. It is located mostly within the Brazilian state of Mato Grosso do Sul, but it extends into Mato Grosso and portions of Bolivia and Paraguay.

The name Pantanal comes from the Portuguese word pântano, meaning wetland, bog, swamp, quagmire or marsh. By comparison, the Brazilian highlands are locally referred to as the planalto, plateau or, literally, high plain.



Soundtrack by Tempo Rei available on




???????? #Brazil #NationalPark #nature #wildlife

Brazil Unique Biodiversity

The Atlantic Forest of tropical South America boasts 20,000 plant species, 40 percent of which are endemic. Yet, less than 10 percent of the forest remains. More than two dozen Critically Endangered vertebrate species are clinging to survival in the region, including three species of lion tamarins and six bird species that are restricted to the small patch of forest near the Murici Ecological Station in northeastern Brazil. With almost 950 kinds of birds occurring in this hotspot, there are many unique species including the red-billed curassow, the Brazilian merganser, and numerous threatened parrot species.

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Lugar incrível mas perigoso ! Rio Grande - São Sebastião do Alto - RJ #saosebastiaodoalto #bikedrone

Uma lugar explêndido com muito verde um rio enorme porém muito perigoso !

Conheça mais lugares assistindo outros vídeos do canal !

Tanque Grande - Guapiaçu - Cachoeiras de Macacu - RJ

Cachoeira de Santo Amaro - Cachoeiras de Macacu - RJ


Explorando o desconhecido – Alexandre

Em busca de lugares abandonados – Wita

Trilhas e camping awe – Eduardo

Dione Adventure

Playlist do Canal no Spotify


Instagram: @conexaoexplorer
Email Contato:
Tel(zap): 21-9-9342-1109

Instagram: @ciclomacacu
Email Contato:

WOR – Consultoria & Assessoria Administrativa
Instagram: @worconsultoria
Email Contato:
Tel:(zap): 21-9-9862-3635

Agência 7 Quedas Viagens
Instagram: @exploremacacu
Tel(zap): 21-9-6933-3901

Centro Musical Arqui Drums
Instagram: @arquijr @arquidrums
Tel(zap): 21-98710-7987

Seja PARCEIRO do nosso canal. Entre em contato através do email RBUT2016@GMAIL.COM


Acompanhe também no instagram: @bike.e.drone



The Atlantic Forest in Brazil, holds an incredible biodiversity. Jorge Ferreira, is one of the great researchers fo this biome. Raised among the forest at Sitio São José, in Paraty, one of the references on Agroforest Systems in Brazil, Jorge shares his knowledge of the forest not only with Chefs, such as Alex Atala, Helena Rizzo, Bel Coelho, Ivan Ralston, but also with scientists, as Mari Drewinski. Mari is a researches production of Atlantic Mushrooms in the Botany Institute in São Paulo, and joined forces with Jorge to take us on a Mushrooms hunt to indentify, collect and taste, this still not very popular ingredient on Brazilian tables.

Birds of Caatinga and NE Atlantic Forest - Brazil (Lear's Macaw)

Meet some of the most threatened bird species of Brazil! By visiting these birds in their home range you will help them! Birding is Conservation!!!
1) Pygmy Nightjar
2) Lear's Macaw
3) Araripe Manakin
4) Great Xenops
5) Stripe-backed Antbird
6) Red-billed Scythebill
7) Tawny Piculet
8) Swallow-tailed Cotinga
9) Spot-billed Toucanet
10) Silver-breasted Tanager
11) White-bellied Tanager
12) Golden-tailed Parrotlet
13) Band-tailed Manakin
14) Buff-breasted Pygmy-Tyrant
15) Gray-breasted Parakeet
16) Slender Antbird
17) Campo Troupial

If you are new to birdwatching and nature photography I strongly recommend good binoculars and good cameras. There are many binoculars of bad quality that can ruin your eyesight over time.
It is true that some binoculars are very expensive. But as a beginner you don't need them, you can have a much cheaper one that will definitely blow your mind as soon as you get your first cool bird in front of you!
Here I recommend one 8x42 and another one 10x42 (magnification x front lens size). Both are Bushnell a very traditional brand:

If you are an experienced birder I recommend an awesome Zeiss Terra that will blow you mind:

For Wildlife Photography the best camera in my opinion is the Super Zoom Nikon P900 and P1000:

If you are planning to come to Brazil I recommend 3 very good field guides for our birds.
A Field Guide to the Birds of Brazil:
Birds of Brazil: The Pantanal and Cerrado of Central Brazil:
Birds of Brazil: The Atlantic Forest of Southeast Brazil:

Fore more info write to:

Puro Pulso Produções 2018

Birding NE Brazil Part 6

This video covers October 10 - 11, where we start at Sirinhaém in the state of Pernambuco. Trudging along a very muddy road we had very good birding, but photo opportunities were scarce and no video taken at all. Long transport, with lunch, to Estancia in the state of Sergipe. Still doing one state per day... Early morning the 11:th was spent birding at Santa Luzia. The birding was very good there, too, but the photo/video opportunity was a little better than yesterday. However, we had just half a day birding this day, too, a looong transport awaited after lunch. So this video ends with transport-footage with more or less funny remarks interspersed. The resulting video is once again blessedly short.

Conhecendo o Brasil, Sud Mennucci, São Paulo

Sud Mennucci é um município brasileiro no interior do estado de São Paulo.

População total (est. IBGE/2018) 7.708 hab.

População estimada 7.738 pessoas [2021]

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Guapiaçu - Cachoeiras de Macacu/RJ


A REGUA é uma organização brasileira não governamental (ONG), sem fins lucrativos,
visando a conservação da Mata Atlântica da bacia do alto rio Guapiaçu, pela:
• Proteção da Mata Atlântica por meio de aquisição de terras e contratos de gestão;
• Integração da proteção da Mata Atlântica com as necessidades da comunidade local;
•Restauração de habitats utilizando recursos locais;
• Realização de Bio-inventários de fauna e flora;
• Incentivo e apoio à pesquisa científica;
• Estimulando o público em geral a visitar e apoiar a REGUA.

Para visitar precisa ser agendado com antecedência. Guia Obrigatório,
Dias de semana é gratuito para grupos de até 10 pessoas.

Informações e Reservas:
Telefone: 21 3745-3497
Instagram: @reservaecologicadeguapiacu

• Conhecendo o Fora de Roteiro:
Somos Miller e Jéssica, um casal sedento por aventuras, resolveram sair por ai de carro em busca de lugares para conhecer e explorar no seu próprio Estado, que é o Rio de Janeiro.
Saímos sem roteiros, conhecendo o máximo de lugares possível. Pretendemos conhecer outros Estados do Brasil, outros Países e quem sabe o mundo.
Aventuras imprevisíveis! Vem com a gente nessa aventura!!!!!!!

• Nossos vídeos tem uma diferença de tempo, para uma atualização mais precisa nos siga nas outras redes sociais, Instagram e Facebook, sempre postamos Stories e fotos de onde passamos!
• Não deixe de conferir e acompanhar nosso canal e ficar ligadinho no que tem de melhor no nosso estado!

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A Magical Journey Through Space by Leonell Cassio

Creative Commons — Attribution-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported — CC BY-SA 3.0
Free Download / Stream:
Music promoted by Audio Library
Intención by Sapajou
Creative Commons — Attribution 3.0 Unported — CC BY 3.0
Free Download / Stream:
Music promoted by Audio Library
#REGUA #CachoeiradaJornada #Foraderoteiro

Guapiaçu, Cachoeira da Jornada, Cachoeira de Macacu, Poço Verde, Reserva Ecológica de Guapiaçu, REGUA, Globo Repórter

Amazing Landscapes Wonderful Mountains Incredible brazilian lands | HDrones

Take a look at this incredible landscapes at the center Brazil. The mountain chain looks like a piece of toy in the middle of valleys.
This incredible place is known by end lifes.
Share with your friends and subscribe at my channel.
Thanks for watching.

VISIT BRASIL: Cachoeira do Tenebroso - Cachoeiras de Macacu - Rio de Janeiro

A waterfall close to Rio de Janeiro City ...

Best Nature Hotspot in Rio de Janeiro! REGUA!

Whether you are a nature lover, a casual birder or a serious world lister, BIRDING AT REGUA (Guapiassu Ecologic Reserve) will provide some of the very best species in the Atlantic Forest!
REGUA comprises forest ranging from 30 m to around 2,000 m above sea level, making this lodge the ideal location to see a good range of Atlantic Forest birds.
REGUA now has a bird list of over 470 species, ranging from forest dwelling toucans, woodpeckers, owls, cotingas, manakins, antbirds and tanagers, to wetland birds such as herons, rails, wildfowl, waders and even some seabirds! REGUA also supports several local specialities.
Come and visit! You will help the conservation of Atlantic Forest habitats!

If you are new to birdwatching and nature photography I strongly recommend good binoculars and good cameras. There are many binoculars of bad quality that can ruin your eyesight over time.
It is true that some binoculars are very expensive. But as a beginner you don't need them, you can have a much cheaper one that will definitely blow your mind as soon as you get your first cool bird in front of you!
Here I recommend one 8x42 and another one 10x42 (magnification x front lens size). Both are Bushnell a very traditional brand:

If you are an experienced birder I recommend an awesome Zeiss Terra that will blow you mind:

For Wildlife Photography the best camera in my opinion is the Super Zoom Nikon P900 and P1000:

If you are planning to come to Brazil I recommend 3 very good field guides for our birds.
A Field Guide to the Birds of Brazil:
Birds of Brazil: The Pantanal and Cerrado of Central Brazil:
Birds of Brazil: The Atlantic Forest of Southeast Brazil:

Fore more info write to:

Walking through a tropical rainforest | Tijuca National Park | Trip to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2020

The Tijuca Forest (Portuguese: Floresta da Tijuca) is a tropical rainforest in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. It is claimed to be the world's largest urban forest, covering some 32 km².
The forest shares its name with bairros or neighborhoods of Tijuca and Barra da Tijuca that contain its entrances. It is located in a mountainous region, which encompasses the Tijuca Massif. The word Tijuca from the Tupi language means marsh, and is a reference to the Tijuca Lagoon in the contemporary Barra da Tijuca. The forest forms a natural boundary that separates the West Zone of the city from the South, Central, and North ones, and the North Zone from the South one. The park is part of the Carioca Mosaic, established in 2011.
The Tijuca Forest is a man-made reclamation of land around Rio de Janeiro that had previously been cleared and developed to grow sugar and coffee. Replanting was carried out by Major Manuel Gomes Archer in the second half of the 19th century in a successful effort to protect Rio's water supply. This followed concerns made by the Brazilian Emperor Pedro II in 1861 about erosion and deforestation caused by intensive farming, as declining levels of rainfall had already begun affecting the supply of drinking water.
A train runs through the forest en route to the Christ the Redeemer statue atop Corcovado.
In 1961, Tijuca Forest was declared a national park. The Forest contains a number of attractions, most notably the colossal sculpture of Christ the Redeemer atop Corcovado mountain. Other attractions include the Cascatinha Waterfall; the Mayrink Chapel, with murals painted by Cândido Portinari; the light pagoda-style gazebo at Vista Chinesa outlook; and the giant granite picnic table called the Mesa do Imperador. Among its impressive peaks is the Stone of Gávea.
Equipment I Use
►Gimbal Stabilizer:
►Action Cam:
►Extension Rod:
►Memory Card
►External Hard Drive:
English title: Walking through a tropical rainforest | Tijuca National Park | Trip to Rio de Janeiro, Brazil 2020
#rio #tijuca #brazil

The Atlantic Forest of Brazil | Trailer

The Atlantic Forest or Mata Atlantica of Rio De Janeiro is a fascinating yet threatened environment. This is a trailer of an upcoming documentary on the Atlantic Forest in the State of Rio in Brazil.

The Atlantic Rainforest of Brazil is an incredibly biodiverse place. The Atlantic forest in Rio is one of the most beautiful forests in Brazil and is also called Mata Atlantica brazil in Portuguese.

This channel is dedicated to environmental issues and solutions. The content is focused on how we can improve our relationship with our planet and become more conscious human beings.

#rio #atlanticforest #brazil

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Virtual Birding Tour at Itatiaia National Park - SE Brazil!

Magnific Birding Spot at the oldest National Park in Brazil! The biggest goal of Calyptura Expeditions is to put birding close together with conservation. The rarest species are the ones in most need of attention for their protection. Birdwatching is the best turism activity to draw attention to habitat preservation – as an ever altered habitat loses bird diversity – so the main focus is to take birders to areas where there is a good deal of endemic and threatened bird species.

If you are new to birdwatching and nature photography I strongly recommend good binoculars and good cameras. There are many binoculars of bad quality that can ruin your eyesight over time.
It is true that some binoculars are very expensive. But as a beginner you don't need them, you can have a much cheaper one that will definitely blow your mind as soon as you get your first cool bird in front of you!
Here I recommend one 8x42 and another one 10x42 (magnification x front lens size). Both are Bushnell a very traditional brand:

If you are an experienced birder I recommend an awesome Zeiss Terra that will blow you mind:

For Wildlife Photography the best camera in my opinion is the Super Zoom Nikon P900 and P1000:

If you are planning to come to Brazil I recommend 3 very good field guides for our birds.
A Field Guide to the Birds of Brazil:
Birds of Brazil: The Pantanal and Cerrado of Central Brazil:
Birds of Brazil: The Atlantic Forest of Southeast Brazil:

Fore more info write to:

Brazil's Atlantic Rainforest: visiting the REGUA Reserve

The REGUA Reserve stretches across the equivalent of 19,000 football pitches, safeguarding a parcel of the Atlantic Rainforest in Brazil.

Sadly, very little of the Atlantic Rainforest had been protected and only 7% of the original forest cover remains. But despite the loss, this ecoregion is still ranked in the top five of the world's biodiversity hotspots. One of the greatest problems is that the forest is highly fragmented; if you want patches of forest to retain their ecological complexity long-term, they must first be safeguarded, then joined up through reforestation. This is what the team at REGUA is doing.

Amazing wildlife of Atlantic Forest around Iguazu

Birding NE Brazil Part 12

This video covers October 21 2012, where we are birding around Reserva Serra Bonita Lodge all day long. Much video from feeder stake-out, very little from the trail walks.



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